COUNCIL MEETING. While waiting for our new goods to be marked, which are now in the house, wo will give you a few things to consider a sort of SALTED ALMOND; something to munch upon during the day or two that will lapse before the pretty things that will crowd our counters will be ready for inspection. The balance of our Flannelette Wrappers and Flannelette Shirt Waists Will go at the same reduction as last week, 20 Per Cent. Off. All Goniln Marked In Plain Klmiroa. PEASE &, MAYS Harry dough Rf-Hlgnii Nomination for New Councilman. a urns uany unronieie. Ttkvl'one No. 1. tl'ESDAV - MARCH (i, 1000 " - A H'tVCSl III Oysters ? J KC LLER ) WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. County court will convone tomorrow. Mending clock is onu way to Improve The city jiil 1ms aim occupant, charged 1.18 UtVL'lliL'. Prof. Samlvlg will kIvo his rouular ttiklv il For the mist few dava wo liiwo re- O " " ' - -- (Iff VUII jVIUllll th31treelB.ini ni.Min I condition. Tha Modern Woodmen of A-nnrii-a . . . ... ----- tuiitii. I,t lllAD DDtVini UUU imeB. A(li-lw. I!li,.tlr.. l...,l. A Mi Kttlam Wiifl (lin wlnnnr nf llm Odeomu rnilifO rti MImiI nf. tin atnnt nf II I,.- f t IIU IIUIUIUIT LI1U WIIIIUUK Bley liros.. Imun "rjuglibretl Jersey bull, registered ItOCk. Vttr ,..l!....l ... 1 ..n ntuiiirn iiiiiy hi rem ce on Tenth street, near the fair tlOOndn. n 1 --' lllll I II II After many vnin efforts on tho part of ;te citizens. Dullard has Hnallv secured wiional bank, to be called tho Ballard ' National hunk, with a capitalist- lw of $50,000. Samuel vinkn .....i i!.... "IIU OUI1, WIIU I1VU Ull J mil, are down with the typhoid ier. Mr .. ' .ioro in u meinour oi in MWirn WoDilnien of America who have 'wired a nurse ami nro taking tho boet CIore ol their brother. i i i , - n in. vi! ueen mauo wnero- Nwq-iin Miller vlll deliver a lecture ' "He ,ih,eo on Friday, March 10th. Miller U a noted poet and has quite n success as a lecturer con rwently it la expected tiat n crow(Je(J ow will nreot hi-n. The .i,. imiuuruu Ull VVl'UIieflUUy 7" t( Hev. and Mrs. DoForost li.i 1 '''""Klit'T, at the home of Mrs. J PI' lolot , r.tvo South Sherman avenue, highly enjoyablo affair. Surely tl I r 01 81 lolL'r'fl ohnrol'. "Winer 2, , U3til'l family, are in the Bje. 1 f friond8'-T'' nver fouC!!iy l8lci Wheeler, of Portland, cJIm ,,mn U k'llovod t0 1,8 nno'ier uLni- M,,,ox ,10"r Woodstook Sunday wnng ,, wlll, tj(j j. ibiSm 3 ,Mrton" dy. The from n ?.ftlnft" w''" recently returned' hi i " " t,,B ColwwuU river, 118 evidently cnlraoted tho di- boS,' iPa(1'.,et' t,,e PrHnl boat ri n been out at the Johnion Daw mill, near Mt. Scotc, Kettin out "orooks" for tho proposed new ateaiiisre for the Paul Mohr TraiiHportatiou Coin puny. Thoeo will Eoon be nil out and .eady for delivery, whun conetiuution on the two etenmera to bo built at IMrtliuul will uommence. Kttclea miem to bo plentiful ill' Wheeler county. Nut long ago the ypiitiK son of Hon. It. It. Donnelley killed one meas uring 7 feet, on the homo ranch at Val droit. A few dnytj ago, in the eauie noi,hhorliood, Uobt. Tonuy captureil a iniigniflcent Kr0' eapie meaHurinR 7 ft. 2 in. froirMlip to tip. Thu bird ia a per fect epecimeu, ami was taken alive without be'uiK damaged in any way. At Urn stockyards Fred A. Younn has eomo blooded Lincoln Bbeep h!i:liho purchased while in the cast. They were raised at the stocks farm of O. I). Hitchcock and Frank King, of Charlotte, Mich. He purchased seventy bend of rams and two ewes. They are yearlings and it is claim id they will shear from fifteen to twenty-live pounds per head while tho staple h bright and the aver age weight Is Mm pounds. The Mnllican family, who have had the smallpox and been in quarantine for the past six weeks, have been re leased, thoy having recoverrd from the disease. In conversation with Mr. Mnl lican this morning ho said, "Mr wife, two children, sister-in-law and myself have just gotten over the a mall pox not any in the family being confined to their bed during the ttinp. None of us lll hav&.any pitts except my wife who will prqbably have half a do.ou." Some time ago George Woodworth, of Dawion, burned tho second finger of his left hand with a cigarette just enough to cause an abrasion of tiie skin. A few days after a tore appeared on tha point of his elbow.-and blood poisoning rapidly fallowed. He went to the hospital, and half a dozen operations have been per formed in an endeavor to enve his arm. It ia swollen to twice its natural size, and a peculiar circumstance is the fact that the most healthy part of the arm is from tho wrist down. Steamboat men say that the waters of the Columbia have been quite muddy tho past week. This is something Kin uetul, and they would like to know tho reason of It. The waters of the Colum bia are slightly discolored during (bod timo, whon much fine sand Is hold in 8UBieublon by them, but It Is unusual for them to be muddy. It Is supposed that a huge landslide has occurred 8omowhero on tho rlvor or ouo of its tributaries, If any one knows what has caused the muddy condition of tho river the steamboat men would be pleased to be Informed, The active work of L. Gorlinger, says thu Telegram, In runiilug surveys and acquiring right of way around Catlilamot, Waih., ia causing as much speculation as -his proposed road along the north aide of the Columbia, east of Vancouver. It would seem that he proposes to ex tend the road on down tlje river from ViHicmver, or else why should babe securing right of way in that direction. Some believe the road Ib Intended for rich coal deposits near Cathluinet. UtberB say the intention is to run to Long lieacb, and others advance the theory that it will endeavor to terminate at some point and build up a rival to Astoria. A great surprise wb sprung on the Knights of Friendship lodge No. 0 last night. They were busily engaged in conferring rank work when several of the Hull. bone Sisters gained admittance to the ante-room and demanded that further proceedingaa'case until they bad spread the tabic f? und feasted the'r brothers, which tfiey did in most elegant shape, the occasion being the birthday of Chas. L. I'hiflips, who is one of the enthusiastic knights. Among the pres ents to Mr. Phillips was a handsome Klk button, presented by his wife. Tho annual meeting of the school di rectors was held yesterday afternoon at which timo the reports for the past year were read. Tho financial report was placed on the board and explained by Director Doane. The management of tha echool for the past year has been all that could be desired, and the fi nancial report will show that it has been quite economical. A unanimous vote of thanks was extended to Judge Liebc, the retiring director, for hie untiling eflorta to build up and advance the schools. He was earnestly requested to again accept the nomination for director. Flno I'uultr' mid Itulluu llev. Silverlaced Wyamdotte, English Red Cap and Itoso Combed White Leghorn chickens for sale. Single birds $1 each. Eggs for setting $1 per fifteen. Italian bees $1 per pound. 'i bees warranted purely mated, 75 cr each. Queen s sent by mail and sale ar rival guaranteed. Address , Miik. A. A. IJox.ney, febSMmo Tygh Valley, Or. Strayed, A black horse weighing about 1200 pounds and branded 25 on the left shoulder. Same strayed from the farm of John Brookhouae, which is situated six miles beyond Dufur. Liberal re ward olltred for information regarding iccoverv. Address S. K. Wjxans, mar7-lrnw Dufur, Or. Strent Car I.I1111 In Tim Dulles, This fui prise to all will be as It has been in the past, to come, but the Law, Union & Crown Fire InFuranco Co, is hero to stay. Arthur Senfert resident agent, 'phone 141. Notloi'. Mikn Welch, veterinary surgeon, will visit The Dalles Tuesday, March 0th, and will remain a few days only. Par ties wishing his services can find him at Ward &. Kobertson's stable. in'J-td Vitrei Iteadaulw Quickly. Baldwin's sparkling elTerveeceiit Cel ery Soda, A harmless and Hl'ective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggiete, jan24-0w The regular monthly meeting of tho city council was held last night at the city hall at which were present Mayor H. L Kuck, Councilmen Andrew Keller, W. A. Johnston, C. F. Stephehp, F. S. Gunning, S. S. .Tonne, Wm. Shackelford, Jas. Kelley and F. W. Wilson. It was moved and carried that when the council adjourned, that i t adjourn until Wednesday, March 14. In the matter of repairing tho side walk adjoining the Joies property, it was referred to the committee on streets and public property, with instructions to report at the next regular meeting. Tho committee on health and pol'co to whom was referred the petition of W. O. Johnson to bo appointed as a police officer in the End recommended that said commission be not granted, and the recommendation was adopted by tho council. The petition of A. Guintherand others praying for the establishment of a side walk on the south side of ninth street was defeated by a remonstrance pre sented to the Council. Reports of the officers for the month of January were accepted and ordered placed on file. II. Clongh having removed his resi dence from the first ward sent in his resignation which was accepted by the council. Harry (J. Liebe and Roger B. Sinnot were nominated to fill the vacancy, but after four ballot?, which resulted in a tie, It was decided to defer anv further action until next meeting. The following claims uere lead and on motion were ordered paid and warrants issued for same: I N D Hughes, marshal $ 75 00 beo Bro'vn, engineer ib 00 G A E'hinnati, nightwatchman. . 00 00 C J Crandall, treapurer 20 00 N H Gates, lecorder 50 00 TTFannon, labor 17 40 Ernest I'atton, labor 19 40 A A Urquhart, labor 1 80 J J Maloney, labor 4 00 Mead Hughes, labor 3 00 A J Purcell, labor 4 00 laH Harmon, hauling N I) Hughes, killing dons Jno Ferguson, hauling 10 .las hike, hauling 1 L D Oaken, hauling anil nursing 3'.i J W Blakeney, hauling 2 Wm Henzie, hauling 7 R B Hood, hanline 4 P J Burham, hauling 4 Ernest I'atton, labor 1 F S Gunning, repairs 2 Dalles Lumber Co, lumber PeaFe & Mays, mdee 5 C F Stephens, nidse,. 5 W A Catfe, sawing wood W A Johnston, mdse 25 Mays & Crowe, mdso 1 Electiiu Light Co, lights 25 Seufert-Condon Tel Co.telephone 2 Mater & Benton, mdse Hugh Glenn, mdse and labor. ... 4 TllKASKHEItS KEI'OltT. Feb. 1 Bal. cash gen. fund . . . ,4772 52 ' . 1 - .1 ! . I I- .-"I . m . .u. casii uuniig mouiii , . i.-i uu 1 00 5 00 50 50 75 75 50 00 00 00 45 95 00 50 75 20 00 GO 50 40 67 Total J5497 21 By warrants issued during mo.. 439 55 Mch 1 To available cash gener al fund 5057 00 Kill the rests. The season of fbe year when fruit trees need attention more particularly than at any other time, is approaching; in fact is at hand. Tho fruit of negligence is apparent on all sides, causing loss of valuable orchards to many horticultur ists, and to remedy the evil is the first consideration. One of the most common petts is the San Jose scale. It has gained such a firm foothold that nothing but united, strenuous efforts will avail to obtain satisfactory results. The extermination ot the pest can only be attained by proper and thorough spraying. Use only the very best spraying mixture and be careful in application to the trees. The neglect of one limb ineaus a menace, the slighting of any part endangers your whole orchard. The trouble in the past has been that the work In many orchards has been slipshod, while neighbors have been painstaking. The result is very unsatisfactory, in fact almost barren of any reeulte. And the trees In the valley will never be lid of the pest until uni form, palustaklng is the rule. Another oyll to be contended with is the codliii moth. Now is tho season to destroy these worms that cause unsale able fruit. The pest winters under the bark of tho trees, and a few days spent in the orchards will do wonders toward destroying the moth. Tho worm is about ready to crawl out and look around for fruit blossoms, and his career can eufily be nipped in the bud, and if gone at Fystematieally will add dollars to the output ol the orchard. Walla Walla Union. CASTOR I A For Infants aud Children. The Kind You Havi Always Bovgiit Bears the Signature of 0 ISSSEll if H'Hlif H ililillliillH'tltlltllli'lirtl'llMlHllllillllitlilill lllilUlmlMHnlhiTr CAST0RU AV&gcfable Pr eparalionfor As -sirnilating IhcFoodandRegula ling the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur ness and Rest. Contains neither Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral. Not ItfAitc otic . ptttpt araunrSAKUELPtraan jftnpki Seal JtmetSfed f HtimSml. Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa non, Sour Stonvtch, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions ,Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of .. NEW YORK'. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature CXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW VOUK CITY. SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. m P w H m P w A Splendid Assortment, of Choice Garden. Grass and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, Seed Rye, Seed Barley, Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn King Philip Corii, Stowell's Evergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Corn. Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn, White Hominy Corn. Early Rose Potatoes, Rurtmnk Potatoes, Spring Vetches, Brome Grass, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food, Bee Supplies. A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of which will be sold at close prices for CASH "at the Feed, Seed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS. fed a d CQ a SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. Notice to tlie l'uullc. The Columbia Southern Railway Com pany will complete its line and be ready to receive forward freight and passengers from Shaniko not later than April 15, 1900. Large warehouses and stock yards will be erected and ready for wool and stock by the a;ov j date. Freight ratis will be considerable lower than by team from The Dalles. Regular tariff will be published shortly. For further information call on or addresB C. E. Lytle, General Freight Agent, Moro, Ore., or the undersigned. E. E. Lyti,k, feblG-tf General Manager. Notice. Arriving time of No. 1, west-bound passenger, is reported daily to the Seufert & Condon Telephono Co. Sub scribers can get this information by calling central. F. B. Thirkield, health inspector of Chicago, says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly. It cured tneof severe dyspepsia." It di gests what you eat and cures indigestion and heartburn, and all forms of dys pepsia. Cab lu uur Cftecba. All couutv warrants registered prior to Juno 3, 1810, will be paid at my oTice. Interest ceases after Februarv. 2, 1900. O. L. Piiii.i.ii's, Cnnntv Treasurer. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of tho stomach, Losj of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or SoreB all positive evidences, of impure blood. No matter how it became so it. must he purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poison or any other blood diseases. It is cartainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley& Hough ton's drug Btore. Subscribe for The Ol ronlole, tfERVITA Wuilteil. By a young lady, a place to do house work in a small family. Apply to Mrs. Toomey, Now Columbia Hotel. m2 2w. lUsiuriif VIH ALITv, LOST V'QOR mo MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions arid wasting1 diseases, all efi'ectB of sell- abuse, or excels und indis cretion. Auerve tonic umt blood builder. Brings the pink glow to toale cheeks anr restores the fire of youth. By mail COc per box; O boxes lor $v.5U; with a written guui-un-tee to cure or reftind the uiouoy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jaokeon Utm., CHICAGO, ILL. Subscribe for Tuk Cubonice. , Mil III I I I II. ! h I I II ! . FREE With ovory ono dol lar purchase at our store during January and February wo will givo a chance on a $50- Aluminizod Garland Steol Range. Ulaier & Benicn Emuu irJ