For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Panting, OvtrcUin-ur Fancy Vesting. the 1C to 1 follj, but bo is just ns hostile to the flag-furling imbecility which Brynn advocates. The former head of the state department under Cleveland is a Republican on those two important issues. There is good reason, moreover, to believe that there arc hundreds of thousands of Democrats who stand with him those questions. vote the Republican ticket in 1M0. In fact, the Republicans are reason ably sure of getting many votes from the Democrats this year. WINTER TRIPS. Kindly rail anil examine my Hock of im ported and D identic Woolens. A line stock to elect from. , . BulUi made from the lowest prices to the nlgn wt grade. For winter residence or wlntor outing ideal conditions will be found on every hand in California. Plenteous enrly rainfall has this season given to the semi-tropical vegetation wonderful Im petus; the ll'jrnl offerings ore moro than usually generous ami the crop of southern fruits bountiful and excellent. on ' Old ccean possesses new charms at Olney will have to ' SiU,,n Barbara, Santa Monica, Lonj: of the sea, Catallna whoro fishing, boating, rambling, riding, hunting uuil loating uay be enjoyed as nowhere else. Quiet little spots, enug ami warm, offr themselves at Monteeito, NordholT, Pasadena, Echo Mountain, S.ui Jacinto, Fall Brook and Palm Springs. For renewing health and vigor, here abound many hot springs, of widely varying constituents and demonstrated tic, tonic air of No mention of silver or the cur rency is found in the call of the Democratic national committee. It invites those who arc against "the Ji ft. LUDI ID Fine Tailoring. II1E DALLE , OliKGO.V. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. suBScnirTioN ruicE. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 TUESDAY MARCH 6, 1900 TROSPERITY FOR TEE MASSES mSm fnror.l XV, ,ll,l 'e ury, "l I 1 . , .... the desert may be enjoyed at Hannlng, the committee thought enough will InJi Yma: and. even farther on. at be done for silver when its champion is nominated. A TRICK FOR HALLOWEEN. It ! Cnlletl "Clnlrvoynnce" mid Will Mynllfy mill En-terlnln. Phoenix, Tucson, El Paso, exists con ditions equally well indicated for weak throats and lungs. Many think nothing in nature moro attractive than the shimmering olive orchards of Santa Barbara and San Difgo; others prefer the stately walnuts of Ventura and Los Nietos, or the lemons of Fernando; but for glorious fruit and graceful tree commend us to the golden orange, first, last and always and it exists in greatest perfection at Covina, Riverside, Redlands and High lands. Equally interesting is tli scientific and tempting fashion in whic Jast What 1 ar A i you, Soon the time will be here for voters to consider the political situa tion and decide the weighty questions of a presidential year. Is the pros perity that was' promised, and which has come, for the few or the man? Positive tests will properly be asked. Vague assertions are not convincing. The New York Journal of Commerce gives some figures on the savings banks of that state which are right to the point. In 1891 deposits in creased by S13,77o,44S and the average deposit was $388, In the first year of the ensuing Democratic administration deposits fell off $12, 795,824 and the decline continued. With Republican, success confidence returned. In 1897 the increase in A pame that is not entirely new and yet especially appropriate for Hallow e'en is known as "clairvoyance." It is especially enjoyable for an evening of mystery, beeau.-e it always proves mystifying to the uninitiated. Take stands the mme to nlnv the role of me-! the sortinP and Peking f e orange is dium. send her from tlie room, an cmp- here accomplished. tv chair beinir reserved for her next lno laittitnl were extiorleu to see to the person who is in collusion with 'Mecca and shufHe off; but wiser gener her. When she leaves the room some ations will see California of the south word is determined upon by the rest of j amj prolong life. t the party, for instance "horse," and I when the medium returns her task is j to tell what the word is without any! quesions. fche is summoned, sis down next to her friend, and while all present are seated inn circle, with joined hands, the one who was in the room, and hence knows the word, spells it to the me dium by tapping with a finger upon the palm of her hand, the number of taps being equal to the number of letters in the alphabet. For instance, eight taps for If, then quite a pause; IS taps for O, etc. When the medium announces the word successfully, those not know ing the secret cannot understand it at all, and it is even more mystifying when it is explained that it is based upon some peculiar mental action. I'hebe W'esteott Humphreys, in Wom an's Home Companion. Founil, A pair of eyeglasses were found on tli street today. Same can be had b calling at this office and paying for this notice. Inn Yellowstone Park Line. New Millinery. I'icturesriue hats in Tuscan, straw. aew York savings bank deposit 1 with high crowns and turncd-up brims, me fr.iQ nao.; i ono : I borrowed from the emniro nerioil. are viuciuo(u;o t in i ono iuu iiiui c.iau , ) .HiiUU lilt I1IU51 SUICtl lilSllIUIlS ui me moment, which have not become gen eral, and so the more commend them- 71,386,283. The increase in this 'c" to, "l" "0,!ce of t,,e won ji niv ijiuiiA uru emeruu Willi I THK DINING CAK KOl'lE FROM PORTLAND TO TI1K EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW HI ONE PARK was $49,459,151, and last year the! increase went up with a bound toj LE IVE. No. I Union Depot, Fifth and I Sis, a wave. No. 1. single state since Republicans took control of the government is 81 09,-303,76-2. Two million depositors have open accounts in the New York savings banks, or more than the whole number of families in the state. The'nverage deposit is $448, against $389 in 1893. More than 2,000,000, thrifty citi zens of the ttate of New l'ork had to their credit in the savings banks on the first day of the present year 887,480,050, or $169,000,000 more than when McKinley assumed the duties of president. By these figures may be truly judged the general nature of the prosperity that has re turned to the people. Many honest persona believed four years ago that good times could only come through it 1 e ., i . . . uouu ui siivur nnn mat, in any case, the gold standard would not benefit the wage earner. To the extent that they are fair-minded they will admit that they were completely mistaken. New York's savings batik figures are not exceptional. They jarc matched in other states where tbe system is established. Some of the Southern papers scoff at the idea 5;50 P. JI. No. a. Many puckered black tulle, a little jet here! and there; long ostrich plumes lying ' on either side of the brim falling on the j hair at the back, starting from a paste J ornament. Two or three shades of ' straw mingle in the same hats, es-1 pecially in greens and mauves, and I mere arc many new colors; n pink that Pullman first-class nnd toiiritt tlcepers to tones into brown, a blue with a close '?: nuapous, at. rain ana .Miboonn river joints afiinity to green and a mauve that migbt be magenta. Lavender and slate Fast mult for Tiicoma, ! Seattle, Olympiu, Urny'h ; iintrjor aim soutn Jiemi points, Spokane, , hurt, I, C, Pullman, Moscow-, LenUtoii, Unt il :15 A. M. lalollump mining coun try, Helena, Mlimeapo lis, St. Paul, OinaliH,1 Kansas City, St. Uiuh, 'Chicago and all points i No. 1. vast and southeast. i i Puzet Eouud i:.nrcfs U;S0 P. M.lfor Taeomu and Seattle' 7;00 A. M. ; ami lntermtaiate xjints color are mingled, and wings are plnced under the brims as much as over. Hlack is worked in white chen ille and silver, and the wings and ai grettes are covered with jet, but a pink rose finds its way somewhere in most millinery models. Washington Star. Mnr.irnnl tvlth Mutton. Itemove fat and skin from cold roast mutton, cut the meat Into small, thin slices, season with salt and pepper. Unt ter a dish, put in a layer of meat, then cold boiled macaroni and moisten with tomato sauce; no continue until all is used. Cover with crumbs nnd bits of butter and brown in the oven. To bo served as soon ns it' Is done, or it will be dry. French macaroni may also bo used, after it has been boiled in salted water until tender. When it will cut easily it is done. It lakes about 20 minutes. Ladies' World. without rlmnce. Vcstlbuled trains. Union depot connections in nu principal ciuer. jjMBKUKe cnecKcri to destination or tickets ntc uaiidtorm-ly illusliatedilcscripttvumatter, Hciicls, sleeping car reservations, etc., cull on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (jcneral Passenger Agent, 'Jo Morrison tsireei, corner riiira, i'ortiand, Oregon. Feinlnlno .Sarcai. 'Here's n story of a man who mar rled the woman who saved his life," lie said, looking up from his paper. "Trying (o make hor regret her hero Ism," suggested his wife, thus wiointr tuat KepuDIlcan success in 189C has.0111 many Kcores of long standing. hart anything to do with 9-cent cot. j ChIcaB VoJ tOD. But to the Republicans must! . lf ,,u'"1, . , . Oletlmer .Never marry a woman be credited the fact that the 9-cent 'who has money. She will be forever is payable in gold and that general throwing it up to you. business conditions mo in r-vnrv , ei:roser Wei), that's wbnt T want improved and hopeful. T flnn't nnrfl ivtiatlxtn t cravio party declared that cotton could never advance until the mints were opened to unlimited silver. Il M useless to quarrel with accomplished facts. ... It l cjerMat ex-Secretary oinoy km mo tils in the .Democratic prtyjr.UM,IkyQ bmnd of .politics ccftfatofjf to JiQld tbe Denooratic saMr. Olney Is not only opposed to or down, as Jong as she throws It. 'Judge. Corn nnd Tomnioea Sonllniieil, Fix together In n good-sized baking disi one )int of cold boiled corn, ono pint af chopped tomatoes, a teaspoon fill of salt, half a tcaspoonful of pep per, two tablespoonfuls of butter and one tablejMonful of ugr. Spreud half a pint of grated bread crumbs over the mixture, dot with small pieces of but ter mid bake in a moderate oven for half an hour. Hounehold, We Put... every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded hore. Is it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if wo are reliable. BLflKELEY & HOUGHTOH. Koliablo Proscriptionists. HsWSSHBsmP REGULATOR LINE. Dalies, mm & fistorla Hav. Co. ! of tlio Kreulaliir Lino will run ns Mr n... .. A , the Company reserving tlio right to olmni-a'd tynmrt lowing ..clitdulc. K'htdulu without notice. New ideas in Wall Papor bore. Such wide variety as wo are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Heal imita tion creton effects nt ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful coloring, yourn for a small, price, at our store on Third street. Also n full line o.' house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS. THAN8ACTA KNEKALBANKINO BUU1NK8 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Bluht Exchange and Telrranhit Transfers sold on New York. Chicago, St. Louis, Ban, Francisco, Portland Ore son, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington. collections made at all points on fav orable terms. F- S. Gunning, Str. netjulator. (Limited IjuiiIIiiks.) down. . l.v. Dulles llt.S A. M. 1 Tui-Mliiy TIiuimIiiv ... Miuurdiiy. Arr. I'lirtliiuil , ut 5 r. M. ur. l.v. nt ? A. M. Motulny . WiiliiL'Miuy Frlilny Arr, Dullt'H atn r. m. j Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. - Str. Dalloa city. (Touching nt nil Wny I'olMs.) ' Down, l.v. hWn ut 0:31) a. M. Moiulny Wriliicvlny , , Friday Arr. I'lirtliiuil (iinccrtiilu) on Lv. I'nrtliimi .3 lit li A. M. 3 . Tllr.,l,iv 3 Tlmrsdny) Miltutdiiy Arr. ltiill,.H'; (uncertnln)i FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, C Trnvcl by the dtenmers of the HcKiilutnr Line. Tho Cnmimtiy will eti'leiivor to give ltd tin tj' rout the best ncrvlcu poasllilu. For futlliur lutoriuatlon uddrohH B, rortUnd Olllee, Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Qon. At. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Blacksmith. Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. Uloornn vhnn I Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. dor, Second & Laneln. Tiionc 157 X ..GHfls. mm. 9 Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on drnuKht tho celebrated COLUJIHIA UK Kit, ncknow: edced the best beer In The lMNea, t the uual price. Come In, try It nnd be convinced. Also the Finest brands ol Wines, Ll-juor and Clours, Sandutiehes of all Kinds always on hand. WHISKEY from $'Z,b to I.OO per isulloti. (4 to 15 yenm old.) j "' IMPORTED LOOQNAOJrotii 7.00 to SIU.OO per uullon. (11 "to 20 ytnrol(l." OALIFO'BKIA BRAKDIEB from VU'Jb to .(10 per itullon. (4 to li yeare old.' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LTMPIA BEER on .InuiKht, Imported Ale urn! l'ortor. and Vul Hints nnd Olyinpia lleur in bottles JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Complete Cipe of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THEaDRUQGIST. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S?m?ll feed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton FlOUr Tl1'8 I,Ionr 19 nmnufactnred expressly for family g0. overv nack is guaranteed to give BatiafactioD. a eell our oode lowor tlian any liouao in tlie trade, and if you don't think BO call and not cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats, PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. BROS. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Gandall & Budget UNDERTAKERS js EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. r I m (JKNKltAl. eiacKsmiifis ...AND t florseshoers Wagan anil Carriage Wtrk. riah rathara' Wagan. Tiiirt ui Mcod, Mm i V C. F Stephens ...Donlor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, QeQts' Fufoishings. lloolD, Simon. liHtu, Cnin, NoiiHim. .u-t. lor , 1.. DoukIhs dlio, The Dalles, Or, Telephone No, ss, m feecowl Ht C. S. Smith, THK JJ. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Oiilec over French & t'o.'n lidiik TIIKlAU.Kd,OHK(JON I'houo 0, WKKU. W.WIli'ON, OOlcoovei Flrl Nt. IlViik. ,,A,,,,K "KUON dp-to-date Qroeer Fresh Eifge and Creniiidry flutter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J.H. UCIUNK, i'ruldent. ""sail First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OHBUVf A General Banking Borinean tranwc Draft or Obeok. ... OolIecUone made and proveeila nromjwj remitted on dav of nolloctlon. w ion, nan rraauww "- land. biMKordMa. .... D. P. TaonrloJ. Jio. B. Boi" Ed, M. WiiLiAMi, Gao. A. !' U, Hi BIAM"