XI) c Do I! co Chronicle, VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH G, 19C0. NO 175 lllGlill IMPLORES THE BURGHERS Pretoria Is Mm FnMcr ForliM in EiiifcMioii o(3 Lone Sices. PERTINENT PEACE REPORTS Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome WOVAt OAKINO POWDER CO.. NEW YORK. Iransv.i.il President Withheld Announc incut of Cronjc's Surrender Until lie CihiIiI Conjure His Troops to Staml I'n st. LuNiMiN, March A special to the Tinif- from I.ouruiico Mttrquus, dated March I, hiivh persistent reports continue Unit till Transvaal Republic Iiiih opened nrijotiiitiona looking to tho Bcouring of peace. On the othur hand It in assorted tho Hours will iiiukti u Btnnil itt Gltncoe and lting's Nek, mid ttuit in thu mean time entrenchments at Pretoria uru be ing extended in anticipation ofu Blego. Tho conference liutwuon tho Door Presi dents, it is added, and tho Gonurnl com manding the Boers in Northern Natal, wa? hurriedly arranged, on account of tho nmvH of OoiijVh surrender. Until Thursday night, otneial con firnnttion of thu surrender wae williheld from thu public. Krugor Rent out a religious appeal with orders that it ehouhl hu read hy nil oflicera to the burghers, urging tliem to Btand fast and itrive in tho iiiuiio of tite Lord, for, un less they hud faith in him, cownrdico would eel in, and their position would bclioiel"s ' tiioy turned their u.n.id it ..i. ..winy. Their past victories, hu declared, Hhowed that the Lord wits on thuir side. The President besceched thu burghers not to bring de etruetion on tlieir progeny. Continuing, tho special bkv, n high authority in Itlounifon' in, d 9 that in the uviuit of a repulse of tho Free State forces, tho latter will retire to wards thu Transvaal, and, united with their hrethron there, maintain tho trugglo to the last. Tho Hour casualties at Colonso during tlio week ending February 25, are re ported to bo thirty-ono uiou killed and 130 wounded. London, March 5. There nre now practically three British armies in the Held, onu in the Free Stale, one in Cape Colony, and one in Natal. All that is knowuahout tho first and moat im poilitnt ia that It is in close touch with a body of Hours, estimated to number about U00O men. Speculations as to tho direction and method ol Roberts' ud vanco into thu Free State 1b quite worth ier, eo carefully are the plans concealed. In Capo Colony General Brabant and General Clement command two horns o' thu arm.., wlillo Galacro holds tl.o main llo-r (rc i check. Gatacro and Clements will probably combine and ad vanco on llloemfontoln, with Hrahant Warding the right flunk with tho mobile Colonials. This movement will ho sub K'l'ienl to securing a lino of communi wtion alon ? thollnus of tho Free Stitu rallroa-le, wblch, according to the latef-t "''patches, seema almost accomplished. With tho exception of sorties, n serious jnnveinunt can hardly be expected from be Natal army tills week. When it will bo ready to advance Us movemonta must roatly depend upon how much distance ho retreating Boors put betweon them wvm and Unller. Aa an Incident of "o Itrulsh main objeollve, which at east Is clearly outlined as Pretoria, the 'ellofof Mafoking, by the force from tho jout.i, may boexpected auy day. Colonel 'luminer'ii force on tho north seeming wwpublo of accomplishing It. ' he unexpected activity of the Cape ""toll ami the reported llkllhood of n between them and the Basutos, lued by other trihei having a grudge Wlnst tho Boera, ia regarded aa rather ominous. The only other untoward WjJM of the military situation that the "Wee can discern ia in the forced tempo y Inactivity of the Natal army, an initatico of which is contained in the dispatches announcing that a flying column which attempted to intercut tho Boor retreat only succeeded is dnv- i ig the enemy further north. Mm I,ir Wan ftuvril. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately hud a wonderful duliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he save : "I was taken with Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia. My lunga became burdened. I was so weak I eould'nt even sit up in bed. Nothing helped mo. I expected to soon dio of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. Ono bottle guvo great relief. I contiuuud to uso it, and now am well and Biro tig. 1 can't say too much in its praise." This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all thrort and lung trouble. Regu'ur sixes 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Iloughton'B drugstore; every bottle guaranteed. Wllllum Vnrry Klllnl III Clilcnc". CincAiio, March 5. William II. Ferry, owner of thu Lake Forest Polo Grounds, wuh instantly killed last night while crossing the tracks of the Northwestern Railroad at the Lake Forest depot. Mr. Ferry was waiting for the Chicago train when the accident happened. Mr. Furry also owned a large ranch in California, which hu visited at intervals. He wus for ninny years a real estate dealer Chicago, although he had not in ' -taiued oflices here for some time. Mr. Ferry 'u father presented Ferry Hall to Lake Forest University. He was at one time owner of large blocks of stock in the Chicago & Northwestern Iiuilroad. So night to Ugllneni. Tho woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, hut one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she ia weak, sickly and all run down, ahn will he nervous and Irritable. If she has con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters ia the beet medicine in the world to reguluto stomach, liver uud kidneys and to purify the blood. It givoa strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a ruii'doM n invalid. Only 50 cunts at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. Hollar Dlnntir Tonight. Ni:w VoitK, March 5. The Workmen's Jellursoniau Dollar-Dinner Committee decided to hold their dinner tonight at Terrace Garden. Thu ajioakera invited Include William J. Bryan, John P. Altgold, Mayor Jones of Toledo, Governor Piugruoof Michigan, and Congressniun Sulzor, Lenta and Towne. Tho original idea was to hold the dinner on Lincoln's birthday, then it waa changed to Wash ington's birthday, when it was postponed until tonight. Htitrtilug tiiiiinii. Elghty.flvo per cent of all persona de dared incurable or given up to die by physicians can be cured, or their lives greatly prolonged by the bonefloent powera of the "Perfected" Oxygenor King. This startling assertion is sua. cuptihlo of proof. Wo have it In tho form of letters from ull classes of people "residing far and near" who nro de. lighted to toatlfy to tho marvolous cura tive powers of this latest and moat per fected homo oxygenating inatrument. For aale by J. M. Fllloon, The Dallea, Ore. ml-lwd2w llrluga lioille from Manila. San FitANCisco, March 5. The trans port Duke of Fife la expected to arrive here today with 45 bodies of soldier deud from Manila. Experience la the beat Teacher. Uae Aoker'a Engliah Remedy in auy case of coujlis, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 26 eta. and 50 eta. Blakeley & Houghton Drugglate. Kor thi) Siberian Hallway. Sa.v FitANCisco, March 5. The Nor wegian steamer Leander, which has just reached here with a cirgoof coal from Japan, will load with railroad matter for the Siberian railway. Her cargo will be about equally divided between Fort Arthur and V! idi vostock. She car ries to tho latter port two light-draught Bternwhee! Bteamers to ouivey the sup plies on tha upper Amoor river to rail wtiy construction. Tite steamers are about completed in the shipyards of the Fulton Iron Works. They vill be stowed in sections in the hold of the steamer and reconstructed on the banks of the Amoor. Catarrh Cannot lie Cured with local applications, as they cannot reuch tho Beat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to curs it you must take inl--nal remedies. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia not a quack medicine. It waa waB prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular piescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifieis, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is whut produces such wonderful results in curing Cdtarrh. Send for testimonials, ftee. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. S ild by drruggistB, price 75;. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 American Grape Vlncit. ETitAsnuisG, March 5 The govern ment of Alsace-Lorraine has declined to grant the petition of the vinegrowers of thu Reichland that they he permitted to import American grape vines in order to renew their ruined vineyards. Baron Zarn Von Bulaoh, Secretary of State f r Agriculture, declared on the floor of the Landtag that the American vines brought into the country many worse blights titan phylloxera. As a cure for rheumatism Chambe r lain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide repu tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, Ind., has been troubled with that ail ment since 18132. In speaking of it he aaya: "1 never found anything that would relieve mo until I used Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining me very much, but ono good application of Pain Balm relieved me. For sale by Blakeley St Houghton. YikiiiU Huadfil fur I'nlted State. IB Sa.v FitANCihco, March 5. A a ei ial from Benson, Ariz., says: Humors hove reached hero that a largo body of Ynqul Indians nru headed for tho inter national lino. Orders have been iesued by General Merriani, commanding oflicor at Foit Huachuca, to hold his trojps in readiness for Immediate field service to bo used to repel any attempt to cross the line into tho United States. Drying preparations simply dovol op dry catarrh j thoy dry up tho socrotions, whioh ndhero to tho uiembrauo and decom pose, causing a far moro Berloustroublothan tho ordinary f on.i of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, funics, finokos uud buuIVh and uso that which dentines, Boothcs and beak. Ely's Cream Balm ia such a remedy otid will euro catarrh or cold in tho bond easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo mallod for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho COo. bIzo. ElyBrothors, fit! Warren St., N.Y. Tho Balm ourea without pain, does not irritato or causo snoozing. It sproads itself ovor an irritatod and angry surfaco, rollov luc immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cronm Balm you ovo armed against Nasal Catarrh uud Hay Fovor. Volcaulc Eruptions Are grand, but akin eruptions rob lifo of joy. Buckleu'a Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, runuing and fever sores, Ulcers, Boile, Felons, Corns, Warts, Outs, Bruises, Burns, fScalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth, Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. 2 GERMANY IS OFFENSIVE Unjust Restriction Import Upn Ameri can Trade. MANY COM PLAINTS MADE But None Have Yet Been Subject of Of ficial Report Consuls Refuse Information. New Yorti:, March 5. A special to the Herald from Washington says : Re strictions imposed by the Governor of Desseldorf, Germany, upon American Consuls to prevent them from getting information of a commercial character may be objected to by this Government in case an official dispatch regarding theru should be leceived by the State Department. Reports of tbia character have been current in this country for several months, but an official of the State Department eaid that no official dispatches had reached tbe Department. If the facta are irs stated in the ptess re ports, then, he said, the Department would require Germany to live up to the provisions of the treaty of 1871 respect ing Consular offices. Article two of this convention provides that "the respective Consuls-General, Coneuls, Vice-Consuls or Consular Agents, as well as their Chancellors and Secretaries, shall enjoy in the two countries all privileges, exemptions and immunities which have been granted or may in future be granted to the agents of the same rank of the most favored nations." If it should be ascertained that consuls of other nations accredited to Germany are getting the information desired by the Consular Representatives of the. United States, then tbe claim can be advanced that the latter are not al lowed the privileges "accorded to other Consule." In the treaty of 1828, with Prussia, the two contracting parties grant each other the liberty of Consular representa tion and the Consuls "shall enjoy the eame privileges and powers as those of the most favored nations." Other statt s of tbe German confederation have treaties with the United States contain ing provisions of like character. No complaint can be made to tbe German government at the action of the authori ties in refusing information, but if, as stated, tite refusal shall be especially directed against the United States, then complaint can and will be made. The authorities are not inclined to the belief that the restrictions imposed by the governor of Dusseldorf were piompt ed by the Berlin government, but were rather the act of an official who desired to make political capital with the Agrarian party. DlHSolutlnn or rartnertilili. The business heretofore existing under the firm namoof Lane Bros., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. L. L. Lane will conduct the business at the old stand, and collect all accounts and pay ull bills of the firm. All parties knowing themselves indebted to the firm are requested to settle as soon as possible. Tito Dulles, Or., March 1, 1000. L. L. Lane, lin-dttw N. M. Lane, A Convincing Autwer. "I hobbled into Mr. Blackmou's drug store one evening," saye Wesley Nelson, of Hamilton, Ga,, "and he asked me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu matism with which I had euflered for a long time. I told him I had no faith iri any medicine as they all failed. He said: 'Well if Chamberlain's Pain Balm does not help von, you ueed not pay for it,' I took a bittle of it home and used it according to directions and in cne week I was cured, and Lave not since been troubled with rheumatism," Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, Opening Sale White Goods and Summer Wash Goods The cream of this season's production and an assortment which would do credit to a "city store." Still we show only half the spring stock the balance is yet on the way, and due here the latter part of this week. WHITE GOODS. Nainsooks, 27 incln 8 wide, checks and stripes, from 10c to 30c yard Nainsooks. 32 inches ide, plain, from .... 12l'nc to 25c yard Dimities, 30 inches wide, stripes and checks, from 15 to -10a yard India Linens, ."0 inches wide, an elegant line, oc to 50c yard Lmg Cloth, -15 inches wide, No. GOO, 20j; 800, 30c. Special pricos on bolts. Cambrics, 36 inches wide, none better than these at 10c, 12.'-,jC and 15c yd White Organdies, G8 inches wide, per yard. . ,50c, 75c, 85c, $1.00 and $1.25 FOR WAISTS AND SKIRTS. White Pique, Welts and Cords, in the newest weaves; L3ce Cords, S.itin Stripes, Corded Checks, Fancy Cords and Crepon Stripes. The width is 28 and 29 in. ; prices 12c, 15c, 20c, 2oc, 35c and 40c. WHITE DOTTED and FIGURED SWISS. White Dotted Swisses, in a range of twelve different eizad dote; from the pin-head to th coin dot. Width 30 inches; price per yard, 25c and 30c. Figured or mbroidered Swisses ; imported high grade novelties, which you must not fail to see; 32 inches wide, per yard 50c. COLORED SWISS. Black, with black dots; 27 inches wide, per yard 35c Black, with black dots; 32 inches wide, per yard 50c Black, with Lavender and Cerise dots, 31 inches wide, per yard 50c White, with black and red dots, 29 Inches wide, per yard 40c Silk Organdies, Crram, light blue, pink and nile green, 52 ir.cb width, per yard 50c EMBROJ "jjRY " FLOUNCING. 2(i inches wide, ornamented with several rows of puffing, lace inser tion or hemstitching. Three prices, $1.25, $1.35 and $1.50 a yard. ALL-OVER LACES for Yokes, etc., new patterns ; f tripe pnd bow knots white and cream IS inches wide, 65c, 75c, $l.C) and $1.:.'"; a yard. NEW EMBROIDERIES. J-4 1 3 6 inches wide 5c to 85c a yard New in Silks. PUFFED and CORDED TAFFETTA SIKS; 18 inches wide, rod, cerise, turquoise, French blue, pink, p.ile blue, creaui, corn, $1.25 a yard. BENG ALINE SILKS $1.00 a yard PLAIN TAFFETTA SILKS, new shades, 19 inches wide, per yard. . . ,85c CORDED HABITOU SILKS, in the leading color combinations, 19 inches wide, per yard 75c A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. Spring is Here and So Are We, WITH A FULL LINE OF Elegant Stock of Wall Paper to Select From. PfllHTS. OILS, PUSHES. Washington Street, betweeii Second and Third. ENAMELS, BRUSHES, ETC. H, GLENN & CO. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thut the unclei'slgned has been duty ii)ioiitted admiiiUtrutor of tlie cituto ol J. C. lUldwln, Deceased, All persons having claims ugaitut tutd citato are hereby notilled to profceut (lie sumo, properly vcritk'tf, to mo or to my uttoriicys, OufuriV Menefvo, in The Dulles, Oregon, within six months from the duteol flits notice. Dated thin 11th day of February, 10GO. K. li. MKKKILU Administrator of thecstute of J. U. llaldwin, deceased. fobl7-ll ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notico la hereby glvon thut I ho undeislgucd baa been appointed by the county court, of tho Ktote of Oregon, for Wusco county, udmlnlstrntor of tbe estate qf futrlck Brown, decuuscd. All lienouv having claims against suld estate are hereby noil (leu to present said clulins, properly veritlcd, to me at the office of tiitmott A Sluuott, in Dalle City, Ore., within six uioutbi from tbe date hereof, Dated January 25, 1900. DELIA C. BROWN, jn37-H Administrator. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby Given Unit tho undersigned lias been duly appointed by the county court of tbe stuto of Oregon for Wnsco county, executor wllb the will annexed of thu lust will of Mary Juno Ueeley. deeeused. All persons having claims iiKUlust siiUicstutouro hereby uotllled;t present them to mo with the proper vouchers at my otlleo in The Dulles, Oregon, within six months from llio date thereof. Dated Feb, ?1, IU00. B. B. HUNTINGTON, feb'JMl Executor. n nuaiaiiA UK.bUllll T ONE FOR A OOtl. RemoTO Pimple. Prevent &ca.wv "i rcwKKSrTai Kits; PILLS raaliliwooiun