m ail I'EUI'LC TfIC A L,L KSO. C. J. Stotlh, Mora, it is l! e city. 5. V. Mason, of BsxJ, was in town to dr. Hft;t vejierrt in Dr. Sturdeviat PortUnd. Fred Clsiie was in lbs city vesterdsr from Mare. L. A. Parte? Wf! on the early uwrntn; tram f Portland. Mr. sad Mrs. Warren, cf Btippaer, are vii:ic in tbe rttj. A. Hwla,o( Gbtdead!?, is rslrtd at tb Umatilla Hons. MiiE Me!; ItwMeJi Mi on the bt tbti tuoroicg for Husbands. Fred Dsy-ton, a rll knitvn irzvtsUng salesman, is u the city today. L E. More, proiijiritrnt merchant f White Salmon, ip-nt Scodey in :it; city. Mrs. Thomas Barge' ha retnrned Irotu a vhit to Portland end left h.r l.er home at Biieerert. Ivan Sdiith, founeriy wish Pease A Mays, lei: on lUo afurrnooii train for fan hoiiie at Frwno, C5. Mr. T. T. Nicholas acd family and Mr. Yemen Ktwuti lelt on the I'eU later this morning for Portland. I. Ktffer, formerly operator at the. de pot hot now connected with the Colnai bta Southern railroad, speul Sunday in the city. ' Jndje Hewitt, of Albany, and Carey Jcriruun, of Oregon City, are in town to-. day on hutne connected with the es tate of Ezra Fisher. Owin T. Shepsrd left last week for the Greenhorn mining district where he hat a clclm. He went by way ol Canyon City to look at some tuinine property in which C. L. Phillip is interested. Xtillce to tbe I'uolic. The Columbia Southern Eailwey Com pany will complete its line and be ready to receive furward freizht&nd passengers from Shaniko not later than April 15, . 10C0. Lar?e warehouses and stock yards j will be erected and ready for wool and stock by the above date. Freight rates will be considerable lower than by team from The Dalles. Regular tariff will be published shortly. For further information call on or address C. E. Lytle, General Freight ' Agent, Moro, Ore., or the undersigned. E. E. Lytlk, febl6 tf General Manager. "I had bronchitis every winter for years and no medicine gave me perma nent relief till I ttegan to take One Min- ate Coagh Cure. I know it 1 the lt . cough medicine made," says J. Eoontz, Corry, Pa. It quickly cures coughs, ' colds, croup, asthma, gripp and throat and lung troubles. It is the children's favorite remeilv. Cure nnii?klv. i Fine r-ouitry and Italian b. fiilverlaced Wyamdotte, English Eed Cap and P.ose Combtd White Leghorn -chickens for sale. Single bd 1 each. Ef2 for setting 1 per fifteen. Italian bes $1 per bees warranted purely pound. Quen ( mated, 75 cents ' each. Queens eent by mail and -ale ar rival guaranteed. Address Mus. A. A. Boxney. feb21-lmo Tygh Valle.i , Or. ...,,, , , 1 fcick Headache absolute)1. and perraa- - , ' nently cured by using Most Tea. A ....... . . pleasant herb drink. Cures cinstipation and indigestion, makes you eat, slfep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. and Blakeley it Houghton Druggist'. 50 cte. VnT i:m. Two ojzy room, in private farniiy; central location. Apply at OiKONiru: office. feb22 ! j2imguished Testimony liu secret society in the v.;orld stands higher in noble aims and charitable accomplishments than the Knights of Pythias. That order is doing great good, anu one in u imcat i:;s;i;u- tions is the Ohio Pythian Home, at Springfield, Ohio, which is ably presided over by Superintendent Le Fevre and his wife, Mrs. Callte I. Le Fevre, the matron. The latter has recently written a letter, which will command widespread attention because of the prominence of the writer, ft is as follows: 'MensfS. W. H. Hooker & Co., New Yor;: Last year I used Acker s i-.ngiisti Kemedy at the suggestion of a friend, for a serious, long-standing throat difficulty aud extreme ly hard cough. Had used many well-spoken of prepara tions without relief. 1 can honestly say that Acker's English Remedy removed the tlifficulty and stopped the or use more than three hot- w.... ..v. ties, and at lean one-half of the lan is still on hand. I also consulted phy sicians with no permanent results." (Signed) C a llie I. Lk Fevke. i u-i. t i.. :.. it it u tiiiiuusii ixciucuy la win. i , i'. wmnuu, 'Transfer Co., of Troy, Ohio, where ihis cures in Throat and Lung Troubles. In conversation with an acquaintance Mrs. Le Fevre also said: "If you will call on Mr. W. II. Schauss, a prominent china and art merchant of Springfield, Ohio, you will find that he, too, has had any amount of experience with Acker's English Kemedy in his family, and thinks they cannot keep liouse without it." Acker' KaglUh Remedy l old by all druggUU under a poattivc guarantee that your moaeyiwill be refunded in case of failure. sc 50c. and fi a bottle in United Slate and Canada, In Kngland, it at. id., and 4. Cd, We avXhorUo the above guarantee. W. U. U00KEB CO., froyrkUjrt, Ain York. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. EUS1NESS LOCALS. 1 Clark & FaISc ire never doted Sunday. Iin'l forst I hi. Clark A Fik druj t J? new freh and complete. CKrke i Falk have on "tier & fall hoe of paint and zrtit brushe. Ue Clarke & Falk s quinine hsir tooic to Vep ilandrsU f ram the head, A fall tine of Eastman 51ms and 'ap plies jat receivrd by Clarke & Falk. Von will not hare boll if yon take Clarke &. Fa3ks sore cere for boils. Clarke & Falk's nivorine extracts are the best. Ask yoar sr&cer lor them. Ash yoor ?rscr for Clarke A Falk's nnre concentrated fliroring extracts. Floral lotion will core wind chapping and snnba'c. Manufactured by Clarke &. Falk. Latest thinj in csmeras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Dannell'e drttj store. Paint yonr haase v:ith paints that re fully sBarsateed to last. Clarke i Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco arehoue. Finest kind of chickn ferd. mchJS-u Clarke & Fnlk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pare liquid paints DeWitt'i Witch Hazel Slre is un ennalled for piles, injuries and skin disease. It is the original Wilch Hazel Salve. Beware of ali counterfeits. Geo. Barb, Mendota, Va , says, "Nothing did me so much good a Ko do! Dyspepsia Cure. One dose, relieved me, a few bottle enred me." It digest vltzl you eat and cures dyspepsia. Mr. J. E. Miher, Newton Hamilton, .t n.u-;. tcst.u I think DeWitts Witch Pa., write, Hazel Salve the grandest salve made." It cares Dile and heals evervtbinr. All fraudulent imitations are worthies. ' that the board will not issue and dipo;e . of more tnan $20,100 of such refunding W. a. Philpot, Albany, Ga., say?, oonds, unless it shall be deemed neces-"DeWitt'-j Little Earl v Risers did me , sary to do so, but otherwise, if th board more good than any p"ill I ever took." ' shall find that it is nectary to issue r.m ii..t !i. , r.,.; hond in the sum of 2o.G00, it will then iiic taiiiuu: it4itt piit u vuuatiatiuU biliousness and liver and bowel trouble. J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., says, "Sur-; geone wanted to operate on me for piles, j but I cured them with DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve." It is infallible for plies and skin diseases. Bewars of counter - fits. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's tnghsh Kemedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to Kive immediate relief money refunded, 25 els. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. "I hail ilvtwms!j fnr rMr. KnrneHi- . tr :..,., t-.i . n. .-. Ir , ol,-to bottles performed marvelous reiults," i r5tes L. H. Warren, Albanv, Wis. It, : digests what yon eat and cannot fail to ; cure. For hale. Complete entertainment outfit, con-1 sistiug of high grade magic lantern, with views on bpanish-American war and new talking machine with 20 record Made $300 clear er month Ia.t fall. Reason for selling owner ill. Call op- -. r- -. 1 .i 1 t .1 poiite united Broihern church on the I .1 ... t- r- rr. hill or address irgll E. Greene, The jjus JacO-lmo "' Hutu's dtr ale. Thirty head oi good hor?es, weight from 1100 to 1400 lb. To be seen at J:icob McRynoId's plac, 15 miles east from The Dalie-j. Fur further particu lars addie:, Steai ije Bisos., jan24 mw Tiie Dalles, Or. i. c t. rv . 1 vine in anu uicsiuuiti ui niv xiuy , remedy has accomplished many other rropoaal far atfa1IBt; Water Dalle City OrrfaB. Sealed propo?lt will be received by the board of water conjmiiloners of Dalle City, Oregon, at aH city until S-.30 o'clock p. m. of the 26 day ol Feb., JlX, for twenty-five tbonsand doiars , and twenty thousand dollar of refund ice water bonds of said city, at it is not settled a to whether the total amount r . i , i (wvt tan iiM ... of bonds will befC3 0COor 130.000, au thority is extended to the said tuard to issue rttnr.ding water bunds in the sum , of 23,CjO, but if found n?t to be n"ces ' art-, the Sue will be for no mnre than 20,03); and st a rate of interest not ex-; ceeding fcur per cent per annum paT able twenty years lrom date ol irsoe, interest payable senii-annnallv, ptlnd pal and interest parable in sold coin of j the United state?, at any city therein,; at tiie option of the buyer. The bond mentioned wiil be t;ued under the provisions ol the several leg- ; islatire acts of lb" state of Oregon, ap- j proved Feb. 20, 15S5, Feb. 19, 1S59, and ! Feb. 14, 1595, and in pursuance of an or- j dinance adopted by the common council of Dallei City, approved January 25, ; 1WG. The proposed relundiny water ; bond are intended for the redemption of outstanding water bonds in the sum of 125,000, but in e the board of water commissioners prefer, tt will isrne re - lunatng rwnns lor uu.wu oniy.tnereiore bidders rnsv make proposals lor Dotn 5,000 and 120,000, and in the denomi nation of fjOO each. No bid will be entertained for a rale lees than par valne of the bonds. Prem iums and rate of interest will be taken into consideration in passing on the value of all bid. Bidders must deposit with the presi dent of the board a dulv certified check on some responsible bank equal to per " cent of the arrount of bonds bid for, or i accompany his bid with cash of such J stnount as ill eqnal such per cent of his bid, and such certified check made! payable to the president of the board of water commissioners of Dalle City. Or., ' ns liquidated damages in case tbe bidder' shall fail or neglect to receive and pay ! for. at the office of the city treasurer of sa5d citv tne iwnds awardwl to him on .- or . . . fir,. dj ifarch, 15KX). Attention should be given the fact offer and issue the lull sum, '$25,000). Tbe e riant to rej-ct any and all bids is l reser Ci. hue caiu tAiaiu J t ""in commissioners ! Bids should be addressed to the presi dent of said board, or to the city record j er. Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, 1 . and noted "Proposals for refunding, j j water bonds." j ' By order of the Board of Water Com j 1 mission, by and with the consent of the ) ; Common Council. This 25th day of 1 January, 1&00. rr c.- 1 T. J. SEUrET. President of Board, Ned H. GiTEh, Recorder of Dalles City. t I'ure silver Isced Wyandott eggs can ( be secured at J. H. Cross' grocery store ,or ?1 10 fel28 lmo wkly Mica 'Axle lightens K ; the W ' M '1:30 A. il load BhortMts M gg't the m hundarJ road, m t':zox.u. Crease helps the team. Saves wear nnd cspease. bold e'crywiicre. JkDE BT STANDARD OIL CO. NOTICE of ApfJiciticHi for Liquor Ltcene?. to At:. M'kok Jr itxv CoMCEK Notice I hereby plvtn that the urideriritd, J. 1 Wiley, will at 10 rclrcic v.uy, win at i ocif2 in lliv forenoon, t 011 Wednesday. Ihe "in day ol Match, Mi), tbe ' arae Ujlns the mrular J!-icii lMmerm ol coutt, apply to the County t'on ft. of tbe Htnte ol Ore ou, for Waxi f.'ountj . Ir;r a llftit; to oli uplrlt tiotj, tnaltaad vmoui llitior in tvts .,!Miil!tlf ; tban on; nnti:i. in the town ot shanlio, In Alt- i'.-:oi; riBcinnr. in uic conniy ana tatc afore ald, lor uch itUil at hl relpt from the County Treajmer i,l ild c-unty raay call for; and bit petition 1'ir aM licernc, which he will prtwit eo the Mid County Court on jld date, 1 hercinaflvr it forth. 1attti thu Mh ilay ol February. HO). J. J. WII.KV. J'etltlon fur I.lijuor Lluenan. To the Honorable County Court of IheHt'ileof I ".'.'7. V"u" iMnniem , un.iwnii.oaiirHai.ci.. !:KSiS:S , Vf...y 10 tell .pirli'ious.rnalt nnd vinous liquors In k-'MjUritln than one gallon In the town of nuijiK, 111 uiii ,-iiiieuiL; pitciuci, in meiouu- it anu ,iDiieaioreauj, inr iicn prifi ai 111s ro 1 ceipt from the county tttuurer of laid county ma vail iui. j Jo McCarthy W XcuT h3J5iIee J 11 Elder Wfn Hull W C Porter ' Wrn 8 la ritey H''WaidIjrnI N Ai-chmllt I li It Keltay It b aanmlera John I.imple ah nrin r i iiuiiii ifiWliuier CV.-Clark , J .itepher.ion Tho Collins I AlonoTurner V M McCarthy ; V Molyncux K I' Gamble Frank Miller FrrdMIJIrr 1 U U Cliapirian ( W ilnn jJOWIluey J)8Kyan KB Miller P. O Carlaud 1 T Hcfineghati J I) Tunny IW Ix-Hih John Malono J Jl KeUay P IlarnvlK W M Warey E C (ioolw In J W Thorn pon O Cornet t Tho Bryant Kara Illimnent B FWhltlrxk Ed Abechan tv E Pawton Karn Work Ch Fottuno E 1: Dlckenon G A t.ralty Jai VVarrack F A Lueddemann J H Hwamon W F. Kemp Geo lllller T G Condon J Kepler J A Tilly J M lletiler Komi Allen i t I'm h Albert feutum EJ (UUali W I! l't(c K if Matlln Lew K lledfotd Kobvrt Grler havid Rcott K J flUflriEton F M Dial J Malono John Phelps Patrick lUdlftan Charles SUnk H A Kdrnuuton U A Howell EJ Grave) Henry Jiloe F w Hilverlooth : Miller E Coey Kerr Kinley McJieth J Thompson Che. Gellagber John Gallagher FrankKlocald J W UcarleU Waltar Coudell V II Bornliig Georao Condon John McLennan J Blank Geo Cocbian U K MeKhtM Harry Adam Chai Greer II U Kootier Frank. SHpleer Frana Irvine Max Ui44mud MK Miller JTUennett JJWIlay 1 i Flnlsjsou 0.R.&R tiirj.tr: rot. time cnttrtx. f'COK VkU.lS. Atr.iv jjilt Ijtt'. Dtorcr Ft. CltT. bt. lAUlt. Mall l!-0. m. 31.11 p m WIU WalU. Hjltn, Sr'''e njer. :innar"U ?- rm. ;f.ia. uulclb, HaS:K!. Cblcajt tnd Kan. 4 I', m. Pot n VielMy 1 aaCS. 1 1. ns. P- bj. Ex-auncUT ColuntU Rr. stnm.!Kij:utiil) To T ' iop,tn. f. . rr.. i:i7EK. 4ii p. El. txsucacT.omfoc Cltr. ealerc i. ' f. sj Lena i. ! Ta.si. 'ffiuiKTm isiiTiH' ZM) v. I i Toei.Ttiur. hiu. CtvrKA. J!on..Wal i am! sat. Orean City, lnjrtoa. and i'li. j and M'tj-ljandln?!. , , l it) p. m. lor Wtl and Kildajr j TucXljur, Portland to CorTHi, ana sal. and u ar-Loadm;. Lv KiporU dJir Klf&rU to trUloQ. Lrwinn.s dl!r h "A . ra. Partlrs di:inr to 20 to Herono: itould , late No. A, leavlas: t be at 7 :' p n EetnrnlOR tAailngdlre-jeotinectlon nt ileppnci ' JnncUon 1th .No. 1, arrivlcj at The lilleBti m. 1 No. 2.', throucht Irelzh!. eot bound, do-s not ! rnrry paMcnzcn; imtts ":'J1 a. in., depart 1 3Ja.m. 1 So t!t, I"m1 Itelzbt, carrin t',rWs. t,a5' i bound; arrive .:d p. ai defaru a 15 p. m. No. 21, wtt bnuuc through in!sn:, dr not 1 carry passengers. ::ita b.15 p m., depart ; a p. xa. ; maer. a .ij. j, wn; U'luiui local irci;a.. t : ; i it io.a arrires 5.15 p. in., de;trts 5.30 c a. F OT ffill tair tairttcclan call on O. K azeni ice muvt. or taams W. H. HL'llI.HL'l'.T, Pa.. Agl.. Portland, Or. Ore EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or Tns Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train ltare and are due to arrive at I'orUind ' OVEKL.VNU KX pro, Mlcm, lUaae- ' burg, Ashland, t ramcnto, Ogdcn HE- I !re, f y;is 7:tO y.u. rranciieo. jio A. M. 1 Ijpi Anzelrt.Kl 1 New Orleans and I lK I Kowburs Bad way u tlon . 1 stDP. M fln Wofxlbura lor, MLAnKCl. Sllrwlon, j Ually Wet fcClo, Brown- Y eicepl . Tilltf.apringlHMaiid ' aundayi. (.Natron J tCorvalll HtfltlOD.I and way 1 5:f0 I'.AI. 1 INDEl-iJNDENCE 1'ASSK.VGEK. KsprosJ. train Iially (except liunday;. t;Iflp. ra. rl.r. . .Portland Ar.i S;2a. m '7:01 p. ra. ?At JIclllnnTilic. I.v.5 !iVia, ra &:33p. rn. (Ar..Indcpendeuce..l.v.) I:a. tn llally. thany, eicept suno.u. m.NlXG CAKS ON OGUEN HOUTK. PClJ-JIAN BL'FFET SLEKl'EItS AND fiECOND-I-Ve.S Sl.EEl'ING CAltfc Atlichtti to sll Tbraush Train. , Dlrttjtcoiinoction athan rYnncico lih nvt denut and urttutel end I'acitlc uinh iieainihlp , " , oiii.a. balling date on 1 ., .1.. 1. . , rl. AiaojArA., UIII..A, llu;.UI.i;i.U ani ,iut IBTKAL1A. AH above Iraini arrive at ami Anmtt Iron. Grand Central htatlon. Fifth and Irving itrwu YAMHILL IUVIS10N. Pau:nscr liot, foot of Jertcrwjn ulrcet. Leave for Sheridan, week dayt, it l:i0 p. in Arrive a: l'ort!arjil,'J.3)o. ra. Kri tay nt8.aits. m. AT a day.Thurtday and Satunlaj Amy at i-oruaiid, tnw l3M p. m. Except Sunday. 'Except Saturday. K. :i.Kl.l.EU, (i, II. MAUKIIA11. 1 JInl. AmI. G. F. d; l'aaa. Ait . ThM11Bh Tl!ket 0fir. Ml ThM .!-. -h... IMPULSE WHEEL CO . f.u.M.A.Mi, ficnet Agent. . Tfie GoiumDia PaGking Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTUKEKHOF Fine Lard and Sausages Curorsof BRAND HAMS & BACON a)KlF.D BEEF, ETC jyU- OSMBNDOKrrBR Phyiiciu aud Surgeon, iHil ottMUoagtran to lurfcry. noadX. Tel. Ml Voct Block aaw I The Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON RANGES, 5' JVTajestic 5' 4 Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. Rpmoinbei that we are .selling the same from $45.00 to $60.00 Vhki i a paving to our customers of from 15 to $25 over p ce charged by peddlers for inferior ranges. ,ile for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence." jVIAYS & CHOCUE. 12. i K i? is; 5 r j rv !5: i r t 3 TfTf TT'iirrj.nrin,rTT-TTTr,nrT"tirTnTr'TTTTTfitl'' 1 ft 5E 1 1 1 tt 1 1 1 1 1 1 f t r 1 ir?ii ItHlUlt L.1 tliltUJ II .SSBJtff" M A N l" F A SUITABLE FOR DHIVINO GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS. PRTWTTWfi PR-RSSES. ETC Clrculara ami particulare F. uirJd C C. COOP1SR, MA.S'lfFAOTUHKIt OF High-Grade Stook Saddle and Shop-Made Harnesi. IIKALKII IN kept in a tlnt'Claw imrneii ihop. W.0warchoUM!, TIIK DALIES,. OHEGON. PrtmrmTTTTTt:rTTtTiYfWTnffM The Chronicle, Th Dnlla, Of. Job Printers and Motors CT l' It 1; 1 1 I1V (uriilalieil on application. S. GUNNING, Agent, da MiKS. OHKGOS THE Thl. 8tmp auorant of Qimllty- altlltlillllllHIItHltlimiHil.t...