The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 05, 1900, Image 3

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Whilo waiting for our new goods to be marked, which are now in the
bouse, wo will give you a few things to consider a sorfof
something to munch upon during the day or two that will lapse before
the pretty things that will crowd our counters will be ready for inspection.
The balance of our
Flannelette Wrappers and
Flannelette Shirt Waists
Will go at the same reduction as last week,
20 Per Cent. Off.
! All Gondii Marked
! in f Him I'lKlli wn.
TL Hal n Mn . l.h fritteAtl.AlA
Telephone No. 1.
DAY - MAir61lC,lT5o
A mvi'rt In j
Oysters s
March weather no far has lieun all
n rnn it l iw. nits. r..i
Joiquin Millur.the punt of the Sierras,
KCiUrillK 111 Vllllcy towns.
The eiilmvalks nr.i tjtiitu dry but the
IV... M.U ILIf lll.lllll) IIUIII.
'o dairyman has vol succeeded in
0 ..... ....... MtlMIHI
The cjiincil will huld nn adjourned
On account of tlio smallpox scare
""Ml VVI t l VJ 44 1 1 I J
The regular annual meeting of the
wrd of tchool directors was hold this
rrnnnn ... tl... l'.,...i
.,. tuu WUUIb HllCUIl ElillUUl
Tbe Y. I'. K. 0. k of the Christian
v""n; iuyivd nu iu uiu guu
million, ladles. 10 cunlm irnntleiiiun.
Tbernllln for the Imndsnmii rnnan in
ni rr iv Kunti.t.T.. . ill ...i...
t ..... , niiiuun it 1 1 1 mnu
i'-vw hl u 11 iMi'MLr 1 a nuunlnti -ninai.
Thetllaj'iritv rif nnr ulntni liavn liflnn
cl"n. t 0 o'clock for tho pBt two
ttoolha. Tliu agreement having expired
will ruiimm opuu during tho even
"W 'or tliu biilaii'ju of the year.
Ihellrst IllllllWor uf thn nriinltti fimii
"Ached im this morning and wo can
'yitisn iiwit, nuwHy mid well gotten
MVen Mia nheut. Grnnitejinay well
MProml nf I,,., n '
- mm nuwepupur.
Granite will BOOIl hn nn Innnrnnrntnil
welplity. a petition, haviug tho
'Pontion of tho town in vlow, with
"Mcttwiry number of signatures,
PwiuiiU'il to tho court this
A man 1 i ....
-i nm: una 11 vo otwuren reneheU
.uVat"ril,ly 1,1 " Bcl'0nur. ff
MtM ,lu8liu,t :ironm8tnuco8,
money h, ,10 work l0 do 0nu
wve tlmm u 8ck of flour to help
"""n 'or a while.
Sl)Plillteililniif !,.l... i
wino t Rnmptor, returned Sutur-
soniM, ft lrl1' 10 Uaker with the
tot ? ycleft,"l (torn tw plates, It is
lorn.. tllUl'xa,!' amount produced
J ""oiith, but it I. wed ttom re-
li ceu Umt H PPnwlmU
Mr' mIt. wbo is Kt the head of
the Columbia River Portage & Ntiviira
tion Company, says tliu Astorian, re
turned to Portland laHt evening on the
niulit train, alter having upent the day
in consultation with memberB of the
uhiimhur of commerce and other repre
sentntiveB of the businena intoresta of
Articles of incorporation of f lie Dailes
Scouring Mill Company wens filed Sat
urday in tho county clerk's oflico in
Portland. The incorporator lire Grace E.
KushcII, .1. M. KUM80II nii(N. W. Koun
tree; ciipital etock, $25,000. The object
of tho corporation is tooperate u wool
Bcouring mill and plant. The principal
oflico of the company will ho loc.Ued at
Tho Dalles. f
A ineuting of the republican county
cential committee was held in tho city
hull Suturday, Henry 1 Kuck, chair
man of the committee, pretmlinp. It
wub decided that the priumrlcs bu held
on March 17th, while tho convention
will bo on the 2lid. One delegate will
be elected for each twenty votes or frac
tion over ten cobI forCougreBBUinn Moody.
Tills will make about 101) delegates to
tho convention.
Frank M. Warron, of Wurrenton,
spent about a mouth in Spokane recent
ly, and while there Investigated the
status of tho Paul Mohr project. He
8ya there is plenty of money behind it,
and that ull bills are settled promptly in
cash. No bonds have been lloatod, and
the stock is largely owned by Senator
Turner, Mr. Pay ton and V. R. Harris,
tho president. The latter, in conversa
tion, assured Mr. Warren that there was
no doubt of tiie success of the road, and
in Spokane contideu.te was generally
Photographs of the most interesting
and picturesque spots in America have
been made for The Ladies' Homo
Journal, and they will be reproduced in
tlint magazine on the finest coated paper.
This series of pictnies "Picturesque
Ainerlcn," as it il to be called will
show tho grout beuuties of landscape and
waterscape of this country in a way in
which they have never been scon before.
Many of the pictures aro of placos that
have eecapod the eye of the tourist fol
lowing tho beaten paths of travel. They
woro collected by ono who bus crossed
the continent more than a hundred
times, who lies viewed tho sconory with
appreciative eyes, and who is, perhaps,
tho host qualified mini in tho country to
deecribo them.
Thlrty-thrco members of Friendship
lodge No. it, K. of P. and thirteen mem
bars of the Hood Hiver lodge attended
a meeting ol the lodge at Cueoido Locks
in a body Saturday night. The Regit
lator had been chartered and loft bore
shortly boloro 0, and arrived at tho locks
at 8 :!K). Tho visitors woro Immediately
ushered to tho hull, where plenty of
work was nt hand. Two candidates
were given tho second rank, while three
were mado familiar with tho third rank.
At mlduight a most sumptuous spread
waa given the visitors after which lodge
was again oalled to order and tho work
continued until half pust flvo in the
morning. The Knights, rather tired then
proceeded to the Regulator and were
soon on their way home arriving here at
!):I20 yesterday morning. Ail the visi
tors highly prnise the members of the
Cascade lodge and state they wero treat
ed royally and had a most enjoyable
Robert Gardner, cburged with assault
with a dangerous weapon, hud his ex
amination before Recorder Gates Satur
day afternoon and was bound over in the
sum of $200 to appear before t!,e grand
jury. Not being able to furnish the
bonds, bo was remanded to the county
jail. Gardner bus been working on the
railroad across the river, and came over
to have a little time. He seemed to
think Hint the portuge was in operation,
and he hud the job to unload schooners
which he proceeded to do without any
hesitancy. He wandered into tho Mid
way saloon, when be came to the con
clusion that he was tho proper person
to run tliu place. It is said he made an
attempt to stab the barkeeper several
times but failed. Au oflicer was called
and took the man away. He claims be
knows nothing of the affair whatever,
but before the grand jury meets he will
have plenty of time to refresh his mem
ory. IUll I'llllllC SvlllMllH.
Following is tho report for the quar-
n f i. i 1 rtnrt
terl'l weeusj ending reu. .j, iuu.
, M
Is I? .'
Kant Hill I'i Imary. j I
Miss Nun Omi.or . . ..I A, i!H and :U 10 SI M(
MlkS HoliertM UA, 4 A uud 5A f2, 40, :is
UJHrt Hired.
iMti :w :si :x
.Jd1 63 411 47'
Miss Doutlilt
AllN I . f.lllllll'l H T'i
Ml.s Wreim Itli M, 111 I.
. Acatkmu Kirk. !
Miss I'lilriutm iHt1 4L' i
M8H Kllim UB-3A M W,
MIH. Itoclie 4A;f. Ul 48 4
Miss Hull Mill 411 41 10
MrH.llnlihvlu ,.tli' " 65
MUs I,. Uliilnnl 0A-7i f'l
MlnhT. Ulntiml 7tli M 61
MNs MIgIiuII Sttl 6i
II, 8. IkimrlMCHt,
miss urn I
.Mr. Null J II h
iic.;niio.i in
Number of days of school, 24.
Per cent of attendance on number be
longing, 0(1.
School holidays, Washington's Birth
day. The nu in her enrolled this quarter is
less than tho corresponding quarter last
year, but the average daily atteuduueo is
H more than last year.
J. S. Landkuk,
For Infants and Children.
Thy Kind You Havi Always Bought
Boars tho STf ,Sfj-jt- '
Signature of (JiGUC&A4
Satli lu Hour ClmuMi.
All mnntv wnrrnntH registered Drior
tr. limp H IROll will lut lllllll at 1UV
office, Interest ceases after February. 2,
7 ' n X l . ...
1UUU, Ui u. rntiiiiire,
i;ountv treasurer.
Hhntilko to fin tho Termlnim Many Im-
liroement AIoiik the I.ln.
Sherman county is booming in conse
quence of the extension of tho Columbia
Southern Railroad south from Moro, nc
cording to Archie Mnson, the contractor
in chargo of that work, who is visiting
ills family in Portland says the Oregon
inn. The track is now lMd 22 miles
south of Moro, and tho roadbed finished
for 10 miles further. There are over 400
men whites and Jape at work, and
Mr. Mason expects to seo the rails laid
to Shaniko, the terminus, by April 15.
New settlers are bnilding cabins on
the prairies in all directions, he says,
and all the ngriculturnlland in Sherman
county is likely to be taken up under
the homestead act, this spring. Many
of these newcomers are plowing and
sowing, and the acreage set to grain will
be the largest in the history of the
Building has begun in the new me
tropolis of Shaniko. A hotel, saloon
and several business houses are in
progress of erection, while slockyarde
and grain warehouses are being built at
points along the new line. It is ex
pected that 30,000 sheep will be shorn
and dipped in Shaniko this season, the
wool being shipped away by rail. A
number of business men of Moro and
The Dalles, are preparing to establish
branch houses in Shaniko.
Rourbon, a new town, has been started
on the line eight miles south of Graes
Valley, and this is going to be quite
an important point, as a large grain
growing and sto:kraising country will be
tributary. The town of Kent, five miles
soiUheviat of Bourbon, will be moved to
the line, and a sidetrack will be con
structed at Wilcox, eight miles south of
Kent. A depot nnd water lank are to
be constructed at Graes Valley, where
two bi; warehouses are -already nearly
completed. The telegraph line will be
extended from Waeco to Shaniko right
"Wheat looks splendid," says Mr.
Mason, "and ull signs point to an im
mense crop as well as a large acreage.
If grain is only a fair price next fall,
Sherman county farmers will have
twenties to throw at the birds."
I'aul Alnlir Visits AhtorlH.
We take the tallowing from the As
toria Daily news :
"The visit of Mr. Paul Mohr here yes
terday was on the invitation of Dr. Aug.
C. Kinney and the object was to point
out a proper place for a wheat ware
house. It is understood that Dr. Kin
ney and Mr. Samuel D. Adair each have
suitable water front on the 83uth side of
Young's bay which they are willing to
donate for the purpose. Mr. D. K.
Warren also stands ready to give ample
warehouse room on the Skipanon at
Warrenton. Mr. Mohr says the gradinit
of the portage railroad is now practically
finished and that iu ten days it will be
turned over to the owners by the con
tractors. This is a mouth in advance of
the contract time, and Mr. Mohr says
the portage system will be in operation
by June 1st or 15th from present indi
cations. He also says the company has
contracts with wheat growers for freight
sufficient to insure the enterprise pay
ing. He also gives out the information
that the farmers of the Grand Ronde
valley and around Baker City have 30
miles graded on a railroad from that
country to tap the Columbia and con
nect with lib portaee system. This they
offer to the Spokane company free and
oiler to grade ull the balance of the line,
except the rock work, free if the Spo
kane people will take tho road and finish
and operate it in connection with the
Mohr road. Mr. Mohr returned to The
Dalles last night, but expects to be back
in Astoria within a week."
K. or r.'r"Atiiutiui!
The members of Friendship lodge No.
9, K. of P., ure hereby notified to appear
at the Castle Hall this evening, March
5th, as business of great importance to
the members will be transacted. Some
grand officers will also be present. By
order of the lodge.
D. VV. Vausk, K. of U. and S.
Will rrBicot fur Artesian AVuler.
It is said that several parties are think
ing of sinking several wells in our city
but insure with the Law, Union & Crown
Fire Insurance Co. and take no chances.
Arthur Seufert, resident agent, 'phono
Curtta llvuduchi) Oulolily.
Baldwin's sparkling efl'erveecout Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold
by Clarke & Fulk, druggists. jan24-0
Mike Welch, veterinary surgeon, will
visit The Dalles Tuesday, March 6th,
and will remain a few days only. Par
ties wishing hlf services can find him
at Ward & Robertson's stable, m2-td
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
I ' ll'il iliiH mil'liit.ltiU'll'lllii'mtH.lui'l.' illiHnimtiii'.nl
H iiiinin."iit i it'imiiii
AVfcgetable Preparationfor As -similaling
ting ihc Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes Digeslion.CheerPuh
uess andnest.Conlains neither
Opium.Morplune nor Mineral.
"Sot Harc otic .
fltnptut Seal'
lllhtyrMi rlinw.
Aperfecl Remedy for Cons lipa
flon , Sour Slomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions.Fcverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grase and
Seed Wheat, Seed Otts,
Ssed Rye, Seed Barley,
Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn
King Philip Corn,
Stowell's Evergreen Corn,
Early Minnesota Corn.
Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
White Hominy Corn.
Early Rose Potatoes,
Burbatik Potatoes,
Spring Vetches,
Brome Graes,
Cheap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Supplies.
A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of
which will be sold at close prices for CASH "at the Feeil, Seed
and Grocery Store of
Two horses, one' dapple brown, bald
face, hind feet are white nnd he weighs
about 1000 pounds. The other horse is
black, email white spot on one bind foot;
weighs from 900 to 950 pounds. He
follows the other horse. Both had
halters on when they left home, and are
unshod. Any person bringing horses of
this description to my plnce, near the
fair giound, will be amply rewarded.
Rev. C. P. H.ui.uv,
The Dalles, March , 1900. 2w
A meeting of the L. A. S. gun club is
called for Friday night Mar. 2 at 9
o'clock, at Stadleman Com. Co. store. A
full attendance is requested as bueiness
of interest to members will be trans
acted. By order of Pres.
C. 11., sec.
Arriving time of No. 1, west-bound
passenger, is reported daily to the
Seufert & Condon Telephone Co. Sub
scribers can get this information by
calling contra).
F. B. Thirkteld, health inspector of
Chicago, says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
cannot be recommended too hiuhly. It
cured me of severe dyspepii i." It di
gests what you cat and cures iudigeetion
and heartburn, and ull forms of dys
pepsia. Wanted.
By a young lady, a place to do house
work in a small family. Apply to Mrs.
Toomey, Now Columbia Hotel. in2 2w.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of tho
etomacb, Loss of appetite, Feverisliness,.
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences
of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must be purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and wo Bell every bottlo on
a positive guarantee. Blakeley& Hough-
I ton's drug store.
Cures Iuipotency, Night Emissions and
wasting diseases, all eii'ectt; of self-
ubuse, or excess and Indis
cretion. Aiifivo limit) ami
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to ,oale cheeks ant"
restores the fire of youth.
By mail 50c per box; boxes
for 2.50: with a written Kiiiirnii-
toe to cure or refund tbe money.
Clinton JokJOfi Bt., OH1CACO, ILL.
Subscribe for Tuk Curonick.
i i
j With every ono dol-
1 lar purchase at our B
With every ono dol
lar purchase at our
storo during January
and February wo will
give a chance on a
Steel Eango.
& Benion