For a Nice Suit of Clothes. llntlns, OTticoatln-K? Kancj Vesting. WINTER TRIPS. ! and on the other side by the attorney general anu oy uis nssisuuu; aim mc For winter residence or winter outin supreme conrt decided by a unani-1 ideal conditions will be found on every I mnm rinininn nntuililiti" llm cnrnti- hand In California. I'lenteous enrly ttitionality of the law, and decreeing Us enforcement against the violators of it In the state of Ohio. Jast What Yoa uaant. rainfall has this season given to the semi-troplcnl vegetation wonderful Im- peine; the fl-jrol offerings are more than , usually gencrou; and the crop of ' southern fruits bountiful and excellent. Old ccean possesses new charms at ! Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, I-inp ! ' ttnanli C-TMiatn and t litt ntlr'llnntlll ( a Republican presidcnJ. . . Oatallna-whero ilshine.l Jlay absolutely dead on the statute . boating, rnmbling, riding, hunting and j book during the term of the only loafing uay Ihj enjoyed as nowhere else. 1 , full-flp.dsed Democratic administra-1 W"" )miu spots, snug nnu warm, offer themselves at Montecito, orillioII, i U 111 LUII 'UUU J l'Ut , , The very j "The Sherman anti-trust law v;as I pasted by a Ilepublican congress, ' 'signed bv if y 1 REGULATOR LINE. Daiies.PofiM4BsiOfiaiiai.Go. ttiimen of tlib Itctriilator Line will rim ns kt Hi,. (,,1. lowing fclicdiilf, !! Comimiiy ncrvliiK tlio right to clmiigc fclicilulu wltlimit notice. Str. RoKiilntor. (I.lmltui UnilliiB tin ivn linttn tin I I 11 I 1 1 1 V 9 X - rt A A t'linfC i Ij0(iliiii I filin AlriMlitnlti 111 I'tPlfltn moment this Republican , Fal", Brook d Snrjntr9. administration came in it was put i For renewing health and vigor, here i Kew idea6 in Wall Paper here. Such , into active motion, and under the abound many hot springs, of widely j ff-Sr'K imita! ' instrumentality of the courts of the varying constituents and demonstrated , ,itm CMJt0D e(recte ttt orir,nary prices. ! .. . .... . , ... meritB : the drv, ant I tic, tonic air of Good papers at cheap paper prices. country me irans-JJissouii comui .ujjj. - iUon Bas ,jroen up) tue tramoassoci. Tl)l,i0( Ymna. aml( even (artMCron, at IX1WN I.v Unttt HtS A. M. TttrMlay Thiilwlny .... HMiitiUy . Arr Cortland at A P. M. l.v t'P. I'orll.inil nt 7 A. M. Mmiilii) Friday Arr iLille nt 6 P. M. Ship your Freight I StP. Dalloa City, j (ToiicIiIiik t nil Wiiy I'olntu,) na Regulator Line. lmwu. I.V. HhIIci ; lit C:SO A. M. I .Mimtlny . ' Wrdncdiiy .. , l Friday.. .. . Arr. I'nrtlimd (iinrcrtnln) 'v. rnrllnml nt n a m. Ilii'vlny f'tmrnliiy Hiitutilny Arr. liii (iinofrtaln) Kindly dill and eiamlne my trck of Im Titl nd I) iUc Woolem. A fine Wt to ciec( irom. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. I1IE DALLE' , tlliEGO.N. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. BTJBBCKII'TIOK TKICE. One wejk $ lo One month oO One year 6 00 MONDAY MARCH 5, 1900 ! ation in -Sow lork was broken up, and the court has made a decision that holds that this very law, this Sherman anti-trust law, applies to the manufacture and sale of every commodity that is manufactured in the United States for interstate com merce by a trust. Now, what does the gentleman propose to add to that? "Oh, this is not n case of the soldiers from Massachusetts. So it comes about that every law on the Phoenix, Tucson, El I'aso, exists con ditions equally well indicated for weak throats and lungs. Many think nothing in nature more attractive than the shimmering olive orchards of Santa Barbara and San Diego; others prefer the stately walnuts of Ventura and Los Xietos, or the lemons of Fernando; but for glorious fruit and graceful tree commend us to the golden orange, first, last and always, and it exists in greatest perfection at Covins, Riverside, Redlands and High- lands. Equally interesting is the j scientific and tempting fashion in which ' the sorting and packing ol the orange is here accomplished. see for a small price, at onr store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Steiimcre of the UcsiiUtnr Line. Thp Company will ii.leuvnr to KVv fit pt- H "ou"" ,, the U-M tervlcn possible. For further Information ntltlreis d I'orllaml Olllce, Oak-Strcot Unci:. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt. F- S. Gunning, C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Statute book against trust3 was putl The faithful were exhorted to TRUST LAWS AD 1170 ARE A- tjiere j,y Republicans, every prosecu-' Mecca and shuffle off; hut wiser gener- fORCIAG THLil. Uon btun bv a Republican ofiluer, , atintia will see California of the smith ! every prosecution that was ended was aml Prolo"lli!l ' Those who do not have the op-.., . favo. of overnnii.nt i ,.,. portunuy oi perusing tue vjongres-; bionai iiecora will miss me iiuuuil on trusts, Feb. 17th, between the Democrats, Miers, of Indiana, and Sulzer, of 2sew York, on one side, and the Republican, Grosvenor, of Ohio, on the other. As usual, the the gentleman goes to Chicago and comes back loaded with that sort of stuff. j A pair of eyeglasses were found on the street today. Same can lie had by J calling at this office and paying fur this i notice. Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor. Seuonfl & LaneMiD. Tboueltf' Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY Jrom $l!.7o to Ili.lH) pur callon. (4 to 16 years old.) " '" IMPORTED 00GNA0 bum 7.l)u to $1".IK) per callon. '(11 to BOy wjBold. ' OALirORKIA ERAyDrEEJroni :i.'.'5 to G.U0 per callon. 74 to" II yearp" old.- ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. OLYMPIA BEER on draught, and Val Hlntr and Olymjna Reor in Iwttles Imported Alo and Porter. I "2sow, the matter comes right down lo this: All the states of the ITninn wlinrn luminns'; nntivif.v Ims Democrats made capital out of any-1. , .. , , .. ., ,., ' . . J , been felt and where the evils of these thing and everything, promising all sorts of reforms, from the Democratic standpoint, and clinching the argu ment) by well-rounded perorations, one of which says on its tail end, "that stalwart and gallant leader of the people, "William J. Rryan." Grosvenor then took the floor and flayed the fj Democratic orators thoroughly. Tjik Ciiuokiclk quotes He said 1 trusts have become manifest have joined together nnd passed these anti-trst laws. "Now, let me tell the gentleman something: The man who in the campaign of 1900 undertakes to run for vice-president or anything else : upon an outcry about the trusts howling in the ears of the American people upon that subject does not I i'teni Pacific I I r Yellowstone Park Line. from his remarks as made. in part: I fcAfr. rUmirmnn T n m nnt n pnnfli. ! , . , .. ., .... Mr. Chairman, understand one thing date for the vice-presidencv of the' , , ,. . TT ., , . . , .,t t i ,,. and there car. be no dispute about it United States, and if I were I should , , , . ' ' kcow what the American people arc made of. The American people, THE DINING OA II I'.Ol'TE FltOM POUTLAXI) TO TUK EAST. THE ONI.V UIRKRT LINE TO THE YELLOW- MONK I'.UtK D2l!E Dent, FinhaEdl sts No. 2. No. 1. have no opposition for that office in I they understand that for four years- jfrom 1892 to 189C business .1;.V) i. M. No. ; Fast mall for TMCOtns, , Seattle, Olyiiipiii, (iray'h Harbor and South llcnd tioiut. Spokane, Itosn Lind, Jl. C l'lillnian, I Mok-ow, LelHton, lluf- ! 11.15 A. it, InloHiiinpmlninKCOun . 1 .... if.i...... 1, i 119, ci. rmti, uniujiii, Kansas Cily, Ht. lxih, f'htpiTrn nil, till Tt(Htk lirrlrn I vn , . . ., . . . I TT1V nwn ilolorrni mn I linrofnrn T nm ' c, .t i....... .- . .. , . ..... .' . down : they starved ; every tiling went 1 n,M v. m. for Taeoma ami heattie a. ji. not excited about this trust question;! ,. 1 ami intermciiiate iwiia IU UCSUUUtlUll .1111.1 iiisuaiui uu uU( , And tllCV know that ' l'nllman tir!clasll nml tonrltt klvc(rs to i V.fnNf'ni-tntfv. Mf. Plll nrul Mik.nltrt rivi.r twilnfb. twentj'-four liours after j without ohanxe. , , , , i .cuuuiini (ranis, iviiiuu uvixib uouuvrjlliJUfi the election of 189C before business ' i u princicii cities , . . ... ... I Ii'ai?e chtckoJ to des tln.i tlo:i of tickets. began tO revive. Alld they Will ! l-iirhamlfomelylllintnitnlile-ciiptlve matter, I tf.L-At. kt(Ki.tt1fff'.IFn.Uiri'.tln(lu nt,. I 1 .i.llt ' i.--,'..., ibsvi itiuu, Mv., van hi, ill ii y me iiurty iiiui sioou i)V wihb lltlt. T wnnt tri nnint nnt nnw tln unrt. i u i . . . i . . . j this country. .i i . . . it was not mam; uy men claiming to ne mem bers of congress and being intelligent citizens of the country. "Now, in the first place, I did tnlk in the beginning of this congress a few words about the Sherman anti trust law, and now comes the gentle, man from New York (Mr. Sulzer) nnd says that the attorney-general of Ohio undertook to enforce the Sher man anti-trust law and war was made on the attorney-general. I pause for the house to absorb the enormous Ignorance involved in that! stand them." Mr. Grosvenor showed most con clusively that the Republican attorney-general of the United Slates had directed the anti-trust fights before the United States supreme court, in all cases, and that this law of more than thirty years was active and in full foice. He also noted the fact that Mr. Monett, the attorney general who made the successful A. D. CHARLTON, Aniitant (ieneral I'lismrnjirer Avent, 2.1 Jlorrlfon Street, comer Third, I'orll.iinl, Orexon. statement. The Sh crninn .nnti-trnat law is a law of congress, to be en-' fifllt ,,n (J'"0' 19 a publican, com forced against violators of the inter-! f)lclel-v overlhrowinS ll,e clalm lhat state commerce under the provisions ' anl"trnst ngitation antl Iei3!!llio" 9 of that act, nnd to be enforced by a crcatiun of tl,e Democratic pnrly. district attorneys in the United States' 3Ir Grosvcnor'a remarks are a courts, and not bv the attorns-1 8wping denunciation of tue cam- general of states, and my friend here ' pa,gn "-""Hammers who are thresh who goes hippodroroing over the 1 ing ",,out for material t0 makc a country cornes back loaded with such "Mutable platform for the Demo- nonsense as that. 'Now, next. The Republican legislature of the mate of Ohio parsed what is known as the Valentine nnti trmt law, applicable to the operations of tiusts in the stale of Ohio. Mr. Monett, as he had a right to do, as it was his dnty to do, brought suits unJer that law in the supreme court' cratic party. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. of Ohio, and the first step toward , Itartlflclallydigeststhefoodandaldfl judication was ra.sed by a demur- 'niWSdlStlS svorcr to the petition, raising the fans. It Is the latest discovered digest Ruction of the oon.titutlon.llly of ffi BtKhU ?n iSgJSS viMw;law. It was argued on one side tantly relieves and permanently cures y Mr. Virgil Kline, of Cleveland, Fja'ffft aSSn and Mr. Neal, of my own oongres- SIckHedache,GMtralgla,Cramp,antl ion.1 dtalncl, boll, eminent Uwyen, SSSSBRB We Put... every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded hore. Is it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLflKELEY & HOUGHTOH. Reliable Prescriptionists. ..CflflS. FfiflNK- JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Butchers and Farmers .. Exchange. Kwp on ilrauclit the colebratttl COl.l'lIIIIA HEKIt, nckuowl. cdifeil the bent l.-er In The Iiallea, stthemmtl )irlcc. Come In, try It nnd be (-ouvirirol. Attn thu Flrieit bmniti of Wines, IJ-juor nnd Clsan. Sanduuiehes of nil Kinds always on band. Complete Cir;e of Drills at Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, m kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, dM?"L"nEED Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- Qjn FlOTir '"B 'onr 1B rnfttiufacturwl expressly lor fumlly A UHe: evrv puck in gtmrnuteed to give eatialaction. We eel! our roods lowor than any liouee in the trade, and II yon don't tlunk to call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. M. Z. DONNELL, THEjDRUGGIST. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. riiANHACTA KN'KKALUANKINO BUKINK8 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern Btatee. Siuht Ekcbanire and Teletrranhic Transfers sold on New York, ChicaKO, St. Louie, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington. collections made at all points on lav orable terms. UKNKKAL Biacksraiins ANDeea Horsesnoers DEALEKS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. r Wagon and Carriage Wark. Pish rethara' Wagon. ' Whlid nrti TofTMMAn Dhnnn1n 1UUU QUH JUIIUiJUU. IHUUI1U9 A C. F. Stephens ...Dualor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, f Hoot)), UliMM. lints, ( nps, .VntloiiH, lor , I., UoiJKliiH HIkjv. Tok-plioiie ,Vo, (vs. lHlfcccoiiiIHt., Tte Dalles, Or. C. S. Smith, TUB JJ. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Odlco over French A Co.'h Hank ,,hono c' 'IIIBDAI.U'.rt.OHKliON pHKIi. W.WIIJiON. A'lTOitNBV. AT I I w Ofllcoovei Klr.t Nt. JlViif. ,,A,',,,iH' OK(l0N Jp-to-date(jroeer Fresh Eggs end Creamery liutter a speuintty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J.H. HmiBHK, I'renldent. il. il. IIKAl',1 First national Batik. THE DALLES - - - ORUOOn A General Banking Business trunswttf Deposits received, subject to Bight Draft or UaecK. .. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav ol collection. Sight and Telecraphlo ExelmiiK" fold o New York, San Franolsco ani in land. nmKrypom. D. P. Thompson. Jo. B. Ep. If. Williams, Quo. A. Li(