'THE BRAND OF CAIN. Department... Do you know tho value of a dollar Snvo money this month and buy your Gi of the Dawson Grocery and Commission and take advantago of this salo. Our Former Price. 1'rlce. Pliieannli'. wliolo, imported, pur tin . .. 120 $ 25 I'ork iiinl JIuhiir, Wagner's, por ; tin. . . . 07Jfl 10 Cliun Xui:tar, I.ihorty bruiul, per tin. . . 15 20 Citron Sliced, American brand, por pkg 12,! Jo Toilet Foiip, SwIhh, .'Jeakes in box, pr bx 12j 20 Jtakliij; I'owilur, Goid Leaf, pr ,V. lb tin 15 20 6.iui(, per 2-. lb tin flu 1(0 Sami', pcro I!) tin 1 25 1 flr, Molasses, N. ()., ' gal 'is !!" 45 Srttnf, 1 pint tins 12J 15 Mapli'.Svnip, Old Suttlur, por gal tin.. 1 25 1 -10 fcum, pt'r ' Kill tin 70 80 Syrup, Kti'ukii, 1 gal tin CO 80 ? 'If not, try to borrow one froiri a friend. oceries right. We are selling out tho slock Co. at greatly reduced prices. Call early Our 1'rlee. i Syrup, Rock Candy, ), gal lin $ (;o Syrup, Peerless, 1 gal tin 45 Same, u gal tin 25 Syrup, Turfc't't brand, 1 ga! tin 50 Same, gul tin 05 Honey, Cal., in pt glasses, per jar 40 Sa.no, y, pt glasses, per jar 20 Horse Radish and Mustard, Red Rose. 20 Queen Olives, 10 oz bottles 85 Mulon Mangoes, IMn Money Sweet 50 Evaporated Horse Radish in mugs 15 Worcestershire Sauce, I. V. C, small . 15 Same, medium 25 Former ' J'rice. 70 00 35 00 35 45 25 25 45 GO 25 35 50 Grocery Department... Alt Gondii Mnrko5 In Plain F-'UturoB. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. 1. FRIDAY .... MARCH 2, 11)00 I A MTVf ll ltl 1 HlJOtOKO jsz. S KELLER I K scores of wool;roworu. Ih J'ortland going to let all the interior towns gut" ahead of us and put us to shame? C. 15. Durhin biiB two light Brfthama rooBters at tho Umatilla House uIioho combined weight is twentyjJne pounds. wiih a j are tfi MrDur rixtt-wiuner In oroughbreds and bin's farm near WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. "Held Ity the Enemy" At the lialihvin tonight. Many a true word ia spoken when Uo women liiivc 11 ijuar el. Little lirya' caps worth (10 & 09 eentu e now ,r0 cents at Williams & Co'b. Aj per the agreement entered into by tlieLimiiies men eolleetioiiB will not be nude until Monday. The Hluuv company attracted tho M'Jal hirne crowd today at their concert, which whs duly appreciated by those bo heard it. Tho ladien of the Conureuatinnal church are preparing u inoBt excellent wmlcal program for tlieir concert, liich will hu given ubout the middle of Ihii month. The Dufur dlapatch ia worthy of much Ciie for the "Washington Birthday Wltion" us edited by the Dufur public Khoole, nnil printed in tho Dispatch offii'cat Dufur. A royalty of i27.50 Ib paid by Mr. bw every time hu presontB tho play Helu by tin; Knomy," which ia on tho wrus lor tonight. n Monday evening next, Malor A Henton will radio ofr the handsome nI which la on display in their window. Holders of tickets are re lated to In, present. Tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock tin interesting muo 0f baseball will be P'yeUt the fair grounds, between the '" boys of the public school and ir larger companions. Reierved seats can be had without "if charge lor tho matinee tomorrow. leboxodlcu win bo open nt 8:30 n. m. P Nan Winkle the old favorlto-it P'WiOJ tho old s well ft8 tho young, Portland Lougo, No. 142, B. P. O .E w" hi The Telegram's popular lodge T? Si hy H ,lumlity r 7772 voteB. ueWk8 llniHhed strongand tho contest order WUI' ll0'057 VOt8 f0r t,,Rt popu,Br The .treota are getting quite dry and "wnioredayaof the present woather m them in mott elegant shape. da in tho Immediate vicinity of ,9"dJivuJrU ,M(oruwd re 'n P iMk. 00,ei,urlng plant at The tow VCCQ,t,mK to a report from that I" assured euys the Telegram, lbs LIT "00n cm6 forward, when hu ,,r llft'1 disousied a little tophi 11 S' l! R ProflW Industry, Tho larger bird Portland. They will be taken to Antelope. Tomorrow evening about fifty mem- ' hers of Friendship lodge, No. 0, K. of P. will go to the Cascade Locks to witness the work in tiio second and third rank. Tho Regulator baa been chartered and will leave hero early in tho evening, stopping at Hood River to take Borne twenty members of the order from that place. Tho anti-rodent crusade planned by the phyBiciaiiB of Astoria haa been re garded by some in the nature of a j ike, but there Ia nothing funny about it. Both Aatoria and Portland may ho via ited by the bubonic plague though Portland stands the better show to es cape it and the doctors are trying to make provisions to cope with it should it break out. The recent death of John R. Gould removes a Mexicun war veteran who enjoyed the distinction of having pub lished the firtt English newspaper on the Pacific Coaat. In 1813 ho enlisted in tho United States navy and went with Commodore Stockton to California. Tho commodore desired to publish an Eng lish paper at Monterey. He appointed Rev. Walter Coiton editor and Mr. Gould printer. For six montiiB Mr. Gould set typo for "Tho California" and worked oil the papers on a hand press of antiquated pattern. Monday last Rev. Horn had the mis fortune to lose his house and most of the contents by fire. Mr. Horn and wife were away from home at the time, and as they wore returning saw their house, which is near Goldeudale, in flames. The children who wore near at hand saved a few things, but tho ma jority of tho household ell'ects wore destroyed. Mr. Horn has somo property that cost him over $3000 that he is will ing to dispose of for $1050, as ho is badly In need of money nt present. For any particulars you may Inquire of Geo. A. Liobe, N. Whealdou, or address lo. Horn nt Goldendnle, Hood River Is to have a bank. Loallo Butlor, of The Dalles, lias boon in Hood Rb'or at diuoront times recently, looking over tho ground, and lias decided to cast, his fortunes with Hood River and open a banking business. He has made arrongements with S. J. L. Franco for a building. Mr. I.aFranco will erect a framo building on his lot adjoining his atoro, and the bank will be ready for business by the first of May. Mr. But ler desired a brick building, but the bricks could not be obtained in tlmo. Mr. LaFranco will bo ready at any time to build a brick adjoining the brick building of Blowers & Son for the use of the bank. Hood Hlver Glacier. Once more has the ladles' theory that gentlemen cannot enjoy themselves without the presence of the fair sex, lias been disproved. At least the mas cuius sociabiliuB Wednesday evening at the home of C. W. Riddell settled that much vexed question. The evening was most pleasantly employed In p'aying games. Just betore lunch the guests tried tht.tr luck at a novel guessing gome. Mr. George Rueh took first prize. At eleven o'clock the guests sat down to the table and drew walnuts within which were quotations. Woe unto him who failed to guess the author for lie woe liberally daubed with lamp black and flour. After lunch was served all joined in elngirig college fionga, and then took their departure homeward witii dark but smiling faces. At a meeting of the Portland chamber of cotnmerco yesterday, the matter of securing turther improvements at the mouth of the Columbia river was brought up. It ia deBired to provide a new sys tem of juttiea to scour out the sand at the mouth of the river, until a depth of 40 feet at low tide is secured. For this purpose an appropriation of $253,000 will be required, and as there is tn be no river and harbor appropriations thieyear it will be necessary to tack it on to the sundry civil bill. The needs of the great Oregon waterway will be communi cated to the Oregon delegation in con greas, where it will receive earnest at tention, and an effort will be made to secure the co operation of the chambers of commerce of Astoria, Salem, The Dulles and perhaps Boise aud Walla Walla. Astoria Daily News. Tho young woman at the St. Charles hotel who says her name ia Miss Louiee David baa not always gone by that name says the Oregonian. A short time ago, when she came down the river by the O. R. & N., stopping at Walla Walla, Wullula, Pasco and Arlington, she said her name was Hilda Hobson, and that she was a cousin of Lieutenant Hobson, of the United States navy. Her leg was not broken then, and she required the usn of no crutches in walking. She also stated she bad been in the Philip pines, and had received four gunshot wounds in her arm. Her arm was in bandages then. She easily imposed on the people of the inland towns, who contributed liberally to her support. Several of the railroad men looked at her yesterday nud said that the Louiee Pavid at the St. Charles hotel and tho Hilda Hobspn who came down tho O. R. & N. road were Identical. She is still at the St. Charles. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havi Always Bought Bears the Signature of Notices Mike Welch, veterinary Kurgeon, will visit The Dalles Tuesday, March 0th, and will remain a few dBys only. Par ties wishing bis services can find 'llfi - . m 1 I rt 4.' at Ward Kooertson f ,iija-iu A Clever Plr Well rortrnyccI-The Audience lellj(lited. The seating capacity of the Baldwin theater is hardly largo enough to nccom- modato the immense crowds that attend the Shaw company's performances. Last night all available seats were taken and many were compelled to stand. "The Brand of Cain" as produced by this excellent company was all that could be desired. The scenery and effects used are carried by the company and con tribute very much to tho enccces of the rendition. The scenoa in "The Brand of Cain" are laid in Spain and England. The play has equal propoitions of comedy, romance and tragedy, portraying strong sentiment throughout. Mr. Shaw, in the roles of John Doe and James Leighton, appeared to fine advantage. He was given a difficult tatk in Interpreting two characters of opposite natures, but ho made tho change from one role to the other with ?ucb ekill that he woo universal praise from the audience for his clever work. Every member of the company is worthy of praise for their excellent act ing and character portrayal. Mrs. Shaw was an ideal maid, and, as Nora Logan, coveted herself with honors. She was clever, vivacious, and did not over do the part, but was so pleasing that many were the encores she received. Miss Carter, as "Juana," tho Spanish inn keeper's daughter, and Miss Kelton, as "Phyllif Leighton," were highly suc cessful. H. W. Gilbert was excellent as "Jeffrey Gordon," while AI H. Hal lett was an excellent "Laikine." L, J. Plummer, as Sir William Courtney," was immense. A. J. Watson, playing the villian, "Robert Burleigh," along with the companion villian's part of Mr. Shaw as "John Doe," demonstrated very completely his versatility. The entire performance was worthy of praise, and one thatwas taking with tiie audience. MiriB Jfnnie Kelton very ably enter tained tho audience between the first and eecond acts with a song and dance specialty. Tho unieic as UBual was above the ordinary, and the xylophone solo was so pl?aeing that several solos were neces sary to appease the audience. Tonight this popular company will produce "Held by the Enemy." More Woolen Mills Nt'rtlrtl. Portland is trying to se.-ure new in dustriea within her gates. She advo cated a wool'Econring mill and made a hard fight for it but The Dalles offered the best inducements, so "to the victor belongs the epoils." Now Portland is agitating the a visibility of securing a woolen mill which would be a fine thing for the city on the Willamette. It would be well for Dalles people to bear in mind that in conjunction with a ecouring mill, a woolen mill would be of great value at this place. An editor ial in the Telegram relative to the mat ter Bays: "The Albany woolen mills are run ning night and day, and c.m't keep up with orders. Mucli the same condition exists in other woolen mills of the state. The, demand for Oregon-made woolen fabrics far exceeds the supply. What possible reason can there be, then, for any long delay in establishing a woolen mill at Portland?" And we say why not establish it at The Dalles? Aiiemueut Kxteimiou Couilctrl, County Clerk A. M. Kelsay completed the extension of taxes on the assessment roll of Wasco county for the year 1899, today and turned it over to Sheriff Kelly for collection. Following is the amounts of the several taxes as charged to the sheriff: Number of polls, at $1 each. . . .$ 010 00 Amt.of city tax (Thel)alles aud Dufur 5702 71 Amt. special scliool tax (23 die) 10450 05 Aait. county, state, school, etc. 72328 85 Total amt of taxes $95397 Gl The sheriff will send out notices to taxpayers immediately. Taxes become delinquent April 1st. VUaulullou of l'Hrtnerslilii. The business heretofore existing under the firm name of Lane Bros., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. L. L. Lane will conduct the business at the old stand, and collect all accounts and pay all bills of the firm. All parties knowing themselves indebted to the firm are requested to settle as soon as possible. The Dalles, Or.t March 1,'lflOO. .. L. L. Lank, liid.tw NvM.-Lanb. NewHewer SjrjtM; Y It wll) be oine-tline,7et''ire(()!r.eacitoal WoW of putlnn'Wallaalla'a nw Bffir By Stem ibelaBK bJ'Wt'sq lojfto lniurejHW.Ul4 & CAwu Fire Inrahc'e'.'itut jiay fcjfuW late. Arthur Beufert IraUjUnt 'phone lv .. --M nSICASTORIA (1 A CTflKM A f AVfcgefable Preparationior As similating IlieFoodandRegula ting Ute Stomachs and Bowls of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur nessandRest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine ncrlineral. Not Tf arc otic . fltopt ofOUUJrSAMVELPtTCHCR Impkut Seal' sflx.Smna RMkkUeSmbt- slnueStrd t t rmver. Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Tlon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ness find Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK". For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Bears the J t Signature Am fK In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CCNTAUR COMPANY. NCW YORK CITY. SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. w Q m m Q H A Splendid Assortment, of Choice Garden. Grass and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, Seed Rye, Seed Barley, Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn King Philip Corn, Stowell'e Evergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Corn. Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn, White Hominy Corn. Early Rose Potatoes, Burliank Potatoes, Spring Veteliee, Brome Grass, Cheap Chicken Wlieat, Poultry Food, Eee Supplies. A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, nil of which will be sold at close prices for CASH at the Fee J, Seed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS. H d H d SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. Nutlcp. A meeting of the L. A. S. tun club is called for Friday night Mar. 2 at. 0 o'clock, ut Stadleman Com. Co. store.; A full attendance is requested as business of interest to members will be trans acted. By order of Pres. C. 15. Ct'MUNu, see. Notice to the 1'uiillr. J The Columbia Southern Railway Cotn-i pany will complete its line and be'ready to receive forward freight and passengers from Sbaniko not later than April 16, 1900. Large warehouses and stock yards will be erected and ready, for wool and stock by the above date. Freight rates will be considerable lower than by team from The Dalles. Regular tariff will be published shortly. 1 For further information call on or address C. E, Lytle, General Freight Agent, Moro, Ore., or the undersigned, r.. r.. I.YTLK, feblC tf General Manager.- ( Notice. Arriving time of No. 1, west-bound passenger, is reported daily to the Seufert & Condon Telephone Co, Sub. Bcribers can get this information by calling centra'. F. B. Thirkteld, health inspector of Chicago, eays, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly. It cured me of sovere dyspepsia." It di gests what you eat and cures indigestion and heartburn, and all forms of dye- pepsin. U'MU. By a young lady, a placa to do home work iu a small family. Apply to Mrs, Toomey, Now Columbia Hotel. 111 2 2w, Fount, A pair of eyeglasses were found on tho Btreet today. Bame can be had by calling at this office aud paying for this notice. For Iteut, Two cozy, rooms, in private family; central location. Apply at CiiuoNioi.t office. ' , feb22-Iw "I had dyspepsia for years. No medi cine was so effective as Kodol Dyspsia Cure; It gave; Immediate relief. Two Subscribe for Thk,Cuhpmci;. 1 bottles performed marvelous results," writes L. 11. Warren, Albany, Wis. It. digests what you eat and cannot fail to cure. for Suit. Complete entertainment outfit, con sisting of high grade magic lantern, with views on Spanish. American war and new talking machine with 20 records. Made .f.300 clear ,ier mouth last fall. Reason for selling owner ill. Call op posite United Brcthern church on the hill or address Virgil E. Greene, Tho Dalhs. JanSO-lmo -FREE- I 1 I With every ono dol lar purchase at our storo during January and February wo will tivo a chance on a $50 Alumini.ed Stool "Range. Garland i tl 1 I I jnaler w enion J