Jast What You ujant. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. REGULATOR LINE. .1 Danes. Portiana & ffstsda nav. col rJL uuifbiaa Sin iTji.tnsftiti. yimaKti, Yellowstone Park Line. t riiVraitr four an vpa Tan ;wii itiaSirtl vSl ununimmiitfy .uiE 5iu Tmri m wmi 5m&n ui a lien Fb S mfufsceisfuu. iojS tan. S-ifjuSSiinns- ar WHitdiiisr isru&itUii c atic ir-ric. r. .... r... -.-.,..- .j..,-,.,,, Ti,- 3iui Jiscrniiaair Sntiisii. - &tiC. vxl Hit ,L VjtK Jl tlii iHlHtittlCiail 3Ueic nut Snwa ltut Sunt,, a. S'ltttoun. . -f n-,2.:, -r 1 rttiaarf tu.S tft.u t .Kir"" yw t SifiiMeua S&t. rfil Taw y.x J'ST i- 'X lib fVXy) N" fifif Z1 A r. h r, SI II. . -1 nitrt4 Ship your Freight via , W Regulator Line. Sir. Dalles City, T t.' i. . An , mcrr.... '3 rr .5 5t0fdT i Cittlr ll toil ntla sunt 3nnj.!.Sii aivrtc jr-a-aa ai In-11!- J, A. Eberle Scftit TCUL-ivir TOMii 7dS " fteairr. - A- D. CKABLTO:rf 5t"" a 'ST.iiL ?nt ir. inuii a nritc-r v x t:ii'v-jirit'J'-' Ctimf ;iiatr is 43i-j- jiic.-r jrjrw. Sefuia ditniifair tu?cftu rjiarmri. -nnret Sum jiniii jrj:. in he-- jour jo. Titiri D. 7T. VAUSZ, Tzirc. Sz. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, W. C. XLUWAY. Cn. Agl. Mr.! The BsISss DIiy Gkreelc. Oot x"rtr'r . , Oiv31CCi Ost "faiLT , - 'J-aur ec iit sty - ' i-t ii "riit r inv- ninwr "Timt. T-nsauiie. "jrr"t. F- S. Gunning, C. We Put... - '" 1 Ttifc J Bif"iS t"5'W. fit S!-2 i.&k. Tot or-5sr fc. Tiufe; ti sUk-Jl '-- li tZXTtZ3XA (A tilt :& "fcUj SAiTSia . irt" 1- I'll jif 1. CSiLIliiiTiiil." LT- &&r,'Z'-' xrfi lit: tu-iiii: au ;.ei ist Z ' , . tbt itte-vd Of UZi-. itptZXizZ ti K? a t, tiyi-r sivvrtt. rt tie-. Tbt lit- 2t sat : "I iiti i.-t .43ii;r to i smS uaSt. Lwu ox. June It., tit - . . . . . fT-28jT him 0i n with evesj ! i sot ra2?on wfcr 1,1. t - - " r'-jJ'.M -S' rtr T-r. BUKELET 4 P&1TQJI, J. STUBLING- Who'esa'e and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. A?r.cv for the Greate American Liquor Biacksmim. Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. Horseshoeing. Pji" ff. j -r rfclloa. 4 to 15 twi old. 7.1KJ to f VLS& ixrr trHon. fll to 'JO ytrf o)d. iti S.25MojC 10 Tr gi)os. U to 31 jtrt old.' 0"LT THE PUREST LIQTJOBS SOLD. OlTXHi. 3ZZ2 on d.-rsuzbt, end Vi Blfctt d3 Olrapn Beer in )xtllee liijurvic JU tad I'orU-r JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and D02ESTIC CIGARS. NOTICE BepsbBsiii will asfcst h. Pjrfbtftljfcis. is wScrti ij b'c 117 CflS J2I6 1 2, i.Id tilt iHrlWCTiii -Sj li?fcfc dtV Itt li tii&VT iiiiL liiiT tcrn--5 t.'.- i ihw ? rfyt rrwrf .t i..- wneClKwat?. tut TU. 4tnr U JtcrtS. : Si AUL STanr 1- Kit Ocstxxr ..CfLflS. FRBBK.. Butchers ana i-srmers did forr rtt-: i'd tad DtiaocTiU id rtditi. 3 rttacitrtai K v hit f a Ounaty cubtz. m u! -js. ..Exchange.. O.'lXSiuX .rr-; utiK'-r -ic-t ir i a. Tin s!, k- iit -.. -Ccif n. try Sardti;:ehes tc t , :?i&i tT-r sz ' i Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot f 11 kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, u kids Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Tml Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOU FlOUT ii,E oBr " snanufactnred expreeely for fimlly nw : every fack is rnanxnteed to pive eatufaction. W Mr. osr pcodi I'jwcr tbta any hon&t? in the trade, and if you don't tlnnk 10 call Lad rrt :nr priccf and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. : iff Sifi UltSiStLb. It U not icoktblfc, b&werfer, tiitt tit: Eerjtiblic&a gttLenag tbt.-fc "will trt aw Iwsad stsssacti, Jirt?. Ije &o coitst oii til- prfciideitth.1 M-ei uzi fji vzdtr. li rtoaiwbl'ws by acelsaiitioa being caJj out n&a;t wealioiifcd is tbfc i &ougi.toz"i &zv?svjzb. 2 Deaiociillc convzuWov zho, Mr. , , tibS M VXanc inn nig iXZH. traSsfc ! if S ' J'f Utlut Jut l-iijvvr Licruw. lbs? iriiif, nt J.-. JUnz't ?tr Life PiJiS. Tufj dt-Tsri'jp ryerr yrr t? briis ax; DrJUNNS. PILLS '' It H-'iurt-bUr CorrMj- ' an &f lis (rf 5 'Jruz.. Ivr lift Cutzvzj A v i v: tilt BuC7ii3i: veiaat.KiA xtC rtAa ' 7c inj:tz.. ixCj u, escai t UfRv: io J. SUitiauo Hxi jot eelkjs jr. li te of . . t j lose sua .-JyitC, fi: toe!: f?n3 t hU i- i , . Z2.Az ".fr: v: c fan? t- ttr y VI Ire xs. J 1 TresrvM I. O ' "zjpdskz. i V. rict, ' M ui7 I i fcyei. T Smitten J I' TnuDj- n una joijo lUiit W i. Ira.n i.v hzE 1ft tr.x lui Portent A LctaSJjisn or by s. uri&nimou vote. TJiti tlfcrnttti of tiDcert&intv beini' re- TOR A DOSE. . it rill not be w"iDlf: to &imiMM,iwi!M!!w tbe interest Licb tbot of Itmr vet; fa.!JXVttS! a s&J'm.'AjS go bid. Tbere b no "walk- ouu-ineitbtrcoDveiitioi.tbuyear, CDIflT A 'lostvgor' wb.letbert- nai t split in !i tbe HCIlf I I A DMANf-ToOD Jt.T ?y3 jwrtiet, small and grett, in 1S&C. A CnresItrpotencT.fctZEbsiiiEni tplit u practicftlly assured in the casting d-iseaits, 1 eSects ol f i rupture in tbe eoBferenee tbe other WJ WwkI builder. BrinijE the ,EiugLr" "StW nSSf day of the Panulist National Com- L7 PJn, "5ow lo piJe cbeeks an- niinawm t o.ii.'sL jin g.iicL- raittee in Lincoln, Neb., shows a Sr3L t tfr- r, yiiBwuisr ry- corjiTC jotrrfMcLenW) division in that party wbicb can ior ffXJiOt vixh a written ruantit. ?;&t,r?irZu yuLzn bardly it clwed up at tbe nation! cu8 " refund tlie money, m fc iUw j t i:: j j m gatuenngs or tbe two wJn8 wbicb NERV1TA MEDICAL CO. take place on May 'J, one of them in Ctintor.it Jackson Stz CHICACO, iU-. Cincinnati and ibe other in Sioux yiu, S. IJ. A new issue will be before the conventions of 1000, that of national expansion, and this fact will give an interest to the gatherings of the big parties, but it will not call out any thing like the concern which was felt regarding the silver declaration of both these parties in 18. The lie publicans will declare for expansion by a practically unanimous vote. Nobody in the Philadelphia '.wivon tion will lead a revolt against any. thing which will come up in that 1! omplete- of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THEiDRUCCIST. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. DEALEP.S IX Jill kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall & Burget UNDERTAKERS iP EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. EXECUTOK'S NOTICE. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. W fco ouljr epvim- liy it etrautf court ui Uk ntuxnui tjir4n, tot V.e toauiy. -rotof wltL .t mVTizvi oi ILt.'u: will ui Xurr JM &xzlvj. atTKX. All t?rii ijarin V mj tia-x iv t uv vrjroti, vlitm tlx !a(U!L 1im lie dat UiVZviii, Lut6 ret. .1 !'. ' M , . , IS. t. HV.VTl.VttTO.V, letC.-h r.xvuuit. .FRENCH & CO. UI06ST5 wnat you eat. w-' w f ItartlflclallydlKestethefoodandaldB BANKERS. XfatUrb in Ht.rfrivthonn unit .. . vw MWVIUK LUC CAUaUHLHI HP. lana. It is the latest diieorereddlif est- Letters of Cdit inned ariilable in the LAME OKKERAL It BlacKsmirns I c- F Stephens .-.Donlor In... C. S. Smith, j Dry Goods, Clothing, 1 Cents' Furnishings, f HmU. eljillrtl. I nu. Ni.tl.iti. ...AND... ,5 1 ; s?if- The Dalles, Or, i THE iJp-to-dateCroeer Fresh Eggs nnd Cri'fimo'i' Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J.H. HCHfXa, rraiident. ant and tonic. No other preparation !T ,J"",iU erociency. it in- fiigbt Eastern Btatcc. &efaang and Tolacrapbic llfulw I tn tlin inn ivlifnli rVnl)nm bhiI Cannon directed in the St. Louis 1 - Preaan ay g. c Paw' "uw 5"ceauB permanently cure xrannert aoiu on ew York, Cbicaao, DisaeMia, IndigMtlon, Heartburn, Bt. Louis, San FrAnciaco, Portland Ori Waturence, Sour Stoaoacb, Nausea. ra, 6attia Wash,, and variooc poinu BickHaateeh.OaatilB nrma 3 ITn rifMa .nH wui.... I JaaiiMtiML ui'. ca.. caicaa Collections made at all doIbL on fa. orable twrms. HorsesDDB rs Y Van ana1 Carriage Wark. r Fish Srathara' Wagan. j; flirt ail JeJIe. Piione:i59 JJ. STURDEVANT, Dentist. , Office over french A Co.'t ltnnk i''bone Cl THKDAW.K8.0KKUOS t. . T71REI). W U'li iai.' Jr ATioaVKy.AT uw, I Oflicc f,e, Kit N.u uT,lnk. 1UU ES OKKQOH First National Bank. ORE00H THE DALLES A nnar1 Rankin. RnalnftMfl Irani DapoaiU raoaivad, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collactloni made and proceeds nrompw; ramittad on dav of collodion. Sight and Telegraphic Eachangf fold New York, Baa Francisco i Vot' land. D. P. TaoJi. Bp Ed. M. Wuaiam, Gio. A . biM U. If . Siaix.