The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 02, 1900, Image 1

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    2I)c Dulles CI) t0ttkk.
NO 172
Not a cut-price or redaction Bale, but a "timely-tip" rbIo. It is only a
nitter of a month or two until 'We will be compelled to advance our present ex
c4ption!lv low prices on good, well-made muslin wear.
The cotton market, as every, one knows, Iiab been on the advance for some
time, and hue not yet reaohedithe limit. Mills are consequently advancing their
prices, and manufacturers in addition to recent advances made on salaries, are
alio paying higher prices on all grades of material.
Night Robes.
Mother Iliilibiinl.tiielced yoke,
ruflleut neck mill h1uvo!i....,."Jo
gime yoke Inmtud with live
bdixU lniertlim, mIrcc! with
embroidery Wo
Stur, wltli 'imre yuku of
tuck ami I'mliruMcry timer
tliin, iiuok unit nlivu eilK
ol nltli cmlirolilury 70c
Kmplrugmvn, riiiinit yokes or
nimci.tcit M-ltli I row inir
rmv luoka anil i! tmiitlx cm
broMcry Invrtloii, lliilnlicri
wlili finird y uIkIiik, (ch.
tlier atltfli liruid iiud nllk
ribbon T'Jc
fomc, with itllnver t'nilirolil
ry Irmit, iind N'vcre.i iiIkviI
l'liilnly in iide , . H)u
With cmbr'v nt neck,. liij'u
Hame, "V" MiujkmI yeke,
S$lii cmb'y edging. . .19o
Bume, liner cimltty, tlnlnh.'.'Uu
Hiune, nmdu n( line cam
bric, yuku of vnl. luu ,
fine pearl buttonx . . . Mic
Hume, line mift-llnliilitil
niuniln, (UHre nr "V"
yuki-.lacu ureinh'y trim
mini; r5c
Tine ciunlirli',
ered front, uiiih'y yoke
iind Htrni.i. 7.'c
Kiimit, clnlmriitely trini'd
In torchon luce or cmb'y 7i)o
mm iwn men eiiiunmiury ,
beat nnitei tills - II 1!'
Finer gridea II you wimt tliom.
Exiicriciie of lie Bull Feu
Was Subsequently Killed While Trying
to liscapc Newspaper Man's Evi
dence. Wahiiinoton, March 1, Wilbur Stew
8't.a newspaper publisher of Mullan,
Idaho, today continued his testimony be
fore tli IIoiiho committco on military
afTnire, concerning the labor troubloa in
Ue sulil tlint on June 6 his newspaper
confln'atcd by two civilians, accotn
Pnlml hy adutncluuentof soldiers, caus
R lilin considerable loss. The witness
"i tlutt throughout bis detention he
given no trial excopt before the
"Kangaroo Court." lie said this was
e iihiiui iippUed to an "inquisition"
carried on by u 0enl olliulal, not n mugis
ltto. Hu dutailed a conversation with
ne of the stiite officials, in which the'
"Her is Haiti to have linked Stewart to
'"mile imHIentlon of his paper on "the
Wool lnw ii,i ordor," threatening that
"Mio publication continued to bo as it
"a been hu would bo kept In the "bull
Aked itH to the death of one Johnson,
prisoner in tho "hull pen," ho suid
Johnson was taken before the "inqulsl
" and tin effort made to learn from
tho names of tlioso who had partici
pated in tho riot. When Johnson re
wneil to tho pou he expressed fears
"t ho would bo hanged. Ho tried o
i . fl'8elUltl' I,,d,n olub. ndter,
ie fleeing from an Imaginary foe, he
'"hot through the head and killed by
bum n Tho wU,leM W Johnson was
JL ,7 ,ou," More being put in the
b!7..and waa Pronounced laiane aller
" there. Other priioners, lie said,
A Sale.
Covers. Drawers.
With tucks nr milieu
Finer inillty, three nar
row tneki nnd widu
rufllox 29c
Wetter nuiturlNl, nitrrow
tuck iind ctub'y.or with
wide rullle edited with
torchon luce 55s
I'mbrellu Dntwcrn, flue
iti ti 11 ti , wide cambric
rullle, edged wllh emh'y .Vic
lull iwtli.
Eiiinc, wldcrulllu of Hhecr
lawn, edged with tor
chon ot vnl, lace , 79o
Finer RnideM If you
.. them , ..
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
woi amino
were In fear of being shot and many
thought the place Was to be set on fire.
There were about 330 prisoners and about
1000 to 1200 soldiers in theGoeurd'Alene
district. He expressed the opinion that
there had been no occasion for declaring
martial law.
Some ot Mr. Lentz's inquiries brought
into quostion the accuracy of the report
of the testimony taken by the industrial
committee as to the Idaho trouble, but
this line of inquiry was ruled out on the
ground that the committee had no au
thority to investigate the industrial con
dition. On cross-examination, Representative
Purker took the witness to task over cir
cumstances on the day the mill wan
blown up. Stewart said he saw large
parties leave Mullan und return luler in
tho day, but he did not know the purpose
of their movements, Several members
of the committee questioned tho witness
as to the departure of the miners on the
day of the dynamiting of the mill. He
said the puvty numbered from 170 to 200.
The mining population of Mullan wae
about 350. When tho parties returned
they refused to Sny where they had been
or what had occur rod. He saw one man
carrying a shotgun, but none of them
wore masks. The committee took a
recces at this point.
A OtinvlntilnK Auiiu'itr.
"I hobbled into Mr. Blnukmoii'a drug
store one evening," says Wesley Nelson,
of Hamilton, Ga., "and he asked me to
try Chamberlain's I'uin Balm for rheu
matism with which I had flullered for a
lorn? time. I told him I had no faith In i
any medicine as they all failed. He
said: 'Well if Chamberlain Pulu Balm
doos not help you, you need not pay for
It. I took a bottle of it home and used
Jt according to directions and in one
week I was cured, and have not since
been troubled with rheumatism." bold
by Blakeley A Houghton.
HklrmUli Willi Hauolc,
Manila, March l.-An hundred In
lurgenls, even miles from San Fernando,
ambushed ten men of the Third Cavalry
We here print a recent report on this subject, taken from the Dry
Goods Economist: .,
"The cotton market scored another strong advance this week. Spot
cotton, which last week crossed the 8c line, rose to 8c in the-New York
Exchange and parsed the 5d. lindt In Liverpool, the market for futures
fully participating in the upward movement. The cause of the advance is
the honvy purchases of cotton abroad, where, as already stated In these
reports, spinners are behind in their supplies.
How long these conditions will exist is, of course, uncertain) but is is
certain that the average under cotton will be vastly increased by the high
price, and as time goes on this fact will receive more and more attention,
with the natural result.
Prices range about as follows :
Spot cotton: New York, 8c; last week, 8)c; Liverpool, 5 1 32d ;
last week, 4 21-32d.
March futures : New York, 8 30c ; last week, 7.86 Liverpool, 4 51 -64d
lest week, 4 20-64d,
The receipts for the first five days of this week were 142, 164 bales,
against 91, 035 bales for the corresponding period last week' The receipts
for the season amonnt to 4,955,741 bales, againBt 6,010,621 bales at the
same period last year. The visible supply of 3.634,052 bales, against
5.081,559 hales for the corresponding period Inst week. Exports for the
first five days of the present week were 113,757 bales, against 98,630 bales
for the corresponding period last year.
Manchester reports yarns strong and cloths very firm.
who were escorting a provision train.
The Americans were scattered and while
returning to camp one man was killed.
The insurgents captured four horses and
a quantity of provisions.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cuie it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken Internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was preecribed by one of the best
phytoicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrugglsts, price 7fic.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
llurae and Mulo Meat,
I.onuon, March 1. Following is tho
test of Bailer's disimtch:
"Nelthorpe, March 1, 5:25 i. m. I
have just returned from Lidysmith.
Except a small guard north of Surprise
Hill, the whole of the enemy lately be.
sieging the town have retired in hot
baste, and to the south of tho towu the
country is quite clear of them.
"The narrisou was on a half pound of
meal for each man per day, and supple
menting the meal wae a ration of horses
and mules. The men will want a little
nursing before being fit for the field."
"I had bronchitis every winter for
years and no medicine gave me perma
nent relief till I began to take One Min
ute Cough Cure. I know it Is the liest
cough medicine wade," says J. Koonta,
Corry, Pa. It quickly cures coughs,
colds, croup, asthma, grippe and throat
and lung troubles. It is the children'!
favorite remedy. Cures quickly.
Children's Wear.
Infant's white muslin slips, at 12c, 19c, 29c,
55c, "gc, ,1.10.
Children's white niualin dresses, at 29c, 55c, 79c,
Gliildien's white twill muslin waists, at 12c
and 19c.
Children's white muslin drawers, at 12), 19c,29c.
Children's white muslin Ekirts, at VI) i and 19c.
Lord Oundonald Entered the Besieged
Garrison Last Night With a Mixed
Regiment, and Buller Is Expected
to Shake Hands With General
White Some Time Tonight.
Rensukrg, Feb. 28. General Clem
ents, es sorted by a Equadron of Innis
killings, entered Colesborg this morning
and received an enthusiastic reception.
The Boere are in full retreat. A number
of the leading men have been arrested.
The Inhabitants are well and not starv
ing. They have suffered many Indignities
ut the hands of the Boers, but no
Lo.vno.v, March 1. A special from
Cape Town says that a telegram has been
received there from Mafeklngannouncing
that the Boere made a severe and pro
tracted assault on February 17, but
were driven oil at all points. The truce,
which is ueually observed Sundays, was
broken on the 18th by another tierce at
tack, but after determined fighting, the
Boere were repulsed with a loss of 40
killed and wouuded. The defenders,
who were able to take advantage of the
shelter of earthworks, lost ouly two
killed and three wounded,
London, March 1.-9:52 a. m. Tho
War Office has received the following
dispatch from General Buller :
"Lyttleton's Headquarters, March 1.
General Dundonald, with the Natal
Carbineers nnd a composite regiment,
entered Ladyemith last night. The
country between me and Ladysmlth is
reported clear of the enemy. I am mov
ing on Nelthorpe."
London, March 1. Buller wires from
Nelthorpe under today's date that he
has Just returned from Ladyemitb. He
adds that the whole country eouth of
that place is cleared ot Boers.
No Klgut to Ugllncif.
The woman who is lovely in face,
form and temper will always have
friends, but one who would be attractive
must keep her health. If she is weak,
sickly and all run down, she will be
nervous and irritable, If she baa con
The Result Is
Plainly to be Seen.
After present stock of muslin-wear Is sold, "we will be obliged to pay the ad
vance and our next invoice of these goods cannot be sold at present low prices -unless
we cheapened the work and finish of the garments, which we prefer not to
Believing In -fair dealing, and to impress upon the minds of our Customer
that fact, we make this announcement and trust one and all will take advantage
ol this possibly the last opportunity of buying muslin underwear at the old
Our stock at present fe complete in all lines..
Regarding the qualities the cut and fit the superior slock and allronnd
good worth of our muslins' nothing further, need here be said everyone well
knowing the advantages to be enjoyed by buying thorn at this store.
Plainly made 19c
With yoke of tucks and
lnfertion, and edged
withruflle 29c
Deep voke of tucks and
lneitlo:i, cmb'y edging
at top and armholes ... 55c
Better quality, edged and
trimmed with emb y in
two widths T 79c
Muslin, narrow tuck;,
hemmed bottom 25c
Same, hemmed rufllcs.,.. 29c
Netter quality, tucks and
3-in emb'y at bottom . . 5oc
Same, with deep over
ilounce of Mieer lawn
edged with torchon lace 55c
Finer muslin, 10-ln. h'mrt
flounce 79c
Same, elegantly finished
with deep ilounce ol
embroidery 1.13
Same, with 12-in flounce
of sheer lawn, contain
ing :i rows l-;u. vul in
fertiou, vnl. edging at
bottom 1.13
Finer ones at 12.25 and $3.C0
Compare any of our 55c gar
ments with other stores' at
75c, or our 79c ones with thote
seeu elsewhere at a'dollar.
stipation or kidney trouble, her impure
blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin
eruptions and a wretched complexion.
Electric Bitters is tho beet medicine in
the world to regulate stomach, liver and
kidneys and to purify the blood. It
gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth,
velvety tkiti, rich complexion. It will
make a good-looking, charming woman
of a run-down (invalid. Only 50 cents
ut Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore.
Ituasla ltuya American Coal.
New Youk, March 1. Russia is likely
to become a large consumer of American
'iituminous coal. While no contract has
yet been signed, representatives of the
Russian Imperial Government have been
making overtures to the Berwlnd-White
Coal Mining Company looking to the
purchase and shipment of nearly half a
million tons to porta on the Baltic.
John Berwind, Vice-President of the
Coal Company, said last night the only
difficulty consisted in the problem of
freights and transportation. Should the
pending negotiations end successfully,
he said, he thought likely that Russia
would carry the coal in her own ships,
probably utilizing the same vessels which
she will employ to carry the iron, steel
and ore already contracted for with the
Carnegie-Frick Company.
As a euro for rheumatism Chamber
lain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide repu
tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond,
Ind., has been troubled with that ail
ment since 1802. In cpeaking of it he
says: "I never found anything that
would relieve me until I used Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm, It acts like magic
with me, My foot was swollen and
paining me very much, but one good
application of Pain Balm relieved me.
For sate by Blakeley & Houghton.
(Hartllng Claims,
Eighty-fire per cent of all persons de
clared incurable or given up to die by
physicians ca'u bo cured, or their lives
greatly prolonged by the beneficent
powers of the "Perfected" Oxygeuor
King. This startling insertion is sus
ceptible of proof. We have it in the
form of letters from all classes of people
"rending far and near" who are de.
lighted to testify to the marvelous cura
tive powers of this latest and most per
fected home oxVgenating instrument.
Fur sale by J. M. Filloou, The Dalles,
Ore. , , . ml-lwd2w
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn, Manufactured by Clarke
k Falk.
Or Skirt Chemise, square
yoke, 3 rows each tucks
and insertion, edged
with rullles, deep hem . . 75c
Of cambric, '-V yoke of
torchon lace, lace at
eads 1.00
Finer quality, elaborately
trimmed in embroid'y,
round yoke 1.2a
Fine cambric, val. lace
yoke, deep Ilounce with
val. insertion and edg
ing l.CO.
Finer quality, square yoke
elaborately mude of em
broidery edging and in
sertion, tucks and ruffle
of cmb'y ut bottom 2.0ff
Of sheer lawn, elaborately
finished at yoke and
flounced with val. lace
and insertion 2 7S
Germany AgaliiRt American Meat.
New York, Maroh 1. A apicial to
the Times from Washingtoi says: Al
though it is out of the question to at
tempt to obtain any official authority
for the assertion that olitica in Germany
are preparing the way for icrioua
difference! betwean Germany and the
United States in commercial matters, in
formation is obtained heie to justify tho
statement that in case the lawmakers o
Germany carry out their declared pur
pose of excluding American meat pro
ducts, such a course will be met with,
retaliation by the United States.
For a Icng time, several montliB In
fact, negotiations have teen at a stand
still on the question of reciprocity with
Germany. Under the conditions faced
there by the Imperial Government it
was regarded as useless to attempt to ar
range a reciprocal baslB that would not
include all American products without
prejudice. To take any official steps in
advance would be regarded as a menace.
Nothing in the way of menace will be
attempted. But there is reasqn to as
sort that if It is found to be the settled
purpose of the German Government to
sanction exclusion of Americau meats or
other products from Germany, it may be
expected that the government of the
United States will feel constrained ta
use sucli power as it may possess to im
press upon Germany its disapproval ot
the discriminations threatened against
the producers of this country.
"After doctors failed to cure me tl
pneumonia 1 mod One Minute Cough
Curd and tnree bottles of it cured me.
It is also the best remedy on earth for
whooping cough, It cured my grand
children of tho worst cases," writes J no.
Berry, Loganton, Pa. It is the ouly
harmless remedy that gives immediate
results. Cures coughs, colds, croup and
throat and lung troubles, It pieveuta
consumption. Children alwayB like it
Mothers endorse ft.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea, A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. 25 cts, and 50 cts.
Blakeley & Houghton Drugglstr,
John Dir'r, Poseyville, Ind., sayp, "I
never used anything so good as One
Minute Cough Cure. We are never
without it." Quickly breaks up cougha
and cold, Cures all throat and lung
troubles. Its use willjprevent consump
tion. Pleasant to take,