sal al naii 1 1 ' - - - Catarrh is Not Incurable Bat ca riot 1 crd I7 r,n.jt, r?tch ouy r-arfac. Tbe it la :i- bk-.i. -iid u.r. rjr 1 reaciid tirnri ii bk:i is H tie rvrad 7 iaci: caji lu. t tj tfStct a; us Ct.vt.-ri. : 2: cars tie di't' ;erit SH:r.y Lud Jor-vr rod tbe rys of tr j rrao- of the coiipltiEi. -rriV "I Til ' Ucid trun. ituacj iciat Ctitrri. tad so 6It til! 1.LCT tit WTrr i!u.S I. Tat prwr-s I7 ti i 1 itltpti nr . T, tad tnsnzlu I ai taa cjcsuxt'j Jmt wte yxn. ta eir ht a t-atr ii.i liits -rs 1 lri'l i caa:iT o! U'4 bit Elttrvl icrrdi-su wSQut la iry Vjn- tad cw- ct rbctaa:it. I ru it a ewsi'tioa. a-nd tx fcajaiar"-pV a driir-d mrmble. i vi TUri a car Jvr Uoufi M-4. I dcid4 U xtj It. Al Kras u J7 ty!rte. tru aad-r lb tEecJ '! n ioxlieia, I Tpis v irsprpr. tni t.;ir taklag H Sor two zr'JZ'J- 1 y caiei eur-pltfcjy. Ui lorea of JKtert frs as iS clw ol ;ple ; "mi lit z Its ni Sfvr" mho ire if lif ift3 is tt-slify ta tbe airrfcioat ccra ' tire ;v-f.- oi tbis Itiest mi awl ;sr- JS-J ban;- crrpeaatiar. u.msisU Fur stle Vr J. fHkoc, Tbt Dlkt Ore. ffil-lfrd?r business lcx:als. Baldwin OPERA HOUSE. 0.R.&R TRUE KE3IT A SURE WINNER Oat rek. Feb. 26 : lit . r: AlL-tl fr 'it. Bas': larrti thif . of jftjat tod j-tui'i brstbti. A fell liat t5 EtKau Slict a2 rrp- p3I jsrt netssred In- CStrte A F-1k, Too iJl at bTt IkhI x! too tikt Clirkt A ijJk't ret cere 5 or bollt- CiLikt A Ft't'i ctToricz enrtcrt r liie bt, Ak rocr cct lor theic. Atb tow rrrcer ix dtrke a FJk't Supporting Sam T. Shaw in The Shatu Company ycrt concfettTfcifcd Siroriuj citrtcte. 1 prres! Mtrtxiae cjcloatt at DoaasJTf' dreg tujre. Poril iolioa ill ccr id chppag od fcabsrn. Jd.cui.ctnrfcd by Otrke A FaJk, Pis ytior house iritis p.iats IhiA ar Jelly ysrrtattsed to Cinke A Felk iiive tbtaa. Seven Great Plays. J ACE O- OUCt cue lui Crti ittetanJJl. i For fito rrun3t-hk-ccriir: a. KVL IS 31. craiti. vrmsssiuY Freb crrcktsd 5tbr&ifc tsra t.1 tbt ' riiOX cltE TO 50 Vf tt liar bwa tr.Hng loctl trei.t' ta&at for yefcTR, tnd trarrt now tha ever find ahfraselvea A tritlof S.S.STheBl ood to be tbe ripbt rera&dj It will cere the zsosi ozt- vSl praTe it for Ottcrrb. Bois rcillftd free to tay tddre by Swift Specific Co., Atlaott, Gfc. FCOPLE TC ALL K'OW. 'rbiclca fed. cscbi5-a; Part silver itced Wytadott epf cu be ccrt-d tt J. K. Crwt jr'tfry store j for 1 j 15. ItLSS-lrao kly ! Citrke A Falk bare received a carload of tbe celebrated James H. Pattoa j trrictiy pareliqcid pa: Eli I DeTTitt't "R'itcb Haxe! SaJve is en- ' rqctJed lor pile, :siurle and tkic diieas. It h tbe orjfiaal Wilcb Hazel Si re. 5e-are of tl. counterfeits. j Geo. Barbe, Mendota, Va , says, J ' Xotbiag did xae o macb pood as Ko-' doi Dyspepsia Care. Oae doe, relieved ; me, a few bottles enred rae."' It digests THCiliUAT AS Earlib JJfijirtru bj Araoli VToliri, TEE SriASD OF CAIN FEIJ'AY- HELH HY THE ESEXY iATCEfiAY Wilaz Koate'f Juaotu TOE EEV?.TE OM.Y ATT21AY J4ATTKEE Tht Ererpietn Oii Fcrtc- KI? VAS lor sca jr POPULAR PRICES W1KEXE T.erfirBtre r as crut ' S5 rrtit IS c-tit 1 1. E. ', 4 ri. av. ErmliTCtiJcialii Et. r'Jtsn. ExcaiiJ "o Arrotii tai (a.s. airm Errtt. 4:Xi.xa. Ei-s: ml J Orrrtc CStT- EiuniiJ T ra, vrT twt r t 33 j. la. Tnt.Taar inii Kivtr-v MciaJw'eC ea' ikl. Oreytia Clry. Inj-tot, taJ Fn. itai V ij-Jiaitacw (ls. tttt ' r Jiirrt. JC p. ai Sci. t ? w if -LLiiuipv. f'riCcj i- ill Errtt. Ltivr Lt ElrarU Eiru I-criioa. Lr"iTnr dtitr tftilr lii. a. .X t ri i f If If it ! i J K' !? i r i C" ) I. i is- 1 1' The Great STEEL and MALLEA-1 BLE IRON RANGES, JVfajestic u Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ' ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. "Remember that vc are selling the same from $45.00 to $60.00 Whien i 3 a saving to our customers of from $15 to 25 j ,...f r; t'hnrtr hv hciidtevs lor inferior mnws a j' C C-1 Jte for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence." j MAYS & CftOUlE. ,, I J. K. CcaaicpLstu is in tbe city from Wapiajtia. Antone Bscer a resident of Boyd j; ia whst .roc ea: and ccres Jspepsin. tbe city today. " j 3irs, j. tj., Newton Harailton, H. V. Gate, a well known citizen of Pa., writes, "I tbink DeTVitt's Witcb I'roj.onkl fur Ii-f otdluc ' ater liond, JJkllet City Orrfrc. HiUtboro, is in tbe city. i Hezl Salve tbe grandest salve ajade.: Harry Cloa?h and wife retcraed last night from tbeir wedding trip. Clyde Bonner of Hood Birert wa; in lae city today attending to business. A. Kodetick Grant, a ooonlar travel- inz salesman is visiting ocr inercbacts ( Thf. iltmoa T. W. Sfivertootb and J. E. Sberar j eJt this afternoon by private conveyance : It ceres piles end heals everytbinz. All fracdclent imitations ere worthies?. W. . Pbilpot, Albany, Ga., says, "De'A'itt'e Little Early Bisers did rae more pood than any pills I ever took." utile pills for constipation, ; b51ionne2 and liver tad bowe. tronbies. &et!ed proposals will be received by tbe boara of water commissioners of Dalles City, Orepoa, at said citv natil 5 ;30 o'clock p. hi. of tbe 26 day o'f Feb., 19M. for twentr-five tbonsand dollars; and twenty thousand dollars of refend inc water bonds of said city, as it is not settled as to hetber the total amount of oonds will be$25fX0or an thorny is extended to the said board to issoe refand:np water bonds in the sum of 25,000, hot if fonnd not to be ri"ces sary, the issue wbl oe for no more than 120,000; and at a rate of interest not ex itKM . Jetrait lae a. : J. a rattlar ClrwS eocaecannf t.: H(r)jaer JowUna Ettcrtilar s:tllarCirtcnnaeK'a tt Hn'pucr JcoKlDa wilt; Jtu. 1. trrlnas Tat lit-lc i - it. v ai. ?To. Si, taroarht IreiehV ee. laa!. &i an! lasrrj rasarcn mrt iJX . m., aeirt I Ma. as. , So. locfc! Jreirta CBrri jM;caen. tf4 ' tiTOad: arrtref 4 :si ;i ai. devn k ti ji ss. So. Uocas taroaca irctca:, ai- not carry ;javeagen arrjvet is ai.. dejru V 6 p. C. No. 3. wett aoaai lrrjs.1 Jreicbt, cma pa eaper . amro i .IS p. ia- Oejjru a. ra. For iul! jrticalr call oa O. E. i. J.'. Co.' af eat Tat ItUea. or tii Sipm W. a HCEU5lKT. Gra has. Ajru. r-ortitaS. Or. I EAST and SOUTH via J. B. Ciark, Peoria, 111., tzvs. "Scr for Antelope. i geons wanted to operate on me for piles, t-eding four per cent per annum par- TflP Shfli?tJl Ili'Tict 4tomsr Prist fwcll w5f-1 i enrea tnezn witn uevv itl'e ilea au e iweniy vtart irpm one oi issoe, pnes Jititi cnilo oi r'ortiaod, are visjtiaz i the city with relatives. : Hze! Slve." It is infallible j and skin diseases, 'fits. for i:oi:. f 'On 3-31ile today to tbe wife of Geo. Llann, a daazbter. I Are: au.c krupuoa. ! be oond mentionnl w ill be issued . . . , ... : nnder the provisions of the several leg it SEln eruptions rob life , l5ljtUve acts o th(. .atfc o Orejiou. ap- en's Arnica Salve ceres proved Feb. 20, livi, feb. 19, lSsS, and interest psvabie semi-annuallv, piinci- p . " : psi and in-ertst payable in gold coin of ue-6r;o: counter- ( . ilt- UaUtrd -tales, at any city therein, 1 at tne op'ion ot tne ouyer. -rand, b r ;1 f V I ' i ' i " J' 10 iLb i tbem ; also old, running and fever sores, Feb. 14, ls95, and in pursuance of an or- t TIf ft? JMk Knfin Jr a fmr- j c- ' , ; .. i Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, af'nrac.e wioptea by tue common council ' . T, - 1 1 n i of Dalies dtr, approved Januarr 2o, 'rait Grower. Justine- Cuts, Braises. Burns, Ucalds, Cnapped 1&cw Tbt. p refunding "water l Hands, Cbilblaias. Best Pile cere on bondi are intended for the redemption At a recent meetinz of several promi-; earth. Drives out pains and aches, of outstanding uater bonds in the snm nent fruiijrrovrerif held at Corvalhs, it i Onlv 2o ct. a bor. Cure guaranteed. oi to.OOO; but in cagr: the boardof water vas decided to hold a fruitgrowers cvrj-'sold bv Blafceley i Houghton, drug-, commissioners prefer it . ill istne re , ,,.! i , iina " funding bonds for ?20,09J on r, therefore vention at the chamber of commerce j e'-18' . " bidders mav make proposals for both building in Portland oc the 7th and B h ' all Headache, Pains m various parte J25.000 and 120,000, and in the denorui of Match. Everyone interested in the ' if tbe body, Sinking at tbe pit of the nation of oO0 each, fruit iridustrv i invited lobe rresf-n' ! etomach. Loss of appetite, Feverieboees, , No bid will be entertained for a rate The following is the resolution that ! Kpl or Sores all positive evidences. J J fbe Uken passed: jof impure blood. Ko matter bow it jDl0 consideration in passing on tbe It is the consensus of opinion of this ! became so it must be purified in order to value of all bide, convention that ttm future progress of obtain pood health. Acker's Blood '. Bidders must deposit with the preei- ineiruit muustry oi the Pacific .North- Wir r,-, f,;i.H tr. s, ueui oi me ooaru a ouiy ceriiuea cnece Mt necessitateu the orgauizition ol ' - - Ti , j fruitgrowers into permanent ae-ocia- f ftlrP,',i"e rWoa or any other blood tions for the preparation and marketing diseases. It is certainly a wonderful -of their products. Under present rneth-1 remedy and we sell everv bottle on ta ine grower is not a factor in de- wive for his fruit, or what the con- taD drBg ! eumer mail pay, knowing as we do that , or the j Southern Pacific Comp'y. ' 7rala itart aai art Cac to arrive tt Jortltn3 OVEELAN1. E3C- j kfclj.TT. I'trM. ' acre, Akauac :W5 l 1 Fraatrftw, Mojave, Lo AaBele,l raso, rao-I lave, f 9.1b A. !. i ;ew Orlteat aad lEa: '..oi i v Koaeirarr. aatf wy 'Via W'ootlbara lor. i MaAnpjI, Silrerton, ! pally Wet fcelo, Brotrn- eicejit ; rllle.sprlncBelil aad ' kiaadaji. ISetroa j Patlj auadeTi n:XA.iL. JgSSS eafi wTl -o'-- a Iositive guarantee. BlakeleyA Hough- the individual competition amongst! on some responsible bank equal to 2 per cent of the atrount of bonds bid for, or accompany his bio with cash of such Ftnount as mill equal such per cent of his bid, and such certified check made payable to the president of the board of water commissioners of Dalles Citr. Or.. ....,.,.. ! e liquidated damages in case the bidder Cur. Ileadaebr Oulckl,. shall fail or nlect to receive and or growers i responsible for this condition I Baldwin's spaikling effervescent Cel-! for, at the office of the city treasurer of V e are firmly convinced tbt the true erv Soda. A harmless and effective cure ' fca,d cit.v toe bonds awarded to hiin on Mki'ii5.r thieeV'1 16 '-"Pton in j for headache, nervonsness, sleeplessness, ;gr'jor before lbfc f,rat d of Tothire'ud we therefore recommend brai" 'atiu,!- 10 and 25 cente' old ' Attention 'should be given the fact that the great prune induetrv of the 1 Ciarke ii Falk, druggists. ja;.2- Ow ' that the board will not issue and c'ispoee I'acific Northwest shall be oiganiz-d in- i ti i : TTT 1 .,- . 1 of more than t20,CO0 of such refunding to one general association, reprinting The cMw f otlier C0UKh Uied,clne!' t0 j bonds, unless it shall he deemed neces as much as seventy-five '75 per cent of a 151)0(1 86 ChamberlainV ure effectu- , sary to do so, but otherwise, if tin board the total product. allvset at rest m the following test!-1 "hall find that it is recesary to issue We would alsj recommend that local ! mu'nial of Mr. L'.D.filw. an i.m,.1v b2nds in I 'l,ti um o( 25.000, it will then organizitions he formed for the nurnoie ' ,., t, x. n r A . ' c"1tr 16&ul; "M ia" fiUI,i '?2a,000). til edURHt on in imun.vinu (,. u-iuiucr, .ui-. Ttj The right to rejVct any and all bids is ji quality, lor uniformity of drying i1"3: u nau Kept aauing to a coiu ( reserveu hy the said hoard of waler fc'radm; mid packifig. ' . and cough in the winter of 1697, trying commissioners. V.e therefore earnestly mwmnend everv con.'h medicine I heard of without ! , Kltlt eUoM be addressed to tho presi that a nieetuig of the producers of dried . i i , t dent of said hoard, or to the citv ream!- fruits in the Pacific Northeft " called ,erman!Dt he,P Ul am day I was in er, City. Wasco countv,' Oregon, in convention at Portland, on Wednee tbe dr0-' fc,or,i ' )Ir' iIoaln d he and noted "Proposals for refunding INPEFESUENCE FA&3E.VGEKf Expre trala j IMUt (except buultji, ilUOp. m. fLv. .Portlaad . Ar.i :25a.m iT:3)j. ia. At JIcMinnvllle Lr. &;J0a, m h:X)p. ra. Ar Iadei:adeaceLv.) i-.J0t.xn I Pally. t Iaiir, except feanaar niyiSG caus os ogdex koctk. i PULLMAN BUFFET BLFEFEK3 A.VD BECO.VIM-'LASS BLEEl'IKG CABe Attached to all Throucb Traiat. Wrect coaaectlon at Saa rraaclnco wltb Occi 1 dental aad Oriental and Pacific mall .Unmahip i lia tor JAI'A' and CU1NA. batllus daUa oa ' a; plication. I bates and ticket, to Eatrn point and Ea ; n,t. AUoJAI'AN, UUI.V'A, UO.V'OLL'LU aa( , At'KTKAUA. All above train, arrive at and dnrt Iron ' Graad Central HOitloa, Flltb and Irvint itrvtu ' YAMHILL UIVIBIOK. Faager Pepiit, lout ol Jcacrtoa ttroet. , Leave for Bherldan. wtck daye, tt:i0p. m Arrive at Portland, 9:V0 a. tn. i Lave lor AIULIK on Monday, Wednesday aad . Frirtar at fc:35 a. m. Arrive at Portland, Tut- Except faunday. Except Eaturday. K. KKl.l.EB, (i, II. MAKKHAM. ilanaafr. Awt. G. F. A- I'aw. Aat Tarougb Ticket Oflicc, 131 Third Mrcut. whcr tbroutjh tickeu to all point in the EauUirn HOite, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowtat raU from J. H. KIKKLAXP, Ticket Agent. . t: fa fa fa The OdIIcb, Or. The Chronicle, Job Printers. m and Motors MAXI'FAITL'IIKU HV ' water bonde." By order of the Board of Water Coin jieeiun, by and with the consent of the TV.... .... r,..n..ti Ti.t. .i , . , , nc uiuiuriii ' i .....i ... ...I,, . ... wviiiiiivii v.iuiii;ii. Ante unv uj lanrKKiiriL' OI tne lirouticts ill l,u p..iM liiuiiwiiini iuu we ri buiis at mis Jarmarv. HtOO. in oruor mat ttiese plans le ' nine, nut i wae completely cured by carried out, we recommend that a com- i this remedy, and have aince always duyatid ThufHilay. March 7th and 8h. advised nie to try Chambsrlam's Cough for the purpose of efftc-ing such perma.'P.eniedy end offered to pay back mv ' Tient orgariizi ion as may be determined u t . u...... u mi lliat t rnH ffir fiirH.urin,. l. .""..-j .. iuii,n nuv. trlei ii. I,M pacific Norlhwesl, to take find r,!llt'' lui-j iimiier in Hand and secure an or ganization at that meeting. H. If. MlM.KIi, J. H. Flbtciieb, K. D. Kjijulk, 0. E. Stuabt, E, Kimball. Co'm. Ntartlliis Claim., Eighty. flvo per cent of all persona de-clmt-(l incurable or given up to die by hyiciaii8 can be cured, or their Uvea xretly prolonged by jtie beneficent pfm-r of (he "Perfected" Oxygenor -King. This atartling aeiertion U bub. cepniile of proof. We have it in the Druggists. fl.. fc.J Atthkt: I also recommend it to my . friends and am glad to say it is the best of all cough medicines." For sale by Islakeley A Houghton. Saib In our caeck. All countv warrants registered prior to June 3, 18Wi, will be paid at ray office. Interest ceases after February. 2, 1000. C. L. Phillips, (kiiintv Treasurer. T. J. Beufkkt. President of Board, Neu H. Gatkh, Recorder of Dalles City. Experience is tiie best Teacher, Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it'fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 eta. and 50 cts. lilakeley & Houghton Mica 'Axle UREASE helps the team. Saves wear a expense, boidevarywberc. STAM0AO lightens the load- abortens) the voskL Tne Columdia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANDFACTUKEBfi Of Fine Lard and Sausages dims of BRAND HAMS & BACON j)B1KD BEEF, ETC. jyu- uiiinaoiirrBK Physician and Surgeon, ell attention given to urerr. Moosas 21 and 22, Tel. 328 Vot Block AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL 00 SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. P. S. GUNNING, Agent, un-G THE DALLHS, OREGON O. C. COOPER, M ANUFACTl'ltKIt OF High-Grade Stook Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. DKAl.KIt IN Tente, Wagon Covers and oil articles usually kept in ft tlrst-cluss harness shop. saayiVawhciu., the dalles, obkoon. Thla Stamp n Ouoronts f MAKER of Quality-J