The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 01, 1900, Image 3

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;i)o you know the value of a dollai
Qnvn money this monm anu buy your Ui
of tlio Dawson Grocery and Commission
and take advantage of this sale.
Our Former
Price. Price.
rinenpi'lf. whole, Imported, per tin .. .$ 20 25
Pork Mini Beans, Wagner's, per tin 07j. 10
Clm Nectar, Liberty brand, per tin. . . 15 20
Citron Sliced, Ainorican brand, per pkg W, 15
Toilet Sonp, Swiss, .1 cakes in box, pr bx 12 20
Baking Powder, Gold Leaf, pr ib tin 15 20
81010, pur -"a tin 05 UO
SjmP, 'r 5 Hi tin 1 25 1 05
Molasses, N 0., gal tins 35 45
Same, 1 iut tins 12 15
Jlnple flyntp, Old Settlor, pur gal tin.. 1 25 1 40
Same, pur tt gal tin 70 80
Syrup. Kurekn, 1 gal tin 00 80
? if not, try to borrow one from a friend.
ocorios right. Wo are selling out the stock
Co. at greatly reduced prices. Call early
Syrup, Hock Candy, gal tin $ 00
Syrup, Peerless, 1 gal tin 45
Same, gal tin 25
Syrup, Target brand, 1 gal tin 50
Same, gal tin 25
Honey, Cal., In pt glasses, per jar 40
Bamo, )& pt glasses, per jr 20
Horse Radish and Mustard, Red Rose. 20
Qnoen Olives, 16 ess bottles 35
Melon Mangoes, Pin Money Sweet 50
Evaporated Horse Radish in mugs 15
Worcestershire Sauce, P. V. C, small . 15
Sairie, medium 25
f 70
Gvoeevy Department...
All CooiIb Marked
In Plnln FlKiirciB.
4 a a 4 am.9 . m
u Danes Dany unronicie.
Telrphune No. 1.
ecrved in
it J le by
Ami March cainu in like n lunib.
"The Ilrandof Cain" nt the Baldwin
New goods arriving at A. M. Williams
Kev. Hushing is reunited dtiite ill at
1 . 1, .
Little boy' cans worth 50 it 09 cents
ire now E0 cents at Williams & Co's.
CJ. Millis, Hoiicitor for the O. It. &
If. Co., ie In the city in the interest of
hj road.
The smnltnet act mav be lfiorifled bv
the kind I v
An attempt was made Sunday niuht
"Mm thu residence of F. IS. Fell at
The ladies of St. 1n1'
Guild are preparing for their fifth an
nul Easter Bale.
A. M. William f!n.. will (intillnnn
t'oin their Htoro at fl o'clock for the
"mace 01 this week.
I J. Wilnv
'W to Slianlko and will commence
wilding thurti i 111 mediately.'
A steady stream of muslin underwear
wyenat Williams & Co'i. those days.
Tir values are tlio cause of it.
After-Inventory ulanrunnn nrlnnn nllll
P'vil In Willinms & Co's. clouk depart
"at. Forty per cent is the discount.
Atagaerlllcfl. nil mir 7f 41 fU 41 or;
M ILfiO colored shirts we are closing
Jt t 00c. Only n few left nt Pease &
Another lareo
" given by t,u siiaw company this
wmoon, and thoroughly enjoyed their
"sellout mimic
Did vnn ,.. i . - . . .. .
..u uiubu urn nan nose mat
& Mays are selling for Cc. per
wn, regular tWQ fgr Wc Thuv ftr(J
Wwptloniii value,
The W. fi m tf t. i .
Je ' blilay nt 2:30 p. m. at tbeM.
church. A full attendance of mein
wund JnontlB iBdeairod,
olliVS,,,'fl!"c,',"'ecii8tomo, I" charge
lortland woaMier oiQce for so
lri f"" 1 who WftB "coutly trai.i
Cumi, :,,B' wl11 not return t0
c2S !,U)1,'xor"P P' I Grande'.
iSlS? l.M,ub "wwwW m
WHloiwi lbegdato that city with-
which .11 'I1? "w. MMhiMry for
m "I" be there this week and the
plant will be in operation within the
next thirty days.
J. Nat Hudson, known as a politician
and newspaper man, has issued the first
number of "The Granite Boulder,"
which is tho first newspaper printed in
the new cum p.
A telegram received this morninc
from Mies Rose Michel), statos that tlio
delegates are having n most pleaBant
time in New Orleans and wilt remain
there until next Wednesday.
The Shaw company are as pleasing a
lot of entertainers at) Iiiib The Dalles
ever had the pleasure of patronizing.
Tonight they produce the melodrama
'The Brand of Cain." Reserved seats
a. Itlakeley & Iloughttn'H. Popular
prices, 15, 25 and 35 cents.
Tho big Oriental liner, St. Irene,
while on her way from Portland to As
toria, witli a cargo of wheat (or Europe,
was stuck fast in the mud at a point
about six miles the other side of Port
land in the Willamette river, and is
still aground.
Wo have received by express our first
invoice of Hiirinu dicss trimmings.
They consist of passementerie, chiffons
and fringes and are the latest creations
of the manufacturers art. From this
time on we will be displaying new and
novel things in dress trimmings, cotton
and wool fabrics, in short all that per
tains to a full and carefully selected
stock of a ilret-class drygoods empor
ium. Pease & Mays.
That tlio Doonle appreciate a good
popular price show is evidenced by tho
crowds that nlghtjy nUeud the hliaw
company's entertainmente. Last night
the DleasluK drama "From biro tobou"
was produced auil when the curtain
arose not a vacant teat was to be had.
Tim ntniH a iileaiant little drama
deaplctinx lift In Vufa, Cal., Iij 1800.
The cluupctera Were all well taken last
nigtil ana many agreeamo ruuiuiviue
were made relative to the acting and su
perior music. Tonight this popular ag
gregation wljl produce the English
melodrama 'The Brand of Cain."
For the benefit of our readers who are
obliged to furnish naturalization, papers
for the mi r noao of registration prior to
election, Tim Ciikonioi.e will say that
naners which have Leon filed in the land
oflice at The Dalles in land cases are not
kept at the local office, but are trans
mitted to Washington, where they are
kept on file. Any person desiring tho
return o( his papers can address t lotter
lo the Hon. Commissioner of tiio Geuei1
al Laud office, Washington, I). C, giving
thu numbers of land In cbhb where papers
woro required, date of eutry and number
of same, and state tho laud oflice at
which ontry was made, JJy ino
finminisalouer can locate tho papers
which will bo returned immediately.
The 33d Oregon report is now being
printed in Wo State printing ofllco, and
will toon be ready for distribution, and
suWplent opinion" imvo been handed
down by the Supreme Court during t'.io
presont term to make several volumes
of the 84th Oregon report. It Is Impos
elblo to tell, nt this time, how soon H
will bo prepared for the printer, but it
is likely that it will be done very eoon.
Live business men all realize the ben
efits to bo derived from advertising.
The Ciiuo.Nici.E is ono of the best medi
ums for reaching the vast number of
people in thiB vicinity, and we relate a
little incident that happened a short
time ngo and terminated today, ae proof
of what we claim. W. E. Markillie, the
accommodating salesman in the furnish
ing goods department of Pense & Mays'
Btore, came to our office nnd advertised
for a girl. A nine pound one arrived
yesterday afternoon at his home, and
frjm all indications will ttko up perma
nent quartere with the family. Who
says the Ciihomci.k is not all right as an
advertising medium?
Last night a man was found by Night
watchman Pliirman sleeping in the
Blair ay leading to the rooms above
Pease & Mays' store. He was assisted
to thu city hastile where more com
fortable quarters were provided and b
watchful eye could be kept on him.
This morning fie was brought before
Recorder Cates and lined five dollars
which lie paid after borrowing it from a
friend. lie stated that he belonged
to the bridge gang and had come to
town to do some trading and that the
only tiling Ije drank was lemonade.
When he arrived he said lie had about
$200 on his person but when he came
to his senses and searched for his money
it was missing. The authorities think,
his story doubtful, and that it was con
cocted as an excuse (or his being drunk
and broke.
'The Mrniiil of ChIu."
By far the beet performances of the
past week given by the Sam T. Shaw
company at the Frazer opera house were
those of Friday and Saturday nights.
On Friday night, "Held by the Enemy,"
William Ulilete'e fine war drama, was
produced, and on Saturday night "The
Brand of Cain" was the bill.
The scenes of the latter phy are laid
in Spain and in England. The story
has well balanced proportions of com
edy, lomance and tragedy. It portrays
strong sentiment throughout, and 1b
staged by tho Shaw company remark
ably well. The company carries its own
scenery for overy scene, tho stage set
tings contributing very much to the
success of the rendition.
Although the company put the piece
ou here almost for the first time, there
was mi excellent mileh to the work of
each character and a conscientious effort
to mako tho performance till the do
mauds of the extremoly etrong literary
product of the playwright.
Mr. Shaw appearred to flue advantage
lu tho dual roles of James Doe. Not
withstanding the eceuio effects were
sufficient to hold the attention of the
audience, Mr. Shaw and his company
did not depend upon them, tint sus
tained their parti with honest regard
for the requirements. Mr. Shaw had a
difficult task In interpreting two charac
terizations of distinctly opposite natures,
but he made the changes from the one
role to the other with admirable success
and won universal pralso from an
audience that packed the opera house.
East Or?gonian.
"The Brand of Cain" will bo produced
at the Baldwin theater tonight. Popu
lar prices, 15, 25 an 1 35 cent.
Kite Not Yet Helectrcl nut Machinery
J. M. Russell, a wool and hop mer
chant of this city, who has I a I undtr
consideration offers to establish a wool
scouring plant, lias returned to The
Dalles, where, it is understood, the
negotiations looking toward the putting
in of a plant at that place wilt be closed
this week. Mr. Russel says tho propo
sition is generally received with much
favor. The Chamber of Commerce of
The Dalles is etrinin? every effort to
provide the subsidy to get the mill
within Ithe limit of the option. It is
said a number of IccaI business men
stand ready to confer with Mr. Russel as
to a mill here whenever he signifies a
willingness to meet them. Orcgonian.
Relative to the above, is all right ex
cept we can assure the Orcgonian that
instead of "negotiations looking toward
the putting in of a scouring mill" that
negotiations have been made and that
all but about $1200 of the amount re
quired has been subscribed. In fact, to
further assure the public that the mill
will be built and in readiness to handle
this year's clip ie the fact that the ma
chinery has already been ordered and
will be shipped as soon a? poesible. The
site has not yet been decided upon, but
as several different options are open for
consideration their need be no fear
from that quarter. As soon as the lo
cation is determined upon work will be
commenced and the buildings pushed
to completion. We are going to have a
ecounn; mill and going to have it right
An Old Mu Observation.
The following ie an extract from a
letter received in The Dalles, written by
a man who lacks but twelve years of
having lived the whole of the nineteentli
century and has always been a close
observer of passing events. He writes:
"The South African war Ib the most
far-rettchiug war in the history of the
British empire, nnd is likely to wind up
the longest and most auspicious reign of
England's sovereign the purest, most
beloved and most dignified of all that
ever graced the throne witli diEastcr to
her arms, dishonor to her mmistere, ex
haustion to her exchequer and the dis
integration of her power, both in the
east and the west of the old world. The
great day of judgment iias come to
England. She may put down the Boers
and assert dominion in South Africa,
but not until she has conscripted and
put under arms the largest army in tlw
world, and laid in a warrior's grave the
best muscle and the best blood of an
empire upon which the sun never sete.
"This war I conceive to be the most
suicidal as well as the biggest of all the
wars in which England on the ono Eide
wad the sole belligerent, with the
sympathies of all the non-English speak
intr world in Europe, in Asia and
in America against her, and not a few of
the English speaking people in America,
in Ireland and in all her conquered
provinces. Terror pits enthroned upon
the hearts of the ruling powers, and of
the people of England today as tiie
sequence of a war that ought not to be;
a war that might have been, and ought
to have been prevented by peaceful
Meeting or Water Cuiuinlgslouem.
The regular monthly meeting of the
water commissioners was held last night
in the recorder office at which were
present, T. J. Seufert president nnd E.
C. Pliirman, M. Randal', J. S. Fish,
August Buchler and J. F. Moore com
missioners. The report of the superintendent and
treasurer was read and on motion ac
cepted and ordered placed on file.
The following claims were allowed nnd
ordered paid :
J B Crossen, supl's salary !0() 00
C A Borders, helper's Eaiary 110 00
Ned 11 Gates, secretary salary. . . 10 00
Ned Gates, telephone and tele
graph messages . 2 00
Win Morgantield, labor 0 40
Tillies-Mountaineer, printing and
advertising 10 50
Mays & Crowe, mdse 2 00
Maier & Benton, uidso 7 00
Bond Buyer, advertising 87 00
6Ui'kui.ntknoknt'h nurouT.
Total book account, January. $1474 05
Collected during month 1054 35
Delinquent 420 30
Feb. 1. Tobal.,cashon hand. $8943 87
" 28. Cabh ree'd, water rent 1054 35
H 1 -leaf's"
-At1 S?fV3WSrf-iSB!
AVfcgdable Preparationfor As
similating HieFoodandBeguia
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of
Hoik mi'iHtminnn
Promotes Digcslion.Cheerfuf
ness and Itest.Contalns neither
Opiurn.Morplu'tie nor Mineral.
iot "Narcotic.
fiuife arOUn-SAMVELPtTCmft
flmpim Seal'
ftrrffriT fmU i
Apetfect Remedy forConstlpa
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
1 Bears tl
jv Jv In
WJ For Over
I Thirty Years
w - ----- -
A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and
Seed Wheat, Seed Oats,
Seed Rye, Seed Barley,
Seed Buckwheat, Seed Coin
King Philip Corn,
Stowell's Evergreen Corn,
Early Minnesota Corn,
Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
White Hominy Corn.
Early Rose Potatoes,
Burhank Potatoes,
Spring Vetches,
Brome Grass,
Cheap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Supplies.
A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of
which will bo sold at close piices for CASH at the Feetl, Seed
and Grocery Store of
Total cash on hand 0998 22 1
Feb. 20 By interest 4500 00 ,
By warrants reueeniea iuj n
Total 4005 41
Feb. 28, To bal., cash on hand 5032 81
Jfor Beut,
Two coxy rooms, iu private family;
central locatlou. Apply at Chkoniolk
ottw. ieb22 lw
A meeting of the L. A. S. gun club is
called for Friday niclit Mar. 2 at 9
o'clock, at Stadlemim Com. Co. sloro. A
full attendance is requested as business
of interest to members will be trans
acted. By order of Pres.
C. 1$. Cu.siuxa, sec.
Nut lee to tli I'uiillc
The Columbia Southern Railway Com
pany will complete its line and lie re.idy
to receive forward freight and passengers
from Sliauiko not later than April 15,
1900. Large warehouses and stock yards
will bo erected and ready for wool and
stock by tho above d,Ue. Freight rates
will be considerable lower than by team
from The Dalles. Regular tariff will be
published shortly.
For further information call on or
address C, E. Lytle, General Freight
Agent, Moro, Ore,, or the undersigned.
E. E. Lvti.k,
feblC tf General Manager.
Who Is to Me Next I'renlilei.l?
F-"m all that we can learn at present
it 1 .i trd to decide, but one thing that
is not, is that the I,uv, Union & Crown
will take the rUk on your property and
carry it safely through whatever hap
pens. Arthur Seufert resident agent,
'phone 141.
F. B, Thirkield, Health inspector ot
Chicago, says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Curo
cannot be recommended too hluhly. It
cured mo of eevere dyspepsia." It di
gests what you eat and cures indigestion
and heartburn, mid all forms of dje
pepsin. Willltrll,
By a young lady, a placi to do houu
work in a small family. Apply to Mrs.
Toomey, New ColuinhU Hotel. m2 2w.
A pair of eyeglasses were fi mid on the
street today, Same can tu had by
calling at this office and paying for this
''I had dyspepsia for years, No medi
cino was so effective as Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure, It gave Immediate relief. Tho
bottles performed marvelous re?ulle,"
writes L. 11. Warren, Albany, Wis. It
digests what you cat and cannot fail to
Why MiiIYr with kindey or rheuma
tism when it can be positively cured by
the use of tho "Oxygenor King." No
medicine, no electricity, but pure Oxy
gen instilled or absorbed through tho
pores of )lio tkin while yet sleep. No
need of going to the hospital for medi
cal treatment when you can be cured at
home liy tho use of tho Oxygenor. No
matter what the ailment or disease tho
Oxygenor will dlaunnso the caso and
proceed to cure. For further particu
lars call on or adilrecH J. M. Filloon, The
Dalles, Or. phone 399. feblO 2wk
j -F1EE-I
"With overy ono dol
lar nurchaso at our
storo during January
and February wo will
givo a clianeo on a
Stool Uango.
& in