l)c Dalles THE DALLES, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 1. 1900. NO 171 VOL. All Mi ' Not u cut-price or reduction mile, but a "timely-tip" sale. It is only a mitter of a month or two until we will he compelled to advance our present ex ceptiotmltv low prlcuB on good, well-made muslin wear. The cotton market, as every one knows, has been on the advance for some time, nml line not yet reached the limit. Mills are consequently advancing their pricuB, nml manufacturers in addition to recent advances made on salaries, are ilso paying higher prices on all grades of material. Night Eobes. Corset Itollior lliihli.iril.turkt'il yoke, rutlli! n. ucfk nml nIvuvvk . .'-"Jc 641110, yoke Irnntvil with live biimli linvrllmi, elided with cmbrnlilury fir HtiH', with Milium yoke of tuck" mill I'liilirnlilory Inner Hmi. Miti!k nml Hlivim itlt. l'liilnly ninilo .. . Ilk: With unhr'y at neck H'line, "V" xlmpeil yckc, '2)4 In cmh'y l-UrIhk .Wo Hume, liner iiiullty, llnluli .-"Jc Hume, miiile nf fine cam title, yoke of vut, luuu lliiu ieiirl buttons .. ..Mi: Hume, line, mift llnlslieil in u Hit ii, Kiiure or "V" yiikr,lL'o or emb'y trim llllllR fic ci with t.iiitiritilur KdijiUo ituwii. iiiunil yukchiir- .71)0 niiiiuiiini mi i iiiwh iinr row cm'ki uinl 'J uiiiiIh cm IjioMitv liiinrtliiii, lllilnluil Willi I'lnliiry ulnllIK, fea ther si tt'h hrulil nml nllk ribbon .. .. 7L" fenine, v. Ilh iill-nwr iMiiIirolil or (rout, mill reveres i-iIkiiI villi tun inch emlirolilnry . tot miiti'iluls . .f I III Fluor Krii'les If yim umit tlicm. I'iiH! emiilirle, full khIIi ereil frtmt, einh y yoke mill HttiijiH. " Bit NOT SERIOUS TO BOERS s Bier With More nclcriuiuatiou. GENERALS ARE AIDING HIM InnlskilliiiK Fusiliers Caught iu Boer Tr;ii ut Kuilwuy Hill On Saturday List and Unmercifully Slaughtered Duller Holds His Ground Only With Great Loss. Ni:iv Yiikk, Fun. 28. A dispatch to tho Trillium from London says: The 'IVct of I ho victory upon Sir Rodvers Hullur's campaign in Natal whs discussed ' veterans ml nlylit with intense interest. It wns nonernlly ci needed that, while (.leni'ral Jouheri's troops would bo lislieiirtuuud unit Genorul Buller's 'oldliTH would ho inspired to emulate Hi" I'xninploof their comrndos in tho west, theru will hu nioro desperate fluht- ' eoiiHcquonco of Lord Koberte' mcceis, Gunural Jouhert now tins no motive or nn iiiiuiodintu retreat, since it is too 'te to (ilVct Genurnl Cronjo'rt deliver. iluhns behind him Hir George "I'itu'ri army, w Itlul is nearly starvod ""iil hulplusB Iroin lHck of nmmuni. 10". If ho cun repel General Buller's 'ult upon ,9 Btrong defensive post ions und drive him bock to the Tugela, cu eompul General White to eurren Jf nnd in WBy o(rij0t Lorij Kolerts' victory, hesitioB changing tho balmico in wnimrutlvB lists of prisoners, The pinion in ollloials oircles last night was ii i , Hobort8 lnd rendered General Story" UlU",,nlK,, moro M There whs no oflluial news trout Gener Ui! 1 i ,r "WU thu Wr 0fflce 0,OMd st 'luiilght, nmi the'press dlspetubea were m,e,"U,ry a,u, "noonoluilve. It wti ,wr tlmt there had been week's heavy Muslin Underwear A Sale. Covers. Drawers. With ttickH fir rutllvK . l!c Finer iimllty, three nar row luekf unci wide ruflles .. .... "J9e lletter ninterliil, nnrrmv tuckK anil einh'y.orwltli wide rulllo wined with toruhoii luce K: t.'mbrellu Drawcrx, fine i 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 , vvlflu t'linihrlc rullle, edged with emh'y fi'ic Fume, wide rullle of sheer luwii, edged wl til tor chon or vul. luee . "He Hiiiiiu. elulioriitely trliu'cl Finer crudes If you want In loruhon bieeiir emb'y 7Ju them . .. ROVAL Absquuiemx Ihjre Makes the food more delicious and wholesome HOVl OAKINQ POWOER CO., HEW YORK. flghtlnp, with serious losses on the Brltbli sido. The Boers were apparent ly reinlorced on Friday, and made a determined eflort to drive back the British brigades. General Buller's men only held their ground after desperate fighting. Military writers are beginning to criticise General Buller's tactics in putting forward his lines und not massing his troops for tin attack. Ills Life Wsi Hnvril. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliveraucii from a frightful death. In telling of it he says : "I was taken with Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was bo weak I could 'nt even eit up iu bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's Now Diecovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and strong. I can't eav too much in its praise." I his marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents und $ 1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakoloy & Iloiuihton's ittUKstoie; every bottle guaranteed. Ir UUmura for Inliu vniitloii. fir. PKTKitmiuita, Feb. 28. The news papers bete outdo the rest of the conti nental press in bewailing OronjVs defeat and in violently abusing Great Bilttiiu. They declaro tho Transvaal has fully demonstrated its right to complete political Independence, with an outlet to the sea. They suggest that the best help for the Boers would b to croato a (llvurelon ngaiiiBt Great Britain else where and maintain it is the duty of Kuropu to intervene and end the most infamous of the wars England has ever waged tor predatory purposes. ItlRiuarok'N Irou Nutve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tretnondous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys und bowels are out of order. If RAW COTTON. We here print a recent report on this 60biect, taken from the Dry Goods Economist: "The cotton market scored another strong advance this week. Spot cotton, which Inst week crossed the 8c line, rose to 8c in the New York Exchange and parsed the 5d. Hi-it in Liverpool, the market for futures fully participating in the upward movement. The cause of the advance is the heavy purchases of cotton abroad, where, as already stated in these reports, spinners are behind In their supplies. How long these conditions will exist is, of course, uncertain, but is is certain that the average under cotton will be vastly increased by the high prices, and as time goes on this fact will receive more and more attention, with the natural result. PriceB range about as follows : Spot cotton: New York, 8c; last week, 8)Cc; Liverpool, 5 1 32d : last week, 4 21-32d. March futures : New York, 8 30c; last week, 7.86 Liverpool, 4 51 -64d last week, 4 20 64d. The receipts for the first five days of this week were 142, 164 bales, against 91, 035 bales for the corresponding period last week" The receipts for the season amount to 4,955,741 bales, against 6,910,621 bales at the same neriod last year. The visible supply of 3.634,052 bales, against 5.081.559 bales for the corresponding period lest week. Exports for the first five days of the present week were 113,757 bales, againet 98,630 bales for the corresponding period last year. Mnnnlipntpr rpnnrfa ram, afrnnt ami Mntho vaitrt fltm - . . . . iU h. u u.ivu Powder you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life rills. Thev develon everv Dower of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. 2 Cervem's llattleihlps. New Youk, Feb. 28. A special to the Herald from Washington says: All chance of saving any of the Spanish armored cruisers sunk off Santiago has gone. Word has reached the navy de partment that the (Jrietobal Colon, which was pushed on the beach by the cruiser New York after the battle with Cervera's command, has slid into deep water. The department long ago gave up the ideu of saving the Colon. Catarrh Uanuot lie Cured with local applications, as thoy cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of tho beet physicians in this country for years, and is u regular prescription. It is composed of the host tonics known, combined with the best blood puriflets, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results iu curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. . . F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo u. Sold by drruggists, price 7ftc. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 8uhUtuto fur Hill Defeated, Washington, Feb. 28. The substitute for the Puerto Rican bill was defeated, the vote being 150 yeas to 170 nays. This indicates the passage of the bill. John Dlrr, Poseyville, Ind., says, "I never used anything eo good as One Minute Cough Cure. We are never without it," Quickly breaks up cougtiB and cold. Cures all throat and lung troubles, Its use will preveut consump tion. Pleeiaut to take. ,r . viwiiid 1 I J . uji : Children's Wear. Infant's white muslin slips,-at 12Joc, 19c, 29c, 55c, 7cc, $1.10. Children's white muslin dresees, at 29c, 55c, 79c, U 13. Cliildten's white twill muslin waists, at 12c and 19c. Children's white muslin drawers, at 19c,29c. Children's white muslin skirts, at l'2 and 19c. "Wil ai THE SOLDIERS ARE AMAZED Roberts Said to Have Violated the Ethics of War in Forcing a Conquered General to Appeal for Clemency. New Youk, Feb. 28.- A special to the World from Washington says: Conti nental diplomats accept the defeat of General Cronje iu grim eilence, but none will consent to be quoted for any ex pression except that the issue is what might have been expected. One ol the attaches whj has himself served as a soldier, however, said : "There is one aepect of the capitulation of General Croi ja which is humiliating to every soldier. There is a brotherhood of chivalry which binds all professional soldiers. General Cronje made a gallant defense. At the cost of the utmost sec riflce and pain lie stopped the victorious Lord Roberts and held his ground until Jits hard-pressed countrymen could form for a final defense. The fact that Lord Roberts and his Lieutenant, Lord Kitch ener, compelled Cronjj to the bitter hu miliation of piesenting himself at the tent of his conqueror as a suppliant for the miserable boon of unconditional sur render is a requital of bravery not con sistent with chivalrous conduct. "Soldiers throughout the world will be amazed. There was no possible excuse, Tho fact that the British commanders might have apprehended treachery is flimsy. The British' were strong enough to have rxecuted the army were any violation of war committed. Cronje has been a brave foe. He made no discrimi nation between the wounded British and his own people. The bitter humiliation put upon liia- is a stain upon Christian Knighthood. It Is without parallel. "Contrast the conduct of Lord Roberts aud Kitchsuer with that of the victorious Schley aud Shatter. The utmost courtesy was shown to the latter's overthrown foes. Phillip's 'Don't cheer, men j they are dying,' will stand in contrast to the conduct of the Generals who compelled a gallant foeman, who had battled against tremendous odds, to come as a humble suppliant even to the very doors of their tents, to beg for his brave soldiers that they might Ignouninlously surrender. ' "This ruthless, overbearlugconductwill The Result Is Plainly to be Seen. After present stock of muslin-wear la sold, we will bo obliged to pav the ad vance and our next invoice of these goods cannot be sold at present low prices unless we cheapened the work and finish of the garments, which we prefer not to do. - Believing in fair dealing, and to Impress upon the minds of our Customer that fact, we make this announcement and trust one and all will take advantage of this possibly the last opportunity of buying niUBiin underwear' at the old prices. Our stock at present is complete In all lines. Regarding the oualitiea- -the cut -nothing gODa worm oi our muslins' knowing the advantages to be enjoyed Skirts Muslin, narrow tuck!, hemmed bottom 23c Same, hemmed ruflles.... 89c lletter quality, tucks and 3-in emb'y nt bottom . . Kc Same, with deep ovnr flounce of sheer lawn edged with torchon lace 53c Finer muslin, 10-in. h'md fluuuec 79c Butne, elegantly liuished with deep flounce ot embroidery 1.13 Baine, with 12-ln flounce of sheer lawn, contain ii'B :i rows 1-m. vul In sertion, vul. edging at bottom 1.13 Finer ones at 12.25 and fUO Chemise Plainly made 19c With yoke of tucks and Insertion, und edged with rullle 2&c Deep yoke of tucks and iuteition, emb'y edging ut top and armholcs . . 55c Better quiillty, edged and trimmed with emb y In two widths 79c Compare any of our 55c gar ments with other stores' nt 75c, or our 79c ones with those seen elsewhere at a dollar. h ive an effect upon civilization. Sol liers will remember this treatment, and it is possible that on another day it may be returned with interest." A Convincing Amirer. "I hobbled into Mr. Blackmon's drug store one evening," eays Wesley Nelson, of Hamilton, Ga., "and he asked me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu matism with which I had suffered for a long time. I told him I had no faith in any medicine as they all failed. lie eaid: 'Well if Chamberlain's Pain Balm does not help you, you need not pay for it.' I took a bottle of it home and used it according to directions and in cne week I was cured, and have not since been troubled with rheumatism." Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. "After doctors failed to cure roe cf pneumonia 1 used One Minute Cough Cure and tnree bottles of it cured me. It is also the best remedy on earth for whooping cough. It cured my graud childreu of the worst cases," wrileB Jno. Berry, Lopanton, Pa. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Cures coughs, cold?, croup and throat and lung troubles. It prevents consumption. Children always like it. Mothers endorse it. No Itlght to UKilneai. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will bo nervous and irritable. If she hus con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimplee, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is tho beet medicino in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify tho blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety ekin, ricli complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down (invalid, Only 50 cents at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. Ab a cure for rheumatism Chamber Iain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide repu tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, Iud., has been troubled with that ail ment since 1802. In speaking of it he says: "I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen aud paining me very much, but one good application of Pain Balm relieved me, Foreale by Blakeley & Houghton, Use Clarke & Falk'e quinine hair tonio to keep dandruff from the head. and fit the superior stock and allronnd further need here be said everyone well by buying them at this store. Chimaloons Or Skirt Chemhe, square yoke, 3 rows each tucks and insertion, edged with ruflles, deep hem.. 75c Of cambric, yoke of torchon lace, lace at eds 1.00 Finer quality, elaborately trimmed in embroid'y, round yoke 1.33 Fine cambric, val. luce yoke, deep llounce with, val, insertion and edg ing l.EU Finer quality, square yoke elaborately made of em broidery edging and in sertion, tucks and rullle of emb'y ut bottom 2.00 Of sheer lawn, elaborately ilulsbed at yoko and flounced with val. lace and intertlon 2 75 BELIEVES CAUSE IS STRENGTHENED Largest Part of Cronje's Force and AH of His Big Guns Succeeded iu Escaping From Roberts. New Yokk, Feb. 28. -The World publishes the following statement by General Miles : "Cronje's surrender was expected and it was all that could be expected wheu a force of 4000 holds out for over a week against a force of 50,000, You will ob serve that the first reports said General Cronje had a force of 9000 opposed to the British, but only 4000 surrendered. What became of the other 5000? The import ance of the surrender under such cir cumstances only illustrates the fighting valor of tliii handful of Boer patriots. The effect of Cronje's surrender will be to strengthen rather than to weaken the Boer patriots' cause iu this war. "We cannot help but admire those Boers, no matter where our sympathies may be. In my position it would not be diplomatic for mo to say too much, but whoever is in the right, we must admire the 4000 patriots who stood off for tea days 50,000 of the British army." London, Feb. 28. A dispatch from Arundel eays the British troops have ugaiu occupied Rensberg. C.U'K Town, Monday, Feb. 20. There are now 000 prisoners at Modder River, most of whom surrendered Friday ami Saturday. They are kept guarded be tween wire fences. "I hud bronchitis every winter for years and no medicino gave me perma nent relief till I begun to take One Min ute Cough Cure. I know it la the heat cough medicine made," suys J. Koontz, Corry, Pa. It quickly cures coughs, colds, croup, asthma, grippe and throat aud lung troubles, It is the children's favorite remedy. Cures quickly. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Mokt Tea, A. pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy, Satisfaction guaranteed or money back, 25 cts. and 60 els. Blakeley ,4f Houghton Druggist?.