0 "In MIhoum. The house tlmt creeled tr e Sha com-, tianv last tllClil was euorimuie- cmitc, the previous tiiiiht the nnnnsrutnent hud 8 gallery Mllll III uie rear ui me nun iu, tin. iintnctie ihrotic which this popuhir tioupe attracts. The piny "lu MizzMiri" ia n peculiar one, depicting life in the rural district of Pike county. Mo. The backwood dialect, the niake-np of the characters, nnd the sitnaiione proved that the Shaw company had all the detiils down to a line point. The stace setting!1, while of course were not handsome, were in taste with the play and could not have been improved in any manner. E.ich character proved to be just the richt person in the right place. Sam T Shaw as "Joe Vernon," the villus blacksmith, waa indeed as clever a? conld be desired and brought forth much applause. Louise Garter as "Mrs. Ver non" was a "powerful good character," and portrayed her part in a pleasing manner. Mrs. Nellie Maine Shaw, as "Libette Vernon," brought down the bouse on numerous occasions by her easy and natural manner upon the etnge, considering the ditllcult role she played. M. J. Hooley as "Dave," the lover of "Libette" and the man who was looking for "a Bteady job," was one of the best characters in the piece. II. W. Gilbert, as "Jim P.adburn," made a clever sheriff, while Jennie Kelton as "kte ernon,' the seminary graduate, was all ttiat could be desired. At Hal- let as "Iljbt. Travers," the villian, had little to do, but did that little well. The other characters were of minor importance, but were up to the standard and did their turns in such a way as to impress the audience with their ability. The orchestra of the Shaw company is ' "Milling tuu me so mucn goou as co otie of the best we have had the pleasure . Dyspepsia Cure. One dose, relieved of listening to in the city. The music i e. a few bottles cured me." It digests is classical and up to-date, and moat " what yon eat nndcurea dyspepain. pleasing. To listoit to it is worth the price of admission alone. Tonight Milton Noble's drama, "From Sire to Son," will be given. Notice to the I'lHiUc. The Columbia Southern Railway Com pany will cumplete its line and be ready to receive forward freight and passengers from Shaniko not later than April 15, 1900. Large warehouses and stock yards will be erectad and ready for wool and mock by the above date. Freight rates wilt be considerable lower than by team from The Dalles. Ittgular tariff will be published shortly. For further information call on or address C. E. Lytle, General Freight Agent, Moro, Ore., or the undersigned. E. E. Lytlk, feblO-tf General Managir. "I had bronchitis every winter for years and no medicine gave me perma nent relief till I began to take One Min ute Coiurh Cure. I know it is the best cough medicine made." savs J. Koontz, Corrv. Pa. It nuicklv cures couch?. colds, croun, asthma, grippe and throat and lung troubles. It is the children's favorite remeilv. CurPB nniifL-Iv. rf , - j . Cure Headache Oulcklf. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ry Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24 Gw Pine Poultry and Italian lleett. Silverlaced Wyaradotte, English Red Cap and Rose Combed White Leghorn chickens for sale. Single birds $1 each. for petting $1 per fifteen. Italian hues $1 per pound. Queen Bled Quarts at a Time 'Iamaknifeniakerand'.worked for a number of years in the New York Knifo Co. s factory at Walden, N. V. First tiling I knew I commenced to bleed from the mouth, bometimes as much as a quart of blood would come up from my lungs at a time. Every time I coughed the blood spurted out. It was in the o iu, mm iiiutimitn people told me I had better make my peace with tke Lord and prepare to die. for I would not live till spring. My home -doctor couldn't do me any good, but advised mo to get to New York City- for examination. They finally took me to a med ical co'lege, ai d a whole Jot of physicians made what they called a dingnoM. There were several students looking t.n. 'One professor had a little i very Shammer, and with this he pounded my chest and held his car close to listen. After a while the professor looked at me solemnly and declared One of your lungs in about jjojie nnd the other is affected. There may be a slim chance for life if vou emit u-orkinc in that knife factory.' I went back iiomc, oiit (lulu t improve. One iwy I saw an advertisement of free samples of Acker's English Remedy for Consumption, being given away by our home drug gists, Walker & Eaton. I trot one of these bottles, nnd it relieved me. Then I bought more of the regular size, and my improvement was continuous, although slow. My doctors were astonished and so was I. After dark I hated to spit, because 1 was afraid it might bo blood, and I wanted to know for sure. I have so fear now, for at last I am a solid man again, Although one lung is gone, the other is as sound as a dollar, and answers as well as two lungs, so far as I can see. I want everyone to know the facts and that is why I tell them here." (Signed) A. H. Simpson. Acker's ISnKlfcliKemetly U fold by all drueelits under a positive guarantee that your money will be refunded in case of failure. 15c., 50c. and $1 a bottle in United .Slates and Canada. In Kncland. is. 2d., as. 3d,, and 48. Cxi, Il'e uuiliurize tke above guarantee. II'. II. UQQKElt & CO., J'rojirUlori, .Vmi York. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. ! bees warranted purely mated, 75 cents ' enrh. Queens ent by mnil nnd sale ar riva, guaranteed. Address Mus. A. A. Hok.st.y, Tyeh Vnllej , Or. fgoj. imo EUSINESS LOCALS Clark & FHlk are never closed Sunday. Dun't forget this. Uie Clarke A Falk's quinine hair tonic j dandrufT from the head. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke A Falk. You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke A Falk's favoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's oure concentrated flavoring extracts. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Flora lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke A Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Fittest kind of chicken feed. nicb25-tt Pure Bilver kced Wyandott eggs can be secured at J. H. Cross' grocery store ( for $1 pi 15. feb2S-lmo wkly & Fa,fc have receiv(jd a carloild of the celubrated James E. Patton . . ... . DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is un equalled for piles, injuries and skin ' l!?Mn' II id ll're riginal "'ch HhZb1 Cillkd AJCVYUIC Ul (III LUUntCtlCUSi Geo. Barbe, Mendota, Va , says, Mrs. J. K. Miller, Newton Hamilton, Pa., writes, "I think DeWitt'e Witch ' IIzl Salve the grandest salve made." It cures piles and heals everything. All fraudulent imitations are worthless. W. S. Philpot, Albany, Ga., says, "DeWitt'a Little Early Ilisers did me more good than any pills I ever took." The famous little pills for constipation, biliousness and liver nnd bowel troubles. J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., says, "Sur- lu " '"c ' n,,t 1 cure,! ll,em w,tU DeU " 8 ,tch I Hazel Sulre" It 1b infallible for piles ! nd skin diBeaees. lie.vars of connter- ' Dull Headache, Pains in various parts ' of the body, Sinking at the pit of the j Btomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishnees, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences, of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must I e purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elezir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or yv"""" I"" r ""X " " diseases. It is certainly a wonderful . f ' T ? 1 . . . . t 1.1 . remed' nnd wo fidl ever' bott,e on , " i,uo,l,ve KaraeB. umneiey uuBii I ton'a drB8 Bt0T- Caal lu Your CtsecK. All countv warrants registered prior to June 3, 189(3, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after February. 2, U00. C. L. Phillips, Conntv Treasurer. S'ck Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herbdrin Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work a'"1 happy. Satisfaction guaranteed ir money back. 'J'i cts. and 60 cts. Wnkeley Houghton Druggist'. )r -"". ll.'r OPERA HOUSE. TRUE MERIT A SURE WINNER. One Week, Commencing Feb. 26 The Sham Company Supporting Sam T. Shaw in Seven Great Plays. MONDAY- , , , I'rfd llrlghton a celebrated JACK O' DIAMONDS TL'KjDAY- Nnt C (iocUnin's Croat creation, IN MIZZUIiA NVEDNK3DAY . Milton Noble's KItOM EIUE TO SON TIIl'ItSDAY An Knelish Melodrama by Arnold Wolfard, THK Hit AND OF CAIN FKIDAY The greatest of all war Dramui, IIKI.D HY THK KNEMY SATUKDAY Milton Noble's famous comidy, FOU HEVKNUK ONLY SATf ItDAY MATINEK- Thc Kvcrsrcen Old Favor- Ul" 1111' VAN WINKLE New Siieclal Scenery and wardrobes for each play. 5 II. cniitn POPULAR PRICES ... I 15 cents rrtioal for i:-f iniillnc W uter IIoiiiIk, IIhIU-r City Orecon. Sealed proposals will be received by the board of water commissioners of Dalles City, Oregon, at BaH citv until S:30 o'clock p. m. of the 26 day o'f Feb., 1900, for twenty-live thousand dollars; and twenty thousand dollars of refund ing water bonds of said city, (as it is not settled as to whether the total amount of Ootids will be $23,000 or $20,000; au thority is extended to the said board to issue refunding water bonds in the sum of ?2r,000, but if found not to be ncces sary, the issue will be for no more than $20,000; and at a rate of interest not ex (.eeuing lour per cent per annum pav able twenty years from date of issue, , interest payable semi-auiiuallv, ptinci- pal and interest payable in gold coin of ' the United States, at any city therein, I at tiie option of the buyer. ; The bonds mentioned will be issued , under the provisions of the several leg-' 1 islative acts of the state of Oregon, ap proved tell. L'ti, ISSo, freb. 1U, lHb'J, and Feb. 14, 1895, and in pursuance of an or dinance adopted by the common council of Dalles City, approved January 25, 1900. The proposed refunding water bonds are intended for the redemption j ol outstanding water bonds in the sum I of $25,000; but in case the board of water 1.1 ... 1 rrd t 1. n.nln. . ... I 1 1 nr-.... . . Luuiuueatuuuii I'ldCl. 11 nm iscuu re funding bonds for $120,000 only, therefore bidders may make proposal's for both $25,000 and $20,000, and in the denomi nation of $500 each. No bid will be entertained for a rate less than par value of the bonds. Prem iuiiie and rate of interest will be taken into consideration in passing on the value of all bids. Bidders must deposit with the nresi dent of the board a duly certified check on some responsible bank equal to 2 per cent of the atrount of bonds bid for, or accompany Ins bid with cash of such p.mount as will equal such per cent of his bid, and such certified check made payable to the president of the board of water commissioners of Dalles Citv. Or. as liquidated damages in case the bidder shall mil or neglect to receive and pay for, at the office of the city treasurer of said city, the bonds awarded to hi in on his bid, on or before the first day of Aiarcn, tuuu. Attention should be .given the fact that the board will not issue and dispose of more than $20,L'00 of such refunding Ijouds, unless it shall be deemed neces sary to do so, but otherwise, if th - board snail nnu mat it is necessary to issue bonds in the sum of $25,000, it will then otter mid issue the lull sum, ($'.'.,000). uie rignt to reject any ami all Hide is reserved by the eaid board of water commissioners, liids should be addressed to the nresi dent of said board, or to the citv record er, Dalles City, Wasco county, Oreiron, and noted "Proposals for refunding water nanus." iy ortler of the Hoard of Water Com uiiesion, by and with the consent of the Common Council. This 2oth day of January, 1900. T. .1, Kkupkut, 1.. S.j President of Hoard, Arrirtr: Nun H. Hatch, Recorder of Dalles City. Mica light the load liortena !AXLE Crease tbo road. helps the team. Save wear and cxpctiK, bold e very wuerc. I MA UK y TANDAM OU OO. Baldwin 0.R.&N. nr.r.vnT ror. timr fcur.mti.ic. Fiiom lUM-r.s. AnntVK 1'HOM. Kast Isnlt I.kr, Ilcnvcr. M. Jt Mull i Worth, Oninha, Kan JUI1 11 m. mi Cltr, St. Umli, S.5.m I Chicago mid Knit. Erxikntic Flyer 7:05 J. sn. Wnlln Wnilfl, SpoVmic, SjI'iIihiic Mltiiu'MiMills. St. I'Hiil, 1 lyct. jitiltith. MUmmkcu.i 4:21. in ClilCHSO ""d Kast. S p. m. From Poktlakd. I Ociiin Steimnhlij. ' For Kan Francisco j 4 . m. and Kx.aundny Columbia Uv. Steamers.. Ex.hundaj To Abtokia and Way Saturday Laudlugi.. lu p. ui. tia. m. WiLLAUKTTr Rtvr.K. i 4 :.!' Kx.Huuday Oregon City., NcwIrtk, Ki.Hundny saicm & nayuiuu e. t Ta. m, IWitiAmrrrr xxt Yam- 3:S0 n. m. Tuea.Thur. ntu. KtVERi. Jlon.,Ved and Sat. , Oregon City, Dayton, ami Frl. and Way.Uuullngs. 6a.m. ; Willamette Isivuk. 4:30 p. m. Tu..Thur,i,ortlund to Corvalllh,, Mon. Wrd and Bat. I unci Way-Landings, laud Friday S.sake UiVEn. Itiiaria tu Iwbton. Leave Ijcwikton dally I.v Itlparliii dully 1.2)o. m. h:OT a. I I'artlcs deal.Mnc toco to Ilentntor nlinuttl , tHko M. I, leaving l lit? Dalies nl 7:0.1 i. ta mnklng direct ronneclInu ut Ilciui'r Junction , Kuturulng tnaklugdlrectciuincctiou ut Ilcppucr luuctlnu ltli No. 1, arriving at Tlic DallcMit J;SS. m. I No. SJ, throught Irclght, cnt bound, lines not' carry iiasieuugera; arrives "lUi u. m dcirt.t 3:Ma. m. I No 21, local freight, carries pasrengon, cast bound; arrives 4;:w i. ni di;inrui.l5 p. m. No. 21, west bound through freight, dfs not carry pasiengers; arrives 6.15 p in., deiuirts 9:3) . m. No. 23, west bound local freight, carries jml. seiigcn,; arrives &:15 p. 111., departs ti:C0 11. in. For full particulars rail on O. It. A N. t.'o.'f agent The Dalles, or address W. II. HUKLIirilT, (ii'M l'as. Agt., 1'ortlaud, Or, EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Tralufc leave and are due to arrive at i'ortiand LEAVE. OVKULAND KX-1' nrcss. ffulem. Kino- ' burg, Anhliiud, tiuc '7:00 V. il rnmuuto, Ogden.Hau rraucueo, Jiojave r nu t .ni.. l-i r.un 9.15 A. M. New Orleaua and U-iit ; :30 A. M J'.osebiirg uud vroy tu itions ' f Via Woodbura for 1 I JIt.Aligel, Sllvcrtoti, , West Solo, Ilrnwns- ville.riprlugtleld and I (.Natron j U'M I'. 41 Dally except Bundaya. Dally except Uuuduys 17:30 A. M. ICorvullIs I stations. and way; 5.m,.Mi INDEl'KNDKN'CK I'ASSENGKH. Kxpresa train Dally (except Hunday). I;.') p.m. rl.v. ...I'ortiand ...Ar.) 8:a'n.m ?:a)p. m. At sicsilnnvllle. .I.v. .);.) a, rn b:sj p. m. (Ar..inaciuleiicc..l.v.) 4:U)a. m 'Dally. tDaliy, except bunimr. DINING CAK8 ON OGDKN HOOTK. FBLUIAN DUFFKT HLKKl'KHS AND HECOND-OLASS HLEEI'INl! CAIth Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at han francUcn with Occl dental and Oriental and Pad tic mall ntcainsnip lines for JAI'AN and CHINA. Hailing dates on ai plication. Kates and tickets to Kaitcru tiolnts uud Ku row. Aluo JAI'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU ant AllHTHALIA. All ubovo trains arrive at uud depart Irorr Grand Central Htatlon, Filth and Irving street YAMHILL DIVI8ION. I'atbcnger DeMt, foot of Jederton utrect. U-aw: tor Rheridan. week days, at t:S0 p. m Arrive at I'ortlauil, 0;:jo a. tn. Leave for AIKLIK on Monday, Wednesday and Fridaj- t8:a'a. in. Arrlvf at Portland. Tumi dav, Thursday und Batunlai u 3:05 p. m. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. It. KuKHl.KIt, Manager. II. II. llllll'lll M Asst. (i. F. A I'uss. Attt Through Ticket Ofllcc, 13 1 Third Mrect, where tit mutt It f I St Is Situ s nil I.. 1. II . Uttttf'U I'MriU'llI llttd Vlivs.... l. -.!... 1 . '-' 1 m.i, nMtwjiv vw uv uuiuiucu nl J. H. KIKKLANI), Ticket Anit Tlie coiuiia Miog Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANDFAOTUHKHH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON )RIKD BEEF, ETC. jyu UKiitHNonitprKit Physiciau and Surgeon, Bpectal attention glvun lo nursery, l The Great STEEL and MALLEA- BLE IRON RANGES. - 16 VIajestie ! ! Are MADE TO LAST 1 ABSOLUTELY IScmcmbcr that we $45.00 5' 6; AVhieti i i a saving to our customers of from $15 to $25 over p ce charged by peddlers for inferior ranges. j;- ,itc for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence." JWRVS 1 nrmiiminritmminm:nrmnmTr .llIIlllKiUf 1X11 '1 3f 3E 31 1 1 I f as ::e $ 1 lllllJLJiJIJlillllllIIIiltiiAllItlliAIIMIXIiilllllliiiiii..-r MANl'F.U'Tl'ltKD II V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, T0 G'lmilnra arid purtlciilnrB F. tin 20 O. C. COOPER, MA.NUFAt'TI'llUH OF High-Grade Stook Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. DKALKIt IN TontH, Whk Covore, nnd nil articles usually Kujit in u llrat-clnss linrnnsH sliop. THK DALLES, OREGON. A LIFETIME, and are GUARANTEED. arc soiling the snnie from to $60.00 & COOIE. The Chronicle, The Dullcn, Op. Job Printers. mmm mm m m m m m Hnn muiu 0 (urniulied on npillctioii, S. GUNNING, Agent, THE DALI.lvS, OBBflW Thlo Stamp n aunrntH MAKER Hoomi 21 and 23, Tel, m Vokt Illock of Qunllty.