Bouse-Cieamnp ML This is tho most delightful, timo of your to those who escapo it. But wo do not like to enjoy all the good things of this life alono, and as a special induce ment to have you present wo will have on fr'ulo this week. Flannelette Ladies Wrappers at... 20 PER CEIL DISCOUNT. FINDING MONEY. What's the difference, we'd like to know, be tween picking np i dollars in the middle of the road or wing them by buying your goods right. You may nn L.i"nui in "t which is written, but when yon trade with us you exhibit a wisdom which Is practical, and that's the sort of knowledge which counts. The items we enumerate are not onr only attrac tions, but an earnest of what we can do for you in a hundred lines not alluded to. BEGIN ON THESE. McrM?J'u a ,dehe.(LiP cIoso tho Mance of those MEN'S HALF HOSE at 95c PER DOZEN. Regular two for 25s. And during the balance of this week only, von have the choice of all of our 7oc, 85c, $1 00, 1.25 and l.r.O Men's Colored Shirts at 69c Only two moro days. Don't lose this opportunity. Al! Goods Murkotl In Plain Flffuroa. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tflrphone No. 1. WKDNEhDA Y - - - FEU. S.'8, 1900 - " Ik fur veil lit J Oysters J KELLER J WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. "From Sire to .Son," At thu Bald win tonight. This Is AhIi Wednesday, tho beginning of Lent. This earth would again be nn Eden if ! men would only do what women think they might to do. A drove of thirty-two hogs wns re Wived today at the stock yards for the Columbia Packing Co. TiioB. .1. Drlvtir has purchased the lloeeleaf cigar store, which will he onen lor business in the morning. Thure will bo a reimlur monthlv nient- I injtul the hoard of water commissioners tonight at the recorder's office. If you want to enjoy u pleasant evening, see "From Sire to Bon" as pretenteJ by tho Shaw company tonight. All members of the Rathbone Bisters ar0 H'ueated to meet tomorrow evening DiuiiicBH of importance will come bo lore the meeting, Simeon llolton received a letter last evening from Kov. Hawk stating that 'is eon was no better and ttiere were but litlle hopes of his recovery. At Sumptor, on Valentine's day, a wanting buby boy was born to the wife VV. S. Ohlpp. Mr. and Mrs. Chipp 'e well known In the city where they formerly resided. This morning one of the women work jig hi the laundry fainted and us she fell, e iron she had In her hand, camo in intact with her wrist and burned her 'I'llto severely, Marshal Hughes is busy with tho 6'rets in the outskirts of town at I'fteent. lie lifts a force of men work "'8 in thu cut t the head of Federal 8tre,,t w,,11,i imother gang are employed nr the Ninth street bridgo, Kf'y tills morning tho rain fell in I, 0,118 ,or tow mlnutos and tho wind " 11 l)Ur't Kale. However, when "eenn came out bright and clear it t long before our streets and wlK8 were as dry as previously. At Kiignno Saturday night the oflloerB 'il'll'u y Jll three tramps that H, , U,,UVd ,,UrlU(1 BlllflllpOX I nUt UrniiU Pass, tho other day. then they have been burning u' lritl,o ji as a dlslnfectant. i lewnrort to be given by tho ladles wh i !i t",,"ruKwwl church, and for Prom ? " u,,oru8 ,8w practicing, E'803 ,' musical event of tho H80I. Uio Unto ia not deflnitely fixed, but it will bo about the middle of next week. The Shaw company had their usual crowd at the concort this uftcruoon and played some very classical music. The crowd while appreciating their talent were quite cold in making any demon stration, but then Tho Dulles is noted for her lack of enthusiasm in the latter matter. Mits Dr. Harrington, a specialist from Portland, is in the city md located at room No. 4, Chapman block. Dr. liar I ng ton gives facial treatment, removes hair from the face, gives shampoos and is an adept at manicuring. Ladies are cordially Invited to cull and huve mode of treatment explained. According to the agreement between the business men, wliuii collection day fulls on Saturday it shall be postponed until the following Monday. March llrd will full on Saturday, po we have been instructed to mention to the public that generul collection will be made on Monday, March Oth. Members of Friendship Lodge, No. I), K. of I'., of this city, have received nn invitation from the lodge at the Cascade Locks to be present next Saturday nignt, as work in the recoud and third rank will be done. The Regulator has been chartered for that evening and from all indications there will be u large crowd attend the ceremonies. One of tho front wheels on the hook and ladder truck stuck fast yesterday and refused to revolve. The company, however, succeeded in answering the alarm, although not as fast as is their usual custom. On investigating the matter, it was found that a piece of the boxing bad worked loose and located in such a manner aa to not let the hub revolve around the axle. A regular rneotiug of tho board of fire police was held in the recorder's oiiice last night vnd much business of im portance was transacted. An election was held and the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: J. F. Moore, president; Win. VVoodrow, sec retary; O. L. Phillips, treasurer; Thos. A Ward, chief ; N. M. Eastwood, cap tain. The Dalles, Portland &i Astoria Navi gation Company hus decided to name the now bout, now building at Supple's yard, in Portland, the Reliance. The new boat is rapidly nearing completion, aud work is being puslied with all pos sible speed. A crew was working yes terday, and it is tho desire of the owners to have herin commission by April 1. Tho now yuoat will go on the route between tills lacu and Portland, and will carry principally passengers and express froiglt. Thu new Reliance will be equipped Avith compound engines and pipe boilers Her dimensions are: Length, RIO feet'; beam, 18 feet; depth of hold, 0.0 feet. Yesterday uftortioon about G:30 an alarm of fire came in from box fifteen, and in on incredibly short time the de partment was at the soono of action. Tho Bklbhe hotel was lllled with smoke which come out of the buck windows in v&lnmea and gave tho appearai c thtt I e whole of the building was doomed However, such proved not the case, as upon closer inspection it wbs found that a chimney had become clogged and the smoke seeking escape came through the walls and fil'ed the building. The East End Hose Co. hnd a line of hose stretched ready for action, while the chemicul engine waB on hand and in readiness for any emergency. The Jackson's with their hose cart and tho Hook & Ladder Co. were also ready should their services be needed. How ever, after a thorough inspection it was found the department was not needed so they returned to their quarters. The Rev. Chas. M. Sheldon, authj . " "In Hie Steps?," who electrified the grout convention of Christian Endeavor ers held in Detroit last July, with his conception of the mighty power for righteousness the newspaper could be in the world, has been given an unfettered opportunity to publieh for six issues his ideal Christian daily. The Topeka Daily Capital, a modem newspaper, the lead ing journal of d!gnity aud importance of the state of Kansas, in which Mr. Shel don resides, has been placed uncon ditionally at iiis disposal. On March 13th next, he will assume the entire editorial and business control of the paper. For six daily Issues he will he its absolute owner. Unhampered, he will pursue a policy dictated by an in terrogation point. "What would Jesus doV" will be the ringing challenge to every piece of news, fo every editorial and to every advertisement. I'KOl'I.Ii YOU KNOW. F. N. Jones returned from Portland last night. H. Moorehead, of Dufur, was in the city today. G. VV. Biilington, of Centervllle, is in town today. A. R. Graham Is in the city from Centervllle. J, M. Russell returned last evening from Portland. F. VV. Silvertooth came in from Antelope last evening. Hoyl Gieen. of Hood River, is reg istered at the Umatilla House. Geo. Lang, an old-time engineer on tho O. R. & N. road, spent yesterday in tho city renewing acquaintances. Paul Rates was in the city last night, on business onneoted with the insur ance company of which Arthur So fert is agent. Ike Driver and sou, Tom, are in from VVamiii. Mr. Driver states that every thing In his vicinity Is looking fine aud all are enjoying good health. Eight Vvurti Willi'lut u Saloon, The town of Garfield, Wash,, has this record to its credit. The Law Union & Crown Insurance Co. has the record to their credit that they pay their losses promptly. Arthur Seufnrt, resident agent. 'Phone Hi. For lU-ut, Two cozy rooms, In private family ; central location. Apply at Chhon::i.h office. feb22-lw "NORTH COAST LIMITED" TITLE OF NEW TRAIN ARRANGED BY THE NORTHERN PACIFIC. It Will Carry an Obtervatlon Car Be tween Portland anil St. I'nol Modern Improvements. General Passenger Agent Charles B. Fee, of tho Northern Pacific railway, who reached Portland Thursday, an nounced that April 29 his company will establish a double daily passenger train service between Portland, Puget Sound and the twin cities, St. Paul and Min neapolis. ine morning train from M. raul w leave at 8:55, after the arrival of the fast trains from Chicago, SI, Louis acd the East, running by tue way of Butte, and will reach Portland at 7 a. m. The corresponding trainwill leave Portland at 11 :30 a. m. by Mie way of B Ute, and will reach St. Paul at 3 p. m. and will be known as the 'Worth Coast Limited." Train No. 3 will leave St. Paul a9 at present, 10:35 p. m., arriviog at P.r. land at 8 p. m. Train No. 4 will leave Portland at 11 :30 p. m. and arrive at St. Paul at 7 :45 a. m. Both 3 and 4 will run by way of Helena. This schedule will continue in effect until November 1, and longer if the businets justifies it. Trains 3 and 4 will carry the same equip in e nt as present 1 and 2, first and second class coaches, Pullman first class and Pullman tourist sleepers and dining cars, with the usual number of mail, express and baggage cars. These trains will carry standard and tourist sleepers from and to St. Lonis by tho Billings ronte, the "Burlington," thus offering the public a service to the Missouri river country, St. Louis and inter mediate territory superior to anything heretofore established. The "North Coast Limited" will, be one of the handsomest and most com plete passenger trains in the country. With its new 70-foot baggage and ex press cars, combination emoker, new first class coaches, new Pullman tourist sleepers, handsomely upholetered in dark green leather, thoroughly modem first class sleepers and elegant dining curs, all wide vestibuled, the train might be considered complete. Its chief attractions, however, will be the thor ough lighting of the train throughout by electricity, including two berth lights for reading in each section, and an observation-ear, which will be 70 feet in length, with a wide and handsomely railed rear platform, will have 14 up holstered plush chairs, with writing desk and reading table in the rear end; a caiefully selected library of 123 vol umes; bath room, barber shop and buffet in the center, while in the rear, iu addition to toilet rooms for men and women, there will bo two smoking and card rooms, each furnished with six comfortable chairs and a folding table. These smoking or card rooms will be shut off from the remainder of the car and so thoroughly ventilated that thofe addicted to the weed may indulge at leisure without attracting undo atten tion. The Northern Pacific management re alize that for short night runs, as for instance, between St. Paul and Chicago, where there ie no opportunity to enjoy the really interesting scenerj , a library car meets the wants of the traveler, but on a tranEconteutal journey of 200U miles or more, where the passenger hopes to see something of the country through which he is passing, perhaps for the first time, tiiey hold that tho obseiva Hon cur is the car par excellence, and that nothing else will take its place. The "North Coast Limited" of the Northern Pacific will be run exclusive ly in the interest of passengers and, us a consequence, the observation' car will be kept on the end of the train for the benefit of the passengers who have paid their money and to the disgust possibly of the "private car" tourists and rail road officials who are so frequently in evidence. President Mellen says that neither his own private car' nor the privuto car of other officials or people will be hauled on this train. Thus, for the first timo the transcon tinental traveler is to have, and with out extra fare or charge, a dully trans continental passengar service absolutely superior to anylhiug heretofore offered him either in the West or in thu East. The Northern Pacific people feel con fident their enterprise will be appreciat ed by the public aud that the large business thoy liavo heretofore enjoyed will ho greatly increased, The Northern Pacific passenger busi ness of the past year has been very satis factory, aud it is showing a good increase right along. It will not seem out of place that the Northern Pacillu railway should inaugurate this service, as they Ik IT MISSIS'n nt'iii iiliitij"ittihi'iiitUoiiii'iMailitiiioi.t.niitnuiwHHiTtMm H liuViiii7i'tt'it'iM ttttinitft'it't h'ii MiimWii'iiiTiTiinmi ntl t mmumT AVfcgetable Preparationfor As similating iheFoodandHeguta Ung the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digealion.Checrfur ncss andRest.Contains neither Opitim.Morphine nor Mineral. NotNarcotic. nmpeofoid.utsavupmmR Amnion Sent' f mi fit J . Qiamj- IStteiyailtavcr. Aperfecl Remedy for Cons lipa Tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverisn ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature oP NEW YORK. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of j EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CIMTAUR COMPANY. NEW VOF1K CITY. SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. m Q w ui Q m A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Seed Wheat, Seed Oite, Sped Rye, Seed Barley, Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn King Philip Corn, Stowell's Evergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Corn, Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn, White Hominy Corn. Early Rose Potatoes, Bur bank Potatoes, Spring Vetches, Brome GraBS, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food, Bee Supplies. A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of which wilt be sold at close prices for CASH at the Feed, Seed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS. a d w H H d SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. did the dining car service, especial'y whin it is borne in mind that tho earn ing of the passenger trafns for the p. it year show u greater revenue per train mile than any other in the Uniteu States or Canada. Volcanic Eruption Are grand, but ekln eruptions rob life of joy. P.uckien's Arnic.t Salvo cures them ; also old, running ami fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, (.Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Beet Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only '2 cte. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, ding- gists. -' Ilor.ui Cur Salt". Thirty head of good horses, weight from 1100 to 1400 lbs. To be ieei. at Jacob McRnynold'ti place, to miles east from The Dalles. For further particu lars address, Sthauue Biios., jan24 mw The Dalles, Or. F. B. Thirbield, health inspector of Chicago, fays, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cine cannot be recommended too highly. It cured me of severe dyspepsia." It di gests what you and cures indigestion and heartburn, and all forms of dye pepsin. Bargains in the GROCERY DEPARTMENT. 1IT.. I I. .1 il. . it . . i o nuvu pmciiuseii me enure stocu 01 the Dawson Grocery and Commission Co. We have tho goods on sale now AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. The stock consists of a larno otsoi t ment of Syrups. Pickles. Toilet Sonus. Bulk Mincu Meat, Spices, Olives, Bak ing Powder, Extracts, aud muny other good things not mentioned here, I If you wnnt to save tuonov, order snn and take advantage of this" special tali). We have added a line of fresh Vcgou- j bles to the Grocery Department. PEASE & MAYS. Why tuffir with kindey cr thtumn tiem when it can bo posit. v -ly cured by the use of the "Oxyiionor Kiug." Ho medicine, no electticUy. but pure Oxy gen instilled or absorbed through tho pores of the i kin while jett-leep. No need of going to iho hospital for medi cal treatment when you can be cured at home liy tho use of tho Oxygenor. No matter what the ailment or disease tho Oxygenor will diagnose the cuse and proceed to cure. For further particu late call on or address J. M. Filloon, Tho Dalles, Or. phone 309. feblO-wfc i "'I f 'if if FREE With every one dol lar purchase at our storo during January and Fobruary wo will givo a chanco on a $50- Aluminizod (lariand Stool Kango. per & mm