5 ! t . r"r1TJi;TTrM For a Nice Suit of Clothes. lira Pii KM; ' quarter cf i. crntrry.. kytr -"It as not only tbe rirbi. but it is tbe doty Sol tbe government ol tbe I'niU-d 'stti tc bold ivtirv inch of the PHBjJinjics until ttme haa le do iSSri ; Yellowstone Park Line. teas ' and institutions. MJ be lieving, tbe statesman atus so w 70 the east ! en mrts.ni crre it eSbcicai to tlKe tile -cear mbbh like to i ke n luw- Democrats who would litre ibe grand Jast What Yoa ixiant. TEE XCKISO CAE tOriX TXOX TOETLAXP , lOKE i'XkS. . old party go "buck on the doctrine ol ,x4ti. expansion, promulgated It -If cr'an tad earned oot lv lnm, despite bis .belief thai there wtf no direct war rant in tie eontu'etion Jor the 1 greatest ct of liif life, tbe 'parebas ' of Louisiana, and tbe government o its 3nnabitant wunoa; xirsi ooaming ytt 4. tbeir eouenL" A large -Duel 32pn, lint ai 3 Stt a.uu.-v. Tei3 mull Jur Tucum. euirl Jlriiiiii. Cnrv't Biclior litiC hnviti Jienfi potato, iijitiaie. llwu kiitu E. C Pullmw;. 11 it, lKliiBtrmn tultsltir etiuu- trr. Beluiib. Xluuet!t. ll", St. lr.ul. OmubK. Eimstif 3;y. St Loul. Ctilcopp cue ua "1SS&toiJi7.Den)OMintl& country feel just ; BtM,HW wiau o 1. T. SC 1' 31. .UtiX31 1W7I 1 1 Str. Rt-ffuliitor. tUalted ltxHlirJ REGULATOR LINE 03iies.PflfllaM4islotia.6i. i jnw ! tb RccuUtw Untmn ma t 1r t!iefo.4 M)iJu1e Jtbcot aoOw. J I V lHllf C !.. . k Mituidity. F Arr I'lirttMUO Ship your Freight ria I Str. D!les City. , (ToucliJtc it kit Vy 1'oluti, 1 Sucb i .1 j 4 '.rl toiid Mt Regulator Line. t i r. . . Vr. ItUw kl (00 . ! MtrT3J- rriay. ' Art. rorUktid TUurrtat ?ktutdr Art Diliv (titiccruinjj J. A. Eberle Fine TaJlorinc. tbis wty. IBt DALLE'. MlECOS. CASTOR! A Tot Irisxti CtLbirex. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. IM Ym Hm Always iMtt ltuuBHS tiTKl-uliwii lino tourir; W "T-k Xiuiwculik.is. Jmui uuc XlMiurl river J.0S0U ; wKlinin ciiuticu ! TuClticleC snJCi. Talon flcr: cmuirctitir.t HiiixiiFf cbtctu: JD fltrKihiutioa ol iiefcrts. , J-nr tnmOcuDti.'' illntJKtrtl dcwrijiiif e nmttcr. tici-ii.. biet-iCDF CKi reMS'vctjuiii. etc. csd! on or WTltt 1 ST r ID nKll 1 LT-i iJCiU. L ...... lt .. .. lore cracea ciuie rwt. -tion creton effect t ordioerv iirices. i 1 Good pawsTi t cheap paper price, j; Elegant desipne, taetelDl colonupt,TOor I Jor a email price, at our etore on Third ! i ptreet. Aleo a foil line ol bone paints. ( FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Cite in l'irtU!5 "ffi-e. Oat Stwl Vx'c W. C. ALLAWAY. Can. Art. I wriTlTlTlTi ! W. VAT7SE, Third St. Oae week - Obs mantli Oae yer Beers the A. D. CHARLTON, . ijKtinil t.cmmi: PtcnFcr Aran, SS Jdorrii-un j rtiret curiiir TlaiC, J'urUtuti. Orrpua. F- s. Gunning, I 5o 51' 6 00 WINTER TRIPS. We Put... VEDKEHDAT - - - TEB. For winter residence or wroter oaiiac - -Hrtn' canSitionE wLl bt iaand ra everr htnd in Ctiiionda. I'lenteocs rtinlt'. tbl season gsrea to tbe TEACE-ilAKEBii OF KALAMAZOO temi-tropjea: repettaon wonoerlcl irn- : petns : tbe Sara! -otTerlnps tre more than ' Trcm l!iii1gs.n coaieE lbe p-tve asnnir penercas tnd tt't crop oi snnoaDCemect tb&t leaders ol tbe Eontbern irciu bounttJal und eieelienU , -, Old ccetn :oese-ire5 new cnurms tt 1 . ia!u BtrbtrA, tntE Monica, l.tdz t confeience m DetroiU witb a view Be, CjrI)imd3 EI)d .ht encilttl::,d itle to prepnring tbe ws.r for mediation 0j liJt, ii;Bf Cataline wbere ntbinr, and arbitration. Tbe source and , bsstiap, rt:nb::nE, ndinp, buntinp and tbe spirit mbke tbe movement absurd. Jotficp ity 1 enjayed nowbe.-e elie. of rabid vu,e rxiu on;r tnt-rnse'res a; .Momecuo. oruao-, Pacadene. Eebo iloaniain, Sas Jaciato, C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and CigarSk Agercy for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, WHISKEY fro'" 10 M per caNon. M to 15 Tart old. every lit of fwenty years experience and drag knowledge Tviih even Prescription i ihafs compounded here., 1 it any rea?on vrhx oar presciiption luine.s ' 3 increaring 0 rapidly? Ak onr pby?i'cian Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, HnrCPQhnPine TK?0ifid OOAOIro7.(61otOOjBlion. Jll toyearsold nU10CailUClU5. qALIt0BSIA A T-THTB Iron. 8.U5 o IS.tO per gallon. 14 to 11 year old.' " ONLY THE PUREST LIQTJOBS SOLD. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, OLTKPIA BEER on dranpLt, and Val Blatr and Olrinpia Beer In bottles ,,. Imported Ale and Porter i .or. bscDDC & LanEDiiE. nmioi - if we .are reliable. It is ss tbocL'L a anmbe. Sp.nisb tympatbirers in France sbonld bave ttarted an intervention pajj 3rC,0t tr.(j ptim pncps. movement durins our "ar "itb lor reuewiup bealtb tnd vipor, here; Spain- Oar reply -ould bsve been tbannd mzay tot spring?, of widely . .... .o.r.r,. varrmp conititnents end denionEtraied Ulfcl we Uk tuj .... t. b pnt , .... ,nTT5p tir of; tkn; wben we were readv ve vronld tbfc dr. ,,y t.Ej0jed at Bann'np, i invite it: and mediation from tbat nu;0, Tama; and, evea iartberos, Ft source was not desired any wav. Phoeniz, Tntson, El Paso, exists coa- Bietsed is tbe peacemaker, pro- duions eqaallr well indicated for weak ; Tided benowetb wben to dip in bis tbf " E 1a' . . uucu uc wiu ' Slanv Lbmc aotbms m natcre rnnrt J tr- Tbis is not an opportune a.tract:vfc tjJ6n lbe fchiuiaerinr obve moment for meddling peaee-mal-inz. orebards ol Santa Strbara and San to Att vvjjoje It jut f iscrav From tbe Transvaal came tbe decla- ; otbers nreler tbe sta-.ely walnuts ' Jjotic 1 S; or tiie ot vrtauttfirT. tii ?it ri,T as iicrvt. 1 w. tae BLflKELEY & PDiiTOI, Reliable Pre-crijtionit. "NOTICE of Apjtlicstjon for Ljnor Lieenet. tion of wBr. and presumably tbe Ventura and 1 j . lemons of rernanoo: bat tor UOer governmeni maue ji uu.u..... , , ,rM. nf trrrra.forAVjiouiiti for e H. - - to in rpirtt At all events, wben n wants meuia- tiife Ui orEn2e, first, last and uwi.te, thun riii . ji. ia .-d of eajnii.o.ia Ac tion it will invite it. land "it ts in preales: person at Upon tbe otber band, tbe Brilisb . Covina, Kiverg,de. Hedlands and Hijl,- -"5; Jffi Wtint- nt Ihceosi.:'11"11'- Egnaliy mtereettuc is Lbe to Uie kald iunty U ua Jil di.te.U ..GHflS. FRRNK- JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. or (Jrancht Site celeljrattl 'LrMli.A i'.KKK, (ickimw:-tfic-d tte lt bTlu The Pullet, t trie ti"nal jirlce. Come 111, try It kw5 be -os.yim-w1. Al tbe Fint brands ol Winn, Liquor tad Cicnrs. Sandrjuiehes of bit Kiiidf klKRyi on bund. teine iieinc xae Jiruuir aiUTcc jsnena in raun, piuriuut ,)Ujt tc, ht ConutT Cocrt. of ta suite lA Ore- Wasco Warehouse Compan) Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. , Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- ! frvr irimiT1 Tbie Honr t mannfactnrid expressly for famllj UVJX1 A 1J U.A . . eVerv nack it rnaraatetxl to cive satielaction. We sell our poods lower than any bonse in tbe trade, and if yon don't think 10 call and cut cur pricee and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. lt from tbeir point of view, tbat , oJ lbjf .f J. i. W1LET. bere accamphsbed. Petition rur LJtiuor L.lcrr.i. Tbe fsltiifnl wfre -xbor:ed 10 see ' If' ' ' Honorable Couniy f'trart if the State oi ilecca and rhnfflfc off; bat wiHrr pener- w , Elltolttt(l xendaiuimfl leyl voter, atioris will t-ee California of the eontb o! At teloj J-iedct in tbe Coumr f Wnco, 2nd proloni; We. t Cieri: i Falfe drag fresb and eotnplete. pt&cc is new Dr.QUNN'S: PILLS 3 ONE FOR A DOSE. IntTf- TispW, TrTrot ei.d tat mute ul Oiiroi). rtrtTJtllr waition , ! ?nt i.(CiorL'.e twxsr V erat.t r lio3J u J. J. W'i.eT tc ti; .jnrit'itrtii. resit jfi -ltinu liqtiort t , jr. ltt quuunu ltmu tue culluu lc lb tt u ui i shtnito. in told ABleitnn; irtfJiirt, it lt.e Cocu- ; ) tr ci:c rtute ior-tja. lur uec izuta lit rv (xiV'. Jr'Jrc tbt eontitj tteururcr oi tdfi eountr 22r Crtt iJZ. , Ja MeCcrtbr AV i2 1 ilubte JiJLuler Wie llnl! W Porter Wa rtcnley Hn:BrCLxxiinli X A rehraltt p E Kc.tar li 1 iauadCT J0I12 Larnjilfc All Kthny r W Perm J w TooinpMJtj ,OWlio;er C V. alert O Cecum i Eteplummi! Ttos LVillinr Tho Kryant Alonzolcnier V M ile artby feam Uluotitut tlie war sball continue until tbe liraTery of tbeir soldiers and tbe sigacity of tbeir generals bave been vindicated, and tbey sball bave tangible results for tbeir losses of Ben and treasure Tbere is scarcely s doubt tbat tbe following utterance, made recently in parliament by Mr. t Ualfour on bebalf of tbe government, voices tbe convictions o'. an over nbelming mojorhy of Englisbroen: 'Being absolutely determined, tbat tbis war sball be driven to a Buccess Inl issuej and liy a successful issue is tiot tneant any snzerainty, any tbadowy snpremacy in Soutb Africa, but tbe real, substantial supremacy of Great Britain over all tbese regions. And as we sball never vrasting diseases, all -sfiects of Eei- povidjicott advhe peace until tbe war vat iBHfi aou&t;, or czcets jui cijar'et uiaat: a a Kdmuuwou v a lioweii CrcilOQ. .ZlurVB LUIIli; aiu tJi'.'Wtn iieury wre x " cjivenou-.u tit...fl l.uilU R'rifF th ' ' JJIber K Uwy Kerr n tiler ""clkith blO.a ULUlUe.. iy.np in. JTUomto 'ri0Ujrber Jobn OalUcber idnt "lor. to pV?.t C'eekBIinf j FiatitKiataild J V eearJett Walter amdell restoreB tbe Cre of youth. ' r,,7ul,,e fSX?" WW?.lTa Bymail5OcperliO3:;'b0XeS llerrr Ademt (Jfjai Oreer m!KKr ij .. 3 Miller J1 ;ee to care or reiuna uie luuuej. 1 1 1 n,4ia,Mm w w vwv WJ V f JJVSAT mau ump, Ir. ur loll ii lor aiurCrrijiin. pK. xjaSAKKO CO PtilX A t Jlolri.eoi i- P Oatuult riant ililler l"rl 31111 L O rhajruaa o W elnu J O W llur J Ilyan r. E aiiliei V. O Curlccd T Henuezhais J PTnnnr W Ixmlk Jolin Jleloue .JJiEelssr Pllanrlc iuwa VI r ALITY, H 11 Parer li C Ow3win LOST V'GOR .TOCvadou V J Kej.ler Aff O W ANHOOC . J TJllr 3 N IMB A A JBLT.AJfj HERViTA rI.-r vifTifmtrTir', Albert euttOD J OImb 15 P V. uitlbct Ld :btfchna V llBVTCOQ fcam Wort (Zhht 1'ortuiie C Pickeriun l A Crnttj Jat Warracfc Y A Lueddcmntm J r eWAUiOn V E Keraj Geo HlUer V II Prow Lem K bedloid Roixrrt Grier it J Hltlagtou r 3i Piul peace brougbt fortb its legitimate fruits, so we believe tbat, in spite of aoy ambiguity of utterance from any quarter of tbe otber side of tbe Louse, tbe country will insist tbat tbe ministers wbo serve it, bft tbey Complete of Dm at PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. DEALEKS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Crandall S Barget UNDERTAKERS ; EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. M. Z. DONNELL, THEsDRUGCIST. 1 T lieuuett J J Wiley C. F. Stephens .Donlor In,.. NERV1TA MEDICAL CO. drawn from one side of tbe bouse xstlnlar. & Jackson Sta, CHICAGO, tVU , or from tbe otber, will see not only tbat tbe military bunor of tbie country ib amply vindicated, but that we leave in Soutb Africa no root from wliicb again may Bjr in,' fortb any of tbe bitter and poison ous fruits from which for so many years we have been Buffering." The United States government will Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests tbe food and aids EXECUTOK'S X0T1CE. JTotlte hereto- ivm that tbe undettiirnid ! parwj,jr MOS UKKll UUI uniiiiiw V) tuv wuu in , m tut ttale 01 uru;on jor n aco couiity, extrmur . jj Jane Betzlejr. deceeMl. All i-enou bavloe tl.itai egniiti't toil! e.itii'e ute berebr iiotllii-d.lo ' jnexnt tnein t me vvltb tbi;prT--r voucter. at! joy office in Tbe Plle. O;ff0D, vtitblii Mx taotitb frora tbe dale tbeieol. I pated ieb. .1. W'J ' IS. E. HfSn.vOTOS, ' febSMl Kxeeutcr. I LiANE BROS OENEKAL TrT'W'P,Tj' j Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Fut-nishinqs. l!ot, She'll llnt, ( ,, Xoiiun,. for W I. PuiiKiiu hli(K-. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rHANeAOTA KKEKAL BANKING BUclNKfe BiacKsmiins tnurnn ...,tii it hr...n nakpfl. Atarunciaiiy uigesusineiooas " ".-mature in utrengtbeDiDif and recon- than-balta knekal banking busisei, i and the asking munt come from Btructlnj-the exhausted digestive or-, . nna. Tt. latholfit'Kt illcinrirul1laiict. 1 Ltten of Credit iesnfed available in the rrctor a or .London, not ucirou or rr rv v v-r. --."rr'rr . " c..." k . uiauu lAiuic. ao otner ureiwratiun iwia owin, . can approach it in efficiency. It in- bi"t change and Telegraphic C, ; atantlv relivpA and ncrmnncntlvrnrpa TraniferB sold oil New York. Chlcaso. ' 1 r t ji fit n -. J t-. i . r.. c T."-. : i . j 1 rh ..AND... JCalamnzoo. Spokesronn-Heview. , ., 'Dyspejwla, Indigestion, Heartburn, Bt. Louie, Kan FrAncisco, Portland Ore Col. F. J. Parker's Wulla Wnlla pjatulence, Sour Btomach, Kausea, 'tron, Keattle Wash,, and verioue pointt atpc,nnn wlilfb ,m been a stanch BlckHeadache,Ga8tralgIa,Cramps(and i In Oregon arfd Waehinjrton. bUtesuaan, nhlcli liiw neen a stancu gUother reflUltof ImperfectdlKeatioa Collections made at all points 0D fgv. Democrutio paper for pe rhaps a I . Prepared by E. C. DeWitt Co.. Cbicogo- I orable terms. Horsesnoers 1 a : 5 ihlT'.'.'CZZZZ : AKt. Tflt'iilmiii' No. ss. ,i i;ii 6kv.mu hi., Wagon and Carriage Work. r riah Brothara' Wagon. I Tbirfl and Mc:nn, Phone 159 Ttr' "'''' -"n-'t The Dalles, Or, Jf. STUHDEVANT, Dentist. Ollico over Ktuticli A Co.'h Hank C. S. Smith, THE Up-to-date Coeer Freeh Eggs and Cnwnwy ISutter a specialty. i .2d Street. i 1 J.8. SCX. 11 I A .... . Photic c, Till: HAI.I.KS,01.Kti0N 1 W.WIOON, I' ATTOKNKY.AT LAW. omconve, Ktr.1 Nt. jlVaK UUX' 0KKG0!' 270. 11.M.MJS1S First National Bank. ORE00" THE DALLES - - - or" u...t,, lrani'N A uenerai oanaiug "UD."r , fitoht Deposits received, subject to b Draft or Checa. Collaotione wade and P''fi: Kew York, San Franolsco an-land. D. P. Tuounox. J0. 8. WW Eo. M. William, n Gnu. u" H. M. Bkall.