The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 27, 1900, Image 3

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This is the most delightful time of
year to those who oscapo it. But wo do
not like to onjoy all the good things of
this life alone, and as a special induce
ment to have you present wo will have
on sale this week
Ladies Wrappers
What's tho difference, we'd like, to know, be
tween picking up dollars in the middle of the road or
saving them by buying your goods right. You may
uot be learned in that which is written, but when
yon trade with us you exhibit a wisdom which is
practical, and that's the sort of knowledge which
COO II tfl
The items we enumerate are not our only attrac
tions, but an earnest of what we can do for you in a
hundred lines not alluded to.
Me-W.?oh?yA.tlSS1,.,?ii0J:,0B0 the balance of those
21 peh ceil num.
Itegular two for 25c.
And during the balance rT this week only, von
hove the choice of all of our "ot!, 85c, II 00, $1.25 and
fl.&O Men's Colored Shirts ut
Only two more days. Don't lose this opportunity.
All Goods Marked
I In Plnln Figures.
Telephone No. J.
vthu. v
FEB. 1!7, 1000
Oysters ?
. ()
See "In Mizzuru" by tho Shaw Co.
Salem is noon to have another
St. hull's Guild will moot at Mrs.
"tin, o wiauriuw uiiernuun.
Mr. A. McAdam was able to be out on
Ihfr VtrPlttU ffir ii cilm i..i Ia.Uh
Williams & Co' are offering exception-
Il1rt,ii.n I II.. I
Ajtiler itt tlm only noraon vou can
"VI U I m Uir kiuwittlir IkUil nnnitrtv
Pure Bilver lnced Wvaiidott pi?h Kan
be Imiriul ii t I II rHn.i ... ..4
vuMbii, ii, uiuon yiuuery ruvJic
wr m h in f..i.tu 1 ...i.i..
TliiDKe nre hfiriniilni? to briirli tn tm
'U WIIU 11 tl CUIlHirU UL'IIUU 11
i Mb after liOOn ll imirrluwn lineman u-na
toned by County Clerk Kcleay to J. IJ.
Keed.ol Dnfur. mill M
Every tlav t
n our streets heavily laden with
m nntl heuvy timber for the Paul
JIlir railway.
A. M, WilliHIIlB A ('. . ,.lun.tnn ..lo
i s ilium aaiv
Jw ntergootlaia still on, but nearlng
'"close, if jo,, wailt B nlce Clipe euit
ort "price lower than you will
"ereee aKain, you must act quickly.
At the l!l,l
a, " un-nicr midgut me
onavr coinniinv win ..i.... w... rf
I'lny iinv vj, vjiuuu-
feat creation. "In Mtxuru"
...... i.mtiiuuii, -in auEEuru,"
WMrved emits can bo had at Blakoley &
ougMonV. 1'opulur prices 15, L'5 and
The Slniw iinnwiu,,,, ....
W tliia afternoon 7 which wbb
Z'u t0 bv n" '""nonae crowd. Many
mpU'ontary remarks were made
8tort.r.,,,n,'i,,K' W,"Ch ,H r lhB
John D. Nownian, aged about 4(1 years
a muivo of Swcoden, who was
2J?M7 ,or '"cony in .house, com
1,,e niulde by hanging himself hi
nl cou"t J"11 BhJv foro
A linn il tit .( i a i
Irom "v."' iornea has be
in..N ', hl Walla to Seattl
Pin B " U!.,nV,8',or
m"y ""vice
I 6 "'0"l,,H many
"vebeen purclia.firt i. Jj
In ti . ' I'urciiaseq by
ln that sootin.. i.r '
il.. .. .
vean t au' apinuia school
"""n entertainment nd box loclul at
uring the
1600 horses
which $13 (10 was raieed for the benefl"
of the school library. After tho enter
tainment tLe patrons and friends retired
to Huslc's hall and engaged in a social
uanco conducted by tho school. A most
enjoyable time is reported.
Tho people who use tho road leading
to Dutch Flat have been contemplating
building n new road for Borne time. Yes
terday J. 15. Goit, county surveyor went
out and looked over the grouud of the
proposed new road and found a feasible
way by which the iriade eculd be made
not to exceed two feet to the rod.
At the meeting of the Oregon Emer
gency Corps and Ited Cross Society held
in Portland it was decided not to dis
band. General O. Summers who was
present, declared that nil the ex-soldiers
earnestly wished the corps to remain
intact until tiie soldiers killed in Manila
had been buried and the voiuuteert'
monument erected.
At the Yogt opera house last night,
Captain Thos. K. Jillbish and Captaiu
Flora M. Homer, of the Salvation Army,
were united in marriage. The stage was
decorated befitting the occasion, and an
immense crowd witnessed the marriage.
After the cercmouy the members of the
army repaired to their hall, where a
repast was In waiting. The bride and
groom left on tho bout this morning for
Nitthtwatchmau Phirmnn made a haul
lust night at the hobo cump eaet of town
uud marched ten men to the city jtil.
Tliis morning they were lined up before
Itecorder Gates and eight of them were
discharged with the understanding that
they leave town at once. The other two,
who had appeared before his honor on u
previous morning, were lined five dollar
each, and not having the amount of the
fine they are this afternoon, doing service
on the streets for tho city.
Joaquin Miller has written some
poems laudatory of the Uoers, and ex
pressing extreme rhythmic vituperation
of England. And yet it was chiefly
through the English people thivt Joaquin
Miller acquired fume and fortune, They
took him up when ho wus un almost un
known rhymester and showered him
with benefits. Hence his abuse of
England seems to smack strongly of
baso ingratitude. Telegram.
Tho petition of tho American News
paper Publishers' Association, asking
congress to investigate tho unwarranted
riBO of from 00 to 100 per cent in the
prlco of white paper, is one that con
gressmen cannot all'onl to ignore. Tho
white puper trust doubtless has a power
ful iuflueuce, but 22,000 uowspapers
ought to have more, and the paper trust
Is doing a wholesale business in plund
ering all tho newspaper publishers.
Some one, who has no doubt had con
siderable experience in handling horses,
gives tho following advice about saving
them from the flames when the barn Is
on lire: "It is almost Impossible to
drag out your horses except you first
blindfold them, us many owners know to
their cost.wlmt a mad Instinct the dumb
brutes have to rush Into the flames.
Throw a hemp bag or horse cover or un
old piece of carpet over their heads,
covering their eyes to eriield them from
the light, and the rnoet excited animal
will quiet down as docile as a lamb and
let you lead him out of danger."
Undorbtedly people in Kansas have
heard about our glorious country and
the many advantages we have over the
above mentioned state, for every week
or so we receive letters from parties in
the East asking for all Borts of informa
tion relative to Waeeo county. From
ull indications we may expect a good
many new settlers this epring, and right
glad we are to Imve them. The follow
ing is a part of a communication we re
ceived this morning from a man living
in Johnson county, Kansas : "Would
you bu so kind as to send me a sample
cjpy of your paper, so I may see from
your own daily and weekly news, the
real truth of your glo.ious country. I
expect to go to that part of the country
this spring and should like a good farm
ing section."
The water commissioners met in tho
recorder's oflice fust night and recon1
sidered the matter of the refunding bonds
and by u unanimous vote of the board
decided to issue bonds to the amount of
$25,000 instead of $20,000. The bids for
the bouds were 6peued nnd read, uftct
which the meeting adjourned until 2
o'clock this afternoon. At today's meet
ing ull members of the commission be
ing present, it was moved and carried
that tho bid of N. W. Harris & Co.,
bankers of Chicago, made by II. C. Bar
roll, of Spukaue, for four per cent bonds,
par, and accrued interest to date of de
livery of bonds, and that tho board allow
cash commission at time of payment for
said bonds amounting to one and one
half per centum of the amount of bond"
ieu"d, be accepted. The board then
adjoin ned.
A very amusing incident occurred
early this morning at tiie barracks of the
Salvation Army which are situated
nearly ucross the street from Tim
CiiuoNici.K office, consequently the re
porter could uot help from being an eye
witness to what happened. A wedding
supper had been served the previous
evening and this morning there was
quite a lot of choice viands remaining.
A tramp happening along opened the
door und stepping inside found that he
was alone, with a Bpread that had uot
been his good fortune to set dowu to for
many a day. Satisfying his hunger, ho
came out und beckoning to a comrudo,
who was near the railroad invited him
to tho feast. lie like the former hobo
ate alone, and when finding he could uot
stow nwuy ull the edibles hunted up a
chum und ushered him to the haven of
good fortune. Wo were called away, so
consequently do uot know how many ac
cepted the hospitality, of the open door
and no host or hostess, but to our certain
knowledge four men left the festal biard
with u degree of satisfaction that they
had fared far better than their fellow
companions who were satisfied with n
uavK ttoor naiiuoiii.
Floral lotiou will cure wind chapping
mid sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
A Fulk.
HrAUtlca of the Bannot Houte Jolly
Companion anil I'lcanant Hur-rounillng-D,
, Nmv Mexico, Fob. 22, 1900.
On board Southern Pacific.
KniTon CiiRo.Nim.K :
1 need not toll you, nor your readers,
that tho most difficult thing in the world
is to tear ono's self away fiom news
paper people. One is rJfd enouh, but
when it cornea to twenty in one car it is
well nigh impossible. But just now,
whllo they are gazing out of the car
window at tho adobe huts and their in
habitants and wondering if even a news
paper man could exist in this desert, I'll
shut myself up in the drawing room ifor
none of us can afford to stay in here
long) and tell yon just, a little of how it
all happened, for I could not tell half,
nor would you want to hear it. Indeed,
If anyone can tell half of what is Been on
a trip over the Southern Pac'fic and
Sunset routes, they must need be well,
slightly more gifted than yours truly.
Since leaving Portland Saturday night
we have been craning our necks until a
giraffe isn't in it with our appearance.
It is not necessary to speak cf Southern
Oregon's part in the panorama wc have
past through ; everything in regard to
that state, of which we grew prouder re
we passed, is taken for granted, for who
has not heard of the grandeur of Oregon,
and you should pats through Arizona
and New Mexico to fully appreciate it ;
but every desert has its oases would be
applicable to the Southern Pacific route,
aud even that desert has hid it inter
esting points since we struck it last
night. Upon reaching the California
line we began to look ubuut for new
scenes, and we found them. In the
presence of Ofegonians, however, Shasta
veiled his face, but could not cover one
iota ot tiie beauties which lay at bis feet
nor shut out one ray of the golden sun
set which met our gaze Sunday evening,
revealing the significance of the name
"Sunset route."
Reaching San Francisco early Monday
morning we determined to look up
every "item" und if possible get a
Ecoop, so after decking ourselves in
violets, which Beenied to lino every coi
ner, we sallied fortli for the park, Cliff
house and other resorts of the "tourist,"
only returning in time to take the boat
for Oakland at 5:30, for we left ut 0:15.
So eager were we to miss not a Eight to
be seen, that we no doubt missed much
which was in store for us, for, not con
tent with the seemingly limitless gen
erosity and thoughtfulnees he had
showered us with at Portland, C. H.
Murkham, of the Southern Pacific, had
telegraphed Asst. Passenger Agent Jack
son to show us the sights of tho city;
but we were not to be found high nor
low, which experience in regard to news
paper people was probably a new one to
him or any other transportation agent.
However, this time, we will take the
will for the deed, and never miss an op
portunity to say a word in favor of the
route which lias afforded us so much
In order to reach New Orleans at the
date set, we wero compelled to foieo the
much desired visit in Los Angeles which
we reached ut 1 o'clock Tuesday after
noon. We, therefore, caught but a
glimpse of the beautiful city und its at
tractions for visitors as we remained but
a half hour. We were recompensed,
however, by the view which greeted us
continually during tho afternoon, as we
rode past acres upon acres of orange
orchards and saw trees loaded with the
luscious yellow fruit, while up to this
time many of us had nevei seen in
larger quantities than a small shipment
to local dealers. We seemed to never
grow weary of watching the beauty of
the groves filled with them, and it was
amusing to see tho golden hue of the
car after it left Pomona, where every
pencil pusher pushed through the crowd
to got u baeket containing two dozen
large oranges for 25 cents. Then, too,
we caught ft passing glance at Sail
Gabriel nileslon which wo atouce recog
nized from the numerous views every
where to bo seen, aud all at once de
cided to more thoroughly investigate
it ut some future time. To my mind
tho trip yesterday afternoon was tho
most interesting of any day so fur.
Last evening ubjut 8 o'clock we
crossed tho Colorado river at Yuma und
found ourselves in Arizona. From ull
accounts of that tropical berg, und hav
ing in my mind the story of the sinner,
who, when ho passed in his checks at
Yuma und got down to tho lower region,
sent back for his blankets, wo expected
to melt there even in winter, hut found
It very comfortable, Indoed, wo have
experienced no unusually warm weather
until today, when it doesn't seem just
like they wero skating ut ome. Were
surprised to lind snow between San
Francisco and Los Angeles. In fact from
the various kinds of weather wo shall
eneounter before returning, it will suro
ly require more of a wardrobe than
newspaper people possess. Would sug
gest that you call upon some of the
."ill, jTTlilHl nil HHlUllilllUHnllmtimT.RlMMdlllliilllh t.hii.Mnl
'llitu tt'iH'ltiHiti'i"'l'mi'''MMitTMi''b'imHii'lii'iiiiiemt i mummtli
Vegetable Preparationfor As -similaling
ling the Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes Digestionheerful
ness andRestContains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Haxlc otic .
Mx.Smiui '
htjyrom. nam;
A perfect Remedy forConslipa
tlon , Sour Sloiaach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness Anil Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature oP
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and
Seed Wheat, Seed Oats,
Seed Hye, Seed Barley,
Seed Huckwheat, Seed Corn
King Philip Corn,
Slowell's Evergreen Corn,
Early Minnesota Corn.
Kaflir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
White Hominy Corn.
Early Kose Potatoes,
Uurbar.k Potatoes,
Spring Vetchee,
Broiue Grass,
Cheap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Supplies.
A magnificent stock of Stp.ple and Fancy Groceries, all of
which will be sold at close prices for CASH "at the Fedl, Seed
and Grocery Store of
church societies to solicit a fcv old
clothes and send along.
Two more daye of traveling will brina
U9 to the crescent city, when we rxprct
to go on to Memphis and return with
the Histern delegates.
If we survive fie Marde festiv
ities, you may again hear from the
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
1 tHTrf-
. if
Bears tho
llurso for Sole.
Thirty head of good horses, weight
from 1100 to 1400 lbs. To be ceei. at
Jacob McReynoId's place, '13 miles east
from Tho Dallee. For further particu
lars address,
SritAUiiu BitoH,,
j.m24 mw The Dalles, Or.
A. M. Willi.uns & Co. announce the
arrival of eome now things in white!
goods. Full particulars will appear in J
their ad. soon, ,
Bargains in the
U'a ImvM nnrMifiBOfl ttin nnllrn etrwil ti
tho Dawson Grocery and CnmmiRslou!
Co. Wo huvo tho goods on sale now j
Willi every ono dol-
lar purchase at our
store during January
and February wo will
give a chanco on a
Alumini.ed Garland
Stool Range. "
per & Benian
Thn stock consists of a laivu assort
ment of Syrups, Pickles, Toilet Soaps,
Hulk Mince Meat, Spices, Olives, Bak
ing Powder, Extracts, and many other
good things uot mentioned here.
If you want to tavo money, order soon
und take advantage of this special sale,
Wo have added u line of fresh Vegeta
bles to tho Grocery Department.
Dull Headache, Pains In variouB parts
' of tliu body, Sinking at tlui pit of tho
stomach, liai of appetite, Feviirishness.
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences,
of impure blood. No mmtor how it
became so it mint bn pnrUl .'d in order to
obtain food health. Acker's Blood1
Kluxir has never ftitcd to euro Scrofuloua
or Syphilitic polio in or any other blood
diseases, It 1m citaiuly iv wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee, Blakeley& Uough
ton's drug store.