The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 27, 1900, Image 1

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    SI)c On I! co
NO 169
Itfl r
Not u cut-prieo or rod action sale, but a "timely-tip" sale. It is only a
matter of ii motitli or two until we will be compelled to advance our present ex
ceptionally low prices on good, well-made muslin wear.
Tlio cotton market, as every one knows, bns been on the advance for some
tiimi, mid line not yet readied tbe limit. Mills tire consequently advancing their
prices, iiml manufacturers in addition to recent advances made on salaries, nre
also paying higher prices on all grades of material.
Night Eobes.
Mntlirr 1 1 li liti) r 1 , t tick t-t 1 yoke,
rillllo ui neck mid alt-even.. . .'."Jc
Fame, yoke I run I tid with live
Intuit, Insertion, edged with
einliruldery . . ,.Ric
Banic, with Mtnm yuL'o (it
tuckii Hiid rmliroldery Insor
linn iiiM'l; mid kIlivcn edR
el Willi cmliroldery "Do
Kniplii cinvti, muml yokehor
iiitiiiet.iod wltli I rown nar
row tucks mid 2 land em
hrnldury Innirtlon, llnlhlin!
Willi emh'd'y t'diiinc, feu-tlit-r
wnieli braid mill bilk
rllilinii . . ..... "Uc
tame, with nll'over embroid
ery (rout, mid reverea dined
with two inch emliruldory.
bent inati.'tlaln . . .11
riniTKriiilui) l( yon want tbein.
Plainly mink' 100
Wltli mulir'v "t neck .... lrfc
H'liiio. "V" Muipcd ycfce,
'1 In oiub'y edging . . I'Jc
Hum c, liner iiinllty, I1uU1i.'.".kj
.Sninu, imidi! of lino cam
In In, yoke of vul, laci .
flnu pearl ImttoiiH Mlc
Saim-, Hue Mift-fliilMu-d
nuialln, kitinru nr "V"
yiikc.lnco (ireinli'y trim
ming flic
l'lue cambric, full gulli
(red front, emliy yoke
anil Mini's 7.10
Himic, eliiborntely trlin'd
111 torcliiiu lace or einb'y 7UC
Tlin&li an Elaborate System of Borrow
ing, Are Better Protected Tban
Britishers Supposed,
Besieged Force is Said to Have Plenty
of l ood, and Roberts' Only Hope
is in WaitinR Until They Have
Used Up All Their Ammunition
Meanwhile, Small Bodies or Boers
arc Escaping.
I.o.npon, Feb. 20. If the latest die
pttclieH from IWdeuerg throw any
light on the situation, they show that
Gtnuriil Cionjd's forces have fur mote
protection from Lord Kubertit' Jlre than
tliu first dispatches indicated. A dis
patch from 1'aurdeberif, published in tho
won.l edition of the Dally Chronicle, j
'im haliiruuy, says:
"A Imlloou has discovered that the
etium y jH wu COverod by u system of
furrowing in the river bank, which re
munbled it rabbit warren, and affords n
slw'l pro-if position."
'bit1, perhaps more than nuy other
I'ltciiiuHimiu., explains why. what is
"il upon hero as Cronje'a death
uruirglo is so prolonged, TIiub It wll
not bo much of u surprise if today or to
morrow, whiuh is the Himlversnry of
Mi'Jiibn Jim, Wi ,, without being
imirked by the surrender or annihilation
of tliu gallant band no overwhelmingly
lifiiuiuml in. The duiMieaa of the In
veetiiieiit appears open to criticism, as
e'll bodies of Boers apparently are
ol,lo to make their escapo, nud this fact
u-'Bea comparison between the Boer
'uethodof Investment, with their quickly
"rrouiHiiMg trenches, I inimitable barbed
wlrt' d those ol tho British. 1
A Sale.
Covers. Drawers.
With ttiekmirruillcii
Kiner quality, threo narrow-
tucki and wide
Hotter miitcrlul, narrow
tucks and imh'y,nr with
wide r ii tile edged with
toiehon luce I
Umbrella Drawer, line
iiiukIIii, wide cambric
rullle, edged with cmb'y fiVs
Fame, wide rullle of tdieer
lawn, eaged with tor
ebon (H vul. lace .. 7!c
Finer (trades If you
. them . ..
AV4I Baking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
aovi DAKiwa rowota
Katdi and Telesraphi Fur AlanUa.
Wasuinoton, Feb. 2(1. Captain W.
K. Abercrombie, head of the government
exploration party which last Eeason did
much work in the Copper River country
and began opening up a military road
from Port ValdeB to Fort Egbert, ou the
Yukon, left for Alaska today with a
corps of engineers. It Is the purpose ot
the government, he says, to construct
2400 wiles of telegraph Hue in Alaska
aud complete the military road. He
returns this year with increased re
sponsibility. Tbe road, he sajs, will be
completed during the season from Its
preseut terminus, eighty miles inland,
to the Tanaua, about two-thirds of the
distance to the Yukon.
The telegraph line will be built from
Port Valdes along the road to I'ort
Egbert, and thence down the Yukon to
St, Michaels. Amon other Northern
improvements, hu snys, a large govern
ment wharf at Vuldes hits been decided
upon. An Eastern syndicate, hoaded by
Henry Villitrd, is now having surveys
in ml o along the general course of the
military road, with a view to building a
line. In May o company of troops will
No ItlBht to
The woman who is lovely in face,
form and temper will always have
friends, but ono who would be attractive
must keep her health, if she is weak,
sickly and all run down, she will be
nervous and irritable, if she bus con
stipation or kidney trouble, her Impure
blood will cause pimples, blotchoe, skin
eruptions and a wretched complexion.
Electric Bitters is the bust medicine in
the world to regulate stomach, liver aud
kidneys and to purify the blood. It
gives strong uerves, bright eyes, smooth,
velvety skin, rich complexion. It will
make a irood-looklng, charming woman
of a run-down invalid. Ouly 60 cents
at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore.
Miarkey Made a Threat.
Nkw Yohk. Feb. 2tt. Tom Sharkey is
out with a statement to the effect that if
We here print a recent report on this eubject, taken from the Dry
Goods Economist:
"The cotton market scored another strong advance this week. Spot
cotton, which last week crossed the 8c line, rose to 8fc In the New York
Exchange and parsed the 5d. lln-it in Liverpool, the market for futures
fully participating in the upward movement. The cause of the advance Is
the heavy purchases of cotton abroad, where, as already stated in these
reports, spinners are behind in their supplies.
How long these conditions will e xlist is, of course, uncertain, but is ia
certain that the average under cotton will be vastly increased by the high
price, and as time goes on this fact will receive more and more attention,
with the natural result.
Prices range about as follows :
Spot cotton: New York, 8c; last week, 8?c; Liverpool, 5 1 32d ;
last week, 4 21-32d.
March futures : New York, 8 30c: last week, 7.80 Liverpool, 4 51 -64d
last week, 4 20-04(1.
The receipts for the first five days of this week were 142, 104 bale,
against 91, 035 bales for the corresponding period last week The receipts
for the season amount to 4,955,741 bales, against 0,910,621 bales at the
same period last year. The visible supply of 3.634,052 bales, against
5.081 559 bales for the corresponding period last week. Exports for the
first five days of the present week were 113,757 bales, again6t 9S,030 bales
for the corresponding period last year.
Mnnchester reports yarns strong and cloths very firm.
eo., ntw vobk.
be cannot arrange a match with Bob
FiUsimmons or James J. Jtfl'riea he will
retire from the ring. The sailor Bays he
will not light McCoy again, all state
ments of his manager to the contrary
notwithstanding. In discussing the
matter yesterday Sharkey said:
"1 have beaten McCoy In decisive
style and there is no good reason why I
should fight bun again. I am after
bigger game. I want to fight either
Fitzsimmons or Jeffries. The champion
got a decision against me through un
fairness on tbe part of the referee and I
want to wipe out that defeat. If Jeffries
won't put ou the gloves with me, I'll
meet Fitzsimmons. I beat him in San
FraucUco on a foul, but I am confident
1 can knock him out now, hence my
desire to sign articles with him at once.
If Fitzsimurons will waive the elde bet,
I will make a match with him at once.
I ask Bob not to insist upon a side bet,
for the reasou that the law prohibits
fights for stakes."
The'claim of other cougli medicines to
be as good as Chamberlain's are effectu
ally set at rest in the following testi
monial of Mr. 0. 1). Glass, an employe
of Bartlett & Dennis Co,, Gardiner, Me.
He says: "I had kept adding to a cold
and cough in the winter of 1S97, trying
every cough medicine I heard of without
permaneut help, until one day I was in
the drug store of Mr, Houlehnn and he
advised me to try Chamberlniu's Cough
Remedy and offered to pay back my
money if I was not cuied, My lungs and
bronchial tubes were very 6ore at this
time, but I was completely cured by
this remedy, and have since always
turned to it when 1 got u cold, and eoon
And relief. I also recommend it to my
friends aud am glad to say it is the best
of all cough medicines." For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Geo. Barbe, Meudota, Va., says,
"Nothing did me so much good as Ko
dol Dyspepsia Cure, One dose, relieved
me. a few bottles cured me." It digests
what you eat aud cures dyspepsia.
Children's Wear.
Infant's white muslin slips, at 12c, 19c, 29c,
55c, 7ec, U-10.
Children's white muslin dreeses, at 29c, 55c, 79c,
Cliildten's white twill muslin waiBts, at 12$c
and 19c.
Children's white muslin drawers, at 12, 19c,29c.
Children's white muslin ekirte, at 1'2. and 19c.
Bill Will Be Modified Before it Is Passed
Duties to Be Reduced Bill Will
Be Only a Makeshift Until Laws
Can Be Framed Debate Extended
One Day.
Washington, Feb 20. Republican
leaders, after Bn hour of consultation
with Speaker Henderson today, over the
Puerto Riran tariff, announced emphati
cally that the bill would be modified,
but that, as modified, it would pass.
The changes decided upon are a further
reduction of the duties to be levied upon
American goods imported into Puerto
Rico and upon Puerto lticnn goods Into
the United States from 25 per cent
American tariff, as provided in the bill,
to 10 per cent. The bill is ouly to con
tinue in force until a general law for
raising revenue for tho island can be
Another Uuy'g Debate.
Washington, Feb. 20. When the
House met this morning to resume the
debate on the Puerto Rican bill, Payne,
the floor leader, announced that no com
promise had been made with the dissatis
fied Republicans, but that there would
be a conference tonight. The leaders have
decided to extend the general debate an
other day. When Payne preferred a re
quest for an extension of time, Richard
son, the Democratic leader, said :
"This Is a lemaikablo request to come
from the majority. We construe it to be
a frank and candid confession they have
brought here a bad bill and an admis
sion in the open House to the country
that they have not votes enough to pass
Bartlett, of Georgia, was the first
speakei today and mude a half-hour
speech against the bill. Laualiuni, of
Texas, then took the floor, also in oppo
sition to the bill. He insisted that the
inhabitants of the Island wero entitled
to unrestricted free trade with the United
States. If an imperial policy was set up,
said he, It could but end iu the down
fall of the republic,
Catarrh Uauuoi be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh 1
The Result Is
Plainly to be Seen.
After present stock of muslin-wear Is sold, we will be obllgod to pay the ad
vance and our next invoice of these goods cannot be sold at present low prices
unless we cheapened the work and finish of the garments, which we prefer not to
Believing in fair dealing, and to impress upon tbe minds of our Customers
that fact, we make this announcement and trust one and all will take advantage
of this possibly the last opportunity of buying muslin underwear at the old
Our stock at present-is complete In all lines.
Regarding the qualities the cut and fit the superior stock and allround
good worth of our muslins' nothing further need here be said everyone well
knowing tho advantages to be enjoyed by buying them at this store.
Muslin, narrow tucks,
hemmed bottom ... .
Same, hemmed ruflles.... 33c
Better quality, tucks and
3-in emb'y nt bottom . . 6cc
Same, with deep over
flounce of sheer lawn,
edged with torchon lace 55c
Finer muslin, 10-in. h'md
flounce 79c
Same, elegantly finished
with deep flounce ot
embroidery 1.13
Pame, with 12-In flounce
of sheer lawn, contain
leg 3 rows 1-in. val In
sertion, vul. edging at
bottom 1.13
Finer ones at $2.25 and $3.00
Is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood aud mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this countty for years, and
is a regular piescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Ciikney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 7nc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
l'oitofllce Itiibbed,
Ixdei'enuence, Feb. 25. The post
office was broken into this morning after
3 o'clock, and over $000 was secured ; the
amount of cash was $212 05, and stamps
$400. An entrance was made by taking
out a window-pane in a rear room, and
then a panel of the door, thus giving ad
mission to the office. The tools wero
stolen from a blacksmith shop iu town.
A hole was drilled iu the outBide door of
the office safe, just above the handle,
and tbe hole in the inner door was made
just above the combination lock, and
powder was used to blow the safe open.
The robbery was not diecovored until
about 10 o'clock today, when several
dollars worth of stamps wero found be
hind the adjoining harness shop by W,
H. Craven, which led toan investigation.
It is thought that the thieves have been
in town for tho past two days, ami could
be easily ideutitlud. The money lost be
longed to Postmaster J, A. Wheeler.
As a cure for rheumatism Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide repu
tation. D, B. Johnston of Richmond,
Ind has been troubled with that ail
ment since 1802. In speaking of it he
says: "I never found anything that
would relievo me until i used Chamber
laiu's Pain Balm, It acts like magic
with me. My foot whs swollen and
paining me very much, but one good
application of Pain Balm relieved uie,
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Old MaliU' Uiiii veutluti.
Cvnwvm, Pa., Feb. 20. An Old Mauls'
Convention, under the auspices of St.
John's brunch of. the Girls' Friendly
Society, of St. John's Episcopal Church,
was held at the Parish building today.
Prizes were awarded for the oldest, the
handsomest, the smallest and the tallest
maidens that atteuded tho Convention.
CllGlYLlSe Or Ek'r' Chemise, square
and insertion, edged
Plainly made 19c with ruflles, deep hem.. 75c
With yoke of tucks and cambric, "V" yoke of
insertion, uid edged torchon lace, lace at
with rullle 25c e-Us lf0
, , . , . Finer quality, elaborately
Deep yoke of tucks and trimmed in cmbrold'y,
Intel tlon.emb v edging I0UU(1 yoke ..l."
at top and armholes ... 5oc . . , ,
' Fine cambric, val. lace
Better quality, edged and yoke, deep flounce with
trimmed with emb y in val. insertion and edg-
two widths 73c ing 1.50
Finer quality, square yoke
elaborately made of era
broidery edging and in
sertion, tucks and rullle
Compare any of our 55c gar- of emb y at bottom. .. .2.00
meats with other stores' nt Of sheer lawn, elaborately
... finished at yoke ana
7.c, or our .9c ones with those flounced with val. lace
seen elsewhere at a dollar. nud lmertion 2 75
Ills litre Was Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful
deliverance from a frightful death. In
telling of it he says: ''I was taken with
Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia.
My lungs became hardened. I was so
weak I could'nt even sit up in bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected to soon
die of consumption, when I heard of
Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle
gavo great relief. I continued to use it,
and now am well and strong. I can't
say too much in its praise." This
marvelous medicine is the surest and
quickest cure in the world for all throat
and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley
& Houghton's drugstore; every bottle
"After doctors failed to cure me of
pneumonia 1 used One Minute Cough
Cure and tnree bottles of it cured rue.
It is also tbe best remedy on earth for
whooping cough. It cured my grand
children of the worst cases," writes Jno.
Berry, Loganton, Pa. It is the only
harmless remedy that gives immediate
results. Cures coughs, colds, croup and
throat and lung troubles. It prevents
consumption. Children always like it.
Mothers endorse it.
Fine Poultry and Italian Urea.
Silverlaced Wyamdotte, English Red
Cap and Rose Combed White Leghorn
chickens for sale. Single birds $1 each.
Eggs for setting $1 per tlfteen.
Italian bees $1 per pound, Queen
bees warranted purely mated. 75 ceLti
each. Queens sent by mail ami sale ar
rival guaranteed. Address
Mns, A. A, Bonnev,
feb21-lmo Tygh Valley, Or.
llltmarek'a Iron Murve
Wai the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will aud tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
you want tlsesa qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's Now Life
Pills, They develop every power of
brain aud body, Only 25c at Blakeley
& Houghton's drugstore, 2
"I had bronchitis every winter for
years aud no medicine gave trie perma
nent relief till I began to take One Min
ute Cough Cure. I know is the best
cough medicine made," says J, KoonU,
Corry, Pa. It quickly cures coughs,
colds, croup, asthma, grippe aud throat
and lung troubles, It is the children's
favorite remedy. CurM quickly.
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