use-Cleaning mi This is the most delightful time of year to those wo escape it. But wo do not like to onjoy all tho good things of this life alone, and as a special induce ment to have you present wo will have on salo this week Flannelette Ladies Wrappers at !0 PER CENT, DISCOUNT. FINDING MONEY. What's tho difference, we'd like to know, be tween picking up dollars in the middle of the road or saving them by buying your goods right. Yon may uot be learned in that which Is written, but when you trade with us you exhibit a wisdom which is practical, and that's the sort of knowledge which counts. The items we enumerate are not our only attrac tions, but an earnest of whnt we can do for you in a hundred lines not alluded to. BEGIN ON THESE. .?J'?y .,,i(.,e(1 close tho balance of those MEN'S HALF HOSE at PER DOZEN. Regular two for 25c. And during the balance of this week only, von have t lie choice of all of our 75c, 85c, $1 00, M.'Jo and V 50 Men's Colored Shirts at 69c. Only two more days. Don't lo?e this opportunity. All Goods MnrkocJ In Plain Flwures. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telrphtinc A'o. i. MONDAY - - - - FEU. 2G, 1000 - " I A tcrvcti in ) I Oysters j WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Mow do you like the spring weather? You will get your money's worth if tntl .1... CI . The fai-t Unit Simko river jb crooked, There will bo a meeting of tho water Hub lor the re-funding bonds. There will he a meetinit of tho board I A... ....IT.... I . t t . . ute iiuiicij in I 1 1 1, niiv I ill ininnrmu' eveninif at 8 oV oiik. All miunhftrR of tin. bOMnm,)n.l 1... . L Al! veterans of tho Spanish-American r aro requested to be preeent ut the armory mxt Friday evening, us n post ill Lu nriHltilynil ..... - v.. The Oregon delegation of editors. nmabsrijig thirty, arrived safely ut New Orleans Saturday. They spent yester t Vieksburg and returned to New Orleans this morning. At the Baldwin Sliair company will render Fred, Brighton'e celebrated, play " Jack O'Dia nnd." Reserved seat ut Btakoley & "onglaon's. Pomilar nrleee. James Edmund, .ftiimlntf RMmnl mlwlonnry for Oregon und Washington w Hie American Baptist Publication Soc.ely, very ably UHed the pulpit of the Mrtliodist church last night. "'I'trOll Will lllitwl n f .,.i..lln..t nlluence in the senate during tho next w years, ono w10 g not on)y Hincerejy nl zealously in fnVor of tho proposed "nprovements in the channel and at the jnoiith of tho river, as well us above The ," 1,111 w'!o can command ottoution nu compel action. Telegram. 12 O'clock this Rftttrtinnit tlm filmiv company gl(Vo a concert in front of "inkcley & Houghton's. They made mt excellent music and uttrneted u 'e trowd-ln fact the sidewalks in vicinity were so crowded that It wus 'npoeBlble to gut up or down the street. e band H composed of thorough " icluuB as is piaiuiy demonstrated by ' r Playing, They wln ronUer n cou. ,l6vi'ryBternoonat2 o'clock und in "aldwli, tIOlUt.rf Mils morning they were brought be J 1 iworder Gates two of thorn Sw"rufi like amount but not m thB " herewith, tuey r .till re- ceiving the hospitality of the city. The last one to nppear was given his freedom piovidlng he would leave the city which he immediately proceeded to do. Li w ton und Alamo ar the names of two towneitee that will strive for recog nition in tho Granite district. Lnwton is situated at the juncture of Clear and Granite creek p, about three miles west of Granite, while Alamo is pi ejected at the juncture of Clear, Olive nnd Heaver creek o. The former enterprise is being promoted by a Pendleton syndicate, while Alamo is being engineered by Mr. Start of this city and some Spokane people. The success of these enterprises will be awaited with interest, especially by the people of Granite. Blue Mouct ain American. At every Ore there are always a lot of ridiculous acts committed which are never noticed particularly until the smoke has cleared away. Tho other morning nt Heppner, as tho fire bell was clanging forth its horrible peale, a lot of young fellows rati into tho hose house and grabbing a new racing cart that hadn't n foot of hose on it, rushed out and down the street they went at a speed that would have put o New York Ore engine to shame. It took several deep, red yells from the lungs of the marshal to make the boys stop, and it is impossible now to find anyone willing to acknowledge that he was in the gang. Alva Simmons, the man recently re leased from the county jail, was, so tho authorities think, a kleptomaniac. While confined in the jail lie would take anything he found lying around loose and hide it in bis cell. He seemed to have a great mania for candles, and would tell his fellow prisoners when they asked him for a tallow-dip that they were all gone. When he left the jail he had something like a half n box of caudles stored away. These were confiscated and will be kept for future inmates. It is thought lie was saving the candles so he could sit up nights when it wiib quiet and figure out how much it would cost him to get out of the scrape he so easily fell u victim to. The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, with its customary energy and enterprise, is making an effort to eecuie different species of trout from tho United States lieh commission, fur the purpose- of stocking Meacham Creel: und other streams in tho Blue Mountains particularly those- in tlte vicinity of Blng ham Springs and Meacham, with ti view to making the Dine Mountain region a more attractive summer resort for anglers and sportBmon. The company has secured the co-operation of the Ore gon Hflb und Gumo Association in this undertaking, which, If successful, will add greatly to the attractiveness of the Blue Mountain region, and ut the Bame time lll bathe means of drawing con siderable travel from othor directions over its line of road. It la a good Idea, and deserves oneouvagoir.ent. Very few caliuon aro being caught In theLowor Columbia at present, either culuooks or steelheade, although owing to the flue weather, therp is a great deal of gear in the water, and fishermen are out all the time, says the Oregonian. Usually quite a number of eteelheads aro caught at this time of the year, and there is generally a fair sprinkling of chinook among them. Tito scarcity of fish tends to create fears of a small run this season, but there is nothing on which to found any tuch calculation. Fisher men say there ought to be some result visible this r-eaeon from tho work of the hatcheries, and if there iB not, it will be discouraging. The chances are that there will not be much of a June rise in the Columbia this season, and fishermen used to say "Plenty of water, plenty of lieh." At all events they will have to take the fish as they come, and they will take them all, if they can. The Uwaco Journal publishes the fol lowing article on reported gold dis coveries at Long Beach : "On Wednes day the town was set wild with excite ment, by tho report of Mr. C. W. Farrel of Long Beach, that in one duy lie had obtained !f4 of gold from the beach sand, or rather from tho dry sand thrown up from the beach. In proof of his asser tions, he had a small vial of gold dust, w hich lie claimed was the work of a day, and had a lot of work done in the way of copper plates, etc. A number of our citizens went out to tho beach Wednes day to investigate, but upon their return they were ail dumb, but from what they were prevailed to say, endorsed tho re port. With a rival to Cupe Nome, the finest summer resort on tho Northwest coast, the bonanza of Columbia river Chinook salmon, the prospects of South west Washington has taken on a new Impetus." Club shoot, Great interest le being manifested in the L. A. S. Gun Club, many members being present at each shoot. The fol lowing is the score for blueruck, trup shooting at known birds, which took place on the club grounds iu the Studio man field on the 25th iust, eacli mem ber shooting at thirty birds. W, Murphy 21 T. Liebe 1 F. VauNorden 0 L. Shauno 10 J. Stadlemau 1U II. Slaniels 8 J. Agrdius 7 Total P. J. Stadlemau H 0. 11. Cashing 12 N. J, Kliinott 0 J. Klrchhoir H II. A. Sturdevant 1- H. Nola LI N. Nicholas 10 Total . 81 A Mulo Co in in I In Hufvlile. A Spokane mule attached to a cart deliberately walked into the river until lie got beyond his depth and was drowned, To avoid accidents from flio insure with tho Law Union and Crown Insurance Co, Arthur Seufert, resident agent. 'Phone 141, Paint your house with paints that ara fully guaranteed to last. Olarko k Falk have them. PAUL MOHR ROAD. What Oilier Peoplo Hny of llin Central Navigation and Ciinttructlon Co. Some facts which are worth consider 'ing, nnd so far ae can bo learned are something new to our citizens, aro sug gested in tho following which is taken from tho Agriculturalist: "While in The Dulles a few days ago, we learned that the peoplo of that city are taking a very active interest in the Paul Mohr road. Tho exact location of the portago terminus has not been definitely settled as yet. Negotiations are etilt in progress between the repre sentative peoplo of The Dalles and tho steamboat officials with a Tiew to have the depot erected at n point opposite that town. The town lias o fie red a number of inducements, and it ia prob able that they will bo accepted, and in stead of stopping at the Big Eddy, the line will be continued down the river bank for a distance of three miles. We learned, further, that the steamer Frederick Billings, now at Pasco, which was recently purchased for the com pany, will go into commission soon nnd will be operated on the upper Columbia and Snake river. "Up in eastern Klickitat Frank Aid n'ch, of Goldendale, is busily nt work for this company, explaining the merits and advantages it be have t) t' e farmers in the way of cheaper transpor tation facilities. From Klickitat he goes across tho Columbia river into Gilliam county. Mr. Aldnch informs us that construction will soon be commenced on two steamers at Portland and one at Pasco for tho company, and also two large barges at Astoria. The two Port land steamers will be 200 feet long, and the one at Pasco will be 100 feet long. Besides thse three large Etcnmsrs, Eome smaller ones aro under contemplation. These are the steamers which will be operated in connection with the portage under construction at The Dalles. "Ira Henderson, of Colnmbns, who has charge of the work in progress at Tunnel Rock, a point opposite the Hell Gate in the Columbia river, speaking of the progress of work along the line says he is of the opinion eome telling work is being done just now by the Cential Navigation & Construction Company, aside from tho work going on w itliout the interruption of winter weather changes and covered by the contract of Winters & Chapman. Refunding i:uuU. Saturday night the water commission. ers held a meeting in the recorder's ollice. at which President Seufert and Commissioners Phirman, Fish. Bolton, Moore, Buchler and Randall were present. Tho matter of issuing bonds wbb brought beforo the meetinp mill it una warmly discussed whether bonds to the amount of $20,000 or $23,000 should be issued. On motion it was finally de sided to issue $20,000 and use the $5,000, now iu tho treasury, as Dart nnvment on the bonds that are now outstanding. the commissioners wero almost one voice on the question .of the amount to be issued, and had the matter gone us they desired they would have bonded for $25,000, and kept tho $5,000 for a sinking fund and needed improvements. However, a majority of tho council and a good many citizens were of tho opinion that it would be belter to pay off part of tho old debt while tho money wus on hand, ami bond for the lesser amount. The commissioners, taking in' consider ation the wishes of others, did as was requested but think without doubt, it is not the wiser plan. RlAltlttKI). Saturday evening at the Residence of the bride, E. K, Ferguson,! I)., and Dr. Belie C. Rinehart were united in marriage, Rev. D. V. Polig officiating. Dr. Ferguson is latoiyytrom Pendleton where lie has been practicing his pro fesslon for somo timcpatt. Dr. Rinohart is wt.ll known in The Dalles and vicinity where she enjoya a large and lucrative practice. Only relatives and intimato friends were presont, ml after congratulations were offered a dainty repast was served. Dr. Ferguson and wife will make this their futuro home. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of jlfM&&24 Kur Hale. Complete entertainment outfit, con sisting of high grade magic lantern, with views, on Spanish-American war and new talking machine with 20 records. Made $300 clear per month last fall. Reason for Belling owner ill, Call op posite United Brothern church on tho hill or address Virgil E, Greene, The Dalhs. Jau29.1mo IMHHHHitll I (IU i'ii'hUh '.!..! lilMI'liilk mni!tIIIMHil'l'ltnlli!i liJili'.lii'iml ' I i H r ipi.ntuimiit'il'it.ti' 'mini"! t"l-n i'!i'Tii'iiniiiiitiMiitT)iTl AVferetable Preparalionfor As -slmilaling (heFoodandRegula ling (he Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestionheerful ness andRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Nor Harc otic . Jtipear0UJ)r&iMVnPITWat Fwlun Seat' RtclulUSJu- intatanaMSoda CbailttdSUMr A perfect Remedy forConslipa Hon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature oP NEW YORK. CASTORIA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. www (V $ In ft ( Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CKNTAUfl COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. xfl Q W H m w P H W w A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and Vegetahle ' SEEDS IN BULK. Seed Wheat, Sepd Oats, Seed Rye, Seed Barley, Seed I '.wheat, Seed Corn King I'll!''-! Corn, Sto Ts evergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Com. Kcflir Corn, Egyptian Corn, White Hominy Corn. Early Itose Potatoes, Bur bar. k Potatoes, Spring Vetches, Brome Grass, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food, Bee Supplies. A magnificent stock of Sieplennd Fancy Groceries, nil of which will be sold at close prices for CASH at the Feed, Seed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS. H U Ul d w SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. Notice to tlm I'uullc. The Columbia Southern Railway Com pany will complete its line und be ready to receive forward freight and passengers from Shaniko not later than April 1", 1000. Large warehouses and stock yardb will be erectod and ready fur wool and stock by tho above (hto. Freight rates will be considerable lower thai, by team from The Dulles. Regular tailir will be published shortly. For further information call on or uddress C. E. Lytle, General Freight Agent, Moro, Ore., or the undersigned. E. E. I.YTI.K, feblCtf General Manager. Why sufier with kindey or rheuma tism when it can he positively cured by the nse of the "Osygenor King." No medicine, no electricity, but pure Oxy gon instilled or absorbed through the pores of the skin while jet sleep. No need of going to the hospital for medl cl treatment when you can be cured at. homo by the mo of tho Oxygenor. No matter what the ailment or disease the Oxygenor will diaunose thu caso and proceed to cure. For further purlieu lars call on or address J. M. Fllloon, The Dalles, Or. phone Il'.lO. feblO ii k Bargains in the GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Wo have purchased the entire stock of tho Dawson Grocery and Commission Co. Wo have the goods on ealo now AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Tho stock consists of a lurue assort ment of Syrups, Pickles, Toilet Soaps, Bulk Mince Meat, Spicee, Olives, Bak ing Powder, Extimiu, and many other good tilings not mentioned here. If you want to savo money, order soon and take advantage of this special sale. Wo have added a line of fresh Vegeta bles to thu Grocery Department. PEASE & MAYS. I j EEEB J i With every one dol lar purclmso at our storo during January and February wo will give a chance on a Aluminized Garland Steel Range. i i i I maiei & Benton Dull Headache, Pains in various parte of the body, Siiikiug at the pit of tho stomach, lm) of uppetito, I'Yvt'rlahnesa,. Pimples or Sores all positive evidences of impure blood. Nu matter how it became so it must be piuill.-il in order to obtain good health, Acker' Blood Elexir ha) never failed to cur? Srrofuloun or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is ueitalnly a wonderful remedy nnd wo sell every bottle on a positivo guarantee, BIakeley& Hough ton's drug store,