The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 26, 1900, Image 2

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For a Nice
Suit of Clothes.
Cms ta tte C.-xt e ta Old La aia8;h: "if h tJsi T wl
try ChoaaSif rianvj File Rust fur rca- j
fci Aaertca. Eaci Year. bmimss. fca. ah. I bad iuifad S:r a
t-C'X tits. I fcafd biox I bod n Eiith. Ia
iihl : fTett J CbasabiirUra Pols SoTai
lss art h-il? toe, yua awil mat f7 5jf i
fc.' I toii a iocs! of f : brttn ad ati '
Yea uiant. j:
Asotkr WM Cwat H 0&
uisji t Jlak ta 5o rn.
fI Jnra.7.
li G7 J. Haspuaas: ha StI an ls :ri3f f"f "
t e ta Sw Voci a tie ianii feaut
TiiUi.i cannl. s.& Lira aoc iie
i Swe .mii ti-tsiaa. a oi&i tuu-i - : ,
wTitMar Blt bii E dai a:-ir. ini tit rtlaai En;tHa
isacy rial Cacttr A. Eeswya toftl fat jtre frxsd, fcc: la ercpetea rob life
ciy ia tbe f t& ibis pensaic A--;.-. ?j!ttf csrea f
tact ; iLjo otJ. nssia aai fewr , !
Uleer-j, Bula, F-Ioca, Cocas,
to tfaft hi Sace- ci jn- ajOi xail with
Banes, Poftiana & istoria Hav. Go.
m ei IS RaUbtt Ua w;t nn ti ik.
r . :Jtrf. t Capay rwtlo? lie rixSt to tUart
as : i. .
Ship your
Str. Dalles City.
Lt. lmU
.Regulator Line. KSfe,
tir .
i-t rcttiBdJ
Art DiiiA
Ti.ii ctntas a. a gtititii:-niaa-'i-ti:'i'tin
Cuts, Erarass, Barai, ISca!iL, Cfcapvi
y-r ta Wilt Ppr hr. Scch
ufe Trtj a AfeiiQiaf ce?a
Kiuti7 emit jait jumfce aij laa-ji af En-, 1ii6fe etntrtlr barias- acri eufci- rt&. Drri-iS cm paTsa izd tch. tfee cnfSca cSecu : ordinary prices.,, 0.,3,. hs.. Oil ?tr. t:
..u, maaaw a fc.i&a ta tferararfe Qalr CJ. 1 Sox. Cera soiRiatMii. Pr,s, ls ??r f""
lEmtecitiettsrjcawjaeisia c; ti.Jt wlael,j: tt m. Bits" a oM SUii7 i HocasMc, rt?5,,S'CTrf!,IS?!l '
3:U-' Mm aMt :a: Tot fartatr teJct motion feMrai '
W. C. ALLAWAY, Can. Ajt.
i rutanat
m m m m - i -imikh n. frIt jf j it -iij i i r- i -i ma . - - . . . . t
J. A. Eberle ai-ySx.,p-w-VATOE- c. J. stubling-
1 saufH; ai ro ta siuj amc tat- r y
ajaltr ae tatti ait Sie itocjr. Eaea.Tar radr-cc, a:a ;oc :.
- j iti eucana im cocatry s& s "orx Aad aaap j. SalEjtictidc jnanatiiHi k
ft tt T '1 flt 'rtta i 6174 Tvrt aaWa afa beast. tacK:2 at cxty;? tack. tS czs. iaJ o
IDS I3II6S JJSliy 1D?0IU61S. a haj wtf aad caaira at ansa xlo 3bk4ie Ecitatac DraxniC.
srEiocinioj pkice. : 2?fc ais : ta u
Oaeweek J I3f -r. - As Cti fni (V -m rfefcr!!
5 i 1 ij ?eKi. ePtnictti tile 1 " i
Oa Kossh. f (-seat, infly. I waa dar:i hnatXac a:erti a Arat"i acci iai rscfcai
Oa jwr 4 COf ia tae atmraaisa. aari aftsr ti dar'i hir aad L -rif-t cf H; tarfer fc-!
- fors I wa: ta ta isa: "cafiL Tar I arj with :h Ltx Uafc:a i Cr-a Fir I
3iOSTAT FEB. KCO' 5ts wta was iawski sa;lrace C. bfaei isi roc- jei.i
s,i 7 f- a wai the Beaortiftcl j.- Ssir:. rri-a: l-r'cC, 'sfeoc-?
f Karw. T-irsa. SliiaaMj. tacifateti tJ, " J
SHIPPING COIL TO SrCJ.7L' twetx. I ionzd th.11 jhe 23 ta tfac-ci- !
I :r oi o&t oi as? o& arofeaiocs a: sh jha K-r, Pttimiiae, Isri., ia. "If
Tfeecoa! fasittfrta Etsrofe ii teH-f cl'IS!?rH- ,,,,., , 'awr id iatti;vr i jsol ii Oe.
. - . . . "Tkit arkt 1 fft T '.tui si- w!i ...
Whoicsa'o and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greate American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
Wagon Shop,
Hnroochnoino iioottzb coc-sao fr,a it :o to 112.1
iiwiwbwtiwwiiiQ. cTTTQryfjL H5ASIIIS fx a U.rS to 6.t0 rr gmHon. (4 to II vtxr old.
6 j rr 2!loo. 4 to 15 tears old.)
12.10 per 1 Ion
'11 to 3) ytart old.
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
twaaa si eonM ntir wjbiBr is to a.T
larg-er aid b.r?ar jcaz.lirf oi ccai EU. a raj sa Iwastife!. j syatsa- ':ict '5 saxi epeatfci a,j $V$t f 'ja 15"
re tiar exported thii t.- titfe- " if6rft"t. afcocetier A-d Cc3 iH tarsal xad Ica-i " "
, ' haaiy. E !iaardntf Bocir ia sit tivtbt-- Iti si iul arsTiatccajcat? J.
gc ssercsocdiie ifcccsd u at recMrr-j tXJrs! sscaiac-1 s?rtrf aiyIt to hr.
!aiofti Ale xcd PorWr.
Vsl Hlits and OlTtnpta Bier in bottlei
iHr fefsfi j3r?a a: iba atoc;a
AH som of go;di. :i v and rzasc
firtarid. .i.-e betsg azl x'zcccc iz
fjtxdilj ticreiir aoes-M- Ccal
begiaaiag to Sjer j- tie exporli
as imports.!;; civtl.
StTeril facts iccc-sni fcr tie
roi" 3. steovtt tfai soc rsstf-r. Car I!ti.!h.i otiiy.
TSs ske itsM: i jm s duar'r BaSdsta'i jparilisx frriiit CI
tias Bfefuif. bet caa.x Karrryjxw. T oii. A a-irati aa,t icttsa oira
to frtii ery KSt t rs-JltrwMt af to ha- . "
aos TieSd. 0t fcias id aad I ta fc: Ttactir. Uie
feis vetfieir so.'Jt. I t&at I Aeiir'i Eaiub HatidT is aar aieo
searenj cf xal ta r-c:opi at the- .ess baT :s fctatifcl asoesttaias ici, cafai cr crscp.. Shacil ittii! to'
preset :ic:e. Oe of ih
t ta ic-;
ieHsiJ sw as I
jira icacaiitit4 Ttlizt ata-iT r&tsid.
wm . .
T f tias C3ras Mia: of irrKnh. n r... (
"fatitig iwa ia ti OH WcrH a cll ,; tets I
as fa tk Uatltd '.Lccjh zo; .
lO It ilZ: clUif- Thti Z4C4ii-:
t-tes the ci of is ftctiicd iccat:
cf ccaL Az.jte: r&ucc for th
.j. r- err". I tirai tteW tst'i W
It ipirei
5fc 2tJ feia'i tnrfihixx.
is. day I rsew-tj sod iroa ier :ho.t
baey i- a aciary. sfc. HJ as c-'.e&c-
s s; sMe fcarply irf to desert
. , .v.-., J,.,. -
tie fcoe icpjlj ccki eaoesh 10 SWeitin to sty titfe kzox Dr" H'.-jI .
- - .t. . r - , - . - ; oi y boa. Bbs t& tiara, st I: :i ta orrjian stea sijzii
larot32& tic t.eceii;T for U: ifeitv , t?Virt Job;- a;-o z.- fcr
B5nt of tro-jps ird coaitloc of xir. "" ir1w? 'fi -M-at
t.v. . 4 wtewsriiarifetfe
..CPAS. FfiflHR-
and Farmers
X!iiflaiiriajitt tie etirfiniej
COlTJfS'A 2. utiarenr:-
tsizxZ. iz-t bbis Sir ta Tirf
it ti jrxs. Ja. iry
i: tail 1 jiT-.3r"!it .l- tat
71a-tSriaii. c
af iH Stall! ca iiad.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi Fii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SiSxrar
Headquarters fcr '"Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOIl F10UJP c,3r ,! manufactured exprwdy for famll;
' " use: eTrr wk is oaraaud to give satisfaction.
We reJi oar foods lower than any bor.te ia the trade, and if yon don't tliink N
jaj aad ret car pr:ors and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
w. S. I'zi.-r.:. Aitaay, Go., y,
IV.'-;t'i Little Early tiart dtd a:'
Vfciia coitas whe MOT deTcnKr it-.-sJf v rr rxI tiaa aay t4t I tTr fevk."
wbtch wosld oiberwii fcfe con rev-' reHciwa Aa-riea. wbo. W a U: rr 'ix Sau-i y.laz cositip-jtioc,
tag coil fzotz tie prcdcclzz Vi ti 3fJ-' rfrt fc saowasais U...zi-txzd .Wztzdt 'ryzsltt.
' ------ ' c-'j Tsa-trt i aas aot at ht-ertv
cotintry is T-zzopz Etskcd, Ger-
sa ti ffcfchcs tee pTmtire btefa tie - v ta hip j;ii Mjl vt. Then ar
coil Lorti2fe ii blizzizz. !'t f tis fae a&d :rtai.t j
Stilt ai.d iLs m. cf tie ttotW that j Cisiao Tniwa " "
tits cottctrv' co-A depc-iit are prse 1 -
Uca'ir lEtxcituttUe. ssd thit tbs
qaittttv cisf-d
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artiSciE j digests the f oo3 xd aldi
Cs T.jrfc Rmvra ne MES. It bthlitfct dlift-i.- A rt-
c-ilactlr OitLi;
f ocreat. Englaid ba held the !cal s
the Ustttd Stitea psjid to e frost. cao approach ft In ttZtkentj. It it
,7 " i--.,r.j i -wrhitaa ;Aiv tie ie artiit of P?1 IfdtstiOO, Heartbont,
saall ai jet. He airia is iocd , IttJy art ti it is m -,r. aj ef- f?" v,51" StrCc Swaefc
to groir broader and broader, bow-, ?titra. aad -h fact u w luu'IS
erer. Tie riEfea Lere are ao.e' SSSSSto?322
tairy tla;r i'.st iw- eixtrs-t
cotaeroo asd prolific thaa tbef are, rti'itat iVtUs it tftit? m u
in the Erittib ulacd. Tb& coit of f y taat a t-rtat tra4tof tblaaort
tbtrt, asd it i!J iocn b loitt. Tte
UudeBt- m EsgU&d a toward Ligb
er cost iLe ispjy ditcicULfci.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
jflll kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Jtajy 2.s tat iaajus;i t-rirywire.
Airfi ta; is fnjC5la;3y tc'ih it-s&rit '
itary Lii httTi tht ton c! rrzutysrtizg
ten, of teistrr. atsd -xt-ti-ir v.'
Eagland ii i2fort!ag coal froas tbe. tie ccttoat oiJaJt btta cf Jate ytar,
United .States, and tbere it a troc s&'-t.r f r&ai.igt at out
i - t .i . t e t'"j:'t fsi t t-bftttr i LaTe atT-:
dere in that eoootty in the preseati ieat aur Uev arrTrJ. iCt
exigency to ditcoorage al! erporU- lianas tyji Itu largely doae
tion of the product of tie boaae t'sH' r Jl -a:4ti ;fcfc
mine. Tbe coDMrqaeBee of tbij at a H.1y t;B;:i aort & brolt'
teadeccy, of course, win be to tit svaltered tad
furtber ineteate the exports of Amer.! l"?" tk momlaS ttoancjr.
lean coal to tbe hor&pcan coaticent.; covntr) tttsUanj vim. xhtv:
Tkeee are great days for tbe pro-i ,jMrtI tt.e(abd ot eves tb,
docera of all sort of American con,-j Si',"'""
aioditice. n'fwf.'t !.,.. ' . !
csavaa Ic tie ordiaary viay arid a
"toucber-u;)" 1 rtqolred after tttv '
tre xjiread, but tie tytttm h iwtaenk-?
Jy Ufccul whtn a new production U'
taken from one capita! to another ati
a greet djttance, and the Italian artltik
are tendinL' their theets to irianflf'-rc 1
all nrpr tli. 'r.rt1 '
We Put...
Another Train uu U, :. A- .v.
Coramencing about ilnr (he 0.
. AN. Co. will put on another j.if-
eager train leaving Portland iu the
aaoralnf , bat why trait bo Jouf to insure
witb the Law (Jnion & Crown Insurance
Co., thii rnay be too late. Arthur Seu
Urt, reeJdeut agent, 'phone HI.
c-von bit of
twenty years experience
and drug knowledge
with every
that's compounded here.
Is it any reason why
our prescription business
is increasing
so rapidly?
Ask your pln-sician
if we are reliable.
Tho Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes
C. F. Stephens
...Dealer In...
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Cents' Furnishings.
r j
f liAHE
C. S. Smith,
for HT. I. iKgj-ti
Tcs Dslk Or.
TeUrf,h"tw So. Vt.
Ut fctwrt at,
I1 2d Street.
Freeh Kgge and Creamery
Butter a apcclalty.
Thone 270.
4 Wagon and Carriage Work.
Flah Brothora' Wagon.
j Biirt anfl Me, Phone 159 1
. BcMaaa.
11. l. Ml
"i naa ayipepiu for yeari. .Vo wedi. ;
cine mi to effective ai Kodol Droria
Cure. It gate Itnrnediate relief. Two , If' STlJRDEVANT,
bottlea performed tnare!oaf retultr,"i Tlmit.'o
wrilei L. II. Warren, Albany, Wi. It I'tilHI&t.
dijfeati what yoa eat and cannot fall to ! oaie om '"ch & cc.' utttik
First Hatiooal Bank.
A General Banking Baaineta transacted
Dapotiti roaivad, aubjact to Sigh
Draft or Ohack. ...
Collactioni made and proceed)) nromptv
, , remitted oa dar of nolloctlon.
Sight and Telagrapidc Esotitago
Naw York, San Kaaetaeo and port'
Ko. M. Wituam, Gao. A. UU
U, M. BaaLt.
CUre r"' THE UALLEt), 0KE00N