The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 26, 1900, Image 1

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    She DitUes
NO 168
fit s Mjn. ?r.(i
,m aT.V HUM
Si '
fit ii
Not ii cut-price or roductlnn sale, "but a "timely-lip" eale. It is only a
matter of ii month or two until we will lie compelled to advance our present ex
ceptionally low prices on good, well made muslin wear.
Tim cotton market, as evory one know, tins been on the advance for some
timo, iind IntB not yet reached tho limit. Mills are consequently advancing their
nrici-B, ainl manufacturers in addition to recent advances made on salaries, are
also paying higher prices on all grades of material.
Night Eobes.
Mother lliililinril.tiicLi'd yoke,
milieu, lurk ami ftli-evt'S . ..2)c
funic, viikv Irnntul with I've
biimls in .urtliui, ecliicd with
ciiiljroltlcry . , tCic
Fume, wtli iiiuio ynku of
tucks iind cmlmililvry Iiimt
lion, nt'ck mill ultt vcn edir-
1'lutnly nindc
With cmhr'r "t
fiiiinr, "V" Miuped ycke,
J).j iu cmb'y fdBlng ...I'.ic.
t'uinc, liner quullty,
Hume, miidi! of line com
lrlc, yoke of vol. luc. .
lino curl buttons U)a
giiine, line noft- II u tubed
m iixll ti , Kimre or "V"
yoke, lace oremh'y trim-
llltllR SjC
cd with embroidery
Kmplit i;tmii, round yoki'K or
nnmi'i.teil with I row. mir
ru;v tuck . anil '2 t utiilx cm
hroiilury Insertion, fltilnbeil
willi einhd'y nlk'lmi. fen-
tlicr M Ich linild und MIL
I'ltid cambric, full gnlh
cretl front, einuy joke
und bUiiih. . . . ro
Burnt!, clnbnrntely trliu'd
lu torchuu luce or ciub'y "He
Him; with nil-over embroid
ery Iront in id revues cded
with two Inch einlinildory.
Went mulct lid II 13
Finer KMilcn 11 you wiilit tliuiu.
No NtK el Bis Soriraflsr, Rumor cf
His Escape
Biiller Slowly But Surely Advancing
Toward Ladysuiith Durban Col
lecting Relief Supplies.
London, Feb. 25, 4:35 a. m. SInco
2:10 o'cluek yesterday afternoon, noth
ing has licifii received from the Bcene of
w'lialtho London papers call General
Croiije'n ituath atrutrtsle. the war otHclals
aiiiiounciiiK at midnight tiiut they had
"0tliinK to Klvu out. They Htated that
tliey heln-ved it Impossible for Cronje to
"cape from tho the grip of Lord Koberts.
The report circulated in Berlin that
Crotiju hud miiTtiodod In mukinK liia es.
apu ctiiie from the Boer headquarters
In HriiHsulB, where it was stated that de
M weto still lacking.
Tlio only newt from other uarta of the
t of war iccoived durinic the night Is
wclul dispatch from Colenso, under
Uatu ol February -24, stating tbut the
""Hull, In pito of strong opposition,
ero advancing slow);- but surely, and
urivlon the Hoera from the kopji-8 be
len Cirnblur'a Kloof and Hlangwane.
LailyHinith reported by heliograph
1',i(ly that the Boers were retiring
"Oftl.wurd lu large uuuibera. Mean-
",lu lllu ourtainty of relief is bo strong
Oiirbuii that the authorities are
ctlvely preparing trainloada of pro
vwotiH, luxuries and medical comforte
wuispmul, to tho beleaguered town n
" B8 (:u'iunicatious Bre reopened.
Hpencur Wllkiuson, eumming the
' ev I" the war for the Aiaocl
wo Press, said ;
Q..rh".ulg,,t of T,lu"dy, February 15,
Cronje out from
"Wrifoiitein between General French,
wuo l Just entered Kltnberley, and
A Sale.
Covers. Drawers
neck .
j00 Willi tucks or rullles
I'-'JaC Kjner nunllty, three nnr-
row tucki iind wide
rulllcfc . '."lie
Hotter niiiterlul, lmrrow
tucks mid cuiii 'y.orwlth
wide rulllc edited with
torchon luce 053
I.T in lire In Drawer, fine,
mu.llii, wide I'liintiriu
rullle, edged with euib'y 65c
Piiiih:, wide rullle of cheer
liuvii, edged with tor
chon or Viil. I rice .. 7'Jc
J'lner crudeH If you
..tbein . ...
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
General Kelly-Kenny, then at Klip
Drift, on the Modder river. Tho next
day Kelly-Kenny pursued him, attacked
his rear guard and delayed him until the
Ilighlaud Brigade which was on its way
to stop him on the south bank of the
Modder, and General French could paes
him on the north bank.
"After three days' running light, Gen
eral Cronje was stopped at Koedoc's
Hand near Paardeberg, where he was
surrounded. Ills force was betweon the
river bank, which gave him a defensive
position facing either way, so that at
tacks on him involved heavy loss, but he
was lu-ld until Tuesday, when Lord
Koberts arranged to grip him with a
girdle of Infantry lu his position, while
cannonading him with ll'ty guns, enfi
lading the river bed.
"In tho meantime, Lord Roberts, with
a spare division or two beyond the three
brigndes holding Cronje, wet himself to
intercept nnd drive away any Boer rein
forcements. This was tho situation
Wednesday, mid it od'ered a reasonable
possibility of the capture of Cronje'e
force aud of the defeat of any reinforce
ments. "We have little news beyond Wednes
day. Thursday the t helling of Cronje
was continued at interval, continuous
shelling probably involving a too lavish
uno of ammunition. The Boers have
been giving themselves up by (idles a
day. Tueeday Lord Roberts drove oil"
reinforcements coming from Colesuerg
and Natal.
liUinitrt'k'ii Iron Nvrv
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. II
you want these qualities aud the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop wvery power ol
brain and body. Only 26o at Blakeley
& Houghton's drugstore. 2
lotion will cure wind chapping
and euuburn. Manufactured by Clarke
k Fttlk.
We here print a recent report on this subject, taken from the Dry
Goods Economist:
"The cotton market scored another etrong advance this week. Snot
cotton, which last week crossed tho 8c line, rose to 8Kc in the New York
Exchange and pa'eed the 5d. UtR in Liverpool, the" market for futures
fully participating in the upward movement. The cause of the advance is
the heavy purchases of cotton abroad, where, as already stated in these
reports, spinners are behind in their supplies.
How long these conditions will exist is, of course, uncertain, but is is
certain that the average under cotton will bo vastly increased by the high
price, and as time goes on this fact will receive more and more attention,
with the natural result.
Prices range about as follows :
Spot cotton: New York, 8c; last week, 8c; Liverpool, 5 1 32d :
last week, 4 21-32d.
March futures : New York, 8 30c; last week, 7.80 Liverpool, 4 51 -64d
last week, 4 20-64d.
The receipts for the first five days of this week were 142, 164 bales,
against 91, 035 bales for the corresponding period last week" Tho receipts
for the season amount to 4,035.741 bales, against 6,910,021 bales at the
same period last year. The visible supply of 3.634,052 bales, again6t
5.081,559 bales for the corresponding period lust week. Exports for ttie
first five days of the present week were 113,757 bales, againet 9S.G30 bales
for the corresponding period last year.
Manchester reports yarnB strong and cloths very firm.
if f i f
Are We at War?
Washinoto.v, Feb. 24. The secretary
of war has confronting him a difficult
problem requiring a decision whether or
not the United States is in a state of
war. In time of peace, but not in time
of war, any United States soldier may
purchase li is discharge trom the army
upon certain prescribed conditions.
More than two score applications of
this kind are now before the department.
If it he held this is a time of peace,
that decision might carry with it the re
duction of the pay of all the soldiers now
iu the Philippines by one-half, a con
tingency that cannot ho contemplated
without apprehension. There are equal
ly dangerous complications lurking in
tie other proposition, namely, that the
country is in a state of war. War de
partment officials regret that u decision
should be required at tine time.
Cutarrh Cannot lie Vurvil
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the scut of tho disease. Catarrli
is a blood or constitutional disease, aud
iu order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood aud mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by ono of the best
phyVicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of tho best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tho two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results iu
curing Catarrh, Send for testimonials,
F. J. Ciiknkv A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrugglsts, price 7fc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Treacher Would Nut Work.
Nkw Biutain, Conn., Feb. 24. Will
iam Menderleiu, a well-known character
of this town, was given until today by
Judge Burr either to obtain a position
bv which he could support his family,
or go to jail to continue his religious
studies. Menderleiu baa a love for
Children's Wear.
Infant's white muslin slips, at 12,Jc, 19c, 29.:,
55c, 7ec, $1.10.
Children's white muslin dresses, at 29c, 55c, 79c,
$1 13.
Children's white twill muslin waists, at 120
and 19c.
Children's white muslin drawere, at 12)4, 19c,29c.
Children's white muslin ekirte, at 12 and 19c.
preaching which entirely overcome his
desire for ordinary labor, and in conse
quence he has nol provided for his wife
and four Email children. He has spent
his timo expounding his religious doc
trines od the street cornere, and sine;1
October has provided nothing for his
family. His wife complained to the
cotirt, and Menderlein was given until
today to mend his ways.
The claim of other cough medicines to
be as good as Chamberlain's are effectu
ally set at rest in the following testi
monial of Mr. C. D. Glass, an employe
of Bartlett & Dennis Co., Gardiner, Me.
He says : "I had kept adding to a cold
and cough in the winter of 1897, trying
every cough medicine I heard of without
permanent help, until one day I was in
the drug store of Mr. Houlehan and he
advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy and ofl'ered to pay back my
money if I was not cured. My lungs and
bronchial tubes were very sore at this
time, but I was completely cured by
this remedy, and have sinco always
turned to it when I got a cold, and soon
find rolief. I also recommend it to my
friends and am glad to say it is the best
of all cough medicines." For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
yihtln North of Tugola.
lioKit Hi.Ai) Laaguu, Natal, Friday.
Yesterday the British crossed the
Tnnela in large numbers, with ciunon
and over sixty wagons. They attacked
tho Krmelo andMiddle Burghers' com
mandos, but were forced to retreat under
heavy Mauser fire. A renewed attempt
on theKrmela men was made this morn
ing, but the British were again driven
off. The fighting continues.
The British losses were heavy. Kight
ambulances here employed in collecting
tho dead and wounded. The generals re
port that the commandos are fighting
Ladysuiith tired a few shots this morn
ing at our outposts until silenced by the
"Long Tom
As a cure for rheumatism Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide repu
tation. 1). B. Johnston of Richmond,
Ind has been troubled with that ail
ment since 1802. la speaking of it he
says: "I never found anything that
would relieve me until I used Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic
with me, My foot was swollen and
paining me very much, but one good
application of Pain Balm relieved me.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton,
Subscribe for Tuk Ciiuonick. '
The Result Is
Plainly to be Seen.
After preeent stock of muslin-wear is sold, we will be obliged to pav the ad
vance and our next invoice of these goods cannot be sold at present low priceE
unless we cheapened the work and finish of the garments, which we prefer not to
Believing in fair dealing, and to impress upon the minds of our Customers
that fact, we make tills announcement and trust one and all will take advantage
of this possibly the last opportunity jf buying muslin underwear at the old..
Our stock at present is complete In all lines.
Regarding the qualities the cut and fit the superior stock and allround
good worth of our muslins' nothing further need here be said evervone well
knowing tho advautngrs to be enjoyed by buying them at this store.
Muslin, narrow luck.,
hemmed bottom 'J5c
Same, hemmed rullles ... a9c
Better nunllty. lucks and
3-ln emb'ynt bottom . tic
Same, with deep over
flounce of bheer lawn
edged with torchon lace 55c
Finer muslin, 10-in. h'md
Uounce 79c
Sumo, elegantly finished
with deep llouuce of
embroidery 1.13
Fame, with 12-ln flounce
of sheer Inwn, contain
lug .1 rovrs 1-in. val in -Kerllou,
val. edging at
bottom 1.13
Finer ones at $2.25 and ?3.C0
General Lawton's Pian Maj Be Put
Into Operation.
Washington, Feb. 24. Before his
death, and after giving much thought to
the subject, General Ltwton had worked
out a plan for the ma:ntenance of order
in the Philippines after the close of actu
al war, which -Iind been submitted to
General Otis, and is presumably the
plan which will commend itself to the
War Department when the time comes
to replace the regular troops by other
forces competent to preserve order.
General Lawton's idea was to create a
force of native police, whose officers, at
first in all grades, and finally, as condi
tions improved, in tho tipper grades
alone, shall all be Americans. Some
such foice as this is now successfully ap
plied in Cuba by General Wood under
the name of rural police. Oiving to the
racial differences among the inhabitants
of tho Philippines, it vtas General
Lawton's idea that there would be no
difficulty in securing police who should
be proof against disloyalty in the dis
tricts apart from those of their nativity
to which they might be assigned. That
this theory was well founded is indicated
by tho successful use of the Macnbebo
trjbH by General Ltwton himself, and by
General Young later iu his chase after
Aguinaldo in the north of Luzon. The
natives by their acquaintance witli the
country and the inhabitants woull be of
great assistance in running down
Because of tho similarity of feature and
figure of tlioTugals, the American troops
have had great difficulty in distinguish
ing one individual from another, from
telling frinud or foe, Indeed, there is a
story iu circulation among some of (lie
army officers who have just returned to
Washington from Manila that thu Army
actually captured Aguinaldo iu Cavito
Province as a suspicious "amigo," and
then released him, only to hear of hia
identity after he had gotten away. The
ability of tho Filipino leader to make up
as a Chinaman is said to be lemarkable,
aud only a fellow-native is able to pene
trate such a dlsguUe.
"After doctors failed to cure me of
pneumonia 1 used One Minute Cough
nhomiSO Or Fkirt Chemise, sqnare
wllliao vokej 3 rows cacll ,'ucks
cud insertion, edged
I'lninly made 19c with rullles, deep hem.. 75a
With yoke of tucks and Lcra'Ic,1'')"'
In-ertion. und edged iOTon lace' 'ace at, m
with rullle iic 0 I C0
, . , . Finer quality, elaborately
Deep voke of tucks mid trimmed in emnroid'y,
iiueition. emby edging iound yoke 1.25
at top and nrmhnles . . ooC r,no cambrl(I yal ,ace
Better quality, edged and yoke, deep Uounce with
trimmed with emb y in val Insertion and edg-
twottldths 79c ing l.JO
Finer quality, square yoke
elaborately mude of em
broidery edging and in
sertion, tucks and rullle
Compare any of our Me gar- ci t,"b'y ul
meats with other stores' nt Of sheerlu'.vn, elaborately
,.. ., finished at yoke and
7oc, or our . 9c ones with those flounced with val. lace
seen elsewhere at a dollar. ami insertion 2 75
Cure and tnree bottles of it cured me.
It is also the best remedy on earth for
whooping cough. It cured my grand
children of the worst cases," writes Jno.
Berry, Logantcn, Pa. " It is the only
harmless remedy that give3 immediate
results. Cures coughs, colds, croup and
throat mid lung troubles. It pieventa
consumption. Children always like it.
Mothers endorse it.
Ills Lire Waa Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful
deliverance from a frightful death. In
telling of it he says: "I was taken with
Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia.
My lungs became hardened. I was so
weak I could'nt even sit up in bed.
Nothing helped mo. I expected to soon
die of consumption, when I heard of
Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle
gavo great relief. I continued to use it,
and now am well and strong. I can't
say too much in its praise." This
marvelous medicine is the surest and
quickest cure in tho world for all throat
and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley
k Houghton's drugstore; every bottle
Fine t'oiillry ami Italian Hera.
Sllverliiced Wyamdotte, English Red
Cap and Roeo Combed White Leghorn
chickens for sale. Single birds $1 each.
Egijs for setting $1 per fifteen.
Italian bees $1 per pound. Queen
bees wai ranted purely mated, 75 cents
eiii'h. Queens sent by mail and sale ar
rival guaranteed. Address
Miis. A. A. Bon.nkv,
feb2Mmo Tygh Vallej, Or.
"I hud bronchitis every winter for
years and no medicine gave me perma
nent relief till I began to take One Min
ute Cougii Cure. I know it is the Wit
cough medicine made," says J. Koontz,
Corry, Pa. It quickly cures coughs,
colds, croup, asthma, grippe aud throat
and lung troubles, It is tho children's
favorite remedy. Cures quickly.
Goo, Barbe, Mendota, Va , sa)s,
"Nothing did ino so much good as Ko
dol Dyspepsia Cure, One iluee, relieved
me, a few bottles cured me." It digests
what you eat and cures dyspepsia,
. llemoYa Pirapln, Proven I'll I
A movement nf 111 howela wliiEiSaui
Ml? r,u,i "f will unit ample fruo, or la 1 boil or