B ! Baldwin CRONJE HAS NOT a! rS as w fcr OPERA HOUSP- cociil cf Mr, The Great STEEL and MALLEA SURRENDERED xs- corefJi ta to BLE IRON RANGES, true merit A SURE wixxes?. la Co.. Gxrdlaer. J. Sxid pcocoaxU will t wivi &y , iwo(t:c: o. aa. cc ia xaeas atj, tratti cc dy I tji la xad tweaty tfaiiuad dolixii cc reioat- ;t use refaadtci x:jr bi :a tt teas - The Sharju Company SuppGrtir:? Sam T. Shavr Seres Grsat Plsys- ENGLAND WONDERS AT HIS DEFENSE iaii ctfrsii ta jay tact aiy ttocttr ti irxteadiii to it i vis esc carsiJ. MtIoejcs a :arcd to i. hic I get x ct'i. oii coc : Ahi V3 i Kot l!ia J. trtii bo X- J, sieT. iat til isa catlt wcr rer ojsS pr laaaci JT- 'J, ttatT near fwen Eii,; c-tt-. shii o be: it focsd eie i , , . . wc, tii Usee b c 5? a , . , , . , .t . . Pi -ii istns piraH "iw ta frwaiiadta fU! :o ij tt u lit t ft Uatwd Sitrf, t iaj cfty hr?in. cfAH'cccfb i4iircia-i-i." For iul by i: th-f cptrca of Sa tcjr. J Ecilftuiy 4 liberates. Tfc booi nsaaitoa'i w.'.I V-i I Majestic 4 ' M . T I i i , i -1 13 or- it. . . v - cf uuad:c w:r fcoa: ta :& aci . i plixe tti trcli- cct, la f jHi; ta: a cti ta toanio! xtr JCii C it rCa'i iritis crtaiu. MS- r-- - f baMer nit ati profcsa. fjf iob pt-izz c? x- iatao. sd la :h tiaos- ; v .J for s are- X ,j;i0I. c wen- i S' UKraoy, no. zs, r : .-j p. ci. .rerT oftcsa ao Jul re c:tl Rets :a araaxtierc nrf r. u! t: accr i xpict ta tt:a-ci-f et Crcaf i ibeu er cra:trl sa ti jpa r oa fcadiej tcadj foe i0 C0 calf. $hr?f-jr $crTar. Oa 3 taa wasdtr ii ex- ji tuacc il aifiit by pf i WDSXxT ' ss ye j--tr.ii ees e taaij;: ct are-v-; are. ie aatwc of jcaara 5srt iai-f,. 1$ pjcrdetrz Drlfs cm bo: t - ,rtor wxj fail cl j&iM t :h dai- No fctd 2I tt eaierttiafd " . bees taii :a h': 03Si:ii.i :oie the irjett frcra Sh decii cf tie tkJ cf tesa th-a pr r;ae of th toadi. P- j' ififc SNrtto-siattw iraeiuti. wrha fc:r teiriaycp- ta tora:aZ o( tfc pn Tktij !CEa ad recj ia:-: tu; c etunertf. . . , . , . . . , icto eoaJr:Ma :a paa:e ca :a roe ixvxxrx GSir i ae .iTii &Di iiais :h tirribtj jcribi x e:rd oc. ta!,. c xu -citiu t rtarecf sy.orirj, irrias2ir or , Bidders aw dtix;: ith ttt cwit- iH xir t-? --.Tv;v..i, - .vrr'T t. cua u s . - . . . , , -.sij cheek x rxte Tin naisiS t - - . . . -. .-k rexab :ts ia: ci ta dlwxe. Caxrsb cent cf the x-Tcaai cf b:ad bid fsr. cr! ish cxh ot iaca a. si? vxy arisii POPULAH PRICES . sir r;i?r rcKiizze ije irici. . , . .:, v;.-. i ii x ticcd or cotutira&axl diwxi. xaxi ."-.. " ""." ? , t,- . xa crar w car i. tcc sick ixxs snier- vs. .-. fi S. ax! reaitiisea. 3sl7i Cxtirra Car i piTb! to tfc z sidcl cl ia-s toxnio: J . . . tw ..ve --J-t - - . . a.--, xi b-raiixteii dxiirj ia cut la fccid? ts easjar. Eres xa ssszpseUd'.j o" - jh.U fxll o a'to rwire xad piy EAST and SOUTH Via Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. ' Remember that we are selling the same from $45.00 to $60.00 Whiuti i - a saving to our customers of from $15 to $25 over p cv chars:etl by peddlers for inferior ranges. tte for pamphlet, "Jrajestic Evidence.'! IWflVS & CLOCHE. uasatT tht: era irtct Lord ILsitti, s: accafa; tbxi cia ixr Craaj itraci :aixcc ii5Lri iia o: eaca- kt, ii ic c; c: ias ci.? 5rr-itj.-rf v S Uaaacy,c-izto ri: ffi! 1 tli Tlie Shasta Route 3 1 WW &H 5 suj . rirvvr:.; M E 11 - i ifc cf li. itzaxrii -axd icr.T & -eii ia, co.bir'.d :-.fc ih"xi ibe bcarf wiriact usae sad -i: t b sa pzori.- toc all s5oi. Ic:av, c3; sat eaaxane-d fra iafc.-ui. ti kuiat tfced re.-iat xcJaf directly oi sure taxa (2003 o jaah refaaiia ; m ilViprn Popifin nOmn'V " C T. Ctetris. Mr. b :a la e.r. ; -ir ,.:: dLer.d to U oKio ci lb :o U Si tt u" lae I "' e 11 ! .iexr jtxitj, s ss,u s . .. x .- "L- VT.yiJ.'l .-. I rt ilt toii-r. iTeT kii ia-jsned br GBri caer s3 :ce i tc, i . yn i v J. A. XcDwxid. abtrraxa c-caty, --5-ay aaaixj biri P&iaci . v TAft rawirf bt tte sI-i tcxrd cf -iter w. tea. - Ch! r tcitrtVLz. FtC UaXXxh. Aiktx roit. boa: xt Mt-ii-tJ. : o:y : cg: tax: bx-i be faaao: i fars.7aIy b j ya!d hive giTsa tb Ber apportaaity I F. U. :l-r h-U os tat but tbii evsra- ta tatreacii tbeasiTfci xad prapi to i2 for PortUcd. i fsnbtr ijbt la x av:ore xdrxsUj Mr. C. II. Sb3t3, cf GikJead.il Tiiitia? 5a ta-e t?. W. O. Htdir. retcixfai Ixii tT'-ir? ' to i-w liixt u tcx-ftZr x - . , to fcta i-2-rt Morr,. , u . earn ;viuo2 Hxi:'iFia:i!T PiTi ire ti best. 1- i Bid b:!J te iddreji-i-1 to the pre- Jdeat Giexid ijxrd, cr to tbcs:ymrd- Mr. Kreger I ill. tr, DxljM City. Wco eccaty, Orca, v t---..- -.v - i j; , , ; j1 acted "Praictrxh lot rtfaaciar . , , , r t t. - ' xier o- ; lae erxta iroai Drsi js ; r.iT:e 'ette; Waiter Scistb, of PHterille, is rt-j X4tred xt tae Uaittillk Hoei. A- J. Lelxcd x ryaltr trxrena: ireif (t ijftt ii ia Uie cty twJiy. AdticcS rtc'rirtd xt Cxp 74a yester W. H. Msr-re, if M&ro. ji4d tbraarb I dxr fiid it txs retried i Bntiih ere Tb DxUti ;x4i ajgbt oa bu -xy ta gridaxnydrmay ti eBcr oat cfXcrtb- PcTittcd. era CiaCoicay, tad ibxt raxaT of the Cpt. J. L. Coxa, tfeat xttbt Wxraj tcrfttr bxi rar&d tbe Orxaj Hprts? rtrrxtws, is ia tct city xtiead- rirer. iaj us bciiaei. ' Ure-Lylera-f dtarctr, Ms Ailr-,!Pjl I PPN WA Lrle fca??e id tbe tti.'Iiatrry Xrz- V.r fvA -. tV Tjv, rf Cirri irird LidTrjth5i otters Jroas f.-etcnx retiree atre j mjM5aa bT sd -f, -4 tc-i;.. cf tae t. ,i noaaae thxt Yiti. Krazer. wife of tbe : Coeataaa CoqelciI. Thii 25th dT of rerr nt. ifce ir an i -it-xij, iw. tr xaa ex.t . , . . , of Rirfi. ti xiiat Bailer bj x Tijcrocs biajbxrd-; lM 'af fcy xaxjety tor tr iTrr;f7 : yjj h. Gxtw, aaa.erac xad griiKzit azr.l:c; Recorder ci Dxhe C:ty. pcKic taleren. VVaite xpf-exr to be ; P-'wicea:, tttil fclf cf at-M, xd to be eadftXTiria?' f'isTocsJy iajpr I'.r ibeir oiaatry.&aeof -boaj xi ri:!ed xl DdepTt- Wi.5 tbe re-lt of bis spleadld bexltb. ladoasitxtvt mii! tad trtscenivis eaerjy xre aoc fcraed bTe rtoracb, IiTer, kidaey xad bo-el 2.- cct of order. If Lot Aardet.u f . JO. I f VU ''t:ltr tor i IU.I. -V. A3 J. X tUr ; Ntrao J T -35 A. Ji. C6TTtUJl .. 1 & MP.V. Lt.i .j0 . n Liikf. IXtitct, Ft Fut i'oitii. Oathi. Kilo- Mill Cllr. St. Unit. iiUt a ;ii. a. ilr. H. E. Vrrec, of Hep;.er, pxirrd tb-roarfi Ti lljfe Hit tiiytt, oa br vij- to xttirod tbe faaerxl of ilrs. Joba Myeri xt Port'txad. Mr. Cai'oai, parehxB? ?eat for tbe! eoatrxetors of tbe Pxn! ilobr rxiJwxy, j left tlui tacrsisz far 5treaeon bere bt ! Mr. Jo. Xitscbke retoraed from Port ltod Ixtt tiigbt niitrt tbe veat to visit br brother, Eroe-t JcobTj, who i in tbe hoepitxl. She reports Mr. Jxcobwa'e erudition hjocH improved. OUR CHURCHES A DEATH TRAP; Bl Life ffll !. Mr. J. E. L'Hy, i praatineat cititea cf Hiaaifc, Ma., lxte!y bxd x oaderfa! deiiTtrxaci froaj frijbtfes dritb. Ic U-lIsa? of it be it: "I x txkea sitb Typboid ferer, tbt ran ieto paeaaicab. ! tos Tttat tbee cax.itJs xad tbe tacaeff . exr I eocJd'et even f:t ap ia bed-. Jttui eti Orieout ta-i pise isnli iuaUii tber brief, cDr. Ern?'e Uf Kotbias belpeti sae. I expted to tooa ' ?fSrwai5'A"N 12 cm'A. fteiilar dct on xt BUk fTLLM-tS BCFFETELrHr-EKS Xitxtvi to U Ttroufti Trtiat. I i 1 I. Ui 4UjUttl. Jt3t., ILU Chleaco uul utt. Fxoh Porrt-iSP. Ocean Steatnttitix. For Bo FtirdKO tVceiaber 3. K H. 1. S and . p.m. Ttey develop ertrj poxer of die of coma notice, bea I beard cf' to.ftOT.n" ,?; tod En 4 Hsasbtou'f dra?itore. Brota! Treatntot AcasrdoJ the Wztdatr Tier loaltrj Italtaa Bee. Fikerlxotd Wyftzdotte, Eajlifh Bed ! -, rc pext reuei. l coc uaoea to ee it, j UttIii fcut!oa n-ta ioi inuij itruru id: bj aa veil xaa ttrocg. icaa'ti txy too tacth ia iU Miners Men Ate Off the GrcmaiJ ! Cp ad Rm Coaibed Whit Legbora j Ei.";el?ai raedidne ii i Food Was Bad ar3 There Were! So Sanit2ry Arranjemtsti. cbieiecs for tile. Hicgl bds fl eacb. YAJHIli.l)IVItJ10N. prxte. Tblt j roMCfts IX-; -it, lit ot Jeeenon ttrert. tbe eareit xad J Jot eierfdta. wr Ctyt, t 4:30 p. rn f ... . . ... i T". f T r . . u-. . . . Kralr tizti n) cnt j rtAvr a. tjz, , r ArrlT- t Portluid. Tu jjsitket care ia tbe world for ill throat i tad loeg trosble ; ..... - "'"."j uj a. t .Ttarvi rttr ted Situ rim it 8.05 1. ia. WiSfinriTor. F-i. TV: I'.twf ettioa ia tbe Crar d'Aleae Ibcr rictf ! jcxiTrn coatsaafc-3 oa ralli xry tJiir?. ) H. W. ?!tinfci'i t--t?CfcH Rtls.rjy.ri tftt I4 . .. ". r . ixadllM. Trial bottle frw it B!Ek!Tt iUiixa wt ft per pooac. uaeea : . . . Kxmi-iT. -Kiwci Sutnrd.r. beee warrzated purely taxied, 75 . ""J?9 1 Grort: t!e, . k.k.utk, o. H. mabkh. tscb. Qaeeae tai by aaxH and ialexr. fc!Jra'c- ' a.- g. K. a r-. Act Mt,i -ifMtu" I as care tor raenmatiia critaber i.v ""r w"''" imraium.Dm Mes i A Eoysrr 'la ' r,a x'"i raining a wsoe repa- aa rstr; can r oMltied i febSl-lts-j Trj-b Vallet Or. "tlln' c Joaoiwn o: Kxtiraocd, " lad., bat been traabled wkb tbat ail- It Tr.nr T.sirrir is 1l!rf r.i- r. . . . . ( .. ,...... .. . raeat iiace lbo2. in tr-akioz of it he J. D. KIKKJUND, Ticket Aiteat. CDnttixn Scincr raeetias ia eaia!! '. tn. a v- - i .. ...!., ,,.t.. wwio reev e bdui x om toxowrr. j aer tte - coabtrtJy nwS glxirfcs and tiioaJd have . .. . fon . -lh , I l-rr. W. 15. , iHattrxted by a Jars ncraber of ; well to call on Theo. Ii. Iiebe, edeatific , j4jnt p4jn xm jt . lisei at 11 , pbotcgrapbi tboxin tbe pruon ia- optidtn, bo will txamise yorr eTee!wj,h me j. wj iZ iopie' : clvinre, eomiMiaz of x caialr cf rade , free of chsrjre. 13-17 . M;nin, ' Trrv rnnr, Ci'vary Baptiit eborch K Clift'sa, faster. Kezatar rt tuet.n2 t 6:35 p m. Sender eebool btnti, ionoandtd by a wire f-ace. j at 10 x. in. wjtn-t was a .-caoo. Coinaisseioaer, ; Chicxeo, tare, "EidoJ DTipep5a Care ! For fa:c by Blakeley 4 Hoaghton Latberaa diarcb-Ker. W. Ereeaer, ' 'kotm jor BiH-e-i yaiimny nnaot be recomraended too liijtbij sett like wjic was twollen aad : pxinicz tae very mow. Imt one zood F. B. Tbirkield, bexltb inifctor of j application of Pain Balm relieved me. Mnpfhopn Dnnifin in mi. i ii I n .mi. liui ilium i uuiliu 4 cm. Ez.eundarColatsbl Rr. gtttuncn.,Ex.buniliJ no Airoau ana njr Hturday Landlnn. ID !. m. Ca. ta. WitUMrrxx Bivtt. 4:p.a. Ex.DUEdjr Ornron Cllr. NeTU.tt, ExtuniUy I balexn & ay Lena WtLLAMrTTX AD YAK l:wV.B. M0I1., 7 a. in. lne,Tiur. hillKitim. and bat, Orrcon Cltr. I3rt0Di . and Way-laullugi. and Fit Ca. m. WiiXAariTX lavta. 4:30p.B. TUe..Tiur.lPrilm1 fn (Virrnlll!. Mon. ana gat. ' and war-Lazidlngi. aa inw; I Lv i:i(.irl daltjr 1 :i) c in. I Svaxc Kitkb. HliarU to JcwiitoB. UiTI hlWlN 6:30 a a I it: v..i:.i. ... ; i iwttbthe aicfcrr. xad irae tobseccentlT ,,a .,.r . .i.......:. n T. : nrf r,in. n.n.i ,5 x"eUd. feJ,ts .ki rm . ,nd rn . 5nriiwt,ff,n paeuaionix 1 need One Micote .. s.. v , Hestdthe"balltJa'-xTerTilitbr.;. .... w .11 , i Care nd three bottlet of it fZ 1 1 LijTT MUrni liTJi C. W .lV, A U w L at i aJ-- llvt vU 4t a X IVI LUI Ul U 9 B ' flat FeopXi-meetinE at 6.3. ; Men ate off tbe ercoad and the food was peptia. It ig !eo tbe bett remedy cn ..... . ona. mere were prxetieur co eanittrr Hunt for air. .hvuuj iuKu. jubiw ujt Yellowstone Park Line. Cr.r. ..2......:. .i. ...1 T7rfit. i .. J- t. . .. r..ti. , , ... i. ui. ju... "After doctor failed to care tee of Conjh , THl: CAU ROflK from i-ohtlanu cared me.; ,U,U'-MW' earth for 7,,K LT UIKE,TT L'-S"K TO THE YELLOW, j I hlO.VE 1'ARK. grsua rartlM dralrio into to Hfjinnef ibooM tan: No. 4, tearing 'Jije lialltn nt 7:u? M miLlllL' rtlrrt iviiinMl!ilii nt Hr'tiTl'lLT IQIlClWD Reluming lnaVlnrdlructcoi.uocwn HJJffJ JuncUon with No. LarrivlBj at TbP 1)1W I . ! ID. I No. ti., tlirowctit freUrht, eat bound, dojrainot rarrjr j)ciicii arnrw i.m . ui.( vti K(i. Si, local IrelKbt, caniM juiMt'Ogcri, eut oouuu. nrrlTr 4:3U p. ra., QriwsrM" "I'-'.j ' o. we.t bouud tbrouKti InlKtil, vo , carry i-aucuctrrs; arnvt-t 15 p W.i O!"' v:au p. in. , . I No. si, went bound local reluM frri ntJfini, arrircaS:l&v. .. deixirUti 'Jtla.ni' j Korfull narUcularacalloil O. R. & '' i. ,r ttffUIIUIKT. Gen fa. Agt.. rortlaM." ..., . . uucu, ti-'j uii TOs occsiiun wnea frr,-, iiiYi n if if. iv, v. 1 . , , . : bu ail was hxJiy injsred and in a dell- j..k r.r.M. ir. ...n. . 1 u i;:i'; jnr.ior r.naeavor. 4 p. rn.; . . . . , ' r.-w-f .v . v,.., .V . ' ."Icate condition, be as refoHrd rerwiie. (.MTb nn. t-v, . ...i . . - . lion to jro to her. sticeou alto told of 1.,. rlrfr. i 1 l.t!,4..... ..r .V... . . it r Thirty bead of good boret, rtM 7 . . ' "trr 1 the soardhoo'se. a oart of the "holl rn Chfitttan chorch Ninth and Coart 1 htie he tad other were held rnott of ' ian24 21 -wc, i.r. ,j. iiONHaif, panor. . lfje time. Tbe rain lat through it, end , Gin H uid. rrr: I? VZth " . '.y- D To do general houwork. - " -"- twwwi , cirw niLa wren imuibied into the ' rwleet remedy thxt gives immediate retalte. Care coojhi, coldf, croap and throat snd long trcaWes. It prevent ! Steali!E Beoh., coainmpuon. t,rjiiaren aiwayi like It, t The Pallet, Or. ! n enoorw n. "I had broccbitii every winter for Most Lei jean and no medicine gave tne terma No. 2. $15 a month. Inquire at Chrhtian Endeavor at G:4r, p. in. ground, aad officers in charge refuted to . IV. . cmtJ 3iorniiiL'tnJ jct."The Crvetal P.iver tH . 1 1. i " crat' Kvn1nn An i.d, !...!. ..a. .,.1-11.. ,.. .1... j . ... . . .'1 Ok0. UaTttf. ilen'lltB. a. S1 "-r- . '"- orenxen tomiere were pnt 10 the goaril. (iK. ... ,,, : ,: Corrv Pa voting people. hmtM v ,, ftl, i 'otblng did me so inoch good as Ko-1 J a, vu v c. nbtb W . 1U bij f, UAJ U ! hosie with tbe acmked. Methodist KpifOpal dinrcb Corner i An extended difcauion occurred Fkt intdl lor Tut Mima. I rattle, 01yinla,Uray' j Harbor add houth lleiid, 'poliiU, 6jiokanc. Rons tUiid, 11. C, rullmaii, ii i ,J?M,T'r' ''t'i". Rtif- Jl 15 A.M. lalolluintMiilulngoouit ry, HeUriB. .MiiiiituiH , Kt. l'aul, Oinulm, Kaptan city, tit. UtuU, 4 CliIcKo and ull jkjIiiU o. , tat and Mjiiilientt. rtiKBt bound V.xxvu, AHKtve. No. 1. 6: SO 1'. M. No. 3. nent relief till I Iv3n fn taVi. Hnu Mir.. nt Cough Care. I knor it I. the r,tj,,:W 1,,MMto.fe coagb medicine made," tayc J. Koontz, do! Dyeneptia Core. Oce t me, a few bottlee enred tae Piftlt nrifl W ttf.tilfii'lrin . Tier. IT P kmnnr fTiprnVitr. .f tin. ( i t Hawk, pBtor. Hervtces at 11 8. ,. I an effort of l.t,t .nrl Sh,w ,r. In,,,,, f w lltt fcat aod cnrM 'f. and 7;30 p. m. Sunday echool at 'a newepaper inttrvlew by Bsrilett Bin. ! For Kent. 10a. in.; class iiieulin? at the cloi of cluir, State Auditor, of Idaho. The com-1 Two coity room, in private family ; sornini,' eervicHj Junior Lnncue at 3 :30; 1 mittee finally voted not to admit that central location. Kpwortii League at G'.ilO. Morning uhject: "Conatraining Love." Even ing limine: "l.ittln Fnxec," (ilrl WuiileU To do general housework. Fnqulro t this office. ' Fobl9 23 line of testimony. Fuller noted the fx ceptiou and Lentz said the house was a BQperior body to which an appeal coald be made, The claim of other coagh medicines to be as'good as Chamberlain's are eflecta- office. Apply at Ciiuomclk feb22-lw It qoickly cares coaghs, "',' 't dilf,i ,m-j touria alceirs to .. uvm.i Ok, X IU HII'l .V ULAIII .1. ... . ..I... . wtii..ii ..t... liumia Luton depot fomitctioas dose, relived i coM' C,0UP. tbma, grippe and throat j without rhauBi. "U ' . It digests i nd '0"" t"jbl- It the children'.- tuVuiS'pnW Saab lu Your Cfccaa. All conntv warrants registered prior to Jane 3, 1OT0, will be paid at my office. Interest ceaeea after February. 2, 1WW. 0. L. Pjiilupi, Oontv Treaanrer. favorite remedy. Cures quickly. Fer Hale. Complete entertainment outfit, con elstlng of high grade magic lantern, with views on Spanish-American war and new talking machine with 20 records. Made 300 clear r month last fall. Beaton for selling owner ill. Call op. posite United Brethern church on the hill or addres Virgil E. Greene, The Dalhi. Jan29 lmo i'o?,!!!'' "cms... jckeu. .SiV-reUVVaoW A. D. CHARLTON, AatUtant General riiHiigr Anwit, -J5J Morrioon fciiwt, comtr J lilid, Porlfitud; Oawn. ' u uKiSKNuottrrjcu Physician aud Sureou, Bpwlal attention slvcu lo "iurery. Kms2Und, Tel. 32S Vogt Block lift. ie go in a PacKii PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUl.VOT0HKR6 0 Pine Lard and Sausage Cvrersof BHANB HAMS & BAC0NJ BEEF. KT0. & 00, FRENCH BANKERS. rMANSAOTA KKKBAhBASKINU BlWU"" Loiter of Oradit iaaued avnllftble in Eaaro Btatee. Pt. Louli, San Francisco, Vortit&K inn. CUatlU Waah.. and variOUl V9 In Oregon fid 'vytMhiogton. & oraWe Urtu.