The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 24, 1900, Image 3

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    Take this as the
Final Warning,
Tluipn of you who have not taken
advantage of the
On the necessariea of llfo in the lino of all
Muslin Goods,
!nth in ready-made garments and
materials for making the same. If
these goods were offered
V(i would not wonder yon would
hesitate; but Spring is at the door,
mill the demand in every household
( ir just what we have on sale is ex
tremely urgent.
Come One, Come All.
What's the difference, we'd liko to know, be
tween picking up dollars in the middle of the road or
saying them by buying your goods right. You may
uot be learned in that which is written, but when
you trade with us yon exhibit n wisdom which is
practical, and that's the sort of knowledge which
The items we enumerate are not our only attrac
tions, but an earnest of what we can do for you in a
hundred lines not alluded to.
.W.?J'?Ye declfIe(1 o close the balance of those
Regular two for 25c.
And during the balance of this week only, vou
have the choice of all of our 7oc, 85c, $1 00, T1.25 and
$1.50 Men's Colored Shirts at
Only two more days. Don't lose this opportunity.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Telephone No. 1.
FEB. 1M, 1900
nerved In
fctylc by
Justice C. K. Bayard is quite sick at
lit home.
The Shuw Company all next week nt
I the llaldnin theiitur. Popular priceB.
It ie n ftict that a woman sets nervous
Iwiieu tliu train is behind time, while a
mm twearfi.
A subscription list is Leinir circulated
t U'bbco to purchase chemical fire
It Is reported that Miss Laura Jones
liiseold tlie Drum Watchman to Benton
Mires, of Drain.
KqiortB f i o in the emallnox natientnre
to the effect that lie Is Bettini? alonir in
tine slinpf , as yet not iiaving been con.
"neii lo liiH bed.
One week auo it was cold and b tor in v.
while today it has been bright and
Piwant with the Hir balmv as at unv
time during the spring.
Mer ie koIiii to hum a nn tinlnl If
It ' rt - w mm F iiwivij mm
P'esent plans carry. It wIIMjh a 475.000
tone structure, and wit! contain an
pera hoiibu and several stores.
The L'lUlll! of flint I.Q 11 url.tnl.
(Played on ttlf 22nd Inst, at Pendleton,
Miween Hippnernnd Pendleton teums,
S8 Won 1 V thu fnrmnr iv a nonrn nf
'.,. n
IV u,
Members -f thu L. A. 8. mm nlnt. will
eet tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock
their grounds in the Btadlemnu field.
All ttlOSO illti) in tlin nnt u... In.
Jtod to brim their gum and participate
Miss rivim utmniuiniiu II. at tl.n lu.ll.a
I . . v....vd iiihi .iiv iauii D
wWioCnth lo church wish to extend
"n la m t10HO wilOB0 klndy nt.
"ted in ii i ....
1,1 ivi miiiiiit'ui given uv
wt-mwcBiii y ni.d helped to make it the
""lUl'U Blr( I'HH I ttnu
In tho
8 being ,Km.d bBforo Ju( 1Jrad.
IW vemi.i-.i,... i.. .
,) , . i " iu uasu oi uarey unu
wnlan, who were found guilty of
1,1 t'o was denied and the
l,, "wuruuou 10 one year oacu
wib penlu-iitlnry.
follow . i'"B WU8 ,0nal
. ihu biiBlness and condition of fv'T k',,ona 0o'Vllis does not
Corvalll V. , ira"BP"n. even to
mI! 1 11,0 l,0ul8 hve to rustle to pay
XllB la,ll., .....
church 1 :m .
cellent MV'"ng to give an e
7ZTVTatia th
"rc". A chorus Which has been ra.
hearsing for Borne time is said will be
one of the best ever appearing before a
Dalles audience,
Today being so pleasant unny farm
ers living in the immediate vicinity
came to town and ourstreets looked
quite lively for a time, or many teams
were being driven through our thorough
fares while the sidealks and stores
were full of people.
Our club roomsarea credit to any
place thu size of The Dulles, and to know
they are fully appreciated all one has to
do is to go there any holiday, in the
evening or during recreation hours and
see the number ol old and young taking
advantnge of the opportunities afforded.
The OJd Fellows lodge of Hunting
ton has decided to build a brick building
adjoining its present block. Tho struct
ure will be two stories high with a base
ment and is to be completed as soon hb
possible. The first story is to be 90s 21
feet, and will be for rent as a store
James Edmunds, Sunday school mis
sionary for Oregon and Washington of
the American Baptist Publication So
ciety ,and O. A. Wooddy, D. D., of Port
land, will hold meetings for Sunday
school improvement, at 10 a. in., 2 p. m.
and 7:30 p. m., at tho Calvary Baptist
church tomorrow. A cordial welcome
is extended to all.
The bright, pleasant weather for the
past two days has had quite a tendency
to dry up the mud and make the streets
somewhat more passable than they have
been for some time. Before another
year passes some means should be taken
to havo better streets than we have at
present, ior Indeed they are enough to
make any resident blush for ehume.
The Board of Health of Astoria will in
the near future take steps towards tho
extermination of all the rats in tiie city
as a health precaution. There animals
are among the most dangerous agents
for the spreading of thu plague and other
contagious disuaees, and in order to
guard against the spreading of infection
as many us possible of them will be
After escaping tho dread diseaso fur
months, when it was prevalent all
around, Condon is nt last face to face
witli u chhu of genuine smallpox. Ed
Temple who arrived there about three
weeks ago has broken out witli thu
disease. A building hue been lit led up
in thu outskirts of thu town to be used
us a hospital. The unfortunate, inmi is
receiving nil thu care possible aud every
precaution hus been exerted by the au
thorities to prevent tho spread ot the
prevalent disease.
We havo received '.Everybody's Mag
aslne" for March which is rich in that
sort ol pleasant reading that combines
Instruction with quick and easy interest.
Among its contents Is an article en
titled "A Glimpse of the Germ World,"
by G. W. Wiuterburn, M. D., which
treats of bacteria and the enormous
amount of good they do humanity, tell
ing of their origin and labors In a fas
cinating way, imparting an astonish
ing amount of Information in a manner
which causes it to remain in ttie
Practically nil the money necessary
for the scouring mill has been raised
and those who ba''e doubts may rest as
sured Hint it is an actual fact that we
aro to hnve a mill and it is to be built
and in readiness for this yeai's elip.
Everything lias developed to such an
extent that the machinery has been
ordered by telegiapii and will be here
as soon as it can be manufactured and
shipped. The location has not been
selected as yet but ae the committee has
the option of several different places
there is no liklihood of their being de
tained on that score.
How much of the prevailing idea of
the Afrikander character is due to the
habit which the newspaper artists have
of representing every Boer as wearing a
long, ragged beard? JnBtasan errone
ous idea of the American farmer has
been given to the people of the cities by
the pictures or Grangers wearing billy
goat whiskers on their chins, so the Im
pression has bsen created that the Trans
vanlere cannot be civilized human be
ings, because if they were they would
not wear those long, frayed-out beards.
But the beard, like many other ideas
entertained of the Boer, is mostly a De
ment of the imagination.
Eastern Oregon mining men are in
favor of the proposed smelter at Port
land, eays W. C. Cowgill, city editor of
the Baker City Republican, believing
that it will be a big thing for the mining
interests of the entire stale, and will
aid in securing special copper smelters
in the Baker territory. Much disap
pointment is telt at the action of Senator
Simon in introducing a bill for tho es
tablishment of a mint or assay oflice in
Portland, as it is believed that' will pre
vent the establishment ol an assay olllco
iu Baker, where one is greatly needed.
But our Chamber of Commerce has re.
doubled its efforts In that direction, and
we stil! have hopes.
The Shaw Co. will appear at the Bald
win theater all next week. Seats on
sale at Blakeley & Houghton's. Popu
lar nrices 15. 25 and 35 cents. Thu
East Oregonlan makes the following
complimentary remark : "Sam T. Shnw
nsJoo Vernon, Louise Carter as Mrs.
Vernon, Mrs. Nellie Mamie Shaw ae
Liaboth Vernon, woto the strongest
characters in Tuesday night's play, "In
Mi.zura." The play is a series of
picturuH of Miesonri rural life. It is full
of comedy throughout, and good clean
comedy, too. The audience wns kept iu
a state of amusement during thu entire
performance by tho excellent work of
Mr. Shaw as Joe Vernon nnd the others
mentioned. The audience completely
tilled the house, even the box eeuts be
iug taken."
Jim Hill, of Groat Northern railroad
fame, personally states that he has con.
traded for a number of monster steam
ers, says the East Oregonlan, which,
when completed, will enable the Great
Northern railway to lay down a barrel
of Oregon or Washington flour in any
Oriental pert, from Puget Sound or
Columbia river ports, for fifty cents, and
Mr. Hill gives promise, if the Seattle
Times can be depended upon, to lay
down n barrel of Dakota flour in Orient
al ports, which means the principal ports
of China, Japan, Korea and some Rus
sian ports, at a cost not to exceed $1 25,
and Mr. Hill recently stated that Russia
could not lay down a barrel of flour at
Vlndivostock, the Russian senrort on
tho Pacific ocean, for less than $4.25. If
Mr. Hill succeeds in doing so much for
the farmers of Dakota, the Oregon farm
ers will be certain to share in the bene
The new town of Lawton which will
bo a rival of Sumpter and Grauite is
soon to have a newspaper. The first
thing in a new and progressive town is
always a paper, which used to advantage
will always bring good results to all con
nected with it in any manner. From the
La Grande Chronicle we tako the fol
lowing: "Frank G. Hull has three and
one-half tons of newspaper materials at
Sumpter, and also a ton and a half of
paper. He went over Tuesday morning
and will proceed from Sumpter to
Lawtcn, where he will establish a paper,
the pioneer one of the new town, at the
forks of Clear and Granite creeks. Mr.
Hull has the lumber all hauled and on
the ground, and waits only for the sur
veyors to establish the lines so that tho
exact location of the bnilding may be
determined, when be will have the work
men commence the work of erection. In
ten days thereafter, Mr. Hull expects to
have the etructure ready for occupancy,
and the new paper will be issued at once.
During the intervening time, he will live
in a tent and keep warm with a roaring
fire in an airtigiit stove.
Capital Should He IntreU-(l In a Fruit
and Vegetable Cannery.
Now that the wool scouring plant is
an assured fact nnd our citizens are de
termined to make it a Euccees, why not
look forward to other enterprises. We
are situated in one of the best fruit and
vegetable raising sections in the stat.
Why not interest capital in a cannery
that wouid utilize our surplus products?
Other places are putting forth iuducQ
ment? and if welet slipour opportunities
we will have to bear the brunt of otir
oversight or neglect. Relative to a
cannery at Walla Walla the Union says;
"Stockholders of the new cannery to
be erected in a short time, held a meet
ing in Dr. N. G. Blalock'e oflice yester
day afternoon and discussed plans for
operation. It was decided to go ahead
with incorporation and after the papers
had been filed proceed at oncu witli the
construction of a suitable building and
purchase of such machinery as may be
"The opening for a cannery is so al
luring that it is surprising capital has
not entered the field before, and success
and large returns will undoubtedly be
the portion of the company just formed.
The preliminaries, as to name, etc., have
not bean agreed upon but that it is a
consideration when the incorporation
papers are drawn up.
"Tho men who are interested in the
new cannery project aro practical fruit
men and have a thorough knowledge of
the handling of fruit. They know what
quantities go to waste eacti year and
realize what profits are to be gained by
the saving of the product."
Advertised Letter.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoflice at Thu Dalles un
called for February 21, 1900. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised:
Burns, Miss Mnble Clark, Mies Mao (3;
Chamberlain, Olie DeCamp, Mrs Frank
Davie, Miss liuttie Hart, Mrs Virginia
Jones, Mrs Jessie Johnson, Mies Efllu
Koihler, Miss Allie Kohler. Miss Erina
Kneckttn, Pauline Marys, Mrs Ida
Mason, Mrs E L Millspaiigh, Carrie
Moore, Mrs W S McCluen, Mrs F W
Otttnan, Mrs Steele Phelps, Mies. Kate
Hevenig, Miss Ada Taylor, Mrs Sadie
Turner, Georgia Thomas, Mrs Julia
ViiiL'lu, Anna M
Brooks, T
Coake, Ernest
Coake, Veinon,
Dyche, W K
Hopper. Win
Hays, Wallace (2)
Hoover, A B
Johnson, Biucu
Lirka, Ficd
McNainiro, Mr
Nelson, C J
Boss, Alllu F
Taylor, Arthur
Brewer, John
Canfleld, Mr J II
Cameron, W J
Drake, It V
Hopper, 'loin
Henzie, Emmet
Harden, Alien
Kinney, K K
Lusser, W II
Millinex, M
Oscar, L O
Turner, Ivim
H, 11. ItlDDKI.I., P. M.
For Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Havi Always Bought
ini ififumintiTiilnin iit i "imiHi'H'
Avfcgelabie Preparationfor As -similating
ling the Stomachs ondBovrels of
For Infanti and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Promotes DigcalionjCheerfuf
ness andRest-Contains neither
S)ium,Morphine nor Mineral.
ot Narcotic.
AmstSad. f
Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa
Tion , Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
new york:
Bears the
Thirty Years
A Splendid Aesortment of Choice Garden. Grase and
, Vegetable
Seed Wheat, Seed 0s,
Sfed Rye, Seed Barley,
Seed lJnekwiieat, Seed Corn
King Philit) Corn,
Stowell's Evergreen Corn,
Early Minnesota Corn.
Kaffir Com, Egyptian Corn,
White Hominy Corn.
Early ltose Potatoes,
Iiurliank Potatoes,
Spring Vetches,
Brorae Grase,
Cheap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Supplies.
A inncnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of
which will bo eold at close prices for CASH at the Feed, Seed
and Grocery Store of
Citrbett.Jetlrles to fight.
New Yohk,-' Feb. 23. Unless some
thing unforeseen happens in the mean
time, James J. Corbett and James J.
Jeffries will tight for the henvy-weiaht
champion-ship of the world in tho arena
of the Seaeide Athletic Club on May 14
William A. Brady, on behalf of Jeffties,
lias signed the club's articles, and as
Corbett signed the articles two weeks
ago, all tho preliminary arrangements
for the match aro now completed. Brady
said that at no time did he refuse to
sign tho articles, and if it had not been
for other business matters demanding
his attention, ho would hnve affixed his
signaturo to tho agreement binding
Jeffries to fight Corbett a week ago.
Jeffries will remain at Hot Springs for
three weeks longer, when he will start
for Aelibury Parle and complete his
pieparatlonB for tho battle. The chain
pious trainers will be his brother "Jack"
and "Tommy" Hyan, t he welter-weight
champion. Corbett will return to Ivike
wood next week, where ho will tluUh
his training. His trainers will bo "Uut"
Uuhlm and "Joe" Chr.ynakl.
Bears the
Signature of
J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., says, "Sur
geons wanted to operate on me for piles,
but I cured them with DeWltt'd Witch
Hazel Salve," It is infallible for pi lei
and skin diseases. Beware of counter-fits.
Bargains in the
We havo purchased the entire stock of
thu I).ieon Grocury nnd Coiiniiiseion
Co. Wo havo tho goods on salo now
Tho stock consists of n law assort
uient of Syrups, Pickles, Toilet Soaps,
Bulk Mince Meat, Spices, Olives, Bak
ing i'owder, Estiucts, and many other
goojf things not mentioned hero.
I (you want to snvo money, order soon
and take advantage of this special sale,
We have added u line of fresh Vegeta
bles to the Grocery Department.
With every ono dol
lar purchase at our
store during January
and February we will
give a chance on a
Alum ini .ed Garland
Steel liange.
per & Benion
y jj i j gf ra'j J tt . j g5'j Sl3"r
Dull ile.ulacho, P.tinsj iu various part
of tho body, Sinking at the pit of tho
stomach, I. iss nf appetito, FeverlehneHi,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences,
of impure blood, No matter how it
been mo so it must ho purilled in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir lias never failed to euro Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood'
diseases, It is ceitainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
u positive guarantee, Blakeley A Hough
ton's drug store.