OPERA HOUSE. TRUE MERIT A SURE WINNER. One Week, Feb. 26 The Shaui Company Supporting Sam T. Shaw Seven Great Plays. in JIONDAY- Frtd Brighton's celeb-atri Tila". JACK 0' DIAMONDS TUESDAY- Nat C. Goodwin's ereat IN HIZZORA creation. WEDNESDAY Milton Noble' I'KOJt si HE TO SON rurnDAY Hilton Noble' ', famocs comidy, FOP. REVESCE ONLY n;:iAY Tbe create t of all vrnr Draniai, HELD BY THE ENEMY SATURDAY An Enlili ile'.oJrama by Arnold Wolartl, THE EEAND OF CAIN BATCEDAY 3IATINEE The Evergreen 0i Feror- llE' EIP VAN WINKLE Ncir 5jctal Srenerr and irar tor cauh plar- POPULAR PRICES . ... robes DAMAGE DONE BY WATER New Potlatch Bridges of Northern Pacific Gone Much New Track is j Injured Paradise Creek Over flowed at Moscow; Flooding Rail road Tracks and Several Buildings. Moscow, Idaho, Feb. 21. A heavy rain began falling la9t night at 10 o'clock nnd continued without abatement until late this afternoon. The warm rain melt ed the sno'A- and this filled the gulches nnd streams. There were fears today of a repetition of the flood of last month nlong tbe Potlatch, but urdesE the rain should continue f r two or three d3ys there is no danger of such a calamity. Telephone reporte from Juliaetta say that three railroad bridges wen washed out between that place and Leniaton. The raiu has caused the streams to over flow, and without doubt much of the new track laid by the Northern Pacific in the washed out di&trict id injured. No Iose ie reported in Kendrick. In Moscow the Btreets in the lower part of town contain a good deal of water. Paradise creek ha3 ovei flowed its hanke, and the water is running over the rail roa i tracks. The city waterworks plant bae two feet of water iu it, and several houses down in the fiat are surrounded ith water. I'tttuha Crupk mi the Itainxuigr. PoMEiiOV, Wash,, Fel), 21. The lower part of the city ia under water, Pataha -wetfk being transformed into a raging I torrent by the melting snow from the' mountains. A warm rain fell all day, end the water is utill rising. A bridge teiween mis city ana rutana and sev eral crossings were torn away by the rushing waters. 'No Klein to Uellnrm. The woman who is" Jovelv in face, form and temper will always have .i l.. I..., i .. . i i ". jueour, uut urn) who HOUIU 06 attractive lllflat V.fl lllr llbultll Tf ut.r. : c. .,.!, 1 . d..o . Baldwin :CK!V and all run iln-A-ri ul.n trill !...:.., . ,.. ... I , . ti ,, , , , lu ZlZL I'" r Mn-i bio d w I a' st I . I pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in tbe world to regulate Htomach. liver and rttZLT P;th It; of lTlT KBb:VrUr'V " 7." '.:U ZZ V i : : ' " I " , ".ai. n. . , . , u tTDlH( at Blakeiey & Houghton 'n drugstore. Sick Headache uhsolutelv and nermn- nently cured by using Moki Ten, A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, ruakeu you eat, sleep, work and happy, Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Ulakeley k Houghton Druggiatr, Olrl W'uuteU To do geiieral houeewmk. Enqulru t this office. FeblO 23 OLGA NETHERSOLE ir innrCTrn WAS AnnLO I tU Charscd With Offending Public Decency In Her Flay "Sappho." J "New YoaK, Teh. 21. On a warrant , charginc her with offending public de- tcener, OJw Ncthersole, the actress, was larrested ib:sfiernoon and made to ap- j pear in the Center-street police court. She was paroled in the custody of her ; counsel, and the case set for hearing ! Friday mcrnin;. The arrest is the cnlraination of the at'.acfc npon and denunciation "Sappho." Clyde Fitch's play, now t e - iue produced bv Miss ethprsole et 1 nAa ..to !nti r.f ItnTinrsB llinflpt'a nnrfl I , , .i i .v. 1 u "im ') i-oriT-a trick nlor hjirt rla. , .... ,..; nouncea ov pu.'pi; acu press. uc .uiss , . - , j ... ... T, r. , .. actor, and Marcus Mayer, her maroger. A warrant was issued for the arrest of Theodore Ress, proprietor of Waliack'e, but as Mr.lt iss was s.!, Charles Burn- I ham, the manager of tne theater, ap- peared in the police conrt iu liis steed, , as the representative of the playhouse, j The provision under wnicb the warrant was issued is o section of the penal code, applying to public z.uiiance, which is a misdemeanor, and is punishable by iin - nnsanment in the penitentiary for one tbe good morals or tbe law of this or anv j other country. Ieec;ally demand to J know the source ot this attack upon me and my proprietor. The court cannot order a too-speedy investigation." At tbe request of Miss Nethersole's counsel, the hearins was set for Friday i morning, night. The play v;as presented te- NICARAGUAN BILL MAY BE PASSED It Is Xot Xecessan or Probable That Action on tbe Hay-Paunccfote Treaty Shall Precede Passage off the Bill. New Yoke. Feb. 22 A special to the Herald from Washington says: It is possible that the Hepburn Nicaragua canal bill may be passed by tbe house of representatives, and it may even become a law before the eenate acts on the Hay- a. ...... ii-.-L. ui t;,a was unfurled and greeted with much ap- j for. at the office , the city treasurer of ll I n llf il Hllil llnnitin ftSH IS O k..t:. :r:rr. ;:-n;use. Court miooe hasa member- Ueity, the I.Dt.iI. auardedtoh.m on III II f I 19 U I'H K'JIMMI' H M W Ha H "I have committed no offense against J3,red t0 Pa-V the per capita tax of 30 Attent5on thouId le lven the (!.cl)J.lUl IUU1 U. X UUX1XU m.W M, f i . i i ' i i-.i ... m m m wm g - Pauncefote treaty. B-epresentative Hep- j 0( Hamilton, Ga., "and he asked me to burn i determined to prtss tbe bili at i try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu every opportunity. j mutism with which I had suffered for a It is exacted that the committee on j iong tjme, i told him I had no faith in rules will report Mr. Hepburn's resoiu-1 ftrjy medicine as they ali failed. He tion favorably, though it is possible that ! Sttjd: Vo!l if Chamberlain's Pain Balm some change may be made iu the dale Uoes not helo vou. vou need not nav for that he haB fixed for the consideration of the bill. 31 r. Hepburn and many ad vocates of the canal bill in both bouses of congress are in favor of passing the pending bill conatining theauthorizition of the fortification of the canal, without regard to the action of the senate on the pending tre2ty. in spep.King os '.v.u .'uiij-ct, :.ir. Hep burn said it would make no material dif- - lerence wtietner the treaty was ratified f or not. II it slionld be aereed to bv the senate, and ittbould be determined that! the president had no power under the treaty to fortify the canal, he need notj act under the authority givn him to erect fortifications. He thought it would be well for congress to give the president nil the authority that he could possibly want. Chli-r U aslial.l Jk Dead, (JiiiCAOO. Feb. 22. A emc s to irinune irom Uheyenne, yo,, savs: Wa.,aklM.,WofthBShoBhonBIndiani ditd "i8 " th" Wind Iiiv" rt'8' ervatlon, in Central Wyoming, last even- i uf., , i !,,,." .., , ..V. , r "l... T ! v"Z I ' T y"" 0,D- bis tribe. He was ever .he friend of white man and rendered valuable R d 10 e"'- Be1e "I the Went He was a devout Cbr htian and by his ex- ample and gj10fji,one8 tenchinga he brought the up to a high standard of intelHgcDce. Kauia Clly Won, Washington, Feb. 22 Kansas City was chosen as the place for holding the Democratic National Convention by a vote of 40 to Milwaukee's 0, The Democratic National Committee met in the Hotel Italelgli at noon today to fix a time and place for holding the next national convention. The com Imittee tm callad to order by Senator Jones, chairman. Erery state and ter- Tltory was reprewnted, each by the national committee or proxy. Speeches j in favor o( Milwaukee were made by Mayor Roe, Representative Lentx, of ' Ohio, and ex-Governor Tcck, of tscon- fin, while those who argued for holding the convention in Kansas City were James A. Reed, prosecuting attorney, Kansas Citv; Representative Cowherd, issue refunding water Iwnds in the sum'jj of Missouri, and David Overmeyer, of , of $25,000, but if found not to be nwi-l.. t- .. rru , .,n'sarv, the issue will be for no more loan kansay C.ty. The committee at 2.10,,;. . . inlemt tl0t .x. j took a recess lor one hour. It will then assemble ia executive session 10 con - efoT the time act! place of holding the ! nllioaal convention. nu Life y b rl. i t r thi- . !!,n ri t Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent cituen c ! Hannibal, Mo., lately lied a wonderful . ! deliverance from a frishtful death. In i tolling of it he snvs : "I was taken with : .... t Typhoid fever, that ran in ! r , . hardened could'nt even sit np t np in tjea. 'lned me. I expected to soon sumption, when I heard of ' ' , ... 1 Nothinc he de of con 1 Dr. king's ew Discovery. One bottlel i ,. . . , . gave great relief. I continued to use it, 'and now am well and strot g 1 can't say too much in its marvelous medicine is praise. this the surest and guaranteed. Furotrr. K-rur tu Aid l.liclanil. New York, Feb. 22. At the last meet ing of the Coart Unique, Ancient Order j ln i ' ozesterf, Brooklyn, the court with drew from the Uritisa order ana jotnea the Foresters of America. The Boer flBg csuli laca -vtRr lo ura"u ij 1,1 .ngian:. mis las was increascu 10 uu cents a head some time ago. It was tid that the increase was in a lneasute a tax upon the order for the Boer war. The members refused to pty and were suspended. An application was made to the American Order of Foresters for admis sion, which was granted. Inside the hall of the ssa mblv rooms is a ulasscoiitribu- 1 ti in box to receive funds for the Nether-1 linds lied Cross in aid oi the Boers. Why suffer with kindey or rheuma- r. -i v i .1 us. u ucu ii uiu uc u5uveiv tuitu i the use of the "Oxygenor King." No medicine, no electricity, hut pure Oxy gen. i:islilll or absorbed through the poreE "f the skin while yet sleep. No neeJ of going to the hospital for niedi cl treatment when you can be cured at home by the use of tbe Oxygenor. No matter what the ailment or disease the Oxygenor will diaznose the cueu and ; proceed to cure, tor further particu Iarfi ca'' on or address J. M. Fi '.ooii, The ' Dalles, Or. phone HW. febi0-2 k a Cuuvincine Auwt. i hobbled into Mr. Blackmon'e drug etore one evening." save Wesley Nelson. it.' 1 took a bottle of it home and used It according to directions and in one j wrek I was cured, and have not since I been troubled with rheumatism." Sold J by Blakeiey & Houghton. "I bad bronchitis every winter for I years and no medicine gave me perma I uent relief till I began to take One Min- Ute Cough Cure. I UnOA- It Is the best -oceh medicine made." tavs 3. K,.oni. . .' - , Corry, Pa, It quickly cures cough ivililo .croup, hSthma, grippe end throat . , , i. .i , ., , , ung troubles. It is the children B and I favorite remedy. Cures quickly lloraea fur sale. Thirty head of good horses, weight from 1100 to 1-100 lbs. To be seei. at Jacob McReynold'e place, 15 miles east from The Dalles. For further particu lars address, Stuauhe Biioh., I quickest cure in the world for all throat j iums and rate of interest will by taken w i and Ion;: trouble. F.ecular Bizes 50 cents into consideration in passiug on the , f and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley i value of all tJitls. h . i . i 1 Bidders must deposit with the prtisi-ij Houghton s drugstore; every bottle ; deat o the boarti daW certifie,t check i tbe;jaii24mw The Dalles, Or. Girl Wanted, To do general housework. Must be . W - onth. Inquire at this office, Gm' Barbc' Mentlota, Va Bay B, ! J ' t "Nothing did me so much good a Kc dol DyapepBia Cure. One dose, relieved ma, u few Lotties cured me," It digests what -you eat and cures dyspepsia, for Item, Two cozy roomp, in private family; central location, office. Apply at CuiiONicj.t: feb22-lw Fur Kale, Complete entertainment outfit, con silting of high grade magic lantern, with views on Spanish-American war and new talking machine with 20 records. Made 300 clear per month last'. fall. Reason for Helling owner ill. Call op posite United Urethern church on the hill or address Virgil K. Greene, The Dalbfi. Jati20 lmo J rropoa.1. r.r RMUfWMr .. ' Sealed proposals will be received by the board of water commissioners of Dalles City, Oregon, at said city until, t 8:30 o'clock p. m. of the 26 day of Feb., 2. 1900, for twenty-five thousand dollars; ', and twenty thonsaud dollars of refund-:g ins water bonds of said city, (as it is not j settled as to whether the total amount , ' of bonds will be $23 000 or $20,000, an- $ thoritv is extcndeil to luc said board to J' ( ceding four per cent per annum pav 1 nine iwemv vears irom ante oi ismiu, , 1 interest payable Bcrni-annually, piinci- tSTilf Kin! !. .i. .s 1 . ......:.. 1 be bonas menuorieu win w istuvu , nmJer lfae irov,elone of the MVer, vp. jbtttjve arts of the state of Oft-pon. Bp - ' nrnvl KVVi. ?fl IS55. hh. 10. 1S.1. r.nd i Feb. 14, 1S95, and in pursuance of an or - ,.'...,;. 1 dinance adopted by the common council to pneumonia. ; of 1)a,e9 ,prove(1 JanuarJ. 25, ed. I was sOj1K)0- The proposed refunding water i bonds are intenileu lor the reuemp ' of outstanding water bonds in the ' -5W but in e S',e '1' " commissioners prefer, it will issne sum ater commissioners preier. it win issue re funding bonds for $20,000 only, therefore bidders mav make nronosals for both ! 125,000 and f20,000, nnd in the deno.nl- Nq bjjVill bo entertained for a rate i.0 ,,r. or ..ai ni ,, ,nnil l'rcm- on some responsible hank t-qual to 2 per I cent of the airount of tonds bid for, or accompany his bid with cash oi turh amount as will equal such per cent of his bid, and such certified check made payable to the president of the boaid of water commissioners of Dalles City, Or., 1 as liquidated damages in case the hiJder fat te i"" in not issue and c.po5e " ium.- iuu (.u, ui :uui iciuhum:. bonds, unless it shall he deemed ncces-1 sary to do so, but otherwise, if lb ' board shall find that it is necessary to issue i i bonds in the sura of ?25.000, it will then offer ami issue the full sum. !f23.(X)0) The right to reject any end all bids is reserved by the Brtid board of water commissioner". Bids should be addressed to the presi dent of said board, or to the city record er, Dalles City, Wasco county, Orecon, and noted "Proposals for refunding. atcr bonds." By order of the Board of Water Com i mission, by and with the consent of the ' Common Council. This 2o:h day of ' Ja-jnarv 1000 J. J. btL'IKUT, Pres-idcnt of Board, Nnn H. Gatks, Recorder of Dalles Citv. ArrrsT: Volcanic Krujitlonn Are grand, but Ekln eruptions rob life of j y. Bueilen'e Arnica Salve cures them; also old, running nnd fever sotes Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corn", Warts Cuts, Bruises, Burns, (.Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblain;. Ben Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and ache? Only 25 cts. a box. Cure cuaranleed Sold by Blukeley & Houghton, drug cists. : F. B. Thirkield, health inspector of Chicago, says, "Kodol Dvspepeia Care cannot he recommended too hiirhlv. It cured me of severe dvspepsiu." It di- gests what yon eat and cures indigestion and heartburn, and all forms of dya pepsia. ' .I r If . r. warK l arlJ "ever closed Sunday DoiCt forget this. NOTICE of Application for Liquor License. To All Whom It Mav t'i;;ci:i.s: Mitlce Ib hereby elvcn that the undcrtls;nttl, J. J Wiley, will t 10 0'clnck in the forenoon, ouWMlncsdHV. the 7th iluv of Murrli. 1 m I ine beins tho rfKMlur Mutch Wutwin of tx.uit, IWl. .n. j , ..... t. ri ni.il niMIJi I uiiun, mn:i mm viuuiia iifjunra lit IWih lliititltlct iuiiii niit Knuiiii, iu wis iijwii oi nnaniko, in An- teloiaj I'recliijst, in the eounty and i ! f-r mich i period uh hU r.teli.i i County Treasuier of t,aid eounty ti n alnto more t from the tlllfV ('Mil titr- nnd hi iKtltion for mild IIchimj, which he will j.rociit 10 tne fain i;ounty Court on sulci dale, Is hereinafter ii.-t forth. Uulwl t.i: .'ith duy ol lehrnarv, HO). ' J.J.WIIXY. JVtltluii for Llijuor LIl-iib. To the linnorahle County Court of the . State of uhkuii, mi iue ciiuui- oi i asco; WV, the imderslgned roldeutunnd lecal voter of AntcIoK) I'leeliiet, In the County of Wiutn, mid the Binte of (JreRon, unftfully i.etitlon your hotiornhle h'Kly tocraut a llcviike lo J. J Wiley to fell MiritiiouHrrnult and vlmnm llouors in leex rjiiitiitf ilea than one (,'allou ln the town of nuuiiiku, in mini AiueiniH.' jireeiuet, in the Conn, ty and otutc nfori'Mild, for Mich iKirlod us Ids rt ceipt from the county ttensurer ol tuld county muy call for, ' Jm McCarthy W' ficofr D 3 IllaUe W m Htauley llouardUKiinh N A Kchrnltt ",'i"!Uir " HauiKlern John I.sinplo Alt KlMtiv V U In..... , n ,r. I I iii "ii T ' .',. . " " 'l"llI'OU i ka uidrK cornt tt J Htcphcnsou Tho Colllim Thoa Hryant AinnHiirncr n .ncl'iirtliy hum llluuuont (J Jlolyneux H 1' Gamble u y W httlock i-rniiic Miner mil Miller Kd Sheehau I. II Chaimiun O W Hlim y jj iuWou J O W llutcy i) B Kyan Ham W ork H II Miller H O Oarlond Chan Fortune T llenueghan J U 1 uniiy K c Dlckemon W IfwiH John Malonc (i A Cratty J Jl Kelsuy J JfartwlK Jim Warratk Tr'fVK'. h.Vi!'"win Ai.utddenm(iu T (iMihtlou W J Kepler J H hwaiuou j t i my j ji iieeuer w t, Kfinp ATF.apliiK I'.oaa Allen (ieo lllller Albert hiitton KJOIIsau W II l'ro.iu F. 1) Martin i-ein K Ilcdfoid Itohcrt drier David oeott It J i'ilkliiglon F M Dial J Malonc John i'lielpa I'utrlnk lladlir.ui Charlca Illank H A hdmuiuou 1) A Howell '.MUVC, yV'!"y Hllverlooth ViX"1" hutr fbdey Mclleth J Thoiiiou Chiia tiallaKhur John Uullagher Krankklncaid J W Bcariett W'ulter Condell FHVoruing (Jeorito Condon John MnLvunan BUnk OfoCwhmu I K MeKlnna Harry Adurna Chaa Ureer II C IKaiiKir FrankNHplcer Frank lrrlno Max I.ueddeinnu M E Wilier J T lleiinett J J Wiley 1 Flu I ay Hon 1 tlmll (nil nr Tiurrloi'l In rnwil'l- mil T1MV M T . t T"l 'fi fA?uA k 11!?!????" IS The Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON JVtajestiel - jj ; J Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. Remember Hint we are selling the same from , ? , i 1 H j li , $ 1 : h f. $45.00 . 4 I Vhk i i a raving to our customers of from 15 to $25 over u charml by peddle rs for inferior ranges. ,ite for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence." JVIflYS & CJ30O1E. Yellowstone Park Line. THE DISiNO 1. IK HoriL H;oM fOltTLAN!' i Kir. K.v-r. Till: ONLY UIUEC T LINE TO THE YhLLOW-i-lOZV. PARK. Mil KFCt, Filit lrA ! SIS a uinr:. :.o. : Tut mull fur Tiicotna, reattle. Oliiiu-ta, Jry'. No. 1. , Hnitor and South liciid iioiiili, sjiotain'. I'.o- land, II. C rullinnn, ( l!orow, Ik lutoii, Ilnl 11. BloI!inii uiluingcauii- 5;.V) I'. M. ,try, Helena, illiuifaiH ,11s, 1'huI, Omuha, Kansas City. St. l-onli. It :I5 A. C'blcmrn r.uU nil iiiti:.s No. I. cast tint! iiUUthniM. NO.S. rnzc't oouml Lxpre!' ii. m i: n. lor i aroma ntiu M'auio and Intermediate ioiii tt. T;W A. M. I'uIlmiiD tirtttlast and tourht slecj-.TB to tniieapjlt. tit. i'aul and JliSMiurl rtver Ki!nt without change. YintlhulLvl trains. I'tilon dejiot counrcUoim in all principal eltle. IlncCTKi-cln-okMl lo destination o( tlrLeti. for handsomely iJluntuiteddcsertptiicitiatlvr, tickets, sleeping rar resenntlons, cle., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assintimt General I'usn'iiRcr AritiI, Mnrrlsuu fctieet, comer Thud, i'urtiuiul, Oregon. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THt Southern Pacific Comp'y. Tralui. leave and are due to arrive at Portland X.KA VZ, OVf.KI,AM KX. ) , prehk, fciilem, I'.oso- 1 , liurn, Ahhliind. .Sac- I M l 1 rarneuto, OKdeii.Han ! I TM V I iniivmnii iinave, I 1 ' U Ani!elet,KI I'auo, I New Orlcmu umf ' i IKnut :S0 A. Jt.'l, t!')I,rK and way ta-1 0.15 A. M. 1:30 I'. M Dally except Huudayn. l !!.. a. . i i tn itoouuur ior I Daily extept Huii'Jiiyj : .ii.,ni;eit . hllrerlon. W'mt fcelo, ilrowiih- vIlle.BprltiKlleM and utrun J . 17120 A. 11. ICorvnlllii Ihtatlonn . and way 5:50 I'. J!. INJJEl'KXDKNCE I'ASSKNti Kit. Kxpress train I'uiiy (except Huiiday), llMli.ln. P,.rtl,.nr1 A." B.f.. tl.v. ?Al V?). ?At McMl.invllIe LvA B:H Si m 8; 30 p. in. f Ar. .Iu(keiiileuit e..i.v. 4:a0 a. in Dally. IDauy, except hunnny, DINIXti CA KB ON OODUN UOUTE. I'(JI,i,.MAS 1IUFFKT HI.FKFKH8 AND HKCOND-CI.AHd Bl.EEI'IXtf CAItb Attached to ull Through Traian. DIteot conni-etlon ul w..n i.-,....i... . ilental and Oriental anil I'aclllu i will "teamahiti anukcatri0n.''A'N ""d UH,NA' Htt""'B w uatea Mid tlnketa to EaHteni ikiIiiU and Fu. ATHTltAUAA''AN' C1U?;a' "ono"uK MC All abovo triilnu nr. I.,. .1 . . Grand CeutriHtioV.VF,Hhm,dIrvi.!ir"tr VAMIIIM, DIVI8ION. 1 anenccr Deimt, (iMit of Jeltemon atrdot. KrMea'r A "au.?. "WW'L dav, 'hurIy a id H ,V, , r.VrS"""'0' 1 UM' . - "Aivpimiuuay, Except Saturday, K. KoKH.i,EU, Jliiliuier. (J, H. MAKKHAM, Aunt. (J. K. Ai 1U. 11 "ki'awi1' 'j,c"it Jlf UKiMKNItOltrriCU Physician and Suriceon, Bpecial uttcntioii Rlvtu lo luruury, Koonu 21 and W, Tel, Stt Vo,7t mi. RANGES, to $60.00 3 W i i L'l'I'A KT I' Jit Tlf. frCUEDCLE. Fcox pAU.Ce. Arrive Fom. Vast .Mull II. I j p. m ;Snlt I.ikr, Denver. Ft Worth, Omaha, Kitn ; city, St. ioui, ! Ctk'Hgo nnd Hut. rtt M11 Spa jWnllu W'nlln, StKilinup MtlilieNKitli. SI. I'aul, iu luth, llIlnuLir, Ciilcnco and Er.kt. KIj-r T:05 p. m, Fljer. 4.iU.B (p.m. From I'obtlam, Ocean Steamship, for fan FrnHco Dercmber .1, n. IS, IS, 3 and 'i. h p. Ux.sunday fiaturrtay j ID p. m. 1 n. n. Columbia I'.r. Steamers. Ei.sun-lJj To AfTORU and Way i.untliligs. r.. m. I WiLLAaETTE IttvKtt. 4:30p.m. I.x.buuday Orecun City. New here, Ex.bundif Kniciii i W'ay ljind'. , a. Ill, itVlLLAMtTTK AXV Va 3:S0p. tn. Tucn.lhur. mix Itu r.r.i. Mun.,wed and hnt. OrBon City, Dayton, aui FrL and W'uy-ljiiidlucii. f. a. in. Tuc.Thur, and hut. WlLt-ASieTTE ItlVEK. rortland to Corvallis, und Way.I.undluK. j.:p. c. Mon. Wtil ,and I'tlJaf Snaki: ltiven. Hlparia to I.;Tllim. UiVC ijsruTOJ .v Clparlni dal.y i.'J'Jtt. iu. I nan S:30n. n. I'arlb-x (tehlime tueo to Ileppi'crjhoaU lake No. 4, IcavHiK 'I he Diilli n at T.OJ p. p mallni.' direct eoiinecllon at HeppniT JmicUoB Ke'.urulni; makiuKdlrit'tconticctiun at llcppatr Juiietlon with .No. 1, arriving at The pullwit -:0i. in. No. if.', throucht freicht, cant bound, dues not carry paiweiiKera; urrlvea 'JiaO a. in., dciNUU 3Mh. m. No. ai, local Irelk'lit, carrlm jin'ngi, bound: arrive l::iu ti. 111.. ilcniiria a 1j p.m. . No. 21, weet hound through ficlclit, ilw "? I carry paueiivcra; arrlvcb b 15 p m,, aepirw ; U::w p, in. I No. su, went bound local fielRht rarrin p j ciiKcr; arrives 5:15 p. 111., depart 30 a.m. For full particular call oil O. I!. A N I iKcut The Dallca. or addreta , V. II. Hl'UUIt'BTi Gen Fus. Ast I'ortUnd, Or, me ColumDia PacRinpCo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAN0KA0TUKKKBOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACOW JRJ KD BEEF, ETC. Ab a euro for rheumatism UUmvW laln'B 1'ain Balm is Klnliik' wide repo tatlon. D. B. JoUnston o( JUchwoo". Ind lias been troublod with that '' inent aince 1802. In speak irnr of It W Bay: "I never found unyll'InK M would relieve me until I uod 0llBbt', Uln'a Pttlu Balm. It acta like mH with uie. My foot wbb swollon palnlutr ' veiy much, but oue I"1 application of Puln Balm relieved'' For ealu by Blakeiey & Houghton. S j. a. 1