Take this as the Final Warning, TIiopo of yon who have not taken advantage ol the CUT PRICES! On tho noct'BBark'B ol life in the line of all Muslin Goods Both in ready-made garments and iimtorials for making the Name, if these goods were offered OUT OF SEASON Wo would not wonder you would hesitate; but Spring if ut the door, nml the demand In every household fir jtifc-t what wo havo on utile la ex tremely urgent. Come One, Come All. FINDING MONEY. W hat's the difference, we'd like to know, be tween picking up dollars In the middle of the road or saving them by buying your goods right. You may uot be learned In that which is written, hut when you trade with us you exhibit a wledom which is practical, and that's the sort of knowledge which counts. The items wo enumerate are not our only attrac tions, but an earnest of what we can do for yon in a hundred lines not alluded to. BEGIN ON THESE. .-jy.J,aVB d1'1'1 loeloee tho balance of those MEN'S HALF HOSE at 95c PER DOZEN. Regular two for 25c. And during the balance of this week only, von have the choice of all of our 75c, 85c, $1 00, $.'J5 and $1.50 Men's Colored Shirts at 69c. Only two more days. Don't lose this opportunity. All Goods Marked PEASE & MAYS PAUL MOHR ROAD. Different Opinions of Ilia Pr Itelatlve tii the New Company. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. J. KM DAY FEB. 23, 1000 - " " I Oysters c& nerved lti every tyle by KELLER WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A full lino of K.istman films and sup plies jtiet reueived.by Clarke & Falk. I'iee, rakes and doughnuts for sale to morrow by tho ladies of the Methodist church at the store of J. II. Cross. flieepieh if he has to go to the waste basket for something he has thrown The attention of Judge Bradshaw waB taken tip today by Attorneys Moore and Gavin, who are arguing for a new trial for Carey and Qninlin, who were found guilty of robbery. Tomorrow morning and afternoon the ladiee of tho Methodist church will have on sale nt tho store of J. H. Cross, a election of pies, eakes, doughnuts, etc., that will tempt the palate of tho most fastidious eplcureuu. A correspondent of the Baker City Democrat, writing from Union, says that Hon. J. M. Church, of La Grande, is ex peeled to make a strong fight for the 1'epuulluan nouiuation of joint senator from Union and Morrow counties. James Kdmiinds, Sunday school mis sionary for Oregon aud Washington of te American Baptist Publication So 'yi hud C. A. Woody, D. D of Port 'and, will hold meetings for Sunday "chool improvement, at 10 a. iu.,2 p. m. a"d7:;1" P- at the Calvary Baptist clmrch on Kndny, Saturday aud Sunday. A oordial welcome is extended to all. This bus been a most beautiful day. Tlie Bun lmH shone bright and clear nnd "88 nindu itself manifest by drying up le mud mill wet sidewalks to such a "We that we have noticed u number " bicycles out, and t,eir rijer8 fnking apparent comfort in the pleasure of celliig nml (iHy tmt i,nH 0 luudtncy to bring Mildness uud good cheer to all. Dr. I.t'sllo 10. Keeley, wlio died yester uy. acquired u fortune aud achieved "mo fiiiuu by an allegod cure for dlpeo tlmt mil ,v greHt irun B0U1 78 u lll,t tloa who looked closely Wo tho mutter discovered that the only y to cease the use of Intoxicants was ult drinking them, aud that the Keeley Cure" hid, aud could have, ry little to do with such a reiult uich n might have tome weight in vor of a good resolution. It was, on ' , wl,elu.le8B harnilul than some other und humbugs of the century. JJw popupUr actor, Sain T. Bhaw and Py, will .ppetr every evening wt week at the Baldwin opera home, a new bill being presented each night. The company this year is euperior to any ever before gotten together by Mr. Shaw, and that is a compliment, ne his companies nlwajH have been of great ability. His plan is to please theater goers, nnd lie succeeds. II is plays nre popular with the masses. lie has a famous band. Comedy and specialties are of merit. Popular price?, 15s, 25e and 05c;. Tickets may be secured at Blakeley & Honghtou'e. About 8:30 this morning nn alarm of fire was turned in from box 27 uud in a phenomenally short time the depart ment responded. The Hook and Ltdder Co., was llrst upon the Eccne of action, which was the residence of Jos. YTPetere and had their ladders placed in readiness for immediate action when the Col u in blaB' arrived with the chemical engine. Fortunately the services of the depart ment were not needed for the fire was confined to a chimney which had be come clogged with soot, consequently the house was filled with smoke and the tmimnoy became quite hot. Tho Ore in the stove was extinguished, salt put in the chimney und ull draughts closed which smothered the flame and exting uished the lire. No damage whatever was done. The postofllee department has gotten tired of the system of letting "star route" contracts to the lowest bidder, regardless of whether the bidder knows, by actual observation, where the route is, what eort of country it supplies, or anything more than that it is so many miles long, says the Walla Wal'a States man. It has applied to congress re peatedly for authority to remedy this evil, but without avail. At last u man lias gotten Into the department who construes existing law by the rules of common sense, and, as a result, it lias been decided that no star route contract will be let to any one who lives remote from the route, and that in future such contracts will only be awarded to per sons who live on or adjacent to the routes. If this rule is rigidly enforced, men who have been making money by bidding for many star routes and then sub-letting them to those who live on the line for a few dollars less than the price they receive, will havo to seek other roads to fortune, and the public will be better served. List n'ght a rather seedy-looking in dividual, greatly under tho Influence of liquor, wandered In one of our lodging houses and proceeded to make hitmclf ut home. The first room he tried was locked but he proceeded down the hall and finally succeeded in finding a spare room. Being somewhat the worse tor wear und decidedly tired, he came to tho conclusion that there was no place like home, aud as his home was where he took oil' his hat, he immediately took charge of the apartment, not even ring ing for ice water or a lire. However, the proprietor of the house usually likes to become acquainted with Ills guests, at least to the extent of the price of the room, so naturally he called to tee his new roomer. When the door wae opened the guest was found lying on the bed with his boots on and from the look of the covers, it had been a dark and stormy night with him, fm, besides tho man, mud was the moBt prominent thing on the bed. The nigtitwatclnnan was called and tendered the hoepitality of the city to the etruDger. When searched one would come to the con clusion that he was from the south or was going to a cake wake, for he was found to have fifteen nizore Gn his per son. This morning ho was brought be fore the recorder and explained that he had made a mistake in the section of town he was in and that he had en gaged and paid for a room in the East End but could not find the place. Itel atlve to the razore, he claimed to be a peddler and on producing satisfactory evidence he was fined two dollars, which he paid and was discharged from custody. 1'lrti l)t-nirliiit-nt Itlvulry. Not fluttering 'oureelves in the least, we can say that we have one of the best volunteer fire departments on the coast. j No members of any company, in any place, eon ui answer an alarm, uay or night, more promptly than do the mem bers of our different companies. As was remarked today by a gentleman who attended the Hie nt tho residence of Jos. T. Peters, that tho department was all light but they got somewhat excited. There seems to be a great deal of good natured rivalry between the Columbia lose and Chemical Engine Co. and the Hook and Ladder Co., and whenever a josh can be sprung it is never overlooked. This morning after the excitement was over it war noticed that the Hook and Ladder Co. had placed their ladders against the building upside down. This was tho opportunity for the Columbia's to get in their work, so they quietly in formed each member of the If. and L. Co. that the tire was on the roof and not in the basement. However the old adage "He who laughs last laughs best," came beauti fully Into play when the Columbia's tried to unreel the hose from the chciulal engine uud found for some un known reason, or through their excite ment and haste, it had become tangled and when it was being unreeled it looked something like a long string of sausages with knots tied at frequent intervals. The H. aud L. Co., then came in for then fun and asked the Columbias if they were waiting for the second alarm, as they were so slow getting to tho fire and after arriving could not use their apparatus for some length of time. The rivalry which makes itself mani fest at all Uresis one of the best things that could happen to the department. It enthuses members of dlll'erent com panies and creates a desire to be in the lead upon the scene of action, first for the service that can be rendered, and secondly for the laugh on the other fellows. Oaiu lu Hour Cliecki. All countv warrants registered prior to June 3, 1880, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after February, t, 1900. C. L. PuiLura, County Treasurer. Active, work on tho steamboats that will be built here for the Paul Mohr company will begin in the near future. Captain James Cochran is expected to return from Chicago this evening, and as soon as he can nrrange the prelimi naries the keel for the first boat will be laid. The plans have been completed nnd Louis Paquet has made a model for one of the boats. She will be one of thu finest-equipped and fastest boats ever constructed in the Northwest, nnd will be used exclusively as a passenger boat. The other two boats will be adapted to the carrying of both freight and passen gers. They will also combine speed and comfort and will be equipped in the latest style. The movements of the Paul Mohr company have awakened a deep interest among all classes of people. Shippers, steamboatmen and people living along the Columbia river from the month of the Willamette to Wenatchce nre all interested, and they have great faith in the completion of the enterprise. The upper terminus of the line has not been definitely settled, as near as cm be learned. For three months in the year boats can run between Lswiston and Parco, and it is probable that the P. M. company wilt push into that country during the good bjating stage. Between Riparia and Liwiston boats run most of the year, but between Riparia and Pasco the river can only be navigated in high water. Telegram. It is reported by several papers that two steamers are to be constructed at Portland and one at Pasco for the Paul Mohr Transportation Company. This news should be taken with a grain of salt. From appearances it would seem that this enterprise largely consisted of a desire to create the impression that it was in the field for business, while in fact it was promoted for the purpose of quick returns from a direction which would more or lesB be effected by opposi tion. When the Paul Mohr Transporta tion Company rids itself of this euspicion it will be time enough for the people and the press to have confidence in its state ments and movements. Up to this time nothing has been done to merit any such confidence. East Oregoniun. Scoiirltie Mill fur TIih Ilnlleg. zernKof fa "V m sexm .(have wo nnritv linvk flip onil. Jos. T. Petere, Whealdon, ap Tho DalleB to ring a Ecour- rked faith- succeed- When men with determination take hold of any project it is an assured fact they will accomplish their end. The committee consisting Ed. M. Williams pointed by the citi look into the matter ing mill at this place fully, and by their te ed in winning out in The fact that we are losing some of our trade in the surrounding country on account of various railroads being built, have smirrekl our citizens to the neces sity of "bringing a pay roll into our com munity and look toward manufacturing, which should have been advanced years ago. But then for the present. We are to have a scouring mill, and one up to date with all the latest appliances and improvements. Mr. J. M. IJuseell, the promoter of tho scheme, irj considera tion of the sum of $20,000 to be issued in bonds to draw six per cent interest, pay able annually, agrees to pay the sum of $5000, to be used in the construction and equipment of the mill, in common with the money Eecured by the bond. He will take the management of the con cern, and as he is thoroughly conversant witii everything pertaining to wool, will undoubtedly make n grind success of the proposition. According to the contract the mill is to be completed by he first of June, 1000, unless unavoidably hindered. The requisite amount jias been secured with the exception o(f(l,!G0, which will un doubtedly be raised by tomorrow night. l'KOl'I.K YOU AI,l.KNOW. Al. Waddell, the well known sales man, is in the city. County Commissioner N. O. Evans, of Hood Hi'ver, is in the city attending to business. Chas, Heppner, who is attending col lege at Portland, is visiting with relatives in tho city. Miss Pearl Ward left on tho boat thi9 morning for Portland, where she will visit for sometime. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. French returned homo last evening from Portland-. Mrs, French has been spending the last few mouths with her mother ut San Francisco, CASTOR I A For Infanta aud Children. The KM Yon Havi Always Bought Bears the Signature ll till t I rimt"Tt t.iii'iliiii'llirhiiiiliililiiTTi AVfcgclable Prcpflraiionfor As similating IticFoodandReguIa ling theStoinachs andBowels of Promotes Digcslion.Cheerfur ness and Rest.Contains neither Opkim.Morphine nor Mineral. KOT ARC OTIC . 7tx ofounrssMvapmmm HunJan Seal' Mx.Smiui f kfsmwil - Jii fmtaiuUrSalit f7.tritd Sugar hiij'fyvm flarer. Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss nnd Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK". CXACT COP OF" WRAPPER. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Mr In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CINTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. m A W w w Q W w A Splendid Aesortmcnt of Choice Garden. Grass and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Peed Wheat, Seed Cite, Seed Rye, Seed Hurley, Sped Buckwheat, Seed Corn King Philip Corn, Stowell's Kvergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Corn, Kaflir Corn, Egyptian Corn, White Hominy Corn. Early Rose Potatoes, liurliarik Potatoes, Spring Vetches, Hrome Grass, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food, Bee Supplies. A mnnnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of which will be Bold at close prices for CASH at the Feed, Seed and Grocer v Store of J. H. CROSS. d Ul a Ul H d Ul SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. "After doctors failed to cure me if pneumonia 1 used One Minute Cough Cure and three bottles of it cured me. It is alEO the bast remedy on earth for wheoping cough. It cured my grand children of the worst cases," writes Jno. 1 Berry, Logan ton, Pa. It is the only' harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, croup and i throat aud lung troubles. It prevents , consumption. Children always like it. j Mothers endorse it. Another '1'rnlu on Hie (), It. .V X. Commencing about May 1st, tho O. li.&N. Co. will put on another pas-! senger train leaving Portland in the morning, but why wait so long to insure ! with the Liw Union A Crown Insurance Co., this may be too late. Arthur Seu fert, resident agent, 'phono HI. J. B. Clark, Peoria, 111., says, "Sur geons wanted to operate on mo for piles, hut I cured them with DeWttt's Witch Hazel Salve," It is infallible for piles and skin diseases. HiMnrj of counter-tits. Bargains in the GROCERY DEPARTMENT. We havo purchased the entire stock of tho Dawson Grocery and Com mission Co. Wo have tho goods on sale now AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Clark & Falk'a druj stock is new fresh and complete. Tho stock consists of a laruu astort inent of Syrups, Pickles, Toilet Soaps, Bulk Mince Meat, Spices, Olive?, Bak ing Powder, Extracts, and many other goo things not mentioned here. It you want tn save money, order soon and take advautago of this special sale. We have added a line of fresh Vegeta bles to the Grocery Department. PEASE & MAYS. 1 FREE Willi every one dol lar purchase at our store during January and February we will give a chance on a -$50- Alumini.ed Garland Steel h'ange. per & BeniGn Subscribe for The Chronicle, Dull Headache, Pains in various parte of the body, Sinkinu' at the pit of tho stomach, Losa of xppetite, Feverlsliuess, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences, jot impure blood, No mutter how it became so it imin he puritL'd in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elesir has never failed to cure SerofuloiiH or Syphllitl) poitotis or any other blood diseases, It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough ton'i drag store.