The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 23, 1900, Image 2

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    Tot a Nice
Suit of Clothes.
Tactics, Orcrwati:.- .r faac; Vcshaf .
I . 1 K I
Notice to the rabllc
Jast What
You uaant.
State. It was natural tbat last year,
when an average European crop was , TbB Colombia Southern Railway Com
harvested, tbe demand upon the pany will complete its line and be ready
United States sbonld bave fallen off. ' o receive forward freight and passengers
On tbc otber band, the foreign de- 5h5ko than APril
. , , . . 1900. Large warehouses and stock yards
mand for articles of American man-, wi erecS;)J &nJ fm wool smJ
ufacture actually increased, and this .!ock bv tbe above date. Freieht rates
in spite of tbe fact tbat there bad will be considerable lower than by team
been a sreat and general increase in from The Dalles. Regular tariff will be
prices, "the effect of which it had poblished shortly.
been apprehended would be to c.rtall dJ c R L , General" Freight
materially tbe selling of American j Agent, Moro, Ore., or the undersigned.
I manufactures in tbe foreicn market. ; E. E. Lytle,
Yet instead of beinir curtailed, tbat ! feblO tf General Manaptr.
selling actually increased. j r.imrck iron rrt
I Tt will be seen that these drv Was the resnlt of his snlendid health.
1 statistics reflect notbinc less tban a Indomitable will and tremendous energy j
lonmme-piil finan'-iil and industrial ' are not fonnd whexe slomcl, liver, wide variety as we are showing never be
commc.ctal, unau.iai anct muuriai ... . . . . . 3f fore d , sin le stock. Ke8, ,mJu.
revolution, a revolution made po nn ,ha tion creton effects at ordinary
ToneA ked D Nettie Woolens. Afinestoctto; .. , . iv.i;;-. f ,i, pnnh.
elect irons. . ........ v i ' ww ' 1
crul- mTI ti( mrrAne cr stnek Of Im-
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
Str. Regulator.
lUmltcJ Undtn 1
Dalies, Portland & fistoria Kan. Co.
to.unsr of tlit RcpwlKtor Unc will run as jkt tliv Joi.
lowlnc rclicliilo, the Comjwiny rccrvlnR the rtitht to tlin
rticdule without notice.
f, l.v Dalle
k at A. M.
5 Thni'ilnv . . .
I( Saturday,
h Arr TortlaHil
&t A p. v.
l.v. 1'ortUnJ
at T A. .
Arr. Dalle
at 5 r. x.
Ship yotir
Str. Dallos City. S
(Touclilr.K at all Way Point,.) "2
l.v. liallea
j nt G:ro a m.
Regulator Line, i U
Arr. I'ortlaiid
cct craae.
J. A. Eberle.
Republican administration.
?vs ana ooweis are out oi pruer. ai , iuic atu ciuic ium-1
'ant these qnalities and the success on creton effects at ordinary prices.
M ... i Good papers at cheap paper prices,
bring, use Dr. King s New Life t Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
iney develop every power oi for a small price, at our store on Ihird
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley street. Also a lull line of liouse paints
i they
& Houghton's drugstore.
be Cared
J with local applications, as they cannot
Catarrh Cannot
Care Ilemdaehe Qnlckljr.
! reach tbe seat of the disease. Catarrh , , , fc , .
, ... .. , , erv soda. A harmless and iffective cure
1 is a blood or constitutional disease, and ..,. , ,
One week $ 15
One month 50
( for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatiene. 10 and "5 cents. Sold
by Clarke & Fulk, drnggists. jar.24 6w
ii ft 'i rL .m. j in order to cure it you must take inter-
llie Uaiie5 Umy UIlfUmUlC.:cal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
1 taken intprnitllr, and acts directly on
, the blood and mucous surfaces. Hairs ; Experience is the best Teacher,
. I Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. Acker's Enclish Remedy in any case of
It was was prescribed by one of the best ( COugh?, cold or croup. Should it fail to
nhrtipianc 5n this mrnfrr fnr rparc. and : : -r.i:r.r Mn-, ..rrn.1a4
r' I . - - - - . liuuiruitttc .CIIITt UiUUC I ic.u.jutru.
une ar j is a regular prescription. It is composed 25 cts
J of the best tonics known, combined with '
FRIDAY .... FEB. 23, 1MQ , the best blood Durifiers. actinc directly i
on tbe mucous surfaces. The perfect :
combination of the two ingredients is
curing Catarrh, send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney fc Co., Props., Toledo O.
Uali's Family Pills are the best. 12 (equalled for piles, injuries
and 50 cts. Biakeley & Houghton
Mrs. J. K. MiUer, Newton Hamilton,
Pa., writes, "I think DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve tbe grandest salve made."
I It cares piles and heals everything.
! All fraudulent imitations are worthless.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
F- s.
I'ottlaiKj i
Atr )aii.4S
(ttiieert&ln) J
J TthvcI br the Steamers ot the Regulator Une. The Comtwriy will enleaynr to Rive Its tmt-j
j. i.uuj ron uic tet mvlce poMlblc For lurthcr lnlormHtlon mMro, 1 3
. . ... at sx avlt al r b 'fl
rorllandoniee, Oat strt-ct w. llwmi, usn. fljt. a
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve i
. It is the original Witch Huzel
Beware of all counterfeits
There was a time, and it is not so
long distant, when the exports ofj
tbe United States consisted almost j
exclusively of agricultural produce,!
of wheat and corn and cotton and !
meat. It is not so now. To be I Clarke & Fa!k have on sale a fullline j s.'Philpot. Albanr, Ga.,
sure, what are known as food-tuns of paint and artist's brushes. ! "DeWitt's Little Early Risers did me;
Still fOtm the major part of the! Use Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic m0re good then any pills I ever took.",
American merchandise which finds a ! to keep dandruff from the bead. i xj,e fflC,ons tittle pills for constipation, ;
foreign market. In the nature of' You will not have boils if you take I biliousness and liver and bowel tronbles. ,
. . e ....., , ,. ,., , Clarke & Falfc's sure enre for boils. I 1
mines tnis is mevitauie ana is iiKeiv . I
. "I Clarke & Falk e navortng extracts are
to continue for many years to come. ; the Mk vour grocer for them.
A large pan of the population of Asb vonr grocer for C!arte & Fa1fcJg !
the Old World is dependent upon pnre concentrated flavoring extracts. i
Slits innntrv fnr il? frinrl. nnd ne nnn. r-i i i-it :t .: i i. .
.w. - - 1 i -1 i jriuiai iuiiuu ill bur miiiu uaiynu.
ulatiou iucreases this dependency will and Eunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
become more and more absolute j Falk.
find flnr nvnnrt nf msn ! Latest thine in cameras are Im
r .i i proved Magazine cvclones at Donnell's '.
nfactures cannot eoual our exnorts H wmi.,iwm. uuucn
of mineral and agricultural products ! d ,",re; v ,h t . A , ' JSSSSaSS
' . Clarke & Falk baye received a carload -"aiure m strengtnenlrig and recon
for many years to come. Theim-.of the celfebrBted Jame6 E PaUcn stroctinsr the fgfJ ?
portant thing is that tbe discrepancy , 9trictly pure liquid paints ASS&mS
between the two is steadily decreas ! if vour eve'iht i failing yon un- C&D approach it In efficiency. It in-
iDgT'irn ,t i . fifr'r Md jf"1 sasrsss
In 18C0 only twelve per cent, It would be Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
other than ari- to caii on uieo. ti. Liebe, scientinc aicKHeaaacne.trastralgia Cramps, and
au oilier results oi impeneci aiffestion.
Preaared by E. C. OtWl.' A Co.. Crjleago.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies,
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greate American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash
WHISKEY from - To to fG.OO per cullon. 4 to 15 years od.)
IMPORTED 00GNA0 from t7.W to $12.00 per gallon! Jll'to iOyears old.'
OALirOBSIA BBAKDIEB Jrotnj3.a&to tG.W per gallon. (4 to 1 1 years old.
un.;cc-r.Se'M&Lanl)lifl. Tfconel
1 OLYMPIA BEER on drauKht,
Imported Ale and Porter.
and Val Blatt and Olympia Beer in tottlea
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
..GflAS. FfiflSR..
and Farmers
KeeT'n on drancht the cclcbraltJ
COU'MBIA HKF.K, ficknow:-t-dec-d
the L: UtT in The Dalles,
at she usual price. Cone In, tr
it aad be convinced. AIo the
Kint brands of Wines, Uuor
and Ci:ar.
of all Kindt always on hand.
fill kinds of
i Funeral Supplies
our exports were
cultural; last year tbe proportion bad 1 Ptlc'D
. . ... .i iree of cl
risen to thirty per cent., while at tuej
same time the proportion of imports i
which consisted of raw materials in
intended to be used in tbe processes
of manufacture is steadily increasing.
It would be impossible to overrate
the momentous nature of this cireum
Etnnf'fv fPLo Id lilac clintp !lit In
J8C9, when the total imports were For winter residence or winter outing
i io-v j--r,n . . , ideal conditions will be found on everr
Talued at 43o.4yo,894, the non- . . . n... . n, ,
' ' ' hand in California. Plenteous eariv
dutiable mentbandise, by which must irainfau has mie Eeason given to the j
be understood tbe articles imported ; eemi-tropical vegetation wonderful im-1
who will examine yorr eves
charge. 13-17
John Dirr, Posevville, Ind., savp, "I
i never used anything so good as One
! Minute Cough Core. We are never
without it." Quickly breakE op conghs
and cold. Cnree ell throat and lunfe
trouble?. Ite use will prevent consump
tion. I'leaeant to take.
Tlraot. Pimple,, Pr-Trnt I'll I
fl- .oot.B,l'r,rtt1U!od, ILLl
utt HilMOendl)iipii. "
A ciuvrmast ,f ttit Ihc1j raen dy la at-ntcrt
'7??: Z "Ut ma'' nM Irt. ur ml! trai Mlor
for the purpose of manufacture, was
estimated to amount to i'l,7"5,C43,
whereas last year, out of tbe total
imports of 799,83-1,00, the esti
mated value of tbe non-dutiable
merchandise is reported to bare been
petus; the floral offerings are more than (
usualiy generous and tbe crop of
southern fruits bountiful and excellent.
Old ccean possesses new charing at i
Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Lang I
Eeacb, Coronado and the enchanted isle j
of tbe sea, Catalina srhere fishine. !
j boatiug, rambling, riding, hunting and
! loafing uay be enjoyed as nowhere ehe.
C. S. Smith,
Fresh Egge and Creamery
Butter a epecialty.
- 2d Street.
'initio : ina. MA r, ...
an unparalleled demonstration of the j 0flr themselves at Montecito, Nordhoff,
forward stride in the direction indi-! Pasadena, Echo Mountain, San Jacinto, ! TnT5TmvTITT
'Phone 270.
cated which the nation is tnktn-v Fa!l Brook and l'aUa Springa.
r i . .hi i i i
AHhniml. v. nr. imnnrtin .;,.. i rur renewing ueaiui snu vigor, Here i
thirty varvinif constituents and demnnotrhtHil
much in value as we were
years ago, tbe amount of macufact-, merite: the drv, ant i tic. tonic air of
& CO.,
Letters of Crwlit issued available in the
Eastern Statea.
Exchange aud Telegraphic
Crandall & Burget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Was co Ware house Com pany
t Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, n kinds
HoannilQTiaTia 4V-n QtinM OVaUm and all kind!
viuuincio JLJi. b, of MILL FEED
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOn FlOUr T,J1B I,lour 18 manufactured expressly for family
... , , , ubf : every flack is nuaranteed to give eatmfactlon.
We sell our poods lower than any house iu the trade, and if you don't think 10
call and get cur prices aud be convinced.
j Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
ured goods which we buj' abroad has ' the desert may bt enjoyed at Banning, !
actunlly decreased. There is some-! Indio- u'na: and, even farther on, tit Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
thing marvelous in the industrial de-! ,',,nis' TL'50"'E.1 I'a60' exUtB con-, St. Louis, Ban Francisco, Portland pre-;
, . .i , , , unions eqoaiiy wen inutcaieu lor weaK ormuo nruHii,,uuu vnnoue points
velopraent thus demonstrated. throats and lunrs in ree'-"i a"l Washington.
Take some other figures by way of - Many think noU.inK in nature more j oSuKnnl " l0ht' D
further illustration. They will show attractive than the shimmering olive I '
that while our imports bave doubled ord'ardfi of s-,ma 'hara and San'
since 18C9. our ex.iorts have ouad. ! D?' otherB 'Jrder tbB Btate'y waInut ! ' ' ciiwfc
, ot entura and Jys Melon, or the
rupled. In the former year there , lem0ll6 of Fernando; but for Morions
was an excess of imports over ex-i fruit and graceful tree commend us to
ports utnounting to $101,079,900, , theirolden orHnije, first, last and alwaye,
wbereua in 1899 tbe excess of exports
over imports aggregated $-i75,G52,'
051. This excess is not so large as.
tbat noted in 1898, but the decline Is
wholly in agricultural staples, There
ru a general failure of crops in
Europe in 1898, and tbat failure bad
to be made good from tbc United
'Ann ir crtnry in Mroataa r.afinn
Covins, Riverside, liedlands and High
lands. Equally interesting is the
scientific and tempting fashion in which
the sorting and packing of the orange is
here accomplished.
The faithful were exhorted to see
Mecca and shuffle off; but witer gener
ations will see California of the south
and prolong life. t
First National Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposit received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dar of collection.
Bight aud Telegraphic Exchange sold oa
New York, Han Franciaso and Port
D. P. Tmommow. Jao. 8. Scaaacs.
Ed. M. Williams, Gao. A. Ltaaa. "
H. M. Biall.
C. F. Stephens
...Dealer In.
Oiy Goods, Clothing, f
llaoU, Blioc. Hut, ("ni. Nutluna. Aet,
lur W. I liouglax blioe.
Ttleiilioiie No. Hi.
131 fo-cond Ht.,
Tbe DalleSj Or,
1 i BL0KELET &
Wholesale and Retail
'"p5 immm
Hoiseste -
"I bad dyspepsia for years. No medi
cine was so effective aa Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure, It gave Immediate relief. Two
bottles performed marvelous results,"
writes L. H. Warren, Albany, Wis. It
digests what you eat and cannot fail to
Wagon and Carriage Werk.
Flah Brothers' Wagon.
Thirii anil lpfTrcnn
farinr;,:.;l.t.Mr;ri A
Omw over Krench & Co.'i Batik
tn .
rwuvi, THK UALLKS, OKKtiON '
Carry tbe Largest Block of
Drugs and Druggists' Sundries
Io Eastern Oregon.
175 Second Street, THE DALLES
OUee ovei Klnt Nat itoak.