Baldwin OPERA HOUSE TRUE MERIT A SURE WINNER. .'GOOD SIDE OF THE TRUST QUESTION One Week, Commencing Feb. 26 Crippled by Rheumatism.' Those who hnvo Rheumatism find themselves growing steadily worse all the while. One reason of this is that Proposal for Refnndlne tTtr Honda, I rT,-l-iB'!WJl Dalle Cltjr Orrgnn. Sealed proposals will be received by.Jj1 the board of water commissioners oi k' Dulles Citv, Oregon, at phM city until! P. 8:30 o'clock p. m. oi the 26 day of Feb., 1 2, 1900, for twonty.fivu thousand dollars ;j 5, Bnd twenty thousand dollars of refund- ,g ing wntor bonds of said city, ins it ifl not settled ns tn whether the total amount The Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON RANGES, (M nations Can mi W Be MM; CSS iJ3SStil and Coutrollofl. . The Shauu Company Supporting Sam T. Shaisr Seven Great Plays. in THEY CANNOT BE PROHIBITED MONDAY- Fred lJ:t.;utmrcctetr.itcd plsv, 1 JACK 0- DIAMONDS TUKSDAY- Nat C. Goodwin's great m'a"0"' IS MIZZUIU WEDNESDAY Mtltou Noble s TUDKSDAY MIS ton coundy, Fill! AY FROM SIKE TO SON Noble's ; famous FOR REVESTE ONLY The greatest ot all war Draratu, HELD BY THE ENEMY SATURDAY An Enclith Melodrama by Arnold V.'olfard, THE BRAND OF OA IN SATURDAY MATINEE The Evergreen Old Favor llo. RIP VAN IVINKLE New Special Scenery and wardrobes lor eaen play. ciice with Rheumatism wklch convinced Ulm that there Is onlv one J cure for that painful dls- J case. He say : "I was a I prcat Batterer from nus i cular Ilhcutnatlsai for Onlv These Which Sinceielv Contribute' tvro years, i could not no permanent relief from any medicine pro I scribed by my physician. I I took about a doicn lot- tlcs otyour S. 8. S.,and to issue refunding water bonds in the sum of $20,000, but if found not to tie woes sary, the Issue will be for no more tlian $20,0H0; and tit a rate of interest not ex ceeding lour per cent per annum pav able twenty years from date of issue, interest navuble pemi-Hiiniittliv, ti iisoi Capt. O.E. Hughes. the popular railroad pal and interest payable ill goltt coin oi conductor, of Columbia. S.O.. had on export- t lm United Slates, r.l nnv eitv therein, nt the option of the buyer. 1 lie bonds meutitined win eontnin mercury and potash, which til timntely intensify the disease by caus ing tho joints to swell and stiffen, g reducing t severe aching of the bones. . S. S. has been curing Klioumntism for twenty years even tho worst cases which seemed almost incurable. to the Public's Benefit Can Survive Public Opinion Therefore It Is Best to Control Rather Than Op pose Them. Xr.w Vock, Fell. 21. The conference on trusts before the People's Institute in co-operation with the Cooper Union, was continued last night in the hull of she union wlien "The Economic EQVols tiflndnit-ial Combination" formed the topic of discussion. The first speaker on the economic cus toms involved in industrial combinations now I am as well as I ever was lnmylifo. Iam sure that your medicine cured me, and I would MMwmAtiH 1 1 tn v nnn suffering from anyulood disease." -: 1 1 la 1 - T f Iik issued under the provisions of tiio several leg islative acts of the stnto of tliecon, up-1 proved Fob. 20, 1SS3, Feb. ID, 1SSU, and Fob. 14, 1895, and in pursuance of an or dinance adopted by tho common council of Dm'.Ihs flitv. ntmrnved .lantiarv 23, . fi 1 11)00. the proposed reiiihfltng water: nouus nro lnientieu inr u:e rcueniiiuuii nf ntttalnnrltntv ivntl'r limul in Lilt! PUU1 ! '. ' of $25,000 ; but in enso the board of water j (! i i, f: S. ?. i. a s i I I Majestic commissioners prefer, it will issue re- lit Everybody knows that Rheumatism is n disenscd state of the blood, and , , , , , . t pu.imu Mini f.u.uuu only a blood remedy is the only proper j nn,ion of $500 e'uch treatment, but a remedy containing N- , , . 1 , funding bonds for $20,000 only, therefore ' bidders mav make nronosals for both iH fj,uoii ami u,uuu, anu in tuc uciiunu- ntertnined for a rale . , . - . . .-. a.V U1U Till, J3 llUCIUIItltU IVf potash and mercury only aggravates ,C88 ,hfUi vauc of thc ll01(ai ,,,, the trouble. iums and rate of inlerect will be taket S.S.S. Blood taken on tlie was W. fl. Baldwin, jr., president of the manent cure always results. It is tho Long Island railroad, who eiucidatcd ' only blood remedy guaranteed to con- . , ,,, . j. i . i tain no potash, mercury or other aan- the meaning of the term "tiuat. In gerous minerais. the first place, he said, a trust was aj , Bookg mniled fm by gwift Spe2ifIp cambination of capital in order to pur-, Company, Atlanta, Georgia, chase raw material ; secondly, to nay a E high tate of wages, and, thirdly, tn into consideration iu pushing value of all bids. Hidders must deposit with thc nresi- I lie Mm& lfJA jg, of tiu i,0llrU n tiuiy certified check being Purely Vegetable, goes direct to n some responsible hank equal to 2 per j j. the very cause ot tne disease anu a per POPULAR PRICES sell 1 of n Inirilti nrlno Vi o r r 1 1 1 tin r(Tam) l f liilCPIltS1 4')l hliUU LUUtU Uit&ILW J 2 -ent j (tnv smaller combination of capital. That, said Mr. Baldwin, wai thc only kind of trust, either ecoinmlc or political, ' attention to the fact that the question i involved was one oi privilege and :nti j mated, therefore, that it would tako j precedence over otl er matter?. l'EOl'LE YOU ALL KNOW. B. F. Pike, of Moro, is in the city. Miss Prndence Patterson returned last -evening from a short visit to Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Burgess will have in the morning for their home nt Bake ovrn. Win. Winters, of the firm ot Chapman & Winters contractors, is registerud at the Umatilla lioiiie. E J. Giisan, who lias been in the city several days attending court, left for Antelope tnia morning. Rev. Hawk returned last evening from Portland where he went to visit his little eon, who is undergoing treatment in the hospital. J. M. Eusssll left on the afternoon train for Portland, hut will return in a few daye to further tlie arrangements relative to the scouring mill. lilt. Llfo Was Javed. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he says : "I was taken with Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia. My lunge became liardeutd. I was so weak I could'nt even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I espected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gavo great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and strot g. I can't say too much in its praise." This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat -and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakulcy & Houghton's drugetoro; every bottle guaranteed. Trench Treaty WIiim u 1'iillit. 'Washington-, Feb. 21. The senate committee on foreign relations today or dered a favorable report on the treaty of reciprocity with France. No amendment was made to the treaty. The committee did not take up the Hay-I'auncefote -treaty relating to the Nicaragua canal. that could survive public opinion or the J OJ j T AM UJj J DAV ; final analysis of the great question ofiULInll VTILL in I FOR HIS FUN Nu Klelit to I'gllnrn. The woman who U lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one wlionould be attractive tnuat keep her health. If she is weak, eickly and all run down, she will be nervcus and irritable. If she has con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure Dloou will cause pimples, blotches, skin trusts. Mr. Baldwin drew a parallel between the rate of wages paid in the times of small railroads, when the average was $00 a month, and the present rate, as certified to by Mr. Arthur, of $150 to $225 u month for engineers working from seven to eight hours a day, which latter result, he said, was on'y possible under the combination ot railroad interests and economies of operation that could be brought about under no other con ditions. Mr. Baldwin gave it as his opinion that the onward current toward combinations could not be Btopped, and that the aim must be to control the trust and to guide it along so as to make it serve for the common good. Professor F. W. Taussig, of Harvard university, drew the distinction between public service industries and industrial combination0, taking tlie ground in op position to Bourke Cuckran that there were such tilings ns pf.rtial monopolies. He said that it was characteristic of smaller combinations that they were under single management under tl.t watchful eye of the man wHioae pocket was affected by the methods employed. The test of the large combinations, he said, was whether they could survive under hired management, and he con tended that some oi the alleged ad vantages of combinations on a large scale were illusory. He defended a tele phone monopoly, and eaid that several competing s stems would work as great harm ie if there were several postal s; stems. He said that cities could regu late such monopolies when franchises were to be granted. Professor Taussig said that neither tho protective tarriff, railway conditions tliut pave advantages to large shipper?, nor the reckless offering of corporate privileges iu some state was to blame for present conditions; but that al together were in a large measure re sponsible. Mere piohibitiou, lie said, could accomplish nothing. It led only to legislative lmir splitting and evasion, yet this was the path that the United States and the various Etutes hud fol lowed with conspicuous failure. He cautioned patience, quiet, the belief in the Ultimate triumph of right and every effort to improve the machinery of gov cent oi inu nu ouiii oi ikjiiiih iiiu iui,uri accompany his bid with cjeIi of such 1 jj' amount ns ill equal such per cent of his bid, and such certified check made , i pnvable to the president of the board of C water commissioners oi wanes ui. v, ur as liquidated damages in en to the bidder ehall fail or neglect to receive and pay for, at tlie office of the city treasurer of said city, the bond0 awarded to him on li is bid, on or before the first day oi March, 1900. Attention should be given the fact that the board will not issue and dispose of more than $20,100 of such refiindinc bonds, unless it snail lie deemed neces sary to do so, but otherwise, if th board shall find that it is necessary to issue bonds iu the sum of $23,000, it will then offer and iesuo the lull sum, f$23,000). The richt to rejict any and all bids is reserved by the said ' board of water commissioners. Bids should be addressed to the presi Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are . ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. llcmember that wo are selling the saino from $45.00 to $60.00 Vhi - i i a having to our customers of from $15 to $25 over j te charged by Jctitttcrs for inferior range?. .ite for pamphlet, 'Olajeslic Evidence." JViflYS & CfOOlE. - VlV.VifiV.DriflV.LXiVJVIVlV.Viw. waw... Intel Fait Yellowstone Park Line. f1JL&N. MT.ll'.T ron TIMF. (ICHKDCLK. FI10H tlALI.rn. Arsiti trox. I ,.... r.r : i. ,!.-.. r. I inua kiiouiu ue uuureasuii m in uou, auin.ia.9in .u.nt, "" i (lent 0f said board, or to the citv record Armenian Troubles About ,sioo,ooo United States Better Known Since Spanish War. Nr.w York, Feb. 21. Ofcar C. Straus, United Stnt-8 minister to Turkey, after conferring with the state department of ficials on Monday in Washington, re turned to New York, and is now enjoy iiu tlie beginning of his three mouths' leave of absence. He said last night that lie had no intention of resigning his office, although there had been rumors to the effect that lie had become somewhat tired of the duties. Asked as to what progress the Turkish government hod made with reference to indemnifying the American ownere of property destroyed during the Armenian troubles, lie said : "Until my arrival there Turkey iiad denied liability for those property dam ages, but since the government's liability has bet n admitted, the sultan has not only piomised to pay, but lie has twice repeated that promise. That he will have to pay the several claims within a reasonably short lime there is no ques tion, and I credit him with the intention of fulfilling his promise. The sum in volved is less than $100,000." "Did the Spanish war and the victory , of Diwey at Manila make us any better J known in Turkey?" Mr. Straus was, asked. ! "They c?rtain'y did do just that thing er, Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, and noted "Proposals for refunding water bonus. ' By order of tlie Board of Water Com mission, by and with tlie consent of the Common Council. This 25th day of Januarv, 1000. T. .1. Seitkht, L. S.J President of Board, Atti-st: Sv.u H. Gatkh, Recorder of Dalles Citv. Volcanic EruiitlmiN Are grand, but Bkln eruptions rob life of j y. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, (Scalds, Chapped Handp, Chilblains. Bcft Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cte. a box. Cure trunranteed. Sold by Blukeley it Houghton, drug gistB. 'J F. B. Thirkield, health inspector oi Chicago, says, "Eodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too hichly. It cured me of povere dyspepsia. " It di gests what you cat nnd cures indigestion and heartburn, and all forms of dys pepsia. Chirk & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget thip. NOTICE of Application for L'qnor License. To all Whom It Mav Conckun : Notice Is hereby glviii tliut thu iiiidcrtlBiird, J. J Wiley, will m 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, on Wtdiiesrlny, thu 7th lny of March, 1 uj, the siirne being the regulur March 1W.0 term of court, apply to (ho County Court, of the btHte ol Ore gon, for W nsco county, for n to will dplrit- " ii'imim III luai, lUIUIUUCh and tiie Oriental world Iiiib a far belter I1',"" "V." K' 1,1 '.llu ,,m" hlmniko, in An ... ... , , . telope 1'ieeliior, in the county tint! Mnlu nforc- aDOrecidLlOtl of the nnnir o Ilia wmn. tni ft.r stinli ,..rlf! t.iu ..... J... i. ' 1 .Ir.. try than it had before." eruptions and a wretched coin nlexion. eminent and explanation as the remedies Ulectric Bitters is the best medmine in that would work out the general welfare, the woild to regulate stomach, liver mid I John S. Crosby, the singlo-taser, said kidneys and to purify the blood. It I that the sole business of the government Sives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, is to establish justice and not to lend its velvety tkin, rich complexion. It will j powers for private purposes. In arraign make k good-looking, charming woman Ing Wall street and stock gambling, fa rnn-do.wi invalid. Only 50 cents at BUkeley & Houghton's drugstore. B!ck llendneho absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constinalion and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Sutisfac'tfon guaranteed or money buck. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Clakeley & Houghton Druggist-. Geo. Barbe, Mendutu, Vo , saje, "Kotblny did me ao much uood as Ko. Jol Dyspepiia Cure. One dose, relieved Mr. Crosby said that tho government was responsible for the worst form of gambling, that of stocks, while it often sought to stop boy9 from "shooting craps." rjuaj'it FMt to lie Dccltlrd Tomorrow. Washington, Feb. 21. Senator Pen rjse tills morning gave notice in the senate that on Washington's birthday, immediately after the reading of Wash, ington's farewell address by Foraker, he would call up tlie senate resolution nro. viding thnt Quay is not entitled to take A Ct.n t'liiuuij: AuavtiT. "I hobbled into Mr. Blackmon'ri drug store one evening," says Wecloy Nelson, of Hamilton, Ga., "and ho neked me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu matism with which I hurl tnr n j long time. I told hi in I had no faith in nny medicine as they nil failed. He said: 'Well if Chambei Iain's Puin Balm does not help you, you need not pay for it.' I took a bottle of it home and used it according to directions and in one week I was cured, and have not since been troubled with rheumatism." Sold by Blakeley k Houghton. "I had bronchitis every winter for years and no med:cine gave mo perma nent relief till I hegan to take One Min ute Cough Cure. I know it Is tho best cough medicine made," soys J. Koontz, Corry, Pa. It quickly cures coughs, colds, croup, asthma, grlppo and throat and lung troubles. It is the children's favorite remedy, dues quickly. Girl Wnuteil. To do general housework. Must be good cook. (15 a month. Inquire at this office. ne, a few bottles cured me." It digests his seat in this'body as senator Irom the what you em and cure. dypepslii. 1 mate of Pennsylvania. Penrose directed Girl Wunted t To do general housework. Fnqulre at this office. FeblO 23 old, for such period tin hlx receipt from the uiiuiiu Jicinu ci in r.iui fiiuiiiv miiir mh fi mid his petition for mild llcenvi, which' ho will iirecnt to thu wld County Court on mild date, 1 Hated tin Ath day of rdiriutrv, "MX " J.J. WII.KV l'etltlon for Llcjuor Liurimn. To tho llonontblu County Court of theatittuof We, thu undersigned retiltlciitHiirid leirnl voters of Aiit..'Iopui'ieclu(!t,ln tho County of WWo. HUM till hlittn lit t Ipiinfm ll. ll.. " "UK"", nniL,:uilll' pellllOU your hononihlc hotly to Kriiut u llcciiuu to J. j l.oy 10 eu M'lrltuous, until mil vlnoiih lltiuors in le tiiiiiitlie thtiii one trillion In the tovvu of tV atld ntiltC Hforet-iiltl. fur mich i.r..l,,l ..u i.u ... cflpt from tho tuuiity ticunurer o! tula county JuisMcCurthy WBcoir I) H KUbco i;!(ltr. Wu l'u11 W C I'orter m HtMiiley llovvaniuomi, N A gcllmlt Viitt!.u1",.v ""Haunaorii John Umplt.- rwKn u- .V,l",1, -J w TtiemitMiii G Wlttiier C Wcliirk O Conu tt J fitcphcimou Thui Colllnii Thos Hryttiit Almworeriier V M McCarthy Sum Itluuneut OMolyneux fjl'Oaruhlc II K Whltloek Krrmk Miller Kred Miller K.l I Hhwl wn J p llibuy DSKytin Knin Work b li Miner K O Curiam! CIiuh Koituno a.viiiivtjiiuti o n lutiiiy UwIk John Midline J II Kclatiy I IlnrlwiK W M Wuvey K U tioortwlu T U Citation V J Kepler J A Tilly J M Ileeder ATKmoIhk Kohii Allen Albert Button K J (llhtmi K I) Martin i-ciu K liedfonl Kohert tlrler . " iiiimini r si Dial J Malone John I'll el p 1'tilrlek Itadhrtm (.'harles lllulik H A Kdniu 'noil O A Howell 1 $ ! I?."' I-I?!,r' Y.. NV Hllverltmtli (iMIUcr 1. Ciiwiy kcrr Klnley Meliuth J Thoiitpioii Chan UalUslier John (Julli,tl.,.V TIIE DINING ( All ISOfll. rnoM IOI1T1.ANII T(i T1IK KAT. tiii: only niitECT i.iNi: touii: vi:t.i.ow- rilONi: 1'AItK. i.cvi:. , Union Doroi, Fiftband I sts akiuvk. Nit. Kii.-t mull for Tiieomn, J-'enttli;, Otyinphi. Ortiy's Harbor una aouth lieud 'iHimts, .-p.ikune, Hots iitiicl, II. ('.., l'ulliimii, Miist'ow, Ia-wIsIoii. Ililf 11:15 A. M. fiilolluiiip inlnllif; coun try, Ilelenn, Milineiipo , lis, St. I'tilll, Omitliit, KntiMih City, St. I.oills. ChleiiKo mid nil point No 1. eimt in i d Koutheut. l'ueet hound KxpreM, 11. 'Ji I'. M. for Titfomu ninl Scuttle mid iutermidhite H)iutt No. 1. .",;.Vl 1'. M. No. n. 7.IO A. M. I'ullimm Unit clti.s mid toiirlit hUeerN to Mniieiiiiolls, St. I'mil and Missouri river piiinlt. without rhmiue. Vtihtlhuletl trnliiK. I'ulon tlepot conueetlotis iu Hll prlin:lpiil t llli'v. llufKMlto ohecketl lo de.itllliillon of tickets. Mr IiandMiniely lHiiMttitlet!tl.HL'rlpth-e mutter, tiekeln, tleepliiK cur reservutlons, etc., coll on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Ooncriil I'ltxneiiKer Aitent, : Morrl.tou Stieet, corner Third, rorlliintl, tiremm. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK THC Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave nnd are due to arrive nt I'ortlantl Kn-t gait I.tikr, Denver, I't. Fat Mult Worth. Omiihii, Khii Mill 11 : 15 ji. :n. tin City, St. 1ju1, 2;Mpn ltli:fiKU Uliu Gptiknnc Flyer 7:01 p. m S p. in. 8 p. nt. Kx.Mtildlt)' Saturday 10 . III. fi n. tn. Kx.biitidHy W'nlla W'iiIU, Siiokaiic, MUiueiioolis. St. 1'huI.i Kltct i)ti I u t h, MUuaukfe,, l..D.n Chicano und East. From J'okti.a.mi. Oeeun HtoauiHlilpi. 1 Tor Kan Kntiiclwo i Decemlier !:. H, 13. It, 2l nod -t. 4 p. a 4 !.. ttit.lft. t.ln lie Sr,.innp. Vkt,n.l.t 10 ANTOKIA it on ay Jjindliics. WlLLASIKTTi: ItlVKK, llliOp.B. Oreirtm City, NewbetK, Ei.Sumai hulem it W ay Ijnia a. 7. in, 'W'lLI.AMeTTE AI'I) Vam 8:301 1 ties.T hur.i nti.i. kivr.r.s. Moil.. mitisitt. lOrecon City, linytou, audfrL I nnd Wuy.UuidlUBs. Dp. a Oil. III. I WtLLAMETTIS ItlVKR. CfflP-B: Tue..Thiir,,l'ortliintl to Coivallli, .Mon.ffc 1111(1 hilt. nut! U'iiv.l.nlttllliL'. n 11(1 I'tilll I.v lllpurla! dttliy I l.'.Ma. in. SNAKK IllVtr.. Iilparlu to ltvlstou. Inn tl.lllT S:S0.B- LKAVK, OVKltl.ANIl KX-1 iiress,, hulem, Htt,u- 1 mrc, Ashland. 7:00 !. M.U "". OKden.Hun 1 h ritlteUi-ii. Mfiliiv.i i.osAiu;eies,Kl r.iso, i ew Orleans and Hunt :30 A. M.'burB ulld wuy "t" I f Via Wotl'bur;! for i Dally ' I -J'.t.AiiKel, Hllverton, except J, w,-"t fil. "rowiis! Bunthiy M '""t'llu "I'd j '.' !,' A. M. I'. H Dally except Kiiiidnys. K C Dlekersou (i A cratty Jas Wnrrtick KA l.iieddeinunn J H Hwniisoii K Kemp (ieo Hlllcr II 1'roso V U Homing J lllnnk Hurry Adami Chan Urccr FrmikNHplccr Frank, Irvine M K Miller J T j 1 FliiUyion Wnltnr f'itifLitl aeorgo Condon John MoU'iinuii (JtloOlhrHlt It K Mftlvllmu II U itotiier ''"'"wWeiniiu J J Wiley 17:30 a. M. (CorvitlllK stations and wyjl5.Wj.,J(, INDKl'ENDKNCE I'ABSKNCiKK. lUpress train Iiully (exeunt Bundnvl. ,j0p. in. I,v. ..Portland . Ar.) ft:25n. m 'St W llinville I.v. ftMiS m i:M P. in. (at. . Iii(lepeiideni.e..I.v. ) f I. m Dully. IDaliy, except hunnar. IHNINC! CAItS ON OODKN KOUTK. I'UM,.MAN HUFFKT HI.FKI'EKB AND BECONIJ-C'I.ABB Bl.KKI'INt! CAKb Attuchetl to all Throiiuh Trains. I'lrect ctiiniectitm utkan fnmclsco with Occl lineLtl'V.V ' mall Xinsi ip li Plication. A" ""a """ """"'K "'tw ?L"tf., t0 Eastern i-ilut). and Ku- SAbtrama ' 0U,NA' N01'"'"u "M attovo trains arrlvo at mid tlonnrt Imm Orand Central Btatloii. Filth .,.,0 1 Irviw iftnJoU VAMHll.I, DIVISION, i aasenger DeHit, foot ol Jollurson street. Atet'iorK?n!: d,,yK ,,4!3),,n, KrhiavCi(l's AU','r "i My, and rri'tai ntK:,j., n, m. Anive at l'ortlantl 'riiM dav, Thursday and HattmiAv tBr.V."a' ruo Kxcept Sunday. "Kxcoiit Bnliirday. ' K'MHn.'r!:r'KI', . ' MAUKHAM, JlHiiiiter, Asst. II. v a. , i .. Throiiuh Ticket Oftlec, lai Third street' h - ' "iK'KKUNU, Ticket Agent. I'artles deslrinir to iro to IleiimibM Hike .no. 1. leiivlnir '1 he I allis ill T.wt-f nillkllll' tllroet fomini'lltiiis lit lli'Ul.lll'r limClM it. .. I i.. .ii... ....4i. ... ut llpnnntf i... ;v."V.',R V"' : .... .. ,..iii.i' i in. k.. .k. . . .. . ... t.. rl .1.1 ll'I t'lirrv iirrlvi.M :.')0 It. 111.. UepATtl m.uw li, in , No 'JI, local freight, carries paswngcri, bound: arrives 4:uu p. in., departs!! 15 p. n. No. ai, west hound tlirouKh freliflit, utj w carry nishciiters; arrives b U p m-t atr" d:m p. in. No. 23, west hound local freight, ctrrle I seugersi arrives 6:10 p. in . , departs t-',.r t., ..rll.,,, ...,11 mi (1 I' .V N. W'1 niteiit The Hit lies, or address te it ill'ltl HURT. l'ortlaalC!. Tde coiumtiia pacKiopi Jlt" UKIHKNUOKrriSIl riiysiciau aud .Surgeon, BhjcIh attention given lo surgery. HoonuaiandW, roiitis VolttWnc II PACKERS OF MANUKACT0KKH6 0K Pine Lard and Sausage Curersof BRAND tt a trri o i A riifi n p ivi r. n JR1KD BEKF, JiTO. As a euro for rJiBimmtiam w-- mui h I'rfin iiiinii in iruii ini: " " . . .. . . . .. .1 il,linUBVi ihtion. u, a. jounsioii oi Ind., Iibb been troubled with tb J . . a. i 1 nn.i r ....niiuo in - IIIVUli DlllliD X UOil a BIV"P . wuuiu ruiievw nw unin i "n i t i -r . i uttm aim- Jtin t ra n m m. a w Willi IlltJ. pay it hut one l I'M! I . IISD TDI T fBAMVOf . application of Pain Balm reHafW" tot aale by Blakeley Jiouji"i-