The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 22, 1900, Image 3

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During the remaining
few days of our
White Goods Sale
Vi linv put n special price on a beautiful lino of
Pillow Shams,
Table Centers,
Sideboard and
Bureau Scarfs.
These iroods were bought for the Holiday trnde
and nre fresh and new, ho Unit in conjunction with
our other mile we will close these goods out nt ex
tremely tow prices.
Tie l! ii
le m.
If money only grow on trees and everybody
owned an orchard it wouldn't make miich difference
bow it was spent. Being as it makes an
nll-fircd lot of difference as to whether you spend it
wisely or otherwisely. Wo give everybody n chance
to come in witli ns on the ground floor.
.All of our regular 75c, 85c, $1 00, fl.23 and $1.50
Men's Colored Shirts
A big line of Men's Tan I, Hoe, warranted fast
colors, worth in the regular way 2 for 25c
Only a few of the above two
lines lefc. See windows. New
goods arriving daily.
All Goods Marked
In Plain FlKuroa.
Factlonal Fight Hhonlil lla I,I1 Anl.le
, and All Cittern Hboulcl Work In
EniTon CnnoN!ci,i::
! There nre practically no industries in
ine miles, consequently the entire
community is dependent upon the pro
duce of the surrounding country for
their support and prosperity. We are
now upon the event of adding to its
manuf jcturies a scouring mill, providing
the necessary amount of stock can be
subscribed among the citizens and
merchants in general. From good
authority I understand the committee
appointed to solicit are not meeting
witli the desired success, owing to an
entirely factional prejudice and greed
which has been cmled on for a number
of years, much to the dbgust" of the
What The DalleB needs moBt, and that
right bad, at the present lime i9 strict
Iwmony among the moneyed class in
order to derive the benefit of the propo
sition now offered that will insure an
advance of their own interest, and the
promising welfaro of the city.
The tcouring mill is an advance agent
for a woolen mill, soap factory and even
other industries of different natures;
the principal object being to attract
capital to the advantage of nn unbound
ed area of country that requires de
velopment. This is a plain, unvarnished statement
of facts, and it conveys a great economic
lesson for the benefit to be derived in
future years. New factories and, es
tablishments mean an influx of skilled
help, and "more homes" will be the
, watchword for the latest need of a pros
perous community. EiKio.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone JVo. 1.
IHUItSDAY FEB. 22, 11)00
KurvcJ In
I W 11 ft U U A
style tiy
Ltslie !:. Keeley, inventor of the
umous Ktuley euro for drunkenness,
Jim yesterday at Los Angeles.
We are Hurry to learn that Mr. E.
Jicobeen is at the hospital in Portland,
iJderiiiK from an attack of typhoid
OreEon'c delegation to the N. E. A.
meetiiH' IU New Orleans arrived vester-
Jiy in bin Angeles Ibo lurid of sun-
mine and iieautiful flowers. The dele
tes nre in high glee,
The city council held a mootinc last
w'jlit relativu to tlio sewer Question.
As tliu adjustment of assessment bad
not been completed, the council ud
famed to meet again Saturday evening
A tiruiieerowors' ennvimtlnn in tn lut
Mil in Portland March 7 and 8. The
organization will be formed for the pttr
PWof stopping the suicidal competl-
'ton In which
Mashes the interests of another, and
"eretiy Imru himself.
A blind of .100 lmiMnii nlmnn iimt
hipped from Pendleton to Seattle netted
id owner $5 n head, less freight cliargeH.
Btone tmlu of stock sheen Iiqh been re.
Med recently in that neighborhood.
i was a band of 1500 head, for which
H 0 per head wuspuid.
W . 11, liriiu'ti nf Tl. n.,iu., .. I. ,11.1
"8 wit to kill his wife, some time ago,
been turned loose. If ho stole u
borse or a fw sheep lie would probably
wnt to the penitentiary. Mrs. brown,
tMU' woman, refused to testify
Must hue huHhiind. Moro Leader.
fielttlmi!otliij8 will bo held at tlio
J'lvatm, Army hall Saturday, Hun
y (all ilnyi Monday nights, with
It ii ,Ul,U U,,U Mr8 W,,,i" ,n cl,arK'
' il I also he tho farewell meetings for
PW Hilhlsh and Lieutenant Jasper.
'jyonu is invitea to attend these
ci'f''"atreL'181'' our city are in a de
"Wly muddy maiMon Rud 8omo of
J80MwalkB almost impassable. It
oald bu u-t-11 for the property owners,
2 "l ,k'"'1 tw,ce d"y l the con
l ce of the traveling public, a. It 1.
ytliey owe to their patrons.
'on. was shot on tb, Lpwtr Coin.
Aitoru i1, "l nbout twty toll., above
by a Portia, ti.uulemLl. It
measures seven feet from tip to tip, and
its feathers nre pure white and black.
Again wo. hear. the sound of Salvation
Army wedding bolls in Tho Dalles.
This time they peal fortii the uniting
of two captains. We are told that on
Monday evening, Feb. L'lJih, at the Vogt
opera house, Brigadier Marshall will
unite in marriuge Captain Tom It. Hil
liish nnd Captain Flora M. Homer, who
will Bturl out together to fihtthe battles
for tiie Lord. No one can afford to stay
at home. Everyone come curly to secure
a sent.
We understand that the committee,
who has hud in charge the mutter of the
proposed scouring mill, has come to an
agreement with Mr. Uussell and there
is every reason to believe that the mill
will be built. The committee lias
worked hard and faithfully in tho mat
ter and has had many obstacles to
overcome. It is to be hoped now that
ail our eltizeus, each and every one, will
do their necessary part in securing this
labor-employing industry for The Dalles.
Tills is the anniversary of Washing
ton's birthdnyjand it is being observed in
The Dulles by the flying of the stars und
stripes, closing of the bqJiooIs, banks,
and all public oillces. This afternoon
all the stores closed uud gave their em
ployes a holiday. If the CiinoNici.B Is
somewhat short of news, kindly over
look the fuct for we rushed matters some
in order to give tlio printers and those
connected witli the office a chance to
have a little pleasure in the sunshine of
this beautiful day.
Fred Buichtorf and wife having re
turned home from their wedding trip,
some of their friends thought theywould
give them n touch of high life uid let
them know there were more than two
people In the world. They proceeded to
the Gosser residence, but iWl, fearing
some demonstration, had witli his bride
silently stolen away and was comfortably
enjoying the evening at w neighbor's.
ThH young ladies and gentlemen in
quest of him, however, M're not dis
concerted, und finally located the truant
pair and proceeded to make things lively
in the neighborhood, y(y rendering a
eliivuri in sevorol different colors, chords,
measures, etc. As the harmonious(?)
struins floated out ou' the evening air,
Mr. Burehtorf could bear tho suspense
no longer so the crowd was ushered in
and congratulated jtho happy couple,
after which they were invited to Keller's
refreshment parlors where oysters weio
When the recorder called tho roll at
the council meeting last night, Council
man JIurry dough failed to answer to
his name. As he is rarely ever absent
from meetings some of the members of
that august body asked tho reason for his
absence ami were informed that their
fellow councilman had taken unto him
self a wife and hied himself to new
pastures to spend his honey-moon.
Whereupon It being In order, Councll
tnau Johnston moved that owning to the
ovmightln Mr dough, In not teljing
Ida fellow councllnien of his lutentioni
or introducing an ordiusuce authorising
the council to furnish the license and
tlio recorder to perforin the ceremony,
that the said Hurry Clough be fined a
box of imported cigarp, the said fine to
be collected by ttie city marshal and
placed in the hands of the recorder for
safe keeping and distributed among the
council from time to time at the meet
ings. The motion received a unanimous
vote and the only obstacle in the way
now, is tiie absence of the groom, but it
is expected as eoon as he arrives home
that tiie marshal will do his duty.
Any one who left Manila a year ago,
returning to it today, would almost fancy
himself a Rip Van Winkle, says the
Manila American. Today one may well
rub one's eyes at the change affected.
The streets, if dusty and somewhat
muddy, are at least clear of garbage the
gutters are kept cleared. Houses have
been repaired und painted. Innumer
able new stores have been opened, rigs
have been much improved, though etill
leaving much to be desired. Pariahs
ure growing conspicuous by their
absence, especially canine ones, and the
begarB are gradually disappearing from
the streets. Sicknes nnd disease ure
considerably on the decrease, and tho
city generally is in a more ssnitary con
dition than it lias ever been since its
foundation. And all these changes and
improvements have been brought about
by the bringing to bear upon the exist
ing conditions, American ideas in place
of the aforetime antiquated notions
existing under the Spanish rule. The
wonderful improvements achieved so far
are an excellent omen for what another
year will bring forth, and those here
then will see how extremely beneficial
to the city generally, nnd the welfaro of
its inhabitants, lias been the new
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
Fine l'uullry uml Italian llrex.
Kilverlaced Wyamdotte, English Hed
Cap and ltoso Combed White Leghorn
chickens for sale. Single birds $1 each.
Eggs for setting if 1 per flfteeu.
Italian bees $1 per pound. (Jueen
hoes win ranted pntely muted, 70 cents
each. Queens sent by mail and sale ar
rival guaranteed. Address
Muk. A. A. Hosnev,
feb'-'l-lmo TyghVullojr, Or.
J. U. Clark, Peoria, III., says, "Sur
geons wanted to operate on me for piles,
but I cured them with DoWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve," It is infallible for piles
and ekiu diseases. Heaara of couuter-
UmIi lu Hour Ghtioka.
All countv warrauts registered prior
to June 3, 1890, will be paid at my
ofllce. Interest ceases after February. 2,
11MX). O. L. Phm-ups,
Couutv Treasurer.
Clark & Frtlk' drug stock is new
fresh and complete.
Tho Shmv Company.
The East Washingtoninn lias the fo'
lowing to say of the Shaw Company,
which will show every night next week
at the lhlilwin theater. Popular prices
15, 23, and 35 cents :
"The Shaw Company has uiven a
splendid entertainment at the - opera
house each night this week, fully sus
taining all the pleasant things Unit had
b.'en said about them in advance of their
arrival. Every actor in the many grave,
humorous and tragic incidents, which
are nightly depicted, has been of more
than ordinary interest, and the results
have been etriLiuv; in the highest
"There are no weak spots in the Shaw
Company. Their performances are en
tirely free from bungling and awkward
ness. The music alone is worth more
than the price of admission. The
xylophone eolos by William J". Drew
have arroused much interest among the
music loving people of the town, and
hava been u "drawing card" through
out tho series of euteitainmenls. Mr.
Drew plays a dozen or more instruments
of various kinds, and certainly is an
artist of much ability. The Shaw Com
pany have been playing to fair houses,
but they have not been as liberally
patronized as they should havo been.
They should be greeted by u packeJ
house every night. Keally meritorious
companies cannot afford to visit small
towns unless they are met by u liberal
support from the theatre-going people
of the community."
Hunt In K for New Writers.
Eight thousand manuscripts were re
ceived by The Ladies' Home Journal
during the year just closed. Each were
given a careful reading, but out of the
entire number only eighty were found
worthy of publication. The manuscript
bureau of Tho Ladies' Home Journal is
operated at a large expense, but the
hope of discovering new writers or some
aspirant with undeveloped talent war
rants tlio outlay. It can bo seen that
tho articles secured by such u careful
winnowing process brings tlio cost of
each up to and above the remuneration
paid our bent writers.
Thesa facts biing refutation to the oft
repeated but none tiie less eroueous as
sertion Unit only well known writers of
established literary reputation are able
to find a place for their woik In the
magu.lnes. Exactly the contrary is
true. The Ludtes' Home Journal,
through the manuscript considered, lias
discovered three or four new writers of
excellent merit and great promise, and
this "iind" its editor regards as fully
warranting the large outlay of maintain,
lug an kxpensive bureau for reading all
the manuscript submitted. Northwest
Journal of Education,
"Oreirun" and "(Jumtlllu"
Are the names of two Pullman palace
cars just built in Chicago to run to
Portland, Hut the Law Uuion & Crown
Fire Insurance Co,, is a company that
will run indefinitely, Arthur Seufert,
reiideut agent, 'phone HI.
fur lUut,
Two coxy rooms, in private family;
centra) location, Apply at Cjiuonioi.k
ofllce. feb'2'2 lw
, t,n I t.'l- irfl'H H.UTm ' A ' '10 1 1 tMni.H ttll . I ml "
Vegetable Preparationfbr As
similating IhcFoodnndReguIa
Ung the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digestion.Cficerfur
ness andRest.Contains neither
Upium.Morpliine norfineral.
"Sot "Narc otic .
Ptttpe of Old flnSAMUEL PITCHER
Imyjan Seal'
Jkffrmul -
III CarbonateStda.
Ctatfod Sugar
MJnarpWK narer.
Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish
ncss ami Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass
Seed Wheat, Ssed Oits,
Seed live,' Seed Barley,
Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn
King! Philip Corn,
Stowell's Evergreen Corn,
Early Minnesota Corn,
Kafiir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
White Hominy Corn.
Early Rose Fotatoee,
Bnrbank Potatoes,
S prion Vetches,
Broiue Grass,
Cheap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Supplies.
A macniflcent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of
which will be sold at close pi ices for CASH at the Feet, Seed
and Grocerv Store of
i ii
! e s
i 'X,
Those sharp North winds. They creep
around tho comer or come in chunks or
A cold snap calls for hot cakes and
maple syrup, Wo have the best that
money can buy.
H.O. Pancake Flour
FREE with overy purchase of II. O, i
Granulated Hominy, I). O. Steam Cook-i
. i ......i ii n i i i.-i 1
ru oiii iuetu ui ii. j, huck wni-ui nuiir.
This ofl'er will not last Iodl'. sn order
early and get one package of II, U. Pan
cake Flour FREE.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Willi every
lar purchase
store during
and Februarv
one dol
at our
we will
give a chance on a
p Alumini.ed Garland
Steel Janse.
piaier l Benton
Du'l Ho.ulaehe, P.iiiu in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of tint
stomach, I.osa of appetite, Feverlshuess.
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences,
of impure b'ojd. No matter how it
became so it must be purified in onlor tr
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elezir has never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases, It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee, Blakeleyfc Hough
ton's drag store,