ar II aim HI SK PI I? fit Tor a Nice Suit of Clothes. I'm tins, Overeoatlu- or Fancy Vesting. 'WW mean, as all sensible Democrats are aware, a disastrous defeat for the party. The abject fear with which Bryan has inspired the Democratic party workers and bosses is one of the strangest of the political phenom ena of the time. Notice to the runllc. Kindlv rail and examine my stock of Ira TOTted and D etic Woolens. A fine stock to elect irom. . , . . . , Bulte made tro m t he lowest prices to the lilgb est grade. Fine Tailoring. J. A. Eberle IRE DALLE . OlJEGON. Catarrh Cannot lie Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it yon must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ip taken interutdly, nnd acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's ' Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine, j It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous suriaces. The erfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful resnlts in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo 0. Sold bv drmgeists, price 7oc. Hall's "Family Pills are the best. 12 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. BUSINESS LOCALS. BUBBCKIPTIOJi PK1CE. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 THURSDAY FEB. 1900 A NEWSPAPER'S "STORMS." Subscribe for TnE Chkonice. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware house, tf Clarke & Fa'.k have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Use Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. Yon will not have boils if yon take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for bails. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your crocer for them. Aeh yonr grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping Manufactured bv Clarke The Louisville Courier-Journal prints this statement about itself and its business: "Assuredly it(the Courier-Journal) j Las weathered manv storms. In 1S9G , and Euuburn it lost half its daily and nearly all its j Falk. -weekly circulation, but it got back ' Latest thing in cameras are Im the daily circulation with some ftd. j Proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's . . , drug store, dition the two or thtee years sue- ,,..,. . , , , , 1 Clarke s Falk have received a carload ceedinR, and it is slowly, but surely, of the ceebrated Jameg E ptton getting back its weekly, so that for j strictly pure liquid paiuis quite a year the volume of its busi-' Xf your eyesight is failing yon un- uess has been greater than ever it ! donbtedly need glasses and should have was beforp. The campaign of 189C j them attended to at once. It would be cost it at least a quarter of a million wel caiI n Tl"- IL he tdmUC,c , . . optician, who will examine vorr eyes dollars, let it still lives, and neither j fee Q, charge ' 13.17 grudges nor misses the money." j John Dirr( Po6eyvi,Ie) Indi saye .. To the newspaper people of the never ust anything so good as One country it is highly gratifying that j Minute Cough Cure. We are never The Columbia Southern Railway Com pany will complete its line and be ready to receive forward freight and passengers from Sliauiko not later than April 15, 1900. Large warehouses nnd stock yards will be ercctod and ready for wool and stock by tho above d.itc. Freight rates will be considerable lower than by team from The Dalles. Regular tariff will be published shortly. For further information call on or address C. E. Lytic, General Freight Agenl, Moro, Ore., or the undersigned. E. E. I.VTI.E, fehlG-tf General Manager. ltWtnarck'a Iron rTe Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy nre not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Lifo Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley & Houghton's drngstore. 2 Cure Headache Quickly. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless nnd effective cure j for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold by Clarke & Fnlk, druggists. jnn24 Cw Experience is the beat Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case ol coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Honghton Druggists. Mrs. J. K. Miller, Newton Hamilton, Pa., writes, "I think DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve the grandest salve made." It cures piles and heals everything. All fraudulent imitations are worthless. DeWitt's Witch Ouzel Salve is un. equalled for piles, injuries and skin diseases. It Is the original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. Just What Yoa aaant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single Btock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our Btore on Third street. Also a fall line of honse paints. D. W. VAtTSE, Third St. F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor. Second & Laiblin. Time 167 W. S. Philpot, Albany, Gu., says, I "DeWitt's Little Early Risers did me j more good than any pills I ever took." j The famous little pills for constipation,! biliousness and liver and bowei tronbles. ! Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. the Courier-Journal, having "weath ered many storms," is weathering this latest one also. In the circum stances it is impossible to blame it for seeking reconciliation with the Democratic part-, even ur.der the direction of Goebelism ; for 'die who stands upon a slippery place mf.kes nice of no vile hold to stay him up." The Courier-Journal is published in a community unwortb of it; and if it has been coerced, so was Galileo. But, like Galileo, it knows that truth remains truth, just the same. In another article the Courier Journal says it is "riding on a boom at present, its circulation, large be fore, having, the Inst few weeks, actually doubled." It will do good work yet, when the Digests what you eat. w'thout it." Quickly breaks up coughs it artificially digests the food and aids and cold. Cores all throat and lung I jJature in strengthening and recon-, trnnh!p. fts nap will rirt-vpn! rnnonmn. t BtrUCtinET the exhausted dicestlvft nr. , tion. Pleasant to take. fS?5 l.he latest discovered digest-, auu auu iumiu. iiu ULUXZl jJiejiarawuil i can approach it in efficiency. It in-; "After doctors failed to cure me of ( stantly relieves and permanently cures ' pneumonia 1 used One Minute Cough Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, ! Cure and three bottles of it cured me. . f.1 Viene' . So"r Stomach, Nausea, j It is also the best remedy on earth for allother result of imperfect digestion. ..GHAS. FfiBSK.. 0 Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on ilrniiu-ht the celubritted COU'MHIA 11EKK, ncknnwl. iKMl the bst Ixxr In The Dulles, nt the usual prlre. Come In, try It uud be eonviiid-d. AUo the Finest brandt of Wines, Li-juor mid Clears. Sandrjuiehes o all Kinds aliviiys on band. whooping cough. It cured my grand children of the worst cases," writes Juo. Berry, Lopanton, Pa. It is the only ( harmless remedy that gives immediate ( results. Cures coughs, colds, croup and throat and lung troubles. It prevents consumption. Children always like it. j Mothers endorse it. Preoared by E. C. DeWI'.'. A Co.. Crjlcajjo. I WINTER TRIPS. NE FOR A DOSE. Qf I I ft note Pirapln. Protect WT II H I'ciily the Blood, 1 I L M . Irfclti. TJii-T neither cr iwuoriioWn. TomAI I fcc hold by drnscuts. BR, bOSiNKn Cf Phiii IV ' For winter residence or winter outing ideal conditions will be found on every iiand in California. Plenteous earlv stnpiditj', in-! rainfa'l hae this season given to the tolerance and furv that surround it; , , r r .u , ,, , " . i petus; the floral offerings are more than shall have exhausted their forces. ;Bai; f.n(.,m,a ,i n,a ,r t Oregoninn. The hold which Bryan manages to retain on the rank and file of one element of his party, notwithstanding the fact that every sane person in that party sees overwhelming defeat C. S. Smith, and southern fruits bountiful and excellent. Old ccean possesses new charms at Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Long J Beach, Coronado and the enchanted isle I of the sea, Catallna where fishing, boating, rambling, riding, hunting and loaiing uay be enj yed as nowhere else, j g StrBSt v(uicb nine njjuic, snug nuuja urui, ! TilK Up-to-date Qroeer Fresh Eggs and Creamery Bntter a specialty. 'Phone 270. for him at the polls this year, is one ( offer themselves at Montecito, Xordhoff, j of the marvels of politics, says the Pasadena, Echo Mountain, San Jacinto, Tj politics, say Astorinn. It is a sort of fatalism which is supposed to be foreign to the American character. his overthrow and that of his FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Though Fall Brook and Palm Springs. For renewing health and vigor, here (aoounu many r.ot spring!., ol widely TRAN8ACTA kkkualbaskimu bumneh varying constituents and demonstrated ' , . party merits ; the dry, ant ! tic, tonic air of ; ",Ke 01 uce(a,a?llaDle ,n tbe are seen by the astute members of it the desert may oe enjoyed at Banning, ( Sight Exchange and Telegraphit to be as certain to come as is election Il,Jlo Vuma; and, even farther on, at (Transfers Bold on New York, Chicago, rlav vol thorr. U nn mnvomont ,n ' i"oe"c. meson, iii i'aso, exists con- UU'...DU" "tuciBco, roruano ure Ua3, jet there is no movement to d , indicated for weak'?0"' feeattI w8l'?'ntl va" PIb defeat turn in the convention, thfi convention were to meet toinor Complete Cipe of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE.DRUGCIST. REGULATOR LINE. I 7B3 nQQQjBC nnii Dalles, Portland & Astoria U. Go. tcnincru (it the Regulator Line will run nnjicr the fnj. 9 IowIiik M'hcdnle, the Comtmnjr rc.iorvliiB tho right to cIiiuiko'S elicilnlf wlttiimt notice. 5 Str. Regulator. (UmlteU UindliiK.) linns, Lv Dnlleit ut S A. Mi Tuendiiy . .. TIiuimIhv .. . Saturday . Arr. rortlimd at 5 !'. M. CP. Lv I'ortl.iml nt 7 A si. Monday . WfdnelHj . Friday Arr. I lullen nt f r. u. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dallas City. 3 (Touching nt nil Wny I'oints.) '2 - M IIOWN. Lv. hivn ntr.:so a. x. Miiniliiy WmlnoHilny . Friday Arr. l'ortlnud (iiticortnln) tii- Lv. l'ortlnud , ntfiA. . a T uindny 'rhnrmlny Jj fliitutdny'J Arr. ItulloH fl (iniciTtnliijj FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, K T.llvci by the Stcnme- nt the ItcRiilntor Lino. Thn Conu.ijiiy will i-nilpnvor to Klve ttn .nt 1 inm.1 uj ui. nervlcn iolblc. l or further Iniormiitlon Hddrcsn , l'ortlnud onisc, Ouk-Streot Duct. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gon. Afft. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHIJKEYjrm-7& to .IK per kbIIou. (4 to 16 yearH old.) iliPTEirOOGNAfJ from J7.D0 to 12.(K) per pidlon.' Ill toI'O years old.' 0ALir0EjjOKp)XEf'ni j.'I.L'ojo 6.t)Q per gallon." (4 to 11 fcare old". ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on drought, Imported Ale and Porter. and Yal Blati and Olympia Beer in kittles JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Grandall & Barget DEALERS IN RobeS, fill kinds of under takers Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ell kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, u kind Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TwSd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr T,,'B I'lour 18 manufactured expreeiily for family e eell our jiooda lower than any lioimo in the trade, and if you don't think call and et our prices aud he convinced. i Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats, r at a nrt ri . 1 St. Louie. San Francisco. Portland Orn- i to .1;,!,. ,1 it , . ...... 'iton. Seattle Wash., and variolic nn'tntx I UIL11J11B CUUH1IV lllflllTiHII HIT Wt'llK . '.' , m .. . . . 1 in urecon and waehinuton. lroai8 anu nines. Collections made at all noinu on fu Many think nothing in nature more ; orahle terms. row lie would probably pet the entire attractive than the shimmering olive ( . - vole of the delegates. There is no good reason to suppose that he will be any weaker two or three months hence when the convention meets. Men who are as sure that he will be crusbingly defeated in November as tbey are that the sun will rise tomor row will oast their voles for him in the convention. The entire Demo cratic party teems to be hypnotized iatoa cowardice wblob prevents it lro raising a band to keep bim from the nomination, though that will 1 orchards of 8mta Harbara and San Diego; others prefer the stately walnuta of Ventura and Los Kietoe, or tho lemons of Fernando; hut for glorious fruit and graceful tree commend us to the golden orange, first, laet and always, and it exists in greatest perfection at Covins, Riverside, Itedlands and High lands. Equally interesting is the scientific and tempting fashion in which the sorting and packing of the orange is here accbmplished. The faithful were exhorted lo see Mecca and shuffle off; but wiser gener ations will see California of the south and prolong life, t J. H. Bciixiik, President. 11. M. Wixl. , Cuililei First National Bank. THE DALLES ... OREGON A General Banking Business transacted .Deposit received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Siaht and Telegraphic Exchange aold oa New York, Han Franeitoo and Portland. DIKXCOTOMa Ed. M. Williams, Gao. A, Liaaa. H.M. B1A1.L. C. F. Stephens ...Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, I; liCXjtS, Ht(K. lIotD, Clips, NlltlOIIS, ,L't, lor W. L. DoiikIhs Hlioe. Telephone No. at. l.H bvcoud Ht., Ttic Dalles, Or, 1 1 p. I' k BROS BLAKELEY i HOU6HT0H iKNi:i!AI. BiacKsmiins Wholesale ana Retail ...AND... "I had dyspepsia for years. No medi cine was so effective as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, It gave immediate relief, Two bottles performed marvelous results," writes L. H. Warren. Albany. Wis. It digests what yon eat and cannot fall to core. Horsesnoers 1 Waaon and nrrlr.n uy-i. . ww in. ( Flah Brothera' Wagon. ' Third anil TnfTronn Dhnnnirn JJ. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Office oer Krtnch 61 fo.'i Hank 1'aonee, THK IJAU.K8, OUKOON DRUGGISTS Carry the Largest Btock o( Drugs md Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 175 Secoti street. THE DALLES FRBD. W.W1UON. ATTOKNKV AT LAW, .... Til DALI-EH, u6" OSJ00 otsi Vint Nat Han.