TO PROTECT SONG BIRDS. Krvraril OHrrl fr 3nlctlon of Per-. Wiui Kill Thrni. A reward of $10 will be piil by Stale croup mid consumption. I have been using it over four Gnnie Warden Q'imiiHv or his deputy nt this piaw, for inforinatbti loading to the arrest and conviction of any person destroying fouc birds nud other small birds classed with them. The law on the subject of killing song birds is as follows : "General law of the state of Oregon, to protect the native song birds within , the blate of Orcsmi. "Section 1. Every person who ahull ! within the state of Oregon, for any" pur- po!e, injure, take, kill or destroy or have ; in his possesion, sell or offer for Pale, nny yellow ure.xsted u!it, ineaUw laik, I foes, and hare rot to come across n case robin, song sparrow, Urklinch, vurie-, vhere it failed. c have four little ones in ,i .v,.-i. i. ..:. onx family, and neither niy wife nor I havo patol thruh, wood.hriisl, hermit- , CVCr lost a niplit's sleep because of throat tron- tbruih, American iroldfmcl , bluebird, blesaniongthechildren. Ipuessthatismore nnna liiril n-in!o in-nll fin-!' hnnaa mid i tftan i,nv other family can say. Acker's snow bird, o.iole, ia-ntl lino , House ana EnIih jjemedyisjust as effective for grown- winter wren, pine-luinet, California . up people as for the young. It seems to go linnet, warbler, vireo, swallow, tann2-r, i straight to the plnre where the trouble lies , ' . ' , , , , , . ' in the throat and bronchial tultes and lungs, prossbe.ik, ringlet or horiifd-Url:, sha I jt soothes and heals the irritated tissues. be euiltv of a misdemeanor." f loosens up the phlegm and mucus in the The second section of the law declares Greatest of AII'acrum OFFERS PROOF " Evcrv one in San Antonio, Texas, says that Acker's Knglish Itcmedy is the greatest tiling ever nm up ur i-uuu?, 1 -v .a. tw tit Briton intttonttes are familiar Win Annan Consular Code CABLEGRAMS TO SAVE TIME He Has the Envelopes Which Were . n i i t i ah- i . , I Fb. 14, 1895, and in pursuance of an or w Opened hv Hritish Oflicials a"d diimnc adopted by the eonininn counoil tympanals fnr Refunding tVater Itnntlft, Dalle City Oregon Knalutl nrnnnvili trill tin rnnoltwtfl V ' r the board of wuter commissioners ofifc Dulles Cfty, Oregon, at anM cilv until ? 8:30 o'clock p. m. of the 26 day of l eb., 1900, for twenty-five thousand dollars; and twenty thousand dollars of refund ing water bonds of said city, (as it is not settled as to whether the 'total amount of bonds will be $23 000 or fl'O.OOO au thority is extended to the said board to issnn refunding water bonds in the sum of $23,000, but if found not to be" m-ces sarv. the issue will bo for no more than $20,0(10; it ml at it rate of interest not ex- IS feeding fuur per cent per annum pnv- M able twenty years from date of issue, interest payable eemi-unnnallv, pilnci-j pal and Interest pavablo in gold coin of ,V mo untied status, nt any city tiieri-in, at the option of the buyer. The bonds mentioned will be under the provisions of the soveral leg islativo nets of the Hlate of Oregon. ap-,J-, nroved Feb. 20. 1SS5. . . 11). S). mil i isMied . ? 1wwijv'!;j;?rv..'?a??1?'??wj The Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON RANGES, JVTajestie Still Hear Doth British and Ameri can Seals Other Pertinent Facts. that every person who shall within the stato of Oregon, destroy or remove from nests any of the above mined birds, or any egg or eggs of snch birds or have in possession or offer for sale any such eggs, or willfully destroy the nests of any such birds, shall bs guilty cf a misdemeanor. . "Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this act, or any other act or parts of acts, for the pro tection of game or song birds, not in conflxt herewith, and for which no penalty is fixed, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shnll be punished by n fine of not less than $15 nor more than $200, to gether with the coats of the prosecution of said action, or by imprisonment in the couhty jail of the county wherein ench offense may have been committed, not less than seven or more than 100 days, or both such fine and imprison ment." It is desired that I he school teachers end p.irents make the law known to children, for the siauchter of our song birds is a shame and must be stopped. The game warden has instructed his deputies to keep a etrict watch and make thosa who diaregard the statutes amenable to the law. breathing nasases. ouiets the nerves, invic- orates the constitution and stops the cough- mg. Jiyaovice 10 parents is to always Keep a bottle in the house. It will be a constant safeguard acainst croup." (Signed) F. G. ZiMMEr.MAN. San Antonio, Tex. Bold at Sc. SOc. and Si a bottlr, throughout the frilled Btate and Canada; and In Knsland.m is. si.. :.!.. If yon are not sail aed after buying, return the bottle to your druggist and get your money baci. BV cuViarizc the above intaranlee. W. II. HOOKER & CO., lroprieton. yew lori FOil s'I.E BY Xkw YonK, Feb. 20. A special to the Journal and Advertiser from Washington says: Charles E. Jlacrum, lute consul at Pretoria, furnishes proof of hie charges that United States official mail was opened by the British censor. Mr. Ma cruiu has several envelopes, each bear ing the British Eticker applied to the envelope after it had been opened by the censor. He has one envelope which containrd mail matter frcrn Ccnsnl-General Stcwe, at Cape Ton n. It is the recuhition bine of the consular service. It bears upon its face the legend "U. S. Consnlar Sfrv'r?." nnd n stainti "Mnil Sns- i nended." On the reverse side is the ! United States government seal, im- ! pressed upon the red sealing wax of the They Will Beat Us if Dispute Is Ever consular service. The British eticker, jreseaiing tne letter alter it liai been opened, bears the potential initials, ' . Blakeley & Houghton. THE ENGLISH AND ALASKAN BOUNDARY Allowed to Go to Arbitration They Arc Dishonest, Unjust and Highly Trained Aim to Control Pawfic. Ills Life Van saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of H auulbal, Mo., lately bad a wonderful deliverance from a friahtful death. In telling cf it he says: "I was taken with Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia. My lunga became hardened. I was so weak I could'nt even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr, King's New Discovery. One bottle gavo great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and etro! g. I can't say too much m its praise." This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest enre in the world for all 'hroat and lung trouble. Itegular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore; every bottle guaranteed. lleboU C'hHrf With 3luriler. Ma.vila, Feb. 20. A military com mission meets at Oalainba tomorrow to try the Filipino members of the guerrilla band which attacked a squad of Ameri cans on February 2, killing a corporal. The charges arc murder and assault w ith intent to kill. The case is important ae r-..,i i .. .. : lurcciiuuuwuig ma policy of treating guerrillus and bandits one reason which has the American authorities from ndoutinir this policy ia that the insurgents have New Yokk, Feb. 20. President T. C. MendenliHll, of the Warcester, Mass., polytechnic institute, formerly head of the United States geological survey, de livered a hclure lust night in Chickering hall before the Army Geographical Society on "The Alaska Boundary." In IS92, Dr. Mendenhftli was a member of the commission that surveyed the line which this country contends divides it northern possessions from the Canadian Northw est territory. He said : "We are exceedingly laz in accurately fixing onr boundaries, and in our dis putes over them natural!- with England ou the whole wo have lost. The trouble has been lack of diplomatic training and tbe difference of the people. lu 1SG7, when we bought Alaska from Russia, the Eame li-.rguage was usid in the treaty as in that between Great Britain and Russia in 1825, and it is ambiguous. The boundary of Lower Alaska was to run from the summit of mountain ranges para.'lel with the coast, never more than ten marine leagues, or about thirty-five statute milts, from the coast. There is no range of parallel mountains, so the line must be located i by degrees. "Great Britain has contended that the coast means the coast of the islands. In that case she would have all of the coast R.," the initials ol the clerk who opened the letter, the name of the place where it was opened. This letter was mailed at Capo Town October 4, bv Consul-General Stowe. It was held there one month apparently, for the next postmark is that of Durban, dated November 4. From Durban it was sent to Pretoria and reached Mr. Macrum in its mutilattd form. The citculars to consuls issued "by the de partment, are not in themselves im portant, but nevertheless "official mail" ntver reached Mr. Macrum. They weie cont'ueatod without apology or explana tion by the British censor. As for Mr. Mrtcruui'o personal mail, he never heard of it. The Biiiish authorities are familiar wiih the American consular code. On November 8 Mr. Macrum sent a cable gram in code to the state department, urgently requesting that he be permitted to come home. Usually cablegrams, lie- cause of the difference in time between South Africa and this country, consume two dnve m transmission; that is to say, the cable sent by Mr. Macrum on No vember 8 would normally have been received by the state department on November 10. But on November 9, be fore the cablegram was received bv the state department, certainly, and before it was sent from South Africa, probably, the British papers in Natal, hundreds of miles away, announced in impresf-lve type that Mr. Macrum the American consul nt Pretoria desired to be per mitted to go home. why suffer with kindev of Dalles Utty, npproved .lauuaiy -o, 1900. The propoecd refunding water bonds are intended fnr the redemption of outstanding water bonds in the sum of $25,000; but in case the board of water commissioners prefer, it will issue re funding bonds for $20,000 only, therefore J j bidders mav nike proposals for bothiS $25,000 and $20,0U0, and in the denomi nation of $300 each. No bid will bo entertained for a rate less thai, par value of the bonds. Prem iums and rate of interest will be taken into consideration in passing tni the value of all bids. , Bidders must deposit w ith the presi dent of the board a duly certified check on eome responsible bank equal to 2 per cent of the atronnt of bonds bid for, or accompanv his bid with cash of sui-li'ir . , . . -1 ' L uiuunt as win equal sucu per cent ; S his bid, and snch certified check mnde'JJ f'.a.HW.W w ...l. J'lVCl.tL.I. W till. Vkll.l. water commissioners of Dalles City, Or., as liquidated damages in case the bidder shall fail or neglect to receive and pay for, at the offico uf the city treasurer of said citv, the 1 winds awarded to him on his bid, on or before the first dav of' March, 1900. Attention should be given the fact that the board will not issue and ('impose of more than $20,C00 of such refundinc bonds, unless it sball he deemed neces sary to do so, but otherw ise, if th board snail nnu mat it is nece-'sarv to issue bonds in the sum of $25,000, it will then otter ami issue the foil sum, (il'o.UOO). The riuht to reject any and all bids i reserved by the said board of water commissioners. Bids should be addressed to Iho'prcHi dent of said board, or to the city record er, Dahes City, Wasco conntv, Orecon and noted "Projwsals for refunding water nonaa. By order of the Board of Water Com mission, by and with the consent of the Common Council. This 25th dnv of January, 1900. T. .1. Suckkut, L. S.J President of Board, Attit: Nkd H. Gatk.s, Recorder of Dalles City. Volcunic CruitloiiH Are grand, but Bkln eruptions rob life of j iy. Bucklcn'e Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running nnd fever sores Ulcers, Boilp, Felons, Corns, Warts Cuts, Bruises, rus, CScalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblain. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out na'ns and aches Only 25 cts. a bos. Curo iruarantecd bold by Blakeley A Houghton, drug f 1918. Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ! ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. Keinembcr that we arc selling the same from $45.00 to $60.00 Whi-over i i a taring to our customers of from $15 to $25 p v.e el ia rued by peddlers for inferior ranges. ' .ite for pamphlet, ''Majestic Evidence." IWflYS & CfOttIE. iltfniitlimm Tlnnifin fl O Oil liui mum i uuinu m alt di or rheuma line. Lately she has given up that its. It is supposed ' caT , , 3 10 - 8 "arrj"r' lnoSt tism whon il ca b Posltivelv cured n nvnl f I 1 I) ......... .1 I I Pt T I is hitherto deterred ' men, i the use of the "Oxygenor King." No jierounaiiy ueiieve, -ne wis ii es io secure a naval base. Already the has in K'oui- more than fifty American prisonere and ' raK"lt, 0n Vuucou.,rer is!!lIkd. oa f tbe medicine, no electricity, hut pure Oxy gen instilled or absorbed through the Jnay retaliate. Hit ltlght to UKIUCM. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper wiil nlways have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly nnd all run down, hhe will be nervous and irritable. If she has con stipation or kidney trouble, her Impure moon win cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the woild to regulute atomach liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerveH, might eyes, smooth, velvety t kin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a rnn-doAti invalid. Ouly 00 cents at Blikoley & Houuhton's drugstore. strongest stations in the world ; far ahead of anything we have. Should she control Scutheastern Alaska through another naval key, she would have chief com mand of tlie Pacific. "Lately both nations have been too busy with more important immediate troubles, but within a few years the Alaska ooundary question will have to be settled. I hope the American people w ill not, from sentimental or any other Jhirkield, health inspector of Chicago, saye, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly, cured me of severe dyspepsia." It gests what you eat and cures indigestion and heartburn, and all forms of dyB pepsin. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forgot thic NOTICE of Applicuion for Liquor License. To All Whom It Mav Concki:n: Notice U hereby clvtn that the uutlcr.lKiiul, J.J Wiley, will at 10 oeJcck in the foreman on Wednesday, the 7th !y of March, 1 w, the apply to the County Court, of tlie taluk- i,I Ore' poreB of the skin while vet sleep. X0 ! forynst-o t;omity, fum iirt-n.He to hullKnirlt need of ,o!n, to th (,, ,nr 1 "'' yXl!aVl '? .umitlUw. ,w. i,:UI- ....... ...... ....,..., , , , 11 ui r-naiilKO, ill All en! treatment when vou can be cured nt !ILrT.,J:t,.1!1..t''.u t0,!,!l' u"! Mate afnrc- home by the use of tho Orygenor. No matter what the ailment or disease the Oxygenor will diaunose the case and proceed to curo. For further particu lare call on oruddrese J. M.Fllloon, The Dalles, Or. phone .'199. febJ0-2wk A Cuiivlncini; Aunuirr. "I hobbled Into Mr. Blaekinon'n drug reasons surrender what is theirs by right, etore one evening," eays Wosley Nelson, and w hat, until the presence of precious !01 "amnion, Ua., "and he asked me to metals in the region was discovered, j tr' Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu they possessed without dispute. But if , roatierr. with which I had tuflered for a they submit it to atbitration they will loni-' lime' 1 i0'd bim I had no faith in aaln lose valuable territory, for they'n"' '"ediclne aa they all failed. He will hae to contend against men of the , BaiJ: 'We,l if Chamberlain' Pain Balm highest diplomatic (raining, the most does not ,ie,l' V"u, you need not pay for faithful devotion to dutv that the world 1 t00k a bottle of it home and used has yet known, and men who, when their nation's trade is at stake, are absolutely legardlees of every principle of honesty, jjatice au international law." fllHiiaiieii Wm IJinenw orlby, c'an Fii.i.vciHco, Feb. 20 Chief Engi neer McDonald, of the transport Manau. ense, has admitted, on cross-examination before British Consul Pickersgill, that lio bigned an incorrect statement while under pressure of favoriiie the the vessel. This aUteinent was to the and indigestion, makes cjici.1 innt ue cuimiuereu the Mannuenee wae in a thoroughly ood and seaworthy condition, Freeh cracked Nebraska corn at the VfMcu warehouse. Finest kind of chicken eed. juch25-ti Sick Headache absolutely nnd perma. neutly cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation you eat, sloop. worKitnu nappy, satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. nnd 60 cte. Blakeley dc Houghton Druggietr. Girt Wanted To do general housework. Fnuuire at this office. FeblO 23 it according to directionB and in one week I was cured, and have not since been troubled with rheumatism." Sold by Blakeley 6c Houghton. "I had bronchitis every wluler for years and no medicine gave me perma nent relief till I began to take One Min ute Cough Cure. " I know it Is the heat cough medicine made," eays J. Koontz, Corry, J'a. It quickly cures coukIu. colde, croup, asthma, grippe and throat and lung troubles, It Is the children's favorite remedy. Cures quickly. . Clark A Falk's drug utock is new fresh and complete, ktiiu, for hucJi iw hit. rcroipt from tlie County Trciuiner of bill county 11 ny rail U r. ana hi petition for tahl license, f which he wll !;SV."rU"f!!rIhJ0,'"ty CUrt " 5"W d",L' ' Uateu thib day of Fcliriiiuv, iar). ' J. J.WII.UV. I'utltluu fur I,litii.r l.lceimn. To the HonorliIu County Court of the Btate of Oregon, for the County of Waieo: , fy,e.tu ""'"iKlieil tcNhk-nthiiiKl k-Kul voter of Aiiteloie 1'ieciiict, in the County ,, y.,, ond the tS.ntc of OrcKon, rej u'ily ilVitlo .' your hoiioijiblo body to grant i cw,"i t'o j.j W l.ey to ell Miiritnoua, mult mid vinous liouorh i..n.',itIU!'.,,,n Is ."'i"! one ' the tow,, t'r ?. 1 L'l 11 "I1" A1V1,il,c l-rifinct, In Hie Couu I cclpt from the county trtiinurer of tuld ,im ! -V Yeiiowstone Park Line. the dinino ( ai; nor iK h.'im rom bAND 'in Tin; i:r. THE ONLY DIItr.CT I.INi: TO THE YELLOW' hi ONE J'A UK. pri-AKT I Foil I tikk scucnuLr, ruou le ivk. : Uaion Depot, rtrtiiMd 1 sts auuivk. No. : So. 1. Fnt mail fnr Tucoiiih, , Scuttle. Olvuiirln. (irav'h itinbor and South Item! , K)inp, njii'Lane, Konv laud, II. C, I'lilbiiau, IMpM-fiw, Lewlslon, Huf tl li A. M. fnlulluiup mllllnccotili- 5;S0 I', M .try, HeU'iia, .MIuneniKi lli. bt. 1'iiul, Omalia, 1 KuiiaK City, tit. I.i'illi. uiiieiign a:ic all lul No 1. 1 ea.t niirt nouthciiKt. , l'uset Kouud Expreh V..:t) i'. M. for Tmcoiiih nnd Seattle iiuid liilermidiatu potiith No. !!. W A. M. l'ulliniin llrt i.-Insh uud tnurlit h1icijdi to Miniieaiiolln, St. I'aul nnd MiMiitirl river points without i.'lianse. Vuvtlhiileii truing. L iilon deiiot t-ounectloiih In bII principal cities JhiKi:agt' clHTkid lodL-Mtliiallon nf tli krlv. J-or IihihJmiiul-1' llltLittntM (l-.'crlti e innlter. Kt irinlt Lakr, Denver, Kt, Mall I Worth, Oinaha, Kmi 11. n p.m.1 m City, rit. 1.11'Jik. j Chicago nnd Kust. Al'.RIVI J'vun. Fat Mill .35 ! a Hpoknlie hcr 7:05 p. in. S p. ru. 1 u Wl!a Walla. Hpakaiii',, MllilieupoliH. bt. I'uui, I'll lltlll, MIIUHlIkll'. Chicago nnd East. FkOJI l'OUTI.ASn. Ocean fituainiihlps. ' For Snu Francisco lKt'einlx-r S. h. 1'. IS, :.i and 1 Spokane Fljcr. t.i).m l p. a. lh III Ex. Sunday Coltimbln Kv. 5toamw. Ei.bundij .-aturday JjiuUIiibh. iU . Ill, I lt. c"'m; ! W'lttAMKTTe ItiVKR. 4:30p.ra. "'.T"r ii "vv.-n Hiiimx, uic, call on or fcA.Summv'Orfeoii UMIv. N.. l.rL-. Ki.hunJiT I 1 naiciu J; uy uii-.d a. r. U. wrilo CHARLTON, AskMant Cieiicral J'iiHM-ngir Agent, m Morriion btreet, corner Tliird, Portland, Otegon. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OK TIIK- Southern Pacific CompY Trains leave uud are due to arrive nt I'Drtlmid . a. in, W'tiLAKitTrr ash Yam SjuOr.m. TiU's.l hur.' mu, ltiVKl-.. Mim.AVol nlidout. Oregon City, Dayton, aud Frl. und W'ay-IjinillliKs. fill. 111. I WlLtAMETTK IllVCIl, I'M p. m. Tue..Thur,il,ortliiud to Corvullih, .Moti. Wed und Sat. und W'uy-ljiudiUK. nail VM'I Lv I'.lparla nuuy liM, in. 8.VAKK ItlVKII. Jtipurlu to lvvltoii. I.CAVI Lr.wi'T0 dully S,:a. in. LKAVT. OVi:itJ.ANl) KX-l 1 iirets, balem, llono-1 1 jurcr. Akliluiid. ni: 1 1 .00 J". ji.'J '!"'"to, Ogdnn,hnn I I imm.iat.-w, .MOjnvu, ' 'J. 1J ,V. Jl. ."iiiKuiea,i,i i-uho. I New UrkHTiH utiH I ' ( 1 jmt ! a:30 A. M. '-'"'fl.' "ml way ta- IfVIa W:oodtiur'a for,' U l'' M Dally J "f" h i.v'J l " 1 Dally except Wet Bclo, UrouiiH-V, cxwu't buiidayn J ',rt"Bn'''a j1 HuudiiyV,. t7:M A. M. ICorvHllla fHtatiOIIH. nnd jlSiSOP. . J'ariks (lexlriugtogo to jii-ppi.'rhonU ! tafce hii. I, k'avlim 'J lio DnWes at , .0j p. w I iniiLIng direct coniivollout ut lleppjier Juiifllon Kulilrulug mal.iUKdlrectcoiitic:ti'n at ili-ppner Junction with No. 1. urrlvltiz ut The Hullwui -M p in. No. !.'. througlit freight, cast boil' (1, 1k no! carry paunKer; arrlven 'Ji50 a, m., ucpatU M:'jD a, m. No. ai, Incut freight, carrleh juc n-nji-n, cul hound; nrrlvfh l:iiu p. m depart h Ij p. m. Mi. Ul, eet bound through freight, dues not carry pawtengcri.; urrlvea S.1S p 111. 1 deparU Vi'M p. m. No. '.';!. went bound local freight, curries pai eiigeri arrives 6:16 p. m., departs 8 au a, ro. I'or full particular call 1111 O. It. & N. t'o,'l ngeut The Dalle, or address INDEPENDENCE I'AHSKNGKll. Express train Dully (except birtidayj. ; I JSO I. III. il.v. . P.irll.i,..l a.. i,.n.. I ?P.m. iAi. Mcllln. vni:: i.v.l m I iui;Muuiiee.,i.Y. 1 (jpll W. II. IIl l'.IHt'l'.T. , Agt Portland.0'' I:.'i0u. m may cull for, Jus McCarthy J II Elder Win Ktunluy D It Kulsuv Alf Kclnuy O W ilurer J Btcphensou ))'" "" I , WOl'orler Ilowardljomls N A Kchmltt ii ''Saiindcrt John Uinplc n - -Viu"," J w Thonipsou ( W Chirk o Cornell l oos Collliik a-i...u ij. AlonxoTunier W' M Mcl'urthy hum IIIhhi ;ut OMoJyiicux Kl'Oainhk- lIKWhltloc Ed Bheuhaii VV E Duwcon Ham Work Ch,is Fortune E C Dinkerson J A (.'ratty Jus W'urraek J'A Lucddemuiin J 8 Hhhiisoii W IJ Kemp ieo llilkr II I'roso Frank Miller Fred Jllilnr Litciiapmun O WKlun J O W'lluey D H itvan H II Miller it O (Jurlund T Jlt-iiiieglmn J I) Tuiiny W.Lpwln John Mulono J II Kclsuy I' Ilartwlg W M Duvey E C OfKalwIn T (J Condon V J Kepler J A Tilly J M Jteeder a 1 i.s ung kosb Alien Albert button K J (lllsaii E D Martin iin K IImKhiiI ii.,. h.i... Duvld rioott It J Wlklnglou r U Dial J Muloue John J'liclps 1'ntrlck Itadk'an Clmr csIiUuk H A Ediiiiii'soii I) A llowoll vvc, ry KV Hllvertooth ',s,"lw E Cusey Kerr Flu oy Slclkth JThoinision CIiuh (ullughcr John (Jnllaglier FrHnkKlncald J W Kcurlett Wulter Coudcll ui "Jul,ig tJeorgo Condon John MnU-iu mi JHIallk (Jeo Cnohmii Jl E MoKinnu rrunkNHniccr FrmiM Irvlim uv ...i,,, M Miller J TUeiiuutt JJ Wilov 1 riiiuyuon W p. in. Dally. fDatiy, cAte.i buiiaay. JIIN'INO CAIiH ON OUDEN JIOUTE. 1'UI.L.MAN 11UFFET HLEKI'EKH AND HECOND-CWSS BI.EEI'I.NO CARf: Attached to all ThroucU Train. nailing dates on me columDia PacKinoCo a;,'!.,'A!""""i'"'s'i Kutes Mid tickets to Eastern AUHTltALlA. 1 witiit and Ku HONOLULU anc All nhovo trains arrive at noil iirtmrt Orand (;eiitrul Htatlo,,. Fifth and irvnS'.'tSff YAMHILL DIVISION. I uAsenger Deiot, loot of Jciieroou utrect. U'uve for Hherldun, week davs nm-ii., . Arrive nt I'ortluud, u.i u.m ' ' " 1,30 p' m Kr'oayMl' r.2"K 0, """""J-. Wnesday and Bnturduv irn.iiK.. ... .iv. ...... u.... j ..' - " "'" ' Duy. "Except Huturday. ...T,"!'Kh Ticket Olliee.i:u ti,ii ...Z. ZV. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTDltEKH OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JKIF.D BEEF, ETC. lowest intes from "l K'KKIMNIJ, Ticket Agent. jyn- (JKlHKM)OttPFlCU Pliysician and Surgeon, Hl'cclal uttentlon given to surgery. iwoms n una TuJ SJ& As k cure for rheumatism Chamber lulu's Pain UhIiii ii Ktiintiiif W' tation. JJ, B. Juhnaton of Iticlimond, Intl., haahouu trpublod'wlth tlmt H' ment ainoe 1802. In epcuking of U ti ojh: "I nover found anytlilnK ,,),, would roliovo ue until I uhuiI Cliauibcf Uln'a Pain lialui. It otH like wle with uie. My foot wna ewollun pnlnlnir mo verv much, hut one f01 Innnllcatlon of luln Lulni rclioved Vogt uiock j For aiile by Blnkeley & Iloujihlo".