The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 21, 1900, Image 3

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    U. OF 0."NOTE8.
During the remaining
few days of our
White Goods Sale
We have put n tct:in1 price on n boautlful line of
Pillow Shams,
Table Centers,
Sideboard and
Bureau Scarfs.
These goods wore bought for ttio Holiday trade
am! arc fresh mid now, so that in conjunction with
our oilier Hale wo will clone these goods out at ex-
( 1i Imi' Tit li'iiu.
ft lly I
he Hour.
If money only grew on trees and everybody
owned an orchard it wouldn't make much difference
how It was spent. Being as it Is, makes an
all-fired lot of difference as to whether you spend it
wisely or otherwisely. Wo give everybody a chance
to como'in with us on the ground floor.
All of our regular 7iic, 85c, 1 00, $1.25 and 1.50
Men's Colored Shirts
A big line of Men's Tan '.j Ho?e, warranted fast
colors, worth in the regular way 2 for 25c
Only a few of the above two
lines left. See windows. New
goods arriving daily.
All Gooclo Marked
In Plain FlRiiron.
The Dalles Dailv Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1.
Vi;i)NlM)AV - - - FEB. '.'1, 1DP0
I Oysters
H'.TVCI 111
Ktylc ly
It le a fact that billiards resemble
nutriniotiy, in uh much as kisses and
(cratcli'.'H are common to both,
PvMl-V ll IV tl lift Inml nflu. j1b.. nt
v. .j iuiiU) unci uinj UHUU
wheat m huing hauled to the dock where
Itutnkun to Portland by the Regulator
ThiB morning Judge Brndshaw dls-
fhnri'i'il Dm !
ll tlio criminal cases having been die
posed of.
Tomorrow will be the anniversary of
Wnsliinglon's birthday, consequently
tho banks will bo closed and no legal
business transacted
The town is being billed for tho Shaw
vomtmny, which will play nt the Bald
sin on tliii 2l)th Inst. It's n good com
pany, bo (liin't mUs it.
Mlsa Kilith j. Cameron was married
jn Portland Monday afternoon to Connor
Malott, of Spokane. Mr. Malott is con
nected with tho Kpokesman-Review.
Alex Boyd and John Hitter killed two
augurs i tl0 ,U0UtniB Dear tho head
oltho McKay, north 0f lrlnovi!le. They
were both about seven feet in longth.
The plnuo used nt the entertainment
wt night by MIbh Mamio Helen Flynn
s tliu cwlubratod Lndwig, uud was
kindly loaned by the Jacobson Book &
Music Co.
In tho matter of tho State vs. Alva
NmmoiiH, dun-god wltli burglarizing
the store of Thos. Burgess nt Bakeoven,
oimmoiiB was allowed to plead gulltv to
Iniple laiueny.
Tho damn, which Ib usunlly givon nt
Baldwin o.or liouse, will not be
"U tonight, but on Satnrdav evening
"".regular noUw will bo given and tho
"Mtof iiiiifiiu furnished.
Hie weathuijforecaater or aomoQueolso
n authority must have gotten things
"'Willy mixed and sent in a liberal
Pply ol ruin today, when we had asked
'! Just a little sunshine."
TheBiunllimx patient ia reported to
" """'I! along nicely. Aayet he hae
" n fonilned to lita bed, but ia up
round and enjoying himself aa best
nf)eit under the ulrcumatanoea.
Jlie mombwa of the K, of P. lodge of
I ,i . w,1 went 10 H"1 Rvw yea
"Way to attend the ceremonlea at that
k" , ,8y lhy were royally treated and
Si!?0?1 U,,JV11 time. The ma-
h. lx '08u who nded returned on
,b midnight tralo.
Pwe of our aheepmeo have com
menced feeding, says the f'rineville J'e
view. This is an unusnal thing for this
country. Our people have been greatly
favored this winter nnd in conqequf nee,
stock of all kinds nro in good condition
nnd many of tho sheepmen will not feed
with the exception of a few out of each
band. Tho prospects for these people
this year are very flattering and will re
sult largely to the financial condition of
the country.
During tho past thirty dayB active
preparations for logging have been going
forward on the Columbia river. Perhaps
never in the history of the business has
so large an amount of logs gone in the
water nt thiH time of the yenr, owing to
fuvornble weather conditions. With the
present outlook the yenr 1900 will see
the largest output of logs on the
Columbia, estimated at IIOO.OOO.OOO feet.
Prices continue firm, prime logs bringing
ftl, with little chance of a drop for at
least several months. Aetoriu Daily
A Miltorliii)H Entertainment.
ately cleared, and to the strains of ex
cellent music, furnished by the Birgfeld
orchestra, those who so desired ended a
most pleasant and enjoyable evening.
Wool Scouriiij; riant.
The Indies of the Catholic church are
to be congratulated bv tho nubile for
giving such u splendid entertainment
lust evening. Each number was well
rendered nnd eagerly listened to by n
Inrge nnd enthusiastic audience. The
ball was tastily decorated with streamers
from the center of the ceiline to the
wnlle, which helped n geat deal to add
to the acoustic properties
Mr. Nicholas J. Siiinott announced
tho program, which began with an
overture by the orchestra. A male
quartet favored the audience with n
selection, nnd Mrs. Maud Eddon, who
Is always appreciated by our people,
thou recited "How Ho Saved St.
Mlcheal." Following this, Miss Unttle
Cram sang a solo- in a sweet voice and
wus forced to respond to an encore.
Miss Mumfo Helen Flynn, the
talented young-elocutionist nnd musician
entertained the audience with u recita
tion, entltled"The Hoise Jtace." She
was heartily encored ami responded
with a clever piece. In lier selections on
the piano she proved herself to be n
musician of tho highest order nnd
merited the repeated encores which
were showered upon her.
Misses Bonn nnd Sampson, In their
duet, "Two Merry, Merry GirlB," sang
with Buchi pleasant expression and force
that they wero compelled to come before
the audience n second time.
Mrs. B. S. Huntington favored tho
nudleuce with Mint old time favorite,
"Annie Laurie," nnd as usual delighted
all, for audi a aweet , true voice la rarely
Mr. Jnuies Benton rendered a difficult
cornet solo, which was Indeed clever,
and the piano accompaniment was ex
ceptionally pleasing to the ear.
Miaa Flynn then7 gave a scene from
Romeo and Juliet and showed by her
manner on the atage that Bhe would be
an Ideal Juliet. Thla, followed by a
election from the orchestra, ended the
It having been announced that dancing
would be In order the hall waa Immedi-
Our citizens should surelv come to
Eomo definite terms relative to the wool
scouring plant, for indeed other places
nro quite anxious for it. In yesterday's
iesue of the Telegram we find the fol
lowing: "The plrnis for promoting a wool-scouring
mill in Portland are held in abeyance
until the return to the citv of the man
who is nt the head of the proposition,
Mr. J. M. Itunsell.
"It is stated that Tho Dalles Commer
cial Association, alarmed at the interest
displayed by Portland in the project,
has been exerting everyfeffort the past
week to prepare the necessary subsidy
for the mill. Not only Tho Dalles, but
several other Kastem Oregon towns are
now clamoring for n wool-cleaning
plant. It has, in a measure, resolved
itself into a contest between the cities
adjacent to the fleece-producing sections
to see which shall offer the most favor
able propositions.
"President Taylor, of the Chamber of
Commerce, favors the project of a scour
ing plant, and several other citizens are
anxiDiis to have a conference with Mr.
Ross -II, the wool merchant who has
been in The Dalles for Beveral days
meeting the business men. It is stated
that tho question of floating the requisite
amount of bonds is still in doubt. It is
believed this could be done in Portland,
as the amount, $25,000, is comparatively
email in view of the direct nod prompt
returns from the handling of this sea
son's clip in this city."
James Farris died at the homo of his
son, John Farris, at Parkers, Wash.,
Jan. -9th, 1000, after an Illness of but a
few days.
Mr. Fnrris had reached the advanced
nge of ninety years, having been born
in Belmont county, Ohio, on October
22nd, 1800. Ho was married Dec. Oih,
1842, to Miss Martha Newnain, and
crossod the plains in 18(15, to Oregni,
whore he was closely identified with tho
early settlement and improvement of
Wasco county. He was noted all his
life for his strict integrity in nil business
dealing", and was never involved in n
law suit. He leaves a wife and two sons,
John W. and S. K. Furrie, ajid a daugh
ter, Mrs. Mary Alexander, all of whom
with seven grandchildren and one great
grand child, were with him during his
last hours. The remains were interred
in the Yakima City cemetery, and the
funeral was attended by a large number
of friends of the family. Uncle Jimmy,
as he waa familiarly called, waa well
known in The Dallea and vicinity, where
he resided for a great many years.
"Geo. Barbe, Mendota, Va., aaya,
"Nothing did me ao much good aa Ko
dol Dyapepeia Cure. One dote, relieved
me, a few bottlea cured me." It digest!
what you eat and curea dyspepsia,
Homer I. Angel Kleeted .Captnln
Track Team,
KniTon CriROXict.K :
Tho assembly Wednesday morning
was dedicated to our new paper.
Spcachcs wero made by a number of tho
sta IT, who predicted a bright future for
the Oregon Weekly. Considerable en
thusiasm was created, with the result
that the students are contributing liber
ally to the paper's support.
The Philoligan literary society met
Friday evening and listened to a pre
pared address on "Bacon's Rebellion"
by C, E. Sanders. The society debated
the question, "Resolved, That the
policy of the United States toward her
outlying colonies should be that of ulti
mate assimilation as opposed to making
them independent states." B. F. Wag
ner led the affirmative and T. W. Ham
mond the negative. The president de
cided that the most convincing argu
ment had been brought out by the
negative and rendered his dicision ac
cordingly. After the debate a mock
trial was held, nnd the sente nce of the
criminal to be pntin the bath tub was
duly executed.
The T.anrean society met for regular
debate, but were very pleasantly sur
prised by a 'visit troin the young ladies
of the Eutaxican society. The gentle
man declared the meeting adjourned to
"The Banquet." where they all partook
of an oyster supper.
Saturday evening the regular yearly
trynut to select a debating team to rep
resent the university for 10U0 occurred.
The affirmative of the question, "Re
solved, That tho policy of the United
States toward her outlying colonies
should be that of ultimate assimilation
as oppossed to making them independ
ent states," was upheld by W. L. Whit
tlesey, B. C. Jab way and B. C. Spencer;
the negative by G. O. Goodall and V. L.
Halt. The debaters were selected ac
cording to merit and not as to sides.
The judges decided that the honor of
the university should bo held this year
by A. U. Jack-way, W. L. Whittlesey
and G. O. Goodall.
Last season's track team elected
Homer D. Angel '00 captain for the
coming season at their meeting Tuesday
afternoon. On the sain 1 day Frtd
Zieglcr was fleeted captain of the in
door baseball. Manager Edwards has
arranged forn came with the O. A. C. at
Corvullis on February 22. The. team ,
will probably play Albany on its return.
A number ol new students were reg
istered d iring the week. 1
Dr. F. G. G. Schmidt, professor of !
modern language is preparing for a tip '
to Europe during the coming vacation.
1 . u.mTH 1 iuu.i.i. ,ii7iiiti "lull; i.h ntin n, ,i,i,iT
H aK r 'iB-l LYibV aBK
AVfegdable Preparation for As -similating
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digeslion.Cheerful
ncssandRest.Contains neither
Opiiiin.Morpliine nor Mineral.
flmythn Seal'
RxkU S.lit -
JkattSttd t
nfiifeprmw ritmr.
Aperfccl Remedy for Cons lipa
Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Conyulsions .Feverish
ncss nnd Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infanti and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
rv fJ Use
For Over
Thirty Years
W. J. Harris, of Goldeudale, is in the
Archie Powell left this morning for
Win. Frank has returned from n few
weeks' stay in Portland.
L. S. Doble, n popular traveling sales
man, is in the city today.
II. S. Jmes, of Grass Valley, ie reg
istered at the Umatilla House.
Mr. and Mrs.G. AUingham,of flalsey,
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. F.
Wm. Wurtzweiler came up from Port
land last night and left this morning for
his home nt Prineville.
Mr. Fred Buribtorf and wife re
turned yesterday from a wedding trip to
Victoriu, 11. G. nnd Soun I cities.
Messrs. John Malone nnd Doll Howell
who have been attending court, will
leave in the morning for Antelope.
Attorney Dan Mnlarky, who Iuih been
iu the city atiendin' court for some
days past, 'left on the afternoon train for
Jlie home at Portland.
A Splendid AsEortaient of Choice Garden. Grass and
Seed Wheat, Seed Oits,
Seed Kye. Seed Barley,
Sped Buckwheat, Seed Corn
King Phllio Corn,
Stowell's Evergreen Corn,
Early Minnesota Corn,
Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
White Hominy Corn.
Early Rose. Potatoes,
Bnrbnnk Potatoes,
Spring Vetches,
Brome Grass,
Cheap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Supplies.
A magnificent stock of Sti.plennd Fancy Groceries, all of
which will be sold at close pjjees for CASH at the Feed, Seed
and Grocerv Store of
For Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the .y."
Siguaturo of UGVV7
tluo 1'u ill try uud Ituliuu Hcfh.
Sllverlaced Wyamdotte, Engllfh lied
Cap and Hoso Combed White Leghorn
chickens for sale. Single birds $1 each,
EgKS for setting $1 per fifteen.
Italian bees $1 per pound. Queen
bees warranted purely mated, 75 cents
each. Queens sent by mall and sale ar
rival guaranteed. Address
Mns. A. A. Ilo.NXKV,
feb'Jl-lmo Tygh Valle) , Or.
Auutlier Cam.
Is heard every day iu Spokane but in
The Dalles It ia insure with Tho Law
Union, & Crown Insurance Co,, nnd they
will take care of ull cases. Insure today,
tomorrow may be too late, Arthur
Seufert, Resident Agent. ' 'Phone HI.
Ulrl Wanted.
To do general housework, Must be
good cook. $16 a month. Inquire at
this office.
1 Hfr-J
"With every one dol
lar purchase at our
store during January
and Fcbruarv wo will
9 give a chaiK'o on a
Tli08e sharp North winds. They creep
uround the corner or come iu chunks or
A cold snap calls for hot cakes ami
maple syrup. Wo have thu best that
money can buy.
,H.O. Pancake Flour
FREE with every purchase of II. O.
Granulated Hominy, H. O, Steam Cook
edUat Meal or If. U. Buckwheat Flour.
This od'er will not last binir. to order
early mid get oiih packaiteof 11, O. Pun-
1 cake Flour FREE.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Alumini'.ed Ciarland
Steel Kango.
piaier & Benton
Dull Headache, Puini iu various parts
of the body, Sinking nt the pit of tho
stomach, I.osj of appetite, Feverlshness,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences,
of impure blood, No matter how it
became so it must be purllied in order to
obtain good -health, Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisoua or any other blood
diseases. It ia certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
a poaitive guarantee, BlakeleyA Hough
ton'a drug store.