I m For a Nice Suit of Clothes. FaoJInt. Oveswxifln- or ?ih vmlne. which thn prowera think they sec in projnect. The top price now is said to be a fraction under 9 cents. ?fntl(a m tm Po title. ! Catarrh Caniint J with Focal applications. ln C ii rrrt a? they cannot j reach the scat of the disease. Catarrh ' i" a hlood or conatitntional diane, and i in order to cnre it yon mnt take inter , nal remedies. FlallV Catarrh Cnre i ' Ufccn internally, tfnd acta directly on I tbo blood and mncou snrfaces. Ball's The Colnmhia Southern Railway Com pany will compete its line and he rmidy to receive forward freight and pupsengwrs r from Shaniko not later than April 15, 1900. Large warehouse? and stock yards . will he erectwl anil ready for wool and I noeb hy the above date. Fretsht rates j wiU be considerable lower than by team from The Dalle?. Hegnlar tariff wi;'. he published shortly. For further information call on or address C. E. Lytic, General Freight Just What You tu&nt. . Catarrh Cnr? is not a fjnacfc medicine, It wa? was presented by one of the best Ajnnt, Moro, Ore., or the nndersiened. ' physician? in tbi conntry for years, and E. E. Lytlb, i is a reanlar prescription. It is cotnpoed feblft-tf General Ma naif i-r. of th bet tonics known, combined with the bet blood purifiers, actintr directly on the mncon? snriaces. The perfect ( combination of the two ingredients is KinOly full ttn6 ftmlw nry rrt of Im frttim una V ictUc Woolen. A fine JtocSt retort Irrrm Pnll mud Iforo t hf lW price to the man ft gt ae. Fine Tailoring. ; J. A. Eberle what prwince3 snch wonderfni resnlw in coring Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. K. .1. Chkxkv & Co., Prop-)., Toledo 0. Fold by drrnjssists, price Sc. Halt's Family Pills are the best. 12 BUSINESS LOCALS. RUmirck'a Iron r Was the resnltof his splendid health. ! Indomitable will and tremendons enemy ; are not fonnd where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If yon want these qnaiities and the snccess they brinir, nse Dr. King's Sew Life , Pills. They develop every power o( brain and body. Only 25e at P.iakeley 1 A Plonghton's drnestore. 2 mw -Jam REGULATOR LINE Str. Res-uSator. Dalles, Poitlam & Istoria lai. Co. ! pnjri of tin- RiraUtnr Line wtt rnn as pr th- . 9 i ' 11 .1 Ifw'-jir -b!a tan Company rewrvlnc the rigil to rJun"? i.v 1 1 ' TuiwUf J TtmxiUT Jitiiritiiy . Arr Piirilunil J, ttt " r Dn'i'S Duller Ship your Freight via Str. Dalla City. (Tonchlcc t all Way fti ;j , .r Pnrslunil 111 T A M. .MiiwInT Vilnl"r iSnS Regulator line. Arr lira. Iiwy. !.. lnln at r, ; a. x. Mrinly WfdDiJajr Frl3r. Arr. I'nrrland (uncerlelr.) tut. itAi.t.r. , (mr.c.os. The Dalles Daily Ghroniele. j Curr Jlfiactanhff (Juie.kly. Baldwin's sparkling effervtiscent Cel- , , ery soda. A harmless and effective care honse. tf for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, Clarke A Fa!k have on sale 8 foil line fattens. 10 and 2. cent. Sold : 5nlcribe for Thk Ckijon-jck. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware- of paint and artist's bribes. by Clarke fe Faifc-, drniats. jan24-6 New ideas m Wall Paper here. Such wide variety aa we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion crBton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tastefni colorings, yonrs for a small price, at oar store on Third street. Also a fall line of bouse paints. D. W. VATTSE, Third St. F- s. Gunning, FOR COMFORT rr a t-. PnrtUiad 5 Tbnrvlr J ?tii1iiT '2 Arr. tm.ioi -4 (ancv r;m; .J) ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ? TmvMi hv the ?tinn-r nf the ErnUtir IJiir- The CwnpunT will cnirnr to rire it ta! ! - - . . . i v i r n.n. .tn . i j. ! Pnrtlnnil f jHIm-. OhS atreef D x;t. & loii rvlcr p.wIble. W. ALLAWAY, Gen. Ait. srnscKiPTios fkick. ) t'?e Clarke A Falk's qninine hair tonic j Experience is the best Teacher. Tie One week I 15 ' to keeP dnr.drnff from the head. j Acker's English P.emedy in any case of Dnn innnth . 50! Yon will not have boil" if yon take ; eongh, cold or cronp. Should it fail lo Or,, year 6 00 j c'Rrke folk's snre cnre for IraiU. j j,-,7e immediate relief money refunded, j I Clarke & Falfc's flavoring extracts arp ; 25 cts. and 50 cts. Uiakeley h lionghton ' the best. Ask your grocer for them. i Drnggists. ! Ash your grocer foT Clarke A Falfc's ' jir3. j. K. Milier. Newton Hamilton. ! a a . . 1 ' t pure cor.rentraieii flavoring extract!. j. writes. ' I think Is Witt's Witch Floral iotion will cnre wind chapping i Salve the grandest silve madK." WEDNESDAY FEB. 21, 1W0,1 THE I'AHMLll EXPANDS. Cnlifofnia 1ms beciiri n movement ; "r,d "nbnrn. , , , , 7. fals. ior inierounnKe 01 tiows nwiuiit; me ngr iciilturnl clnsscs of that wonderful stnte, the scliemo providing for lectures by the most notctl professors nt her universities mul eollecs. Tliis Mannfactnred by Clarke ! It cores pi!es and heala everything All fraudulent imitations are worthies-" ...... . l.aiejt thing in cameras are im I proved Mngnzine cyclones at Donnell's ' drug store. Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. c. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISEET from L 75 to 6 00 pr callon. -1 to 15 ynttrt od.) ' IMPOETED 00GSA0 from ?7 ()0 to 1.0Q per gallon. (11 to 20 ytarg old.' OALjrOHKIA ERAHDIES ft-m I3.'.'5 to C (O it gallon. J4 o 11 yt-ars oldV ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. I DitWitt's Witch Until Salve is nn j ecjnalled for jiiles, injorie? and skin diaea'es. It is the original Witch Ilzel Clarke A Fnlk hive received r. carload j j,, r;ewRrf. fJf an connterfeita. of the celebrated James E. I'atton i Por. Seconi 4 LailB. 7mtV- 0LYMPIA BEER on dranght, Imported Ale and Porter. and Vu! Blatz and Olympia Beer in lwttlet in n state where ngnetilture in nil its J strictly pnro Hqnid paints phnscs flourishes as In few other lands ! W yonr eyesight is failing yon nn iindnr the sun. Cnliffirnin brieves in : dotihtedly need glasses and liotirishinK her industries, not the them attended to nt once. shonld have It would be i WCII L..1II fill A IICUi Li. J.lGltT?. .t.lDl.Lllll. ' least of which is tilling the soil, i optician, who will examine yorr eyes! W. S, I'hilpot. Albany, Ga., says, "DeWitt's Little Early I:isers did me! i more good than any pills I ever took." i The famous ilttle pills for constipation,; biliousness and liver and bowci tronbtee. I r JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. After 3'cars of experiments, where the farmer know3 by experience j nearly everything there is to be! l:nown of the capabilities of his land, ' free of charge. John Dirr, I'oseyville, Ind., says, "I Minnie Cou(rh Cnre. Wo are never tritr.riMf tf " flntfrrr t.fnaVa nr. nnn.a he finds it to his profit to keep j ,, M Cat(!H Bf, llirrmt nrid ,nn(f nlircnst of the times nnd lenrn by j troubles. Its nso will prevent consumo meeting with his fcl'ow laborers in ! lion. Pleasant to take. I institutes and conventions. j ,13" 7777"",.,,,,. The activity of Eastern WnsliitiL' ( pneumonia 1 used One Minute CoiikI. jaturo fllntrciSht8tihCf00ddaDd.B,d8 ton this winter along tlieso lines bngjCuru and three bottles of it cured me. ; BtructinK the xbaiiBted been marked. In nearly every sec-1' 'B also the best remedy on earth for J fans. It la the latest disco vered digest- n.nr.. w iinopiiiB conpli. Jt cured mv Krand-1 mui u,,u -ru oiner preparation mere , ., , ... . rnn nnrironr.li It In cnifli.ncv It ir.. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ..GHflS. mH- Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kcjx nn dritnzht the clebrat COI.fMHIA llKKIl, ncknow: vflyeii the tnt W-r in The Iot!eii, ntthPo.ual prlec. Come in, try i' mul be rriTtvltirwJ. AIo the Kln-t jfancj (it Wlnei, U jnur nni ClcM.-s. Sandrjuiehes of all Kind nlwayn nn hnnd. I i;eal?:b is iflll kinds of ; Funeral Supplies tion where farms arc tilled bave been well attended gatl; Kcicntific men to address practical men to contribute without i results pa3' the result of their experiments, nnd the result has bjen to weld to gether the workers who n few years ago were confined to the narrow bounds of their little communities for education in thuir particular science. Agriculture is destined to remain as much of a science in the north west: as mining. In the long run it will become far more important, for there will be money made from farms long after the minernl fields have been 'exhausted. Hence Ihe farmer who fails to attend these winter schools is not keeping abreast of the j . ,. , can approach It in efficiency. It In- 'cures Heartburn, Vi Knttanu Cures cougliB, colds, croup nnd . SickHeadache.Gastralgifi Cranips.and , . j children of the worst cases," wriles Jno. ' n"PI 'if" ' V'i "CIom?r. Xt athermtrs, i, . T . T. s , .Btantly relieves and permanently c Ileiry, Innton, I'a. It is the only ' Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Hearth jss tueni, ! harmless remedy that gives immediate , Flatulence, Hour Stomach, Nau throat nnd lung troubles. It ;rvents consumption. Children always like it. Mothers endorse it. : all other results of ImperfectdigeBtlon. freoorao oy t. c. orwr. A Co.. CIjicobo- WINTER TRIPS. For wln'.er residence or winter outiui; ideal conditions will be found on every hand in California. Plenteous early rainfall has this season given to the acuii'tropical vegetation wonderful im petus ; the floral offerings are more than usually generous nnd the crop of southern fruits bountiful and excollunt. Old ccenn possesses new charms at Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Long Beach, Corouudo and the enchanted isle of the sea, Catallun whoro fishing, boating, rambling, riding, bunting and uay bo enjoyed as nowhere else. Quiet little epots, snug, nndwarm, ofTar themselves nt Monteoito, Nordholf, Pasadena, Eclio Mountain, Kan Jacinto, Fall Brook and Pulin Springs. For renewing health ond vigor, here abound many hot springs, of widely varying constituents and demonstrated merita j the dry, ant t tic, tonic air of the desert may be enjoyed at Banning, Indlo, Yuma; and, even farther on, nt Phoenix, Tucson, 1 Paso, exists con ditions equally well indicated for weak throats and lungs. Many think nothing in nature more attractive than the shimmering olive I-. I l.. I n.. t. . . i firi.o 4tm ,mim ,i ... i.wurLUl"U0 n,tt waroara anu hnn T " """jDifgojothers prefer the stately walnut .mmbw-j uiu oiiusfi, auiu. of Ventura and Los Niulos, or thu smpU((tlHll!0lqphoii0 company to Hie j louions of Fernando; hut for glorious OQMfGuLonyA'rust compnni', ofllos-j'ruit ni1 graceful treecommend us to jltOihiwtflledttti'.Tacoma. 'TuGtinortuuiro H,. Koma" oK-',.Hrt, laBtandolwoyN, Coviim, Riverside, Kedlanda 'and High lands. Kiiually interesting is the oienllfiutand tempting Ushlon in which thettorting and packing of the orange is ihoreiHcconpliahed. iTtie fatthlul were exhorted to we Mecaamnd Bhuffle off; but wiwr gener. luitkMM .will tee California of the south awl pro 9Hii life. t fiM ,i ikaiMriCUMMa. aillftty iWllHltl iMCMtMPwl nflnr toJinmMnm, owlUilWiPtM at mr times. He will find himself left be bind in the race for wealth and will struggle along with the antiquated methods which marked the efforts of the first settlers. 'J!be rise of the farmers' institutes gives additional dignity to the call ing. They will furnish the incentive ;for, more young men and women to -ndqptubat honorable means of enrn ung ttm -independent livelihood. iokeamnu-Jleview. MUM'S PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. i,Rn",T" '!'."Pl. I'rnt Uire ili-AiUrl, U,,,H.a,i, tr' t . v V W" "nil Minw fr"?. or full ln tt, l. ttuld b, druMin,. dr. bcSANKU CO. PWli! P C. S. Smith, Tin: ilp-to-dateQroeer Fresh Hgga and Creatno'y lluttt-r a specialty. 2d Street. iiv.eiKOijiiiipiMjrty iin flVulttuiitan, iCtfoii);iNe.vrtdfl finnd .sAriKona tto ttwwrunbwtd iiwue mnd iis inaUo tn iUnumlmottaly An whlok ilio NlMltlkereyire?frn IfiiHrfaStofilliu'iflO ftff iHwir mm mat utt -Jim iTSt 7j 'Phone 270. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rilANHACTA KNKKAbllANKINO 1IUHINKH Letters of Credit Issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Now York, Gliicago, St. Louis, Sun Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, nnd various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable tonus. J.8. HCIIBNK. I'rcaiUent. II. M, IlKAl. , " CasliUi first National Bank. THE DALLES ... ORBQON General Banking Buslntti tnwMMttd jjepwiw reeetvea, lunject te Bight Draft or OheSk! Oolleetloae made tad procM4i Mrewptli remitted oa dev of Bhjlit ud TelemMhle JRsetuuuw told ea Hew York, Dm Fw eie ud Nrt. lead. En. M . mmaun. Qh. A. Limm. U. M. Sball. Complete Cipe of at M. Z. DONNELL, THEiDRUGCIST. Crandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS EMEALMERS The Dalles. Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. . PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot n kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, n kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SPfeeo Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. ThlB Klonr ib manufactured expressly for family ...ii , ... i i ' U8,: evt,rvack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. ,.,.ii .ii,?! Ur vowiB low'"rltli" ny house in the trade, and if yoo don't think to call and gut cur pricce and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. IUU-U t"-IJ--U" Ll-U- l-,v" C. F. Stephens ..Donlur In ty Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoofi HIiihik. Hull,, Chk, Niillmm. mi vi, .. iMiiiKin" niiiH.', Agt. ii Tulupln uIuiiIkiiio No. 8H. hvuiiiiu m., Ttie Dalles, Or, Bt?OS.. 1 ! BL0KELE Y k HOUGHTON. Wholesale and Retail (i K.N II UAL BiacKsmiins ...ANU. "I had dyspepsia for years. No ineill olne was so effective as Kodol Dyspepsia Our. It gave Immediate relief. Two bottles performed Marvelous results," writes L. H. Warren, Albany, Wis. It diests what you tat and cannot (ail to cart. Horsesnoers DHUGGI5I3 Wagon and Carriage Werk. Flah Srothera' Wagon. Third and Mown, -tTta-iyiiiiBaBt Phone 159 Hf. 8TUHDEVANT, Dentist. Olilcu over Krunch 4 t'o.'a Bank Mieuee, TlrU)Al.U,OKKUON Carry the Largest Stock of Drugs Mi Druggists' Sundries la Eastern Oregon. 175 S8CMI Xtrtet. THE DAUB FKD. W.WlUtOM. ATTOJUiCY.AT LAW, novrog tub nai.i.KM. OKEGO" OOiOf ov rift Kt Bsaft.