1'KOri.K YOU AM. KNOW. scott, of Tygh Valley, is !n town A. I) toil uv. Emerson Williams, of K'nHcy, ie the city. W in Eczema ! The Only Cure. Attorney G, is in the city. BOERS ARE DRIVEN ACROSS THE TUGELA rrnpnmtln for Rvfunrflnir Water lloniU, lUllfta City Oregon. tnleton, of Portland, ! Eczema is more than a skin disease, anil no sum remeuies can cure u. jliiu , . I .. . ..IT..,.. .. ........ .1 I T. e.l, of th- Pendleton W oolen tm?ir minerui mixtures nro dnninping . Mill?, is m the city. 1 10 t-ie mos powerful constitution. The , n n Hiirt .it-. nf Tlnml vfr. iii wnoie trouuie is in mo mooa, mm the cttv on business. l.rucr nnd Henry Driver, of Wamle, 1 diseases Swift's Specific is the only remedy winch can reach.suenueep-seateu uioou are iu the cltv on business Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. to liooil River this afternoon. Hon. H. V. Gates ntul wif., of lltlls boro, are visitim; in the city. T. Rnreess ntul wife return-d lust evening from a short visit to Portland. Wm. Hastings, who lost his house in Liberty distriet last Sunday, is in the city. Mrs. A. Conlev and daughter, of Albany, are registered at the Umatilla time the tlist bottle was iliiUheiirher luvul be Hoilse. ' P"i to heal. A dozen bottle cured, her com- , uletely and left her skin perfectly smooth. She H. W. French left on the afternoon is now stxtwn years old. and has n mapnltlcent ..!., fn !., ,i., ,t .iw..u l.u chniul . ' prowth ot hnlr. Not n sign ot the dreadful train for 1 ortiantl w here lie w ill spenu a ji3eaiC j.as cvcr returned. few days. I II. T. SiiottK. , . it 2701 Lucas Ave., St. Louis, Mo. P. K. Allen, advauce naent of the , Shaw Compauv, is in the citv urrunging Don t expect local applications of for several performances next week. sls and salves to euro Eczema. They ... ,r . , , reach only the surface, while the di- Miss Mamie Helen Hynn, the tnlfiite.l ; gease comes from within. Swift's voting iimsician and elocutionist, arrived . SDecinc 1 . . I - T . ... . ! on ycsieruny g train irom iiuiuinviion and is visiting with her mints, the Misses Fl vim. Keicna broke oat on my daw-liter, nnd eon Plumps went tlnued to spread until ; her head was entirely ' covered. She was treated by several pood doctors, but pnw worse, and the dreadful disease spread j lo her face. She was taker, to two celebrated 1. A-.lt!. ennrts l.t.t . eclved no benellt. Mor.v JtM?JiSs--;..ctl, patent medicines were taken, but without re i suit, until we decided to try S. S. S.,nndby the ISOKN. C C Cr The Blood SiH'MiiiM Hie BnrgUer Forcos al Colciiso on All Ste and. After Hard FiM iiE Forced Tiiemto Aljauflon Their Strong Positious. BRABANT'S FORCE IN DORDRECHT Sealed proposals will be received by the board of water commissioners of Dalles City, Oregon, nt enld city until 8:30 o'clock p. m. of the 26 day of Feb., 1000, for twenty-five thousand dollars; and twenty thousand dollars of refund ing water bonds of said city, (as it is not settled as to whether the total amount of bonds will be $25 000 or $20,000' au thority is extended to the said hoard lo issue refundlm? water bonds iu thu sum 1 uf $2.",0G0, but if found not to be mxi's jr.. sarv, the issue will he for no more than . $20,0i)0; and at a rate of interest noU'.x- IV eeedlni four per cent per annum pav-' J able twenty years from date of issue, I S interest payable semi-annual! v, piinci- pal and interest payable In gold coin of ! the United Slates, nt any city therein, at the option of the buyer. The bonds mentioned will be issued'. ,.,.,l..- ,1... ....,!,:..., i ,i. .,.,,,. l I.,,.. 1 " islative nets of the Plate of Oregon, ap proved Fob. 2(5, 18S5, Feb. IU, IS.iU, and Feb. 14, 1895, and in pursuance of an or dinance adopted by the common council of Dalles Oitv, approved January 25, H'00. The proposed refunding water bonds are intended for the redemption r The Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON RANGES, JVfajestie i ). ). i . I I 1. I I f I ' i I Experts are Not Entirely Satisfied With .... .. . ... .., i. .11 . , i iiwuiia iift3 iiuuiiuuii Mir lilt: leuriiiiiiiiMi Situation at Kim1orlc Huller Is of outstanding water bonds in the sum Said to Have Captured. inn Prison ers, Much Ammunition and Pro; visions. At Boyd, on Sunday, Feb. ISth, the wife of J. H. Hannn, a daughter. Sheep Men Tnke Notice. to is the only cure nnd will reach the most obstinate case. It is far nhead of nil similar remedies. hr-enusp it mires pjisps 1 The Queens. which are beyond their reach. S. S. S. is J northern slope London. Feb. 19. The war office has received the following dispute!) from , General IJuller: "Choveley Conip, Feb 19. I yester day moved around the enemv's Hank t. s. s. of $25,000 ; but in case the board of water j 2. commissioners profer.it will isEiio re- 3 funding bonds for $20,000 only, therefore j f bidders mav make proposals for holh,M $25,000 nnd $20,000, and iu the donomi- W nation of $500 each. I ij' No bid will bo entertained for a rate j 5' less, than par value of the bonds, l'rem- 'fr iunis nnd rate of interest will he taken jP into consideration in passing on the'?, value of all bids. 1 .1, Bidders must deposit with the presi.'g dent of tho board n duly certified check : h on some responsible bank equal to 2 per 1 Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are I ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. It appearing that the sheep belonging to Mr. H. C. Rooper are or may be Elightly nlilictcd with scab, and weather conditions being such that said sheep cannot be dipped at the present time, it is thereby ordered that said sheep be quarantined until such time as thev can lip nrnnprlt llinnofl nn flio rtinrrua l.uv.- t tofore and usually used by Mr. Rcoper, and bounded somewhat vaguely as fol lows: On the west bv the Bake Oven and Prineville road ; on the south by the top of the lidge half way between Boat creek and Deep canyon ; east by rtdie between Indian creek and Boat creek; north by ridge half way between Oehoco gulch and Coon hollow. It is especially enjoined on the herd ers and persons in immediate charge of of these sheep that they use every pre caution in their power to prevent any of eaid sheep from straying or in any man ner coining in contact with other sheep And all other persona having sheep in this vicinity or wishing to drive any eheep througli this section of country nre warneu not 10 cross or in any man ner trespass on the above described rsnee. It also appearing that a small band of eheep belonging to Frank Taylor oti Three-Mile creek are slightly infected with scab. It is ordered that said sheep be quarantined in an enclosure of eaid Frank Taylor until cured of said disease. The Dalles, Or., Feb. 15, 1900. A. A. BONNKY, Slock Inspector Wasco Co. purely vegetable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no pot ash, mercury or other mineral. Books mailed free by Swift Specifla Company, Atlanta, Georgia. who had bivouacked on the wal nf tllu "T0""1,0 J!?"13 I"'1 ,fr' ,r I If , . , , ., I accompany his hid with cash of such fc- pe of Cingolo, crossed the j aniount lls wj- cqmii Bnch ..r cont 0f 2 ItlKllt to l'sllllel. The woman who is lovelv in face, form and temper will always have friendp, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and nil run down, she will be nervous und irritable. If she has con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters Is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidne.VB and lo purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-do.-n invalid. Only 50 cents nt Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. JlHCrnni Tickled Over Ills Hensulloii. l-iTTHnuiiG. Feb. 19. Charles E. Ma- the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one. of the best physicians in this country for years, and ia a regular prescription. It is composed of the .best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials tree. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O Sold by drrugsxists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best Nek, and supported by the rest of the Second brigade, under Hildyard, as saulted and took the southern end of Monte Cristo the left or western slope, and the Welsh fusiliers, supported by the rest of the Sixth brigade, assaulted the eastern flank of the enemy's position, while the Second brigade of cavalry, 011 the ex his hid, nnd such certified check mnde payable to the president of the board of 1 water commissioners of Dalles Git v. Or., I l:..:. !....! .1 : - . i. i.:.i.i.. ,, t. 1 1 , I " miununuw u.nmiUL'a in cast' wiu iiimult Hie Fourth brigade, on shall fail or neglent to receive and pay, for, at the office of the city treasurer of said city, tho bunds awarded to him on his Did, on or before the first day of March, 1900. Attention should he given the fact I that the board will not issue and dispose ' t a i An.k tm . t . I . . t . . . ' Konic'iiibcr that wo are soiling tho same from $45.00 to $60.00 AVhifii i i a saving to our customers of from $15 to $25 over p co charued by Jtctidlos for inferior ranges. '. ,ite for pamphlet, ''Majestic Evidence." a u 1 i il .R.&N. C. S. Smith, Tin: tretue rivrht, watched the eastern slopes J ot '"ore than $20,000 of such refundini; of Monte Cristo and drove hack those of ! uonuf "'"see c 1""V ,)C - "we"l eaiy iu uu so, out otherw ise, 11 ill ' ooarii 12 JAPAN WILL ASK THE SAME FAVORS Will Be Adversely AlTectcd by the French Treaty The Treaty Switzerland. Xcw With New iork, Feb. 19. A special to the Herald from Washington says: Although Japan has not addressed any remonstrances to the government re specting the treaty of reciprocity negoti ated by this government with France, she has made it plain to the authorities that she will be ad yersely affected by the provision lelating to silks. Tho United States is unable to take anv action in the matter except to negotiate a treaty of reciprocity with Japan in case the French treaty is ratified, which is, from the present cutlook, an altogether un likely event. The French treatv will exnire the latter part of next month, providing ratifications have not been expressed by .t...; I:. t . .. umi time, unu 11 nus noi yet neon n ported by the senate committee. The etate department officials insist that inteiests at first opposed to the treaty have, to a large exten', withdrawn their opposition, hut senators familiar with the lituation say the treaty will not be ratified. The section of the treaty of friendship, the enemy who attempted to escape there from our artillery lire. "Assaulted by heavy artillery fire on their front and flank nnd attacked 011 their flank and rear, the enemy made but slight resistance, abandoned their strong positions and were driven across the Tugela. I have taken several camps, a wagonload of ammunition, scvcial wagons of stores and supplies and a few prisoners. The weather is intensely hot, and the ground traversed was exeeding ly difficult, but the energy and dash of the troops has been very pleasant to see They have all done splendidly. "The woik of the irregular cavalry, the Queens, the Scots fusiliers and rifle brigade was perhaps most noticeable, while the excellent practice of the ar tillery and naval guns and steadiness of the gunners, under nil times, was re markable. The accurate flro of the naval guns from Cheveley was ol great assistance. Our casualties are not, I think, many." Dun 11 an, Feb. 10. The bombardment of the Boer position 011 Ilangawana Hill was continuous yesterday and fighting ie still proceeding at C o'clock this evening. It is said the British have captured 100 prisoners. STimhTuoKM Camp, Sunday. The Boers are retiring and General Brabant's forces are now entering Dordrecht. the Swiss confederation in cimmerce granted to crnm, ex-consul of I'retor.'a, South Africa, ! commerce and extraditi on with Switzr-r lett for V ashington tonight, at 10 o'clock land, negotiated in lSoO, requiring the extension to of any favor other nations, will be abrogated nxt month, and with it the embarrassment suffered because of the possibility of oilier nations claiming the extension to them of the most-favored-nation clause will be removed. Tiiero is no intention on the nnri nf uvcr mo rueci 01 ma siaiement made f the authorities to revive the treaty with public last week, ami says that, although' Argoritlna, but they propose to ueo all he is not acquainted with Congressman the influence they can to obtain ratifica Wheeler, of Kentucky, who introduced tion of the French treaty. An official 6 resolution in the house asking for an said last night that in the evuitofthe investigation ol his case, he will call j failure of contfress to ra'ify the French upon him tomorrow or next day. The i treaty, the tariff wall raised around the ex'coiitul saysheisnot goingto Wash- United States by the Dingley law would, iugton on any special mission, but wants in the end, result in limiting the Amer- 10 oeon uiegrounaiogiveiiis testimony can markets, through European retalia cuoo 11 ii uo neeueii. on the Baltimore fc Ohio road. Befoie leaving he eaid : ''I do not withdraw u word of my uhnrges against the British officials in South Africa. If I am called upon, I am prepared at any time to testify to them nnd furnish evidence of their truthful, nees." Mr. Macruin is evidently delighted shall find that it is necessary to issue bonds in the sum of 5,000, it will then offer nnd issue the full sum, (?25,0O0). The right to reject any nnd all bids is reserved by the said " board of water commissioners. Bids should be addressed to the presi dent of said board, or to tho citv record er, Dalles City, Wasco county, Oreuon, and noted ''Proposals for refunding water bonus." By order of the Board of Water Com mission, by and with the consent of the Common Council. This -'5th day of Januarv, 1900. T. J. SntTKKUT, (f.. S.J President of Board, Attest: Kko H. Gates, Recorder of Dalles Citv. KKI-AItT run Fust .Mull 11:11 1. in, TIMS frrilKM.'I.r.. AlllllVK t ll DALLKS. Fl'OM. Htilt l.iikr, Denver, Ft. Fnt Worth, OiiihIiii, IChii- Mull ..ik city, Ht. Louis, U'.ri.'i p in Chicago mill Kiust. Up-to-dateiroeer Freeh Kggs and Creauio-y Butter a specialty. 'Phone 270. It It Lumber C'urRo. Oakland, Cal., Feb. 19. The largest cargo of lumber ever consigned to thif fiort is now being discharged. It consists of l.L'OO.OOO feet of Oregon pine and was towed to this city by the tug Sampson. As a cure for rheumatism Chamber Iain's Pnin Balm is gaining a wide repu tation. I). B. Johnston of Richmond, Intl., has been troubled with that ail. ment since 180:2. In speaking of it ho says: I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamber. Iain's Pain Balm. It nets like magic with me. My foot whs swollen nnd paining me very much, but one good application of Pain Balm relieved me. tor sale by Ulakeley & Houghton. fiiMkunc Flyer 7:03 p. 111. b ji. m. 1 t x p. m. Wiilla Wnlla, Hpokiiiio, .MlllllClllxlllil. hi. I'imlJ jin III t Ii, Jlllwmikw, l:Jiu. in (.'lilci!-.'!) mill Kiiat. Hixiktiiic Flyer. Fiiom I'oirrLANii. (lecmi Hti'nmslilis. ! Fnr bun Frniielsco I Dtxember 3. H, 1.1. b, a' mill 'is. I 4 p. m. I p. m. j 2d Street. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ritASHACTA KKEKALBANKI.NO HOfcLSKi Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange aud Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicaijo, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore eon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. I...siiliaay;cilumtila Uv. filcaimTn. Kx.tHiiiilm . 'TO AXTrilll. ,... M.D.nUIIHK, 1 .i... ' 1 l'ri'sldiMit. Kilturilay l'l p. m. Liunllng!,. fin. m. WlLLAUKTTr. Hivkk. il:S0p. m. Kx.!!iiiiUyiOreff.m (Jlty. .VcwlM.rt;, Kx.Biintlu) biilvin & Way l-niiti's. nii-n.uiur. mm. tivKits. Mon.AV.il mm tut. OreK'in City, Dnytnn, mid Fri. .' mid Wiiy-ljinilliiKs. II. M. USAI- , Cashier II U Life Wna Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he says : "I was taken with Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was so weak I could'nt even sit up in bed. Xothinf flf'tripf inf.. T OVUOKlnrl In drum 1 .- , t , . . ttmii one kiiIIoii, In Hie tnivn o( blmiillJo. Iii An- die of consumption, when I heard of tclope I'recli.ct, Iu thu ci.imty " "r A" ip hnHnlff!l., .,..'.,.,M,0M W?1 '." ''I rtccipt from the ft II. m. Wlf.f.iurrri- Pivim) 1 .m ... Ttiu..TiiuriirtMiid to 'corvrt'lliii, Jl'on. Vni ami bat. anil Wny-Lmiilliigs. mm! Friday Lv Hlparlii rtaliy I I. '.Ma. III. I Hkakk Hivkb. Hlaria to l-uwlntcm. i I.EAvre I.KWUTO.N ilally b-;.io a. in, pfst national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Bunking Business transacted Depooits received, subject to Sight Draft or Cheek. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Now York, Han Francisco and port land. DIHKOTOKS D. P. Thompson. Jno. H. 8chbncc Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Lirdk. H. M. Ukai.i.. .f??T.-.,,"r.IK? "I'liiK 10KO to If ftiiitr Mlmuld , . 'I he Dalle nt 71 p. m t......, " "h '.tvv.n.,n,uv.;.iiMi 111 iieniiuer I i.urnviiiB nt The Dulles at I Junction with No -::- l in, Catnrrli Cannot lie Curtil tvith local applications, as (hey cannot reach the teat of the disease. Catarrh ft- a nlootl or constitutional disease, and in order fo cure it you must lake inter, nnl' remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is token internally, and acts directly on tion on Aiiierlc.in products. Sick Head tche absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy, Satisfaction guaranteed or money bsck. So cts. and 60 cts. Blakeley k Houghton Druggists. Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it and now am well and strong. I can say too much in its praise." This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular nines 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeloy & Houghton's drugstore; every bottle guaranteed. Itttttln-Hlilp WUuuiitln. San Fkancihco, Feb. 10. The battle ship Wisconsin, now building nt the Union Iron Works, is fast Hearing com pletion. She will probably be ready for her trial trip before July 1. I own Jail Itohheil. Someone robbed the Hood ltiver jail of the bed clothes ued by the guests. and now is tho time to insure with the Law Union & Crown Insurance Co. and avoid the danger of firo robbing you. A. beufert, resident ngent. 'Phone 141J "I had bronchitis every winler for years and no medicine gavo ine perma nent relief till I began to take One Min ute Cough Cure. I know it Is the best cough medicine made," says J. Koonlz, Corry, Pa. It quickly cures coughs. colds, croup, asthma, grippe and throat and lung troubles. It is the children'. favorite remedy. Cures quickly, j NOTICE of Application for Liquor License. To All Whom It Mav Conckism . f,'0,'.? I licrcby jrivtii Hint tho miderslirneil. "''-, ." t-i'iui, in tno Mintu ol ore- m, ai, hwil Ircleht. cnrrlii, m.mhwiji ....h Koii, for Nntc((;ouiity. fora license to will M.lrlt. ! hound: irrlve Hai Y, ',,T , ,l, ...-.L'V taM nous. ma:iniiii viuoin iimiiir. i i.... , , i . ... ! m. thuo,. ..ii.. V.. .1... v..'.'. V ..;" . . '""""M "eni noiiiiii inroiimi ire 1! it. I (r-h mil I'-'iiK.TSi urrhea p in., depurU len'iVjf'V,6,!.1.1!.'';'.'!',1 l0C'" (rclK,lt- va"lv !" ciiKurs, arrheaD:15p. m., dupartii S;U)n. rn. For fiill particulars call on O. U. A; N. Co (iRcnt The Dalles, or ttddremt ' ,. W. II. HUltLllUUT, (icu Fan. At., I'ortland, Or, irllffl PiiiiiIii: 1IV1 IUU1U X UUJ.11V Yellowstone Park Line. . . ." "i '' Kiiuiiiy may cull for: and his- petition for ahl lleeiine, which ho-wlli present to the said County Court mi said date, Is iirciriafler let forth. Dated this.'ith day of February, inn. J.J.W1LF.V. I'etltlnii r.ir I.Kiuor L.luu, To the Ilonoriihle County Court of the .Stale of Ore-tun, for the County of Wmco: Wc, the underslRned rcMdenlsnnd Ieff.il votero of Aiiteloi-ol'iwluot,!,, ,,0 county of v ."to" mid the bin o uf Oregon, respeetlully ikjUUoi your hoiioriihtc hody toKrmit a lleens.' to j j W l.oy to ell Murltuous, mult mid vlnoim Honors in less iiuanth es thiiu one Ballon Iu the town of Hhmilko, in said Ante ope prtcliiet, In the Coun ty and I HUto afreN.ld. for inch a, hi "fS cel nt from the toiiiilv trr,n.nr..r ,.i ,.,....!... inui-PMllror. ' Jas McCarthy V fiend' I) 3 HIsboc. J llKIder Wm Hull w ?! !'," J fitephenson Thos Collins 'i hos Hmuit AlonzoTurner W M McCnrtliy Ham Itluuneiit OMolyneux Hl'Uamhle ' II vvSC' ine GoiumDia PacRinoco I'd Rheiilinii W K Daivsou Ham Work Chiis Fortuno L C blokersou O A (.'ratty Jas War rack V A Lueddeuiiuiii J H Kivnusoil W V. Kemp (ien Hitler 11 rrono Frank Miller Fred inner I. O Chamnun (1 W Slim J O Wlluey U K llynu K Ii Miller K O C.irlaud T llenneshan J i) Tunny Y IxtwlM John MhIuiio J II Kclsay 1 llartwiK W M I'avev V. C (iondwln T (1 Coadon IV J Kenler J A Tilly J M Kivder A T LspInK lioss Allen Albert Button K J (lllsmi K Ji Martin Loin K Iletlfonl iini.r 11. 1... Wuvidricott II J PllkliiKtoii KM Dial J Milono John 1'licli.s i',n.irL- uhi (Ihnrlenlllnnk B A Kilumiuoii li a llowoll 1 KJ Jjrnved Ifenry I)l;o K W Hllvertonlh li Miller K Casev Kerr Kin r J Thoinpjou Clms OrtlUKhcr John ullKtier lraiikKlncaia J W Hcarlett Walter Condelt FlilloruiiiK (Jeorsn Conilnn Jnim Uoi, ........ J lllink OcoCochruu I'KMuKliin lJtlrYAif'l!n' .rccr Kooi-er Kri.nkNHplcer I-rank Irvine Max LutJideman MK Miller JT Bennett J J Wiley IFluUyson .v . PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANOKACTUKKUH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof brand HAMS & BACON jJRIKD BEEF, ETC. Cain in knur ubacka, All countv warrants registered prior to June 3. 189ft. win 1... ..i.i r 1900 """""h- w"wt a"or February. , Till IIININO (!.lt ItOl'TK FKOM J'OKTLAN" TO TUK EAST. THK ONLY DIUKCT LINE TO Till: YLl.l.O'V. HIONK l'AUK. hKKVK, No. 'J, 11:1,. A. M, No. I. HiCO P.M. Union Dficot, rifthand I Sis .u-.me. Fast infill for Tiieoiiia, Heattle, OlymplH, (irny's lliiilniriind Hoiith lieud points, Hpukmiu, lloss laud, Ji, C, I'lillmau, Moseow, Ix;lstoii, llllf fuluf Iiiiii miiiliiif coun try, Helena, Mluueapo- 11.1. HI. M'alil, Omiilia, Kiilims City, Ht. Uillls, (.'IiliHK iiuii all points ea.tmul southeast. I'uitet Hound l'xpro?, (or Tiicomu nnd Keattlu mid liitorineUiato puluts Kd. I. A) V. M. :(),. JL I'lillinmi llrst cliuis mid tnurltt sImi'W " Mliiueiipolls.Ht. l'aiilaud Missouri rhur luw wlihmit clmiiKe. ., . , Vustlhuicd trains. Union dniiot t-iumctlou hi all principal cltlos. , . IJiiKljiiKO olicekcil to destination uf tli'Uti. ,. r liiiiidsoiutdy llliistiulwliluserlptlvi' jiiiitt;f' tiekets, sleeping cur resorvHtlolis, etc., call ' write A. D. CHARLTON, Istant Ouuural 1'iusuniter AKunt, W M" Htieet, corner Third, Forlliiud, OriKuii, O, L. Piiii.i.ii'u. Oountv Treasurer. JyU' UKIHBNUOKrrBU Hiysidan aud Surgeon, Bclal attention givt-ii to urury. Kcwms'il.iHl'.n, Tol.328 Viiiiin,i, "I had dyspepsia for years. No medi cine was so effective as Kodol DyHpIl Cure. It gave Immediate relief. Two bottles performed marvelous roauita,' writos L. H. Warren, Albany, Wis. I' digests what you eat and cannot fall to cure. Freeh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mcli25-' i