l)c Do II cg Chrmifcli. VOL. XII THE. DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1900. NO 103 After Inventory Clearance Sale Powerful After-Inventory Price Pulverizing. After Inventory Clearance Sale Cutting and slashing of prices right and left. Taking extreme measures for thoroughly clearing our counters of all surplus winter stocks, odd sizes, short lengths and broken lots; and making needed room for spring goods already on the way. Our benefit is the cleared racks and tables; yours the matchless savings presented. Rare opportunities in women's wear, men's furnishings, childrens' necessities, small wares, etc., etc. Aller- luveiitory hale Boy's and Young Men's Suits, Over coats, Reefers, Pants. $1.55 for Jloy'a 2-puco knee pant suits, made of an all-wool strong, brown unJ imiy check ed casslmcre, the pnntn made double Bent mill knot-B ; worth $2.50. Juet the Unrip for school. WILLIAMS- dQ OtC wr Young Mon'fl 3-piecc suits, worth if -1.00 CpO.rC J nnd $4,03. at our own uenal low prices. The muteriul ia all-wool and coiiich in good eoryiceablo gray mixtures. Boy's Reefers. $2 50 black boucle Itecfer coatE aalc price $1.83 $4 00 blue chinchilla Koefer coats Bale price .. 3.15 $5.00 It urn bold chinchilla Itecfers sale price. . . 3.93 Men's Overooats. ifll) .Moii'rt black frieze overcoat, all wool, lii'iiv) weight. After-inventory ejlo price . . $7.50 $10 Mi:uH tan covert cloth overcoats, plaid lining to iniitch sale price $7.50 8.50 Vmi n Men's popular abort length price. . tan covert overcoats- sale .$5.85 Boys' Knee Pants 15c per pair 2 pair 25cts Mr..,, Fine Plaids for Skirts Eg No need to let the season pass without possesing a plaid ekirt. Here's your opportunity for buying at a money-saving price the very swellcst, richest, most desirable plaids the season liaa produced. 41.25 a yard plaid, 45-iuch wide, sale price per yard$ .84 $1.50 $1 65 41.75 $1.05 $2.25 AfllT In vi'iitory ShIo Clearance Sale Skirts, Tallor-maJe Mi After IuTeutnry Sale An event that is Betting Dalles shoppers talking our grand after-inventory sale of suits, skirts, waists aail wrappers; an extraordinary occasion, when ready-to-wear garments will be sold at prices never before heardof on like goods. .Worth 20.5 and 25c. After- Invautiiry Sale Clearing Fine Silk and Sateen Underskirts. Jtfter Jlivt'iittiry Hull' fa changeable and plain tull'.'tiu nilk tin iterakirtp, deep corded llounci! u nil canvas Ucing (iroiui, blue, purple and eeriee ef fects .. $3.34 lilituk tafl'etta ailk uinlorkirts, olo ?antly made, deop flounce with -1 double tows of curding, can vac facod H.35 to $5.00- All plain and me tallic Ptriped mercer ised sateen under skirts, made with deep corded and ruf fled flounce laced 'with canvas: all col ors; worth from $1.75 -less one-third oil. Aflr. neiiiry fluid Ladies' House Jackecs or Dress ing Sacques. After Iu vi'iitory Sale 'Sj atylue riiuinulotte dressing encques, fancy colored stripes nnd figures; $1 ..72c $1.23 styleB. , $1.50 styles $1.07 ,.00c Mc ones . $1.00 one .. 50c i)8c styles.. 15 ktyles $1.00 Kiderdown eacques ; gray, rod, pink, blue and fancy stripes : .. .70c $1.15 ones 89c $1.05 ones $1.15 . .$1.25 42.00 ones $1,118 $:i.50ones $2.45 Clearance Sale worth Baby Coats toil.oo choice $1.00 Tho time has comu when all odds and ends of u brisk season's selling must move, to make room for spring goods soon to arrive; henco litis extraordinary of fering : fa if (Ml I yiti price Women's $G per fect fitting tailor made suite aft e r-i n v e)n t o r y price $4 $10 tailor-made suita after-inventory price. .$6 $12 tailor-made Euite after-inventory price... $7.20 $15 tailor-made suits after-in ventory price. .$9 $10.50 tailormade tuite after-inventory price... $9.90 $18 tailor-made suite after-in- $10.80 I Women's $2.75 i plain circular I skirts, Victoria, ; cord in blue with white linee-after inventory price $1.03 $5.00 blue scree skirt, double stitched seams after inventory price $.3 00 $0.50 olive-grrpn ! covert cloth 5- gored skirt aft 'er - inventory price. .$3.90 ventory $20 tailor-made suits after-inventorv price $12.00 $25 tailor-made suits after-inventorv price $15.00 No two alike, but in the lot aie shown fly fronts, dip fronts and double breast ed styleB; gored and circular skirts witli French back, lined witli best percaline and faced witli canvas. Colors blues, eds, greens, black, tans and popular mixtures. After Inventory Sale Clearance of TafFetta, Velour and Plaid Silks. 1.00 1.10 1.17 1.30 1.50 After Inventory Main 35 pieces changeable Taffetta Silks, extia high rustle, heavy lustre, all the popular combinations, sold right along at 85c, but the after-inventorv price per yard 63c Black Moire Velour Silks; three qualities width 21 inches: $1.00 quality reduced to $ .67" $1 50. " reduced to .97 $175 " reduced to 1.0S 130 yards Plaid Silks, six different plaids embracing as many 'different color combinations, worth 45c a yard regular after-inventory price 33c C690 $0.50 blue Vene tian cloth ekirt, with ecailoped and braided over skirt after-inventory price . . . $3 90 $7.50 black Iron-clad alpaca skirt, plain 3-piece after-inventory price $4 50 $5 and $0.50 Plaid Skirts now $2.50 Such prices on such goods are the re sult of extraordinarv trade conditions. The cost of making these skirts exceeds by half the prices we are now selling tticm tor. $5.00 plaid skirts, navy blue with brown and gold plaide after-iuventory price $2.50 $6.50 plaid skirts, tan or gray witli red plaid after inventory price $2.50 After Inventory Kale $1.25 Flannelette Coats $1.95 white eiderdown, fur triui'd $3.25 striped eiderdown, braid triui'd $3 9U lioucle cloth, braid trim'd $4.50 fine cloth, braid trim'd $5.00 fine cloth, ribbon trim'd $1 25c for 50c Boys' Caps. 50c Millt "latioij brass buttons. ZVV,bl,.' ull)tn' Klft 'nu"t. with dP band Kraj cloth cadet caps. 35 .i n l ?i,a' Choice of any of ,,T go I caps, check velvet golf cap's, striped corduroy golf caps, blue cloth golf-yaVA capV, theao 25c each. After nventory Jaokson Corset Waists Corset Clearing. The well-known "P. N." Corsets Borne two dozen only sizes 18 to SO though not all the iuteimedlate sizes should your size lie here the price will be only 75 cents. Value (1.23, $1.50 worth $1.25, $1.60, $1.75, $2.25 respect ively, Aa wh have decided to confine ourselvee entirely to Royal Worcester Corsets theao must go, Therefore this price Choice of any grade,... 75c Clearance m Sale Ladies' Capes and Jactels. Ladies' Jackets. After Inventory Sale $7.50-30 in. Plush Cape, Thibet fur around col lar after- invest ory price. ..$-1.50 All lines are reduced to such an extent that enumerating them ia most impracticable. However, .we 6till have all Bizet from 32 to 44 inclusive, and $7.50 Plush I i" t h e following Cape, braid- j etyles, cloths and col eel, trimmed , ors. We guarantee all around j any lady will And a witli thibet satisfactory garment. fui after-1 Styles flv-front inventory with coat collar, dip price. ..$4.50 j front double-breasted with both coat and fltnrm pnllnraf slinrf. , 9.00-30;inch Plush Cape, trimmed in an(1 luedium lengths. braid and jet beads, Thibet fur arouud i , . . ; . . , collar and down front after-inventorv Material. Kersey, beaver, boucle, I ri 0 45 jh covert, golfing and Herringbone stripes. $15 20-inch Plush Cape, elaborately braided, sable fur trimming all arouud, lined with best quality satin lining after-inventory price $9.00 $10 Crushed Plush 27-inch Cape, sable fur trimmiug around collar and down front, silk lining after-inventory price $9.60 Golf Capes. Some ten or twelve only. While they last these prices prevail : $8 Golf Capes, after-inventory price $4 80 $10 " " " 6.00 $12 7.20 $1X00 " " M 8.10 ti it Colors KeJ, blue, tan, mixtures. brown, linvana, gray and black, $7.50 Jackets, after-inventory price $4.50 $H.f)U $9.50 " $10.00 " $12.50 " $14 00 " $16.50 " $20 00 " $25,00 " 5.10 5.70 6 00 7.50 8.40 f.J0 12.00 15.00 Misses' Golf Capes. -after-inventory price.. $2.10 . . a.uu " " .. 3.90 " " .. 4.50 $3 50 Cape $5.00 " $0.60 " $7.50 " Child's Golf Capes. $3.25 Cape $3.05 " Fancy Silks, in Waist Pattern Lengths. no two alike all of the fall Beason of '99 at H off tho Some fourteen pieces regular price. $5.00 patterns of 4 yarda each after-inventory $G.OO " " " $7.60 " " ' ..; " $S.00 " " " " $10 00 " " " " price $3.34 " 4.00 " 5.07 " 5.34 " 6.67 After- Inveutory Sale Remnants of Silks, Dress Goods and Wash Goods. After Inventory Hale Ginghams, Flannelettes, Prints, Linens gimp and bead trimmings, etc. reduced 1-3 below Remnant Price. Bargains galore'aud the early comera get the plums. Women's Wrappers tgi Flannelette, Wool Flannels, Cashmeres all winter weights included in this sweeping after- .inventory clearing sale. Flannelette Wrappers, some with plain skirts, a few with tlounce, all with fitted waist lining and of comfortable widtli of skirt; colors blue and black grounde, with wiiito stripes, scrolls anil figures, trimmed in fancy braids and embroiderv. Sizes 32 to 42. $1 00 styles after inventory price $ .75 $1.25 $1.50 $1 75 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 1 11 11 .94 1 13 1.32 1.50 l.Oi) 1.8S Cashmere Wrappers fancy yokes, trimmed in braids, ribbons or inser tion, fitted wul?t and sleeve linings the better ones lined throughout. $3 50 styles reduced to 2.63 $4 00 " 3.00 $5.00 " " ' 3.75 Fine Flannel Wrappers Colors bright and dark red, navy and gray, sizes 32 to 42. $4.C0 etvlesare now $3.00 1 $0,00 " " $4 50 " 3.38! ft Kii ii .1 $5.00 " " 3.75 i1 .$4.50 . 4.8S Women's Eiderdown Wraooers or Bath Robes, in crav. red. Dink and blue; cord and tassel at waist, rihbon trimming to match at collar and yoke, $3.50 ones now $2 34 ! $6 50 " 4 34 $5.00 " 3.34 7.00 ' " 4.67 $6 00 " " 4 001 Alter- Inventory Sale Clearance Sale, Flannel, Mercerized Sateen and Silk Waists. Artar luveutory Hate after-inventory price,. $2 18 " ' .. 2 64 after inventory SHOE Clearing: OJds and ends women's fine kid shoes, any size but the size you waut still, we may be wrong t'wont hurt to try. $5 00 patuit leather, cloth top shoes ) ft I $5 00 kid shoes, opera toe CHOI0E 1 $4 00 kid shoes, common seuse toe. ) K Women's plain toe kid shoes Rochester make....7oc The Flannel Waists at $1.25 and $1.50 are half-iined. Our better grades are lined' throughout. Tucked, plaited aud braided styles. All the popular col ors, Any size to 42, $1.25 Flannel Waists, sale price. and white braid: also black, handsome- ; ly tucked yoke and front. Sizua 32 to 42. $2 25 Waists after-inventorv nriea il.50 $2.50 " ' ii ii 2.17 2.34 Silk Waists at price $1.50 $1.75 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $475 1 11 11 ! An unusual chance to buv a nice silk waist at a neat saving in price. Women that know our goods need no urging, but will respond quickly and profit by tliia sale. Some two and a half dozen waists, no two alike. Plain and stripo silks; light and darker shades, .$ .84 . 1.00 . 1.17 . 1.67 ' 4.0 1 HI 1 , 3.17 $3.60 Waists after-Inventory price il. 75 , I f-l.UU Mercerized Sateen Waists In several shades of blue; some are tucked aud corded, others trimmed in tucks $6.00 $7.00 $7.50 $8.00 $9.01) $10.03 2.00 2 2o 2.60 3.00 3 50 3.75 400 4.50 5.00