ARE CLEARED OF BOERS Rpiiich WftW III nmiilMl (if lllfi WfiStcril JJllllUU 4.1V II 111 UUiillw Wl tuu iiiui u Border. JViAFEKING WILL BE RELIEVED Honors in Store for Roberts. Kitchener ami French Colonials in the Front Rank. Kbw York, Feb. 17. A dispatch to! the Tribune trom London says: The western border has been cleared by General R-iberis.' first stroke, since the relief of Kimberley carries M.ifeking with it and secures Hri'.ish control of the Barklv W'e;t district and Bechanaland. General French, by leading the way to1 Kimberley, has become the Sheridan ot this campaign, while "l?o'is," halting' in triumph at .Ucobsdal before turning eastward, is in a fair way to win a duke dom if he goes on without check or re verse to Bloamfuuteiu and Pretoria. Xor ought Kitchener to lie left out of view. 1 He has transformed an immobile Britnh ! force, which was tied up to railways, in-' to an army lemarkable for mobility, ' with a system of flying transport, and if ' all goes well beseems destined, at tlie end of the i.tiUHUig.., iu ai.ui.scu 1.UIU, Wolseley as commander-in-chief, and to reorgan the military forces of the Ir:tin umpire. Various suggestions are put forth as to tiie movements of General Cronje and Dr. Leyds, who has been interviewed with respect to the situation, has ex- Iireseu the opinion tliat the Uoer com - manumit lias deliberately allowed Uec ernl French to enter Kimberley, s i aa to -cnt him oft" from communication silh Jiis commander in-chief. London is fairly ringing with praises! of General French. Every mounted of- -lieer will now want to serve under him. ' Ii is learned that tlie young Duke of j Westminister, who is a stepson of George i Wyndham, will join French's division when he arrives at the Cane, and not I serve on Sir Alfred Milner's staff. Kimberlev has been invested 123 davs. Tlie garrison consisted of 2500 men, in-! fJe 1,33 110 patience with the programme eluding half a battalion of the North of l'ie trying to cripple the commission JiMicashires and a detachment of tlie ' ' striking out tlie appropriation, which Black Watch, and five bodies of lecal is always attempted by tiie ultra spoils forces. Cecil P.hodea has been the chief ' me" of the house. organizer of a most gallant defend, but ' Representative Tongue did not vote, Colonel Kekewich lias l.een n com- being absent from the house at the time, mander second only to Baden-Powell in ' ljut Fi4 that he favored the amendment .resource and practical ability. ; because al! past efforts to bring about a One feature of Lord Roberts' campaign is the prominence which he gives to the cohinhil forces. It recalls his remark at the queen's jubilee, when lie was at the head of the colonial contingents, that he hoped to have them under his command if he were ever called upon to take the Held. Lord Roberts has rallied tlie local volunteers for the defense of the coloriie, mid is making hi'B use of them in this campaign. Compensations northward arc so large that the Dutch successes in driving back For You to Read "What puzzled me in the beginning was that I kept losing flesh without any cause for it that I could see. I had a little trouble with my htoniach, too, and after a while began to grow weaker and to cough. The cough. I thought, would hw wj anu uuru llbcu, IJUl it didn't. It grew worse, and then I began to spit up a pecu liar looking substance. I never thought of consumption, but one day I had a hemorrhage, and then -was frightened in earnest and did just what you would do. I rushed to the doctor. He was either too busy, or something else, for he didn't do me any good. I kept going on down hill, and the outlook was bad. Things took a different turn, however, when I Hieardof Acker's English Remedy for Consumption, for I took it, -and it not only cured niv coutrh- ing and spitting, but also built up my whole system. I took on per manent flesh, nnd to Jay am just -us healthy a man as you can lind in a week's travel. Vou may ho sure I always keep Acker's Eng lish Remedy in the house, and it is a good thing I do so, for one night my youngest child was seized with croup. That hoarse, wheezv couch was the first shrnal. and I lost no time in giving the poor liltle JMUicine. In almost no tirne the disease mmyva. , uuvise every parent to nave a Dottle nauuy ull the time. It serves the jaaie purpose in keeping croup out of the house that a good lock and key serve itoJfeep burglars out. It is both an expectorant and a tonic. It cured me of con Mnpttonand mychlldof croup, and I know what I am talking about." (Signed) Hon. M. Hogan, picture frame manufacturer, S42 Center Street, New York. Aektr'i Eof Ibb KadIHU kr iawMoffiilur. eift.Wn atUfcttUlo U.B.andCwmU. lnKofUod.U2d..3..3J.,uilt.65. idrliUU krwliutuu nndar W auitorhe toe ofew mmmlti. W, U. For Sale by BLAXELEY & HOUGHTON. the skeleton army left behind at Coles burg is regarded by military men hero as tin nlT.iir of flight importance. Gen Hoborts takes the situation lightly enough, Uoer accounts describe the capture of one lineof kopjes after another, with heavy British losses. Ffv Dutch j comnif.iuh'rs are named, so tliut it ii ! der that u large force lias been con centrated in that quarter. Lord Roberts' striking success lias caused an iriturso , throughout England. feeling of relief It has also spiked , the guns which Lord Kosebery and Mr. Campbell-Ihinuermau have opened up ' on the ministers' new measure of nation i al defense. ARE ANXIOUS TO ADJOURN ! Session of Congress to He Cut Short Important Bills to Go Over. i WASittXGToy, Feb. 17. The Republic- an managers are showiug an impatience to hurry through all legislation and go I away as soon as possible, and are dis j'conraging every- one who is urging any legislation which will rend to create de oate. .tor tins reason, it seems very probable that neither the canal treaty nor the Nicaragua canal bill can go through at this session. Either of these measures, if brought before the senate, would create a tremendous debate, in volving all our present and past relations with Great Britain, together with the position of the administiatiou relative to the South African war, and every con tingent issue in any wav connected with tht; eunal itself. M.,v ntl,.T nioncnrnc n lil-u1nl.a ' ttbttndoned for lhe ;nJ reas j'nclud. lnB lhe reciprocity treaties and also tho i.wfMi. . . t . i army. Every suggestion that an urmv bill should be passed at this session I meets with the same opposition, although ' the friends of the armv think something , ehonl, ,,e Jun The belief is also now ; genetnl that the election cases of Quay J and Clark are likely to go over with the i other husiuess. which is likely to cause ' debate. aiilmly anrt Tongue mi Civil Service. 1 Representative Moody says lie thinks the civil service law ought to be modified, ! as the way it Is now operated it is a good ' dual of farce. He would be glad to eee ; some measure passed which would j strengthen the commission and secure : tne vur' est service for the government. j reform in the civil service have been ! ridiculed by the Republican leaders. He says he favores a merit system, hut not us it is being administered. He also favors the Hepburn amendment, and thinks that persons appointed to govern ment office should not be allowed to serve more limn four or six years. The present life tenure to him is objection able. Tlie riagtir ut .Manila. Manila, Feb. 17. Out of a total of fifty one c.ises of suspected bubonic sufferer proper doses of this grand was under control, and my child was a noiltlra nurinlM that inn. nm... -.ii uookkr & co vroprMon, .vw lvt, lJ&I I III illS-'- '-i.--. - - . .1 . UK I plaguo reported, forty-two proved genn- tnn ittitl llitrtv.turn ftuiaftlin linW of them belt Chinamen. There were twelve cases dnrlng the past week, most- u u if in,, n. mi.. o.i inn : spectors, under the superintendent?' of the health officer, Major Edy, nro en forcing tiie sanitary regulations. Thirty ! inspectors are Chinnmen who liave been ' furnished by Chinese merchants. The local health department census shows ' ! the. population of Manila is about 100, , COO, including 31,000 Chinese. Cnt.trrli Cannot In- Curiil with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is n regular ptescnption. it is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The jierfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces auch wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. .1. Ciikxey & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold bv drruggists, price 7."ic. Hall'sFamily Pills are the best. 12 Will Testify for Mai-ruin. Sax FnAXCisco.Feb. 17-Charles Grote, ' formerly supe-inteudent of mines in the j Transvaal, but who returned to this country alter the breaking out ot tlie war, for the reason, as he states, that he could not get his American papers ow ing to tlie interference by the British with ex-Consul Mncrum's mail, will ienvo lor Washington tomorrow to meet Mr. Macrum, and to testify befure a con gressional committee should his testi monv be desired. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the etomach, Loss of appetite, Fcverishnoss, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences, of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must ko purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elesir lias never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or anv other blood ,. T '. . . , , , , . - remeuy anu we sen every uoiue on a positive guarantee. Blakeleycc Hough ton's drog store. Grand Jury ICejinrt. The report of the grand jury for the February, ll'OO, term of circuit court is as follow? : We have been in session six days, and have examined seven cases, and re turned six indictments, and one not true bill. We have examined tlie clerk's, sheriff's and treasurer's offices, and find the bonks and records well kept, nnd tne business of these offices well con ducted so far ae we are able to determine We have investigated the Helling of cigarettes to minors, nnd believe the law has been violated, and would recommend that the law be strictly en forced. From information laid before the grand jury we find the county poor well cared for. We extend our thanks to A. A. Jayne, district attorney, and W. L Bradshaw, judge, for their instructions to us which have aided us ii: the dis charge of our duties. Dated Dalles City, Feb. 17, 1000. J. L. Kl'i.i.v, Foreman. We further recommend that the county court have tho hooka of the county officers examined by an expert before the expiration of each term. Why suffer with kindey or rheuma- j tism when it can be positively cured by the use of the ''Oxypenor King." No medicine, no electricity, but pure Oxy gen instilled or absorbed through the pores of the skin while yet sleep. No need of going to the hospital for medi cal treatment when you can be cured at home by the use of the Oxygenor. No matter what the ailment or disease the Oxygenor will diagnose tho case and proceed to cure. For further particu lars call on or address J. M. Filloon, The Dalles, Or. phono 309. febl0-2k Wuuil Ale boi Killed inillani. Butte, Mont., Feb. 17. Some of hand of Ciee Indians camped near town came to the city to get a quantity of al cohol. By mistake they were given wood alcohol. Three of the band, two lucks and a eqnaw, drank it. They all three died in great agony. As a cure for rheumatism Chamber Iain's Prtin Balm is gaining a wide repu tation. I). B. Johnston of Richmond, Ind., has been troubled with that ail tnent since 18C2. In speaking of it he says: "I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamber lain'e Pain Balm. It acts like magic wttli me. My foot was swollen and paining me very much, but one good application of Pain Balm relieved me, For sale by Blnkeley & Houghton. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Mian Mamie Union Fljrnn, I ,T,'e Rowing taken from tho Pacific M: , cal T Wished at Portland, will be of interest to those who contem- iniu nuciiuiiiK llie uninriuilllliimi lu uu l given by the Indies of tho Catholic church tomorrow evening, at which Miss Flynn will appear for tint first tinui before n Dalles audience: Mi?B Flynn ii thu daughter of R. J. . I Flynn, superintendent and assistant j general manager of the Northwest rail road, and comes from a highly cultured I family. I Miss Flynn is but 1!) years of age, yet I two yearB ago she graduated with highest ' honors from tho conservatory of music , and school of oratory at Denver. In her , recitals she plnys tho most classical selections from memory. Throughout fhe Northwest this young tmist has ap peared before critical audiences ami met thoir highest approbation. MieB Flynn's renditions posses sweet liar- I mony mid expression which illustrates I the heart and soul of the player. In elocution Miss Hvnn stands at tlie , m head in the profession west of thejr Rockies and by the press is often called j t the May Anderson of tho Northweat. f! 'ti. ,i:ni....n i ....! Ii lit; ujiDb uimwuil nullum BUl'UCO IIUIII Shakespeare has been rendered by Mies ! Flynn before actors of note who havo had only the highest compliments to pay her and predict for her a brillinnt future should she choose the stage for her profession. Miss Flynn possesses a charming personality which wins for tier many friends. l.'uassnniiiig and modest in mnnner, Lind and affectionate in disposition. Oregon is proud of this young artist and wishes her every cess in her music and elocution. sue- I'roiioKitlft fur llffundlnc Wnlnr I'.iiiiiIh, Dulles City DreRoii. Sealed proposals will be received by the board of water commissioners of Dalles City, Oregon, at sail citv until 8:30 o'cluck p. m. of tlie 26 day o'f Feb., 1000, for twenty-five thousand dollars; and twenty thousand dollars of refund ing water bonds of said city, (as it is not settled as to whether the "total amount of bonds will be $23 000 or $20,000) au thority i extended to the said board to issue refunding water bonds in thu sum of $25,000, but if found not to be tw-ces- i '&,ft,,e wiU .be 1T- " ",f $20,000; and at n rate of interest more than not ex- ceeuing lour per cent, per annum pav aoie iweniy years irotn date 01 issue, interest payable semi-annual! v, piinci pal and interest payable in gold coin of the United States, at anv citv therein, at the option of the buyer. The bonds mentioned will be issued under the provisions of the several leg islative acts nf the state of Oregon, ap proved Feb. 20, 18S5, Feb. 19, 1830, and Feb. 14, 1895, and in pursuance of un or dinance adopted by tlie common council of Dalles City, approved .lanuaiy 23, 1900. The proposed refunding water bonds are intended for the redemption of outstanding wliter bonds in the emu of $23,000; but in case the board of water commissioners prefer, it will issue re funding bonds for $20 000 only, therefore bidders mav make proposals for both $25,000 and $20,000, and in the denomi nation of $.)00 each. No bid will be entertained for a rate lees than par value of the bonds. Prem iums nnd rate of interect will be token into consideration in passing un the value of ell bids. Bidders must deposit with the presi dent of the board a duly certified check on some responsible bank equal to 2 per cent of the airount of bonds bid for, or accompany his hid with cish of such amount as will equal such per cent of his bid, and such certified check made payable to the president of the board of wuter commissioners of Dalles City, Or., as liquidated damages in case the bidder shall fail or neglect to receive and pav for, at the office of the city treasurer of said city, tho bonds awarded to him on his hid, on or before the first day of March, 1900. Attention should be given the fact that tiie board will not issue and disnnsi! of more than $20,000 of such refunding bondp, unless it shall be deemed neces sary to do so, but otherwise, if tin board shall find that it is Decenary to issue bonds in the sum of $25,000, it will then offer nnd issue the full stun, ($25,000). The right to reject any and all bids is reserved by the said " board of water commissioners. Bids should be addressed to the presi dent of said board, or to the city record er, Dalles City, Wasco county,' Oreuon, and noted "Proposals for refunding water boude." By order of tlie Board of Water Com mission, by and with tlie consent of ilm Common Council. This 25th day of January, iihju. T. J. Skufkut, President of Board, Nku H. Gatkh, Recorder of Dalles City. fL. S, Attekt J hud bronchitis every winter for years and no medicine gave mo perma nent relief till I began to take One Min ute Cough Cure. I know it Is the best cough medicine made," says J. Koontz, Corry, Pa. It quickly cures coughe, colds, croup, asthma, grippe and throat and lung troubles, It is the children's favorito remedy. Cures quickly. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. I'o cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley A Houghton Druggist'. Clark & Falk'a drug stock is new fresh aud complete, The Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON JVTajestie ' Et , Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. KeintMiiboi- that wo are selling tho same from $45.00 to $60.00 a Whiu.i i a saving to our customers of from $15 to $25 over p to charged hy ficddlcrs for inferior ranges. ,ite for pamphlet, "iUnjostie Evidence." JVIRYS & COOIE. I BPKKXaCESKICMraniMPSMSiliiBBBBIBM 1 ' DEPART TIME ."ClICDCI.r.. AllRIVX j . ror. Kaon iuu.i.8. KimM. ; rst -Mull 11. lip. m. titilt I.ntr, Denver, Kt. Worth, Uniiiliii, Kuil mi city, St. IjiiiIs, ChlctiKu mill Knat. KlHt lokul 1'lycr Will la Wnllit, HpokHlic, MtnucimolK Ht. l'niil. HiMikiuic ner. r :0o 5). in. it u 1 u t h, It llwnukvu, 4 JO n. 111 (Jlilcacn mill Knai. 8 . m. I p. m. l'umt ror.Ti.ANii. Oci-iin Hit-imiHliii. For Mn I'miiclM-ii IKvciilbvr 3. h, 13, Is, 2! anil -M. I S ji. m. nx.snuiliiy Kntiirilny 10 1. m. I 11. m. Cnhimbln Itv. Hteiimcrs. Kx.hiiiiiliii lu A.vrouiA mid Wny l-unUlllKt. oa. m. 1 Viu.a:ikttk P.ivek. 1 :S0 p. m. hx.buiiifiy,OrcKim City. .Ncwliuri;, Ux.mmiliiy , biilum & Way I.imd'x. i H. m, IWlLLAJUTTE A?!ll VaM- X.TO p. nl. TiifJi.llmr. jiiu. tiiVKKn. Mnn.,MVii mill tut. Oregon City, Diiytcm, mill Krl. , mill Wny-Uititthias. Cn. m. - aLAMKTTE Itivr.a. 1:30 p. in. Tiie.. lliiir.'l'ortlmnl In CorVHlllb,, .Mini. WnJ una Hut, mill Wuy-ljunlliis. innil Krlilny Snake Uivkk. Kil'iirlM to IaiwImou. !.v Itltmrlfl; rtniiy l.'.-Ofl. m. I l.EAVIC I.EWTU.N dully I'nrtlCH llcslflllc tn un in II. ...i. ii.ii-vl.,.,, 1,1 I.L-i. Vi. f I, 1 . 7. .: -'-I i-.ii.n.i. ...-j. ..... iciivili); lliu ilillll-K III 7,U.) i. ; innklni.' ilirw:t connection!, nt lli-iipiifr Jiiiu-.tlini liu'.HrnhiK mukhiKillriiitcimiiiictimi nl Hi-pimcr " muiiiiB in iiiu iiKilvKUti ii in, I No. thrniiKht frelKht. c-nst bound, iIm nut t-iirry imi.iigr, nrrlvcs M;M , m., clej.urU iJ1?.'..?.1, 'T?1 'r,'lKl,t ctujw pusnctiKets, iMst V- ..'. """.''" I'- iiupuriH ft lit p. in. No. Jl, west Imiinii throiiKh frt-lKtit, dot-a not ' 5w I-wc-uiiwrfc. nrrlvea ,., derUJTHi: DIXINO CAIt ItOl'TE KIIOM 1 No. B3, went ljoimrl loonl frplirht. I sviiKcru, arrlvt-s 5;10 p. in., iluuirt3:a) ii, m. ,.o!!r. .1l'','r.t,lc,,In"t;,,.ll0,, ' N. -'-' W. It. HUItI.tll.MtT, Gen J'iui. Aw't., I'ortlHiid, Or, Tne columDia PackiDgCo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTDKKKb OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD BEEF, ETC. Saib In Your Check. All coutitv warrants registered prior to June 3. 1800. win Vu. ...u Ho"' Intere8t COB8e8 "er tehrnary. 2, vj. ii. rnii.i.iuu County Treasurer. jyil- UKlHBKUOltrrKK Physiciau and Surgeon, HliMllal ln . Auomi ua w, Tel. m vogt uiock i RANGES; -T'Xit,r.k.iiijrl.T,i.Vrj.'xiTjT.iyi: C. S. Smith, TIIE Up-to-date Qroeer Fresh Eggs and Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. rUAN'dACTA KNEKAl.ltAKKI.NU HUfc'l.N&j Lottere of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore goti, Seuttle Wash,, and various point! In Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav- I orahle terms. . H, Hcitr.HK, President. it. M. litu , Cuhlei First National Bank. i j THE DALLES - - - OREGON I A General Banking Business transacted I Deposits received, subject to Sight I Draft or Check, j Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold 01 Now York, San FranciBco und porh land. D1RBOTOK8 D. P. Thompson. Jho. 8. Schikci. En. M. Wiluakb, Gko. A. Likdi. H. M. Baix. Yellowstone Park Line. )KTLAM TO Till-: KAST. TIIK ONI.V IltltKCT LINK TO Till, MW.WVT. MONK I'AltK. i.etvi:. Union Deuot, Firtband I sts -.nimx No. 1 KiihI mull for Tiicniiui, No. I. l K-iittlc, oiyiiiiln, iiniy I lliulmr nnd rimilli llvml I point!!, Hpiiknne, ItoMi land, It. C, I'lilliiimi. 1 Mohciiw, Iasw tMtnii , llnf 11:1 j A. ,M fiilulluinp iiiIiiIukciiiiii try, Helvnii, .Mlnni.-iui ll, M'. I'miiI, Omiihii, Kmikii. Clly, Ht. 1.oiiIk OlilcuKO Hint nil jxilntb No. I, c-at nnd Notitticuiit. I'niiot Hound Kxprt-M, ll;OJ V. M.i for Tmcoiiiu mill hc-attlt Hint Intermediate point- No. 3- ..J'nlliimn flrat-cliia and tourht """I"1.,.? JJIntieiiiiolU, tit. I'aulaild Mlsnolirl ner Ka without fliHiise. , J,..l , Viiatlbliled trMlim. Union dojiot ciiiliectloDi Inatt prliiclimt eltlcx. , , Hiikkukc cheeked to ilenttiintloii of tn rnr liimdMimely llliiiitiittwldc-orliitl-eiiii'' tlckutu, uleei.lng car reaervatloim, etc !' oau write A. D. CHARLTON, Aknlatnnt Gonurnl I l'iMetiger Agent, JlouW8 Thltd, rortfiind, Oit-Bim. Hlicet, corner "I had (Ivannnula fnr v-nnrs. Noinedi' cine was so effective as Kodol Dyspepii Cure, It gave Immediate relief' bottles nerformed marvelous ruaiilHi writes L. 11. Warrtin, Albany, Wl; It digests what you eat and cannot fail t0 cure. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn At tn Wasco warehouse. Finest kind chicken feed. indiao" T it Tft in