DEATH OF . H. WILLIS; During the remaining few days of our White Goods We tinvt; put n npcclal price on n benutlful lino of Doileys, Pillow Shams, Table Centers, Sideboard and Bureau Scarfs. Theso kooiIb woro bought for tlio Holiday, trade nml lire fresh and now, bo that in conjunction with our other etilo wo will close these KOd cut at er truinuly low prices. AH CoocIb Mnrl:od In Plain Figures. rhe Dalles Daily Chronicle, Tek)iltmic No, 1. MONDAY FEU. It), 10(!0 (Oysters Ksrvcl In every style by A. KELLER - WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Siimpttir is soon to have a hook and ladder truck. It 1; n fact in our city that ono fire bell can cull ont inoro people than all the church hulls. Wlion next you step into A. M. Williams & Co.'b store, notlco that basket full of 25-cont caps near the entrance. You'll be (surprised nt tho values. Tho entertainment to he given tonight liy Friendship Lodge No. 9, K. of P., IU bivin promptly at 8 o'clock. After the program dancing wilt be the main feature. Harry 0. Liebe, the jeweler in the Vogt lllouk Bulls watchoB and diamonds onensy inutallmente nt most reasonable price:!. Cull and look over his line and be convinced. 18-17 As wo predicted Saturday, tho Regu lar had but little trouble coming ''rough the locks and arrived at lior lock about U :30 p.m. Hho left at tho Dual titnothis morning. Allen Edwards, the man who passed a forgul chtek at the Umatilla House, snil was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary, was Ukon to that institu tion jcatoiday by W. H. Butts. A short council meeting was held, when the sewor question was ulicimed relative to the assessment. The conii.ill ndjournod to meet again Wednesday evening. During the cold epelt our streets woro splendid condition but since the weather has moderated and the melting the mow yesterday, wo are again compelled to begin wading or lose our '"entity with the creation of man. Tomorrow ovenlng the .ladies of tho Wnolh- church will give an entortaln went, to l,o followed by a dance, at tlio VfitniHirn house. Reserved seats can J8 without extra charge ut Clarke & '"Iks. Admission, 25 ceuts. ... Yeeleri'ny morning mnny of our resi sts wuro surprised on arising to find ' 'ground covered with about an inch wow. However, during the day the weather moderated and before evening "ffwej"18 ' lhi MflMy" ha In febl eltr, h0T. , w"r'e'lo Wia. Carroll, rrou len for JlandM.Southern vn, where they will oide tor 1he Sate All of onr Men's Colored PEASE prosont, us Mr. Carroll Is interested in bjilding a jetty at tiiat place. Some of our best homo talent hna 1 eon Becurcd for the entertainment to be given by tho ladies of tho Catholic church tomorrow evening. Mica Mamie Helen Flynn, a well known elocutionist, of Huntington, Or., will bo prominent ou tho program. p&Wm. Hustings who lives in liberty district was unfortunate yeuterduy in losing his homo by fire. A good share of tho household effects were saved, nevertheless tho loss of a homo nt this season of the year is felt moro keenly than at any other. Sheep are selling now from tflt.uO to $4 .er luad; how comes It that they are ussessed for lues than one-half their value. Cattle likewise are assessed for much less thun they are worth. The attention of ofllulale is called to this matter so that it may bo remedied. Harney County News. Last night Doc Brewster, a veterinary urgeon who liae lived in The Dalles for a number of years, died ut Mrs. Itich inonds lodging house in the East End. Some months ago Brewster was severely kicked by a horse and it was from the ef fects of that and other complications that lead to ills death. Hie funeral will take place from Win. Micliell'H under taking parlors nt 10 a. m. tomorrow. The smallpox patient, McDonald, who was taken to the pest house last Friday, has broken out and is in such condition that it was necessary to get a nurse for him. Law Oakee, who some years ao was afflicted with the disease, is taking caro of (lie man and says at the present time a doctor's services are not required. Tiio man is receiving the best of ntten t ou from the city, and all his wants are supplied. The trial of the stuto vs. John Carey and Frank Qulnlan charged with burg lary, committed in the yards near the depot last fall, is occupying tho atten tion of the court today and is being tried before tl3 following jurors: A. S. Blowers, Leo Evans, Jus. Donaldson, Jno. Malone, Q. F. Arnold, C. T. Bon ney, Harry Hudson, Edward Bothwill, L. J. Kliuger, A. A. Bonney Geo. A. Liebo and W. E. Sylvester. District Attorney Jayno in conducting the case for the state, whllo Moore & Gavin ap pear for tho defendants. The delegates from Oregon and Wash ington loft Saturday night over the Southern Pacific for New OrleartiB to ut tond tho National Editorial Association. A very fine collection of minerals was taken from every milling district in the Northwest.' A very handsomo souvenir boo'c accompanies the exhibit, treating on the mineral resource and containing pictures of famous mines and mills. Several hundered sample bottles of sugar from the factory at L .Grande will be distributed among the National Editorial Association members, and 500 email. boxes of god quart r. The Oregon head quarters at New Orleans will be decor ted with Oregon tcenery and Oregon made fancy blankets. The delegates have en abundance of literature treat Tit Di o! i Hour If money only grew on treci and everybody .owned an orchard it wouldn't make moch difference how it was spent. Being as it in, makes an all-fired lot of difference as to whether you spend it wisely or otherwisoly. We give everybody a chance to come in with us on the ground floor. THIS WAY: regular 75c, 85c, $1 00, fl.25 and J1.G0 Shirts 69c. A big lino of Men's Tun )4 lioie, warranted fast colors, worth in tho regular way 2 for 25c 95c DOZEN. Only a few of the above two lines left. See windows. New goods arriving daily. & MAYS ing on the resources of the Northwest, which will beEcaltered from the Pacific to the Gulf and from the Gulf to the Atlantic. Aside from tliin, they aie all tuned up to talk of the many virtues of the Wusjcrn soil its resources, present and future possibilities. The delegates will be u liaoii t about n month and will undoubtedly do much to advertise and set fortii the interests of Oregon and Washington. Their trip includes a few days in Havana. Late SatiirdnyiiRlit one of tfie brick chimneys at the Umatilla house burned out and made quite a blaze. However, no one in the house was aware of the factexiept the employes who immed iately got out the fire hose and attached it to the stand pipe on tlio top of the hotel mid held themsolves in readiness should their services be needed which were tint. For a wooden structure the Umatilla House is one of the best pro tected of any ou the coast. At least a half dc'zsn stand pipes are distributed over the building, while fire escapes are aecessablo from different points. The proprietors have looked out for the ttafcty of their guests as well as their own. One of the inmates of the city jail who has bet ii held as a witness in the Carey-Qiiinlan case which Is belncltried today, received some money from his brother last Satuiduy and as he has been a trusty since hie incarceration, hied himself to a saloon and filled up with the wine that cheers and inebriates. He was assisted to the city bastile about 8 o'clock and from that on until 2 a. in. made the welkin ring with ap peals to his maker and eareplitting in cantations to his brother until those in the neighborhood wished the fellow was with the Boers or in tho infernal reglous where ho might cry out to his hearts content and not disturb anyone but himself, foi in the latter place each will bavo troubles of his own. 1'KOl'i.K YOU ALL. KNOW. J. 0. Mack Bpent yesterday in tho city. Charles Lord, of Arlington, is in the city. 0. H. Hickok, of Portland, is in the city on business. W, W. Stelwer.a prominent merchant of Fossil, is In the city. Mrs. Levi Clarke left ou yesterday's afternoon traiu for her homo at Hood Kiver. W, E. Walt hers is again at bis post of duty, having fully it coveted from his recon t illness. Leslie Butler, now located id Portland, is In the city visiting friends and attend ing to business. Mr. Butler says there la no place like home and The Dalles is his home and always will be. BOKN. In this city, Feb. 19th, to the wife of A. J. Purcell, a daughter. 9'own Jail KobbcU. Someono .robbed the Hood River jell of the bed clothes used by the guetts, and .'now J the time to insure with the Law Union jt Crown Insurance Co. and Moid the dodger of Are roebing yovt. A. Seufert, reftideut agent. 'Phone 14 1 A I'rofastar TVcll Known In The Dallas rasaa Away, There are a few old Academy pupils still living here and in this vicinity to whom the intelligence that It. H. Willis hits gone from earth will awaken a tide of memories. Not strange will it be If some of these memories aroof the nature of unimproved privileges, Prof. Willis was a most rare student, indefatigably energetic in his own work, bis assiduity in requiring the same from those under his charge was nnwearing. His own education had been achieved willi limited means. Ho was graduated at the university of Virginia where he took high rank from the first and won un stinted praise from his professors. His vacations after beginning his chosen work of fetching were usually spent in attending courses of lectures at the best universities, both in this country and Europe, with uiiflaging ardor taking new courses and advancing his work on tho old lines. During the lime of his stay in The Dalles, his 6tudy was in the ancient Sanscrit. While he was in Baltimore 1 1 John Hopkins university, his work was in tiie old Gothic, a language wholly of the past, and of which the only remains are fifteen pages of one of the gospels translated by Bishop Ulphllas, A. D. 377. From tills fragment the entire language has been reconstructed thus giving of great use in understanding iv key to the information of our own language in the fourth century. Dr. Willis hold many posts of profes sional honor, but the main part of his work was in the university of Arkansas, though for some time before his death be was in charge of the Episcopal school for girls in Chatham, Va. The samo paper which gives notice uf his death Bays that list term the rooni9 wero en tirely lull, and that by January 1st the new building would bo r?ady for use. On the morning of that day his spirit had ttkt-n ite way to realms where his insatiable dotire for learning will meet fu!kst satisfaction. Dr. Willis left a wife a native of Syracise, Y. and two children, to whom the sympathy of their friends in The Dalles will be extended. Hfv. I'ollng'K Lecture. Mr. P.ding's address on Saturday evening was listened to bv a well-uiled house, unusually eo for this town which lias not earned the reputation of being very lecture hungry. Tie theme was unusual. It was the story of one of the most awful catastrophes recorded in history and told by ono who was eu active participant in the work of rescue. This work, though accompanied by scones of horror that sent many a brain distracted, was also attended witii the most wonderful exhibitions of sympathy and generosity that the world has ever seen. It was owing to this that tho city has been rebuilt, and that the cheer ful sound of the stream whistles from car shops, barbe'd wire mills, the im mense Cambria iron works whose great pay roll had built the beautiful city, are again resounding from hill to hill in the Johnstown valley. Mr. Poling spoke of the intense feeling of the bereaved town against the capital ists who owned the South Fork fishing waters. This is natural. But If in ad dition to sending an engineer to inspect tbo stability of the Couemaugh dam, which precaution proved whol'y frutile, the city had stretched an independent wlro from the dam to the city there need have been but little loss of life, though there wou'd have been much of property. Tho railroad bridge was a great cause- of destruction, making as it did a new dam which was indeed im movable. There will never be another Cone maugh lake. A railroad now lies in its bed and tlio o'.d streams that were its feeders ripple musically down the mountain side, unmindful of the awful tragedy in which they ouce had part. IA For Infants and Children. Thy Kind You Havi Always Bought Bears the Signature VolCHIllU Kl'UltlUUM Are graud, but skin eruptions rob life of joy, Bucklen'e Arnica Salvo cures them ; also old, running ami fever sores, Ulors, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Guts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pilo euro on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley Sc Houghton, drug gists. 2 Girl Wanted. To do general homework. Must bo good cook. Inquire at this otto . Olrl Want To do general housework. Enquire at this ottce. Febl9-23 CASTOR ill i" ""ini'i'i'Tiimiii'ih h.";.t."1 ii iylMitliiMnlt'iu.uuVj Vegetable Preparationfor As similating foe Food andBegula ling theStomachs andBovrels of Promotes Digeslion,Cheerft ness and Rest.Con tains neither (Mum,Morphine nor Mineral. WOT NAnc OTIC . totvcofOUJBrSAKUnPITCmi .llx.SawM. RxkMUSmlU- ifpeniBil -nnlnyfwt AZunvr A perfect Remedy for Cons tipa Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevcrish ncss and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. SEEDS. SEEDS. w Q W W oi Q H A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Peed Wheat, Seed Oats, fieeil I've, Seed Barley, Seed Itiickwheat, Seed Corn King I'hilip Corn, Stoivoll's Evergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Corn, Kafli'r Corn, Egyptian Corn, A mnpniScent stock of which will be sold at close and Grocery Store of J. H. seeds; SEEDS. cold weather eatables.... Tl oso sharp North winds. They creep around the corner or come in chunk or gusts. A cold snap calls for hot cakes and maple tyrup. We have the best that money can buy- H. O. Pancake Flour FREE with every purchase of H. O. Granulated Hominy, H O. Steam Cook ed Oit Meal or II . O. Buckn heat Flour This offer will not last Ioiik, so order itarlv nnd ier oc .nackase of II. O. Pan cake Flour FREE. 6EE WINPOW, PEASE & MAYS. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. SEEDS. White Hominy Corn. Kr!y Rose Potatoes, Burbank Potatoes, spring Vetches, limine Grass, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food, Bee Supplies. d w d Staple and Fancy Grocorief", nil of piices for CASH at the Ft'et, Seed CROSS. SEEDS. Willi every ono dol lar purchase at our storo during January and February wo will givo a chance on a ip, Alumini.ed Garlan d Stool Kange. To Sly I.acly Friuuilt I espec!allyrecommcml Miss Bertha Osborne, who hus been In my employ, as a competeut'seamctress for chlldreu'd sewing, shirt wa'sts, skirts, eto, Tele phone 301. 15 3t Mns. M, T.YI.B. W. 8. Pbilpot, Albany, Go,, euys, "DeWiH'e Little Early Hieers did inn more good tbn any pills I ever took," Tbe fawoue little pills for constipation, bUlomaaji aud liver and bowel troubles, AW I -F1EE-I I I 1 i $50 l 1 J : 5 piaier & Beaton t rj lit tn iy afeqiHBat'ri as!gaBM wfjisa.i5Hri