The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 17, 1900, Image 4

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    ricoriiB vow au. know.
Pimples Turn
to Cancer.
Onncei often results from nn Im
purity in tho blood, inherited from
crnrnvrAiinna hank. Few nemilo are en-
ommc, ot the firm of ' tirely free from some taint in the blood,
ammo of Portland, Is , ml it is impossible to toll when it will
i Umatilla llonae. 1 break out in the form of dreaded Oan-
J. J. Luekey, of Hood River, spent the
day In the city.
Bobt. Mays, .lr.. of Antelope arrived
in town this afternoon.
Cotintv Conuni9ioiier R. H. King
and wifo"of Giuis Valley are in the city.
Mesr. G. W. Glavey. J. A. Rolton
mid V. L. Hendricks, of Kinsley, were
in the city today.
W. E. Prudh
Glass I'rudho
ra iijIoiuiI nt triu
Win. nlker n prosperous fanner of , . o or BCratcj1 ims developed into
Sherman count j , who has been in town !, f t maijKnnI,t Cancer.
for the nast few Have, leu lor ins noun
this morning
Mis? Rose D. Michell and her skter,
Miss Myrtle, left on the afternoon train
yesterday for Portland,, where they will
join a party on their way to New Orleans
Miss Michull eoes as n tepresentativt" ot
tho National E litorial Association which
convene at the last liAiutd place on
March 3rd.
AilTortlKrit l.iHti-ri.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the poaloflice at Tho Dalles un
called for February 1", 1900. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised:
Allard, K K
Brown, S L
Carlisle, W IJ (2:
Faiits, T S
George, Mr
Gabel, Bennie It
Haskell, Geo
Hollim;, George
Iliinslmw, Fiank
Lovegrove, R A
McClevey, Rov
McGuinty, J R
McNeil, John (2
Matingley, Joe S
Ryan, John
Smith, J J
Silveiro, Antonio
Sayre, M M
Taylor, Frank
Van Fleet, C V
Vibbert, Del
Whitnev, Frank
Webb, C S
Barhite. C J
Brown, Jas J
Dyche, W K
Farrie, L C
Guilder, Peter
Harvey, J T
Howard, Shelby
Hay, Jim
Kellar, Fred
Moore, James
Marshall, Frank
McManus, James
McMillen, John
O'Dare, Peter
Smith, Almund
Silvas, Dick.2
Stillmant, Dan
Stuart, W M
Thomas, Jas M
Vorese, C A
Woodman, Win
Best, Mrs J C Brown, Mrs W
Boynton, Mrs M Godberson, Bertha
Gaue. Mrs A W Johnston, Mre A L
Jacobs, Miss Mablo Howe, Miss Marv
Hardie, Mrs Jennie Hixson, Mrs Nellie
Kauss. CL Kallman, Mrs Kate
Laughlin, Lizzie L-tmb, Mrp Geore
Morgan, Siriih L Macchill, .Mrs E 1!
Nichols. Mrs Anaie Richards, Ztatta
Sellic, Mrs M Wood, Mrs Alice
H. H. Ridijell, P. M.
. Notice to tlio l'uiillc.
f TV i. . (H'aVillV
tho most malignant i
I had a sovcro Cancer which was at flr.t
only a for blotches, that I tlimiRiit vrouiu
treatfil by soveral time, hut In pptte
of their effort' the dan
cer spread until ciy con
dition becamcnlarmln jr.
After mnny months of
treatment and Rrowlng
ateadllv worst', 1 lie-
elded to try S. S. 8.
Js which was fo stronaly
recommended. Tho first
bottle produced nn Im
provement. I continued
the medicine, and In
four months the last lit
tle scab dropped off.
Ten veara have, elapsed,
lad not a sign ot the disease has returned."
Gillsburg, Miss.
It is dangerous to experiment with
Cancer. The disease is beyond tho skill
of physicians. S. S. S. is tho only euro,
because it is tho only remedy which
goes deep enough to reach Cancer.
S.SS,rT, Blood
(Swift's Specific) is tho only blood
remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable.
All others contain .potash and mer
cury, the most dangerous of minerals.
Books on Cancer and blood diseases
mailed free by Swift Specific Company,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Midwinter Campniretlne Clonril
On behalf of our comrades, The Dalles
Salvation Army corps, we wish to sav
we have yery much appreciated the help
rendered in our midwinter campmeet
ing, just closed, by Rev. I'ollini, Clifton,
the United Brethern church and the W.
C. T. U. The meetings have been one
wave of salvation from beginning to end.
Fortyhavebeen converted, while twenty
seven others have sought holiness of
heart; besides others have been blessed
in soul, sinners have been convicted of
sin, and our hall is still open nightly to
point sinners to the Lamb of God.
Through theee meetings we have had
a taste of what our home life will be in
heaven, when we all, as one family, lay
down our cross to take up our crown.
C.M'T. Tim Hiliiish,
Lieut. Fiiank Jasper
The Columbia Southern Railway Com
pany will cumplete its line and be ready
to receive forward freight and passengers
from Shaniko not later than Arjril 15.
1900. Large warehouses and stock yards ; As a cure for rheumatism Chauibe
will be erectad and ready for wool and , lain'e Pain Balm is gaining a wide repu
stock by the above date. Freight rates t tation. D. 11. Johnston of Richmond
will be considerable lower than bv team I Intl.. has been troubled with that ail
from 'the Dalles. Regular tariff will be ; ment since 1862. In speaking of it he
published shortly. savs: "I never found anything that
For further information call on or j would relievo me until I used Chamber
.11 "" T"1 T . I j-i . ...
Hiiureta j. j-,. iyue, uenerai jjreignt i Iain's fain mini, n acts nice magic
Agent, Moro, Ore., or the undersigned. , witli me. My foot was swollen and
E. E. Lytle, ' paining me very much, but one good
feblO-tf General Manager. application of Pain Balm relieved me
ror sale ly Hlalieley s liougliton.
Mrs. J. K. Milier, Newton Hamilton,
Ta., writes, "I think DeWitt'e Witch
Haz-1 Salve the grandest salve made."
It cures piles and heals everything.
All fraudulent imitations are worthies?.
Clarke & Falk have on ealo a full line
of paint and artist's brashes.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Outstanding Assurance
Dec. 31, 1899 . . . . $1,054,410,422.00
Assurance applied for
in 1899 237.350,610.00
Examined and Declined
New Assurance Issued
Income 53,878,200.80
Assets Dec. 31, 189.9 . .
Assurance Fund
($210,384,075.00) and
all other liabilities
Paid Policy holdors in
1899 24,107,541.44
JAMES H. HYDE, Vice-President.
L. SAMUEL, Manager, Portland, Oregon.
MAX A. VOGT, at First National Bank, Beeldent Agt.
Will Give Them
islands Will Soon Know What Their
Government is to He Mclincry on
the Philippines In Speech on Res
olution Declaring United States
Policy, He Declared It Would Have
Hecn Better Had Dewey Left the
Spaniards and Filipinos to Fight It
Out Anions Themselves.
Washington, Feb. 10. Tho Republic
au caucus of the aenato today discussed,
tho order of business in the senate and
decided to take up the bill providing u
government for Puerto Rico next nftor
the disposal of the Hawaiian bill.
SluBiiery'ii. Opinion.
Washington, Fob. 10. Bacon's reso
lution declaring the policy of the United
States towards the Philippines was laid
before tho annate today and McEnery
spoke thereon in accordance with his
previous notice. He said tho question
presented to couuress was n diflicnlt one,
and this alone could solvo it. Tiio Fili
pinos, said lie, had no conception of
liberty cuided by law. He declared it
would have been well if Dewey had
sailed nwny from Manila after Ins famous
victory and left tho Filipinos and
Spaniards to fight out their differences.
Flnunro Hill.
Washington, Feb. 10. At the open
ins: of tho session today, Bennett, for the
secretary of state, announced the passage
of the currency bill by tho senate. Over
street, who had charge of the house bill
Hiked unanimous consent that the senate
amendments be disagreed to, and that
the house ni-ree to a conference. There
was no objection, and it was so ordered
Tho house then went into committee
of the whole, and resumed consideration
of the legislative appropriation bill.
A Night of Terror.
"Awful anxiety was felt for tl
widow of the bravo General Burnham of
Muchias, Me., when the doctors eaid
she could not live till morning," write
Mrs. h. II. Lincoln, who attended he
that ionrf til night. "All thought she
must soon die from Pneumonia, but she
begged for Dr. King's New Discovery
eaying it had moro than once saved her
life, and had cured her of Consumption
After three small doses she slept easily
all night, and its further use completely
cured .her." This marvelous medicine
is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest
and Lung Diseases. Only GOc and $1.1)0,
Trial bottles free at Blakeley
Houghton's drug store.
Three Soldiers Tortured to Death.
Boston, Feb. 10 A dispatch to tho
Globe from Ilo Ho says : Three Mnsea
chusetts soldiers of the Twenty-sixth
regiment, U. S. V., have been tortured
to death by insurgents. Tho men wore
Dennis Hays, William Dueun and
Michael Traccy, privates of comnanv F.
under Captain William Tutherlv. They
remained behind the column at Baliuag
lait November to get a tuba and refueed
to accompany iho corporal eent bv
Captain Tutherly to bring them along
They were captured by tho insurgents
hanging on the rear of tho column, and
were cruelly tortured and murdered by
the rebels in the public plaza at Baliuag.
tho action being countenanced by tho
Spanish priest. Tho padre has since
eft his parish for the mountains,
Why suffer with kindey or rheuma
tism when it can be positively cured by
the use of the "Oxygenor King." No
medicine, no electricity, hut pure Oxy
gon instilled or absorbed through tho
pores of the skin while yet eleop, No
need of going to tho hospital for medi
cal treatment when you can be cured at
homo by tho use of the Oxygenor. No
matter what the ailment or disease the
Oxygenor will diagnoso the case and
proceed to cure. For further nartfeu-
ars call on or address J. M. Filloon. The
Dalles, Or. phone 390. feblO-L'wk
Your Ici
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health ad well. Imnuro
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you aru feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases whoro cheap Snrsaparillas and
so called purlllers fall ; knowing this wo
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Christian Science meeting in small
K. of P. hall every .Sunday morning at
11 o'clock.
Christian church Ninth and Court
streets, Bev. G. Bushing, pastor.
Preaching morning and evening, at 11
a. in. and 7 :'0 p. in. Sunday school at 10.
Christian Endeavor at 0H5 p. in.
Calvary Baptist church Bev. W. 11.
Clifton, pastor. Beetilar services tit 11
a. in. and 7:110 p. in. Young people's
meeting at G:'i0 p. in. Sunday school
at 10 a. m. Morning subject: "The
Evil of Sin." Evening: "Peter's Con
Lutheran church Bev. W. Brennor,
pastor. Divine services tomorrow, both
morning and evening. Morning service
at 11 a. m.; Sunday school at 11!. In
the evening at 7:H0 the subject of dis
course will be "The Fourfold Hearing
of God's Word." Come one and all.
Congregational church corner Fifth
and Court streets. Bev. Poling, pastor.
Morning service at 11; Sunday school at
l'J : 15 ; Junior Endeavor, -1 p. in.;
Christian Endeavor, 0:30. Evening
servico ut7:30. Pastor's morning sub
ject: "Childhood Marching into Man
hood." Evening: "The Father of His
Methodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth and Washington, Bev. tJ. F.
Hawk, pastor. Services at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at
10 a. m.; class meeting at the cloo of
morning service ; Juifior League at 3 :30 ;
Epworth Leaguo at 0:30. Morning
theme "A Man to Build tin thu Hedge."
Evening "Keep the Original Purpose."
At the evening service Miss .Myrtle Short
will render a solo.
The Great STEEL and MALLEA
rri)fOKil for Itrfuiitlliifr Water HiiiiiIh,
Halle City Oregon.
Sealed proposals will be received by
the board of water commissioners of
Dalles City, Oregon, at said citv until
8:30 o'clock p. ni. of the U'li day of Feb.,
lUUO, lor twenty-live thousand dollars;
and twenty thousand dollars of refund
ing wator bonds of said city, (as it is not
settled as to whether the total amount
of bonds will be 25 000 or L'0.000) au
thority is extended to the said board to
issue refunding water bunds in tiie sum
of $25,000, but if found tint to be neces
sary, the issue will be for no more than
if 20, 000; and at a rate of interest not ex
ceeding four per cent per nniium pay
able twenty years from date of issue,
interest payable semi-annually, princi
pal and interest payable in gold coin of
the United States, at any city therein,
at the option of tho buyer.
The bonds mentioned will be issued
under the provisions of tho several leg
islative acts of the slate of Oregon, ap
proved Feb. 20, 1S83, Feb. 10, 18s!J, and
Fob. 14, 1895, and in pursuance of au oi
dinance adopted by the common council
of Dalles City, approved January 25,
1000. Tho proposed refunding water
bonds are intended for tho redemption
of outstanding water bonds in tho stun
of :)!25,000; but in caso tho board of water
commissioners prefer, it will issue re
funding bonds for $20,000 only, therefore
bidders may make proposals for both
$25,000 and $20,000, and in tho denomi
nation of $000 each.
No bid will bo entertained for a rate
less than par value of tho bonds. Prem
iums and rate of intcroct will bo taken
into consideration in passing on the
value of all bids.
Bidders must deposit with the ureal-
dent of tho board a duly certified check
on some responsible naiiK equal to " per
cent of thu an ount of bonds bid for, or
accompany his bid with c.ish of such
amount as will equal such per cent of
his bid, and such certified check made
payable to tho president of tho board of
water commissioners of Dalles Citv. Or..
as liquidated damages in ease the bidder
sholl fail or neglect to receive and pay
for, at tho oflico of the city treasurer of
said city, the bonds awarded to hfin on
his bid, on or before the first day of
March, 1900.
Attention should bo civen the fact
that the board will not issue and disimim
of more than $20,000 of such refunding
bonds, unless It shall bo deemed neces
sary to do so, but otherwise, if th board
shall find that it is nccossary to Issue
bonds in the sum of $25,000. it will then
offer and issue the full sum, ($25,000).
wie rignt to reiect nnv and all b rig 1
reserved by thu said board of water
Bids should be addressed to th
dent of said board, or to the citv recnnl.
er, Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon,
and noted "Proposals for refundim
i t l I ) n
wniur uuiiuo.
By order of the Board of Water Com
mission, by and with the consent of tin,
Common Council. This 251 h lv ni
January, 1900.
fL. S.J President of Board.
Arririvr: Nin II. Gatkh.
Recorder of Dalles City,
"I had bronchitis every winter for
years and no medicine gave me perma
nent relief (ill I began to take One Min
ute Cough Cure. I know it Is the liest
cough medicine made," says J. KoonU,
Corry, Pa. It quickly cures coughs,
colds, croup, asthma, grippe and throat
and lung troubles, It is the children's
favorite remedy. Cures quickly.
Ileniembor that wo arc soiling tho saino from
$45.00 to $60.00
Whion i . a savin,' to our customers of from $1T to 25
ovor co oharuod hy peddlers for inferior ranges.
,ito for pamphlet, ''Majestic Evidonce."
Etv.ku Y.iT-iT.i.T-ifi ti-r.;J6i.T Xs.-r4.vjJrxx.i.fixj3r.i3r t t,r i.irM.tJt:LVjivitixM
C. S. Smith,
.Mil II
11: 13 p. ni,
7:05 J). III.
8 . m.
timk .ciiKnui.r.. A nit!
Knit l.iilti Denver, Ft, Ft
W.utli, Oimiliii, I.'mii Mull
City, HI. Imih.i "Jl.Vi p m
CIiIcjio mill .
VK ! '
Fresh KggH and Creamery
Butter n specialty.
R p. in.
10 p. in,
V.'iilln Wiilln, Hxkiiii',
Mllll!lM10llS. HI. I'HIll,1
ill! lit til, Miluuulitv
('lilciiiro mill I'nst. i
(K'Ollll HtL'IIHlllll9.
For him l'rnntlM'o
Dciemtxir :), a. In, .
anil -M.
I;M a. ni
4 . ni.
Colunililii Itv. Httmncrs.
To A stoma mill Wiiy
2d Street.
'Phone 270.
1 1. m.
Letters of Credit issued available in Ibi
Eastern States.
Bight Exchange and Telesraphtt
Transfers sold on Now York, Chloo,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
Km, Seattle Wash,, and various point!
in Oregoti and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fir
I omhlo tortus.
fin. ni. , WllXlMHTTK lilVKIl. I l')l,m,
h.x.hiiiuluy()reK'in City, Nnwlwru, Kx.miiiilnj
Kitlcm A Way IjiiiU's.
Ta. m, Wiu.AMi'TT)-. Ali! Yah
lues.Iiiiir.i lill.MliVKKff. illnn
mm eat. .Orci-nii city, IMyton, ami Frl,
ntiil Wiij'-I-'iiiiIIiikj.
I:.') I', in.
"II. 111. ' W IT.I.A M tfTTIT II, ' 1 l-'Vl.. ...
TiJ.-..'I liur.) 1'itrtitttMl to Corvailis, Mim. Wni
"ml feul. I anil Way-buiilliiKs. imnl Fiiday
l.v Iliiurlii
iluliy I
l.'-'Ja. m.
hNAKr, ItlVKIi.
llipaila to lwUluu.
: a : u. m.
First National Bank.
A Gonorul Bunking Business tranMCtd
Depocite received, nubject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collodions niude and proceeds promptlj
remitted on dav of collection.
Hit-lit and Telegraphic Exchange sold oi
Now York, Han Francisco and porl-land.
D. P. Thompson. Jho. H. 8oiiMtti
En. M. WiM.iAMR, Gko, A. Liibi.
II. M. Bkam..
At.ll"tl'' iicalmiK toKo lii lleiwiivr .ilumlil
J3! ' ,cvl"B 'I lie Dulles at 7:iv p, in
niakliiK illnct cmiiit'clliniK at lU-ppncr lliiiclliin
IctiirnliiK iniikliiKillreeteomieotion at llciiimer
lunetluii wtiii No, i.arrivhiB at Tho iMllesiat
No, VJ, throiiKlit frelRht, nt boiiml, iIikis not
r'fOu ,'J'',l'"''',, ""Ives a;ai n. in., uMirU
boiiiK i arrives l:i p. in., .Iuirin :I5 p. m,
Mi, .'l.WtMt honiiii I li roll lt ti fri'lulif.
Ton4lmYin TlnnlflA
mi ma raw
Yellowstone Park Line.
a:lIp.m.''H'''lm, &:l5 '"" ,k'1,url" i "LSINO CAlt ItOI'TK FltOM F0KTU.W
No. 'a.'wcjjt Ixiiiml loeal (relKht, cnrrlui m-1 T0 t'B'5 KAHT.
Clark' A F.ilk'a drug
(resh anil complete.
stock is now
fcflltfl'l-H firrl.'j. r.tir.
-"""" .v.. ,1, ,,, itviurvn fliuij ii, in,
,imn!!rl''.l,,';,,larf,;,'.I1,,, -K- & ".'
iiKcat rhe Dallca. or Hililrexs
W. It. HUKMllMtT,
den I'MK. Ant., I'Drtlaml, Or,
Ttie Goiunima PacKing Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof BRAND
'Jh In llnr oiiaoki,
A lcountv warrants registered nrlor
to dune a, 18W), will he pahl t my
ojlce. Interest ceases after' Fohruury
Oonntv Treasnror.
Till: O.NhY llIltUCTMNK TO Till; IkW
Il:j A. M,
No. I.
lliSO I'.M.
Union Depot, nrtnaod I sis
Kant mull for Tiiciiimii
Hentllu, 01yin)ln,(iray'
llaibor uiiil Hoillli lli'iul
polntii, Hpiikmie, lloi.
la nil, II. ( I'lilliiniiii
Moscow. U'Mlnlini, lliil
(aliilliimii nihiliiK cDiui "
Iry, llelenii, llliiiieni i
IN, HI, I'HIll, Olililliil,.
Kmifus City, Ht. I.nil.
ClilfiiK ' illlU ll l")lii" .... ,
eiint anil Koulht'iint.
I'nunt Koiinil KxprcM .. . u
for Tacoinn ami Keatllc 7;w''
niirl liiterim-Uliito pouilk'
l'hysioiau and Surcjeon,
HjwUl attention given lo mrvry.
iiooinsai una ti, Tel. m vogt mock I Blakeley & Houghton, druWUU
l'lilliimn Hint cIiwh ami loiitli ipSi
Jlliiiieiiiwllii.Ht. I'milmnl Mtmoiirl river pw"
without ehaiiKe. , , .,.Hnti
, VMtlliiiled traliiH. Uuloii ilei'ot coiiueco
In all prliiulpul ultlox. , , ..,.,
Uhkkiirv ohwkeU to dcitlimt on of "."miiitr,
rorlmndiioBicly llliHlmtwlUoK'ilirtiffJJl,
tlckoi. ilcunlnir car iocrvmloim, et.M,"
Anlmmit (ionerul 1'iuneiiKor AmnU$M$fi''
Hticct, corner Third, I'orlimKii v"'
That Throbbing HD-HlBe"
ir..i.i ..i.. 1. 1.. i .... ., If vol!
i iiuiu iiuiur.iy ibivu j""i " - i.
ur, ivnig new ijiio ruin -
of suflerers have nroved tneir -
merit for Hick and 'Nervous l'e'WJJ
'I..... ... I. ......... HinAii uiiu ' '
..wj ,,,nnii, iMiv miw" - ..
iiurves nnu uuuu ui yo
to take. Try them,