' I HI I 111 Ill 1 1 I I Mill .., He Never Umue ItacH Amiiti uivlngthcnameof L3wis Bjs, who lm9 been nlout town for number of days secured : fuddle horae at L. A. Porter's livery sublo List Saturday sav ins tiu wanted to go to W:lco. Ho started but only ROtas far as Biggs where lie arranged to lease twelve head of horses to a rancher, ami hired thu man to ride the saddle-horse to The D.illes, claiming that his wife had telegraphed him that she was very sick, so he was naxioua to return and wodld come by train. Before leaving, liowover, lie told the rancher he had left a bugcy team with Geo. Miller and for him to cet it and re turn to Bitus where he, Bojgs, wctt'd again meet him. Tlie rancher arrived in this city last evening and imtnediau ly started out to find Mr. Miller, who had no knowledge of the transaction of the affair whatever. The authorities lenrned of the man being in town so hunted him up and secured the horse for Mr. Porter, who had become some what alarmed over the absence of his property. The sequel of the affair is that Boggs has no wife or team hero and had no intention of returning by train. He Is surely a peculiar man, for had lie desired he could have disposed of the horse and outtlt, pocketed the money and gone Kist on the railroad. We learn from the sheriff that only last year Boggs was released from the penitentiary where he had been serving a two-year sentence for stealing n team from Levi Clarke, at liufus, and coming to The Dalles and disposing of it. The man surely is slightly unbalanced or he would never have visited the same vicinity and commit a similar crime. He has not been located as yet, but tie authorities are keeping a sharp look out for the fellow and it is thought he will be secured before long. Your i'acn Shows the state of your feelings and the atate of your health m well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a palo and sallow completion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and vorn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blco 1 diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and 80 called purifiers fail; knowing this we eell every bottle on a positive guarantee, Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Knockout Drops NEUTRALITY IS OUTRAGED As a cure for rheumatism Chamber lain's 1'ain Balm is gaining a wide repu tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, Ind., has been troubled with that ail ment eince ISti'J. In Bpeakiug of it he eays: "I never found any tiling that would relieve me until I used Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining nie very much, but one good application of Pain Balm relieved me. For sale by Blakeley ?; Houghton. " I am a saloon-keeper, and used to think that rock and rye, or whiskey and qulnino were proper rem edies for coughs and colds. Most of my acquaint ances were of the imc opinion. Now 1 know somethlngatleast a thousand times better. It is Acker's 1'nglish Remedy for Coughs and Colds. A good while ago I began to cough and found out then that rock and rye wnsnoirood. I cot worse and I was beginning to think that tho trou ble would run into consumption. 1 didn't take any stock in patent medicines, hut somehow or other I tried Acker's English Uemedy. One bottle did tho business for nie knocked that cough out completely and it has never come back again. There is never a day passes that I don't say a good word about this wonderful medicine. 1 al most forgot to say that I am stronger and fleshier now. since taking the remedy, than 1 was before tho cough began. I write this letter voluntarily and cheerfully and am glad to do it." (Signed) firms. IICMBLE, Saloon-keeper, Pocatcllo, Idaho. Sold at 25c., 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada: and in Eng land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. Od. If you arenot satisfied after buying, return tho bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. We authorize Vr- above guarantee. W. U. UOOKVll & CO., JVtarfrttf. YiU I'atk. FOR SALE UY Blakeley & Houghton. through its consul here, has announced that it will present eold medals for life saving to F. J. Cobsan, storekeeper; F. S. Paine, policeman ; Nigel I.. Campbell, Thomas Carr and S. Thomonan, all of Clayoquat, on tho west coast of Van couver island, for gallantry and heroism displayed by them in November last, in reecuim live seamen from the burning American schooner Hera. To L'lf;ht llio liners. Chicago, Feb. 15. A special to the Hecotd from Victoria, B. C, says: The editor of the Yukon Sun is raising u corps of mounted ex-soldiers who will be offered to the British outhoiities for service in South Africa. The United States government. A Convincing Answer. "I hobbled into Mr. Blackmon's drug store one evening," says AVesley Nelson, of Hamilton, Ga., "and he asked me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu matism with which I had suffered for a lonu time. I told him I had no faith in any medicine as they all failed. He said: 'Well if Chamberlain's Pain Balm does not help you, you need not pay for it.' I took a bottle of it home and used It according to directions and in one week I was cured, and have not since been troubled with rheumatism." Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. "After doctors failed to cure me of pneumonia 1 u;ed One Minute Cough Cure and three bottles o: it cured me. It is also tiie be3t remedy on earth for whooping cough. It cured my grand children of the worst cases," writes Juo. Berry, I.'.'ganton, Pa. It is the onlv I harmless remedy that gives immediate j results. Cures coughs, colds, croup and throat and lung troubles. It prevents '.consumption. Children always like it. Mothers endorse it. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints. Subscribe for Tho Chronicle. Denounces England's DamnaMo. Action as WANTS AN EXPLANATION Ex-Consul Macnim's Letter Stirs Up a Hornet's Nest All of His Commu nication With His Government Were Censored, and He Asked Per mission to Come Home and Lay the Facts Concerning the Situation Before the Officials. Washington, Fob. 15. In tho house today, Wheeler, of Kentucky, introduced a resolution which, after reciting fomo charges made by Macrum, former consul to Pretoria, in his statement issued last night, reads : "Resolved by tho houec that the sec retary of state is directed to inform tho house of representatives if tho said Chiulea E. Macrum, as consul of the American government, informed the state department that his official mail had been opened and read by the British censor at Durban, and if so, what steps, if any, have been taken to obtain an ex planation and apology from the British government. "Section 2 Ho is further directed to inform the house of representatives what truth there is in tho charge that a secret alliance existo between the republic of the United States and the empire of Great Britain." The speaker referred the resolutions to the foreign affairs committee. THE EQUITABLE ItlpE ASSURAflCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES. 1 Outstanding Assurance Dec. 31, 1899 .... $1,054,410,422.00 Assurance applied for in 1899 237,350,010.00 Examined and Declined Now Assurance Issued 34,054,778.00 203,301,832.00 Income - . . 53,878,200.8G 280,191,280.80 Assets Dec. 31, 1899 . Assurance Fund ($210,384,975.00) and all other liabilities ($2,088,834.03) .... 219,073,809.03 Surplus 01,117,4.77.77 Paid Policy holders in 1899 24,107,541.44 JAMES W. ALEXANDER, President. ; JAMES H, HYDE, Vioe-President. X.. SAMUEL, Manager, Portland, Oregon. MAX A. VOGT. at First National Bank, Resident Agt. THE DALLES, OREGON. Chicago, Feb. 15. "War with England should be the policy of Una government," said Governor Andrew I). Lee, of South Dakota. "If the facts set forth in Consul Macrum's open letter, issued to the American people are found to be correct. "This action of the Britieh authorities at Durban in tampering with mail matter addressed to Mr. Macrum is damnable," the governor continued, "and an outrage against the rights of neutral powers. If the facts as stated in that letter are true, the American gov ernment instantly should call Great Britain to severe account. That may mean another war on our hands, know, but war is preferable to national dishonor. The spectacle of an American citizen, bo he in pnyato or public life, having to sit idly bv and seo his mail opened by an official of a foreign power is too humiliating for my blood toatand." Almost equally as rad!cal comments were made by several of tho leaders In the anti-trust conference, who were ehown the dispatches from Washington setting forth tho experiences of the ex consul, ah were emphatic in saying that the rights of citizetiH of neutral powers should be protected and that England should be condemned strongly for her high-handed methods. Statement Sut Crecliuil. Washington, lab. lo. While the state department officials wore averse to nay to discussing tho published statj ment of ex-Consul MacCrum, it was autorilively stated that a search of tho records failed to show that MacCrum had ever reported to tho department that his official mail was being regularly tampered with by the British author! ties. It was said that ho did in n general way report that both tho official and private mall intended for American citizens did not reach him punctually and asked that a protest be mado on ac count of this rather arbitrary proceeding on the part of tho postal authorities. Tho department Investigated tho mat ter and learned that no unnecessary de lay existed and does not credit tho stato ment that any correspondence, official or otherwise, was opened, inspected and delayed by tho British authorities. rropnititU for Ilnn-ntllng Wtir Dalle City Oregon. Why suffer with kindey or rheuma tism when it can be positively cured by the use of the "Oxyuenor Kim-." No medicine, no electricity, but puro Oxy. gen instilled or absorbed through the pores of thoekin while vet sleep, No need of going to the hospital for medi cal, treatment when you can bo cured at homo by tho uso of tho Oxygenor. No matter what the ailment or disease tho Oxygenor will diagnose tho caso and proceed to cure. For further partlcu. lara call on or address J. M, Fllloon, The Dalles, Or. phono 390, feblO L'wk I Scaled proposals will ho received by tly) hoard of water commissioners of Dalles Olty, Oregon, nt paid city until 8:110 o'clock p. in. of tho 2(1 day of Fob., 11)00, for twenty. Ilvo thousand dollars; and twenty thousand dollars of refund ing water bonds of eaid city, (as It is not settled us to whether the total amount of bonds will bo 2o 000 or $20,000) au thority is extended to tho said board to Issue refunding water bonds in the sum of $25,000, but if found not to ho m-ei's sarv, the Issue will bo for no more than $20,000; and at a rato of interest not ex ceeding four pur cent per annum pav ablu twenty years from date of issue, interest payable Bcmi-annuallv, piinci pal and interest pavablo in gold coin of tho United Stateo, at any city therein, at thu option of tho buver. The bonds niontioned will bo issued under the provisions of tho several leg islative acts of the state of Oregon, ap proved Feb. 20, lSSo, Feb. 10, 18S'J, and Feb. 14, 1805, and in pursuance of an or dinance adopted by the common council of Dalles City, approved .January 25, 1000. The proposed refunding water bonds aro intended for the redemption of outstanding water bonds in tho sum of $25,000; but in caso the board of water commissioners prefer, It will iesue re funding bonds for $20,000 only, therefore bidders may make proposals for both $25,000 and $20,000, and in tho denomi nation of $500 each. No bid will bo entertained for a rate less than par value of thu bonds. Prem iums nnd rate of interest will be taken into consideration in passing on the value of ail bids. Bidders must deposit with the presi dent of thu board a duly certified check on some responsible bank equal to 2 per cent of tho iiu ount of bonds bid for, or accompany his hid with caeh of such amount as will equal such per cent of his bid, nnd such certified check made payable to tho president of thu board of water commissioners of Dalles City, Or., as liquidated damages in ease the bidder shall fail or neglect to receive and pay for, at tho oflice of the city treasurer of said city, the-bonds awarded to him on his bid", on or beforu the first "day of March, 1900. Attention should be given tho fact that the board will not issue and diepo of more than $20,000 of such refiiiidinir bonds, unless it shall he deemed ueces sary to do so, hnt otherwise, if tit 1 hoard shall nnd that it is necessary to issue bonds in the sum of $25,000, it will then offer nnd issue tho full sum, ($25,000). I ho ngnt to reject any and ail huts is reserved hv the said ' board of water commissioners. Bids should be addressed to tho prcsi dent of eaid board, or to the citv record er, Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, and noted "Proposals for refunding water bonus." Bv order of the Board of Water Com mission, by anil with the consent of tho Common Council. This 25th day of January, 1900. T. J. Skukkkt, L. S.J President of Board, Attest: Nkd II. G.vtks, Recorder of Dalles Citv. A Nlfxht if Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham of Machias, Me., when tho doctors eaid sho could not livu till morning," writes Mrs. H. II. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. "All thoucht she must eooii die from Pneumonia, but alio begged for Dr. King's Now Discovery, saying it had more than once saved her life, and had cured her of Consumption. After three email doses sho Blopt easily all night, and its further uso completely cured her." This marvelous medicine is guaranteed lo euro nil Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. OnlyCOc and $1.00. Trial bottles free ut Blakeley it Houghton's drug store, Neitctl No Morn Moony, Nkw Yoin;, Feb. 15. From Dr. Molier in Europe, Secretary Van Sicklen, of the Boer relief committee, has received n letter saying that the Netherlands Red Cross committee has all tho money it needs at present, nil the ambulances needed, having been provided and furnished through the dpo Town com mittee, therefore has stopped receiving money for this purpose. A detachment of 50 nurses and sur geons, provided by tho fund raised by tho Irish-American societies, will sail this morning on La Gascogne for France, whence they will take steamer for Delu goa bay. The Great STEEL and MALLEA-f BLE IRON RANGES, - - "" JVtajestie I I'. Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are 5 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. a. liunu-mbor Hint we tiro selling tho same from u' $45.00 to $60.00 i j i i ). AVhioii i u snvitijr to our customers of from $15 to $25 over 1 1 co charged hy peddlers for inferior ranges. sK ,ile for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence." JV1AYS & CfOUlE. "I had years nnd bronchitis every wintor for no medicine gave mo perma nent relief till I began to tako One Min ute Cough Curo. I know it Is tho best cough medicine mado," says J. KoonU, t-orry, ra. it quickly cures coughs. colds, croup, asthma, grippe and throat and lung troubles. It is the children's favorite remedy. Cures quickly. II 1 1 M II 1 1 IIHIIIHIWH C. S. Smith, tiii: DKIMSIT I TIMK MTUI'DUM. ron iT.O.M K.VLLKS, Aiiaivx FlMiM. Vast .Mull 11: 1.1 i. m, hliokmie Klycr T:Qj ji. ni. 8 p. m. 8 p. m. Kx.bliiulay Sntiiritiiy lo i. III. ' a. ill. K.l.bilitilay finlt l.nkf. Denver. Ft. Kt Worth, Omaha, Kan Mull as city, hi. l-oulv l!;o'i m ChiruK" "ml Hast. j Walla Walla, Htiokiiiie, KiDknnu Mimien-tolti. St. l'aul. Flyer, j) it 1 II t li, lllluaill.ee, I :-- u. in Uliicaco ami Ka.it. . From l'or.TLA'in. i Oa-aii Steamships. ! Fur han Fraiicln'o I December a. 8. PI, IS, 2! ami US. I ii. r.i. Up-to-date Qroeer Fresh EggH and Creamery Butter u specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. i p. in. ;nliimljla Kv. fe'tenmeriiJKx.hiinila! To Astdiiia ami Way I-aiulliiK. WlU.AMKTTK UtVillt. I I :.") )i. m, OruKou City. .S'nlrtTK, hx.rtumlay biilcm iV Way IjimiI's. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. niANHAUT A. lNi:ilALHASKi:'(l ilUtlNEi Lutters of Credit issued avallablo in tbt Eastern f-itates. Sitfht Exchange nnd Telegraphic Transfers sold on Nuw York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore uon, Seattle Wash,, nnd variolic poind in Oregon and Wanhtntton. Collections made ut all polnte on fw orahio tortus. J.8. HCIIKNK, l'rejlilent. II. M. lliil , t'uMtt U.in. IWlLLAIirTTK 1 Mil VlW. lllllltl tn. Tiicsthtir.l nn.MtiVKli.s. JIoil.,Wul and bat. i Ort-.'on :ity, D.iyhm, attil Frl. I ami Woy-I jtmlliiKs. 6 a. tn. I WlLMMETTK ItlVRR. ItiWti. m. liie..Tliur,l'iirllaml to Corvallls, Mimi.WuI urn .sat. I nnd Way-UiiKlliiKi, mi.il Ftiilny I.v Itipirin laliy i 1 .M u. in. flKAXK IIIVKK. ltiji.tr lit to IOivlaton, 1 I.KAVK I.I'.IVIMTDN j -hilly I tt-iaja. m. t'lirlll.: ilntlilni. ....... ... tf ...--1 takuho. , loaviliK 'I lie Datlcx at TM p. m niakliiK illrect coiiiiccllonx at llepptier Jiiiiclluti Jmictloii with f,o. I.arri'ins nt Tim Dalles at No. thronrlit frHwIit. i.ut .1,.. ..... t'Jl r r liHkkPtltfi.ri. . iir.li'f.. M.'ii .. ... ... J:M)m, in. to,m, J(K'al freluht, carries paH.enKwi. oant hoiimli arrive I:.sj p. in., depart h:l 5 p. in. "vo iiiM.iii iiifuiJKii iii-iiii, UIU'S 111)1 tarry paosciiKetitj arilvcs m ileparls N'n. 'rt iffi.t I..IIU..1 r.i..t.. i . ...... J j... neixiu, eame.s pav KMiKerni arrives n;ir p. in,, ilepartx :;() u. m. For full parlleiilarKcall on O. it. & N. Co.' agent Thu jMllvv. or aiMrcM W. II. IIUKMlUltT, den I'as. Ait t'ortlainl, Or, Tne ColumDia PackinpCo Tlie Vail of "NwiruvatBr." Foiikht Gwjvk, Or., Fob. lo.--WIIIIam French is a late arrival from tho Klon. dike, comloK direct from Dawson City. no reports times very brisk, hut not withstanding this fact, "Kwiftwater Dill" Gates is discharging tho duties of saloon porter. Mr. French states that tho moHinitoes of the northern country are about thn size of Eastern Oregon sago hens, belmz pqiieiied of a very greedy appetite, it is necessary for each camp to offer up a man a day to keep them in good condi tion. Mr, French will return in about ten days taking with him minim ma. chlnery to develop bis mines. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTOKKItH OK Pine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON j)RIKD BEEF, KTO. UmlJ In Your t)liok. Allcauntv wiirrants remstered prior to i June .a, 1800, will ho ptt,i nt Vny liii m lnUstoal cJ-1)e8 'ter Fobruury. 2, lvw' O. L. I-iiiiiiiii-H, Lountv Treasuror. J)H' UKIHHMtOKPIfKIt Physician and Surgeon, Hlicclal uMi.iillii. ,.i i Mllvll ,u ,urvry. j Hooins St una VI, 'c, m Vtlg, 1J)cck First national Bank, THE DALLES - - - OFtEGON A Gonornl Iliinking Business transacted Dcipoaits received, auhject to Sight Druft or Check. Collections mado and proceeds prompt!; remitted on dav of collection. rjiL'ht and TologTAphic EscIihiiko eoldoi Now York, finn Frnncisco and Port land. D1RIXOTORS 1). P. TlIOMI'HON. Jmo. B. Suhisci. En. M. WihiiiAMB, Gso. A. Likbi. U. M. lis a ex. NOTICE of Applicition for Liquor License. To Ai.r, Whom It M. v CoKckiis Notlei! U hereliy kIviii that Ilic iunlertlncl. J. J Wiley, will at Hi o'clock In Hie liirenowi. on Weilnenlay, the 7th "lay of March, 1'W.tM mine helm; llui nitular Mnrch IWhleria of court, aplily to the County Court, of the Hl'ite ciure Koo, for Wasco County, lorn liccmo tollpini notm, mii'.t ami vinoim IhiuoiH In leM 'iinnUii" than oiio K'lllon, In tho town of Slniiilko.la ah lelnpo I'u-clnct, in tlio foiiiity uml tWf(; ali, for kiich jicrloil his receipt iroin inr County Troutiiier of until county way cH "Ji ami his ixMlllou for mhl lleeime, which preent to tliu "alii County Court on said &tu,i hereinafter ict forth. Dateit tins nth day of IVhrimry, HW). 1'iitllloii for I,HUr I.ltii"e' To the llonornhlo County Court of the SUteof OrcKou, for tlie County of Wufco. We, tho uiiilvralKiicil resilient!. ami IvMlvjJJJ? of AiitcloiHj lreolnct, In Iho County of ami Ihe Slain of Oreitoii, rena'el(nlly I'" yon i Incio'ahlulxMiy toitruut a llc-nw ''J Wlhiy lo tell mrll'ioiii), mult anil vliiotwll4 in less iiiiiiithiei than ono Ballon III Iho town" Hhanlko, In sahl Anielopo precinct, liilho W ty ami rilatoitforemlil, for mich pcrj"',1'' celpt from tho county ttwmircr of mliltouoij may can lor. las McCarthv J II F.liier Win Hliinley II It KeUay All Kelay (I W (ii.ur J Htvpheuson iV'.!!'L 'i ffl. It l Biiiiiiilerii Jo hi 'ia?'" K W Dunn ( V Clark ThoM Collins AlonznTuriiur W M Met'arlliV (J .Moiyneiix h I' (laniiuo Frank Miller 1'rtsl Miller liOCIiapinan (I W rlliiu J o Wlluuy 1) H Uyan Hit Miller It () Carlainl T ' lleiinenhaii J I) Tunny joiiii aiainuu I' llnrtwiK i: U (looilwln V J Kepler J M iteeilor ItOMM AIICII ... .111...... 1,0111 K llwlfolll lioMtcinw It J I'llklimton F M l'!' ..... J Malmiu John I'liolps l'r leK (lliurlea illauk H A Kainmuoil 1 A . Il "'itl , ii Miller KCaeyKorr i'i !Ki,SiSut W lilttls j II Kelmiy W M Davuy T (I Comloii J A Tilly A T llxpliiK Albert Htittou K I) Martin Davhl ricolt j W Tln)ni'wn 0 Cornell ii'i.nu nri'inl Ham lilinnfjit ii f Whltlock Kit Hliechui W K Daivwa Hum Wr Chus Foriuno K C lilekMHou II A Criillf. tl'uprtirlC FA UuvU V JI Kemp ileolllllr W II i f FiankKliicalii J W Hoarloit 1' II llnriiliiB (leorg'i Comlon J lllank (leolooliran Harry AiIiiiiin CIuk (Ireer i-rankNHpicor Fruim Irvino M K Miller J T lieiiuctt 1 rhiUytou Vaiier--B.j joint ?rr Max IW1A'1 J J viiy