The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 15, 1900, Image 3

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All of our 75c, 85c,
$1 25 and $1.50
Colored Shirts
For the next three days Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday.
M.ilv'iiiK room fur new sprim: goods'.
All Goocln Marked
In Plnln FlBiiros.
fhe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Teltphonr Nu. 1.
" - f- -
Tlll'IMMY -
- FEB. 15, 11)110
(icived In
style by
"Little Minister"
At the Vogt tonight.
Curtain rises at 8 o'clock.
Head A. M. Williams & Co.s' ad on
tlie II rut page.
Tlie case of John Carey nnd Flunk
Qiiinliin,vio plead not guilty to u charge
of robbery, will bo tried in court to
morrow. The doctor informs us that J. C. Meins,
who has Luen ill for thermal week with
heart trouble, is somewhat improved
The ladies of the Catholic society will
have on H.lo Saturday afternoon, nt
Jluier A Human's, cake und all kinds of
Harry C. Liebe, the jeweler in the
Vot liluck sells watches and diamonds
on easy installments at most reasonable
prices. Call and look over his Hue and
cjiivinced. lit 17
At tlm Catholic entertainment Tues
day nliiht at the Vogt a catchy program
will he given, und tho evening close
witli dancing, Hirgfold's orchestra fur
"isliiiig tho music.
In tho circuit court today a decree ohj
"ivorco was urnuted to each of thu
following : ,Jujtt Rcavls from Win.
Rvls. Ada Slnieox from M. S. Sim
cox. ,
Nio Chicago, Hurlington & Qulney
passenger tars are to be painted a dark
color instead of canary yellow. All
through passenger trains are to bo vesti
hilled, and baguago und express carB are
to have thuir steps taken off.
Tim nmV building recently put up by
Mis. Mario l'eriano, tlie East Kud
'"Winer, is (uite an addition to that
Portion of town. It has been neatly
'"ranged Inside and affords ample room
forahugostoekof goods, while house.
Keeping rooms are on the upper floor.
VailCOUVer has H wnrmi unnnrou In lior
uldHt than smallpox, for at present
there are three eases of diphtheria there,
wIli Is much more to be dreaded than
"mnllpox, Filipino itch or most any con-
tKfou8 disease which might come our
The luaiey Medical Rp,iDK, Co. have
'NJIlicreiolN from the 0. R.
w I, " ou the Oo'urobla river, in
WMhington, Including the Collim Und
"Mnd the w)l-known Hot Medical
bpnngsattha.ti.laef. We understand
' company exptct to put in tome Rood
I b itliH and make this a summer resort.
It will be very handy, bb it is right on
.thu river, and there- will be no expense
for people after they are lauded in get
ting a good camping place. Leader.
We hope, for the sake of our readers,
that the first page of today's Ciiiinxiri.i:
will not he the last to he read ; or, if it is,
that it will he the last to leave your
memory, for on it you will liud faclB
concerning the prices of goods at A. M.
Williams' "after-inventory sale" wl ich
should not be overlooked by any who
desire to be economical in buying.
In early spring there will be double
train service established over the O.K.
& N, Oregon Short 'Line and Union Pa
cific. To double this service will re
quire but tlie addition of a train each
wuy between Umatilla and Granger.
Now there is a double service daily east
of Granger on the Union Pacific; while
the Spokane-Portland train makes the
double service between Umatilla and
the Oregon metropolis.
Yesterduy ufternoon W. 12. Walther
had a severe accident in having both of
his hands burned, though not very
seriously. For the past week he has
been confineA to his home by illness,
and while lying oik the coach' smoking
yesterday ufternoon XJmfringe of the
couch caught fire froiuus match which
he intended to tliroyfnto the cuspidor.
In carrying it nut of the room his hands
were burned. The couch wus almost
No one will want to miss hearing Rev.
Poling speak ou the "Johnstown Flood"
for it is one of those subjects which
could not fail to he interesting; particu
larly so us Mr. Poling passed through
the terrible experience. In speaking of
it he said "For eleven days and nights I
did not have mv clothes off my hack."
Incidents told when he spoke before the
literary society were intensely interest
ing, and in his lecture Saturday night at
the Congregational church lie will go
more fully into details.
It certainly feels today us if it were
the "winter of our discontent," but we
have no desire to steal the Times
Mountaineer's "thunder" und won't
say so, for that paper has 'a lien on that
expression given by Shakespeare himself.
Anyway tlie thermometer crept down
to 16 above, lust night, und we hear tlie
boys are skating on tho smaller ponds.
Tho report for tonight und tomorrow
says "fair and colder." While it is im
possible to tell us yet whether injury
lias been done the fruit, it Is not thought
it has been cold enough yet,
The lesson which is being taught Hert
Brooks, who is now serving out' a sen
tence for disturbing religloiiB meetings
at Uoyd, would not UjK'aiiiisB in some
cases In TheDaUptfT Far some time
four toughs hud Won sitting in the back
of the churchyumpg tobacco juice over
every available spake and committing
other depredations, and Monday an
officer went in search of them, the other J
three disappeared; but Brooks was
arrested, brought before Justice Covey
and' fined tfj and coatB, amounting to
I13.7U. ueing uuauie to pay, ne is now
A February
White Goods Sale
We (inn almost hoar the mothers in this com
monwealth of our say, '-'bless the man who Inaugu
rated thu OHrly nelllriK of
for it given ue n chance to do our
while the weather will not permit of us doing any
thing else. Last week proved to iih conclusively that
people appreciate this sale immensely for the'v took
advantage of the opportunity and bought liberally,
lint let ua state right here 'that we are hetter pre
pared to '
dnriiiK tlie week than at the conimr nceraent of tho
Our entire line of these (roods, are heinir sacrificed
to bring you out und let you enjoy the benefits de
rived by them
Tlie displays in show windows and interiors will
boar evidence that wo are giving yon just what we
claim to do. Excelh nt values in Sheeting?, Muslins,
Cambrices, Lawns, India Linens, Dimities, Nain
sooks. I'iqneH, Quilts, Towels, Linen Damasks, Nap
kins, Lace, Km broideries and Lace Curtains.
serving out his time in the county jail.
Herman Metzer. of Portland, in dis
cussing the wool sconringquestion, says,
"I am decidedly in favor of a scouring
mill here rather than to have it at The
Dalles." Well, dew tell! That's strange ;
but Dalles citizens all seem ready to say
they'd rather have it here than in Port
1 uid. Otieer isn't it?
p Passers-by all stopped at the City
. Meat Market yesterday to gaze witli
wonder at ttie mutton exhibited there,
and it was immense in more ways than
one. The two sheep, which had been
purchueed of James Kelly and were of
the Lincoln brand, weighed 100 pounds
apiece dressed, and are an example of
what can be made on mutton. Mr. Kelly
was paid $15 for them, and from twenty
four pounds of wool clipped at 20 cents
a pound, he made $4.80; two pelts $1;
twenty-four pounds of tallow at f cents
a pound, $1.20. Thus the total amount
made on the sheep was $22.00, or $11 a
Astoria bowlers are now talking of ar
ranging a thiee cornered regatta contest,
in which Astoria, Tlie Dalles and Salem
will take part. A suitable trophy will
be offered and three contests yearly are
to be bowled one in Astoria during
regatta, another at Salem and the other
at The Dalles. In this manner each
team will be able to meet the others ou
its own alleys. Five winniinra will en
title a club to permanent possession of
thu trophy. The id"u of a three-cornered
tournament of this, kind was discussed
during tlie recent ilig Four contest, all
tlie clubs heartily favoring the plan.
The plan to organize a steamship line
between Portland and Manila has fallen
through. The Telegram says the failure
of the project is due to several c.uises.
In the first place after negotiations were
well under way, the fact developed that
the agent with whom Mr. Lewis and tlie
Manila merchants were dealing was
working for his own gain and trying to
"boost himself along on wind." liven
then the Manila merchants were willing
to go ahead and establish a line, and
had their plans almost com plated, when
the United States closed the port, to
keep the natives in the surrounding
country from securing supplies.
Complaints are dailv brought to us
concerning the annoyance caused by tlie
visits of the Latter Day Saints to the
homes throughout the city. If not in
vited inside, they will engage the lady
of the house in conversation at the door,
and before they are through will say
something objectionable to her. While
in most cases they are not exactly in
sulting in their remarks, there is, how
ever, little margin between the forbid
den. Such u proceeding should not be
allowed to go unmolested, and while on
gaged in conversation another member
of the household should jtist telephone
to thu marshal and have them taken to
the outskirts of the city and headed
toward Utah.
Another appreciative audience as
sembled at the Marquam Grand last
evening to see the production of "The
Little Minister," by the Charles Froh-
man company. The play has made a
decided hit, nnd the impression created
here is as. deep ns that in New York,
where "The Little Minister" was given
tor nearly a year's straight run. As a
play depicting lift; in a small village in
, Scotland, tho "Little Minister" is quite
satisfactory. Much has been said of the
novel, from which the play was drama
tized, nnd the people composing the
Rudience last evening consisted ok hun
dreds who had read the story. In the
opinion of many, the narrative has not
suffered in the process of being trans
ferred to the stage. The comedy is
clean-cut and infectious, anil, all in all,
"The Little Minister" is a pleasing con
ception. The final performance will bo
given this evening. Telegram.
Wo have often wondere.l when pass
ing or entering the court house when
court is in session just how few wit
nesses nnd otheis would be required to
make the side walks so that a small
boat would have to be used in getting to
the steps and rubber boots worn in
which to wade into tho building. And
then when the upper floor is reached
just how many more swine could make
the floor so that you couldn't wade in
As it is, it is fairly nauseating to glance
at the floor as one passes down the aisle.
The offense surelj should be punishable
as defacement of the building. The
county Is at an expense to keep up the
appearance of the building and should
see that this filthy habit is stopped. v
The will of Mrs. M. .T. Beezley, who
died in Chicaco in NuVJinber, was ad
mitted to probate yesterday. The prob
able value of the estate is $4000, and
Grover Simpson, son-in-law of deceased
was named a? executor. All money
which the deceased liftd in the Illinois
Trust and Saving bank of Chicago, is
bequeathed to her daughter, Mrs. Alma
Simpson and her son in-law, Grover
Simpson, the medical, funeral and other
expenses to be paid out of the same.
The property is to be disposed of and
the value of the estate divided into four
equal portions. One portion is willed
to Mrs. Mary E. Beezley-Smith, daugh
ter of deceased ; one portion to n son, J.
F. Beezley ; one portion to Mrs, Alma
Beezley. Simpson, a daughter, and out
of the remaining one-fourth II. II.
Smith, of Cross Keys, and Mary Smith
Seal, of Vancouver, grandson and
granddaughter, will receive $20 a piece.
Ttie balance of tlie remaining one-fourth
is to be divided equally between other
grandchildren, Wilson B. Smith, .los.-ph
E. Smith, Raymond Smith and Elsie
May Smith-Oliphaut. I
MisseB Nan Cooper andGrace Hobaon
entertained the Taitie class at the home
of the latter last night and a splendid
time was enjoyed. Wessons were dis
peused with and'' a short program
usurned their place. Mr. II. Northrup
and Miss Ruth Cooper gave two very
pretty solos and Mrs. Wilson read a
paper on "Language," which was said
to be one of her best efforts, and those
who have heard the lady know this
means a great deal. Mrs. Wilson evi
dently has little liking for affectation
and assuming in pronunciation, or
language in general what might be
termed "foreign airs." She believes in
the English, pure and simple, and ex
pressed that belief very emphatically.
Another feature of the entertainment
was a game in which al were provided
with quotations which they illustrated
by drawing and passed on for others to
decipher. This was most amusing. Re
freshments were ferved later and the
evening w&e.n very happy one in every
Tuesday night Mrs. Burgess, who ib
in from Hakeoven attending court, left a
very handsome and expensive golf cape
in the parlor at the Umatilla House,
Later when she went to get it it was no
where to be found. A young woman
who was in the parlor unst of the even
ing was Buspicioned, and surmising she
had gone down on the boat Mrs! B lruess
telephoned to her daughter, Mrs. Dan
Malarkey, and told her to be on the
lookout for the cape as the passengers
alighted at Portland, as she had ordered
the cape for her mother and would have
no trouble in recognizing it. According
ly Mr. and Mrs. Malarky were on hand,
and when a giil stepped off wearing the
article she was questioned. Breaking
down at once she acknowledged the
theft; und word was sent to Mrs. Bui
gess. The police in Portland communi
cated with the sheriff, but deeming that
this was probably her first offense, as
she is quite young, Mrs. Burgess decided
to let her no, and Sheriff Kelly instruct
ed the officers toitive her a warm lecture
and free her. Her name is Georgia
Egau, and she has been in the employ
of Mrs. Agnew in this city. She claims
that her home Is In Gllmore.
Tu My Lady Frleutli
I especially recommend Miss Bertha
Osborne, who has been in my employ,
as a competeut seamstress for children's
sewing, shirt waists, skirts, etc, Tele
phone 30-1,
lt 3t Mks. M. Lylk.
'".'".'''i'l 1 "''"tTTTrmWi'ioTi'T1 'UttiWtut i. nni.uu ii.ii.iimi.i.i'
in in inn um iitimiiinit'
Vegetable Preparationfor As
similating UicFoodandRegula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur
nessandRest.Contains neither
Oinum.Morpliine norMneral.
Not Narcotic .
.Wipe of Old fir SAMUEL PITCHER
fimphn Seul'
dtmfifd tiigtw
WuOaytrr'i rtamr.
Apcrfecl Remedy forConslipa
non , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Pac Simile Signature or
mt W iimili ' 'I'l'" n.t t ne in i
A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Graee and
Seed Wheat, Seed OUs,
Seed Rye, Seed Barley,
Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn
Kiii(: Philip Corn,
Stowell'e Evergreen Corn,
Early Minnesota Corn.
Kafiir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
A magnificent stock of
which will be sold at close
and Grocery Store of
J. H.
Those sharp North winds. They creep
around the corner or come in chunks or
A cold snap calls for hot cakes nnd
maple eyrup. We have the best that
money can buy.
H. O. Paucake Flor
FREE with every purchase of II, O.
Granulated Hominy, II. O. Steam Cook
edOrtt Meal or II. O. Buckwheat Flour,
This offer will not last lonv, so order
early and get one package of II, O. Pan
cake Flour FREE.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
White Hominy Com.
EhiIv Rose Potatoes,
Hurbai.k Potatoes,
Spring Vetches,
lirouie Grass,
Ctieap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Supplies.
Staple nnd Fancy Groceries, jfll of
price for CASH at the Fee.l, Seed
Willi every one dol
lar purtihaso at our
store during January
and February wo will
give a chance on a
Aluminizod Garland
Steel lange.
A fine shirt needs fine laundry work
to mak'i it oak nice und wear well,
Just the sanify with your other garments.
We do not nee any injurious chemicals
lo not rot out your linen and can save
you 20 per cent of the wear your gar
intnts usutlly sustain.
GUd to have you try our work. No
laundry too email.
Dau.kb Lau.nuiiy Co.
'Phone 3-11 brings the team. Ill LV
it i