1) e Dalles tv0tatk. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15. 1900. NO 159 After Inventory Clearance Sale Powerful After-Inventory Price Pulverizing. After Inventory Clearance Sale Cutting and slashing of prices right and left. Taking extreme measures for thoroughly clearing our counters of all surplus winter stock, odd sizes, short lengths and broken lots; and making needed room for spring goods already on the way. Our benefit is the cleared racks and tables; yours the matchless savings presented. Rare opportunities in-women's wear, men's furnishings, childrens' necessities, small wares, etc., etc. Afi..r- Boy's and Young Men's Suits, Over- Invnntnry Nnlu coats, Reefer, Pants. $1.55 for Hoy's 2-piecc knee-pant suits, made of nil all-wool Btronir. brown and gray ehcck- cd cas6imore, thu pantH made double seat and ktii'un ; worth $2.50. Just the thing lor school. -WILLIAMS- AgSi.ry Fine Plaids for Skirts No need to let the season pass without poseesing a plaid skirt. Here's your opportunity for buying at a money-saving price the very swellest, richest, most desirable plaids the season has produced. $1.25 a vard plaid, -15-inch wide, sale price per yard $ .84 $1.50 " " " " " " " 1.00 $l.fvj " " " " " ; " " 1.10 41.75 " " " " " " " 1.17 $1.95 " " " " " " 1.30 $2.25 dQ QfcC '(,r Yu"K Men's 3-picee suits, worth $4.50 ipO.feO and $1.05 at our own usual low prices. The material is all-wool and comes in good seryicuablo gray mixtures. Boy's Reefers. $2,50 black iioucle Keefer coats sale price $1.85 $1 00 blue chinchilla Keefer coatB sale price .. 3.15 $5.00 Humbold cliinchilla Hectors sale price... 3.95 Men's Overcoats. $10 Mmi'fl black frieze overcoat, all wool, heav weight. After-inventory H.ile price. . '. .$7.50 $10 Men's tan covert cloth overcoatH. plaid lining to match dale price $7.50 $8 50 Youiu Mtm'e popular short length tan covert overcoats sale price $5.S5 After Inventory ShIm Clearance Sale Skirts. Tailor-mafle Suits. After Inventory Sale An event that will set Dalles shoppers talkine Dur grand after-inventory sale of suits, skirts, waists aaii wrappers; an extraordinary occasion, when ready-to-wear garments will be sold at priceB never before beard of on like goods. Boys' Knee Pants 15c per pair 2 pair 25cts. Worth 20j and 25c Aftur-liivniitiiry Clearing Fine Silk and Sateen Underskirts. Aflnr Iiivriilnry Sxlu $5 changeable and plain tall'iittu silk un derskirts, deep corded llouuce and canvas facing green, blue, purple and cerise ef fects .. ...$3.3 1 $0 50 black tafltttta silk nndurskirts, ele gantly made, deep flounce with 4 double rows of curding, canvas faced 'Mm ' f H ' VIM y3off $-1.35 I to $5.00- All plain and me tallic striped mercer ized sateen under skirts, made with deep corded and ruf fled flounce faced 'with canvas; all col ors ; worth from $1.75 -less one-third oil'. Aftiir Invmiuiry Mill. I Ladies' House Jackecs or Dress ing Sacques. Artnr Invrntory Haiti Flannelette dressing eac)uee, fancy colored stripes and figuree : 7So styles 50c $1 .35 styles. l8o stvles... .$1.00 ..72o $1 .- styles. , $1.50 styles $1.07 Kidordown sacques; gray, red, pink, bluo and fancy stripes: O.'ic ones 70c $1 . 15 ones 89c '$1 .05 ones. . $1 1)0 one.... $1.25 .00c .$1.15 42.00 ones $1.38 $3.50 ones $2. -15 Clearance Sale worth Baby Coats tof 5.00 choice $1.00 The time has come when all odds and ends of a brisk season's selling must move, to make room for spring goods soon to arrive; hence this extraordinary of fering : , ) rlniM ( $1.25 Flannelette Coats $1.05 white uiderdown, fur trlm'tl $3.25 striped eiderdown, braid trim'd ' $3 00 houclu cloth, braid trim'd $1.50 fine cloth, braid trim'd $5,00 tine cloth, ribbon trim'd $1 25c for 50c Boys' Caps. 50c Military caps,, trimmed in gold cord and reg ulation brass buttons. t0u heavy hh.e cjotli, golf, yucht, with drop band )0u erav ninth nmlMt mih. 50u erav 'cloth cailut chiih. 35c worsted golf cups, 35i! red flannel golf caps, 35c check velvet golf caps, foe striped corduroy golf caps, l;c blue cloth golf-yncht caps, Choice of any of these 25c each. After Irwontory Corset Clearing. Jaokson Corset Waists Some two dozen only sizes 18 to 20 though not all the intermediate sizes should your size bo hero the prlco will be only 76 oents. Value $1,25, ;$1,50 The woll-known "P. N." Corsets worth $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.25 respect ively. Ae wh have decided to confine oursolvos ontirely to Royal Worcester Corsets these must go, Therefore this price Choice of any grade.... 75c Women's $G per fect fitting tailor made suits aft e r-i n v en t o r y price $4 $10 tailor-made suits after-inventory price. .$0 $12 tailor-mnde suite after-inventory price. . . $7.20 $15 tailor-made suits after-in ventory price. .$9 $10.50 tailormade suits after-inventory price... $9.00 i'lS tailor-made buits after-in- $10.80 ventory price. $20 tailor-made suits after-inventorv price $12.00 Women's. $2.75 plain circular skirts, Victoria, cord in blue with white lines after inventcrv price :.. $i.G5 $5.00 bine eerce skirt, double stitched seams after inventory price $.3 00 1 $0.50 olive-green. covert cloth 5 gored skirt after-inventorv price $3 00 I $0.50 blue Vene tian cloth skirt, with scalloped and braided over skirt after-inventory price . . . $3.90 $25 tailor-made suits-price -after-inventorv $15.00 No two alike, but in the lot ate shown fly fronts, dip fronts and double breast ed styles; gored and circular skirts with French back, lined .with best percaline and faced with canvas. Colors blues, reds, greens, black, tans and popular mixtures. 6699 $7.50 black Iron-clad alpaca skirt, plain 3-piece after-inventory price $4 50 $5 and $0.50 Plaid Skirts now $2.50 Such prices on such goods are the re sult of extraordiuarv trade conditions. The cost of making these skirts exceeds by half the prices we are now selling them for. $5.00 plaid skirts, navy blue with brown and gold plaids after-inventory price. $2.50 $ii.50 plaid skirts, tan or gray with red plaid after inventory price $2.50 After In wntory Suit! Clearance Sale Mies' Capes ani Jackets. AftT- lu veutory Sale $7.50-30 in. I'lush Cape, Thibet f u r around col lar after invent orv price. ..$4,50 I T. a flip's' .Ta r1rt5 XT $7.50 Plush Cape, braid ed, trimmed all around with thibet fur after- i n ven torv price. ..$4.50 $9.00 30-inch Plush Cape, trimmed in braid and jet beads, Thibet fur around collar and down front after-inventory price $15 20-inch Plush Cape, elaborately braided, sable fur trimming all around, lined with best quality satin lining after-inventory price $9.00 $10 Crushed Plush 27-inch Cape, sable fur trimming around collar and down front, silk lining after-inventory prico $9.00 All lines are. reduced to such an extent that enumerating them iH most impracticable. However, we still have all sizes from 32 to 44 inclusive, and in the following styles, cloths and col ors. We guarautee any lady will find a satisfactory garment. Styles fly-front with coat collar, dip front double-breasted with both coat and storm collars; short and medium lengths. Materials Kersey, beaver, houcle, $5.40 j covert a,lt- Herringbone etripes. 1 Colors Ked, blue, tan, mixtures, brown, havana, gray and black. $7.50 Jackets, after-inventory price $4.50 ifS.OU $9.50 $10.00 ' Golf Capes. Some ten or twolve only. While they last these prices prevail : $8 Golf Capes.after-lnventory prlco $4 80 $10 " " .0.00 $12 " " " 7.20 $13.50 " " " 8.10 $12.50 $14 00 $10.50 $20.00 $25.00 -1 o.iu 5.70 GOO 7.50 8.40 .90 12.00 15.00 Misses' Golf Capes. $3 50 Cape after-inventory price. .$2.10 $5.00 " " " ,. 3.00 $0.60 " " . . 3 90 $7.50 " " . . 4.50 Child's Golf Capes. $3.25 Cape after-inveutory price. .$2)8 $3.95 " " " .. 2,04 After- Inventorv Sain Clearance of TafFetta, Velour and Plaid Silks. 1.50 After Inventory Okie 35 pieces changeable TafFetta Silks, extta high rustle, heavy lustre, all the popular combinations, sold right along at 85c, but the after-inventory price per vard C3c Black Moire Velour Silks: $1.00 qualitv. $1.50 " " . $1.75 " . three qualitiee width 21 inches: reduced to $ .67" reduced to .97 reduced to 1.0S 130 yards Plaid Silks, six different plaids embracing as many different color combinations, worth 45c a yard regular after-inventory price 33c Fancy Silk Waist Pattern- Lengths. Some fourteen pieces no two alike all of the fall season of '99 at i off the regular, price. $5.03 patterns of 4 vards each after-inventorv price $3.34 M5.00 " " ' ' " " 4.00 $7.00 " " ' " ' 5.07 $8.00 " " " " " 5 34 $10.00 " " " " " 6.67 Aftor- In ventory Sale Remnants of Silks, Dress Goods and Wash Goods. After Inventory Sale Ginghams, Flannelettes, Prints, Linens gimp and bead trimmings, etc. -reduced 1-3 below Remnant Price. Bargaine galorejand the early corners get the plums. Women's Wrappers !igf Flannelette, Wool Flannels, Cashmeres all winter weights included in this sweeping after inventory clearing sale. Flannelette Wrappers, some with plain skirts, a few with flounce, all with fitted waiBt lining and of comfortable width of skirt ; colors blue ami black grounds, with white stripes, scrolls and figures, trimmed in faucv braids and embroiders. Sizes 32 to 42. $1.00 styles after inventory price $ .75 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 .94 1.13 1.32 1 50 1 6!) 1 8S Cashmere Wrappers fancy yokes, trimmed in braids, ribbons or inser tion, fitted waist and sleeve linings the better ones linod throuuliuui. $3 50 styles reduced to $2.63 $4.00 " ;, " 3,00 $5.00 " " ' 3,75 Fine Flannel Wrappers Colors bright and dark red, navy and gray, sizes 32 to 42. $4.00 styles are now $3.00 1 $0 00 " $4 50 " " 3.38,ji050 $5.00 " :i 75 j ' ou .$4 50 . 4.8S Women's Eiderdown Wrappers or Bath Robes, in gray, red, pink and blue; cord and tassel at waist, ribbon trimming to match at collar and yoke, $3.50 ones now $2 34 ' $0.50 " " $4.34 $5.00 ' " 3,34 7.oo " 4.07 $6 00 " " 4 00 i ' nJntory 0.106 Sale Flclllliel. Hale ' After" Inventory Sain The Flannel Waists at $1.25 and $1.50 are half-lined. Our butter grades are llued throughout. Tucked, plaited and braided styles, All the popular col ors. Any size to 42. after inventory SHOE Clearing Odds and ends women's fine kid shoe?, any size but the size you want still we may be wrong t'wout hurt to try. $5 00 patuit leather, cloth top shoes ) $5 00 kid shoes, opera toe CHOICK $4 00 kid shoes, common sense toe. ) Women's plain toe kid shoes Rochester make.. , ,75c $1 I - N U; and white braid; also black, handsome I ly tucked yoke and front. Sizes 32 to 42. I $2 35 Waists after-inventory prico $1.50 '$3 25 " " " 2.17 $2.50 " " " 2.3 1 Silk Waists at pnoe $1.25 Flannel Waists, sale prico. . . .$ ,84 $1.50 $1.75 $2.50 $3 00 $3.50 $4,00 $4.76 An unusual chance to buy a nice silk wafst at a neat saving in price. Women that know our goods need no urging, but will respond quickly and profit by thia sale. Some two and a half dozen waists, no two alike, rialn and strine si Iks: it 11 1.00 1 light and darker shades. 1.17 1.07 2 00 2.34 2.07 3.17 Mercerized Sateen Waists in several shades of blue; some are tucked and corded, others trimmed in tucks $3,50 Waiets $4,00 " $4 50 $5.00 $0,00 $7.00 $7.50 $8.00 $9.00 $10i00 -after-inventory price $1.75 " " 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 3.75 400 450 5.Q0