The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 14, 1900, Image 4

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Opera House
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
One Night Only
February 15 th
Mr. Charles Frolimnn presents
the succeea of the century,
Orrcun Weekly.
By J. M. Barrie. Founded
upon his novel of
same name.
"The Little Miniiter" is a triumph
for puritv in theatricals. New York
is in from Antelope at
being a witness in the
J. W. Moore is in from Xanspne today.
M. T. Nolan left this morning for
Mr. and Mrs. Hilleary and family
came over from Grand Dalles yesterday.
Mrs. Mary Seal and little daughter
left on this moruing'd boat for Van
couver. Mr. and Mrs. Thoe. Burgess are in the
city from Bukeove;: as witnesses in the
Simmon ease.
Hamilton Campbell arrived from Port
and last ninlit, v.-lie re he has been visit
ng his parents.
E. J. Glisan
teudin court,
biniixioii; case.
John Fender came up from his place
at Htmim yesteiday, and will remain
over until tomorrow.
A. Lyle, one of our leading stock men,
is in from Cross Keys on business, ar
riving this morning.
G. V. I'helps came down from liepp
ner yesterday and although but recently
married, Bert is again courting.
Henry .Smith, who lus been in the
city to attend Iih grandmother's funeral,
left on last night's traiu for his home in
Benton Mays, of Swamp creek, was in !
town last .Saturday. Mr. Mays reports
eleck as going through the "winter in
better shape than he has ever witnessed
before. Knterprise Bulletin.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Simpson and
little sons will leave this afternton for
Portland. They aro on their way to
California to visit Air. Simpson's rela
tives before returning to their home in
Hon. James Van Kletck, one of the
noted attorneys of Michigan, and other
friends are the guest of O. 1). Tavlor.
IV party reached Portland Sunday
evening, where thoy were met by Mr.
Taylor, acc xupanyinir him home yester
day on the Spokane Flyer.
Air.nn? our exchanges this morning
we Hud the firet issue of tho "Oregon
Weekly," which is published in tho in
terest of the state university ut Kugone.
It is a neat and newsy little journal,
tilled with news concerning happenings
at the university and will undoubtedly
be of untuhi benefit to tho institution.
Speaking of the annual local oratorical
contest, in order to determine who will'
have the honor of representing tho uni
versity at the state inter-collegiate ora
torical contest, it savs :
Miss Anisic E. Allaway, of tho senior
class, delivered a strong oration on the
following theme:
"As I note how noblv nature form
Under the war's red rain, 1 deem It true
That Ho who makes the otho,uakc ami th
Po charce makes battles, too."'
i "Purposes justify or condemn wars.
; When warp relieve the suffering or give
I freedn-r. to the enslaved thoy are justi
fied. Enochs of national greatness in
I literature, commerce and polities follow
I periods of national struggle. Oregon, as
. well as the rest of the notion, may ex
1 pect great benefits from the baptism of
patriotism antt ttie puriuc.uton by sacri
fice which it received in the Spanish
war. War such as this brings oppor
tunities sud responsibilities. Oregon
made the sacrifice and shared in the
victory; how will she meet the responsi
bilitles? When we see the purified eo
cial conditions, the new sense of dignity,
the awakening of literature and art, wo
then believe that 'He who makes die
earthquake and the storm, perchance
makes battles, too.' "
Why suffer with kindey or rheuma
tism when it can bo positively cured by
the use of the "Oxygenor King." No
medicine, no electricity, but pure Oxy
gen instilled or absorbed through the
pores of the skin while yet sleep. No
need of going to the hospital for medi
cal treatment when you can be cured at
home tiy the use of the Oxygenor. No
matter what the ailment or disease the.
Oxygenor will diagnose tiio case and
p'oceed to cute. For further particu
lars call on or address J. M. Filloon, The
Dalles, Or. phone 309. feblO Uivk
The Wlililipy Without a Iloucl.iclie.
C.J. Stubling.of The Dalles is solo
agent for this celebrated goods in barrels
and cases. This is the official whiskey
used nail indorsed by the U. S. Govern
ment in all of its hospital service; also
selected by the U. S. commissioners to
represent America at the world's fair in
As a euro for rheumatism Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm is gaining u wide repu
tatioti. D. B. Johnston of Richmond,
Intl., has been troubled with that ail
ment since 18G1'. In speaking of it he
says: "I never found anything that
would relieve me until I used Chamber-
lain g rain uann. u acts liKe magiu
with me. My foot was swollen and
paining me very much, but one good
application of Pain JJalm relieved me.
tor sale by Hlakeloy & Houghton.
Wai Crushed to Death.
Tho manager of tho sawmill at South
Bend was crushed to death by logs fall
ing on him. Insure with the Law
Union & Crown Insurance Co., and
avoid n company that is liable to bs
crushed. Arthur Seufert, resident agent,
'nhone Ml.
Cure a Headache rjulclfly.
i Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel
j ery Soda. A harmless and effective euro
I for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
j brain fatigue. 10 and 23 cents. Sold
I by Ciarke & Falk, druggists. jan24 fiw
Feed ryo for sale nt tho Wasco Ware
house, t'
Clark A Falk'a drug utoo.k is new
fresh and complete.
Clark & Folk are never closed Sunday.
Don't forget this.
You will not have bolls if you tako
Clatke & Falk'a euro cure for boils.
Clarko & Folk's flavoring extracts are
tho best. Ask your grocer for them.
Ash your grocer for Clarko A F'alk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracte.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Fall;.
Paint your house with paints that ore
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Latest thing in camoriiR ore ltn
proved Magazine cyelouea at Donnoll's
drug store.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco worehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch25-tf
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Patton
strictly pure liquid paints.
Acker's English Heuiedy will stops
cough ot any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cts. and 50 c.ts. Dlakeley
& Houghton, druggists.
Geo. Barhe, Mendota, Va., says,
"Nothing did me -eo much good as Ko
dol Dyspepsia Cure. Onu dose, relieved
me, o few bottles cured mo." It digests
what you eat and cures dyspepsia.
Mrs. J. K. Miller, Newton Hamilton,
Pa., writes, "I think DeWitt's Witch
Huzi'l Salve the grandest salve made."
It cures piles and heals evcryiliintr.
All fraudulent imitations arc worthless.
W. S. PJiilpot, Albany, Ga., says,
"DeWitt'e Little Early Itisers did me
more good than any pills I ever took."
The famous little pills for constipation,
biliousness and liver and bowel troubles,
AckerV Dyspepsia Tablets tire sold on
o positive guarantee. Cures heart-bum,
raising of tho food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. Ono little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts.
and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug-
I. B. Thirkteld, health inspector of j
Chicago, says, "Kodol Dvepepsia Cure
cannot be recommended too highly. It
cured mo of severe dyspepsia." It di
gests what you eat and cures indigestion
and heartburn, and all forms of dys
pepsia. "I had bronchitis overy winter for
years and no medicine gave mo perma
nent relief till I began to take One Min
ute Cough Cure. I know it Is tho best
cough medicine made," says J. Koontz,
Corry, Pa. It quickly cures coughs,
colds, croup, asthma, grippe nnd throat
and lung troubles. It is the children's
favorite remedy. Cures quickly.
Caali lu lour W.v.r.U.
All countv warrants registered prior
to June 15, 18CG, will bo paid at mv
office. Interest ceases after Fubruarv. 2,
1S00. 0. L. I'nii.upri,'
Countv Treasuror.
I'rapniml far Refunding Water llnnila.
Hullo City Oregon.
Sealed proposals will lie received by
the board of water commissioners of
Dalles City, Oregon, ot paid city until
8:1)0 o'clock p. ni. of tho 20 day of Feb.,
1000, for twunty-tlvo thousand dollars;
anil twenty thousand tlullarn of refund
ing water bonds, of said city, (us it is not
settled as to whether the total amount
of Ponds will be $23 000 or $20,000) au
thority Is extended to the said board to
issue refunding water bonds in tho sum
of $25,000, but If found not to be lu ces
sarv, tho issue will lie for no more than
$20,01)0; and at o loto of interest not ex
ceeding four per cent per annum pav
iibio twenty years from dato of issue,
interest payable somi-annuallv, pilnci
pal and Interest pavnblu in gold coin of
the United Slates, nt any city liierein,
ot the option of tho buyer.
Tho bonds mentioned will bu iesued
tinder the provisions of tho several leg
islative nets of the state of Oregon, op
proved Fob. 20, 18S5, Fob. 10, 18S0, and
Feb. 14, 1895, and in pursuance of an or
dinance adopted by the common council
of Dalles Citv, approved January 25,
1P00. Tho proposed refunding water
bonds aro intended (or tho redemption
of outstanding water bonds in the sum
of $25,000; but in case the board of water
commissioners prefer, it will issue re
funding bonds for $20,000 only, therefore
bidders mav make proposals for both
$25,000 and $20,000, and in the denomi
nation of $300 each.
No bid will be entertained for a rate
less than par valuo of the bonds. Prem
iums and rato of interest will bo taken
into consideration in passing on the
value of oil bids.
Bidders must deposit with the presi
dent of the board a duly certified check
on some responsible bank equal to 2 per
cent of tho nirount of bonds bid for, or
accompany his bid with c.ish of piicIi
amount as will equal such per cent of
his bill, and such certified check miido
payable to the president of the boartl of
water commissioners of Dalles City, Or.,
as liquidated damages in case the bidder
shall fail or neglect to receive and pay
for, at tho oflico of the city treasurer ot
said city, tho bonds awarded to him on
his bid', on or before the first day of
March, 1900.
Attention should bo given tho fact
that the board will not issue and dispose
of more than $20,C00 of such refunding
bonds, unless it sliall be deemed neces
sary to do so, but otherwise, i( th board
shall find tlint it is necessary to issue
bonds in the sum of $25,0G0, it will then
offer and issue tho full sum, ($25,000).
The right to reject any anil all bids is
reserved by the said " boartl of water
Bids should bo addressed to tho presi
dent of said board, or to the city record
er, Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon,
and noted "Proposals for refunding
water bonds."
Uy order of the Board of Water Com
mission, by and with the consent of the
Common Council. This 25th day of
January, 1900.
T. J. Si:i'Fi:r.T,
L. S.J President of Boartl,
Attest: Ni:d II. Gatks,
Uecorder of Dalles Citv.
f The Great STEEL and MALLEA
i u
Ifcmombor thut wo arc soiling tho siuno from
$45.00 to $60.00
AVhiun i i a saving to our customers of from $15 to $25
over p co charged by peddlers for inferior ranges.
,itc for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence."
iviflYs & coum
Administrator's Notice.
The undcrsiened liavir.L' lxn n:,rl.iti ...i.
iiiliihtnitor of the estate of Joimtlin Jackkon
ucceiiMrd, under and by virtue of mi oiler iluly
made and entered in the County Court of thr
btate of Ore-iron for Wmro (V.tintf nn ti, ,.,!
day of Ita.-einbr, 1:99, nil persoin'havlm,' claims
against MiM estate nro hereby notlllcil to
ent thofame llh the proj-cr vouchers mnl duly
verified at the olllce of mv nttnrnev. Vn-,1 w
Wilton, in Tho Dalits, Oregon, within nix
tjiwiiiu.vii.jui uiuuiiiuoi iiiin nonce.
14 ted The ldlles, Oregon, Jan. li, !!.
. , . K. BAJ.TMAUHHi:,
Jnl-H Administrator.
Read This, Consumptives
'"From the way my wife coughed for si:: months, I knew she had consump
tion. She showed it in her face, too, and her body wasted away to a mere skele
ton. After she got down in bed the doctors couldn't do any good. I called in
both Dr. T. A. Shannon and Dr. N. L. Hawsen, each o whom is a first-class
pnysician, uuiuiey nau noining
that would reach tho trouble
in her lungs. My wife's father
came to see her one day, when
she got very low. Ho lives in
Cedar Lake, Wis., while wo
live in Hiee Lake, Wis. .He
said he knew what was needed,
Acker's English Remedy for f?
umjiuuu. t went to
Schmidt's, our local druggist,
and got a bottle, and it helped
her right away. She took eight
50c. bottles, and they put her
back on her feet and made her
as sound and well nr. nay wo.
man in town. She has taken
on flesh again, r.ho doesn't
cough, and if any mo who
doesn't know tho f.icU was to
be told she was so near death
with consumption, ho wouldn't
believe it. My wife docs all
licr housework, and at night
sleeps as soundly as you please.
m , 0Hr8ves her any trouble at nil. Maybe you doubt what I
&SnJlRa.t yr tOSee N S,c,,n,idt' therugKMt who sold I ml
say, i AcS P Lli 1 , or! C?nsuml1,t,0"'I s " H tell you the same thing. Ho
that XoolMl Positive guarantee
Vnltrt States .nd Canada. In KiM?, "", . 3d., nd V id.' ' bUle
MaMorb, the abw guaranty . UOOWK & CO,, Proprietor,, Ato JWfc
I. S. I..Nr OrncE.ntTiiK;. Oi:k.,(
.Notice is hereby Riven that the following,
mimed tcttler has tiled notice of his Intention to
make liiml lirwf In tupj-ort of his claim, nnd
that bnid proof will be made before the KcsrM ter
William O. Clark, of Tho Dalles, Or.
Homestead Entrv No. .1271. f.
II, . township 1 koutlj, rnriKe 11 east, W. M.
Ho names IhofolloivliiK witnmcs to prove hl
f iitlnuouH residence iion and cultivation of
wui't IKIOJt if.
r- Atykr,m'vJt f'",oti.Clinrlc Hinltii,
C. A. tilbfon, nil of iho lalle, Oreon.
J.i i
Katt ifialt l.ilte, Denver. I't.
Mall . Worth, Oiiinha, Kim
lljl'ip. m.i city, Ht. I.ouls,
Chicago nnd last. i
S:.M p m
7:0o p. m.
8 p, m.
Wiill Walla, Rtx)kane,
Min!:uiMs. i-t. i'nul,
j'ti lu t h, Milv.aiilee,l
t;uicaco una i.nhl.
Ocean Hteainsliiix.
For Snn Krincikco
Ueeemlx.T , , 13, lJ, 2Sj
lino v.t.
H I), in.
fcx.Sundnv Columbia Kv. Htframcra.
To Axtohia and Way!
Mturday i.mdlni.
W p. m. I
1 a. m
1 p. m.
dob Printefs.
mi i it in r mi iiujiiii i iiiiMiii'iiiii7itinmi7. n'TT'iTtTii'i rr'.i7;7'TrrTTTrr!T.."T
till lll'll Ill'Hlt
1 II. 111.
fcbll I
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and
wasting diseases, all '.-fleets of self-
ubusc, or excess and indin
crction. AiHii'vo tonic nnil
blood liuildor. Iirings the
pink glow to iafe clieeke ain
restores the fire of youth
By mall f0 ner liox: boxes
ior; witli a wrltton kiiui-uii-teo
to euro or rcitiutl tlw mouoy.
Clinton & Jackacn tits., CHICAGO, !U
r, a. tn. I Wilmmkttj: Kivkk. uso p. in,
hx.bunduyOrcKon City N.-wIktk, Kx.hiind.ty
Halem 6: Way laud's.
7a. m, IwitWHKTir. Attn Vam
luea.iinjr. HI
aim sat. Oretron ,'lty, Iaytou,
and Way.IjindltiKh.
3:20 n. m.
IUI.I. KtVKits. ilon.,Viii
aim i-ri.
6 "'!' I. WitLAMerrr. Hivr.K. i
1"c,:i".uri ' "rtliind to (.'orvallls,. ilon. Vd
anneal. and Way.ljindlnifii. land.Filday
UMp. m.
l.v Mpatia
daily i
l.'-'On. in. I
Itlparia to Titou.
S:Mu. in.
ht. cast bound, does not
rives '.':a u. m deparU
run VimpUt, I'riTcnt
A uiOTfmcDt of ihV llaWcU HlH
hr httltu. Th.V;Vii?t.i.?i;
!ino7uu, wi,
Ot- l articii denlniiK to ko jo lieppner i hould
wauNo. J, IchvIiik 'Ihu lalle at 7:M p. in
making direct connection!, ut lieppner Junction
(,,, ," .i ,... inn ihu jjiieat
S'o. , tliroiiRht frclj
i-arry IiBJUCIIgem i urn
3:Mh, tn.
i.?'!""' l"f 'rKlti carries paieriKem, cant
bound urrlveM!i ,,. ,a Ueparu :I5 , ,., wet bound througli (lelutit, iloen not
?KMt",,,w" ",rlvc" hil5 I ' i , , de h ! r t k
No. -a, weit bound local frclvht, carries i,a.
wier! arrlvtaoiiap. in.,ilciirU8:ai!i. m!
KoI,W 1'JIcuUihcIIoii O. H, dc K. Co'
agent The Oallei. oraildrtus '
W. . HHitMiuaT.
ticil raa. Altt.. I'ortUiid. Or
of Apjilicition for Liquor License.
Tn A M. Whom It .Mav Co.n'ckiin-
, J!"l,!?n ' '"'f!-'."' t-'lvt" lll,lt iiuilerMKiieil, !
'.J Wiley, will at 10 o'clock in IIik forenoon, I
lav mii oiiy oi jiarcu, I w, me
nuiuv- uvihk nil' M Kiniir inrcu iVMill'tlll lit coiltl
iitmly to l ie Countv iNnifi. of th,. hi.,i,. .,inr,.
Kon, forVViKco County, fur ii lleeno tokell unlrlt
nous, mini aim vinoui, l.iinr lu lesa oiiuiititle.s
hau one Kiillmi, In thu town of hhaiilko, In An
te oik! I'reclncl, In the county and Mato afore
jald, for such erlwl as liia receipt from thu!
County I reasuier of rmniiv .i. ...,m r....
and his iK;tlon for ml. I lleeute, which ho will
tireMjut to the Mid County Court on mild date, Is
Dattsl tins ftth ilay'of I'ebiuarv, lt0,
J. J. Wll.KV.
C. S. Smith,
iiiJp-to-date Croeer
Frufili Ekcs nnd Crentnory
littttiir u Bpuoinlty.
I'otltlon Mr I.Hiuor I.luiinan.
lo Iho lloiiorablu County Court of IhoHtatuof
Oreuou, for tho County ul Waco:
Wc, thu uiiderslKiitil leslileiitNiind (.K,( votcra
of AntclojMi l'ieclnct.ln thu County iVf V Ici,,
mid thu rita u of OrcKon, rtapirtfully imViIII,
our lioiiorahlc biy toKrant u lleeiiki to J, J,
W lioy to cll M.irltiious.malt mid vluou.s ILmors
Kamlritatea K foT ey 'i ", "' "")'
eclpt from thu county tieasurerof taid com iJ
may can inr. -
Jaa ilcCartliy W Hcolf n 3 uiibwi
J II lilder Win Hull w c i'orle"
)) V,1 &"'."Iu' JI''wiirdUoiiiIi N A tichiiiltt
IJ II hcUny It I) Himiidcra John I . U,
ii V Yi r iV "il Jv w 'I 'mn. plou
V,y Itnicr O clark O (,'ornctt
J Htepheiuioii ThosColllua Thus llmitlt
Alf.nzol iiinor W JI McCarthy Sam lllinii .m
O ilolyncux H V (laiuhlo 0 llT",K
omco ove, nr.. Nat, K ,,AU"' "K00N
hrank Miller Krivl Min..r
,,?,t.,.,!"l"",,, (1 WHI1111
JOWIIuuy DKItvan
H ll Miller II I) (Jarlanil
'r HcniieKh.'in J I) Tunny
W..,f.w,,w J"1'" Malono
J II helxay I' HumwIk
,w.""V'' Kq'ooilwlii
T 0 C0111I011 V J Kepler
J A Tilly JMItcAler
A T Lspluir KoKs Allen
niwri nilllOII I. Jllllmm
David ricott
nil hheuhail
W K Dawnon
Hum Work
(Ilias Fortuiio
Kt! Hlckiirnoii
0 A .(.'ratty
Jaa arrack
KA l.titsldeiiiaiin
J H hwauKin
II Kemp
11 rniko
l.'IM K Jiultoill Knhi.rl lrl...
It .1 I'llLrli. 1 ii..
- - ii i,i
J MaloiiH John J'hclpa I'atrlck lladliran
Cbar cN lilaiik H A KdimiiUon I) A lloweli
r. J II rave llunrv H v w ui i.r...,...i.
1; Miller
Henry lllcu
K Cakuy Kerr
J Thomnion Chus iiaiu, 1,,., A
Ki,iiikk'in,..,i.i 1 iv u ;,r:,.:.n."- r.v".v "Hiiur
r II llorillllL' li'lririiiC..i.,l,..,
J lllauk (leo Cil.tHi.
Harry Adams Chaa (ireor
rriillkNHlilcnr K'runb I.
SI K Miller JTltou iVit
J 1 nniaynoii
KW Hllvertootli
rnney iicnolli
Waller Comlcll
J"!ii MiUniiau
1 I. MuKlium
II 0 ltooier
Max LjiwIUcnwii
J J Wiley
2d Street.
int. Qlfl
FRENCH & 00,
Lottora of Credit isatied uvitilnble Id lb
Jiaaturn Hlntee. , .
S la it Rvdlinnin unit TeieBrap"
'I rilnulitru I nn Nnu V IITK. uuiv-"
8t. Louia, San Francisco, Portland 0
Kon, fituittlo Wnah,, and various pom'
ii 11 winy iiinriit mi. 1111 iiijiiiht.
oraulH UirmH.
W W A m la la '
hirsr National uaw
1 nii UALLbe - - -
a ueuerai uaiiKing uubihuoo "-rv,
DepoeltB rscelved, aubjoct to 81W
llFAflt At I IHHl'K.
n tt 11 nrnm
reniittflil on dav of oolloction. ,
MiKiit una Telegraphic iteming r,
fiew York, Han Fraaoiaeo uu- -
Eo. M. William. Gko. A.
Ufa OlarifAA KulVa nllllllllO lllirr
to ktiop Uandruff (row tlm