The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 14, 1900, Image 1

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    e I) c Da II cg
Eiprcstulallves Are in WasWon I
AS Justicu.
LohorerH Now Receive Only 35 Cents
Per Day on Public Improvements
N'r.w Yoitic, Full. 1!. Iglisins nnd Ed
uardo Cnndc, Puerto Ricun lubor leaders
who arrived hero from Unit inland it few
davH ue.o, have issued an appeal to this
government on behalf of the workiniMiien
d( Puerto llico. The delegates, who have
established headquarters in this city, do
dare that the working elasa of tlioi
island havo bcun. reduced by reason o
the war, the Imrricutio ami the nction of
this government Binco the Htonn, ton
condition of extreme destitution. Thov
declare that unless action in taken soon
riotH will occur throughout the island
as the poor are denporatu Irom their
To get jmtico, Hay the delegates, is nl
most impossible for the poor, and the
laws ehielly result in the disfranchise
merit of thu labnrorH. Of thu 1,000,000
inhabitants, 000,000 uro .absolutely
paupers through no fault of their own.
Thu workiiik'meii demand a radical
clinngo in tho government of the Island.
They ask thu following ordinance of
Governor-General Davis he annulled:
First That the laborers on the public
works elmll (tut morn than '2b eentH pur
day for clu;liL hoiira' work.
Sieond Thnt only proporty-holdore
mid taxpayers shall votu nnd those who
cm read and write.
Third That these tax payments of at
least $1 bhall he paid before a vote is
The workingmen also nak t tint the
nrdiuaneu forbidding appeals from the
decisions of tho tribunals bo abroguted.
They also want a general market for
imports and buttur schools.
l.icut.-Col. Puge's Force Pound Its
Left Plank in Danger.
Ki:NHiii:iin, Feb. 13. Tho Hours uro
artively pressing around Uonsberg. Tho
Hrltidh foreo under Lieutenant-Colonel
Page, consisting of a section of artillery
mid 150 cavalry, whiuh had roached
Slingorafontoiu February 10, has been
compelled to full back on Kensberg, ow
ing to its eastern flank boliiK threatened.
IU.nhiikiui, Feb. 12, Evening. The
Moors havo again driven in tho British
outpoata on tho westurn (lank today, nil
outposts nt Bastard's Nek, Hobikirk's
windmill und, other points retiring to
Maedur'a fnrm. Tliero wero severul
casualties, but tho details hnvo not yot
I'eon reeoived.
London, Fob. 1!!. A. dispatch to tho
Evening News from Rensberg snys severe
lighting occurred during tho Brill ih ro
treat, the various outposts on both sides
suffering heavy losses. Tho dispatch
"Ids is doubtful if Ronsberg can
ou held.
HeUeil Huutliimu'H Drift,
London, Feb. 13. A prlvato toleBrnm
received hero says :
"Tho forces commanded by Uonnrnl
Wood havo been moved up from the
southward (! seized Southpan'a drift,
which ho now holds."
Tho war oifice hua posted a dispatch
rom Colonel Kookowloh, dated February
J Mo the effect that Klmborley was bom
hnrded throughout February 8.
During the morning of February 0 a
e'U infantry engagement lasting two
AVil Baking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
hours occurred at Alcxandorefontein
The situation otherwise is unchanged.
Your tmom
Shows the qtate of your feelings nnd the
stnte of your health ad well. Impure
blood makes itself appuront in a pale
and sallow 'complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you nre feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you Ehould try
Acker's Blood Elixir. ItcurcH nil blood
diseases wiiere cheap Saraaparlllaa nnd
so called purifiers fail ; knowing tiiis we
soil every bottle on n positive guarantee.
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
rit.HllHiiioiiH Want to Fight Aculn,
JCmv Yoitic, Fob. 13 "Hob" Fitnaim
inoria, thu pugilist, waa noticed in a box
at a Brooklyn theater night by u:i
iniproviao Dinger, who devoted one verso
of his Hong to tho ex-champion. This
provoked yells utul calls fur a Epecch
from tho audience. Fitz-jiminons arose
in the box and, facing the audience, said :
"Tomorrow (Tim day. 1 shall poet a
forfeit of $5000 in .Manhattan and issue a
challenge to Jeffries to fight me again
for any amount, preferably $10,000. 1
will meet his hackerd bv adding that I
am willing to make an agreement for thu
winner to take nil thu receipts. If lie
won't accept, 1 will tuko on Sharkey,
nnd if he don't want to fight I will take
on McCoy, or any one else. Ail I want
is to fight again."
When theexchampion had concluded,
Homo one shouted: "Why don't you
give Corbott another chnnceV"
"Let that dead one get a reputation
first?" replied Fit.simmons.
"Aftur doctors failed to cure inu of
pneumonia I used One Minute Cough
Curo and three bottles of it cured me.
It is also the bust remedy on earth for
whooping cough. It cured my grand
children of tho worst caBus," writea Jno.
Berry, Loga'nton, Pa. It Is thu only
harmless remedy that gives immediato
results. Cures coughs, colds, croup nnd
throat nnd lung troubles. It prevents
consumption. Children always like It.
Mothers endorse it.
HUlnfectlnff Hpokaon Mall.
Washington, Feb. 12. The postal
authorities have directed that mail paes
log through Sumas, Wash., be disinfect
ed before it is sent into Vancouver and
Victoria. This action was taken b3
cnuBe the officials of British Columbia
feared that mail from Spokane might
enter their territory by way of Sumas.
Tho authorities here do not believe that
smallpox: exists at Spokane, but in
order to allay the fears of the officials
across the border, they have decided to
comply with their tequest.
A Convincing Answer.
"I hobbled into Mr. Blackmon's drug
store one evening," says Wesley Nelson,
of Hamilton, Ga., "and he asked me to
try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu
matism with which I had suffered for a
long time. I told him I had no faith in
any medicine as they all failed. He
said: 'Well if Chamberlain's Pain Balm
does not help you, you need not pay for
it.' I took n bottle of it home nnd used
It according to directions and in one
week 1 was cured, and have not since
been troubled with rheumatism." Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton.
InnaiiH Soldiers.
San Fiexncisco, Feb. 13. Eleven in
sane soldiers will today be sent from
this city to thu government hospital at
Washington nnd it is probable that
about thirty more will go East during
the week. During the laet three months
nearly 250 demented soldiers have been
sent across thu continent, and it is eaid
that over 200 more will soon arrive here
from Manila. In nearly all cases tiie
men are violently insnne,und the reputed
cause of their trouble Ib the ceaseless
vigilance required on outpost duty iu the
John Dirr, Poseyville, Ind., says, "I
never used anything so good as One
Minute Cough Cure. Wu are never
without it." (Quickly breaks up coughs
nnd cold. Cures all thront and lung
troubles. Its use will prevent coneump
tion. Pleasant to lake.
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
Outstanding Assurance
Dec. 31, 1899 . . . . $1.05-1.410,422.00
Assurance applied for
in 1899
Examinodand Doclined
Now Assurance- Issued
Assots Doc. 31, 1899 . .
Assurance Fund
($210,384,975.00) and
all other liabilities
($2,088,834.03) ....
Paid Policy holders in
280,191, 28G.80
JAMES H, HYDE, Vice-President,
L.. SAMUEL, Manager, Portland, Oregon.
MAX A. VOGT, nt First National Bank, Resident Agt.
Democrats Will Probably Meet Before
the Republicans.
Nkw York, Feb. 13. A epecial to the
Herald from Washington says : Before
Mr. Bryan left Washington Saturday he
held an important conference with some
of the Democratic leaders and it was de
cided that the Democratic national con
vention should be held prior to the Re
publican and Populist conventions.
It is understood that Mr. Bryan is
anxious that his party shall take the
field, announce its platform and prepare
lor the national convention befoie hia
political rivals declare their campaign
intentions. He is particularly anxious
to anticipate the action of the Populist
party, which he fears may be guilty ot
political indiscretions which may injure
his cause.
Mr. Bryan did not confine bis consul
tations while in Washington with the
free-silver Democrats, but talked with
some of the shrewdest and most influ
ential members of the gold etandard
wing of tho party. It is known that he
held a secret conference with former
Senator Gorman, and it was after con
sulting Mr. Gorman that Mr. Bryan
pressed upon his friends the iinportancn
of holding their convention at a dnte
several weeks in advance of the Re
publican convention.
A Night of Terror.
"Awful anxiety was felt for tho
widow of the brave General Burnham of
Machias, Me., when the doctors eaid
she could not live till morning," writea
Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her
that fearful night. "All thought she
must toon die from Pneumonia, but she
begged for Dr. King's New Discovery,
saying it had more than once Eaved her
life, and had cured her of Consumption.
After three small doses ehe slept easily
all night, nnd its further use completely
cured her." This oiarve!oU9 medicine
is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest
and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottles free at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store.
Government Cable Defeated.
Washington, Feb. 13. The house
committee on interstate and foreign com
mercu today decided by a vote of S to 5
to report a Pacific cable bill along tho
lines of the Sherman bill, defeating by 5
to 8 the Corliss proposition for a govern,
tnent ownership.,
Catarrh Can not bo Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must tako inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not n quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of tho best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tho two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. CiienuyA Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 7nc.
Hall's Family Pills are the bent. 12
"I had dyspepsia for years. No medi
cine was so effective as Kodol Dyspopsla
Cure. It gave Immediate relief. Two
bottles performed marvelous results,"
writes L. H. Warren, Albanv, Wis. It
digests what you eat and cannot fail to
A rightful Uluuder
Will often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the best in tho world, will kill
the pain nnd promptly heal it. Cures
old sores, fever sores, ulcere, bolls, corns,
felons nnd all skin eruptions. Best pile
cure on earth. Only 25 cts, a box.
Curo guaranteed, Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. 1
Spain's Ureatent Need.
Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain,
spends hie winters at Aiken, S. C.
Weak nerves had caused severe pains in
tho back of his head. On using Electric
Bitters, America's greatest Blood nn
Nerve Remedy, nil pain soon left him
He says this grand medicine is what hi
country needs. All America knows that
it cures liver nnd kidney trouble, pUri
flea the blood, tones mi the Rtnrnnch
strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor
ana new life into every muscle, nerve
and orsan of the bodv. If weak, tired
or ailing, you need it. Every bottle
guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
To the Settlers on the "Overlap of the
Northern Pacific Jtailroad Company:
The Eastern Oregon Land Company
hereby desires to give notice to all con
cerned, as follows :
That at the October term, 1899, of the
supreme court of the United States, the
cases of the Eastern Oregon Land Com
pany against E. I. Mesoinger and John
D. Wilcox weredecided.CJaniary 8, 1900)
in favor of this company; that any
further question as to the title to the
lands included in the grant to the Dalles
Military Road Company, is Thereby
finally settled.
This controversy forced upon the com
pany through thertiliiig of the interior
department of the government, has been
long and expensive, both to the settlers
and the company, and has worked a
serious injury to all. We have under
stood that there is as is quite natural
some anxiety prevalent aa to the policy
tuat the company intends to pureue.
In response to thia feeling, we hereby
declare that it is our purpose to do
exactly right to adopt and cany out a
policy'that will afford no fair or honest
man the slightest pretext upon which to
found n grievance. No man who wants
to treat the company with justice, or
who desires to respec't the laws tf the
land, shall have cause for complaint.
Thu Eastern Oregon Land Company
will make no unjust exactions or de
mands upon settlers who have hereto
fore filed upon the lands, but will deal
in a humane and liberal spirit with all
who will meet us in a corresponding
disposition. The company will also use
its good offices to secure, through Ore
gon's representatives and the company's
agents in Washington, to such of the
settlers as may be entitled thereto under
the law a reimbursement of nny
moneys heretofore paid by them to the
government; and if to that end addi
tional legislation is necessary, we will
exert our best endeavors to promote it.
Our agent in Oregon, Mr G. W. Mc
Near, Ims been instructed that in hia
intercourse with the settlers and in tho
adjustment of the butiuoss relatione
with them, the principals set forth here
in are to be absolutely observed.
Yours respectfully,
P. D. Mahtin,
President Eastern Oregon Land Co.
For winter resilience or winter cuting
ideal conditions will bu found on every
hand in California. Plenteous early
rainfall has this season given to the
semi-tropical vegetation wonderful Im
petus; the floral offerings are more than
usually generou3 and the crop of
southern fruits bountiful and excellent.
Old ccean possesses new charms at
Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Long
Beach, Coronado and tho enchanted isle
of the eea, Catnllna where fishing,
boating, rambling, riding, hunting and
loafing uay be enjoyed as nowhere else,
Quiet little spots, snug aud)warm,
offer themselves at Montecito, Nordhoff,
Pasadena, Echo Mountain, San Jacinto,
Fall Brook and Palm Springs.
For renewing health and vigor, here
abound many hot springs, of widely
varying constituents and demonstrated
merits; the dry, ant l tic, tonic air of
the desort may be enjoyed at Banning,
Indio, Yuma; and, even farther on, nt
Phoenix, Tucson, El Paso, exists con
ditions equally well indicated for weak
throats and lungs.
Many think nothing in nature moro
attractive than the shimmering olive
orchards of Santa Barbara and San
Diego; others prefer tho stately walnuts
of Ventura and Los Nietos, or the
lemons of Fernando; but for gloriotis
fruit and graceful tree commend us to
the golden orange, first, last and always,
and it exists in greatest perfection at
Covina, Riverside, Redlands and High
lands. Equally interesting is the
scientific and tempting fashion in which
the sorting and packing of the orange is
here accomplished.
The faithful were exhorted to see
Mecca and shuttle off; but wiser gener
ations will see California of the south
aim prolong me. t
DeWitt's Witch Hur.el Salve is un
equalled for piles, injuries and skin
diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel
Salve. Beware of all counterfeits,
about our doings the
pnet two days. We're
getting things ready
Mr tho biggest, great
est, grandest
in the history of this
house. To-morrow's
paper will tell you all
about it.
A. SI.
wi ua
The Dalles, Oregon.
Sheriff's Sale.
Oregon, for Vt'usco County.
J. ! Mcluernj-, as nilmlnlstratnr of tho estate of
Pmllip lirogan, Ucccnssu, l'lalntltl,
N. W. Wallace nnd S. F. Wallace, Defendants.
I)v virtue til nil execution, decruo and order of
snlc. duly issued out ol and under the seal of
the circuit court ol the btato of Oregon, for the
county ol Wnsco, to me directed mid dated the
Min any oi isovcmrjcr, inyy, upon a aecreo lor
the loreolosure of a certain mortgage, In favor of
vlnliitlll'nnd ngulnst siiid defendants, nnd Judg
ment rendered and entered In snld court In the
above entitled caiuc, in favor of jilalntlfl and
against tho defendant N. W. Wnllace, as Judg
ment debtor, in the sum of one thousand and.
thirty-two nnd 22-100 dollars (?101J.'--J) with ln-
icrcsi inereou irom uie Mil uay ot acpiemDer,
IStK), nt the rate ol ten 101 ier cent per annum,
and the lurther Mini of one hundred dollars
tlUOJnsnttorncj'Ifees.andthc further sumof thirty
and VO-IOU dollars If 30 "01 and the costs of and up
on this writ, and commanding ine to make sale
ol tho real property embraced in such decree of
lorccioturc aim nereinaiter uescnotu: saia ue-
creomid Judcment having been rendered and
entered on the 'Jlth day of October, 199, I will
on the thud day of Jammr , l'.HH), at the hour ot
'2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day nud nt the
front d'or of the county court house, In Dalles
City, Wasco county, Oregon, tell ut public
auction to tho highest bidder for cash in
hand all the right, title nud interest which
thedefeniinnts.N. W. Wallace and S. P. Wallace.
or cither of them, had on tho aith dnj of Sep
tember 1893, the duto of the mortgage foreclosl
herein, or which said defendants or any ol the
defendants heicin, have since acquired or now
havo In nnd to the following described real prop
erty, situated nnd being In Wasco county, Ore
gon, to-wlt: The southeist quarter of the south
west quarter, tno south huit oi ine southeast
ijunrter, and the noitheast nunrter of tho south
east quarter of section twenty-elght.ln township
seven south, of range seventeen east, Willamette
Meridian, containing 100 acres, or so much of
sail) property as will satisfy said judgment and
decree, with costs and accruing costs,
Kald piopertj will be sold subject to confirma
tion and redemption as by law provided.
Dated at Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon,
this 'J'Jth day of November, 1MK).
KUlSfcKT Klil.l.V,
dc-c2-II Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Wood Saw
Will run everv dav excent Sundav.
Rates Reasonable. W
W. a, UAXJlifcj, JTTOP. s
Telephone 201.
Tde coiuiia Packing Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
, r. mcobs.
llooms 3) and 40, over U, S, Land Olllce.