The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 13, 1900, Image 3

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    ftt Warn
When In a moment of sad rolleotiott wo consider
liowrlii'iiplv wii've beon RUllliiK noodn during tho
tut month'. t corlnlnly docH seem funny If it wore
not po ridlwilous, lint wlu'ii "the beautiful" turns
Into hIiijIi t" vi-x und mortify the children of men, It
inkfM i-itlMtr it. loat rr n ImrKiiln to bring thu people
out. Wu'ro out of boats.
Here's the bargains.
Comprises several broken lines of Men's all wool
fiiili) that Bold during the winter season at prices
ranuiiiK ',t),n f1,00 10 f 10 Wn nro 'luturmlnod to
clc.ui up tli 1b lot if prleo Ih uny inducement.
Your choice $5.15.
Comprises n few lines of Men's nil wool under
KPiir, shirts and drawers Hold dnrlnir thu winter
Fc.iPiin at priced rnnuitiK from "()i! to f 1.00 each. Wo
do not want to carry these goodi over.
Your choice for 39c each.
Knibraeee our Children's department, includinc
Hoys' mill VoiiiIih' suits und underwear, ImtH and
raps, ulc. It will pay ynn to visit thif) department
for liaru'i'iiiH tlint ari; too numerous to mention. Wo
inii't nuiltii room for new spring gooda that are ur
riviiiK daily.
A February
White Goods Sale
We can almost hear the mothers In this com
monwealth of our nay, "bless the man who inantru
rated the early selling of
for it gives us a chance to do our
while the weather will not permit of us doing any
thing else. Last week proved to un conclusively that
people appreciate this sale immensely for they took
advantage of the opportunity and bought liberally.
But let us state right here that we are better pre
pared to
during the week than at the commencement of the
Our entire line of then goods aro being sacrificed
to bring yon out and let you enjoy the benefits de
rived by these
The displays in show windows and interiors will
bear evidence that we are giving von just what we
claim to do. Excellent values in Sheetings, Muslins,
Cum brines, Lawns, India Linens, Dimities, Nain
sooks. I'iqiiHH. Quilt", Towels, Linen Damasks, Nap
kins, Lace, Km broideries and Lace Curtains.
All GoocIr Markocl
In Plain PlBurou.
The Dalles Daily Gimmick
Ttlfphonr iVo. 1,
TI'KSDAY - KH1UMJAUY 1!5, 11)00
m '
Mjrvcd In
stylu by
liannuiiH Ul) cunts a dozen at the Com
mission Company's. l"'Jt
The Little Minister will bo hero
Thursday. Prepare to hear him.
The Guild of St. Paul'e church will
meet with Mrs. .h S. Schenek tomorrow
A competent womnnlde-'irej a place to
do genurul housework. Apply at Mrs.
II. F. Lmighliii's immediately. lit lit
Last regular meeting ofthe board of
firoileli-gaten for the fiscal year tonight
at thu city hall. All should be present.
'I'lit'ladiei of the Catholic society will
have on &nu Saturday afternoon, at
.Muiur k ltenton's, cake and all kinda of
Harry C. Linbe, the jeweler in the
Vot Block sells watches and diamonds
on easy InntallmcutH at most reasonable
prices. Cull und look over his Hue and
bo convinced. 1!M7
If your eyesight is falling you un
doubtedly need glasses and should have
tliem attended to at once. It would bo
mpII to call on Theo. H. Liobo, sclenlillc
"pticiau, who will examine yorr eyes
'reo of charge. I!t-17
At thu Students Literary Society Fri
'y evening the question "Resolved,
That opportunities for siu-coes for a
young man are not as great for the
'utiire as they have been in the nast."
"Ill be discussed.
'..s. Kussell arrived inho olhr last
"VBiiinitand tonight nt the fthjjrrooms
will meet the committee auindnted to
takoclmrge of the scouring urfill oVation,
giving them a mora deliyfte underitjuul.
'"gof his proposition.
"The rocky road to Dublin isn't In it
,v'ltb the muddy roads to 8-Mile," ao say
travelers over them, and It is said it
innes over three hours to moke the trip.
However, they nro not worse than munv
" the vicinity of The Dalles, which nr'e
Through the earnest efforts of Kopre
fontatlvo Moody n ponalon of 12 a
''lonth has been allowod to Mr. Jonniu
lleainei, formerly Mlta Jennie Jamison,
0 hniupter, Or,, who served in the
uHed HttH volunteer medical depart
'ent. Her pension will be allowed
'rein Novum bar 28, 1808.
At a meeting of the South 8ldo Hose
V. t night the following officer wore
elected: Preidwt, a. BoJtoniocre
Y, Franoli Sexton troi-, L, L,
J'no ! forum nr. riK...
vimn, vuyuv, lint
asst., C. A. Borders; second asst., Kd
Hill. Board of delegate's C. C. Cooper,
N. M. Eastwood, Simeon Bolton. Fire
police N. M. Eastwood, W. H. Grout,
V. Woudrou.'
L'ist week in speaking of Miss
Douthit's absence from the city, we said
Miss Hill would have charge of her room
during her absence. We have since
learned that Miss Annie Thompson is
lllling that position. Miss Thompson
has taught in many of the country
schools and given the bust of satisfaction
and Miss Douthit win fortunate in se
curing her services.
"Thu smallpox situation continues as
satisfactory as we could hope for," said
Dr. V. F. Morrison of thu health de
partment at 8 o'clock last night. "There
have been no new cases today, and we
have had one dischaigu. The release
was from a household here in town
where the patient iiad been in quaran
tine. That leaves hut sixteen places
throughout the city whore the disease
exists. Altogether, at home und at the
isjlation hospital, about sixty sufferers
aro under treatment." Spokane Review
Mr. T. Urownhill, of this city, will do
liver lectures on the "Aims, Objects,
and UonefUs of Woodcraft" at the fol
lowing places: At Mosier, Wednesday,
Fob. 21st, at 1 p. in. ; Hood Uiver valley,
Barrett's eehool house, No.' 4, Thursday,
Feb. 2l'd at 1 p. in., and in the Congre
gational church at Hood River Tliurs lay
night at 7::i0. These lectures will be
given under the auspices of Mt. Hood
camp, No. 511, W. O. W., of this city,
and will be free to all. Mr. Brownhlll
is a competent and energetic young law
student and will no doubt succeed in
interesting all, as well as greatly benefit
ing the order in general.
Our new alarm system gave the first
warning of fire-last evening about 5::t0,
und soon thu dilluront lire companies
hastened to the west end of town, the
lire l elng in the Schauuo house now
occupied by Paul Mohr and wife. They
had barely reached the end of Third
street when they were informed it was
all nut, so that the chemical engine was
not even given a test. The lire was
caused by a paper lamp shade catching
lire und igniting u rug near by. Mrs,
Mohr carried the lamp to thu door and
in doing so, burnt hoi hands and hair
slightly, Tho fire boys were prompt
and ready to render nil necuesary
Agents for the various transportation
lines and representatives of eastern
stock companies are beginning to arrive
in The Dalles to look after the stock in
terest; It would scorn that the interest
of the stock at least has been looked
after so far this winter by Nature itself,
so favorable lias every condition been
(or its welfare. Among the. repreHenta
tivea in town today la John Fleming, of
the Evans-Snlder-Buel Co,, atock com
million agents, of Chicago, who has
visited The Dallea for the past twenty
five years In the same capacity ami un
deratands his buslnesa thoroughly. J. C.
Macklnnon, of the Great Northern and
G. M. Gllnea, of the Northern Pacific,
are also Jiure looking up the season's
The persuasions of his parabts and
the splendid business opportunities of
fered him have prevailed andThe Dalles
is to lose one of its mosVuupular young
men, Hairy Lonsdale haMiig decided to
leave tonight for his olrThorue in Colum
bia, Missouri und Iff go ithn business
there. No young man of our cUv coulJ
he more greatly missed than will Harry,
who has been a leader, not only among
tho young people but in various ways.
The regret of his friends at his departure
is not, however, more keenly felt than
is his regret at leaving The Dalles, where
he has so long made his home, and the
warm friends he has found here, and
he declares that his every vacation will
be spent here. Ho leaves with the beet
of good wishes for his future welfare
and success in life.
On account of the change in the time
for the funeral services of Mrs. Beezley
the number which attended was not so
large as it otherwise would have been,
many who were at the chinch yesterday
finding it impossible to attend today.
However, there was a goodly number
present, thus showing that the deceased
was kindly' remembered by old friends
in The Dalles. Hev. Hawk read an
obituary of the deceased, relating much
in regard to her life which was known
to her friends here and also a great deal
which' has transpired since her depart
ure from our city; of her Christian
character and abo of the love and de
votion which site inspired in the hearts
of those with whom shu was connected.
Two very appropriate selections were
also sung by the choir. The pall bear
ers who were from among her old friends,
were Geo. Huch, Geo. Liebe, Dr. H.
Logan, Geo. Snipes. J. W. and D. M.
French. Her remaiua were laid beeide
tlioee of her husband, children and
grandchildren in Masonic cemetery.
Why sutler with kindey or rheuma
tism when it can he positively cured by
tho use of the "Oxygenor King." No
medicine, no olectrluity. but pure Oxy
gen Instilled or absorbed through tho
pores of tho skin while yet sleep. No
need of going to the hospital for medi
cal treatment when you can be cured at
home ty the use of the Oxygenor. No
matter what the ailment or. disease the
Oxygenor will diagnose the case and
proceed to cure. For further particu
lars call on or address J, M, Fllloon, The
Dalles, Or. phono :!!)'.). feblC2ivk
Klllplliu lull.
Ah some cases aro In the city at
present, now is the time to insure with
thu Law Union & Crown and taku no
chances from smallpox. Arthur Seufert,
resident agent. Phone 1-H,
Two Criminal Cairn niRpnueit of-llrown
hikI Wllfton rinail Utility.
The following additional bufiness was
transacted in the circnit court this
' morning:
Mays & Crowe vs. W. R. Winans;
decree of foreclosure.
Pauline M. Hoenng vs. William Hoer
ing; decree of divorce granted, the
plaintiff being allowed to resume her
maiden name, Miss Pauline Drew.
In the criminal case of State of Oregon
vs. William Breman, accused of larceny,
in which N. .1. Sinnott was defendant's
attorney, the defendant plead guilty
and was sentenced to thirty days in the
county jail.
Yesterday Hugh Brown and Robert
Wilson, the desperaducp, were arraigned
on a charge of larceny by bailee, and
this afternoon set for pleading, N. H.
Gates being appointed defendant's at
torney. As they walked into cnurt
this afternoon Brown had no appearance
of being the maniac ho feigned a short
time since, but was neatly attired and
gave no evidence of hiB recent tantrum.
Wilson had a more slouchy manner, and
seems less self conscious. The prisoners
at once plead guilty and Fiiday morning
w a j set as the time for passing sent nee,
which, it is not likely, will be a light
1 1 ic.v tho Convention Wan Conducted at
tliH ISulUirlii.
For Infants and Children.
Tb KM Yiu Him Always Bought
Bears the
Siguatwe of
Had not the term "old maid" as form
erly used in derision, long since become
obsolete, the convention held in this
city last nicht at the Baldwin would
have had the desired effect in complete
ly obliterating it, so admirably and in
such a charming manner did the dele
gates conduct themselves and the busi
ness of the Young Ladies Single Blessed
ness Debating Society. And surely
some of the bachelors present must liavo
censured themselves, as they heard the
means and plans adopted for the
amelioration of those who pine In soli
tude. In fact their attention was
frequently called to the fact that they
had been remiss in their duty along this
line, a number of local hits being given.
The interest which the people of The
Dalles take in tiie workings of this so
ciety was evidenced by the unusually
large audience present, and ae each
maiden lady arrived, loaded down with
lanterns, band boxes, parrots, cats, etc.,
ehe was greeted with hearty applause.
The meeting was presided over by
Josephine lone Green (1ies Bestie
French) assisted by Secretary Rosalia
Abigal Hodge- (Miss Georgia Sampson)
while the members each took some
prominent part in the program.
Old fashioned costumes of every de
scription, worn by the delegates, adding
greatly to the effect of the entertain
ment; some of them being very valua
ble relics of former days, and worn by
our grandmothers in other years.
Business of the sessipn being disposed
of, a reception was given their friends
i .i : .Ja i i i...
aim uunciug vt.ia luumijeu in uv vn
greater number present. Refreshtnen
were also served at the lower end of th
hall, and the ladies of the Episcopal
church, under whose auspices the con
vention was given, were very successful
in a financial way as a result of the old
maids' efforts.
Coining of a I'upular .I'luy ,
If the company presenting the piece
is up to the claims made for it the
season will oiler nothing better than the
production in this city Thursday even- j
imr of J. M. Barrio's celebrated story a in ,
dramatized form, "The Little Minuter."
It is. the author's own stage version of
the novel und Charles Frohman in his
long und most successful career, never
offered to the patrons of his New York
theater a more popular attraction than
"Tho Little Minister" proyed to be latt
season, The quaint people of Thrums
weie taken right into the public's good!
graces and they have continued to grow
in favor thereuntil today there is not a
more popular body ot people in America
I than the Scotch folks who help Gavin
! Dishart tell the story of how Lady
! Babbie won the parish preacher. Since
leaving New York, although Mamie
Adams and her capable support do not
i appear in it, at least in this part of the
country, the play has caught on just hs
firmly. Newspaper reports indicate
that it lias been presented to standing
room only houses nearly everywhere.
The play is given to us hero by Mr.
Frohman and we are promised that it
will be produced by a company of capa
ble actors and be in every way complete.
Grace Heyer, a young woman who in
the past few years has gained consider
able prominence in the profession, plays
Lady Babble. She is supported by a
company numbering nearly twenty
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Fiuest kind of
chicken feed. inch20-t(
tl.Hn HHH'I. .li'nHn"IUiHlntlt
Agdable Preparalionfor As
similating (hcFoodandRegula
ling the Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes Digestion.Cheerfiir
ness and Rest. Contains neither
Opitim.Morplune nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
Rrcipe ofOldDrSAMVaPimBCR
IKtrrpkui Seal'
MxSenna '
Scrtl t
ytmrrnmt - .
CmA'td .Sugar
lmmyrrm Flamr.
Aperfccl Remedy forConslipa
Tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature or
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
it, Air
For Over
Thirty Years
A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grase and
Peed Wheat, Seed 0ts,
Seed Rye, Seed Barley,
Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn
Kin? Philip Corn,
Stowell's Evergreen Corn,
Early Minnesota Corn.
Kalfir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
White Hominy Corn.
Early RoBe Potatoes,
Iturbank Potatoes,
Spring Vetches, "
Uroinn Gras,
Cheap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Supplies.
A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of
which will be sold at close prices for CASH at the Feei, Seed
and Grocery Store of
oceiy Bepl.
You will find sauces and condi
ments to tickle tho palate of
any epicure.
Major Grey's Bengal Chut
ney. b. & H. Chili Sauce or To
mato Chutney.
Red Hot a good relish.
Manila Relish.
Sweet Relish.
Horse Radish Mustard.
Ksseneo of Anchovies.
Ya p rica gen nine II u n ga r
ian. Tabasco l'eppor Sauce.
Evaporated Horse Radish.
EastJndia Currie Powder.
Celery Salt.
Tomato Mustard.
Sandwich Mustard.
Mayonnaise Mustard.
Flaccus Prepared Mustard.
French Mustard.
Oyster Coctail.
Catsup Faust's.
C. & B. Walnut Catsup.
C. & B. Mushroom Catsup.
Olives, Pickles, etc.
With every one dol
lar purchase- at our
store during January
and February wo will
give a chance on a
j Aluminized Garland
Stool Range.
per & Bunion
gfli eri -igferf-ifrjfr' t-jfg ii HWt JfcjiH rj-ri iri
A fine shirt, needs flno laundry work
to make it lojk nice and wear well.
Just the samr, with your other garments.
We do not uee any injurious ehemiea's
lo not rot out your linen and ean save,
you 20 per cent of the wear your gar
ment uiuUly sustain.
GUd to have you try our work. No
laundry too email,
Dai.i.ks Launduv Co.
'Phone 341 brings the team, lll-L'iv