The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 12, 1900, Image 4

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Opera House
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
One Night Only
February 15 th
Mr. Charles Frohnian presents
tlie success of the century,
jner, belnR untitle to (111 his appoint'
ments In other towns on nccount of the
prevalence of smallpox, remained in the
city over Sunday, and preached to 11 very
large audience in thu morning, the
pastor occupying the pulpit in thu oven
; ins.
j Ever since his arrival in our city Hoy.
j U. F. Hawk has urged upon ht9 muni
j bers the necessity of awakening in the
people of The miles a ciiiireu'RoinB
spirit, ami insisting that each church in
the city should he crowded every Sun
day. List night he took for his subject
the excuses made by various ones in
vited to the inarriaiiu feast, us related
in the Scriptures. Enlarging upon it,
he applied the text to the conditions of
today, ami told of his experience in mis
sionary work along that line since com
ing lo The Dalles. Particularly did he
urge upon the young people the neces
sity of attending public worship and ob
taining ttie nood received thereby.
By J. M. Barrie. Founded
upon nis novel 01
same name.
"The Little Minister" is n triumph
for nuritv in theatricals. New York
E. S. Pratt, of Wamic, is in town to
J. V. Moore came in from Nansene
J. L. Richards and R. D. Butler a
in fiom Boyd.
Taylor Hill, of Prinevllle, is recistered
at the Umatilla.
H. P. Moore, of Chicken Springs, Is
doing business in town today.
Fred Broneon went down to White
Salmon on this morning's boat.
F. X. Jones came in from his ranch
near Sherars Bridge yesterday.
Mrs. X. D. Hughes left on the boat
this morning for a visit in Portland.
Mrs. N. Harris and daughter, Zeporah,
returned baiurday night trom t'ortlanu
Frank Beezlev arrived yesterday from
Mission, Wash., to attend thu funeral of
bis mother.
Ghas. Clarke came up from Hood
River Saturday night, and returned
this morning.
D. L. Cates is up from the Locks to
day doing business and meeting his
many friends here.
Mr. and Mrs It. R. Hinton, of Bake
oven, who have spent a few days in the
city, left today for Portland.
Mrs. A. S. MacAlliste- and Mrs. W.
A. Johnston were returning passengers
from the metropolis Saturday.
A. S. Blowers, E. S. Olinjer and
Clyde Bouuey ate Hood Riverites in
town today, having come up last night.
Mis Ethel W. Grubbs is in the city
from Portland, and will remain a few
weeks, the guest of Mrs. Smith French.
Mrs. Emory Oliver and little son were
up from Portland visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sv Ivester, yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank RufTner and
family left on the boat this morning for
Portland, where they will make their
Evangelist Forrl, whoa few years since
conducted a series of meetings in the
Methodist church here, spent yesterday
in town.
the Wasco Ware-tf
Feed rye for sale ut
Use Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic
to keep dandruff from the.head.
You will not have boils if you take
Clarke & Falk's eure cure for boils.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Fulk
have them.
Latest thing in cameras are Im
proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell'e
drug store.
Geo. Barbe, Mendota, Va., says,
"Nothing did me so much good as Ko
dol Dyspepsia Cure. One dose, relieved
me, a few bottles cured me." It digests
what you eat and cures dyspepsia.
llurtrft fur Sale.
Thirty head of sood horses, weight
from 1100 to 1400 lbs. To be seen at
Jacob McReynold's place, lo miles east
from The Dalles. For further particu
lars address,
Stkauhe Bhos.,
jan24 mw The Dalles, Or.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is un
equalled for piles, injuries and skin
diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel
Salve. Beware of all counterfeits.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Waeco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mcb25-tf
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
Notice Is hereby srlven that thu undeifdiined
Iihs liven appointed by trie county court, of thu
.statu of Oregon, fur Wa-co eoiinty,udtniiilitnitor
of the estate of Huttick lirotrn, dec-in-ed. All
persons bavins claimi mruliist kuld estate nro
hereby notified to proem Mid claims, pmrerly
verified, to me nt the oihce of Sinnott A: ."-liinott,
in Dulles Clt , Ore , within six months from the
date hereof.
Mated January 23, 1MW.
Jan2T-ii Administrator.
Administrator's Notice.
The underlined luring been nppoi.itcd nd
Kiliilstiutur if ttie e-.tite of Jonathan JackKiii.
deceased, undr and by virtue of alio derduly
mode ami entered in the County Court of the
Mate of Oregon for Wa-eo County on the 'Jfid
day of December, ih'j'J, all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified to pa
tent the tame with the proper vouchers and duly
verilled at the o!!lee of my attorney, Kred .
Wilson, in 'I he Iallei. Oreznn. within s'r:
months from the date of this notice.
IMted The Dalles. Oregon, Jan. H, l'joo.
H. E. -iAl.TilAKSIIK.
jan 'JJ-Ii Aduiluistrator.
Prof. Troy Shelly, of Hood River, who
recently remrneu iroin an overland trip I - 4 ll I "
.KffiEi Her Life
Mrs. Robt. Slave. Jr.. and Mrs. FranlM
oouunervllle arrived baturday night
Uroiu Portland and will remain a foiv
days with relatives in this city.
Mrs. M. Seal of Vancouver, and her
orottier, lleon bmith.of Condon, ur
uvea baturdiy Iroin their respective
liomes to attend the funeral cf thiir
grandmother, Mrs. M.J. Bezley.
at the MetlimlUt Church.
For eoveral weekn past Mrs. E, J.
Collins has had iu training a number of
boye, who have formed a choir and will
render selections etch Sunday nt the
Methodiet church. Yesterday both
morning and evening their voices were
heard in eacred songs, and the sweet
nees of their touos was most pleasant to
bear, some of them having splendid
woicee. Although having undertaken a
difficult task in interestingand instruct
ing them, Mrs. Collins feels encouraged
in the pleaturo which it gives the'
audience to hear litem and the good
wtikh the bays receive therefrom.
At last uight's service Mils Myrtle
mamri. or x'oruana. reuueren a imitiri
'Trinity." Mies Short has a re-
tuat rich contralto quality which
Mir yrf , it cultivation ta con
"About two miles from Vassar. ilicli..
where I keep a drug store, lives Mw. T. M.
jjiau. ciiuHiu very
tick and hopeless
with consumption.
I watched her case
with interest after
she began taking
Acker's Knglisli
Remedy for Con
sumption, because
much about
its wonderful
cures. Well,
tir, perhaps
y mi will
doubt it, but
with inyown
eyes I saw this woman get well and strong
on that remedy. In u very short time the
cough stopped, her lungs were healed up,
tho soreness went away, and she began tak
ing on lieali. Btio herself said: 'Mr. Billiard,
I owe my life to Acker's English Remedy.
It Is a certain cure.' In Mrs. Bratt'v
ne'gjiborhood her recovery has occasioned
much comment, as you can easily under.
Btnd. Her case was one whero everybody
thought it was only a riuestlon of a little
while until sho would die. I feel it a duty
as a druggist to write this letter, so that thero
need bo no more deaths from consumption."
(Signed) E. A. Butunu, Vassar, Mich.
Sold at 25c., COc. and $1 a bottle, throughout
the United States and Canada ; and in Eng
land, at Is. 2d., 23. 3d., 4s. Cd. If vouaro nut
satisfied after buying, return tho bottlo Ui
your druggist, and get your money back.
H'e autlwke the above guarantee.
W. IL UQQKElt & CO., I-rvprietw, Kw York.
Blakeley & Houghton.
Extraordinary Marksmen and Ca
pable of Great Endurance.
They Art- ArcrlaulUirlMtn nnil iiunien
mill Fnmlllnr with Jlueret lie
oee ol Tht-lr Coiintrj'n
The South African Boer much resem
bles, our American Apache in hisnbllity
to live on the shadow of things when
in the Held. The Apache has so studied
the csint resources of New .Mexico and
Arizona that when on the warpath or
pursued he is able to sustain life on
what would seem to others as a men;
nothing. Hence his ability to make ex
traordinary marches; to be here to-day
and "00 miles away to-morrow. A
writer of South Africa in a contribu
tion to a London paper calls attention
to the ability of the Boers to live on rn;
tions which an ordinary trooper would
not endure and his capacity to travel
great distances with horse in incred
ibly short time. If he is to light thu
Englishman these qualities will stnml
him in trood need. It is by no menus
certain that England in the end will be
iimvlllinir to make another treaty of
The Boer knows every road and trnll
of the Transvaal; us a hunter he knows
the tievious ways of the wastes beyond.
He is an agriculturist and a hunter. By
the law of self-preservation he hnB
learned the wily ways of the black men
whom he lias displaced iu the Trans
vaal. The secret recesses of the moun
tains are at his command. As a horse
man he much resembles our American
cowboy. He can ride on top of the
saddle, or over the horse's neck, or Cos
sack fashion, with one foot in the stir
rup, one leg on the saddle and his bend
and shoulders on the ground. Bis horse
is part of his family life. The beasts
are very hardy, sure-footed and affec
tionate. Then, too, this Boer is a rifle
shot of wonderful skill. When he was
but a boy in short breeches the ritle
was placed in his hands and he was
ni'.r.xivr timk fdiKnui.?. j
rjr. Kiton Dam.ks.
Vnt Salt Ukr. Denver. I't.j
Midi Worth, Omaha, Kan-,
11:13 . in. ca.s city, St. buds, i
ClltCiiKO "I'd halt.
Hpo'.Tio Wulln Walln, Spokane,
Klyer MlnncapoltK. St. l'anl,
7:05 p. m. iMi lutli, Milwaukee,
Chlciuo nud Kast.
8 p. ru.
Ocean Bteannhlp.
Kor Kau l''ratiehco
December :), S, U, Is, 23,
and -i.
8 p. m.
Ex. Sunday Cntumhla It v. fiteamcra.
To Astoria and Way
Saturday Landings.
10 p. m. i (
6 . m. WlLLA VRTTK ItlVKR.
Kx.Hunday Oregon City. Nowbcnr,
Bulcm & Way Land'.
I Tuea.Thur. iiili. Itivsns.
and Hat. Oregon City, Dayton,
and Way-Uudlnxs.
6 a. m. WlUAHRTTK UlVBR.
Tuc.Thur, i'ortlatul to Corvallls,
and Bat. and Way-l-alidliiKv
' fiNAKr. UlVKR.
l.v ttlp.i':n Hlparla to Iivlstoii.
1:1. J a. m.
I i'.M a. m
I p. in.
The Great STEEL and MALLEA- j
4 p. m.
4:30 p. m.
) p. tn.
and Frl.
I:S0 p. m.
Mon. Wed
and Friday
,S:: a. m.
niaile enger to be the crack shot of his I
ships of the mountains, to. long horse
back journeys, .scant, allowances of
food, treks on which the water supply
is scarce.
In the campaign of 1SS1 against the
English the Boer tool; good care that,
his forces never faced the enemy in the
open Held. He never offered open en- j
gagenient. He chose his eyrie in the
iiinuutain gorges, and from that van-j
tage point he picked off the foe nt his
will. Even when lie assaulted Mnjubn 1
hill he came up rock by rock, squirming
like a snake, twisting in and out ami !
not firing until he had a mark to hitA
What success English troops, unac
quainted with his country, arc to have
wfth him is a question to he settled in
the future. There appears to be much
reason in the assertion that if England
declares war the blacks of .South Africa
will rise with the Boer and precipitate
a conflict that may be a decade iu end
in K- '
Knglanrl has U'J,130 square miles of
territory to conquer iu the Transvaal.
The white population is L'.IO.OCO and tin
native population (the blacks) OL'5,000.
The area of the Orange Free State,
which is expected to favor the Boers
of the Transvaal, is 13,000 square miles. '
The white population of this is 7S.000,
nndthere are l.JO.000 natives in the
state. The white and native population
combined of the two republics is near
ly l.uOO.Odf) people, of whom more thnn
one-half are men. j
At the present time the Boer has con-J
trol of tht- water supply and food de
pots of the Transvaal, lie has also con
trol of tho bridges and the west end of
the railroad tunnel through the jiioun-.
tains at Mnjubn hill, ff the English'
troops get west of the Drakeuberg 1
mountains and into the Transvaal the I
Boer has thousands of miles of terri-'
lory beyond into which he can retreat.
lie is iu position, If he does not risk'
nil on a single open engagement, to,
keep England in pursuit of him through
Central Africa for a great many years
to come. So President Krugcr thinks.
Conditions of warfare have changed
since ISfJl, but the Transvaal territory
has not changed, with the exception of
the construction of the mentioned niil-
l'arties dc.tUini: to iro to Ileppner houid
take Xri. -1. Icu'lnt? '1 he Dalle. at 7:(V 1). m
mnkliiL' direct roimei'tions at llenniicr junction
, ItcturuliiK maklnirdtreotcounefitinn nt Ileppner
junction wun No, 1, arriving ai me whucjih
J:5."i p m.
I No. 2.', tlirousht freight, cast bound, does not
,.carrv pa.Mjnncrs; arrives 'J:.VJ a. ni depart
' a:COa. in.
I No. "Jl, local freiRht, carries passengers, cast
bound: arrives l::ip. ni departs s:i;i p.m.
"Koniombor Hai wo arc soiling tho sanio from
$45.00 to $60.00
"Whioii i .i a saving to our customers of from $15 to $25
over p co charged by peddlers for inferior ranges.
.ito for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence."
No. !. west tioiiud tlirouuli freight, does not
Be is inured to the hard-. gf,. S!ls 1' ,lelm
.O. O, weni IIIM1I1I1 IOU.ll ireful, ,-lni.v jn--
sciiKer!,; arrives 5:15 p. m., departs :U0 a. m.
Korfiillpartlciilar.scalloii O. 11. fc N. t'o.'n
Rgeut The iMlles. ur address
W. It. HUlU.llUl'.T,
(ion l'as. ,Vgt., Portland, Or,
I'rnpuaals fur Itofunilliiir Wtr
Dalles City Oregon.
Sealed proposals will be received by
the board of water commissioners of
Dalles City, Oregon, at said city until
8:.'if) o'clock p. m. of tho 20 duy of Kub.,
1000, for twcuty-tlvii thotigaud dollare;
mid twenty thousand dollars of refund
ing water bonds of eaid city, (as it iH not
ee'.tled as tn whuther the total amount
of bonds will bo .fL'o.OOO or L'0,000 au
thority is extended to the enid board to
iesue refunding water butida in thu sum
of JL'o.OGO, but if found not to be iu'cch
purv, the issun will be for no inure than
.J20,0(!0; and at a rate of interest not ex
ceeding four per cent per nuuiim pav
able twenty yearu from date of iesue,
interest paynbUi Keuii-auuuallv, piinci
pal and interest pnvablu iu gold coin of
tho United .States, at any city therein,
ut tiie option of tho buvur.
The bund:) mentioned will bo issued
under the provisions of tho cevernl leg
iblativo actfj of the ftatu of Oregon, ap
proved Feb. 1S85, Kcb. 10, 18W), and
Feb. 1-1, 18!)5, and in piirtimnce of an or
dinance adopted by the common council
of Dalles City, approved Jaiiuui. ,
1000. Tho proposed refunding water
bonds are intended for tho redemption
of outstanding water bonds in tho sum
of $'!),Qi)); but in case the hoard of water
commissioners prefer, it will iefciio re
funding IjoikIh for $".0,000 only, thereforti
bidders may make proposals for both
if25,000 and .yiO.OOO, and in thu denomi
nation of $,501) each.
No hid will bo entertained for a rate
lees than par value of the bonds. I'rem
iiiuiH and raid of interest will be taken
into consideration iu passing on the
value of tall hidH.
Bidders must deposit witli the presi
dent of thu hoard a duly certified check
on Home responsible bank eipial to 'J pur
cent of tho an ount of bonds bid for; or
accompany his bid with cash of such
amount as will equal such pur cent of
I s hid, and such certified check made I
payable- to the president of tho, board of
wutor commissioners of Da osC tv. Or..
an liquiduled damuKOs in case the bidder
snail tall or neglect to
'33 i
E i
SE i
3ti 1
ap i
M ,
dob Pointers.
M iiliiili,JiuiiiiinMiiiiuiuij(UJuuiiii.JHit,iiiiiMuiuifiluiiMniL(lU'lllU,LULULO .tfiHl
rereive ami n,
road tunnel through the .Mnjubn hill ; for, at the oflicu of tho city treasurer of
r-iiige. sain ciiy, inn uonus awurueii to lilm on
An Knglish eorresiHindent who went ''8 "'. on or before thu first day of
through the 1.SS1 cainimlL'ii wrote at Mro wu,
that tiinoof thellL'htliiL'niialltiesnf the .. Attention Hhoiild.bH given tho fact
"We never nre able to see the enemy.
ICxcept before the fight ut Ma juba hill,
I never saw but a handful of them nt
any time. And when they thought wo
noticed them they and their horses dis
appeared us if .iwallowed up liy the
earth. I think we nil feel that they can
Khoot, Our loKhcant Ilathy nnil Luing's
Suk showed Unit. We were very much
in the open, but not n blessed Boer wn
to be seen. But every once In uwhllo
there, was tliex'rack of u rille, nnil then
one of our boys would go over, tho
line would close up mid we would begin
chnslng again for the enemy we could
never find. I was taken prisoner Just
after (Jen. Colley was killed, and I can
iy that I could not have been treated
better by any people. They wen: kind
to our wounded, did not molest thodend
nor insult us- of the living. I think
they are a very brave people, and, as for
lighting, they seem to know jimt as
much nboiit It as we (lo." II, I. Cleve
land, in CliIca.'foTimcs-JIernlil. i
niitiinu iun Itivuil fclltl lad
that tho board will riot issue and dispose
ii wore man rivvu oi sucii ruiuiiding
uonus, uniess u snail no deemed neces
sary to do so, but otherwise, if tin board
shall find that it is necessary to issue
DoiKia in ttio sum of ifiL'5.000, it will then
offer nud issue Urn lull sum, ($25,000).
The right to reject any and all bids is
reserved by thu said bourd of water
Bids should be addressed to the nrnai.
dent of said board, or to thn city record
er, Dalles City. Waeco county, Oreuon.
and noted 'Troposals for refunding
water bonds."
By order of tho Board of Water Coin
mission, by and with the consent of tho
Common Council. This '-'5th day of
January, 1000.
. . T. J. Skukkkt,
hi b.J President of Board,
ArrjfHT: Nkii H. Gatkh,
Itecorder of Dalles City,
Office over Kl rt Nat. Iiuk
C. F- Stephens
;pe GoluoiDia PacKingd,
.Doulor In...
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Cents' Furnishings.
Hoots, Hhoek. Hutu, Caps, Notluiu.
for W. 1.. DoiikIhn rilioe.
Telephone No. K,
i:i I .Second Ht
The Dalles, Or,
C. S. Smith,
Jp-to-date Qroeer
Frosh ICguH and Creamery
Butter a specialty.
2d Street. 'Phone 270.
Wood Saw
Will run everyday except Sundav,
Bates Reasonable,
Telephone 201.
J W. A. CATES, Prop.
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
Lettere of Gnsdit luHtied avallablo In Ik'
Eastern States. ,
Hlfht F- 'ange and Tolejtrpw
TranBfura hw.u 011 Now York, Cli ctf
8t. Louis, Sun Francisco, Portland 0
koii, Seattle Wash., and various po
In Oregon and Washington. ,
Uollectlope made at all points on -oralile
J.B.HonaN, "M',!!!iui
I'rcildeut. tutm
First National Bank.
THE DALLES - - - un-
A General Banking Business train!
Depoaito reoelved, subject to tilgot
urau or une. i,
Oollectlona made and proceeds proiopw
remitted on dav of ol'ootlon:,j(
Bight and Talagraphlo Exotiauge a"
4iiv a Ufa niiii rnuuiivu
D. P. ThomSo. JNoTfl,
Eu. M. WiMUiii, Quo. A, w
H, M, Bkau..