The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 12, 1900, Image 1

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NO 156
No Wort From Bailer Since H? Ftc-
crassei tbe Togels.
General MacDonald's Operations at
Knoilcrsbcru Were Successful'
Wednesday's FifibtiiiR in Natal.
London', Fob. 11, 4:10 a. m. The wnr
ollioo Htill miilntuiuB ellonce regarding
the Bituution at ttiu Hout of wnr, ao-
noiiticiiiK nt 11 :!t() lust ovoninR thut no
further news liitd been riicuivnd, and
none Iiuh cotno from other koutcub which
would (;ivu n clow to CJenurnl llnller'e
movements wiiicti hereeroHHed ttioTiiKoln,
ur to tho jiroHUtit poultiona of tiio forces
White Trj'liiK tit II lit Out.
loi:u 1 1 i:ai Laa(ii:ii, Ludyamith, Fri-
tluy, Full. I) It ia reported from tho
Upper Tiiffuhi that in yeHtiirdny'e fight
ing, while driving the lint'iHli uurosH tho
.-.!.,. I .1 .1... t,
river wiiii ueuvy man iu iiiem, inu iiuum
had four men killed, und oiirht wounded
On retaking the kopje, twenty-two Hours
weru found killed.
Tho ulurm wub given tit midnight Unit
the LiidyHiuith troopB weru trying to
force ii pnsmigo in the direction of the
Free State hinder. Heavy firing wub
heard, hut no pnrticulura have been
JIIuiiIIiiiiiiIiI'h A1iv u Hucciinh.
Moi)in:ii IStVKit, Feb. 0, noon. (Joner-
nl MuuDunuld scored u diHtiiiut hicicbh
at ICoodoraburR. Hie original orders
were to hold the drift and construct a
fort. The position, however, wub ex
tremely dillicult, u long rnngo of high
liille niimiiiK northwuHt mid terminating
close to tho drift, on tho north bank of
the river. As it was inipoaaibln to hold
the whole summit, General MncDonald
CDtHtrueted strong works across tbe
center, which worn hold by tho Senforth
HlnhltuiderH and tlireu coiiipuuiue of the
Illiiuk Watch. While the Highland light
infantry hold a small kopje on the right,
the Ninth lancers patrolled toward the
river, Genural MucDtfnald'fl plan being
to repel attacks.
Things wunt quietly until Wednesday,
when the Boors advanced alone the
rhlgo within 000 yards, mounting two
mountain eovun-poundora, which weie
invinihlu in the plain. They alao held a
iiimiller drift three miles to tbe west. On
receipt of this nuws, General Metliuon
dispatched a large force of cavalry and
two homo batteries under General
lliililugtuu with the purposo of sur
rounding tho Uoore. In order to further
this plan, General MacDonald adopted
merely defensive taction. It was not at
tempted to force back tbe Boots' right,
which move might have resulted in their
general retirement soon.
General Itabingtou left Modder river
at 11 ::t() in the morning, and arrived
within two miles of Koodoraberg at 11 :!10
p. in,, too lute to attempt the turning
government. Tho next morning it was
found that the lloera bad fled from the
lower drift, but still remainod on tho
hill, where they perceived Babingtou's
movements. Early in tbe morning
Hublngton vigorously shelled the rotir
ina Honrs. The whole British force is
now returning to camp.
A Xliouiauil Tonsil)
CtouWt not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard at., Phil
adelphia, ift wjl0n Hne found that Dr
King's Now Discovery for Consumption
bad completely ourcd her of a hacking
cough that for many years had made
lile a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
yaof thisKoyal Cure-"It soon re
moved the pain hi my chest and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
ecarcoly remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." Bo will every one who tries
aVAI Baking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
norm sakwo romtn CO., ntw vouk.
Dr. king's New Discovery forany trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Trice 50c
and $1. Trial bottle free at Blakeiey &
Houghton's drag store; eyery bottle
guaranteed; 5
Bhookad toy Asylum 8ceni.
Salkm, Or., Feb. 10 Paralysis, super
induced by fright, caused tbe death of
Mrs. Emily De Voe at an early hour tb's
morning. On January 23 Mrs. De Voe,
with a friend, paid a visit to the hoBpital
for the insane. The sight of the demented
inmates apparently shocked her nervous
system, and for a short time she suffered
severely. Then paralyaie set in and r
suited in her death. The physicians et
the as y hi in said today that nothing un
usual occurred ut tbe institution during
Mrs. Do Voe's visit. The only news they
had of iier fright and subsequent illness
wob what they gleaned from the daily
Mra. De Voe was a native of Ohio, wob
In her 7-ltli year, and had lived in Salem
Rome time. Her husband and two chil
dren survive.
A Convincing Aiiwer.
"I hobbled into Mr. lllackmon's drug
store one evening," says Wesley Nelson,
of Hamilton, Ga., "and he ueked me to
try Chamberlain's I'ain Balm for rheu
matism with which I had suffered for a
long time. I told him I had no faith in
. . 1 ft 1 TV
any medicine as tney an ianeu. ne
said: 'Well if Chamberlain's Pain Balm
does not help yofl, you need not pay for
it.' I took u bottle of it home and UBed
it according to directions and in one
week I was cured, and have not since
been troubled with rheumatism." Sold
by Blakeiey & Houghton.
II miry 11, -Carrutt Ik Ileuil.
Goldlniuli:, Wueh., Feb. 10. The
death and burial of Henry B. Carratt at
Goldendale removes one of Klickitat's
wealthiest citizeiiB. "Father" Carratt,
aS hu wus better known by his friends,
was a typical old-time Englishman. He
waa born in Lincolnshire, Eugland, July
i1 1011! T.. 1 ll'lfi In. ,n.ti-.iu
l lOlll. -1(1 Ultl. , 1UIIU, IIU IliilllUUU
Miss Sarah French, of Northingham- j
shire. England, who died some time ago.
They moved to Canada and in 1882 came
from Cherokee county, Iowa, to Golden-
Cuturrlt niiint li Curi-il
with local applications, as they cannot
reacli tho seat of the disease. Catarrh
ia a hlood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must tako inter
nal remedies. Hull's Catarrh Cure ih
taketi internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's
Catarrh Cure la not a quack medicine.
It waa waa prescribed by one of the best
phyfclciaiiB in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the beat touica known, combined with
the beat blood purlflois, acting directly
on tbe mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tho two ingredients iB
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
free. . .
F. .1. Ciiknkv & Co., Props., 'loleao u.
Sold bv drruggiata, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pllle are the beat. 12
Murder lu Flmt Ucgreti.
Nkw York. Feb. 10. After deliberat
ing 7,lj hours, tho jury returned a ver
dict of gullty of murder in tbe first de
gree against Roland B. Molineux,
charged with the murder of Mrs. Kate J.
. . f T-k l no 1 QflQ
AUaillS uy poison, .ueceuiuHr o, louo.
Barlow S. Weeks, counsel for the de
fonse, made tho usual motion, and
Recorder Goff adjourned court until
February 10, when he said he would
hear the motion and sentence the de
fendant. A frightful llluuder
Will often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, tbe best in the world, will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. Cures
old sores, fever sores, ulcers, bolls, corns,
felons and all akin eruptions. Best pile
cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeiey &
Houghton, druggists. 1
Gold Value Rutin Deep.
Cottage Giiovk, Or., Feb. 10. In
formation was received here today by a
carrier from Bohemia of another rich
strike in the Mustek mine in o. 6 level.
The vein is five feet wide, and runs as
high ub $200 per ton in gold. This is
the lowest tunnel in this property, being
400 feet vertical depth from the surface.
Tbe mine and mill have been in steady
operation all winter, and are paying
large dividends.
Tour) Face
Shows tho state of your f: il're and the
state of your health aa well. Impure
blood makes itself apr it : i a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Euptlons. If you a-e feehn;
weak and worn out and c'o net have a
healthy appearance you Ehould try
Acker's Blood Elis'-. It cures a'l blood
(' .-ises where cheap Sare&r Win fid
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
eell every bottle on a positive guarantee
Blakeiey & Houston, druggists.
Chllitrru I'uUuucd uy Well Water.
Oi.ymi'ia, Feb. 10. Three children of
J'. D'Arey, livingnear South Union, were
recently poisoned by drinking the water
from an abandoned well. At first tbe
children were not considered seriously
! i'l, but within tbe last few days alarming
symptoms have developed, and the little
onen are now in a precarious condition.
Tbe children are all under 7 years of age.
ltulibvd the Grave.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was tbe
subject, Is narrated by Jhim as follows:
"I was in a most dreadful condition. My
skin waa almost yellow, eyes Eunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
aud sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. T'l-ee p'lyei
cians had gen me up. Fortunately, a
'riend advk J'is'rj 'c Bitters' ; and to
in v great joy and surprise, the first
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now n welt man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one ahouldfail to try them.
Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeiey &
Houghton's drug store. 5
Asacure for rheumatism Chamber
lain'e Paiiis&aim is gaining a wide repu
tation. D. SB. Johnston of Richmond,
Ind., has been troubled with that ail
ment since 1832. In speaking of it he
says: "I never found anything that
would relieve me until I used Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic
with me. My foot was swollen and
paining me very much, but one good
application of Pain Balm relieved me.
For sale by Blakeiey & Houghton.
Cuili tu Yuur cuecki.
All countv warrants registered prior
to June 3, 18SH), will be paid at my
ofllce. Interest ceaaes after February. 2,
11100. O. L. Phillips,
Conntv Treasurer.
"After doctors failed to cure me of
pneumonia 1 used One Minute Cough
Cure and three battles of it cured me.
It is alao the best remedy on earth for
whooping cough. 'It cured my graud
children of tho worst cases," writes Jno.
Berry, Loganton, Pa. It is the only
. mleas remedy that gives immediate
results. Cures coughs, colds, croup and
throat ond lung troubles. It prevents
consumption. Children always like it.
Mothers endorse it.
"I had dyspepsia for years. No medi
cine was so effective as Kodol Dyapnpsia
Cure, It gave Immediate relief. Two
bottles performed marvelous results,"
writes L. H. Warren, Albany, Wis. It.
digests what you eat and cannot fail to
cure. t .
John DIrr, Poseyvllle, Ind., says, "I
uever used anything so good as Oue
Minute Cough Cure. We are never
without it." Quickly breaks up coughs
and cold, Cures all throat and lung
troubles. Its use will preveut consump
tion. Pleasant to take.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday.
Dou't forget this.
For Fracticiw Medicine ffiltal a
Bible Texts Not Regarded as a Good
Defense, But He Was Held to
Circuit Court.
Okegon City, Feb. 10. Coroner M.
C. Strickland today held an inquest over
the remains of Mrs. S. . Quint, who
died at Gladstone last Thursday, and
returned a verdict that Mrs. Quint,
whose age was C3 years, came to ber
death through lack of med ical attendance,
and from misplaced confidence in the
ability to cure disease of one A. W.
Hertzka, a so-called Christian Science11
practitioner of Portland.
Hertzka was the chief witnees. He
gave his age as twenty-two, and eaid be
was formerly a bookkeeper in a Spokane
store, and had later taken up tbe busi
ness of healing disease by the Christian
Science plan. He admitted be hed no
license to practice medicine, and all
throueb his testimrny he quoted Script
ure to ehow tbatCbriet cured disease by
faith and prayer, and averred that he
waa following the same method. He said
that he bad given Mrs. Quint no medi
cine, whatever, and had nsed no means
except the mind. It was brought out in
the evidence that Hertzka bad paid Mrs.
Quint three or four visits, and bad made
a contract toreat her for $5 per week.
Dr. E. A. Sommer testified that the
wooian'a death was caused bv uraemio
coma, which couia nave oeen .wroogiii
lit . 1 l I. A
about by heart trouble, kidney disease
or other dieorder. When he was called
in he eaid it was too late to give a correct
After the inquest was concluded
Hertzka was arrested on a warrant
charging him with practicing medicine
without a license. He waa examined
before Justice Schuebel, who held tbe
defundent to (he circuit court, fixing his
bonds at if 100. It waa some time before
Hertzka could find a surety. Mrs. Goerge
Herron came to the rescue and signed
bis bonds.
Teucher' Exuinluutlou fur Piute l'aier(.
Notice ia hereby given that tbe county
superintendent of Wasco county will
hold the regular examination of appli
cants for state papers at the court house,
In Tho Dalles, Oregon, on February 1-1,
15, 16 and 17, as follows :
Commencing Wednesday, Feb. 14, at
0 o'clock a. in., and continuing until
Saturday, 'Feb. 17, at 4 o'clock.
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
spelling, algebra, reading, school law.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping,
physics, civil government.
Friday Physiology, geography,wen
tal arithmetic, composition, phfYcal
Saturday Botany, plane geometry,
general history, English literature,
t C. L. Gilukkt,
' 5 td County Superintendent.
"I had bronchitis every winter for
years and no medicine gave me perma
nent relief till I began to take One Min
ute Cougli Cure. I know it Is tbe ht?et
cough medicine made," says J. Koontz,
Corry, Pa. It quickly cures coughe,
colds, croup, asthma, grippe and throat
and lung troubles. It is the children's
favorite remedy. Cures quickly.
W. S. Phllpot, Albany, Ga., aays,
"DeWitt's Little Early Risers did me
more good than any pills I ever took."
The famous little pills for constipation,
biliousiiess and liver and bowel troubles.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
is gathering fast. We'll be ready to print by tomor
row or the day after. Can promise our customers
some very interesting prices on goods j'ou are buying
every day.
In the meantime we wish to remind the ladies
that our grand clearance sale of Suits and Jackets will
be continued until further notice.
A. HI. Williams & Co.
Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can
Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The
Maine point is qualitr and the
Merritt of our work is such that people go
Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not
Hobson's choice,, but the standard rates, which are not
Cevera high as some people think, and we want to
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Corner of Third
Subscribe for the Chronicle.
of Application for Liquor Licenee.
To All Whom It May Co.n'cehn:
Notice lb hereby plvcii Hint the undersigned,
J, J Wiley, will at 10 u elock in the forenoon,
on Wednesday, Hie "til day of March, ll(X), the
tame being the regular March l'JOOterm of court,
apply to the County Court, of the State ol Ore
gon, for Watco county, forn license to sell spirituous-,
ma!t and vinous liquors in less quantities
than one gallon, in thu town of iSlianlko, in Au
telojw Precinct, iu the county and state afore
said, for such period as his receipt from the
County Treasuier of said county may call for;
and his petition for said license, which ho will
present to thu said County Court on said date, is
hereinafter tct forth.
Dated this ftth day of February, J'JO),
J. J.WIi.KV.
l'utltlon for Liquor I.lcenae.
To tho Honorable County Court of the State of
Oregon, for tho County of Wasco:
We, tho undersigned r sidentsaud legal voters
of Antelope l'reciuct, in the County of Wasco,
und the fetuto of Oregon, respectfully petition
your honorable body to grant a license, to J. J.
Wiley to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors
in less quantities than olio gallon lu (lie town of
Shauiko, iu said Antelope precinct, in the Coun
ty and State aforesaid, for such period as Ills re
ceipt from the couuty treasurer of said county
may call for.
Jas McCarthy V Send- 1) 3 Hisbeo
J 11 Hlder Win Hull W O Porter
Wm Stanlev HowunlLoomts N A Hchmltt
D K Kclsay H I) Saunders John l.mnplo
All Kelsay r uuun
(i W Kuper O W Clark
J Stephenson Thos Collins
AlonzoTurner W M McCurthy
U Molyueux S I' Gamble
Frank Miller Fred Miller
I. ochapmaii U W Sinn
J O Wlltsey I) S Kyan
S 11 Miller K O Carland
T Hcuuegliau J D Tunny
W 1 .'wis John Malone
J II Kelsay I' Harf.vls
W M Davey K (J lioodwln
T O Coudou W J Kepler
J A Tilly J M Uctder
A T Ksuinir Koss Allen
J W Thompson
O Comett
Thos Hryant
Sum Pluauent
11 F Whiilock
Ed Slieehau
W K Duwsou
Sam Work
Chus Fortune
K U Dlckursoii
U A Crutty
Jis Wsrrack
FA l.ucddcmanii
J 8 Swhusou
W K Kemp
Albert Sutton KJGIisau W II l'roso
ueu inner
i: D Martin l-em K ltodford Robert Crier
David Scott 1 J i'llklugtou V M Dial
J Malouo John 'helps 1'atrick ltudlgan
Charles Blank S a Kdmuiisou D A Howell
K J (1 raves Henry Dice F W Sllverlooth
! Miller K Casey Kerr Flnley Mclletli
J Thompson elms (jallaghcr John Uallughvr
KiunkKluciiId J W Scurlett Wulter Condell
F 11 Horning Gcorgo Condon John MoUmiiiuii
J liluuk Cieo Cochran D F. MuKluim
Harry Adams ('has Oreer H U Uooer
FrHtikNSplcer Frank. Irvine Max i.ucddemau
M F. Miller J T Beuuctt J J Wiley
1 1 Fiulaysou
and Federal Street,
Advertise in The Chronicle
Sheriff's Sale.
J. Oregon, tor Watco County.
J, 1 Mclueruy, as administrator of tho estate of
1'mllip Ilrogau, deceased, Plaintiff,
N. W. Wallace und S. F. Wallace, Defendants.
Uy virtue of an execution, decreo and order of
sale, duly Issued out of and under thu seal of
the circuit court of tho state of Oregon, for the
county of Wasco, to mo directed and dated thu
JSth day of November, 1SU9, upon u deoreo for
the foreclosure of a certain mortgage, lu favor of
philutilt'und against said defendants, and Judg
ment rendered aud entered lu said court In tbe
above entitled cause, In favor nf plalntiU and
against tho defendant N, W. Wallace, as Judg
ment debtor, iu thu sum of one thousand and
thirty-two aud 22-100 dollars (I10J2.22) with In
terest thereon from tbe Mh day of September,
lyj,ut the rotu of ten Id per cent per unnum,
aud the further sum of one hundred dollars
llOOJasnttorncyJfees.aiidlho further sumof thirty
aud '-0-lui dollars if .10 20 and, the costs of and up
on this writ, mid commanding mo to mako salu
of tho real property embraced lu such decrvo of
foreclosure ami hereinafter described; said de
creo and judgment having been rendered aud
entered on thu -J 1th day of Ootober, lMM, I will
on thu third day of Juuuar). 1900, at the hour of
2 o'clock lu tho afternoon of bald day and at thu
front door of thu county court house, In Dalle
City. Wusco couuty, Oregon, sell at publlu
auction to tho highest bidder for cash lu
hand all tho right, title and interest which
thedefeuflants.N. W. Wallace and 8. F. Wallace,
or either of them, had on tho 2tilh das ol Sep
tember 18'J.i, the date ol tho inorlgugu fort'closol
herein, or which suld defendants or any of the
defendants herein, have since acquired or now
huvu In and to tho following described real prop
erty, situated and being lu Wasco couuty, Ore
gon, to-wlt: The southeast quarter ol tho south
west quarter, the south huif ol tho southeast
quarter, aud thu northeast quarter of tho south
east quarter of section township
seveu south, ol range seventeen east, Willamette.
Meridian, containing 100 acres, or so much of
suld property us will satlsly said Judgmeutund
decree, with costs and accruing costs.
Said property will bo sold subject to confirma
tion and redemption us by law provided.
Dated ut Dalles City, Wasco couuty, Oregon,
this 2'Jth dayuf November, 1MM.
dcci-li Slierlll'of Wusco Couuty, Oregon.
Rooms 30 und 40, over ('. S. Und Oflce.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.