SCOURING MILL PROPOSITION. White Winged Carnival! Our Spring Offering of White Goods win commraic on "Wednesday February 7th, 1900, and be the most complete offering in this particular line yet inaugurated by this houso. It will consist of Dimities, Lawns and organdies, Laces and Embroideries, Ladies', Misses' and Children'-? Muslin Underwear, Table Linens, Napkins, Towels and Towelling, Muslin, Sheeting, Sheets and Pillow Cases, Lace Curtains and Curtain Material. Gent's Furnishing Goods Department. If you want tho best you have no other choice, we don't make it so, but peo ple who like up-to-date woarables, just prices and fair treatment do. Not a hund red yours, not fifty, nor even one has elapsed since the clothes we are showing were made. They wore made this season and in this season's style. This not only ap plies to our Men's Department but to the Children's as well, and there's a style about thorn that's exclusive. Isn't it worth something to know that you are in stylo, especially when it costs you no more? Our advertisements are our letters to you, written, signed and backed up by a house that has always been jealous of its reputation and business integrity. All Gooda Mnrkocl In Plain r-'lKiirtis. PEASE & MAYS the Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone. Nu. I. SilUHDAY FEBllUAKY 10, 1111)0 - I A M.TVl'll 111 J Oysters 1 J KELLER. J i . . V Ih Jrftf iiflKr lift iiitr ua F r lint; put on mouth of completed admit of WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A ipfcinl meeting ol will beheld tonight lit 7;!IOnt thy recorder's office. Members of thu Gun Club tiro to meet iaStaillcmnii's fluid tomorrow afternoon til o'clock for a gun shoot. A caiiplo from Antelope C. D. Brown I). K. Vredt obtained a tiuunago lireojeattliL- elork'ti oll'ico this morning. Don't believe every report you hear ooctmlnir thu smallpox, nor half of "o. Ami, if possible, don't repeat icm. it tlio Methodist church tomorrow awning ami evening the boy uhoir will election , nnd in the evening Miss Myrtle Short, of Portland, will render it wren 10I0. The Kerrv-ltoitt tl. ritir. Me Oven canyon, ifi -Mne eo fur unit Mounted - Dispatch liMerved scute for the "Old Maids' Convention" now on salt) at Blakeloy & 'fotigliton'e. I'rk-H ifi eta. KofreshuiontH be cxtnt. At tho reception whioh 8 thu program dancing will bo J''jen. California seriously contemplates VraiitiiiliiU. tlml statu against con ainptlveR emuing thorn for tho httuulit wr neitlth hollrviiiK tlml disease ue worse for thu publio than bubonic P'agae. II you arc ut ) IntureHted in thu city w you lllrtj vour ,1QIe IU(, yoMr ,lnMttHiid the meeting of oitixemi t welttb toiiiKi,t. Don't think someotm W can ut 1 .1 .. ... t intt manor 01 uio J08'' mill. Kvory ciliy.en eliould ho 1,,e- Us for tho IntereHt of nil. Hotalia AI1I..1.1 ,...!!.. 11. . w uungD iihh itrnveu 111 KMl 10 'UtU,,(I 11,0 0ld ",a,('8' ,:0U' hol !! Mum,"y Mvenlnu. MIbh Hodu u tlio ollltioof secretary and will nlao cin Moi,c,,,,1 "tlo ditty upon Umvoc G on. rl1 pru8(jonti joaophiitB lone lih t . "rrivo tomorrow, bringing! Wherpetpatrot. jf"nkB ,mv in Bcnrco for tho pmt thit .1 ""d wo hA ,bout concluded no ' ,,reorK'izatlon ofthoW.O.T.U. Whin m.WM ,mV,n U' dM,red efrt,ot' Uitli . '" Uua Lobbd P eronly h9wiT.ii . 1 blU be,D working wan J aiwh.rgad tin. morning. Mull mi1 .MfB 1,1 "commending "The ,U"H claimed for it. Surely every iiHWBpupor ill every town could not k'ivo tlioiu Biicii fhittcriiiL' noticuN if it wuro not flrBt-chiHH. ISfnidu, thoso who have road tho hook can juilt; aa to the meritu of a play founded on each an intcrcfltini! Htory. The vicinity of bridge No. fl", a inllts and a half beyond Yientn, wiih turned into a vcritahju nlauKhter hpiiHu thin inornini:, wlmiiNrp ciim of LrViht No. J Panned -1 jiimpmi too trntlsiNitfC all tint ten of the forty cattle tuSiintHl tlierein. They wore beini! uhipiil tSJ'ortland tiy .lack Kholtoii, of JrrlingtonV No one was injured, but tli company cVtaiuly liac on hand a uurTilnH of bei.'f. Winter eeeniH to have made itn appear ance in Home portions) of Jiatern Oregon and WiiHliintoii. Thuriiday at La Grande it enowed all day, while a dispatch from Colfax on the Name day reported mix indict) all over thu I'aloutu) country, with a continued fall. At Kittnela on tho O. It. & N. near Pendleton, fifteen inclu'H were reported, it doeiui't look much like enow in Tho DallcB today. J he water coiniuiuBionera Roomed to is thought the plan will be carried into ellect. If bo it till lie a ureal satisfac tion to nil who have heretofore found no placu around Tho Dalles where a drive could be enjoyed. There was not a large attendance at the meeting of the Literary Club last niirlit when Uev. I). V, Paling spoke on 'The .lohnstowYt Floodr by One who Tlirought,' but those who were there cannot ef enough regarding the interest whiclhV' felt in the sub ject, as the epeaUvr, rated experience after experiencurul that Note, explaining in a most attractive mar.ntr features in connection therewith. It) Bald that Uev. Poling has an extended address on the subject, which his friends are en deavoring to induce him to give iu the near future. It is to lie hoped Mr. Pol ing will coriHeut, for no subject could be more interesting than the one referred to. Tho early appearance of spring has a tendency to turn the thoughts of the fairer sex to the festive spring bonnet, and tho milliners of ourcitv have taken have little buBinesB to transact last I advantage of that fact und informed night, hut all wore on hand, am! among other minor matters a committee, con uistiug of CommisHjoners Kandall, i'hir man and Finli, in connection with President Seufurt, wilt appointed to look into the matter of thu meter rate. Three bills were allowed iib follows: Kcheuek & Huall, for influraticu premium, ."j' 1 T ; Irwin-Ilodson Co., journal, fl0 7r;V J. Roberts, estimatee and surveying supply pip, Further particulars concerning the funeral of Mrs. M. J. Uee.ley were con tained iu u letter received by C. .1. Crandall this morning. They are, how- evur, as yot conditional, and tho friends of the deceased who desire to attend will themselves regarding the eubjeet. Mrs. 1'hillipe, who hits just returned from San Francisco, snys trie abundance of trimming which characterized the win ter hats, is if possible outdone by tlml of this fceaeon's styles, tucking, pulling and flowers without number being in evidence; feat tiers, however, are not in cluded. Tho pastel, or more delicnte fur I shades of Ir.vtnder, cerise, etc., prevail, while the neopohtau liraids of other days are iu voguu. Mrs. Phillips ordered an immense stock of pattern, as well as other bins, and is now repapuring and lilting up her store preparatory to their arrival. It would bo extremely amusing were no doubt bo informed concerning the j it not so disgusting, to hear the number service through other channels than the paper. It is the desiio of Mrs. Simpson that it should take place Mon thly i morning ut 10, in the Methodist church, and should a son and daughter ot the deceused arrive in time, that will be the hour (or the obsequies. Why HiiH'tir with kindey or rheuina tisui when it can be positively cured by the use of the "Oxygenor King." No medicine, no electilclty. but pure Oxy gen instilled or absorbed through the pores of the skin while yet sleep. No need of going to the hospital for medi cal treatment when you can bu cured at home ly thu use of the Oxygenor. No matter what the ailment or disease the Oxygenor will diagnose the case and procoed to cure. For further purtlcu litre call on or address J, M. Filinou, The Dalles, Or. phone HDD. feblO !2wk A plan is on foot to give the people of The Dalles a splendid road for driving, by repairing the river road, removing all rocks; etc., down past Anderson's place connecting with the Ohenowith road at the bridge. The latter will be extended In a direct line from the comer beyond the Catholic cemetery, joining the lower road at Snipes' place. Sub icriptioni were solicited from those owning driving horses yesterday, and it of smallpox stories that are being circu lated about the city. A person can hear anything and everything excepting tho truth. While, there are but two cases iu tho city Mrs. Mullikau aud her daughter mid neither of them sick enough to take to their bed, nor to need the services of a physician, tho town wns In an uproar this morning and sev eral cases were reported, among them thu Smiley family, on upper Court street. We have taken paius to investi gate the matter, and us a matter of fact, there is not a word of truth iu it. None of the family are sick, except that one little boy had a sore throat, which is all right today. And yet this report wits told as unquestionably the truth. The marshal called uta house today to in vestigate a report- that the lady hud the smallpox and fortunately for him, found she was down town, though he was but doing his duty. Such stories are bound to be rife, and the only way to do is to discredit them until they are proven. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. TM KM Yin Havi Always Boufht Bears the Signature of It Will Itn Mtibmlttm to the Oltlrmid Wahn Up nnil VonMtlvr It. In yesterday's itene we epoko of the ' imposition of J. M. Russell to put in a ienouring mill at Tiie Dalles nnd that the l f ? l.i - r . I. iiiHiiuiHCiuricB cummmeo ui iiiu vyuur morcial club would place the matter be fore tlio board of directors at a meeting last night. Yesterday afternoon a meet ing was held, and after a diecussion of tho subject pro and con, a committee, consisting of Messrs. Whealdon, Pease and Williams, was appointed to inter view the citizens and ascertain their opinion concerning the proposition of tho city taking $25,000 worth of first mortgage bonds payable in ten years at six per cent. Should they determine that our people are favorable to accepting Mr. Russell's proposition, he assuming the remaining $15,000 bonds, definite airangementa will be made at once to put in the mill this summer. A meeting of the citizens has been called at the club tonight to discuss th question, and a large number shoutd b present. Mr. Kussell says he has watched Tho Dalles for some time and is assured it would bo a most profitable move. Last year a million and a half pounds of wool were sent to Pendleton from here for scouring, while a large amount was shipped to San Francisco. This would all be scoured at home, and with a woolen mill, which would no doubt fol low iu its wake, the benefit could not be estimated. ISesides, it is thought now that water facilities are to be afforded much wool from the upper country will be brought here. If ever The Dalles woke up, let it do bo now, and let us not have it said that this oiler also fell through. SonieHliHt Cimlllctliic. The statements made by the Baker City papers concerning the prevalence of smallpox there, are somewhat con flicting, which probably arises from the fact that the diseaee is not of a malig nant type and therefore the people of that city do not deem it necessary to be very guarded. We still reiterate the statement that too much precaution cannot be taken, be the type what it may. The following from two of the Buker paperB do not exnetly gibe : "The statement made by the FaEtOre gonian'B reliable (?) Informant that three deaths from smalipox occurred in Baker City last week or any other week is em phatically untrue and if- he made the personal investigation he claims ho did, then he knows himself that his state merit is false. There is no disposition on the part of the press of Baker City to conceal the facts and it lias been pub lished time and again that there were cases iu Baker City but not of a virulent form. The situation Is certainly un pleasant but there does not seem to be occasion for alarm, aud business in all lines continues without hindrance. Democrat. "We have denied the libelous small pox accusation, now we deny another and more serious charge, that there are thiee young men in Baker City who are afraid to go alone to visit any of our ladies, and that two always go along to chaperone the third. If this falsehood gains circulation, the mountaineers will come in witli their guns. Republican." Deniily Jerii)H In Skirt. While most people admire the pre vailing style of trailing skirts in the inception room, there has been a con tinued crusade auaiust them being attached to street costumes. Becoming much concerned over the hygienic viewol the question, Dr. MeKechnie, of Seattle, has been investigating the matter, and iu answer to an inquiry propounded to a New York bacteriologist, received the following: "Iu the hem of a woman's skirt which I have just been examining, I found germs of pneumonia, diphtheria, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, tuberculosis and consumption, any one of which would bu enough, if inhaled, to cause a person to be alllicted with one of the deadly diseases mentioned." Dr. MeKechnie has since been con ducting investigations as to thu condi tions in Seattle. "Half the women who walk down on a shopping tour go home with the germs of sutuu deadly disease in their skirts," he exclaimed. "I did not know ttiis could be so serious, or had not thought much about it, rather, until I saw the result of this analysis; but since then I have been looking into the tiny germs that tire found on the sidewalks, and taking some observations from one of the prominent corners, where women puss whenever they come down town." DeWitt's Witch Hur.el Salve is un. equalled for piles, injuries and skin diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. Clark & Falk'a drug etock is new fresh aud complete, i ui t..iiTTu JuHIIII'll'ltititiil UHlltril t-ltllltl.t)llt't"n."t'ni CAST0RTA nun n ihii 'ik'h mTitiititttittmni AVfegefable Preparationfor As similating thcFoodandRegula ting (he Stomachs and Bowels of CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Promotes Digcslion.Ctecrfur ness andRest.Contains neUher Onium.Morphine nor Mineral. KotNahcotic, ffcifit aTOtdjy.'UMUEl.PrTCJWi lmtfJan Seat' Mx.Sema aueSeffl t- Ctmud&umr WtrnfTrn llanr. Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stotnch.Diarrlioea Wor ms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. CXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Bears the I Signature xf In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THt CtNTAUR COMPANY. NCW YORK CITY. SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. W P H m ui P A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, Seed Hye, Seed Barley, Seed Huckwheat, Seed Corn 'Kinp Philip Corn, Stowell'c Evergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Corn. Kafiir Corn, Egyptian Corn, White Hominy Corn. Early Itose Potatoes, liiirbarik Potatoes, Spring Vetfhes, Hrouie Grasn, Clieap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food, Bee Supplies. A magnificent stock of Staple nnd Fancy Groi'eriPs, all of which will be sold at close piices for CASH at the Feeu, Seed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS. w a d H d SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. IN THE Gioceiy Hfl FIEE I Ypu will find sauces and condi ments to tickle the palate of any epicure. To- Major Grey's Bengal Cluit-nev. P. & B. Chili Sauce or mato Clulney. Red Mot a gootl relish. Manila Relish. Sweet Relish. Horse Radish Mustard. Essence of Anchovies. Papriea genuine 1 1 ungar-., ian.' Tabasco Popper Sauce. V.iroiwMinlnd T-T East India Currio Powder. iH Celery Salt. Tomato Mustard. Sandwich Mustard. Mayonnaise Mustard. Flaccus Prepared Mustard. Fronch Mustard. Oyster Coctail. ' Catsup Faust's. C. & B. Walnut Catsup. C. & B, Mushroom Catsup. Olives, Pickles, etc. "With every one dol lar purchaso at our store during January and February wov will give a chance on a ii? I ft a i...., : .,;,..! n ...I til yj I II III I II I .I I I (lit 111111 l Steel I hinge m 1 1 i plater & Benton Ha SEE WINDOW. PEASE & MAYS. A FINE SHIRT A fine shirt needs flno laundry wrrk tomaktit look nio and wear well. Just the sainr, with your other garments. We do not uu any injurious chemicals lo not rot out y ur nu m and can save you 20 per cent of thu wear your gar ments usually sustain. GUd to have yon try cur wort, No laundry too email. DALLES LAU.NDKV Co, 'Phone 341 brings the team. 31 '-w