VOGT Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. One Night Only February 15th Mr. Charles Frohinan pre?enta the success of the century, THE LITTLE MINISTER son, who had 04,000, bushelB of his own grain in the lot. This grain was raised within three miles of that city, nml was of unusunlly good quality, which fact accounts for tiie high price secured. The regular price for grain there now is from 39 to 41 cents. La Grande Chron icle. f THE NEW SEWERS. 300 NIGHTS IN NEW YORK CITY. By J. M. Barrie. Founded upon his novel of same name. "The Little Minister" is. a triumph for purity in theatricals. rew lork Herald. rKOI'LE IOU AL.L KNOW. J. C. Wurd is in from Kingsley on hnsiness. today H. II. Campbell came up from Port land on last night's boat. H. A. Clark, Chas. Kirk and W. T. Edwards are registered at the Umatilla from Albany. Truman Butler left on the boat this morning to spend a short time with his father in Portland. Miss. E. M. Laland, a teacher from Portland arrived m The Dulles last night and spent today hers. A. W. Giesy, representing the Nor wich Fire Ins. Co., came up from Port land last night, returning on this morn ing's boat. Miss Douthit left this morning for Portland to be absent a few weeks. Miss Bertha Hill will fill her position in the school during her absence. Mies Gertrude Gresharaer. a niece of Mrs. James BUkenov. is in the citv rom Walla Walla visitincr her aunt. She is on her way to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bolton nassed through the city last night on their way to Antelope from Portland, where Mrs. Bolton has been receiving medical treat ment. Mr. and Mrs. John Jenrjincrs ramp nn I r n . . . ---- -r- "I- irum i-oriwnn on last n'gntv boat on their way to Nampa, Idaho. Thev have iKjon the guestfi of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Bolton during the day, and will leave tonight. The following poetic effusion lias been handed in tor publication. As it is not i of the "soaring" kind wc uive it space: I They fay the new fewer are koIiir to lie mmlc, I The old, sewers have too much of n Rrmle. I The now ones vritt bo niaito from cat to west, They claim this system is always tho best, j The tower when made will be all the style. With a grade of a. foot ami a half to tho mite; I Ami If any thin;; gets I" as big us your shoo It's Kot to stay there If It can't get throush. The terracotta pipe, whether cheap or tlear, Undoubtedly must be purchased here: Whether from Peters, or Mays t Crowe, Your correspondent does not know. The money will be corected, but they don't know when. And thev claim they'll employ a hundred' men If such be the case It will keep 'cm a running To get the toola sharpened by our Councilman Gunning. When these men want clothing they'll always find Charley Stephens on Second street, bear this In mind. When the sewers arc finished and we find them no good, We then can repair the old sewers with wood. The money collected that the new sewers cost. Being spent In this city, It cannot te lest. Teachers' Examination for State l'npern l'rnpoaaln for Itrfundlnff Water tlntuU, Dalle City Oregon. Notice is hereby given that the county superintendent of Wasco county will hold the regular examination of appli cants for stp.te papers at the court house, in The Dalles, Oregon, on February 14, 15, 16 and 17, as follows : Commencing erinesuav, rub. 14, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday, Feb. 17, at 4 o'clock. Wednesdaj Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, echool law. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition, physical geography. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, English literature, psychology. U. L. UlI.HKl'.T, 5-td County Superintendent. The Modern Mother Has found that her little ones arc im proved more by the pleasant Svrup of Figs, when m need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man ufactured by the California Fie Svrun Co. onlv. ImiiienXH IVool Sliortiifu. A shortage in the wool clip of the country of "o.OOO.OOO pounds for the year is estimated by the American Wool and Cotton Reporter. This compares with a shortage of 20,000,000 pounds of wool in JS98. The total supply of wool in the United States at the close of the year, exclusive of manufactures holdings, was 107,398,870 pounds, against 339, 033,858 pounds a year ago. According to thoclaims of wool dealers the above is particularly true of Oregon. T. E. Fell, manager of the Pendleton woolen and scouring mills, in Bpeaking on this question to an East Oregonian reporter, said : "In my opinion there will be a considerable falling off from that of laot yeir While I look for a much heavier clip per head, I believu the number of sheep has greatly do. creased. There wan no ec.ucity what ever in Oregon last year, the season's clip being the largest in the history of the state. Taking Oiegon as a whole, Inmnot in a position to state, but, as far as this section is concerned, I am eatiefied the number of sheep now is much less than that of last year. This tiae been an excellent eeason for sheep, aud each one will produce a larger amount mid a finer grade of wool than wa the case last eeaeon. Prices aro Higher, and tho protipects aro that wool 160 acres deeded farming land, situ ated in Sherman county; a fine farm. 100 acres deeded farming laud, situated fourteen miles from The Dalles; a good place for some'one. 20 acres fine timber land, situated on base line road, about twenty miles from Portland; fine loca tion. Any or all of this property wil be sold or traded for property in Tiie Dalles. Anyone wishing to buy or trade city property for a good place do not fail to see Dad Butts, and he will tell you all about it. fS-L't Another I, urge fire. The burning of the Standard Oil Co.'s warehouse 'was a large loss, but insure with the Law Union and Crown Fire Ins. Co., and avoid such losses. Now is the tune, tomorrow may be too late. Arthur Seufert, resident agent phono 141. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Sealed proposals will bo received by the board of water commissioners of Dalles City, Oregon, at said city until 8:3(1 o'clock p. m. of the 26 day of Fob., 1U0O, for twenty-five thousand dollars; aud twenty thousand dollars of refund: ing water bonds of said city, (as it is not settled us to whether the total amount of bonds will be $25,000 or $20,000) au thority is extended to the said board to issue refunding water bonds in the sum of $25,000, but if found not to be nnces surv, the issue will be for no mnro than $20,000; and at a rate of interest not ex ceeding four pur cent per annum pav alilo twenty years from (Into of issuo, interest payable senii-unnuullv, princi pal and interest pavablu in gold coin of the United States, at any city therein, at the option of the buyer. The bands mentioned will be issued under the provisions of tho several leg islative acts of the state of Oregon, ap proved Feb. 20, 18S5, Feb. Ill, 1880, and Feb. 14, 1S!)5, and in pursuance of an or dinance adopted by tho common council of Dalles City, approved January 25, 1900. The proposed refunding water bonds are intended for the redemption of outstanding water bonds in the sum of $25,000; hut in case the board of water commissioners prefer, it will issue re funding bonds for $20,000 only, therefore bidders niav make proposals for both $25,000 and $20,000, and in the denomi nation of $500 each. No bid will be entertained for a rate less than par value of the bonds. Prem iums and rate of intereet will be taken into consideration in passing on the value of all bids. Bidders must deposit with the presi dent of the board a duly certified check on some responsible bunk equal to 2 per cent of the amount of bonds bid for, or accompany his bid with cash of such amount as will equal such per cent of his bid, and such certified check made payable to the president of tiie board of water commissioners of Dalles City, Or., as liquidated damages in case the bidder shall fail or neglect to receive and pay for, at the office of the city treasurer of said city, the bonds awarded to him on his bid, nn or before the first day of March, 1900. Attention should be given the fact that the board will not issue and dispose of more than $20,000 of such refunding bonds, unless it shall lie deemed neces sary to do so, but otherwise, if tli0 board shall find that it is necessary to issue innds in the sum of $25,000, it will then otter and issue the full sum, ($25,000). i tie right to reject nnv nuu all bids, is reserved by the said board of water commissioners. Bids should be addressed to tho presi dent of said board, or to the city record er, Dalies City, Wasco county," Oreiron, and noted "Proposals for refunding water ho ml a. " By order of the Hoard of Water Com mission, by and with the consent of the Common Council. This 25th day of January, 1900. T. .1. fcEUKKRT, fi.. S.I President of Hoard. ATTKrvr: Ned H. Gateh, Recorder of Dalles City. BUSINESS LOCALS. O.R.sR DEVAr.T run Fast Mali 11:15 p. m. Spokane Fiver r;0o p. nv S p. m. 8 p. ra. Ex.bunday Saturday 10 p. m. TIMR SC1IKIU1I.K. FltOM 1ULLKN. aiimvk FlIOM. Halt I.alir, Pcnver. Kt.i Fat worth, Onmlm, Kan ' Jinn m C'itv. St. liult.i '-,:.V p l Chicago' and Kast. i Wnl In Walla, Spokane, .Mlnneanolt". St. Paul, i)ti lu t h, Milwaukee, uuieauo ami i.aai. FlIOM l'OlVTI.AM). Ocean Steamships. For San FranolM-o December it. s, 13, lf, . aud 'J.-!. Columbia Kv. Steamers. To Astoria and Way Landings. Spokane Flyer. t:i) a. in I p. m. 4 p. tn. Kx.suuda) I (i a. m. i WftT.itrvTTiF Ittvrn i l.Sfln m. Ex.Suuday Oregon City. Nowhere, Ex.Hundny Salem A way 1-atid's. r 7 a. m, Tues.Thur. aud bat. VYlLLAMVTTB AND VAM- 3:30 p. 111. IIILI. KiVKRN. I.Mou.,vtcd Oregon City, Dayton, and way.lJimiiiiRs. and Fri. 6 a. m. Willamette HtVER. I 1:30 p. m. Tiie..Thur,j Portland to Corvalll,i Mon. ttVil and Sat, , and Way-l-andlnKs. land Friday I.v Ulparlii oany lliMam. I SNAKK UtVKK. Ulparlii to tawlston. I.KAVK I.KWIHTOK dally 8:1 a. m. W Parties deslnni: tn iro to Hummer should take No. -1, leaving 'the Dalles at 7:U"i p. m maKitiK direct connection!, at llcppucr Junction summing maKiUKUirectcmmcunou at ueppue junction with No. 1, urrivltig at The Dalle.-, a No. 'ii, throucht freiitht, east bound, does not earry pas..engers, arrives ajW a. m., depart :i:S0u. m. No. 21, local freight, carrle paetiKcrt, east bound; arrives i:uu p. rn dvp.irtnH la p.m. No. a l, west bound throuuh freight, does not carry puMcnms; arrive h:15 p ni., departs j.-ti p. m. No. 23, west bound local freight, ciirrii". pas auiixurs; arrives o:ij p. m., Heparin b:jj a. in. For full particulars call on O. It. & N. Co. agent Tiie Dalles, or address W. 11. UUIM.llUltT. 1'as. Ast., Portland, Or (ieu Hume for Sale Thirty head of good horses, weigh irom nuu to muu lbs. To be seer, at Jacob Alcnnynold's place, 15 miles eust from The Dalles. For further particu lars address, Stkauhe Hiios,, jn24 mw The Dalles, Or. G'urea lluailuclie Oulokly. IJuldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery fcoda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness rowero will realize as much, or more ' ,,ral" ,l,li,le- 10 and -5 cents. Sold 1 , .... ' l.. J. I.V.II- I i . . . .. from their did last." sales this season than they Wheat Hale in Uuytou. A heavy wheat deal was recentlv con summated .at JXiyjoti and tho grain is being sent ,to Portland an fast as cars .'.cm he had lor that purpoee. About 100 cars wilj .be needed, ..and ft is possi Wo to secure but a few each day. The Jel was or 70,000 bushels, averaulm. Jl 'pounds. The price was 45 cents on board the cars. W. J. Loundairiii made tho deal for Corhett Jlros. & Co., tho principal eeller being V, T. Klchard- by Clarke A Kalk, druggists. janSl-Ow A FINE SHIRT A fine shirt needs fine laundry work to make it look nice and wear well. Just the saim; with your other garments. e uo not nee any injurious, chemicals do not rot out your linen and cun save you 20 per cent of tho weur your gar Ditnt.s usually sustain. Ulad to have you try our work. ,'c laundry too small. Dam.eh Laundjiv Co. 'Phono 341 brings the teum. 3L2w Clark & Falk aro never closed Sunday. Don't forget this. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint aud artist's brushee. Use Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from thehead. ion will not nave boils if vou tuke h Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke & Falk s navoring extracts are the beat. Ask your arocer for them. rtsn your grocer lor uiarke talk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. DeWitt's Witch Huzel Salve is un equalled for piles, injuries and skin diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel .Salve. Deware of all counterfeits. Geo. IJarbe, Mendota, Va., says, Nothing did me so much good its Ko- dol Dyspepsia Cure. One dose, relieved me, a few bottles cured me." It diirests what you eat and cures dyspepsia. I.I.St. tl-i T . . . jutweun jonnsion s store anu my place in Dry Hollow, last Saturday evoning, one steel garden rako. I drove up Washington street and past the fair grounds. The finder will confer a favor by leuving at Johnston's or at my place. A, S. KoilKitTH. Complete of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THEiDRUGGlST. Administrator's Notice. The iiiiderklmital having Ixicn appointed ad mln Utrator of IlioL-tLHtii of J,.,,uii,,'. iLf, . ' ilectHked, under and by virtue of an order duly made mid filtered In tho County Court of the hlutu of Oreifim for Wn (.,.,,. .. .i... ,. , 'V day of December, low, all n;rt,ons having c'laTnis ..n...?. niu uuieuy i oinieii in tin. JiV.fl"i0?Kc ,v ProiKjr voueheri. aiidifuly verified at the oiiiect of my attorney, Fred VV . Wilt-on, In The Dalles, Oregon, ivlthln "li months from the date of this notlee. thin Dated Thn Dulles. tlr,.v, iul, i'u, it. I.V MX IPll A num.. I.... 'vi li - ! .inn i., J"'1 -M l' Adm nistrat, r. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware uouse. . Subscribe for The Chronicle. Dr,GUNN'& f tTt Tv ONE FOR ADOBE. : "''. Ti.-y.7,iti;;; airs xsa un. auMnHU rj.phil.P. PILL$ PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICHELL,V Undertaker and Embalmer. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. w aas omw awioa The Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON RANGES, JVTajestie Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. "Komombor that wo arc selling, tho same from $45.00 to $60.00 Whiou i a saving to our customers of from $15 to $25 over p ce charged by peddlers for inferior ranges. .ite for pamphlet, ''Majestic Evidence." MAYS & CnOUlE T . Ir iiiiiiixjiitiiiiiiiiitixiiiiiiiiiuiJ!yiM.f JM"fAff'A i Si' I .1 St I, I P as. MS '3?' ,a: 31 31 i3g f f si PS I SB f The Dulles, On. The Chronicle, Job Printers. UilJUIIUILIM Ull'WL'il'iWi'iUlL'iLiiyiLU'OIl'OT'TlIiTi ii"."iniimi IK 'II I Jl r C. F. Stephens .Doalnr In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Hliws. Hutu, Ciipi, Nutloim. fur W, l Doughs Hluiv. Teluplioiif No. j. I.ll tHX'llllll Ht., Tiie Dalles, Or, Kt. t C. S. Smith tiik iJp-to-dateQroeer Frosh Kfc'KH nml Creamory uuuur u HpBciiuty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. ...STEAM... Wood Saw ;ltt (omi Packing Co. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF j MANUKACTOHKHHOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D BEEF. ETC. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. TltANHAUTA KNKKALUANKINU HUBINW Luttere of Credit Issued avnilalilu Id tbi Eastern States. Hiiftit Exuhanire and TnlfifrspDW Transfers Hold on New York, Cliiwgo St. XouIh, Sun Francisco, PortluiiJ Ore Kon, Seattle Wash., and various pom" in OreKon and Washington. Collections made at all point oa W orauie terms. H. HCHBNK, l'feldiiit. II M IlllL I J-)K' UKIHCNUOUPlTJSIt rliysician and Sureoii, BpecUJ attention given to iurcry. Jloom 21 and 22, Tel, m Vogt lllock Will run every day excopt fiundav, itates Keasonable. Tolephono 201. . j W. A. OATES, Prop. First National Bank. .ii THE DALLES - - - OREOU" A General Banking Business trnnwet weposm rsoetvea, eumeoi to Collections made and proceeds prompw remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic ExoliaiiK? fo'f0 flew York, Ban Franouco ans Sand. u. F. Tiiomwjoii. Jwo. B. rjcii- EU. M. Wll-UAMH, GKO. A. W" U. M. Bkall.