The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 08, 1900, Image 3

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    White Winged Carnival!
Our Spring Offering of White Goods wi" mmm"m"
' on Wednesday
February 7Lh, 1900, and be the most eomploto offering in this particular lino yet
inaugurated by this house. It will consist of Dimities, Lawns and organdies, Laces
and Hmbroidorios, Ladies', Misses' and Children' Muslin Underwear, Table Linens,
Napkins, Towels and Towelling, Muslin, Sheeting, Sheets and 1'illow Cases, Lace
Curtains and Curtain Material.
Gent's Furnishing Goods Department.
If you want the best you have no other choice, we don't make it so, but peo
ple who like up-lo-dale wearables, just prices and fair treatment do. Not a hund
red years, not fifty, nor even one has elapsed since the clothes we are showing were
made. They wore made this season and in this season's style. This not only ap
plies to our Mon's Department but to the Children's as well, and there's a stylo
about them that's exclusive. JsnVt it worth something to know that you are in
style, especially when it costs you no more?
Our advertisements are our letters to you, written, signed and backed up by
a house that has always been jealous of its reputation and business integrity.
All Goodo Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1.
. .
Thu Knot lu ftinfirturl n ti lufjt twtiltt
ludwlll nut arrive till ntiout 10 o'clock.
Meeting o( the Columbia hose com
uny tonight ut 7:30 nt the city hall.
Tim attention of the members ia called
to the change in the h Mr ot meeting.
You ure the loser if you do not avail
JouhoII of the opportunity A. M. Wil
litrns k Uo ure ottering iu Indieu' clonks
Mil Bulls. Forty per cent Is a big dis
count. There will he services tonight In the
MetliodiBt church, to which all are in
vited, particularly the membership. Jt
is quite likely Rev. U. W. Grunnis will
be pteaent ami address the uudlence.
A (plfiului program lu being prepared
h the League for their bocIhI tomorrow
itflit. No c no hhould mine hearing their
novel orchestra if they are compelled to
leave before the general good time social
Mee plane.
Blbiin ', Sliutt seems to have u mania
'f Blurting newspapers, and his next
venture will ,0 u Granite, where he is
10 fttal.llsh the Granite News. His
outfit lu now on the way there aud woik
ure putting up an olllce building ut
"lilt place.
Sophia Stuckup will read a paper on
"Oman's rights at the Single Blessed
"e8 eoduty Monday night, und Mary
Ann KiiIum wi fltvor t)ie HOUivtv with
olo"NoOne to Love," which lsex
Jremely iinproBslve, particularly to those
10 convention assembled.
ThU tfmo tiu ,I10tt0 , wr0,,K, p:Very
'ing don't come to the man wh'o waits,
"'' la if he waits too long in taking ad
'"'tge of that shirt tale at Williams dc
t0'8' Manhattan' at a dollar, ar
proving a grent drawing (card for this
Hut thut price wont lust.
Elder W. 11. Clifton, of the Calvary
"Pt church, will preach. at the Sal
;'!J" Ar'y barracks tonight. Subject :
Ht 1b it to Believe in Christ."
7, vvl" commence t p. Song
, ,eeH''iony servico will bo lield a few
ninutPH Imfure the sermon. Please
w CSoHpfl Uyiiina 1, 8, a and 4.
T'' llrt,t 'loath from smallpox iu Moro
J'red tills morning when X. M. An-
di.ii' " ",Hn WB" known Bt t,,gl PAW
2 ,!" 11,0 Hww. Althougli Ills
i id i 10 ho tllu wor,t ua,B tney hvt)
" lMoro' 11 WttB "ot thought it
"W prove fatal, Mr. Anderson Is a
ths u' ui 45ye"Bmi h member of
"lodmn, and also Cedar Circle,
j Up to about a year ago he was engaged
lin furming, und since that time was em
ployed in the Co'umbiu Southern sur-vey.
The double quartet choir of the Con
gregational church, assisted by ten nd
ditional voices, will give u concert in the
near future at the chinch. The object
is to no increase the organ fund us to en
able them to place it tlrst-cluBS organ
iu the church. Work of rehearsing has
already begun und futuro notice ill be
given Inter.
At the biennial meeting of the Oregon
Republican Editorial Association, held
in 1'ortland, the following oflicerB were
elected for the ensuing two years : Pres
ident, I). M.C. Gault, Ililleboro ; sec
retary, Win J. Clark, Gorva'i9 ; treaeurer,
S. S. Train, Albany; executive com
mittee, J. 15. Kddy, Forest Grove; J. R.
Whitney, Albany; U. L. Ireland, Moro.
Advance Agent Keene's presence to
day has awakened a renewed interest in
the presentation of the "Little Minister"
next Thursday night by the Frohman
company, aud Eeuts are beginning to go
already. Call at Clarke & Folk's ami
get yours, for if we ure fooled as to the
merit of this company then are all the
newspapers where they have appeared
responsible, aud their notices ure de
cidedly misleading.
Our roads und those throughout the
country south of us ore becoming fam
ous, but it Is a fume which is not envi
able. K. P. Marshall, one of Umatilla's
leading stockmen, who has just re
turned to Pendleton from here, tells the
Knst Oregoniuu that he found some of
thu worst roadt over which he ever
traveled a vehicle. Mud was so deep
tliat iu many places it has been neces
sary to tear down fences and travel in the
100 acres deeded farming land, situ
ated lu Sherman county; a line farm.
100 acres deeded furming land, situated
fourteen miles from The Dalles; a good
place fur someone. 120 acres line timber
land, situated ou base line road, about
twenty miles from Portland; fine loca
tion. Any or all of this property will
be sold or truded for property in The
Dalles. Anyone wishing to buy or trade
city property for a good place do not fail
to see Dad Butts, and he will tell you
all about it. IS-2t
Many of our people seem at a loss to
understand what Is the true nature of
the organization known as Hie "Young
Ladles Single Blessedness Debating So
ciety," or as some choose to term if'The
Old Maids' Convention." ItB workings
are of a strictly secret nature; but as a
public meeting is to be held at the Bald
win Monday night, and all are invited
to uttend, the public need not be Ig
norant of Its workings. An admlBsslon
of 26 cents will be charged to defray the
expenses of the delegates who come
from abroad,
Yesterday morning two Dalles young
people left 'the city for Portland giving
no intimation of the important nature
of their visit, but later in the duy some
how it crept out that word had been,
Bent back for n marriage license, aud
today news readied here that Fred
Bnrchtotf and Leona Gosser were mar
ried at the metropolis this morning.
Nothing further concerning the cere
mony was given. Both the bride and
groom are well thought of in The Dalles,
as such worthy young people would be
esteemed wherever their lot is cast; but
at the same time they will hove to
answer to their friends for going back on
The Dalles- when it cornea to such an
important transaction.
Allen Edwards Iiob been arrested in
The Dalles for forgery. It is believed
by the officers in this city that this is
the same individual who operated with
bucccbs iu Wallu Walla about two weeks
ago. T1ij forgerer eucceeded in cheating
business men out of $44 by giving them
bogus cheeks. The signature which ap
peared on the checks was George E.
Allen. There is good reason to believe
that the Dalles forgerer and Allen are
one and the same man, Union. Mar
shal Hughes received word from the
officers ut Walla Walla regarding Ed
wards, but after Investigation does not
believe he is thesame man.
The efforts of Gov. T. T. Geer, regard
ing the interment of deceased Oregon
volunteers on Oregon Boil, which has
ueen resisted by the war department
at Washington, is at last bearing fruit.
Tuesday the governor received u tele
grain from the war department announc
ing that a change had token place in the
plans of the secretary, and that the au
thorities had decided to deliver the dead
of the Oregon regiment to the state's
oflicers for interment. The military au
thorities have purchased o most beauti
ful plot of ground in Riverview cemetery,
ot Portland, one ot the most sightly
cemeteries in the state, wherein to lay
to rest the brave dead of the Oregon
regiment. This plut of uround is ample
to bury all of the deceased members of
the regiment, and the authorities pro
pose to make the spot as beautiful us
possible, When the bodies arrive it is
proposed to hold litting services in their
honor, and to inter them all at the same
Every cltv is justifiable in guarding
lealouslv Its interests: but when in so
4 '
doing the welfare of neighboring cities
is criminally jeopardized, then should
some means be used to thwart such pro
ceedings. Such a course, it seems, is
belinr pursued by some of our Eastern
Oregon towns regarding the pretence of
smallpox in their midst. While travel
in if men and others coming from Baker
City have reported tin epidemic of that
disease there, the uewspupers have
steadfastly refused to ocknowlcdge I lie
fact, and it is said have thus caused it to
spread to their neighboring town. A
Portland man who came down to Pendle
ton from that place the first of the week
sayo he ascertained by personal investi
gation that the town is full of it, und
three patients have recently died,
Droving there are at least some genuine
vases, Be the disease what it may, it
ie certainly loathsome enough to cause
the greatest caution to be used, audits
presence in any town should not be dis
guised. As wns feared, smallpox has developed
in the Mullikin family, who were ex
posed by visitors fioin Moro, Mrf.
Mullikin and her little daughter having
broken out with thu disease, this morn
I !.,.. ll'l,.... t1 II.. I.. I. I,,..,.
IJI. v iifl t.JU t 'turn tiiiii, itn u
two weeks ngo the Mullikins wore Quar
antined and tho children token ot tof
the school. It will be remembered at
that t i t no tlmt tho wife ruined fomo
objection, deeming it unnecessary, but,
po far as wo can learn, the quarantine
Iioh been enforced, which now proves to
havo been the proper course, and has no
doubt prevented the entire city from be
ing exposed. Another thing in favor of
the ci,y is thn fart that the family lives
bo far out of town, or rather the thick
ly settled portion, residing this side of
'i honipeon's addition. The strictest
quarantine is being unforced and it is
not thought there is Immediate danger
of contagion. It is well, however, for
all to be guarded in view of the experi
ence of other towns.
,V Foriurr Dalles Itnrlitti- .Mnrrlen An
Allmiiy Ulrl linforn lit In lltcitcil
From No, 1 ,
Charles Benson, who was employed
in Parkins' barber shop for a few months
lubt fall, hns gotten into serious ditlicnlly
in Albany. Although at first he seemed
to he a worthy fellow, .Mr. Parkins soon
discovered he did not meet his financial
obligations, aud at the time of the flstial
encounter, which took place down the
river, he took such a decided interest in
the disgraceful affair that his employer,
deciding he had no further use for him,
gave him his walking papers, fie then
left town, leaving bills to the amount of
about $110.
While here Benson employed a lawyer
and commenced divorce proceedings
against his wife, but suspicioning him,
the lawyer dropped the matter, und has
since learned that he cheated Salem
lawyers iu the same kind of a deal, and
proved hiuiBelf an ull-around bilk.
It is said that the Miss Watts, whom
lie married in Albany lost Saturday,
visited him in this city last fall.f
The Albany flemld has the following
concerning his escapade there:
"Charles G.L. Benson, the Broadalbin
street barber, left town Friday night
and has not been heard from since.
Benson came to town several mouths
ogo and purchased the barber shop back
of YoungV store. He represented that
he had been married, but was divorced.
Shortly after coining to town he com
menced to keep company with Miss
Erma Watts, und last Saturday night
they were married. Friday morning a
woman came to town who claims she is
BeiiBon's legal wife, and had never
secured u divorce. Benson hired a bug
gy ot the livery stable, and, as near as
can be learned, drove to Shedd Friday
night and stopped at that town until
Saturday morning, when he left for
Independence, probably crossing the
river at Peoria. He was accompanied
by Mis. Watts aud Mis. Benson No. 2,
but the former returned yesterday morn
ing and her daughter came back witli
the buggy late in the afternoon. Benson
evidently headed for Portland, and as
heJias about $o00, borrowed from his
new mother-in-law, he will be able to
keep moving, us there seems to be no
one particulaily anxious to head him
Hook mid I.mlilur Oltlcerw.
The Dalles Hook and Ladder Com
pany No. 5 held their unfiuul election
last evening, aud the following oflicers
were elected for the ensiling year:
President, Iv 11. Morrill; treasurer,
H. C. Liebe;
foreman, II. Taylo; 11 ret assistant, L.
W. Heppner; second assistant, T. Par
kins; board of delegates J. A. Mc
Arthur, E. M. Wingute and II. C. Liebe.
A vote of thanks was tendered Mr.
J. A. McArtlnil, in behalf of the com
pany, for hi efficient services during
the past yeoir, which were instrumental
iu procuring the new apparatus.
Another I.urse Kir.
The lmriiu of the Standard Oil Co.'s
warehouse was it large loss, but insure
witii the, Law Union and Crown Fire
Ins. Co., and avoid such losses, Now
U the tune, tomorrow may be too late,
lATthur Seufert, resident agent phone
For Infants aud Children.
The Kind You Havi Always Boutjit
Bears the
Signature of
Curm lleutWchu Jucky.
Baldwin's spaikling efl'ervesomt Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 10 and '25 cents, Sold
by Clarke k Falk, druggists, jan240w
-AVcgcfnbla Pr cpnr.ilionrbrAs-
slmilaliitg llicFood andBcguln
liiiglhc Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcslion.CheerfuI
ness andnost.Conlains neither
Opium.Morphine norlineral.
nrttpc afGUnrSAKUELPtTCHEft
flmtpfcn Seed
llocktlljt Snlls -Shite
Jbfxrmotl -
hHUeyfrm flavor.
Apcrfccl Remedy forConslipa
llon , Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature or
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the x
Signature i
For Over
Thirty Years
A Splendid AsEortment of Choice Garden. Grass and
Seed Wheat, Sped 0ts,
Seil Rye, Seed Barley,
Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn
Kim: Plii ' i i Corn,
Stowi'UV Evergreen Corn,
Karly Minnesota Corn.
Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
White Hominy Corn.
Knrly Rosh Potatoes,
Burhntik Potatoes,
Spring Vetches,
Broiiui Grass,
Cheap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Supplies.
A mncnificent etock of Staple and Fancy Grocenee, all of
which will lie sold at close prices for CASH at the Feou, Seed
and Grocery 'Store of
Grocery Dep t.
You will find sauces and condi
ments to tickle the palate of
any epicure.
Major Grey's Bengal Chut
ney. D. & B. Chili Sauco or To
mato Chutney.
Bed Hot a gooil relish.
Manila Bolish.
Sweet Bolish.
Horse Radish Mustard.
Essence of Anchovios.
Paprica gonuino Hungar
ian. Tabasco Popper Sauco.
Evaporated Horse Radish.
East India Currio Powder.
Colory Salt.
Tomato Mustard'.
Sandwich Mustard.
Mayonnaiso Mustard.
Flnccus Prepared Mustard.
Fi'ench Mustard.
Oyster Coctail.
Catsup Faust's.
C it B. Walnut Catsup.
C. it B. Mushroom Catsup.
Olives, Pioklos, etc.
With every one dol
lar purchase at our
store during January
and February wo will
give a chance on a
Alumini.od Garland
Stool Range.
Dialer S Benton
a i mm rut iiiiiiitittr
Wil! often c.uiEU a horrihlu hum,
scald, cut or hrnise. Bucklen'B Arnica
Salve, the tiest in the world, will kill
the pain aud promptly heal it, Cums
old sores, fever sores, nlcflrs, hoils,corus,
felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile
cure on earth, Onlv -5 els, a hnx.
Cure guaranteed, Sold by Blukeley &
Houghton, druggists, 1
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured hy Clurko
& Falk.