For a Nice Suit of Clothes. l'antltiF, Ovcrcontln- or Tnncy Vwtlng. Klndlv mil nnd exnminc iny stcck of hiy lxirtl unci I) uiMlc Woolen.. A tliic stock to elect lrom. , . ,. Pultn mdc from the lowest prices to the hlRh est pnule. J, A. Eberle Fino Tailorine. 1UK HALLE!-. OJiEGHN. The. Dalles Daily Chronicle. j . BUBBCKirTItlN l'KICE. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 THURSDAY FEBRUARY S, 1900 JBRITISH TRADE MOVEilEXT. Xowbcre in the world have the contests between employers and em ployes been more bitter, more pro longed or more disastrous to nil con cerned than in Great Britain. It has, therefore, been inevitable that that country should be prolific in expedi ents for preventing such troubles. Of late a movement, originated by E. J. Smith, a manufacturer of Birm ingham, has been making such progress and attracting such attention on the continent as to deserve a brief descripiion. A writer in the Han Francisco Chronicle sums up the essence of the plan as co-operation between em ployers and employes within a trade, with the right of examination of books and accounts when necssary. I the desert may be enjoyed at Banning, As between manufacturers there is Indio, Ynma; and, even farther on, at . . , , . ... .iPhoenis, Tucson, El Paso, exists con- an agreement not to sell without I ... .. . . . 1 ditions equally well indicated for weak uiuMUK u ceivaiii pruui, af-reeu upon in advance, and uniform for all. With that restriction he may fix his own selling price, so that any one who is able to produce more cheaply than others is at liberty to undersell, but he must be prepared at all times to prove from his books, by an agreed method of reckoning, that he is actually making the agreed profit. As between employers and work men, the wages and hours of work actually customary m the trade nt the time of organization are taken i as the standard. As it frequently ' happens that the trade is orgnnized ! at a time when the masters -are on the verge of bankruptcy' nnd the workmen on the verge of starvation, wages are invariably low nnd profits nothing. The object ot the alliance is the raising of prices to a profitable lotnt, and its rules provide that every advance made shall be divided, ; in a manner mutually agreed in ad- j .,., , , . . , vance as equitable, between masters! and workmen. The result of this is that the prosperity of both masters and workmen is directly connected with the maintenance of the alliance, with the consequence of the creation of a strong public opinion permeat ing the whole body of the trade in favor of a fair execution of its pro- viBiuus. as we understand it, both and heartburn, and all forms of dys employers nnd employes become I P"1"- members of the alliance by individ. j - ual signature, binding workmen to serve only members, and masters to employ only members, member, ship boing free and open to all con nected with the trade. Arrange ments are made for joint boards or committees for the settlement of all questions which can nrlse, nnd funds for expenses are provided by a uni form inx. It is obligatory that workmen shall be members of a ssion, and their consent is essential to any advance in price, and, of course, to any reduction. I The above is but ft bare outline of tbc most essential features of the alliances, which arc quite fully tic-' scribed in a late consular report.; The movement Iwenn some seven j vears since in the bedstead trade, to , v I which Mr. Smith belongs. It has proved entirely satisfactory to both I workmen nnd employers and bids fair to be taken up by many other , trades, both in England and on the j continent, where it is attracting much ', attention. I The Dalles Republicans did not send club representatives to the league convention at Portland, which .f liti; wiil- 'Plin nrmmnul rnnsnn ' ' 1 . 1 " was that the state meeting usually j results in factions fighting for oftices, j ,1 Tj..l,lS,.a., lmm rnBt ! that would prepare the party for its battles after me conventions are over. The doings at Portland Tues-1 - day showed that the decision ofj nnr lneil Tipnnhlirans was wise TilO ! OUr local liepuuiIUMlb "lis ist.. iui tuin? I'snrnn" fnr was merged into a for factional benefit. The 30. .M .w. Telegram abetted the fight 111 its ie-' port by bringing in names of promi nent politicians, one a United States senator. It is shameful. "Kepre- snntfitivo Rpnublieanism" is the nrin- aentauve nepuoncanism is int. nm nin'p. that will brinff IieaCC into the I o party's councils. WINTER TRIPS. For winter reeidence or winter outing ideal conditions will be found on every hand in California. Plenteous early rainfall has this eeaeon given to the eemi-tropical vegetation wonderful im petue ; the flaral offeringe are more than ueually generous and the crop of southern fruits bountiful and excellent. Old ccenn possesses new charms at Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Long Beach, Coronado and the enchanted isle of the sea, Cntalina where fishing, boating, rambling, ruling, hunting and loafing Day he enjoyed as nowhere else. Quiet little spots, enug and warm, offsr themselves at Montecito, Nordhoff, Pasadena, Echo Mountain, San Jacinto, Fall Brook and Palm Springs. For renewing health end vigor, here abound many tot springs, of widely varying constituents and demonstrated raerite ; the drv, ant ! tic, tonic air of lnroatE and lunne. Many think nothing in nature more . v;cn-.cui nuu m numi 11 nici uinni uiv v.111111; 111 uit; attractive than the ehimmennp olive tM teeMvA. All jwrkiiini havlnc claims nrnhnrrls nf Sntn Rurhsra nnil !5iin acain-t tnld estate are required to jiresent the orcnaraa 01 santa tiaruara anu j ,mc- t.i mo nt the Ibh- omtl of & cm Diego ; others prefer the stately walnuts , dun. in Dallea Cltj, Oregon, with proper vouch- . . . T . . en-, within six inonths iruin thh date, of entura and Los Metos, or the December i--', lJ. lemons of Fernando; but for elorio.,E : Exrfiutor of ttn'tAn. fruit and graceful tree commend ue to 1 ceaed. ik-cxmi the goldeu orange, first, last and always, I and it exiots in greatest perfection at j Covina, Ilivereide, Kedlands and Hiijh-i lands. Erjnally intereatinK is the scientific and temptin); fxshion in which the sortinc and packint; of the orange is here accomplished, The faithful were exhorted to see I Mp(?en mill Hhnffln nff ? hut ceispr minnr. ations will pee California of the south and Prolu"P life- 1 J. B. Clark, Peoria, 111., says, "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for piles, ! but I cured them with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve." It is infallible for piles and skin diseases. Ie-ar3 of counter- fits. For Kul. I Complele entertainment outfit, con-1 sisting ofhlnh grade magic lantern, with ' views on Spanish-American war and new talking machine with 26 records. Ma,,e f300 dettr (llsr m0Dtll laRt fall I Iteason for selling owner ill. Call op posite United Urethern church on the hill or address Virgil E. Greene, The Dalles. JauEO.lino F. B. Thirkield, health inspector of Chicago, says, "Koilol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly. It cured me of severe dyspepsia." It di- nests what von nut and dirnn inrliircaiinn THE CLKANKINC XX li UKAI.INQ CATARRH CV11C I'OU CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Vmj nnd pleamnt to tin;. Cuntiiua no In. jurioug dnii;. It U (julckfy abiorbeil. (lives Uelief at once. It Otwna ami ... WtSSJX' tULU N HEAD , ... nuu j iuiki inn ueiuursue. jietore the Kiie of 'I ante and HmelL, Larire Hire, so cents at LLY JMOTlljuuj, 60 ten UUvvt, Htw York. EAST and SOUTH via !The Shasta Route of the Dmfin Pnmn'lf oOU InGm laC'lIC bOlTlP J. Trunin lenve mui an? duo to arrive nt l'ortlsnii " ; " OVEK1.AXI1 KX- i Imnr, Aklilnml, s-ne-1 , mmtMito, Ogilen.Snn I t:co v. 31. FrmictHH), MnjHve, ! 9:15 A. M. l.os. AllBi'lcs.El 1'hso, j Now orleuns mid I 1 I Unt ,' c., , Hamburg mid wiiy (-tit- ( V1h Wnodhurr lor i 1 . ... I i?lli....lmi ! ll.Hr v.i... went scio, isrowns- bSK, lla!,f!!c!a.?.n',J UXCUpt Suudr.y!.. j ,7.50 Ai M : (Corvlll Is-tntlmi.. and wnyj .8;M1..jj. .llSDKl'ESllE.Vf'KI'ASSnsanr.. Kxpros tr.Un nuiiv (except sumwy). - g; AL '.l gjSES Ar..liiiepcnlciu'c..l.v. 4:ft0a. ra "Dully. tDniy. except sutiany. DINING OAKS ON OGDEN KOUTK. itllman buffet sixKrKiu and second-class lkei'INP CAUb I Atjrhf1 to ull Thmii!h TthIths. nirect counectIcm Ht ,mi with occt dental nnd Oriental nnd 1'itcllle miiil steamship 1111C!s(or jAl.AN ,md CHINA. Suiting datiw on 1 aj viicntion. it Cates nnd tickets to Eastern iviftits and Eu . rqjjq. aimi iJATA.s, 1,111 N At IIV? JXOL17LU unc f AUSTRALIA. All above trains nrrive nt ami depart 'rr),r Grand Central Station. Filth and lrvmc street YAMHILL DIVISION. I'lidfcnRer Dernit, loot of JoBcrson street. Arrive at Portland, 9::a. ra. Leave for AIKLIE on Monday, Wednesday and Frli1(iv llth:35a-ni. Artlv. uth'ortland, Tues- dav, Thursday tndSnturdaj it 3:Do p. a. Except Sunday, K. Kv.KS.i-ER, jlHuaer. Eicept Saturday. (i, II. MAIIKIIAM, Ast. li. F. it I'utii. Act Throueh Ticket OCIcc. I'M Third street, where 1 through tickets to all iwint In the Eastern States, canaua ana .turotie can oe oDsainea m lowest rates lrom J. B. KIItKLAND, Ticket Agent, or N. WHEALDON. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. riaalor in Rlarkcmilh unnlioc UbRIGI III UlUUrtOIIIHII uuppilbdi Cor. SeconH & Lansln. Tiioiie 15 Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby Riven that the county court of the state of (jregnn for Wucii county, in irobiite, has duly Issued letters testamentary to the undersigned uk the executor named In the lust will and teitament of Caleb JSrooki, de- .....t ..A t... .1... ..u..t.. ..I .l.f. 1 r " STURDEVANT, Dentist. Otllei! over French i Co.'s Haul: I'hnne C, THE DAU.Es, OKtliON , r. .VCOKK. John o vim; MOOIiE & GAVIN, ATTOKKEY8 AT LAW. Umimi and -10, over t'. S. Umd OHIcc. FliCl). W.WII.S-.O.N, ATT01'..SEV-AT LAW, TlfE DA1.LKK, OKKdON Otllce ovei First Nat. Il tni;. I 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE trade mark Lesions Copyrights Ac. Anrone nenrtluc n nketrti nnd description ma" qiilcklr aa certain our opinion free whether a', Invention l probablr pnlentable. f'iminiuiiloA ttimsstrlctlTcoiitliientlul. Handbook on I'atent lent free. Oldest auenrr for tecurlng patenn. I'alei.u taken tliruuuh Munn & to. recelrc tpteiatnotlct, without cbivrite, lathe Scientific America. A handomelf Illustrated wceklr. I.nmet elr. riilatlou of any cleiitltln Imirnul. Ternia, 13 rear: four moiitbt, II. Hold bjrall nonndeulers. MUNN & Co.OB1Broad- New York Iwaacb omce. ca V KL WutbltiKton. li.V I-.iirel;u Hurness Oil tit the liet prenervutlvo of now leutlicr uml thu host renovator of iu leuthvr. It ollb, holtons. hiuuli oiitund lirotccW. Vno Eureka Harniss Oil on your hest Imrneaa, your old lir. nw, mid your tnrlKetoi,itiid lUey will not only look heller hut wtur loiiKer. bold every wherein cuiiH-all I ilxea from hulf ilnu to ilvennlluiia. Wkl. bf UTiSUiHil till to. Jdst What You tuant. Kew ideas in Wall Paper hero. Such wide variety as we are showing nevur be fore graced u single stock. Real imita tion creton efTecte at ordinary prices. Good papers at cneap paper prices. Elegant designs, taBteful colorings, yours for a Email price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line ol house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. BLflKELEY & WMl Wholesale ana Retail Carry the Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 115 SecoBit Street. THE DALLES BROS. UENI-fltAI. BlacKsmims ..AND. is 3i Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TM and Mewn. Plioiie"159 i ..CHflS. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keejw on draught the celebrated (-Ol.L'MlllA IJEEll, ncUnow: ttlliKl the bent beer In The Dalles, at the imual price. Come In, try It and be couvilired, Al'n the KliK-Ht brimih of Wiuex, l.l'juur nnd VIxuth. Sandrjuiehes of ull Kinds iilwayx on hand. HERVITA Bestem VIVALITY, LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all 'jtTccts o Bclf- ubusc, or excess and indis cretion. Ancrve tonic uiid ' blood builder. Brines the pink glow to mlc cheeks anr" restores the lire of youth. By mall COc per box; boxes lor Htls.oO; with a written giiuran teo to cure or refund, tlie money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. ennton Jackson ta.f CHICAGO, ILL. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItartlflclillvdlueBtH the fond and ilHo ifftture In strengthenlno; und recon structing the exhausted dlKestlve or j ram. It 1 the latest disco vered digest- oil ana ionic, no otner preparation can approach it In efficiency. It In tantl' relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea BlokHeadache.Oaatralatia Oramna ami mil ubner rwuiwui imperieciaiiresilon. . Prepared by E. C. DeV WIV. CO., CO Co.. Chicago. DRUGGISTS Horsesnoe tads mm Mm mm sto'imuro whciliilo, lowing m ln'ilulewltlioiiliif.tlco, Str. Rofjulntor. (Llinlti'd IjvuiIlJiB" ) Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. llOWN. ITI-. Lv. I'drll ind i 7 .. M. ! Mondav I WeiliiciiMy 1 Friday , Arr. Dalits lit ft r. M. ; . I-v. llllllVK lit S A. M. (; TticMlny . . . Thlltdny .... i hHturdny. , g Arr. I'ortlmiil ..I A lv . ... ... . . --. I FOR OOMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the HtenmerM of the llegulator Line. iniLl uj u". . .. . ,.ii.i roni the host cetvlee piwdhlo. H KnrHn.d OHli-o. Ouli Street H.ct. W. I tL. , ' .MAXt'FACTl'Ui: I1V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, uniC, THE DALLES, OH EG ON Grandall DEALER IN 3 1 fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS tP EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies; PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to snpply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr r,"B I'lour 18 manufactured expreaely for fumlly r .i , " u: every Back ie ituaranteed to give satisfaction. We i Bell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think M call and get cur prices and he convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. SIi?V-,,,,-2'7fi 10 ,iJ)0 . (TuTIT feara old. ) lZ iMPOETED 0OQNA0 from 7.00 to $11.(0 per gallon. (11 to 'yJaTSThi.' MMIQMI4JMKPJEJlrmJH.L'6 lo o.00 per iiallon. (4 to 11 years old ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. REGULATOR LINE. Dalies, Poitiaim & flslorla i Co. ! of tliu UcKiiliitor Line will run n pnr tticfol. '3 the Compiiny reserving the right to tjliuiiKe'j - - Str. Dnllos City. J (Toncllltig ut nit Way l'oltith.) 3 DOWN. l.v. Dalli'K nt r.::m a. m Moiiiiiiy Widiiemluy I'rldav Arr. I'ortlnud (iinccrtnlii) Lv. I'ortlmiil ,3 "I ' A. m. 3 TllCKluy 3 lliiirMlny 5 SatllPdny'S Arr, li.ill,.L.a (miccrtiiiii) ,J Thp floiinutiiy will (-nilenvor to give ilk j.nt (nrlhi.r nfiiriniitlfili iiililnvu 1 C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt., The Dalle, .T and Motors & Burget Robes, Burial Shoes Etc.