U. OF O. NEWSPAPER To He I'libllnhril Kch Week by the Mtuilentn. BUSINESS LOCALS. Editor Chiiomci k : The I.Hernry societies met Friday evening but because of examination? no debates were held. The t'liiologian so ciety, however, listened to a very fine address by Dr. Lnclunan on the subject : "Some Facts and Some Theories About Dream?." Arrangements have been completed for the publication of a weekly news paper to be known as the Oregon Week ly of the University of Oregon. The paper is printed by the students under thu nnspices of the three literary socie ties, the Ptulolojrian, Laurean and Ivi taxinn. If nil arrangements are per fected the first issue will appear Mondnv, the 12th inst., and will lie published tlnrir.p each week of the collegiate year. Each society elects an editor, a business malinger and a member of the execu tive committee. The representatives elected Friday night by the societies are as follows: Eutasian society Miss 3race Wold, editor; Miss Susie Ban nard, business manager; Miss Sibyl Kuykendall, executive committee. Phil oloeiati society E. X. Blythe, editor; C E. Saunders, business manager; M. L. Appiegate, executive committee. Laurean society C. N. McArthur, edi tor; L. E. Hooker, business manager, and C. M. Bishop, executive committee. The Oregon Weekly will be entirely a student enterprise run in the interest of the university. It will be the aim of the editors and their assistants to make the weekly a real live paper, giving the university news, intercollegiate affaire, important school news throughout the 1 etate, and show in every way that the university as the apex of our state school system is devoted to nil educa tional matters of the commonwealth. It is the purpose of the management to is sue one of the neatest college publications on the coast and have it in at least one newspaper office in every town in the etute. It will be in the reading room of every high school and will be mailed to any address for the price of a subscrip tion. Any one who wishes a copy of the first issue will receive one by giving his or her name to George Ruch Jr., on or before Feb. 10. Stcdext. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware house, tf Clark A Falk's drug stock is new fresh and complete. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget this. Clarke A Fulk have on sale a full line of paint nud artist's brushes. Use Clarke it Fulk'e quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the.head. Yon will not have boils if yon take Clarke & Fulk's sure cure lor boils. Ash your grocer for Clarke A Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Latest thing in cameras are I in proved Magazine cyclones at Donnoll'e drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. meh25-tf Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. ration strictly pure liquid paints. G. H. Appleton, justice of peace, Clarksburg, If. J., says, "DeWkt's Little Early Risers ore the beat pills made for constipation. We use no others." Quickly cures all liver and bowel troubles. F. B. Thirkield, health inspector of Chicago, says, "Kodol Dvspepsia Cure cannot be lecommended too highly. It cured me oft severe dyspepsia." It di gests what you eat and cures indigestion and heartburni and all forms of dvs pepsia. DAILY FRESHETS. HcKulnrlty of IUlnu nnd Falling of the Illver and Senmn In Alnaka. Fronoiiali for Refunding- Water Bond, tlallaa City Oregon. A Ulltl Type or Smallpox. The Barue disease, which has been de termined as smallpox aud is creating such a sensation ou the coast, seems to be prevalent throughout the states, and physicians every wherere investigating it. Among the literature recently sent out by the Minnesota state board of health the most important is frnm tK .pen of Dr. M. Welch, of Philadelphia, and seems to solve the question. He takes the ground that the present disease now going the rounds of many of the northern states has its source in the very mild epidemic of smallpox that prevailed in the south two or three years ago. It was there very frequently diag nosed as chicken-pox, in fact, the pro fession was about equally divided on the point. But the disease was ever of a mild type and rarely resulted fatally. Not infrequently patients kept about! their tusks and youths at the quarantine uospuais oiten would while away the time by playing hall. The disease followed much the same course in the northern states, physi cians often falling into the error of diagnosing it as chicken-pox. nnd con sidering the unprecedented mildness of the disease, Dr. Welch savs he is not at an surprised at the disagreements oiagnosis. After a study of nine years in hospital work ooOO cases, lie says he has casts of unlformily ho mild a type, nor can he find a similar epidemic in this or any other country. Previous to Nov. 1 of last year he had 128 cases, without n single death. In the smallpox epidemic of 1894 in Philadelphia the mortality was .18 in the u.ivaecinated, and there wan an average of 58 percent in all J870r e,,'dl;U,i" umciiV back to The average death rate during the eighteenth century was about 40 per cent. The mortality from th ,,., epidemic he decides is practically nil. Why the disease should present itself in nch an unprecedented mild form is a question that he will not nrinWii, Sealed proposals will be received by the board of water commissioners of Dalles Citv, Oregon, nt said cltv until S:30 o'clock p. m. of the 20 day of Fob 1000, for twenty-five thousand dollars; and twentv thousand dollars of refund ing water bonds of said city, (ns it is not settled as to wbethor the total amount of bonds will be $25,000 or $20,000 au thority is extended to the said board to issue refunding water bands in thu sum of $25,000. but if found not to he neces sary, the issue will be for no more than $20,000; and at a rate of interest not e.t feeding four per cent per annum pav able twentv vears from (Into of issue, interest payable senii-antiunllv, piinci pal and interest payable in gold coin of the United Mates, nt any city therein, at the option of the buyer. The bonds mentioned will bo issued under the provisions of the several leg islative ncte of the state of Oregon, ap proved Fell. 20, 1SS5, Feb. 10, 18SI), and Feb. 14, lb'.io, and in pursuance ot an or dinance adopted by the common council of Dalles Citv, approved January 25, 1900. The proposed refunding water bonds are intended for the redemption of outstanding water bonds in the sum of $25,000; but in case the board of water commissioners prefer, it will issue re funding bonds"for $20,000 only, therefore bidders mav make proposals for ootn $25,000 and $20,000, and in the denomi nation of $o00 each. No bid will bo entertained for a rate less than par value of the bonds. Prem iums and rate of interest will be taken into consideration in passing on the value of all bids. Bidders must deposit with the presi dent of the board a duly certified check on some responsible bank equal to 2 per cent of the arrount of bonds bid for, or accompany his bid with cash of such amount as will equal such per cent of his bid, and such certified check made payable to the president of the board of water commissioners of Dalles City, Or., as liquidated damages in caso the bidder shall fail or neglect to receive and pay for, at the office of the city treasurer of said city, the bonds awarded to him on his" bid", on or before the first dav of March, 1900. Attention should be given the fact i. - . . i. i 1 :n . : i .1 : T ,,.. i ,iv j, i mill wie uuuni win nut is!"iie iwiu i'irim?u To most people who live in the tern- ninrt. ,,, iononn f Bni, ,r,i, perate zones, the annual freshets oc- hnnria nnlH it ot.all . im.i nlra.. casioned by the melting of the winter Bary to do so, but otherwise, if lb board snows and by the unusually heavy rains, shall find that it is necessary to issue of spriugvire a matter of familiar ob- ; bonds in the sum of $25,000, it will then servation. Under a hipher latitude and i 9u(ir nd issue the full sum, f$25,000). in the neighbor-hod of placiers, other The right to reject nny and nil bids is phenomena nre to be studied. Yn Enp-I re8erml n-v tMB Baiu 0081,11 of water lish traveler in Alaska has the follow- j commissioners. ing to report about the rivers of that'llV.h be,nddr?B tcV tl,e PTnm country, says Youth's Companion: rJ 1 5!.TO"rd I ht nk'hdiinn IiL. nine . - . . . ' ... .i.ua. .Miauub oi ana noted "rronosa e for rrlnrtinl n!-l ....1.; . . i . . I . ... h.-v..u. uugiii, nus suujkci io a oaiiy water bonds." rise nnd fall. The distance of its I Bv order of I 0.R.&N. nKI'ART ron Vast Mull ll;li p. m, Klyer 7:05 p. in.. TIMK SCIIKDULR. AimlVK FROM tlAM.KX. . I'llOM. Suit I.nkr, Denver. Kt.t Kn-t Worth, OiiihIiii, Kan- MH m City, ht. l.ouls,! a: AS m ClllrtlKii ulld Kiifct. WiiIIh WiiIIh, Hknlity .Mlnm'Hjmlls. St. 1'iiul, i) Ml nth, .MHuMi:kce, Chli'HEi) null Kn.st. S p. ni. Fbom ror.Ti.ANn. (lectin Stetintshlvs. For Shu Francisco December n. S. 13, Is, : niul Html; tine Flyer. 4 it. la 4 p. m. 8 n. m. 4 ii. m, Ex.bunday Cnlumhln It v. Stciimors..Ex.Hunclaj ITo Artoria nnd Way Saturday ' Landings. 10ji.ni. 6 a. m. Ei.bunday WlLLAMKTTl IttVER. 4:30p.m. Orciroii City. NYwiH.TcEx.Huuday Salem A Vgy Ijind's. . a, HI, tWlLLAMCTTC ANP YAM' Tues.ThUr., HILI. IttVKKS. and Sat. Orepnn City, Dayton, ana w uv-uukiuiks. 3:30 n. m. MoiiWcd I and Frl. I 6 a.m. ' Wti.i.AMRTTr Uivrr. I 4:30 n. m. Tuc.Thur. Portland to Cnrvulllk. Mon. V d and Sat, I aud Way-Landlngx. and Friday Lv lilparln dally l:Ma. in. I SKAKK JtlVKR. KlparlH to LewiKton. I I.EAVK I Lkwton l dally h:30 u. in. I Parties desirinc in co to llemmer hhnuld nikcNn. I. lesvlinr 'Ihc Dalles at T:(Vi n. r.i making' direct eonncctlniis at IIeinvr Junction sources caused the water to increase mission, by and with the consent of the in uiume mm in swmness trom noon 1 common Uouncil. L. a.) Attest: to midnight, after which it continued , January, 1900, to decrease from midnight to noon. .The daily rise measured from six to ten inches, according to the heat of the weather; the daily -fall measured from five to eight inches during the time the fine weather lasted. After a few days of cloudy, rainy weather, 1 found the river falling from day to day about ns fast as it had risen during the fine weather. It is worthy of remark that during fine weather I invariably found thu wind during the daytime in the Chilcat valley blowing up from the hea. It uej,-an in me torenoon with a gentle breeze, which gradually increased to a smart gale, that died quite uwnv bv sunstit. During the night there wni. either no wind, or else it blew in the contrary direction. This regular move ment of the atmosphere no doubt has much to do with producing the regular uau.v rise ano fall of the refunding the Board of Water Com TiiiB 25th day of Upturning making direct connection at Hemmcr luiicuou Willi .no. l, arriving at l lie Danes at ::55 1. m. No.x-J, throught freight, cant bound, doe not carry nttsseiiKurs: urrives i.':A0 a. in., denurts 3:Oa. m. Uo. 21, local freight, carries luwetiRors, cant bound: arrives 4:iJi p. ni., cleimrts h.1.1 p.m. No. ill, west bound through freight, duos not carry passengers; arrives a:l0 p iu deptirts U:30 jt. m. No. a. west bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. in., departs s:30a. m. For full particulars call on O. It. it N. C'o.'t agent llic IJullet. or adilres W. II. HDUUIUCT, Gen Pas. Asl.. Portland. Or, T. J. Seukkkt, President of Board, Nun H. Gates, Recorder of Dalles City. river. TRADING IN TEE TRANSVAAL. White CnsloiniTM Will (i. n.T.iIlj lie Treated. II lit the IIIuoIcm Are Ite Kurded with I.ein Omieerii. A FINE SHIRT A fine shirt needs fine laundry work to make it look nice nnd wear well. Just the eamr, with your other garments. e do not use any injurious chemicals do not rot out your linen and can save you 20 per cent of the wear your gar mtnts usually sustain. birtd to have you trv our work. No laundry too email. Dali.es Lal'mjky Co, rnoneo-ji nrings tne team. J-2w in twenty, covering never seen I.bHt. T,.. . t . . . ueiwet'ti .lonnsiotrs store nnu mv place in Dry Hollow, last Saturday evening, one steel garden rake. I drove up Washington street nnd past the fair grounds. The finder will confer a favor by leaving at Johnstou's or at my place. A. S. IJODEHTS. Ordinarily the Transvaal trading store is of galvanized iron, upon which the sun bents down with nil its inten sity, making the air within almost im. bearable. Hut the trader does not mind re,lairti alteration they make them, and this. Dressed in a nnir t.f t j " no i .-t - fMi.oi-nv onmio What makes A. hi. Williams & Co.'s such a very desirable place to buy ladies' garments, is they fit them. If they light pair of shoes nnd n flannel shirt, he reclines on n ooneinYnt part of the counter, nnd with the nid of his pipe passes the lime until a customer sir- rues, says The .New Vork Herald. Should tTie customer he n white man, the storekeeper nnd he will ns a i u -tire into a little-side room for a few min utes, nnd a bottle and n couple of glasses will he produced. Should he. on the other hand, he u negro, the trader will glance at him ciisuully, and, with out moving, will ask him what he wants. He does this because Kallirs often wnut something which they know the store keeper has not got. The (-.helves in the back of the shop are piled up vvith gaudy blankets, elothlnc of all tlPKi-rln. ttnL. t i , . . . huii. milieu L'UOUfc. Clocks anil vnuc answer, but there can he o ,ini n, si. ! ZuK.S " " v"w." other com- . , ! ,uuiul.B, J(..UW xntse shelves are tin. being genuine smallpox, he avers. ''Only a little wl,iH ago she was claim ing she had been born ogam, but now he is as cross and hateful as ever!" "'Well, perhaps she's teething again, now." bins where the sugar, flour, meal and e ,i,ee are Kept. On one side are smull shelves where patent medicines stand. uuisiue tne door, on the stoop, are the agricultural implements, pious, burrows, new American inventions of i sizes unci descriptions that are too big or too heavy to be eusily curried away. CASTOR I A i Dr.CUNN'C Tor IUmIj Mi Children. ' W'UUIlll A ".- irlj ... ii '". T in hm in mm mm mm tne Fon A D08E- Ill, ,ri. ...... li .7;-V, I.-.""" Bears the Signature PILLS ti an l DfTeiur i.e. .,. j "it, 'tw nan oin. T. that in addition to their big reductions, they make no extra charge for fitting. Ladles' tailor-made suits discounted 333 and 40 per cent. Iteud their ad, dim UeuUai'he Oulukly. Haldwin's sparkling efTervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervonsneSH, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 23 cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24-Ow Acker's dyspepsia Tablets arejsold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, distress after euting, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 uts. and 50 as. Blakelev & Hoiu.i, Inn drtvf. gists. " llumvt fur finlti. Thirty head of good horses, weight from 1100 to U00 lbs. To be ecoi, at Jacob Mclteynold's place, 15 miles east from The Dalles. For further particu lars address, SriauBK Bnos., j"24 mw The Dalles, Or. he modern and most effective cure! mr constipation and all liver troubles thu famous little iiIIIh t nnivti hu TImUMii'u Little Early JHeers. Size doesn't indicate quality. Beware ol counterfeit and worthless solve offered f&r DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. De. Witt's is the only original. An infallible cure for piles and all skin diseases. ' Complete of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE.DRUCCIST. PLEASE LOOK HERE. 13 U o r- a. b. o to u r- U z WM. MICH ELL, Dnderitaker and Embalmer. THE DALLES, OREGON. I Rooms on ThirA Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. V) 'JW 33S OMW 3IMQ3 The Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON RANGES, 5- : S; Iajestic Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. lieinember that we arc selling the same from $45.00 to $60.00 Whieu i i a saving to our customers of from $15 to $25 over p ce charged by peddlers for inferior ranges. ii'te for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence." IWflYS 8t CLOCHE. JSH, I t f '3, I 1 SE 2! I .3 3i- 0! al I ,3g p I p' ' ii - 'Si' Si 2J ,31 t3K 3H 3EL ? r ni P": i ,'2' at I to Tht Dnllaa, Or. The Chronicle, Job Printers f f rrtiivrriTrfrttfiiTiifttrViif iiriiirriiYirrfriiiit'iWA C. F. Stephens .Doalor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. llwits, Blinvs. Hutu, Cup, Nutiniis. tur W. I. DoUKlim HIkh;. Tdcpliniio No, K8. ncuoiid ni., ABt. It Tie Dalles, Or. C. S. Smith, THK jyU- UKIHENDOKrrEK Physiciau aud Surajeon, Bccil atUjiitloii glTn to urery, Koom21qd2a, Tol.affl Vogtlllock iJp-to-date(Jroeer Fruah Eggs am) Creumory tinier u upoumity. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. .STEAM... Wood Saw Will run Hvory day except Sunday, itateu KuttHonuble. Telsphona 201. J W. A. OATES, Prop. Tne Coiumtiia PackingCs.. PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANUKACTUKHKHOK Fine Lard and Sausagee Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIV.D BEEF. ETC. BANKERS. TK.VNti.VIJT A KNKHaLbANKINO HlJtlKB Letters of Credit iaaaud available in tht Eastern Btatea. . Sltfht Exchange and Telt'Kraphtf irunetera sold on New York, Ulilcago., St. Louie, San Franoiaco, Portland Orfr Kon, Seattle Wash,, aud various poind In Oregon and Waahingtoln. , Golleutiona inada at all uolnte on If' orabln terina. J.8. UmiaNK, iroildeiit. u. m. mix, First national Bank THE DALLES ... ORE00" A General Banking Bualueea transaow DepoaiU rtoeived, aabject to BIgbt Draft or Ohack. Oolleotlona made and proceeds prompt? ramlfta1 nn Am AllnfMnn. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange aold v nw York, Han Franclioo auc land. nrnvcypniii. D. P. THOMfHOM. Jmo. 8. Son" H.D. M. WaiilAMI, Q0. At U. U. OKA Lt.