FIRE DEPARTMENT RULES White Our Spring Offering of White Goods wi" comio"c on Wednesday February 7th, 1900, and bo the most complete offering in this particular line yet inaugurated by this house. It will consist of Dimities, Lawns and organdies, Laces and Einbroidorios, Ladies', Misses' and Children'! Muslin Underwear, Table Linens, Napkins, Towels and Towelling, Muslin, Sheeting, Sheets and Pillow Cases, Lace Curtains and Curtain Material. Gent's Furnishing Goods Department. If you want the best you have no other choice; we don't make it so, but peo ple who liko up-to-date wearables, just prices and fair treatment do. Not a hund red years, not fifty, nor even one has elapsed since the clothes we are showing were made. They woro made this season and in this season's style. This not only ap plies to our Men's Department but to. the Children's as well, and there's a stylo about them that's exclusive. Isn't it worth something to know that you are in style, especially when it costs you no more? Our advertisements are our letters to you, written, a houso that has always been jealous of its reputation and All Goods Marked In Plain FIkutos. R;e Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. 1. H'EDNKsDAY - FEBKUAKY 7, WOO ( A-. j. c& erveij In every ntylv by A. KELLER. j UySTBrS WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. .Sheriff Kelly Iiiih turned over to the treasurer .$7701 4i, taxes collected during the month of January. "I as at the head of my class toduy, I'd." "That's good." "Yes, teacher waa illuBtrutin' wliut It cava iu the Bible about th' Ittbt beiiiK first." 1'ruf. Sundvlg announces that his linciug classes and regular soirees on Wednesday and Saturday nights will be held ns usual thin week, the coftipany whlcli win) to occupy the hall failing to fill their engagement. They're buying them In batcheB of 'oiir. J:' very man seems to realise the great snap A. M. Williams & Co. nre offering Id Manhattan shirts tit a dollar. They're going going, und the first thing you know they'll be gone. Catch on? Dulles people are constantly clamor ing for good plays, and now that one of rrohiiiuii's companieB is to preseut such play as "The Little Minister" in our ty, they should show their apprecia tion by givlutr It such u house as few companies are greeted with. Ktgllt hundred ilnWntin Iih I-eague of Republican Clubs In Portland 'Bterday, which, with the large number "'spectators present, made an enthuei "He gathering of Kepublicaim. The "alius, however, did not loom up very wspiclously, although she is not lack "K when it cornea to pollticliwis of that Popular fuith, Arthur Creighton, of 3-Mile, will Probably lio laid up for a month with a 'we loot, caused by a bad cut which lie "ceivud yusterday afternoon. While c"ttinK the limbs ofT of some trees the '" slipped und struck his right foot, in Hctlng a severe wound. The young 'n was brought into the city and Dr. "j1"1 Iull"d It ueuessary to take about tlozun stitches. An iiiiiiiensn w w V tV IIUVU ItlU 14 Winter Uainpmoettng last night to listen to four, n. v. 1'oling, who spoke ou ' Glory of the Physical and Spirit l Life." Jia address was most ef. wtlveand at the close of the service Ur l,HronM were converted, making Uf j" converts since the meetings began. Jjev. Hawk and the young people of the P"orth League will be at the camp meeting tonight. Utile (!ll,mu... I ..t. Ill lorue jbu'i ciean ii ot be through-any neglect of D. C. , who culled this morning and 11 u generous supply of the Colum- Winged Carnival! PEASE ! bia Star Mf. Co.'b soaps of all kinds. 'A printing oflicu is a splendid place to test anything in that line, and having had previous experience with this par ticular brand, (since which time our devil has found it necessary to use no other) we can recommend it. Mrs. Robert Lowe,of Fairfield district, has many friends in The Dalles, who will he pleased to learn that Mr. Lowe ; returned last night from Portland bring- I tik' word that the physicians now give the most encouraging reportH concern ing Ii'ih wife's condition. Mrs. Lowe left for Portland about a month ago and entered the Good Samaritan hospital. A week ago she underwent an opera tion for a tumor, und is now in a fair way to recovery. Jn Idaho a unique suit for damages has been filed by a hobo against the Oregon Short Line. The hobo recites that he was stealing a ride, being located ou the brake rods underneath a car, that he sustained the injuries received owing entirelyto the fact that servants of the corporation knew he wus there without right and did not put himoU'as was their duty, and that through their gross negligence he sustained the inju ries for which he claims damageH. Owing to the peculiar claim the attorneys of the road are deeply interested iu the case. To the already large assortment of hooks iu the public library the following have recently been added : "Jed Pot tage" by Mary Cholmondehy ; "Cyrano de Bergerac" by Kdmund Moatand; "In Connection With the Willoughby Claim," Francee llodgon Burnett; "Jauice Meredith," Uaul Leicester Ford; "The Woi kers.VUwo volumes) Walter A. Wyckofl"; PFrlend Olivia," Amelia IS. Barr; "A. Knight of the Nets," Amelia Barr Pembroke" Mary K. Wilkins; "Fable in Slang," George Ade; "The Abbe Constantine," Ludovic Iialevy. If the order of the Artisans were not benefited by the address of Hev. G. W. Grannie In its behalf last night at the Congregational church, it would be un accountable, for a more elective and fasclnatlug speaker would be hard to find. While leaving out not a jot or a tittle of the facts necessary to a thorough understanding of the workings of the order, he clothed them iu such uu at tractive manner that the triteness ol the bare facts and figures was lost and the audience was interested throughout. Mr. Grannis is witty and at the same logical. The audience should have been much larger to do justice to the speaker. As a preliminary to the work which the ladles of the W. 0. T. U. are about to enter upou and as u in cans of becom ing better acquainted, a reception was held at the Christian church yesterday afternoon, a large number being present. A short program, consisting of a hymn by the Union; n graphoplione soio "Nearer My God to Thee;" recitation, Miss Maud Dustln ; .solo, Hdua Burnett, andacorouet solo by the graphoplione occupied the early part of the afternoon, signed and backed up by business integrity. &, MAYS and a reception followed. Banded to gether, as they are, in such a noble work a feeling of sympathy existed which made their Dret social session a moBt happy one. Win. Vanbibber, who is out at all times of the night with his milk wagon, sayB the storm of Monday night was the most severe he has ever encountered in The Dalle?, compelling him at one time to stop his horse and get out of the wagon until its furor ceased. It seems that the storm was general, afi a Spo- kune paper says: "For eight hours laBt night a terrific windstorm raged all over eastern Washington. It increased in violence until its velocity was over thirty miles an hour. Every wire connecting Spokane with the outside world was prostrated bv 2 a. m. West of the mountains the wires east, west, north and south went down before 1 o'clock and news reports were shut oil' at that hour. Telephone lines were seriously interfered with in Spokane, and there were few connections able to communi cate with "central." The wind waB from tiie southwest. Pedestrians on the down town streets found locomotion dlfilcult. It was warm work making one's way hefote the fierce gale, while traveling witii the gale it was still more difficult to prevent a record breaking gait." Short Council Mectlnir. The couucilmeii have commenced an other series of meetings, the second taking place lost evening, when, beside Mayor Kuck, there were present Council men Clough, Gunniiig, Johnston, Wil son, Stephens, Shackelford und Kelly. At the last meeting the petition of G. F. Guinther and others was intro duced, asking for a sidewalk on the west end of Niuth street. Last night James Leary and other property owners on that street entered h remonstrance against the same. On motion of Kelly it was referred to the committee on streets and public property, which com mittee decided not to take action until the next regular meeting on the lid of March. On motion of Johnston it was de termined by the council that the city will hereafter pay expressmen the sum of $4 for hauling either the chemical engine or steam engine to a (Ire, Und $2.50 for the hose cart. The committee on health and police, to whom was referred the petition of citizens asking that Chas. Alisky be ap pointed a special police, recommended that the petition be denied, which recommendation was adopted, In the matter of the petition from East ICnders for the appointment of W. 0. Johnston as a special police, the committee asked for further tune. No particular phase of the sewer question was brought up, the committee continuing In their work of making valuation of the property to be benefited thereby, It was, however, decided that as soon as the task was accomplished an expert would be employed to attend to the clerical work. Council adjourned to meet on Satur day evening. Itcml Thrin no That You Will Ho I'ohUiI Tlmrrnn. Tho following rules will govern the fire department of Dalle.e City under the new alarm system : First district will comprise allenttof Lnughlin street. Second district all west of Liughlin lo Union. Third district all west of Union to Fourth street bridge. First alarm of bell will be answered hy company in whose district it is situated. Second alarm calls company from ad joining district. Third alarm talis tho entire depart ment at once. At the first alarm nil companies will hold themselves in readiness to answer second or third alarm, except those that are required to answer thecal! until such time as the second and third alarms are sounded. Two taps of the hell will be a recall for all companies that are not needed at a fire, which will be a signal that their assistance will not be needed. Three taps will hn sounded each day at noon. Tho chemical engine and hook and ladder company will answer to all alarms that are turned in. Keys for the alarm boxs nre at the following places of business: Electric Light Plant, Gunning's Blacksmith Shop, L. A. Porter's stable, Midway saloon, Stubling saloon, Simonson'8 grocery etore, Chas. Frank, saloon on second street, Sinnott & Fish, Engine House, T. J. Seuferts, house on third street, F.Hill.corner third and Lincoln, Geo. Kuch, store, A. M. Williams & Co.,store, Mays & Crowe, store, Father Bronsgeest, Dan Baker, saloon, Ben Wileon, saloon, L. S. Davis, feed yard, Wasco Warehouse Co., Aug ist Buchler, brewery, ' Saltmarshe feed yard, Pease & Mays, store, Blakeley & Houghton, store. All alarms for fires outside of the districts mentioned should he turned in at the engine house. I'KOl'I.K VOU A I.I. KNOW. A. J. Brigham is in from Dufur. 0. B. Hartley, of Hood Hiver. is in the city. Mr. W. A. .Tohneton left today for a short visit in Portland. A. M. Kelsay returned last night from a short trip to Portland. W. J. Lauder, of Bakeoven, returned last night fro'm Portland. J. M. Russell, the wool buyer, came up from Portland last night. E. A. and E. L. Holmes are registered at the Umatilla from Wallowa. E. Jacobsen left yesterday for a trip through the Prineville country. Miss Nell Miuhell returned to Steven son today, after a few days visit here. Mrs. A. S. MaeAllister was a passenger on this morning's boat 'wund for Port land. Mrs. P. Perlman, who has been absent in Portland two weeks, returned home lust night. Mrs. N. Harris and daughter, Zeporah; left this morning for Portland, where they will hear Nevada. Miss Edn Fisher came up from Port land hist night to spend this week's va cation with her parents. Mrs. Furman, who has been visiting tier cousin, Mrs. J. M. Fleming, left ou the boat this morning for her home near Portland. Hev. and Mrs. G. W. Black und family left Tho Dalles today for Hoslj n, Wash., Hev. Black having accepted a cull from the Baptist church at Unit place. Mrs N. M. Eastwood and son. Bert Prnyne, returned last night after ti month spent at Modesto, Calif. They stopped over In Sun Francisco going and coming. Charles Heed, of Portland, n former Dalles boy, who has spent the past few months with his sister, Mrs. Geo. Johns ton at Dufur, has been visiting friends in The Dalles since Monday. ltev. G. W. Grannis, who came up from Salem last night and spoke iu the interest of the Artisans, left this morn ing for Goldendale, and will probably return tomorrow, speaking in the Meth odist church tomorrow night on temper ance. Miss Minnie Lay returned last night from St. Louis, Missouri, und Columbus, Ohio, where she has been spending the past few months, She was accom panied by Miss Dennis, of Columbus, Ohio, who Is a friend of Mrs. Logan. The latter met them in Portland, re turning with them on the boat yester day. ; UOUN. Iii this city, this afternoon, Feb, 7th, to Capt. and Mrs. Chas. Aldeu, a son, Be a friend to your purse. Buy shlrtn, und pfenty of them, when you can get Manhattans at a dollar. Williams & Co. 'a the place. BEE iTniwtt! ihmui nUMHiji mm, '.nt 1 i C .!"'". ii'iiili'lli liiih'itllturiHiMlHi AVfcgclable Preparalionfor As similating IheFoodandRegula ting the Stomachs andBowcls of Promotes Digcalion.Cheerfur ness and Rcst.Contains neither Opium.Morplune nor Mineral. Hot Narcotic . tope ofOUttrStitUELPtTOOR Imptm Seal" Mx.Sauuz -Rotk,USJ- U?SbonatrSoitt CliuM Sugar Wunjrrm flavor. Apetfecl Remedy forConslipa Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of new york:. t CXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. SEEDS. CASIURU SEEDS. A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and Vegetnble SEEDS IN BULK. Q Peed Wheat, Seed Outs, Seed Kye, Seed IiKrley, Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn King Philip Corn, Stowell's Evergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Corn. Kaflir Corn, Egyptian Corn, 02' P W H A magnificent stock of which will be sold at close and Grocery Store of J. H. SEEDS. SEEDS. IN THE liioceig Dep'i. You will find sauces and ;ondi inents to tickle the palate of any epicure. Major Grey's Bengal Chut ney. ' 1). & H: Chili Sauce or To mato Chutney. Red Mot a good relish. Manila Relish. Sweet Relish. Horse Radish Mustard. Essence of Anchovies. Paprica gonuino Hungar ian. Tabasco Topper Sauce. Evaporated Horse Radish. East India Currio Powder. Colory Salt. Tomato Mustard. Sandwich Mustard. Mayonnaise Mustard. Flaccus Proparod Mustard. Fronch Mustard. Oyster Ooctail. Catsup Faust's. C. it B. Walnut Catsup. C. & B, Mushroom Catsup. Olives, Pickles, etc. SEE WINDOW. PEASE & MAYS. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Xf In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMC CENTAUR COMMHT, HtW YORK CITY. SEEDS. fed d Ul O Ul White Hominy Corn. Ewrly Rose Potatoes, Hurhaiik Potatoes, Spring Vetches, limine Grass, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food, Bee Supplies. Staple and Fancy Groceries, all or prices for CASH at the Feeil, Seed CROSS. SEEDS. FREE 1 "With every one dol lar purchase at our storo during January and February wo will give a chance on a Aluminiod Garland Stool Range. A IrlKiilful Itlmulcr Will often cause a horrible bum, scald, cut or bruise. Hncklen's Arniru Salve, the beet iu tho world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cured old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, eornn, felons and all skin eruptions. Heat pile cure on earth. Onlv 'Jo cts. u bux. Cure guaranteed, Sold by Hlake'ey t Houghton, druggists. I Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn, Munufictured by Clarko ik Falk, $50- piaier & Benion EE' ffl